March 21. 1042 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Ceremony Read In Chapel of Church Destio Kleineger Bride of Norman Peters at Wednesday Morning Rites Ono of the season's loveliest weddings woi that of half past eltfht o'clock Wednesday morning In tho chapel of Sacred Heart church when Mint Dosllo Klulnugi;r, duughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kleineger of tills city, became the brldo of Mr. Norman fetors, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Peters of Ventura, Cullfornla, Tho nev, Timothy Cosy read the service before nn altar banked with white lock, fern and yellow dof fodlls and lighted by many candlci. The bride, given In mar riage by her futhor, wore gown of whlto satin fashion ed with a fitted bodlco und full flared skirt, Her veil which was finger tip longth, bordered with ulvncon lace, ft s held at tho hmd by a crys tal blossom tiara. Her only Jewelry was a strand of pearls, gift of the groom. She car ried whlto proyor book on which was placed an orchid with bouvardla caught on the white satin streamers. Miss Uuvrrly llurrett of Corvallis, was muld of honor and woro a pale pink chiffon frock of organza. Sho carried bouquet of rapture roses and bouvardla. Miss Jerry Allen of Corval lis was tho bridesmaid and wore a blue chiffon orgunza frock. Her flowors wore Jo anna Hill roses and bouvar dla. Both wore similar net veils with a spray of spring blossoms on tho crown. Mr. George Petors of Cor vallis, was his brother's best an. The groom's attendant as McDonald DoVanl of Corvallis. Mr. Trunk Boga Uy was tho usher. Tho ring, used In the cere mony, belonged to tho brldo's maternal grandmother, Mrs. Horry V. Layne. Engraved on the ring was the date, August 13, 1BD8. Mendelssohn's processional ' was played at tho organ, as wu the traditional recession al. Following the ceremony a breakfast was served at the Pelican party room where covers were placed for mem bers of the wedding party and fifty guests. The wedding date was also the bride's birthday. Tables were cen tered with yellow and whlto jonquils and greens. The Jylde'e table held the tiered QPeddlng cake on a base of rosebuds. The bride cut her cake later served to the guests. During the breakfast five . Sigma Nu brothers of the groom sang, "She's the White Rose of Sigma Nu." The young men Included Jack Castlcbcrry and Benjamin Kerns of Klamath Falls, Har ry West, Sam Trueblood and Irvln Thompson, all of Port, land. Miss Mary Jan Metier, closo friend of tho bride, pre sided at the guest book. Receiving with the bride and groom was the bride's mother who wore a dusty rose redlngote with a corsage of orchids and black acces sories, and also an aunt of the bride. Mrs. Roy Brown of Sacramentb. 9 Assisting about the room as Miss Jean Warrens of orest Grove. Late Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Peters left for Corvallis where they will re side at 817 North Eighteenth street, and both will continue their studies at Oregon State college. AT iesjsosssjjnrMMssaBsseMBsa teV ffc-& fk2k ffe im Wjfak fx V s Music Heard At Meeting Mothers Club of Sa cred H e a rt Plans Food Sale Soon Mothers club members of Sacred Heart academy en joyed a splendid program of music at half past one o'clock Thursday afternoon when they met for the usual March ses sion In tho school auditorium. The following program was given, "Ninhtfi.ll in Granada" and "White Cliffs of Dover," by tho singing ensemble; "Three Blind Mice," violin en semble; "Asleep In tho Deep," sung by Ben Lemlre; "Black smith," senior violin ensem ble; "Rangers' Song" and "Kathryn's Wedding Day," boys quartet; "Carmancita" and "Ma' Curly Headed Baby," singing ensemble. Members voted to sponsor a cooked food sole on April tho fourth in the Medical Dental building, space for merly occupied by Tim's on North Ninth street. Following the business meeting tea was served from a prettily appointed table. Hos tesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Fred Dlngman, Mrs. Samuel P. Miller, Mrs. D. Zupan, Mrs. David R. Van denberg and Mrs. A. P. Heup. WISCONSIN VISITOR IS GUEST AT TEA Mrs. Henry Broclrup of Stanley, Wisconsin, was tho guest of honor at a party on Thursday, March the twelfth, at the home of Mrs. Anker Solle, 834 Upham street, when former Stanley resident gathered to greet Mrs. Broct rup. A one o'clock luncheon was served the guests by Mrs. Solle, Mrs. Henry Solle and Mrs. Einar C. Brandsncss. The decorations were appropriate to St. Patricks day. Those honoring Mrs. Broct mp were: Mrs. Anna Voagcn, Mrs. Astrid Johnson, Mrs. Ted Huff, Mrs. Cliff Ongmnn and son Jerry, Mrs. Oscar Solie, Mrs. Palmer Solle, Mrs. K. M. Peterson, Mrs. Elmer Solle, Mrs. Jake Broctrup, Mrs. Rob ert Larson, Mrs. Frank Dorn, Mrs. Leonard Peterson, Mrs. John Paul, Mrs. Jcrold Amor llng, Mrs. Carl Brandsness, Mrs. George Peterson, Mrs. Frank Subject, Miss Mildred Mlchic and the hostesses. A gift of myrtlewood was presented Mrs. Broctrup In remembrance of her visit to Oregon. Mrs. E. H. Lawrence will entertain i members of the Happy Hour club at a theatre party on Tuesday afternoon at the Pelican theatre. Mem bers are requested to meet the hostess In the theatre lobby promptly at a quarter to two o'clock. JUNIOR CHURCH BANQUET An Interesting affair of Friday evening wag tho Junior Church banquet held at the First Methodist Chun.;., At tha speakers' table were the following: foreground, Ethelmae Skinner and Merland Phelps; second row, Rev. Victor Phil Hps, Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelps, Mr. Phelps, Mrs. Arthur Skinner; back row, Jane Hansen, chairman; Alleen Cornell, assistant chairman; Miss Phyllis . Hogan, and Mr, Arthur . Skinner, speaker of the evening, --Picture by Wesloy Gudorlan of Tha Herald and News. I t'i J I e, J g . 1 - J -- T.--V, (:..- ..fcalBaBaaaBaBjBi MR. AND MRS. NORMAN PETERS In a corcmony read Wednesday morning In tho chapel' of Sacred Heort church Miss Destie Kleineger become the bride of Mr. Normon Peters. They will reside In Corvollls. Kennoll-Ellls. LUNCHEON GIVEN FOR MRS. EARL MACK Klamath county home exten sion committee and elumnl members of the committee honored Mrs. Eorl Mock with a shower Saturday, March the seventh, at the home of Mrs. Winnlfrcd Glllen on LeRoy street. A buffet luncheon was served at one o'clock from a prettily appointed table cen tered with pink sweet peas and blue Iris. Present were Mrs. Eorl Mack of Henley, Mrs. Perry Haley, Malln; Mrs. A. R. Dickson, Shasta; Mrs. James Dixon. Bly; Mrs. W. B. Bickers, Modoc Point; Mrs. Lee Holli day, Fairhaven; Mrs. Bert Schultz, Altomont; Mrs. C. E. McClcllun, Shasta; Mrs. A. L. Marshall, Olene; Mrs. Fred Fletcher, Klamath Falls; Mrs. Robert Allen, Chiloquin; Mrs. Burt E. Hawkins and Mrs. Q. V. Gillcn, also of Klamath Falls. MRS. CLARK HONORED AT RECENT AFFAIR Mrs. George Clark, for whom a number of affairs are planned prior to her departure for Portland, was honored Wednesday evening at an au revolr party when Mrs. Wyatt Padgett, Mrs. W. Hart Jones and Mrs. Karl Urquhart enter tained at tho Padgett home on Summers lane. The honor guest was pre sented with a gift. Others pres ent Included Mrs. Edward Goeckncr, who received high score at cards, Mrs. Howard Hanville, low, and Mrs. Adolph Zamsky and Mrs. Neil Black . Catholic Daughters Plan Monday Mooting There will be a social meet ing of Court Klamath, Catho lic Daughters of America, In Lyceum hall Monday night at eight o'clock. Mrs. Stanley Pciser and Mrs. Otto Smith will be the hostesses. The Three R club will meet Tuesday afternoon, March the twenty-fourth, at the home of Mrs. Earl Harrison in St. Francis park. Dessert will be served at half past one o'clock. Socia Cale nd ar Monday, March 23 Catholic Daughters, social meeting, Lyceum hall, 8 p. m. Toastmistress club in Fre mont school, 7:30 p. m. Regular dinner meeting, BPW club, Willard hotel, 6:30 p. m. Meeting of garden group, Library club, 2 p. m., small library club rooms. Daffodil specimens shown by Conley Blossom Farm, Eugene. Toastmistress club, Fremont school, 7:19 p. m. Tuesday, March 24 Delta Gamma, Delphian, 9:45 a. m., with Mrs. F. L. Weaver, Auburn street. Topic: "Man's Influence on Man." Mrs. A. M. Collier, leader. Happy Hour club to meet at Pelican theatre at 1:45 o'clock with Mrs. E. H. Lawrence as hostess. Thursday, March 26 Meeting of auxiliary of Canton Crater at 8 p. m. at IOOF hall. Monday. April 27 International Relations . group, AAUW, with Mrs. Ever ett Dennis, 1856 Huron street, 8 p. m. Garden group, Library club, 2 p. m. Mrs. A. O. Roenicke, chairman. Topic, "Annual and Perennial Borders." Saturday, March 28 March daffodil dance of Winter Dancing club, Willard hotel. Elks Sons-Daughters done for younger set in Elks Tem ple. Shrine dance honoring Hil lah Divan and officers, Klam ath Falls armory. Monday, April 6 Easter Monday party at Wil lard hotel sponsored by Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Saturday, April II Annual Shrine hospital ben efit dance given by Klamath Shrine club in armory. Monday, April 13 Annual spring musicale by Klamath Falls Woman's Lib rary club. Mrs. Don J. Zum walt, music chairman. Tuesday, April 21 Klamath Lutheran Ladles Aid birthday anniversary par ty, church parlors, 6:30 p. m. Potluck supper with men in vited. Monday, May 11 '' Annual spring flower show, Klamath Falls Woman's Libr ary club, Mrs. H. E. Getz, chairman. Election officers, garden study group. Mrs. Herbert Fett enter tained with a bridge party at her home on Menloway on March the thirteenth, when favors and decorations were carried out in the St. Patrick's th c. Honu.'s for high were received by Mrs. Kay Bellin ger and low by Mrs. Mar Jorie White. Guests present wera Mrs. Dorothy Sudbury, Mrs. Marjorle LaFleur, Mrs. Val Nolan, Mrs. Doris God dard, Mrs. Naomi Kamps, Mrs. Vesta LoPlnnt, Mrs. Mar jorle White and Mrs. Kay Bol linger. Friends in this city have re ceived invitations from Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Sweeney of Mcdford for the observance of their fiftieth wedding an niversary on March the thirtieth at their attractive country home on the Central Point road near Medford. Mrs. Prince Helfrlch and two children, Diane and Dean, of Vida, Oregon, are guests of Mrs. Helfrich's mother, Mrs. Willard Peyton, at her home on Eldorado street. They plan to remain until the fore part of next week, Banquet Is Friday Event Junior Church Host Group at Affair on March Thirteenth The banquet of the Klamath Falls Frist Methodist Junior church was held Friday, March tho thirteenth, when covers were laid for eight-five chil Falls First Methodist Junior church Is under the leadership of Jane Hansen, assisted by Alleen Corn lei, and was organ ized last September. The program consisted of the doxology, followed by prayer of thanks led by Ken neth Lambert, pep songs di rected by Jane and Alleen; Introduction of Merland Phelps, president of the Jun ior church, who in turn intro duced the speaker of the eve ning, Mr. Arthur Skinner. Short talks were also given by the Reverend Victor Phillips and Mr. L. K. Phelps. Douglas Powers entertained with two trumpet solos, accompanied by his mother. Miss Hansen presented the prizes won for scripture mem ory work to the Misses Marlin, Genevieve and Lois Morgan. The evening came to a close with two violin selections by Miss Ethelmae Skinner and group singing of "God Bless America," accompanied by Miss Skinner. The new Sunday school su perintendent, Mr. Don Drury, and Mrs. Victor Phillips, superintendent of the Junior department, were introduced. Those In charge of serving were Mrs. Corniel, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hansen, Adele Powers and Dolores Barlow. 4 MISS POWERS HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY For the pleasure of Miss Adele Powers on the occasion of her eighteenth birthday an niversary, Mrs. T. B. Powers and Mrs. Otto Ellis entertain ed at the home of the latter, 1725 Lexington street, Tues day evening of last week. Games were played during the evening with traditional birthday cake served later to Miss Powers, Miss Winifred Wood, Miss Dorothy Lauren-, son, Miss Maxine Laurenson, Miss Jane Hansen, Miss Ruth Pennington, Miss Dorothy Baxter, Miss Betty Yadon, Miss Dorothy Wood, and Don Phelps, .Merle Powers, Don Barlow, and Percy Steers, "Corky" Ellis. Delta Gamma chapter of Delphian will meet Tuesday morning at a quarter to ten o'clock at the home of Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver, Auburn street, with Mrs. A. M. Col lier as leader. The topic will be, "Man's Influence on Man." A birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hazzard in St. Francis park Sunday, for Rosalie Haz- ' zard. It was her fourth birth day and a number of little friends were invited in for games and treats. The meeting of Falrvlew Parent Teachers association, scheduled for Tuesday, March the twenty-fourth, has been postponed until Tuesday, March the thirty-first, at which time a Fathers' Night program will be presented. "Style Without Extravagancel" THE CROWNING OF YOUR EASTER PAMELA OSMETlCOLORS 2 i -'PWfevi . & 'to, 4sii . 1 " C''J;::;H ALL OF SEVENI Friday, the thirteenth, doesn't bother Margaret Ann Takacs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Takacs Jr., of Tulelake, for that is the day she ob served her seventh birthday. Margaret Ann is in the first grade at Wlnema school. Kennell-KUis. BANOUET ON TUESDAY AT SARI'S CAFE The Sacred Heart academy gave its annual Letterman's banquet on March the tenth of the past week. The affair was held at Sari's and covers were laid for twenty-one. Bid den to the banquet also were the newly selected members. The guests of honor were Rev erend Father Scott and the girls' coach, Miss Betty Patzke. Chet Amerling, the boys' coach, was unable to at tend. Others attending were: president, Madeline Mahoney; vice president, Barry O'Con nor; secretary-treasurer, Lila Cox; Margaret Schnable, Sadie O'Keeffe, Teresa Wright, Anne Zuban, Martha Crizo, Lois Glenn, Billy Krueger, Pat Smith. Edward Canton, and new members, Agnes Vermil llan, Patricia Avery, Peggy Pruit, Larry Pickett, Delbert Lyman, Joe Mahoney and Earl Krueger. BRIDE-ELECT HONORED AT FRIDAY PARTY .. . Miss Destie Kleineger, whose marriage took place this week, was complimented with a shower when Mrs. John Mo Cown entertained Friday eve ning of last week. Games were played during the evening. Those honoring Miss Kleineger were her mother, Mrs. Frank Kleineger, Mrs. James Souther, Mrs. Al len Croup, Mrs. Bert Nokleby, Mrs. Perry Wilson, Mrs. Jean nie Howell, Mrs. Ted Hughey, Mrs. Loren Calhoun, Mrs. Wes ley Garrett, Mrs. Olive Van Kirk, Mrs. Pearl Holland, Mrs. Frank Hourigan, Mrs. John Randall, Mrs. Frank Bogatay and Mrs. McCown. 4- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wett stein of Seattle, who are en route home after a visit In San Diego, are guests for sev eral days of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Manning at their home on Roseway drive. Mr. and Mrs. Wettstein are an uncle and aunt of Mrs. Manning. DISTINCTIVE APPAREL Phone 8222 901 Main GLORY COSTUME! JVo. 2 . "1 fc A 'Vi iV AiiiNairVii li) .Lm53s1 An unusual felt casual , . , charming successor to Thornton's Pamela No. 1 which you liked so much last year. In Thornton's exclusive COSMETICOLORS 7 . . developed to harmonize with your complexion whether you're blonde, brunette or redhead) WXytaVt lldKntrt ffalon Klamath Maid Is Bride of Cadet Maxine Laurenson and Lieutenant Milton Mc Auley Exchange Vows in Phoenix Chapel .' The following account of the wedding of Mist Maxine Z. Laurenson and Lieutenant Milton K. McAuley, which took place In Phoenix, Arizona, Is copied from the Arizona Republle and will be of interest to their many friends In this city. The) service was read March the sixteenth. 1 Plans Made ByHillah Dance Scheduled for March 28th in Klam ath Armory Plans are being completed for the dance to be given in the Klamath Falls armory honoring Illustrious Potentate George P. Taylor and Hillah Temple Divan on Saturday evening, March the twenty eighth. Admission to the affair Is on presentation of the 1942 membership card, according to Mr. R. D. Eller, social chair man. Dancing Is scheduled from a quarter past nine to one o'clock. Cards will also be played. The grand march is planned for half past one o'clock. There will be a buffet supper at half past eleven o'clock. All members of the drum corps will be in dress. Fezzes will be In order. Shriners of other Temples are invited to attend. The drum corps members will be in charge of decorations under the direction of Clinton Landis and Herman Lofdahl, TOASTMISTRESS CLUB PLANS MONDAY MEET The regular meeting of The Toastmistress club will be held Monday, March the twenty third, at Fremont school. For roll call each member Is to respond with four lines of poetry. Two-minute prepared speeches by each member on a subject of her own choosing is the feature of the evening, at which time each speaker is to be formally introduced by a fellow member. The concluding "good Eng lish test" for the three-month period will also be given at this meeting. A visitor in Klamath Falls for the next few weeks is Mrs. Andrew Mowat, mother of Mrs. Don R. Drury of Paci fic Terrace. Mrs. Mowat's home Is in Seattle. She plans a visit In San Francisco after which she will return here for a second stay at the Drury home before continuing north. Miss Faye Stelnseifer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stelnseifer, will be home this weekend to spend several days vacation from her stud ies at the University of Wash ington. t A HUDNUT SALON CONSULTANT She will be in oar toilet goods section all next week . . . from the Richard Hudnut Solon, Fifth Avenue ... home of the famous Success School ... to give yon persona ad vice and news on skin care and make-up. In honor of her villi a complimentary purse size of v v MAKE-UP Next week only, with yoar porch ue of any DuBarry Beauty Preparation we wltJ present this DuBarry Make-up Base. ..a new and exciting foundation film that helps your make-up last longer... your skin look more glamorous right away. CUT RATE DRUGS Lighted tapers In tall can delabra and mixed baskets of gladiola and stock formed pretty background for the in formal wedding rites of Miss Maxine Z, Laurenson of , Klamath Falls, Or., and Lt. Milton K. McAuley of K'am ath Falls and Williams field at 3:30 o'clock Monday after noon in the First Presbyte rian Chapel of the Palms. The Rev. Dr. Rollo C. La Porte officiated at the rites. For her wedding the bride selected a suit dress in a toft shade of rose and navy acces sories. Her corsage was a white orchid. Maid of honor for the eers mony was Miss Dorothy Lau renson of Klamath Falls who wore a cream-colored dress, brown accessories and a cor sage of spring flowers. Mis Laurenson sang two selections for her sister's wedding, "O Promise Me" and "I Leva You Truly.' Best man for the rites was Lt Alfred Lyding. An organ background was played by Mrs. T. Herder Taylor. The bride Is a graduate of Klamath Falls hih school and is the daughter et -Lela Laurenson of that city. She and the brldegroonc wesa) high school sweethearts. Lieutenant McAuley also graduated from Klamath Falls and attended Oregon State college for two year where he majored in forest ry. The son of Mrs. F. M. Glenn, the bridegroom grad uated as a second lieutenant in the United States army air corps Monday morning at Luke field. He also Warned at Moffet Field, Calif. Immediately after the wed ding, the newlyweds wera honored with a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. MarMlllcn, 117 West WU letta street A tiered wedding cake centered the refresh- ment table, and Mrs. S. C Edmonds poured. Out-of-town guests for tha, " wedding and reception wera Mr. ana Mrs. F. M. Glenn of Huntington Park, Calif, Lt and Mrs. D. W. McAuley, tha bridegroom's brother and sister-in-law, Mrs. Laurenson, Miss Laurenson, Lt C F. Mueller of Chicago, 111., and Lt S. V. Leonard of Redwood City,, Calif. The latter two were classmates of the bride groom. . Lieutenant McAuley and his bride will live here since he has been stationed at Wil liams field as an instructor. Mrs. E. M. Igl is recovering nicely at her home on North Third street following a fall which left her on crutches. "."si- JX. BASE March 23rd-28th Inclusive Phono 3623 808 MAIN if En? j Hp TT