4 ';",' .-i'-M I'll , f . '.?'. v.V ,v, v .v.V V '.F w By Lois Stewart 1 7 Aletucotnebl MRS. R. JACK SIMPSON, with her young son, Doll, are making their homo here at 1845 Esplanade. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson are former residents of Modford. (Above). AN ATTRACTIVE ADDITION to the younger group In Klamath Falls is Miss Patricio Wethered, formerly of Eugene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wethered of that city. The newcomer serves as unior case worker In the wolfore commission offices here. She Is o graduote of the University of Oregon and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. (Center). MRS. WESLEY McNEE and her son, Wesley Jr., stopped all this business of settling in their home at 2025 Earlo street long enough to permit the photographer a shot. Mr. Mc Nee is with the Conifer Lumber company here. They are former Spokane residents. (Right). FORMER PORTLANDERS are the Richord Maxwells who have moved to Klamath Falls and now make 1535 Eldorado their residence. Mrs. Maxwell is busy with small fry, Mary Margaret, ten, David, six, and Stuart Neil, Just one year. Mr. Maxwell is practicing law. All pictures by Wrxlcy Gtidc-rinn of The Herald and Now. . r: . , ,. ,,,-! v - ; Is, v A J 1 ' f " r 1 i f Y' J "vr 1: . 1 j iw me 1 lT - J ' '.? - .If f '1 jlt"N, 7 a 4 si f ; . . . Today's page Is devoted to a group of attractive newcomers to Klamath Falls, in- teresting people who will take the place of the many residents who have left our town during the past month or so. . This past week has been a busy, busy one. The membership drive of the Klamath Community Concert association was to close at five o'clock Saturday night. The workers hove called, checked and rechecked their lists of members and early response assures , . an excellent 1942-43 program. Anyway the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo is incentive ; i sufficient to sell a ticket, front row or bal'.ps r..i Outstanding of fair of this weekend is -the ... Italian supper dance slated for eight o'clock tonight, Saturday, when Reames Coif and Country club officially opens its spring party .season in-the clubhouse. Supper will be fol- lowed by dancing and a good orchestra wos promised the merry makers. Dance commit tee members included Dr. and Mrs. George ? . H. Merryman Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hauger, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Perrin, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Macartney and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dinsmore. Three dances are scheduled for next Sat- 1 urday night! The last party of the year given by the Winter Dancing club will be held In the Willard and the "daffodil" theme will . ; .. , be used as a spring time motif. Also In ttit Elks temple the Sons and Daughters dancing party promises to be much fun for members .. . . of the younger set. Last but not least, is ths party scheduled in the armory for Shriners ond their wives honoring officers and HilTah Temple Divan. ft I 1 -So' 1 r it"' 1 !i i iiiiiiiiiuiwI 5 I W ssr T i n fit' !Rr w .I:., ii.ii yY A .4 ir?