My 17, 1941 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ASSOCIATED PRESS PICTUR HEWS fa .g if i V I Hi it T JiAj I I r J J W SALVAGED SUITjUn Silarr of Seaside Ileinhls, N. J, wears a swim suit made of dis carded muslin shower curtain.' The occasion was the openin; of Ocean county bathinr season. ' 1 f?j 1 ii ?4 I f M I X Ji T a ADVANCE SSergL Paul KeU of St Louis entered the army as a buck private January S. GeUer Field. Wash., officer aid his climb to first sergeant in three months, 22 days set record. !lJ!,,Fi0R ?RI,HWESJ'S VfAR 'N DUSTRIESOver Grand Coulee dam In WVhlnlon a broad w hit. a v.l.nrh. of water soon will spill ere.lin, a waterfall twice as hich as Niagara and (eneratim power for Northwest s war industries. Built for flood control, irritation and power production, ih, dam cost Illi.OOO ioi 1 s3 r r v i 'iam--- a . . k-Ta. CO RSACE Marlon Welsert wears war stamp corsate.. L0 . X L" ( t , ,IU"1- C tf'V, ' " f V iy J, ? . OFFERS MASCO T Film Actress Joan Leslie has offered one of these puppies to any fifhtinf nnit without a mascot.. STRONC ARM OF THE UNITED N A T I 0 N S This B-J4 Consolidated heavy bomber Is of the type used by the United Nations to blast Axis factories and ships. Gun In tall rives protection where bombers were once vulnerable. (U. 8. Army Slfnal Corps Photo.) . YANKEE DOODLE CIRL' Rvelrn nimmnor ttruts throush her drum majorrltr art aftrr the was cliown "Vsnliro Doodle Girl" at a httme drfrntte exponltlun at l.oni lleach. Calif.' bhs led Rainbow Majorette Corps as part of palriotio ceremony,! 'tiv'-'' f'Wv'o POET WORKS ON EXHIBIT-C.rl S.ndbur (left), poet and bloitraphrr, and Lt. Comdr. Edward Slrichpn, D.S.N.K., study a moilrl while arranslnf mural-slie pholnsraplia at an ex hibit In New York, fjtelchrn assemblrd pholorraphr and Sandburf Is writing accompanylnc text. -- WOMEN TURN OUT LANDINC BOATS Women are employed to make 10-msn rubber Firestone landing boats. The boat can be Inflated from a carbon dioxide tank built into Its side. CARRYINC RUBBER BOAT-U. 8. soldiers carry I rubber landlni boat which when Inflated will carry 10 men.) SOLDIERS TEST LANDINC C R A F T-unu,,, sutf, ,rmy ,olrtlpr, dn , f Inc operation on a lake to test 10-man rubber landlni boat. Boats are Inflated with cartan dioxide. 1 I