Mm Sit THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN Classified Advertising RoUn On day run por word 3o 2 day run ............ per word do S day run per word 8a 4 day run ..... per word 10a 5 day run ......... per word llo Weak run ............ per word 12o Month run per word 82o. 20 DISCOUNT for payment to Advance. Thu dls count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid In advance ads only. 3 DISCOUNT for Payment by the 10th. Tbti dl count given to Insure prompt payment of adi charged on a monthly baali. CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartment! For Rent .... 2i Automotive 3 Builneie Opportunity 41 Educational , ,, financial ;...4t For Bale or Trade 31 Oeneral Notice - Health - 1! Help Wanted, Femal.. ..H Help Wanted, Male II Houie Tor Rent 2 Livestock and Poultry ' Lost and Found ! Miscellaneous For Rent 21 MUcellaneoui For Sale ..31 Miscellaneous Wanted ... 4: Reel Estate For Sal -31 Real Estate Wanted 3: a com and Board ..... 2( Ituatloi.s Wanted .... II To Exchange 41 Loat and Found FOUND Purse, bualncas dls trlct. Phone 790fl, 3-21 4 General Notic.t TllAPl'Kri8 Top prices paid for fun. Hollls Noonchrstor, 323 E. Main. 4 2 NOTICE I will not be respon ilble for debts contracted by anyone other tlinn myself. Signed March 19, 1642. Harry a. Anderson. 3-21 WHEN YOU WANT the bt7t In a Water System see your Myers Dealer. A Myers Pump or Water System for evory purpose. See them at Mitchell, Lewis and Staver Company, ft "Keep em plowing." 3-21 IF YOU HAVE LUMBER to move to Mcdford cantonment. Phone 7702 Ashland 4-3 EASTER PERMANENT SPECIAL VALERIE McCAULEY Palace Beauty Shop Phone 3811 3-23 10 Services FAINTING, KALSOMINING H. L. Brown. Phone 4228. 4-10mtf HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKINO, Buttons and Buckle covered, Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allender, 731 Main, Room 218. Phone 7203. 4-iemtf E DO REPAIR WORK - Bodenhamer Saw Filing, 393 E. Main. 415 JOHN McCONNAHA Piano tuner. Call 8078 or Shepherd Music Co. 3-28 PICTURE FRAMING Goeller's, 330 Main. 4-14mtf HOUSECLEANING Art Bene dict, 8848. 4-9mtf BIRTH CERTIFICATES obtain ed at reasonable coat. Floyd Pierce, 419 Main. 4 3 FLOOR SANDING and rcflnlah Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 8022. 3-31mtf IDA'8 TAILOR SHOP, formerly J. E. Bodge Tailor Shop, 12S No. 8th. Altering, Repairing, Cleaning, Pressing. All work guaranteed. Prlcea reasonable 3-28 ILIP COVERS and draperies made to order. Klamath Fur niture Co., 221 Main. Phone 8383. 4-Smtf PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, S10 Main. 3-24mtf FLOOR SANDING Old floors reflnished. Norman Fro ley Phone 4001. 3-24mtf BAGS Machine Cleaned aqd patched. People's Warehouse Bag Co. lOOltf WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parti for all makes. Merit Washing Mnchlno Service, 011 South Sixth. 3-31mt( PAINTING, paporhanglng and decorating. Alvln Davis. Ph. 4837 or 8789. 4-2 I WILL obtain your delayed .birth certificate for you. Chns 4 Hathaway, 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 3-31 ELECTROLUX CLEANER sales service. Phone 8723. 62B Main. Tnrkol Twcot. 3-22 FLOOR SANDING and finish ing. Waxing, polishing, scrub bing. New, old. C. DuFour Phone 3008. 3-31mtf SEWING OF ALL KINDS, tnll orlng, remodeling, fur cost re-llned and re-modeled. Mrs. Zwelgart, Apt, 1, Brick Apart mcnta, Mnlln. 4-13 PAPERHANOINO, Painting, Kalsomlnlng. DIM 8328. Mol vln E. Frost. 4-13mtl RUBBER STAMPS mado dally In Klamath Falls. GEO. J KUNZMAN, 127 North . 4th. Phone 8832. 4-18 LECTROL'JX CLEANERS sales-service. Ray Hall Phono 7187.'. 813 Rosoway Drive. 3-31 CURTAINS horn laundered. Phone 8206. 4-2 12 Educational BEGINNERS' courses in Book keeping. 1408 Enplanada St, Plume 339(1. 3-23 13 Health DR. M. C. CASSEL, Chlroprac t la Clinic, colon and rectal diseases, 832 Main. Dial 7218. 3-31 ml f 14 Help Wanted, K.mal. WANTED Girl for fountain work. Must bo neat and at tractive In appearance, good worker, not over 23 years of age. Apply In person. Tlk Tok Drivo In, So. 0th. 3747tf WANTED Woman for cooking and housowork In country home. Good wages. No laun dry. Phone 7372. 3-21 WANTED Housekcapar. $9.00 a week, Sundays off. Call after 6 p. m. 233 Murtlmer. 3-22 WANTED Housekeeper to core for 4-year-old boy. Modern conveniences. Uux 3424, Naws Henild. 3 21 EXPERIENCED GIRL for gen eral houHuwork. Duys only. Local references. Ncws-llcr-ald Box 3832. 3-21 WANTED Housekeeper. Good plain cook. Phone 3883. 3807tf WANTED Young lady for drug store work with solo experi ence. References requested Box 3033. News Herald. 3-24 16 Help Wanted. Male MACHINISTS, also auto mechan ic Stole experience. Wages at union sculo. Factory Motor Car Co., N W 14th and Everett St., Portland, Oregon. 3-21 SALESMAN WANTED with wholesale experience to cover established trado In Southern Oregon Must have car. Write for Interview giving full par ticulars and phone number News-Hcrnld Box 3888. 3-21 WANTED Mon and wife for chore Jobs. Must be good milker. Good wages. Call 7014. 2884 FOR JOBS In Aircraft Factories, 18 to 62. Inquire 412 Main 4-0 WANTED Experienced farm hand Santford Jones, Bonan za, Ore. 1781K BOOKKEEPER capable taking charRo small office, somo sell ing experience- preferred. See Mr. Goodwin at Goodyear , Service, 223 S. 8. Phone 7072. 3-23 18 Situations Wanted HOUR WORK Phone 7004 3-21 BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, doy or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. 412mtf YOUNG MAN wlshos to learn form or ranch work. A-l ref erences. Hord worker. Salary no object. Write Box 2023, Herald. 3.23 SHIPMAN BOARDING HOME for children. 3802 Bisbeo, South Altamont. Phone 7308 4-4 HOUR WORK. Phone 7834. 3-30 20 Room and board ROOM BOARD 804 N. 10th. Gentleman. 3-24 ROOM BOARD Phone 6883. 3-23 NICE ROOMS, good board. 823 Lincoln. 3 23 BOARD ROOM 814 Walnut. Phone 6302. 4-10 ROOM & BOARD. Mrs. Wlrtz, 320 Jefferson. 3-24 22 Rooms For Rent MARS HOTEL 1411 Mnln. Stonm heated. Weekly rotes 53 up. 80c to $1 per night. 4-10 ROOM FOR RENT Close in, with or without garage. Call after 8 p. m. 718 Jefferson, or phono 3624. 3427tf CLEAN steam heated rooms. 310 So 6th. Phone 7060. 3-24 ROOMS 1034 High. 4-8mtf LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room 616 Pine. 2000tf CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms All with new tnnersprlng mattresses. Froe parking. 3-31mtf NICE ROOM, private homo, closo In, 420 N. 0. Phone 6478. 3-24 NICE ROOM, 134 N. 3rd. 4-20 24 Apartments For Rent THREE ROOMS, electrically equipped. 433 N. 10th. 8567tf FOR RENT Apt. cottage. Close In. $20. Suitable for two. Phone 4272 or see owner, Room No. 12, Melhnso Bldg. 3-23 TWO 4-room furnished apts. on Pine. Phpne 3273. 3-24 24 Apartments For Rent fUHNIBHED 1 room apartment. Until. Itofrlgcrator. Utilities. Rvasonoble. 220 So.. 4th. 3-24 ONE ROOM furnished apart mont, 703 N. 0th. 3-21 VACANCY Audlcy Apart mcnts, 303 So. 8th. Phone 4610. 3-27 NEWLY RENOVATED 2 & 3 room furnished Apts, $18.00 month. Zigler Apis., block south Pelican City school. 3-27 TWO-ROOM APT. with both. Reasonable. 448 Market. 3-23 RIVERVIEW 4 rooms, nicely furnished, two bedrooms. Ph. 8617. 3212U THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Walking distance. No pot.. 1421 Wall. 3-21 3 ROOMS, furnished. Phone 7731 or 6303. 3-24 FURNISHED APARTMENT 710 Main. 3707tf HOUSKKEEPINGROOM. evor7 thing furnished, $4 30. 410 So. 8th. 3-23 VACANCY Rex Arms 4-11 UNFURNISHED DUPLEX 1878 LeRoy. 3088tf VACANCY Adults. 421 Oak. 3-23 3-ROOM furnished apartment Adults. 400 Oak. 3-23 LARGE 3-ROOM partly furnish ed apartment, Phone 3686. 3-21 2-ROOM APARTMENT Elec tric range. Closo In. No chil dren or pets. $22.50. Also two-room upstairs apartment, wood range, $17.50 mo. Call 512a High. 3082tf FOR RENT OR LEASE 10 room apartment, furnished; 0 more rooms available soon. News-Herald Box 3876. 3-21 LARGE 3-bedroom apartment near Ewauna Box Co. Steam heat, water furnished. $40. Phone 8149 or 3023 evenings. 2005tf TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. Close In. 405 N. 3rd. 3-21 FOUR-ROOM nicely furnished apartment. Hot and cold wa ter furnished. $32.50 month. 1126 0rant. 2883 FURNISHED APARTMENT 601 Market. 4-1 VACANCY Small 2-room suit able for two adults. 323 Com mercial. 3900tf CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. 4-0mtf THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. 2043 White.. 2936tf GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Furnished complete with gar age, $27.80 and up. Weyer haeuser district Phone 6084. 3-28 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas 419 N 10th. 3-24mtf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 3-31mtf VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.50 up. 1404 Klam ath. 4-6 FURNISHED 4 rooms. Modern, 2 bedrooms. Inquire 21 IB Ap plcgate. 3360tf VACANCY Corner Erie-Has- kins. Hot water heat. Phone 3888. 3669tf SMALL 2-ROOM APT. 813 Pine. 3-26 3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENT Closo In. 823 Grant, 3-23 26 Houses For Rent FOR RENT 3-room house, un furnished. Garaee. woodshed Couples only. 2443 Hope St. reiepnone auio after S p. m ' 3-22 UNFURNISHED new two-bed room house, suburban bus line, $36. Nice 3-room house with bath, $22.50. Phone 7688. 3442tf THREE-ROOM furnished house Bath, garage. Water paid. 2424 So. 6th. 3-21 FIVE-ROOM modern house, Ore gon avenue, $20. Call 3208. 3680U FURNISHED 2 ROOMS, bath 1320 Oak. 3441tf FIVE-ROOM strictly modern un furnished house with upstairs furnished apartment, Mills ad dltlon Inquire 385 E. Main BOfltf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save Vt. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 4-7mtf MODERN 3-bedroom horns, 3 blocks from Main. Phone 8340. 3366tf THREE-ROOM HOUSE Neat, attractive tile. Full basement, garage. Phone 8658. 2037U Houses For Rent UNFURNISHED six room house on Lagunu near Main. Call Al tamont Auto Camp. 3-24 3-ROOM partly furnished, 247 Rogers. 3-24 FOUR ROOMS furnished. Large yard, trees, water, $20, 1602 Manzunlta. 3-27 TWO ROOM and thre room cottages, 4806 So. 6th. 3-24 BACHELOR CABINS 428 Wil low. 4-8 TWO ROOM furnished house. Phone 8075. 3701tf PARTLY FURNISHED 3 rooms, bath, garage. Phone 4404. 3-21 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE Oil floor furnace. 414 Upham. Phone 8803. 3-21 THREE BEDROOMS, furnished. Phone 7812. 3-21 UNFURNISHED 3-room house. Hardwood floors, automatic oil furnace, electric hot water tank, fenced-in yord, one bed room. 318 Laguna. Phone 6748. 3-21 NICELY FURNISHED 6 rooms. 620 Washington. Inquire 110 N. 5th. 3-23 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE with gar den spot. 1414 Homcdale. 3-26 THREE ROOMS, furnished. Wa ter, garage. $18. 235 Broad. 3-25 CLEAN 3-room furnished house, $30. Whitcy's Grery, 324 Broad. 3-21 3 ROOMS, unfurnished, strictly modern, nearly new, full base ment, lawn, shrubs, fenced Rlvervlew. Inquire 813 Pine. 3-26 28 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR RENT About 15 acres po tato land. M. D. Anderson, one mile south St. Barnabas church, Langcll Valley. 3-23 FOR RENT 8 acres with build ings. Inquire 225 So. 5th. 3-21 FARM TO RENT FOR CASH Straight south on Homedalc road about 4 miles. Mary E. Dixon, Rt. 1, Box 824. 3-23 DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cado Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have youT Call at all hours. Phone 5115. 4-9mU FARM FOR RENT 60 ac. irri gated; i mi. from Malln; per mit for 20 ac. potatoes; 8 rm house, modern; out-buildings; cash rent; tenant must have equipment. A. M. THOMAS, Malin, or 1825 Madison St., K. F. 3220K FOR RENT 90 acres potato ground., News-Herald Box 3555. 3-21 PASTURE for 500 head stock cattle. Address correspondence Steve Calahon, Chiloquin, Ore. 4-16 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 4-room house, gar age, i acre. 1738 Etna St 3-23 TWO-BEDROOM HOME Hard wood floors, fireplace, gas fur nace, range and hot water tank. Full price only $1750. BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 So. 8th. Phone 4195 3-21 3-BEDROOM HOME $1000 un der construction cost today. One year old, Venetian blinds, shades) curtain rods, Diesel heating plant, electric hot wa ter heater. Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 3-21 FOR SALE Equity In two-bed room new home. Full base ment, furnace, hardwood floors. Backyard landscaped with outsldo fireplace. 1347 Wllford street. Phone 8449. 3-21 26 STRICTLY BUSINESS "How times change! Yesterday atocka, bonds, gold. Today sugar, tires and fur coats!" 30 Real Estate For Sets MODERN SUBURBAN HOME, basement, furnace, garage, barn, one acre. Inquire 741 Walnut. 3-27 SMALL HOUSE Closo in. Go rage, largo yard, shade trees, large screcned-in porch can be mode Into either dining room, sun porch or another bed room. News Herald, Box 3001. 3-2 1 FOR SALE Six acres, seven room modern house, hardwood floors; highly Improved. 34 miles out gravel road. Dox 2000. Nows-Hcrold. 2900 FOR SALE Four room modern 1 house on Pleasant avenue. Ph j 3601. 2208tf FOUR-ROOM modern house. Small basement, garage. Lenox addition. Inqulro Lien's store. 3-26 90 ACRES under Irrigation, good buildings, located on river and highway. Alfalfa pasture and potato land. $10,500. M. A. Bowman, Merrill, Ore. 3-23 FOR SALE Highest bidder. Five-room modern furnished house. No bid. accepted under $1300 down payment. Open for Inspection. 2942 Altamont Drive. 3-26 FOR SALE 40 acres real sandy soil. All in alfalfa. Low irri gation charges. Well located. $4500. Terms. A. J. Tracy. Phone S5G. 3-21 FORT KLAMATH AREA PAS TURE for S00 head stock cat tle. Write Steve Calahan, Chiloquin, Ore. 4-1 FOR SALE 6 acres good farm land. All under Irrigation. Has small 4-room house, i mile east of El Padre on Lakeview road. Will take good late model used car as down pay ment. See H. E. Hauger, 1330 Main. 321 FOR SALE 50 acres good farm land, 4 miles out on old Mid land road, priced for quick sale. See H. E. Hauger, 1330 Main. 3-21 PRICE REDUCED 4-bedroom home, Hot Springs addition, 2 baths, nice yard, good loca tion. Phone 3669. 3-21 32 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY Three room house. Substantial down pay ment. Call 4483. " 3-24 34 Automotive WANTED TO TRADE Equity In '35 4-door Plymouth, five good tires, for Model A or B Ford. 2316 Shasta way. 3-23 1941 BUICK SEDAN, four new tires. 3500 miles. 1739 Oregon. Phone 4829. 3-21 '34 PLYMOUTH $50 cash. 220 Martin. 3-23 '40 OLDS CUSTOM SEDAN Very good condition, good tires, heater, radio. Will take pickup on trade. Obil Cole man, P. O. Box 383, Mountain Dairy. 3-26 1937 WILLYS New rubber. $275. 336 Broad, Apt 14. 3-26 FOR SALE Eouitv 1941 Chev. rolct 5-passenger coupe. 2220 Reclamation. 3-23 '37 CHEVROLET COACH, $350. Can be seen at 3021 Laverne. Phone 7857. 3-23 '37 PONTIAC SEDAN $490. Fordor sedan, equipped with new tires, radio and heater.. Original light green paint like new. Will take trade. E-Z terms. Allen Otto, owner, 1420 Main. 3-26 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1936 Chevrolet truck, good tires. 1408 Dayton St. 3-21 1033 FORD, good condition. Sac rifice, $100. Terms. Phone 3131, Mr. Ware. 4-1 by MeFeatters 34 Automotive 1030 GRAHAM, fair condition, $50. Terms. Phone 3181, Mr. Ware. 4-1 DUAL AXLE Logging Trailer. Complete unit with bunks. Has hauled 6000-7000 ft. Contact Manager Oregon Woolen Store. 3-25 BEST OFFER OR TRADE takes equity '38 Pontiac ' de luxe coups. Radio, heater, 1534 Wordcn. 3-27 FOR SALE $290 equity for $150 cash in '40 Dodge Pick up, 847 Torrey Street. 3-23 FOR SALE Equity '41 Pontiac Fordor sedan for cash. Call after 6. 535 Jefferson. - 3 21 NASH SERVICE AND PARTS at Melhase Garage. See Hank, 4th and Klamath. 3-25 HIGHEST PRICES paid for late model used cars. Earl Smith Pontiac, 1420 Main. 3196tf TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yoes, fac tory trained service manager. 2779U" FOR SALE 1941 Pontiac coupe. excellent condition, good rub ber. This car is priced to sell. Call 822 Main. Phone 9038. 3-23 FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet tu- dor, heater, new tires. Dial 5546. 3-23 EQUITY IN '40 CHEVROLET Good tires, low mileage. 1619 Gary. 3-21 WILL TRADE 6-wheeled '37 Roadmoster Buick sedan, clear, for equity '39 or '40 8-cylinder sedan. Call 4298 or 2434 Rec lamation. 3-21 WANTED Four used 550x17 tires. Phone 4987 or phone 4466. 2904tf GET YOUR AUTO GLASS in stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut Phone 7378 4-6mtf 36 Miscellaneous For Sal SALE Repossessed and Reconditioned"; Electric Ranges'; an Reconditioned -v Wood Ranges '' C: O. P. Co. 3-31 FOR FULLER BRUSHES call R. V. Morgan, 3348, or Clem Joyce, 7806. 4-12 MIRRORS and furniture tops made 4 order. We resilver old mirrors. Kimball's Glass Shop Phone 7378. 4-6mtf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block numbers' indicated, in . dex keyed to map. Price, 20c For sale at Carmichael's news stand, chamber of commerce. Ernie Piluso's Drive-in, Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrlck's Drug, Louie Polln s, Postoffice news stand. Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News Herald, Vies Signal Service. 2783tf FOR SALE One used Case Baler, size 17x22. The De schutes Grain and Feed Co., Implement Department, Red mond, Oregon. .3-24 HAUL YOUR WOOD NOW! You etui get slab wood, edg ings or trimmer ends in any quantity at the bin, at the Ac ley sawmill, 62 Klamath ave nue. Take it away In gunny sacks or truckloads. Peyton's Bargain prices at the mill: 16-inch slabs .......... $2.50 16-lnch edgings $1.25 Trimmer ends $1.25 For delivered prices call, 5149. Peyton it Co. 3178U SANDY LOAM TOP DIRT; also fill dirt. Phone 5569. 4-18 REAMES Golf Club Membership for sale, cheap. Owner leav ing city. Phone 6536. 3-23 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. 3-31mtf RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nlngs or Sundays. Howard Graham. ; 278HI FIX THAT RADIO Our bust- ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct 49mtf FOR SALE Netted Gem seed potatoes. . C. H. Booth, Bon anza. -. 3-24 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817. 4-6 38 Miscellaneous For Sal FOR SALE About 800 used tires. All sizes. Your , pick $1 up. Altamont Auto Camp. 3-27 USED green bedroom suite: bed, largo vanity, bench and chest with mirror, $32.50, Lucas Furniture. 3-21 WONDERFUL BUY Maple bedroom suite: two twin beds, chest, dresser, and nite stand, $72.50. Lucas Furniture. 3-21 CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES Phone 4041 after 7 p. m. or address R. H. Bunnell, 3927 So. 6th. 3754tf FOR SALE Living room furni ture, washing machine and ice box. 318 Laguna. 3-21 FOR SALE Rockhill everbear ing strawberry plants. Crys tals, Lakeview-Merriu Junc tion. 3-25 .FOOD FOR DEFENSE with ' Planet Jr. Garden Seeders and Wheel Hoes. A complete line at Mitchell, Lewis and Staver Co. "Keep 'em plowing." 3-21 BLUE TAG Certified Gem Po tato Seed, $2.25 and bags. Single drop common seed $1.25 and bags. H. R. Jackman, Malln. 3-24 38 For Sal or Trad FOR SALE OR TRADE $500 equity and furniture in mod ern 5 room house, garage, and 2 lots or will trade for house trailer, 547 Torrey Street. 3-23 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT Nicely furnished small house by cou ple. Phone 9103 days, 3091 evenings. 3-21 WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Martin's Produce, 2415 So 6th. 4-3 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our- ex pense. 4-llmtf WANTED Two cheap used trucks, for storage. Phone 7032 afternoons. . 3-21 WANTED To rent pasture for 2 or 3 horses. Mrs. G. L. Stew art, 801 Division St. 3-24 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Middle-ajed work mare, weight 1500. John A. Short, Merrill Highway, Crystal- Springs Junction." 3-27 CHICKS Hansen leghorns 10c, pullets 22e, : Hampshire 11c, bcoiler chicks 8c, leghorn cox 2c,-. all- U. S. approved, U. S. . pullorum ' tested. Free cata logue, Ogden's Farms, Hub bard, Ore; 3-22 THKHR CHICKS WORTH MORI THAN EVER BEFORE IPov vfth meat u Vclt u ft birds la (rett demand oar 16 j ears of experience n tpedej Uloe In bit. bardjr. feat' (Catherine, egs lay Ins BKAVIRS and HYBRIDS belter, more pmfluhle btrdi for yon It Now hatch ina BURRARn KKW HAMPSHIRKS ilred by breeder direct from New Hampshire: DARK rORXIHH: and N. H. CORNI8H R. I. RKD CORNISH CROSS. All heni from our own hlnodteeted hreedlna nock. Write for prlcea and Information on oar baiky. Tlforoui chicle from these itraiat. ROOMS' HATCHERY, Boi Ml-A. Orland. Calif. S-tf TEAM well broke horses. Age 7, weight 1600 lbs. Also sat harness. E. H. Durkee. State Line road, 3 miles west of Malin. 3-25 CHICKENS FOR DEFENSE See the Oakes Complete Broil er plant at Mitchell, Lewis and Staver Co. "Keep 'em plowing." 3-21 BABY CHICKS hatching every week. Guaranteed pullorum tested. Homedale Hatchery. W. H. Morgan, 6820 Leland Drive, Klamath Falls. 4-9 WANTED Poultry, rabbits, tur keys, livestock. Trulove's. Phone 4282. 3-31mtf FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5361 Midland, road. 3-31mtf FOR SALE Five-year-old black saddle horse, four-year-old bay horse. Phone 8381 or see Lynn Warren. 3.21 48 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT KNDORSERS WAYS TO OET A CONSUMERS CASH LOAN FHON1 . WRITS . COMI in Yon Deed no eo-alenera or eodonera to sat a oonaumen loan THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1-INOOMK UMNS On your not only. No wift ils menU. No. coilgnt,, , NO. ft-roRNlTURK LOANS Tour character la mora Important than tha furnltura Itialf NO. -ACT0 LOANS ' -. i0 to 9300 aih toaoa and raft nanclng. CONSUMERS CREDIT (U-ISl 720 Pine St S-UH Phone 7711 48 Bualness Opportunitlea BEAUTY SHOP Well equip ped, doing excellent business. . New Rilling wave machine. Bargain. Cash or terms. Now handled by1 estate.- Write own er. Box 134, Burns, Ore. 3-21 46 Financial See . . .. Dinty Moore For . AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned V Motor Investment " ' COMPANY l X. 7th IK. M-tn rhona ans ' r'mtf 48 Buslnese Opportunities FOR SALE Furnishings and lease rooming house, good lo cation. Price reasonable. Ph. 4848. 3-21 FOR RENT Space for beauty shop. Downtown location: Reasonable. Call 4888 after 7 P m. 2490tf 25 M CAPACITY SAWMILL, A-i condition, idouu, terms. Plenty timber close by. Les lie L. Babcock, 401 South Riverside, Medford, Ore. 3-28 FURNITURE STORE Must sell account sickness. 847 A St, Springfield, Ore. 3-21 LUNCHROOM and equipment-' cesi nine spot in town, proud to sell. Box 3517, News Herald. 3-21 LEGAL NOTICES ................ 1 i -ipiin n ri.njuVuij NOTICE OF LANDOWNERS MEETING KLAMATH DRAINAGE DISTRICT Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of uio iHimuwiicrs ox in a ivuunain Drainage District of Klamath County, Oregon, will be held at the office of- the District, Room 12, Melhase Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 1:30 o'clock P M. on Saturday the 28th day of March, 1942, which meeting is called for the purpose of elect ing one Supervisor to serve for a term of three years, and' for ine transaction of such other business as may come bef or the meeting. - C. L. LANGSLET, Secretanr. ' M 14-21. No. 37 School Dlstrlr-4 Ko 1 lnl(. bids on wood as follows: 100 cords, more or less, of fir body wood, cut In four foot lengths, all wood to be cut from live trees and tiered and , stacked on ground at River side School, to be measured and approved by the Schools' representative ... iZ w j--- ' Alternate bids -. will .ha enn. sidered on ;: - -.. Pine body wood; pine or fir core centers; or fir slab.- . - Bids to taflL cnnirierH miief specify fully type of wood, and positively wui noi do considered unless ACCnmnAnloel hv f.ef-f'(,u4 Check or Cashier's Check. Un certified personal check will throw bid out of competition. -All wood must be delivered not later than Aug. 15, 1942; . Successful hlrtrW will tu r. quired to enter into contract win me uisirici, to give oona satisfactory to the District for fulfillment of contract. ' All bids to be in the hands of the School Clerk not later than 5:00 o'clock P. M. March 25, 1942, at her office at 116 North 8th Street. IDA M. ODELL, Clerk School Dist. No. I. F 27. M 6, 13, 20, 24. No. 29 CRITICISM IuVnuun, Marcn 21 iP) ; Criticizing an order by - the ministry of labor for work to continue on Good Friday and Easter, the Church of England newspaper said today "The gov ernment still seems to go out of their way to wound the susceptibilities of those who wish to worship God as well as serve their fellow men." Effect of noises on the nerves of a girl typist was tested by a scientist. Why not test the ef fect of gum cracking on the boss? ' Camel-ette mm H 1 !. '-, v New arrival at Central Park menagerie In New York is a girl camel weighing 68 pound. I fp() ! ... 1