PAGE SIX Caroline Daggett Is Bride in Ceremony Well Known Klamath Falls Maid Becomes Mrs. Paul Crapo on Sunday Morning White calls lilies and white stock made the pulpit of the Congregational Community church a beautiful background for the wedding at nine o'clock Sunday morning, March the fifteenth, of Miss Caroline Daggett and Mr. Paul Crapo. Mrs. George Mclntyre played the wedding processional. The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Claude H. Daggett and the late Mr. Daggett, and the groom 1s the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Crapo, all of this city. A cheer wool crerie suit of rose, powder blue and beige was chosen by the bride for her wedding costume. Her felt hat was a matching blue and she carried gardenias and pink rosebuds. Miss Nellmae Holmes of Portland was the bride's only attendant. She wore a tur quoise blue dressmaker suit with brown accessories and her flowers were Talisman and Joanna Hill roses. Mr. Clarence Crapo was his brother's best man. Following the service which was read by the Rev. Eugene V. Haynes, pastor of the church, a reception for mem bers of both families was given at the Daggett home. The bride cut a beautifully decorated cake which was served by Miss Phyllis Foster. Pouring at the coffee table was . a cousin of the bride, Miss Lis beta Daggett of Prineville. The table was centered with a bowl of pink roses -and freesias, flanked on either side by tall pink candles, i Mr, . and Mrs.''" Crapo will ' "'-" MITT,, MIMMV 44 I lillllfffc Falls where both are promi nent In affairs of the younger , group. .Among the out-of-town guests here for the wedding - were Mr. and Mrs. Junior Dag gett and daughter, Lisbeth, and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mer sereau, all of Prineville and formerly of this city, and Miss , Phyllis Foster of Eugene, stu dent at the University of Ore ion. MKo. LAMB PAYS OFFICIAL VISIT TO CLUBS Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb left Thursday morning for Grants Pass to pay an official visit to Redwood Garden club at a meeting held on the Redwood Mrs. Lamb- serves as vice president of .the Siskiyou dis trict, Oregon State Federation of Garden clubs. On Friday Mm Lamb visit ed the Jacksonville Garden club in Jacksonville and dur ing the day also conferred with garden club members in Medford and Ashland in re gard to the district conference . scheduled for April the twenty-second in Klamath Falls. During the past week Mrs. Lamb was a guest at the meet' ing of the Altamont Garden club held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Bert Schultz. At that time members dis cussed vegetable gardens and conservation of products dur ing the coming season. BOSSES WILL BE HONORED AT BPW DINNER Business Women and bosses will mingle Monday evening at half past six o'clock in' the Wlllard hotel, when the Busi ness and Professional Women'! . club holds its annual employer-employee party. Designed to "take his mind off war and taxes," the affair will be a hard time party with old comfortable clothes and plenty of entertainment. In charge of this meeting are the past presidents, headed by Dena Backes, assisted by Flo Ann Eaton, Leda Gard ner, Emma Carter, Jean Por ter, Martha McCollum and Ruth Bathiany. All members are urged to come and bring "the boss." VISITORS HONORED AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Castle berry of North Third street en tertained on Wednesday even ing for a group of their son's fraternity brothers, members of Sigma Nu of Oregon State . college, here this week to at .'tend the wedding of Miss ' Destle Klelneger and Mr. Nor j man Peters. I Guests included Jack Castle i berry, Irvin Thompson, Benja - mln Kerns, Harry West, Sam Trueblood, and Bud Hunzt ' Jeer. Later a group of girls was invited in for dancing. The men returned to school early Thursday morning. - Mr. and Mrs. James Hawk ins of 222 North Fifth street are parents of a con, their first child, born at Klamath Valley hospital on March the twentieth. Ceremony In South Former Klamath Folks Attend Rites in Ar cadia Home The marriage of Esther Nock Estherbrook and Don Otey Soule, son of Mrs. Rose Otey Soule, and the late Mr. S. E. Soule, formerly of Klam ath Falls, was solemnized in Arcadia, California, on March the twelfth, according to word received here. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel James Nock, in the presence of intimate friends and mem bers of both families. The dou ble ring service was read by the Reverend Edison Reifsni der before a flower banked living room hearth. Mrs. Frank Wagoner, soror ity sister of the bride, was her only attendant. Dr. J. J. Otey of Glendale, . uncle of the groom, was best man. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held. The bride cut a beauti fully decorated cake which was served from a lovely table. Mrs. Soule is a graduate of Pasadena high school and at tended Pasadena Junior col lege. Several delightful af fairs were given for her by members of her sorority be fore her marriage. Mr. Soule attended Klam ath Union high school before moving to Los Angeles where he completed his education. After special training in the Frank Wiggins school he has been employed by the Lock heed aircraft company where he continues as inspector. The Soules will be at home after March thirtieth at 365 Bella Vista street, Pasadena. There were a number of former Klamath Falls resi dents among those present, Mrs. Muriel Elliott Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Gillen waters, and Mrs. Carey M. ' Ramsby. ' APRIL FOURTH . SET BY COUPLE AS WEDDING DATE Saturday, April the fourth, has been set as the date of their wedding by Miss Evelyn Haworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Haworth of Palmer, Idaho, and Mr. Wilbur W. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, pioneer resi dents of this city. Both young people are graduates of Oregon State col lege and now interested in de fense work of the Columbia Steel company in Pittsburg, California. Details of the wed ding will be announced later. , HONORED Adele Powers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Powers, was honored on the occasion of her eighteenth birthday anniversary Tuesday, March the tenth. Kennell-EUI. if .. . . K 1I If V I M - v r-i i I h i i re-; . tvi ; . 1 , , n nt Proebstels To Leave Well Known Klamath Family to Reside in Washington Friends regret to learn the departure of another Klamath Falls family, active in civic and social affairs of the city. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Proebstel and young son Jimmy, will leave April the first for their stock ranch in Klickitat county, Washington, where they will retire after a resi dence here of the past six and one-half years. Mrs. Proebstel has resigned her office as president of the Klamath Falls Woman's Library club. A number of af fairs are being planned for the . Proebstels prior to their de parture. They have occupied the Dr. Paul Sharp home on Washington street. t THREE HONORED FRIDAY BY MRS. WHITLATCH Mrs. Roy Whltlatch enter tained Friday evening at her home, 1122 North Eighth street, complimenting three members of the younger group who are leaving the city with in a short time. Honor guests included Mrs. Richard Post who leaves this weekend to join her husband in Portland, Miss Jean Hauger who plans to leave next week for San Francisco to study, and Miss Audrey Edwards, who will also go to San Francisco. Others present at the affair Included Mrs. Robert P. Elling son Jr., Mrs. Lane Warren, Mrs. T. Frederick Farley and Miss Margaret West. MRS. WEST DINNER HOSTESS ON FRIDAY ' Mrs. Dale West of Merrill entertained for Mrs. George Clark on Friday evening when she asked a group of friends to motor to her home for dinner. Guests included Mrs Clark, Mrs. Neil Black, Mrs. Walter Lassett, Mrs. Dick Reeder, Mrs. Karl Urquhart of Klam ath Falls, Mrs. Ed Crawford and Mrs. J. Randolph Barr of Merrill. Cascade Crest Hold Initiation Initiation of a new member, Mr. R. Bernell Holbrook, took place at the meeting of Cas cade Crest chapter, OES, held Wednesday evening at the Chlloquin Masonic hall, with Mrs. Walter Brown, worthy, matron, and Mr. William Morande, worthy patron, pre siding. Mrs. Amy Zumbrum and Mrs. Geneva Brattain presid ed as hostesses' for the social hour that followed the chap ter meeting. Members of the lnternation-1 al relations group of AAUW will meet at eight o'clock Fri day evening with Mrs. Ever ett Dennis, 1936 Huron street. Mrs. G. C. Lorenz enter tained at her home on High street with an evening of bridge Thursday for member of her club. THE EVENING HERALD. ' - V ' . k In Li i HOSTESSES AT DAFFODIL DANCE One of the most delightful parties of the year is that scheduled for S-iSurday evening, March the twenty-eighth, when members of the Winter Dancing club meet for the last of a series of four dances in the Willard hotel. Golden yel low daffodils will carry out the "Daffodil Dance" theme. Hostesses are, left to right, Mrs. Lloyd Frock, Mrs. Donald C. Statham, Miss Johnnie Bell and Miss Antoinette Whitman. Kcnnell-EUIs pictures. Daffodils Will Be Shown on Monday Garden Group to Hear Discussion of Bulbs and Flowers by Blossom Farm Operator What promises to be one of the most interesting meetings of the year of the garden group of the Klamath Falls "Wom an's Library club is the afternoon session slated for Monday at two o'clock when at least twenty-five varieties of daffodils will be shown by Mr. Conley of the Conley Blossom farm In Eugene. Mr. Conley will discuss the varieties which he will bring from his farm, one of the ' best known In the northwest, and there will be a definite hint of spring In the air as the gay yellow blossoms brighten the small club room in the city library. Spring arrangements will also be shown at this meeting according to Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb, chairman of the day. Members of the group are asked to make their arrange ments early. Gardeners who are Inter ested in learning Just which bulbs and spring flowers will do the best in this climate, are urged to attend the meet ing. A talk will be given by Mr. Conley and he will an swer questions. The next meeting of the club is to be held April the twenty-seventh when Mrs. Al bert O. Roenicke will be chairman of the afternoon, her program based on peren nial and annual borders. There will be seasonal flow er arrangements. The year for the group will end with the May eleventh meeting which Is also the date of the big spring flower show of which Mrs. Horace E. Getz is chairman. There will be election of officers at this time. ill' l&i;'US M MARRIED IN SOUTH , . 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ladd D. Hoyt, well known rciam ath residents, shortly after their marriage took place March the seventeenth In Jackson, Missis sippi, where the groom is stationed at the Jack son air base. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Campbell, prominent ranchers of the Langell Valley area. Kenncll-Ellls. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON )S (!iJl.'; : ! i 1) ff. - ' S. AU REVOIR PARTY GIVEN MRS. BULLIS Mrs. David Bullls, who leaves next week for Portland with her family to join Mr. Bullls, was complimented at an au revoir party given Wed nesday afternoon when Mrs. Phil Fahnlander entertained at dessert for a group of friends. A gift was presented Mrs. Bullis during the afternoon. In cards high score went to Mrs. Lloyd Proek, second to Mrs. Edward Kllever, and low to Mrs. George Clark. Others present included Mrs. D. F. Branson of Newport, sister of the hostess, Mrs. William Van Buskirk, Mrs. Bullis, Mrs. De Los Mills, Mrs. LeRoy Erd mann, Mrs. Lloyd Porter, Mrs. O. K. Puckett, Mrs. Howard Hanville, Mrs. Henri Conradi and Mrs. R. L. Hessig. Home from school this weekend were a number of Klamath students including Clark Weaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver, and Jerry O'Callaghan, son of Mrs. Leo Sagehorn. Both are stu dents at the University of Oregon. 11 'if f.. v Miss'O'Keefe Plans Told Klamath Maid to Wed John Whiteline on March Twenty-Eighth Miss . Dorothy Jane O'Keefe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James O'Keefe of this city, has chosen Saturday eve ning, March the twenty eighth, as the date for her marriage to Mr. John White line, son of Mrs. Henry N. Whiteline and the late Mr. Whiteline of this city. The service will bo read at half past eight o'clock in St. Paul's Episcopal church by the Rev. Victor E. Newman. Miss O'Keefe has asked her twin sister, Mrs. Clarence Crapo, (Beverly O'Keefe), to be her matron of honor, and Sara Margaret Stewart will be the flower girl. Mr. H. Doug las Whiteline will be his brother's best man. MARINE IS HONOR GUEST AT PARTY. Dale Hankins, who has Just returned from duty with tno United States Marines, was honored witn a party given Saturday evening of lust week when Mis Patricia Knighton entertained at her home on Nevada street. A scavenger hunt was plan ned and honors went to Miss June Cook and Dick Snyder. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and at supper. Guests Included Dale Hank ins, Miss Shirley Chase, Miss Lois "eltman, Miss Mildred Williams, Miss Vivian Low ther, Miss Vivian Jenson, Miss Letty Linman, Miss June Cook, Miss Edna Renner, Francis Gilchrist, Clarence Courtney, Cecil Hendricks, Jim Lawson, Lonnle Sanders, Dick Johnson, Dick Snyder, Herbert Cox, Don Johnson, Jerry Hample, and Maurice Van Emon. Returns Horn From Trip South Mrs. Wilbur Jones returned to Klamath Falls Thursday after an absence of the past eleven days during which time she enjoyed a visit In south ern California. Mrs. Jones Joined her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Law rence Mehaffey Sr., of An tloch, California. They mo tored to San Diego, joined in Compton by Mrs. Jones' sister, Mr. Albert N. Sollas. In San Diego they visited the Me haffey' ion, Lawrence Jr., who ha completed hi work In the radio division of the United States marines and 1 now awaiting call. Young Me haffey and a friend, Marine Fred Weaver, spent Sunday In Compton, returning to their base that night. Mrs. Jtne and her daughter then drove leisurely home over the coast route, stopping at the mission In Santa Barbara, Carmel and Monterey. A son was born on March the twentieth to Mr. and Mrs. Innis Roberts, 928 Newcastle street, In Hillside hospital. Mrs. Robert is the former Grace Brown. Paternal grand parent are Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Roberta of this city. Mississippi Scene of Evelyn Campbell, Daughter of Pioneer Residents, Weds Ladd Hoyt in Jackson Chapel Wedding bells rang In the Calvary Baptist church of Jack son, Mississippi on the evening of March the seventh, when Cadet Ladd Hoyt of the Jacknon air base took aa his brkla Miss Evelyn Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Campbell, prominent ranchers of the Langell Valley couu ry. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Hoyt of 2008 His bee street. The bride wore a heavenly Easter . eme Bonnets To Be Gay At Annual Party Guild Slated by The Easter bonnet will be the theme of tho annual Eas ter Monday benefit bridge to be given April the sixth In the ballroom of the Wlllard hotel when St. Paul's Guild again Is hostess at one of the largest of the year's parties. "The Enstcr Parade" hos been chosen as tho theme song, and the stage will represent gay arrangements of 1042 Eas ter hats as shown by one of the local shops. On each of the in dividual card tables there will be a miniature Easter bonnet. What the well - dressed woman wore In the Easter par ade will be shown on the tea table which will be centered by an array of dolls dressed In costumes from tho fifteenth century on to the present time. These cleverly dressed dolls will be gowned by Mrs. George Knoll who Is known through out the county for her clever doll wardrobes. Cards will be followed by a musical program with tea served later. All women of the city are invited to make reservations with a member of that committee. They may call either Mrs. Jumcs E. Swan sen, 0683; Mrs. Ralph Benolst, 4401; Mrs. William Hlbbs, 8103; Mrs. Joseph Piland, 7233, or Mrs. Lone Warren, 0732. ST. PATRICK'S PARTY HONORS MRS. CLARK Compllmontlng Mrs. George Clark who leaves soon to make her home In Portland, Mrs. Lafayette Stephens en tertained Tuesday with a cleverly appointed St Pat rick's day party. Following dessert cards were played. Those honoring Mrs. Clark were Mrs. Rose Poole, Mrs. Ross DodKu, Mrs, R. E. Hooker, Mrs. Ben Per noglttl, Mrs. Howard Han ville, Mrs. Nell Black, and Mrs. William Van Buskirk. 4 "DurUion" Visitors Her Here for the duration are Mrs. William C. Hollcy and one-year-old son, Billy, guests of Mrs. Hollcy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen W. Hout. Pa cific Terrace. Mrs. Holley will be remembered as the former Lois Hout. Captain Holley Is now In Washington, D. C, at tending the engineer's train ing school. March 21, 1043 Church Wedding blue suit with smart navy an crisorlcs and her corsage was of lavender orchids. The Rev. Claude Bowen read the ceremony In the presence of the mothers of the young couple and the groom's brother, Mr. Rlchnrd Hoyt. A furlotign was obtained by the young soldier and with his bride returned to Klam ath Foils for a brief visit, returning March the eight eenth to resume his duty at the air base. Both are well known In Klamath county and are ac tive In affairs of the younunr group. Mrs. Hoyt will remain In Klamath Falls for a tlmo. STANLEY BROWN TAKES BRIDE IN SEATTLE The church In which hi paront were married on June the twentieth, 1017, was also tho scene of the wedding of Mr. Stanley Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlon J. Brown of Tululukc, when he took Miss Ardell Hlgglns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hlgglns of Tulelake, as his bride on March the fifth. The service was read In th First Christian church on Broadway In Seattle, Wash ington. The pastor officiated. Mrs. L. Leader and Mr. Robert Burns, both of Se attle, attended the young couple. The bride attended school In Tulelake and re cently has been In Idaho. Mr. Brown graduated from Tule lake high school and later at tended Anderson airplane school In Los Angeles. At the present time he Is affiliated with the Boeing plan) In Se attle where the couple will re side. WEDDING OF INTEREST TO KLAMATH FOLK A wedding of Interest In Klamath Falls is that which took place Thursday evenln) at eight o'clock In the parson age of the Community Congre gntlonal church when Mrs. Jnnet Perry Motxclaar and Mr. Byron Hoyt of Portland were married In a simple ceremony. Their attendants wera Mr. and Mrs. Embcrt Fossum. Mrs. Hoyt has taught Eng lish in the Bonanza high school and will remain In this posi tion. Mr. Hoyt leaves for army duty within a short time. Ho I now with Sherman Clny In Portland. Both aro graduates of the University of Oregon. Mr. Hoyt majored In music and has contlnuod this study since leaving school. The bride Is th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Perry of Portland. YoaU know what we man when yoa try one on! Comfort $upnmi comfort I Unequslled for perfect bust control! Cunningly contrived for bmuttul llnm! Yes-h's Formfit'i sensational uplift LIFE brsiulere now incorporated in an all-in-one The uUtmaU for feminine trice glamour cue In an undergarment. $7.50 to $13 Cirdlciere tog tt Tri tt"i t i irf -T i-f '' " 1 1 i i Tiirwi