r PAGE EIGHT ' THE EVENING HER ALT). KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON DFC Awarded Three Flyers For Extraordinary Heroism U. H. AIR CORPS HEADQUARTERS, SOMEWHERE IN AUSTRALIA, March 20 (UP) Lieut Gen. George H. Brett, com mander of the United Nation air force In the southwest Pacific, Wednesday awarded the distinguished flying cross to three vet erans of the Philippine and Java campaigns who now are leading fresh American replacements in the battle of Australia. The announcement of the awards for "extraordinary heroism" was the first United States army communique issued in Aus tralia. The crosses went to: Lieut. Col. Emmett O'Donnell Jr, of New York; Capt Harry Galusha and First Lieut. Julius B. Summers. At the same Brae, it was re-, Feb. 19 durine th. Jn. .t. vealed that Australian, Dutch and American veterans of the previous campaigns now have been reorganized and are back on the firing line armed with priceless experience to pass on to their fellow countrymen to help them combat Japanese aer ial tactics. At the same time, it was re vealed that Australian, Dutch and American veterans of the previous campaigns now have been reorganized and are back on the firing line armed with priceless experience to pass on to their fellow countrymen to help combat Japanese aerial tactics. O'Donnell, mentioned pre viously In Washington dis patches, was leading 17 bombers to Clarke field in the Philip pines on Dec. 9 to load bombs for an attack on an enemy land ing party at Vigan, on the west coast of Luzon island. Galusha earned his cross on tack on the island of Bali. He was standing by for the impending Japanese naval at tack on the island when the air raid alert was sounded on his field. "The bombardment group took oft and Galusha proceeded to his target and made a diving attack on an enemy transport, scoring a direct hit with a SO kilogram (about 100 pounds) bomb and a near miss with a 30Q kilogram (about 660 pounds) bomb," the citation said. Summers during the same at tack, "climbed to 1100 feet above the target and scored a hit with a 50 kilogram bomb and a near miss with a 300 kilogram bomb on an enemy cruiser. Some of the men stationed here told stories of other feats of heroism of the battle in Ma cassar strait over which the Am ericans kept a "permanent thun derhead." I1 1 111 "- !. 1 1 mmmmmm JP. V.J..JI r pr-u tie",'' ' i t .-A mi ., -v . i;3r V t, 1 i ..... ,,.vr 1 ttv ,f 'i 1 Happy Easter-Serve This Festive, Budget-Wise Meal Three Low-Cost Recipes Given for Gala Table Good meat, fruit, good fresh vegetables and plenty of them that s a nutrition program with the zest for living in it Try these recipes now. They make a good menu for Easter dinner. and are low cost despite their gala taste. BUTTERFLY HAM WITH BROILED ORANGES Have butterfly slices cut from ham butt They are made by cutting double slices the first slice is cut not quite through, then the second slice Is cut all the way through. Have slices ' cut 11 Inches thick. Spread well- seasoned mashed potatoes be tween butterfly slices, and fasten cut sides with tiny wooden picks. Bake in a slow oven (300 degrees F.) for 1 hour, and 23 minutes. For broiled oranges, cut me- diuA-sized oranges in half. Scal lop the edges with a small sharp knife. Sprinkle each half with a teaspoon of white corn syrup or honey, dot with butter, and place 3 to 4 Inches below broil. ing unit until brown. To serve, arrange ham in center of hot platter "surrounded by broiled oranges: "Allow 1" to pound ham per serving.-''"'''''' CREAMY FRUIT PUDDING " v (Serves 6) ' Cut 'I- pound marshmallows into eighths with a wet knife and combine with 4 cup diced pineapple, 1 cup sliced candied cherries, and I cup sliced Brazil nuts. Fold 1 cup whipped cream into mixture and chill several hours. Pile into sherbet glasses with whole cherries and Brazil nuts. Here's a llghthearted dessert for some Sunday when spring is in the air. FLORIDIAN ORANGE BASKETS (Serves 4) One package lemon gelatin, 1 cup boiling water, i cup lime Juice, 1 cup grapefruit Juice, cup orange Juice, 4 orange cups. Dissolve gelatin in boiling wa ter. Cool Just to room temper ature and add fruit Juices. Chill until firm. Break up with a fork and fill chilled orange cups or sherbet glasses. Serve with whipped cream or custard sauce MENU . BREAKFAST: Stewed dried apricots, country sausage, golden muffins, coffee, milk. DINNER: Butterfly ham with broiled oranges, whole pickled beets, steamed spin ach, green salad bowl, creamy fruit pudding, coffee, milk. SUPPER: Creamed eggs on toast, vegetable salad, Jelly cake, tea, milk. Directed Verdict For Boylen Asked . PENDLETON, March 20 (TV Arguments - will be heard at Portland Saturday on a defense motion for a directed verdict in the federal court trial of Tom Boylen, Jr., Pendleton sheep man, charged with conversion of mortgaged property to his own use. The motion was made yester day and Judge Claude McCol loch dismissed the jury until Wednesday. He said he would hear the arguments Saturday and rule on the motion Monday. ' - LUCKY NUMBER COLUMBIA, S. C When Glenn Sigmon built his home at 1313 Gladden street, he got permission for the number to be changed to 1315, explaining he'd been dodging 13'a all his life This week he got his number in the draft lottery. It was 131.3 MAY GET IT FIRST HAND FORT RILEY, K as. Reading, writing and other element-, rv school work are added to the training routine of 75 selectees. The recruits, mostly from the hill country, are completely ab sorbed by one subject geography. NO FAVORITES AUGUSTA. Kas. (IS Cant Walter Sharlow received a let ter from a chaplain friend which bore heavy marks of cen sorship. The friend, located in the West Indies, also is the censor. There can no longer h an doubt that the Soviets are mass ing all their forces in men and material for a fantastic effort to brine? ahnitt a ilMtldnn lin correspondent of a Zurich ircw&paper. It's time to think of the Easter feast Plan to serve spring fruits and vegetables in abundance and a low-cost meat with a high- grade flavor. Try this carefully worked out menu as part of your Happy Easter gathering. SHOULDER OF LAMB WITH RHUBARB STUFFING (8 to 10 Servings) Four to 5-pound shoulder lamb, salt and pepper, 21 cups finely cut rhubarb, t cup water, 1 cup white corn syrup, 2i cups soft bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon finely chopped carrot tops. Have bone removed from shoulder lamb to form pocket Wipe meat with cloth. Salt and pepper Inside pocket Combine rhubarb, water and corn syrup. Heat to boiling and boil for 3 minutes. Combine with bread crumbs and chopped carrot tops. use to stun pocket in lamb shoulder. Skewer pocket in place. Place on rack in a roast ing pan and roast uncovered, in moderate over (300 degrees t.i, allowing as minutes per pound. If a meat thermometer is used, roast until temperature reads 180 degrees F. TOMATO ROSE SALAD (Serves 8) Eight firm tomatoes, 12 ounces cream cheese, 2 hard-cooked egg yolks, watercress, French dress ing. Peel tomatoes and chill. Soften cheese with milk. Form 2 rows of petals on each tomato by pressing level teaspoons of softened cheese against the side of tomato, then draw ing the spoon down with a curving motion. Sprinkle cen ter of each tomato with hard cooked egg yolk pressed through a sieve. Serve on crisp water cress with French dressing. FIG BANANA BRICK (Serves 8) Two tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca, li cups milk, 2 table spoons sugar, h tsaspoon salt, 1 cup dried fi,, 1 cup heavy cream, 1 cup mashed bananas. thoroughly. Pour Into freezing tray of refrigerator and freese, stirring 2 or 3 times. Unmold and slice. MENU BREAKFAST: Grapefruit Juice, crisp bacon, whole wheat toast, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON: Cream of fresh spinach, toasted hard rolls, honey cookies, tea, milk. PARTY OR EASTER DIN NER: Fresh fruit cocktail, shoulder of lamb with rhu barb stuffing, potato balls, baby lima beans, enriched clover leaf rolls, tomato rose salad, fig banana brick, cof fee, milk. M FOR JUSTICE MALIN Irving Capek this week announced his candidacy lor me oriice of justice of the peace of the Tulclake district on the republican ticket. The office has been held for the past two terms by T. W. Chatburn, Merrill, whose name, it is ex pected, will be on the ballot also next November. Capek, for six years city re corder and police judge, is sec retary of the Mnlin chamber of commerce, secretary of the new ly organized Mnlin Republican club, and a member ef the civil ian defense council here. He finished his schooling in Chi cago where he also studied law, coming to Malin in 1928. At the present time he is employed at the Malin Mercantile com pany. Mr. and Mrs. Capek and two children, a son and dauihter. Transport of Men Across Pacific Bright Spot of War By VERN HAUOLAND MELBOURNE, March 20 (AP When the history of this war Is written, one of tho brlghtost chapters will deal with the transport of men, planes and arms across the dangerous waters of the Pacific a remarkable naval achlovomeut. Each convoy and each separate ship has Its tulo of during, of encounters with the enemy or of successfully dodging attack. I came ovor on the first large convoy to make the non-stop voyage to Australia. Surviving four abortive submarine attacks, our party of remodelled liners, fnst freighters and naval vessels dexterously sidestepped the enemy through 10,000 miles of submarine-Infested ocean. The llama lournev tnnk thm , followed loud spenker orders netter part of a month. Submarines sneaked into at tacking range four times. Each time they were chased away or sunk before they could Inflict any damage. All of the attempted attacks occurred on the south Pacific In broad daylight within two weeks. Tho fourth attack came when the convoy was less than 300 miles from Australia. The third, a fow days earlier, was the most daring. Depth charges were dropped upon the attackers at such range that the shock was felt strongly aboard ships of the convoy. The submarines did not come to the surface. The men took the danger In stride, displaying amazing calm ness. Carefully drilled In prepara tion against attacks from under sea, the surface or the air. they 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind, 2 teaspoons vanilla. Cook tapioca and milk over hot water about 10 minutes: strain but do not rub tapioca ! make their home In Malin. uirougn sieve. Add sugar and salt to strained milk mixture. Chill. Boil figs 10 minutes in water to cover, drain, cool, clip stems and chop. Whip cream until stiff. Combine with figs, cold milk mixture, bananas, lemon rind and vanilla; mix LEO'S GARAGE 2nd and Main A factory trained mechanic for every make carl ALL KINDS OF AUTO REPAIRS TERMS IF DESIRED. TOWING SERVICE DAY or NIGHT PHONE 8398 quickly and efficiently whether the command was to clear decks or to stand by lifeboats. TAKING NO CHANCES COLUMBIA, S. C. A guest fj unloaded the luggage from his automobile In front of a Colum bia hotel. . Then ho carefully took out two new tiros and marched Into the lobby with thorn under his arms, "I am going to take 'em to bed with me," he told a porter. A lamp post or safety zone havo never been known to strike an auto except In self-defense. Ring around the dish pant Suds that disoppear? Guess you've never tried Par Jeep; You'll find dealer near. PAR SOAP contains Tyro" which prevents scummy water and rings around the dlnh pan and washer. Par pro vides extra protection for your hands as well. And sudsf Oh, boy! At Your Grocer's i x it tsr ? x m , mr --f a T w They're sweethearts in any port 1TZ moans America huroted Ritx Its lavonte meter because lti -. "&i x ne on. quailed fmluMM and fitTor of Ritz is typical of 500 vari tiea of cracten and cookie Identified by the red Nabiico eaL Look for thia quality symbol when you buy. m BAKED IT RABISCO RATIONAL BISCUIT COMPART GO III! MILL HIT BY FIRE MOLALLA, March 20 (JPy Fire swept the workshop of the Ostrander Lumber company in the Dickey prairie district last night causing damage to build ings and equipment estimated from $25,000 to $50,000. Look' g for Bargains? Turn to the Classified pase. LUcJJlLH m EVERY SATURDAY NITE Mmi kr OREGON HILL BILLIES PALACE MAKKETT . GROCERIES AND MEATS p,1Bp..i;. Hom wn,d 8tor 824 Maia 8t- F" Delivery Phone 4109 Free Parking . . . Customer Parking. Lot at 5th and Pine ... We Reserve Right to Limit SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Blade Cut targe Creen Stalks af Pot Roast ... lb. 25 Asparagus. 2 lbs. 29 Shoulder " a7 F7 J-9 Veal Roast . . lb. 27 Artlchokcs ' ' " ca' 5e targ. Green Bunches, Fresh Tt t . BroccoH bn. ISc Pork Roast . . . lb. Mil RIp. Boneless AVOCatfOS ...... C8. SC StewBeei..21bs.S5C gy. ,. Mc Specials for Saturday and Royal Club Vacuum Packed -. Corn y& Coca-Cola 2S M;oD.Tlssue 25 Whole Kernel ...2 forO BottI c 3 Rolls -J -- (Plus Deposit) . , Trupak California H1U, Brofc Blu Can Spinach 2c Coffee 25 No. 1 cans 2 for Meo B"n Lb Pk Table Queen H 17 Swan Pur. Whit. Floating . . No. 21 Can I . Salad Dress. Soap Qt, Jar 3 Reg. Sis. Bars v Royal Gelatin and Rippled Wheat vr Be Br,nd HSmjr -iy agay 1 Here are grand food buys (hat will moke any Homemoker start yodellng- Hi-Ho Butter Crackers Large pkg 19c Sta-Crisp Crackers 21b. box 19c Fig Bars Fresh baked, plain ' wholewheat .. 2 lbs- 25c SWANSOOWN Cake Flour 23c Large Package DRIFTED SNOW Horn. Perfected 49-lb. Bag .. Flour ........S2M TRU-AMERICAN Matches Carton 21c CLEANSER Sunbrite 4 Can. 17C CAtll Swansdown Hour 49 Lb. . $1.99 2 Cans Standby Cora... 1c AFLOLR$100 Cnffaa Hilu Bro- M.J.B.. Golden West. Folgars 1 Lb. OO-, 2 Lb. OTTee Schillings. Maxwell Hous. Can 3iX Can 62 Shortening 8n8waTlft 69 Pard Dog FoocJ r 3 Can.25c ni -j-.-.-.-. d ' ITIWIIl.- nunc. Medium Tomato Sauce C. H. B. Catsup Nucoa Margarine SsW Spinach No. ISi Can 6PL.bi$U7 Case of 3 AC 41 Cans 2 LPb,.20c 6c.n.29c Bottles 29c 2lbi.51c - 2 for35c PEAS Habit He. lien. MS PEAS AND CARROTS tSl FRESH LIMA BEANS Mmo, No. I ma 'No. I',, ten HWilU 1 v. cm Ne. tV. m KRAUT Dlumnd A, tin ean VEGETABLES FOR SALAD Century, nil Mr) SUGAR nnrure PEARS aeriullle, Ne. VA a PEACHES Bel Meala He. fA vnui.vaa 1 W TOMATOES " Pun, ean 2,-25c 3h,29c 2 ti 2 9 c 2, 29c 10c 3,0,25c 2 29c 3, .25c 2r49c 22c 22c 4, w45c 2,.,35c Emil't Quality Meats SWISS STEAK Lb. T-BONE STEAK ........Lb. SIRLOIN STEAK Lb. RIB STEAK Lb. HENS Swift's Golden West lb. 33ti BACON Dry sugar cured. By the piece lb. 32 SLICED BACON Swift's H-lb. pkg 25 39c 39c 35c 35c STEAK Veal shoulder, ten der, economical ... lb. 29 VEAL ROAST Always a' ... family treat lb. 23 BEEF ROAST Swift's guaranteed goodness. Lb 2Sf) Garden Fresh Vegetables Fri. and Sat. Beautiful DAFFODILS ... 2 doz. 9 AVOCADOS Medium slse, SUNKI8T ORANGES Full of Juice, large JiOt ISO slse 2 dos. O GRAPEFRUIT Arisona, large 64 slse, Dos ., ASPARAGUS All green, 2 lbs 8PINACH Young, large bunch 39 19 tender, 5 ripe. each CAULIFLOWER Extra lancy, large heads NEW pEAS AND POTA. TOES 3 lbs RHUBARB Field grown ... lb, 5 Extra 17 29 5 Raisins .. J&W Apple Butter Lorraine Beans 28ce.d Meco Peas Corn No, 303 Can .... Tender Sweet, Choice Quality, 303 Can Pork & Beans lZA. 4 Lb. Pkg. 29c , Large Jar 23c 10c (orW io for -Wfc 10c 3 3 Pink Salmon Qnlmnn Merrlmae, Columbia River, Large No. H Can Salmon. Ravioli Chicken & Noodle Tomato Juice J2cJ9c Tail Cans .. Tall Can 21c 29c Tall Can 25c .. Tall Can 10c 2for25c 2Noc.n?25c RINSO o..,M, 63c u23c LUX FLAKES Urn Pioltia- 23c SWANS0APu 10c LIFEBU0YS0AP 319c LUX TOILET SOAP 3.J9c EC EN Scot Towels 1 9 0. 104 SUPER MARKET 8th and Pine Ph. 3187 STORE NO. 2 1338 Or. At. Ph. 4714 STORE NO. 3 2200 So. 6th Ph. 8B76 Scot Tissue 3 'oils 20t) ... 0 lor 2S HB5B S Waldorf Tissue