March 20. 1042 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE PRESS LEADER W CONGRESS STOP! STRIKES NEW ORLEANS, March 20 AP) Cliurlos P. Ma in hi p. Butnn KoiiKo publlshor and president o( the Southern Nows paper Publishers' association, Thursday Issuud the following statement to the Now Orleans Glutei in response to a query a to "whut conxreu should do re garding strikes, overtime and bolldayi": "All ovor the couth there It growing demund that congreu with or without the blessing; of tlio White Jlouso, put an end to strikes In defense plunts, put an end to lubor union rucutverlng, jDtit an end to war profiteering, A 40 houri a week, to boondog gling, to 'nodal galni' as uiual. "1'lnln folks are demanding that Washington wake up and reallxe that we era fighting an all-out war, upon which our very existence u a nutlon depends, and that up to tthe present time wo huvo been loilng this war. "They want to atop reading about strikes and lockouts in de fense plants, when our soldiers and sullors are fnclng deuth on land and sea. "They want an end to federal experimentation, boon-doggllng, and all sorts of foolishness that has been going on In the name of national defense.' They are tired of seolng their money recK lessly spent, and precious time carelessly wasted by Washing ton planners who are pushing dubious 'social gains' in the Am of nutional defense. They nfre weary of Indecision and cockeyed forms of radicalism. "We say to congress: 'keep your eyes open and faca the gravest crisis in history.' "We say to the folks at home 'keep on writing.' " Lang lit Cut Washington Speed Limit OLYMPIA, Wash., March 20 (UP) Governor Arthur B. Lang' lie Wednesday night Issued an order, effective at midnight, re ducing the speed limit on all state highways from 00 to 40 miles an hour, In line with President noosevelt's suggestion that motorists drive slower in der to conserve rubber. Stale Highway Director Bur well Bnntx also Issued an order under tho highway code setting the limit at 40 miles, and direct ing changes In speed signs. The governor asked county commissioners to take similar action on county roads. Beating Beneficial, Victim Tells Judge NEW YORK, March 20 (P Two years ago Georgo W. Henry, then 08 and in poor health, was beaten severely during a labor dispute. Ha swore vengeance against John Ward, 26, and Joseph Whalen, 27, and caused their in dictment for the assault Yesterday an astonished Judge dismissed the indictment at Henry's request after the latter CVilsted the defendants had done mm a favor by trouncing him. Henry said that when he went to a hospital after the assault, doctors discovered he was suf fering from a chronic ailment, and cured him. Langell Valley Frank Dearborn received tha aad news that his sister, Mrs. Eva Jenkins of Santa Monica, Call!., passed away on Wednes day. Mrs. Jenkins and family had visited in Langell valley many times. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Revell and Mrs. W. D. Campbell en Joyed the concert in Klamath Falls Monday evening. Mrs. Cleda Wells of Bonanza visited several days last week with Mrs. Cora Leavltt and fam ily. OMrs. Homer Roberts left Sat day for Seattle to visit for two weeks with her daughter and her son. Because engines always stop in tha same position, thus weak ening valve springs unevenly, It is desirable to t o u e h the starter button lightly for a an other half turn as the car la be ing put away for the night. Old Time SQUARE DANCE PELICAN CITY 0 Friday Night Hold Everything! SI.. -J r I I COT. IW1 ST Ml IKVICI, IMC T. M W. M. AT, Off, 3!f "Apprentice Scanwn Jones reporting, sir ready to start ot the bottom and work up!" Australia Better Equipped To Fend Off Japs Than Any Territory Allies Have Lost EDITOR'S NOTE: Harold Guard, United Praia correspond ent who covered tho battles of Malay, Singapore and Java, out lines, in tha following dispute!, Australia's prospects for with standing Japanese invasion. U Is one of tho first dlsputchvs of lis kind to be filed from the Australian front. By HAROLD GUARD MELBOURNE, March 20 (UP) Australia has more fighting equipment thun had any terri tory overrun by tho Japanese thus far, military experts said today. Furthermore: 1. Man for mon, the Austral ians are better fighters than tho Jnpanese. They proved It when they stuck It out In the losing Malaya campaign against ter rific odds. 2. The army defending Aus tralia is much larger than those the Japanese conquered In Ma laya and Jova, and It is an army of white men fighting for a white man's country. So far the Japanese have encountered largely native armies defending tho administration of their soil by one colonial power against the encroachment of another. 3. T h a Japanese successes have beeh scored In countries teeming with native civilians which enabled th lnviHn disguise themselves, whereas In Australia thoy will confront hos tile, Intelligent people Defense Planned 4. The Australian army will be led by seasoned campaigners Inured by axis tactics in the European and Pacific theatres. Ever since the first World war, Australian leaders have been planning the common wealth's defense, have been haunted bv tho nlahtmnr nf Japanese attack with no time for moninzaiion. That nightmare no longer ex ists. That Is one of the rilcriiH blessings tho war In tho Pacific rougni to Australia. Since Dec 8 Dec. 7 by western reckoning of time the Australian imperial force has been tightening train ing and discipline while bring ing the army to its full strength In addition. Aunlrnlln wn n. abled to accumulate sizeable re-1 serves of supplies, according to uuthorllatlve comment here. Sparing no Efforts Tha Jupaneso must make an etfurl to dcfcul Australia, mili tary experts suy. Any talk of a choice between India and Aus tralia ignores tho realities. Jap anese milltury tactics more often tliun not follow the policy of attacking strength rattier than weakness. It is logical to assume that the Japanese army's next assignment will be an effort to subjugato Australia in order to wipo out the main base for sup plies and manpower from the United States. Aware ot the situation, the allied command is sparing no efforts to muss the greatest de fenslvo and offensive forces in the history of the Pacific not only to stem the Japanese tidal wave but to reclaim the overrun territories. Already Attacking The Japanese successes have been scored by a nazl pattern, Including disguised troops, in filtrators armed with Tommy guns, reliunce on mortar rather than artillery fire. Always the Japanese command has followed tho policy of landing either at several places simultaneously or going through the motions of landing at one point while launching the main attack else where. From the military viewpoint such tactics will prove difficult In Australia, the vastnest of which can be likened to an ocean with three "Islands" separat ed by 000 to 1000 miles of arid country. Tho Japanese air force al ready Is attacking the northwest "Island" comprising Port Dar win, Wyndham,' and Broome. The attack may herald an inva sion attempt to establish naval and air bases for an onslaught against shipping in the Indian ocean. Alternative Alternatively, they might at tack the second "island" of western Australia to gain a springboard for an invasion of southeastern Australia. That seems improbable because such a venture would entail difficul ties of transport and supply across the tableland. Another alternative would be FOUR FLOORS OF FURNITURE Ample stock to make your horns mora enjoyable than overt TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE FOR THE BETTER! 3 piece Bedroom $A9S Suite taf OholM or Sleeefwl er Walnut rinlih 4 piece Bedroom Sc ISO Suite Twin Bed SA.T80 Suite . Economy a well as mora cheery atmosphere for your bedroom when you choose one of these! IIDER WILL HIRE OWN WORKERS PORTLAND, Ore., March 20 (AP) The Kaiser company an nounced Wednesday it would hire its own shipbuilding em ployes for its new Vancouver, Wash., yard through Its own of fice regardless of union affilia tion. J. O. Murray, personnel di rector for Kaiser, said an office would be opened in a day or two in Vancouver and that workers ultimately to total be tween 20,000 and 30,000 will be hired on application and call ed from ttho application lists. No request for any union af filiation will be made. What the .workers do after they are em ployed Is up to thorn, Murray said. He made It clear that the yards, now under construction, are being built by AFL workers. The firm has an agreement with AFL Building Trades unions. AFL officials here refused to comment on Murray's announce ment. The federation has a closed shop coastwise contract for most shipyards. CIO spokes men were Joyous over the an nouncement. The congress has for many months urged that workers In new yards be given a choice as to affiliation. Other union observers pre dicted the plan would result In an NLRB election after the yards are in operation to decide whether to hove a union and if so, what union. Food Rations Cut In Germany, Report LONDON, March 20 iP) Reuters said the Berlin radio was heard today announcing that food rations are to be re duced in Germany beginning April 4. The broadcast reported that there will be cuts in bread, fat and meat rations, but that these will affect only the normal con sumer, about 40 per cent of the population. to keep naval vessels and trans ports working south along the north Queensland coast, which would present a more suitable attacking route to the heart ot Australia, the fertile stretch from Newcastle southward. Authoritative sources say that until Japan has obtained a firm foothold in that area, her task is hopeless because until then Australia will remain the spring board for an allied countercam palgn. Should the Japanese occupy either all or part of northwest Australia, they would have three possible objectives naval and air bases preventing the use of airdromes and ports from which the allies could prosecute the war effort, and the diversion of large forces from east and south east Australia, where the main battle must be fought There is only one thing au thoritative quarters believe can defeat the army of Australia the failure of civil cooperation, both, here and in the United States. Looking for r-rgalnsT Turn to the Classified page. oFocketbook and palate will welcome this mural meat pie.C' Fresh Vegetables-Tonic For Tastes and Appetites Brighten up your menus with fresh vegetables. They are the best spring tonic nature can sup ply. Combine them with low cost cuts of meat Into tonics for your budget menus. PORK HOCKS AND SPRING VEGETABLES (6 servings) Two fresh pork hocks, 8 car rots, 6 potatoes, 2 cups lima beans, 1 small spring cabbage, 1 teaspoon salt, i teaspoon pep per, 4 tablespoons vinegar. Have skin removed from fresh pork hocks end cut in two pieces crosswise. Cover with water and simmer gently for li hours. Leave carrots and potatoes whole and add with lima beans and quartered cabbage to pork hocks. Add salt, pepper and vin egar. Continue cooking until vegetables are done, about 20 minutes. Arrange hocks in cen ter of platter with vegetables around them. LAMB PIE (Makes 6 servings) Two pounds lamb neck, cut In 2-inch slices, 1 teaspoon salt, teaspoon pepper, t teaspoon cel ery salt, 1 tablespoon flour, 2 tablespoons shortening, 1 cup wa ter, 2 cups fresh lima beans, 1 cup diced celery, 1 cup orange Juice, 1 standard baking powder biscuit recipe. Dredge lamb In seasonings and flour. Brown on all sides in hot shortening. Add water, cover tightly and simmer for 1 hour. Add lima beans, celery and orange juice and continue to simmer very slowly for 20 min utes. Remove to casserole and top with rounds cut from biscut dough. Bake In a moderately hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes. . SMOTHERED STEAK Two and a half pounds chuck steak, salt and pepper, 2 table- Clean Sea Flavor Have the Best! Your LjBJWRESSSS Grocer ftfar '"tint Warrenton Clams Look for the Ror spoons shortening, 1 cup sliced onions, t cup water, 1 cup dark corn syrup, 4 tomatoes, quartered. Wipe meat with cloth. Season with salt and pepper and brown In hot shortening. Add onions and cook until tender. Combine water and syrup and pour over meat and onions. Cover tightly and simmer for 40 minutes. Place quartered tomatoes on top of steak, and cook, covered, for 10 minutes more. Remove to hot platter and serve with sauce and vegetables from pan. MENU , BREAKFAST: Orange Juice, cornflakes, wholewheat muf fins, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON: Cream of on ion and potato soup, enriched toast, fresh vegetable salad, molasses cup cakes, tea, milk. DINNER: Smothered steak, parsley new potatoes, 8-min-ute new cabbage, spring salad, ' rhubarb lattice pie, coffee, milk. Vale Cool on Jap Migration SALEM, March 20 W) John L. Caldwell Jr., secretary of the Vale chamber of commerce, tele graphed Governor Charles A. Sprague yesterday that migra tion of Japanese to the Vale district would be opposed unless they are concentrated in groups and placed under military sup ervision. He said citizens in that region do not want Japanese - unless they are colonized, supervised, prohibited from buying or leas ing land, and that they be re moved after the war. New York doctor is suing for a $4000 bill. That's enough to make the patient sick again. Refresher Course In Nutrition to Be Offered Here A refresher course in nutri tion for home economics gradu ations will be given for local women, the course prepared by Mrs. Jessamine Williams, chair man of the refresher courie, state nutrition committee. The course will be taught by Mrs. Wlnnlfred Glllen, Klamath county home demonstration agent, and Karen Nelson, Klam ath Union high school home eco nomics teacher. The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, at :30 p. m. In Room 103, Klamath Union high school. In Argentina, American mo tion pictures hold a dominant position. German films rank second, French third and Span ish fourth. Nursery School Program Set Tho public Is invited to attend the nursery school program to be given Friday night at S o'clock in tho Mills auditorium. An excellent group of entertain ment numbers is scheduled. The school Is sponsored by the nursery council under tho direction of WPA. Funds will be used to purchase food, It was announced. Hit-and-run laws in North Carolina apply to motorists who hit dogs as well as persons. Heel Repairing a Specialty Highest Quality Fast 8erv!ea CONNERS SHOE SHOP 121 N. ttb St Just Wait til you Try delicious THE NOURISHING (Cora imI Tapioca Added) that Comes All You Get All These NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF OATMEAL VITAMIN Bl - VITAMIN CALCIUM PHOSPHORUS IRON KTOURISHIHG? Ton Ml A 1 Delidoas? Mm-m-m-mt In feet, ifs aet this combination of utraataf ee Out Is swufins CWroraiOATS to such speedy and am whelming popularity t This tempttnf readr-to-eat breakfast tha is 75 grand oatmeal ... with com and tapiooa adaad for extra criepnesa and unique "blended" aaverl Yon sat important itamina and mineral! of oatmeal ... to ' toll oatmeal proportions 1 Try CHXESIOATS today! General MiHs Ioc, Minneapolis, Minn. " - 321 Mala KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. Dial 6383 1 1 "In tho White Building" . Next to Willard Hotel 1 1 " SATURDAY SPECIALS Parisian Apple Cake This Is really a tempting coke, filled with fresh Oregon apples and ust the right amount of spice topped off with Apricot glaze and sliced Oregon Walnuts. 35c Rum & Butter Loaf Cakes 25c Meo Danish Coffee Rings 20c each Honey & Roiled Oat Bread Just for a change why not try this tasty loaf. 75c 0 lb. &&CETERHA '.' Prices Good Friday Through Monday Spec! al Values Wo Reserve the Right to Limit Fancy Whole Shrimp Pheasant, 5-os. Tin . 19c 2l Jkfri FANCY SWEET PEAS S Sieve 303 Cans 2 cans 2$C Coffee Our Leader. M M tar Drip or Reg. Grind Ib. pkg. Brimful Tomato 71-os. can 1t Hot Sauce 6 or O Kraft 91 1 Swiss Cheese lb. 3 Pheasant Fancy 1 1 Dill Pickles qt.Jar S b W Tin of 3 Bouillon Cubes .. 3 tins O Liberty Bell tt Syrup 24-oz. jar Campbell's Except Chicken, Mushr'm ff Soups 3 cans Josephine No. 21 cans Tomatoes 2 cans O KeUogg's f All Bran Lge. pkg. 7 Tex-Delta 46-os. tin ' f q Grapefruit Juice .... tin Meco Brand 303 cans 1f Peas or Corn 3 tor J Swansdown 49 1" $ Flour lcrr8,ndbrl 2 Hicntex Pure vegetaoio m jam Shortening 3;. Junket Freezing Mix amoem, OeWeua tee Creams V SM Vanilla Slraaterry Ohooollte Maple Pkgs. 15 Fancy Long Shred Cocoanut lb. pkg. Swansdown Cake Flour .... lge. pkg. "3 j-uu-iij-TLri-nri nriri-i- - PICNICS Stoear Cured. 14 er whole CI men Drnii Memira wklWfc.w WMVwn pride BEEF ROAST Blade Out BOILING BEEF VEAL STEW .270 35c 24c I7c Meat Prices Saturday Only 29 17 Kraft Chocolate Malted Milk. lb. can Hershey's Cocoa lb. tin Kraft Miracle Quart Jar M 4 1 Sandwich Spread ....... I Oregon Brand 22 Milk 4 tall cans M Powdered or Brown 9C Sugar 3-lb.pkg. Pla- Safe 9C Matches ...... 6-box ctn."? M. D. or Scot 1000 sheet roll - Vgl Tissue .. ......... 3 for Feli-Naptha ifO Soan 10 bars FlaTor-Loaf FLOUR Milled or Soerry'i Inrlehoe with Vltamlne end Ira 49-lb. sack J7? Dntotnae Klamath Netted Gems. U. S. rUldlUn No. 2. These ara raallv f in eaBeeAeeAAeeABaeeeekreAerAAeAava FRESH NEW PEAS no. a. 1 ae ere realty sine potatoes. Nice else, no dark centers. Take advantage of this low price. 50 sL.?k 95c 25 J 49c FANCY FRESH ASPARAGUS 2 . 25c TOMATOES, fancy field grown ...... lb. 104 AVOCADOS, firm ripe ea. S RADISHES. GREEN ONIONS .... 3 bo. Ot LOCAL PAR8NIPS 3 lbs. 10 Thril ty Buyers Shop Whitaker's Groceteria . Consistently the Lowest 120S Klamath Are. Free City Delivery on Orders of 12.00 or Over Phono 4103 Sack VW Sack Produce Prices Saturday Only