March 20. 194fj' PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON IS NOTE SOUNDED IN IGL TALK TULELAKE An optimistic talk on the world situation by Bert Igl, Klamath Falls, imbued Tulelaka Rotarians this week . with the Idea that perhaps after all the war will stimulate in genuity and self reliance in the people of the United States. Lack of materials and imple ments upon which we have de pended to make living easier should be the incentive for the manufacture of substitutes. Brains, he remarked, will be put to use figuring out new ways of doing old tasks. Mistakes In direction of the war effort must be expected and rectified and the population must expect such errors in such a gigantic undertaking, Igl stat ed. President Clark Fensler called the meeting to order and the new reception committee of Eddie Gresham, George Heiben and Dick Dickson functioned perfectly. Charles K. Weise led the community singing. One guest, Glenn Kent of. Klamath Falls, was present, i Karl Gentry, in San Fran cisco this week, will be chair man of the program next week. P. C. Bergeman also was in San Francisco on the meeting day. Alturan Pays Official Visit to Tulelake Lodge TULELAKE Charles Bald win, Alturas, inspector of the seventh Masonic district of Cali fornia, paid his official visit to Canby Cross Masonic lodge, AF and AM Tuesday night. He was .accompanied by - Leon Smith, also of Alturas. ' Arthur Schaupp, - Klamath Falls attorney, a thirty-third de gree Mason, spoke on national defense. Fred Flock, worthy master of the Klamath Falls lodge, was also among a number of other Klamath Falls Masons present. Otis Roper, acting master In the absence of Fred Fisher who entered service with the United States navy immediately after being Inducted into office, pre sided. j Poe Valley Among those' who attended the auction sale from the valley at Malin Sunday were Joe and John Nork and Irvin Rose. Web Van Meter and children, Louise and Dale, were weekend visitors here from Dorr is. Mr. Streeter was a business caller here Sunday -from near Merrill. The Bert Wilder family are moving into the old Earl Webber, place. The Jack Holzhouser family ! moving to ' Klamath Falls where Jack has found employ ment. Will Meacham made a trip to Ashland Monday. : Clarence Webber Is getting tome land ready for a crop of peas which he Intends to sow this spring. v . Vic Brown is getting some ground ready for potatoes on Archie Roberts' place. Clarence Webber took a load of hogs to Klamath Falls market Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Ross were shop pers in Klamath Falls from the valley Saturday. ' Mrs. House is moving some of her things into the old Irvin house. ' George Smith was a caller here from Malin Thursday. . SIESTA RYE BEACH, N. H., March 20 (AP) The girls of Stoneleigh college intend their spring fiesta March 21 to be 8 gala affair. They were a 't dismayed, therefore, when t. invitations came back from the printer with a typographical error describing the event as the "spring siesta." FRESH, OPIi 1 DEFENSE mm mm By the Klamath County Nu trition Committe for Defense Those of us who like our cakes, pies and pastries have been wondering how we can continue on a normal basis with sugar rationing looming in the foreground. One thing that will be done we will be looking for sugar substitutes. Among the sweet foods that are being railed to tha colors in the defense kitch ens of America are honey, mo lasses, corn syrup, maple syrup and sweet fruits. Honey, which is 75 per cent sugar, is the oldest of the world's sweets. It may be used as the sweetening agent of cakes, cookies, pies, frosting, sauces. and as a beverage sweetener The distinguishing characteristic of the sugar in honey is the ease and rapidity with which it can be assimilated into the blood stream. When using honey m pastries, recipes should be used which are especially prepared for its use since the water con tent of honey must be taken into account Molasses is another old-time sweet Molasses is the syrup -f the sugar cane which is trailed down and contains all of the vi tamins, minerals, and sugars in the original juice. When using molasses for sugar, it should be kept in mind that one cup of mo lasses will give as much sugar and sweetness as one cup of granulated sugar. One cup of molasses contains about four ta blespoons of water. For each cup of molasses used in baking, one-half teaspoon of baking soda should be used. Corn syrup may be used in frosting, cakes, cookies, pie and in canning. Sugar rationing may help America in proper nu trition in this way. Statistics show us that with normal con sumption, the average person has too much sugar in his daily diet The average daily consumption of sugar per person is 41 ounces. This will probably be reduced when rationing goes into effect In order to make good use of sugar substitutes, particularly honey, the following recipes will probably prove helpful: A j--;-.-..y'tlJS!H!LjBbfe.'ar.a "The Case of the Perfect Coffee," or "You can't make a bad cup of M-J-B" stirring PRESTON FOSTER mi JEAN PHILLIPS, FT of ParamomWt "NIGHT jiani 7t' strong, but very the gagt . ristoni No gagWs the Now try this othsr cup'. Hera's why It nerer fall I Make your code with the sun ear as you have in the put Thee two exclusive M. J. B. features a uniform roast and double blending will give you the fin eat cup of coffeeyouerertastedt ; ORIP MND...for drip or glo v r l , I W' ' I f Chocolate Cake 2t cups cake flour or 21 cups blend flour. 1 teaspoon salt' I teaspoon soda 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup fat I cup honey 1 egg 2 squares chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup sour milk Sift flour, salt soda, and bak ing powder. Cream sugar, fat and honey. Add egg yolk, melt ed chocolate, and vanilla. Beat well. Add sifted dry ingredi ents alternately with sour miltc. Fold in beaten egg whites. Bake in moderate oven t370 deg. F.) for 40 minutes. Rolled Cookies 3 cups blend flour 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup fat 2 eggs cup honey 1 teaspoon lemon rind Nuts for top of cookies if de sired. Sift flour, sugar, salt and bak ing powder. Cream fat, add eggs (Part of one white may be re served to brush over cookies.) Add honey and lemon rind. Mix these ingredients well. Com bine liquid and dry ingredients. Dough is easier to handle if it is allowed to stand in a cool place for about 30 minutes. PoU about t inch thick and cut. Place .on a baking sheet IX de sired, the cookies may be brush ed with slightly beaten egg white and sprinkled with chop ped nuts and granulated sugar. Bake in a hot oven (42S deg. F.) from S to 10 minutes. Suggestiqns for Sandwich Fillings Peanut butter and honey Mix equal parts of peanut but ter and crystallized honey. Dried apricot or prune marma lade Wash apricots or prunes Grind fine. To 1 cup of ground fruit add 1 to 1 cup of honey to give a desirable marmalade con sistency. Blend this mixture well. Place in jars, cover, and M - IN NEW ORLEANS" 1 . ..AA MamAiMMC. .1 7S -'.-. ,9 7 I i .1- &f I good. What' perfect cast. BOUIll YOU1 MONIT BACK! Buy a pound of M. J. B. Try it for a week. If you don't agree it's better than any other cof fee, return the lid to M.J. B. Co., Sin Francisco. We will refund ' double your purchase price. coffee makers. RIOULAR MIND. allow to stand about two weeks before using. . Applet in Honey Salad 4 medium apples 1 cup honey i cup vinegar 1 cup water i teaspoon cinnamon or red cinnamon candies. Core whole apples, or cut In quarter sections. Skins may be left on. Mix and heat honey, vinegar, water and cinnamon. If red apples are desired, use from four to six cinnamon candies for each apple in place of the ground cinnamon. Cook apples slowly until just tender. Remove ap ples from syrup. Boll syrup un til thick and pour it over apples. These apples may be used In sal ad or served with meat Yeast Bread 1 cake yeast 1 cup lukewarm water 2 cups milk 1 tablespoon shortening 2 to 4 tablespoons honey 11 teaspoon salt About 6 cups blend flour Soften the yeast in the warm water. Scald milk over hot water. Add fat, honey, and salt to hot milk. Cool until luke warm and add yeast Add enough flour to make a stiff batter. For the sponge method this batter is allowed to become light and spongy before more flour is added. Then add enough flour to make dough just stiff enough to knead. Turn on to lightly floured board and knead enough to blend Ingredients. Cover and let rise until double in bulk. Bake from 45 minutes to 1 hour in a hot to moderate oven (325 deg. to 373 deg. FJ California Cuts Requirements for Army Draftees SACRAMENTO, 'March 20 (UP) Many potential selectees in California will be eligible for induction into the army as the result of lowered requirements for eyes and teeth, Brig. Gen. Joseph O. Donovan, state dl- j rector of selective service, an nounced Wednesday. The new dental requirement is merely the ability to eat and digest army "chow" he said. All local draft boards have been ordered to re-classify regis trants granted deferment due to deficiencies in teeth and eye sight A baby whale may weigh as much as 7 tons at birth. BABY'S COLDS Keller misery fast externally. Rub on WICKS 1 W VapoRub jiANt WhaVs cooking, detective? Mistoni I'm up against the per fect easel Bert fry this coffees. 5. J iiANi Weaker, but Wl delicious, too. Say, what are you trying to prove! aisTONi That a case of M.J.B. is the perfect case. I've made it every way and it's swell every time I ..for percolator or coffee pot, TAXES-SPRAGUE ASHLAND, Ore., March 20 (UP) Oregon is in position to reduce ita income tax rate by at least 20 per cent Governor Charles A. Sprague told meet ing of the Ashland chamber of commerce Thursday night. The governor said hit admin istration had eliminated all property taxes from state pur poses, a two mill levy for the elementary school fund and a one-halt mill levy for retirement of veteran's aid commission bonds. Other steps with which he characterized hi administra tion's Interest in the taxpayer were the taking over of the counties' share of public wel fare administrative costs and partial absorbing of old age as sistance programs. During the present state ad ministration, the governor point ed out the bonded indebtedness of the state was reduced more than $10,000,000 and a surplus of better than 12,000,000 built up in the state treasury. Medford Camp Road Work Complicated PORTLAND, March 20 (ZD Construction of an access road into the Medfodr army canton ment was complicated here to day by high bids opened by the state highway commission. Two bids on the south half of the road both were considerably above highway department esti mates, commissioners said. The commission delayed ac tion until later in the day. Low bid on the four miles of grading and paving of the south half was entered jointly by Leonard-Slate of Multnomah, and Jacobssen-Jensen, Portland, $421,337. McNutt Bros., of Eu gene, bid $443,433. Babler Bros., Portland, was low on the north half with $312, 887.50. . Both whales and opposums are mammals, but a baby whale outweighs a baby oppossum of the same age about 49,444,000 times. At Tomato Juice SUV Sutra Large Ripe Olives no SrW Had Kidney Beans Armour's Treet M'e.rr" Jacob Boiled In Butter Mushrooms,,. J0m Hamburger Steak And Onions 12 e, e.n. 29c "- 3 '.S5sfiS5 J Phone 3138 How's Your Smell? Find Out for 50 Cents Per Sniff NEW YORK. March 20 (UP) A genuine Imported toque fort cheese a scarce item now that they no longer can be Imported irbm France' ar rived Wednesday to go to work raising funds for the British American ambulano corps. The corps owns the ilva pound ah, valued at 1100. On of the last shiploads brought from Franc 19 months ago. It was flown her from Chicago. It will be put on exhibition at a Manhattan store, where cheese-lovers can't buy it, and can't touch it but can smell if for SO cants a sniff. OLD AGE ASSISTANCE VENTURA, Calif., March 20 (JPh-Mrs. Cristobal Garcia Soto, 93, "wanted someone to look after me in my old age." So she and Carlos Martinez, 69, applied for a marriage license. He's a bachelor. s urn Gasancas w e 23c , . .19c 2 we'!.29c 2 .69c 43c etB s Stable. J "'r ,25C - (Sou a www We Deliver Free KEYTON NEW HEAD OF KUMATH ELKS Frank Peyton was eleoted exalted ruler of Klamath Falls Elks lodge. No. 1247, at the an nual balloting Thursday evening. He will succeed Exalted Rulor Lawrence Slatar. Other new officers are: Jack Unman, leading knight; Ray Rugcr, loyal knight; Glen Evans, lecturing knight; Don Hunt, sec retary; Robert A. Thompson, trustoo; R. F. England, tiler; Lea tor Offield, treasurer; E. B. Hall, alternute delegate to the grand lodge. This year's change of officers marks the retirement of Lloyd Porter as treasurer after more than 20 yoars In that post Ho re fused nomination. One out of every 20 trucks operating on American highways Is owned by government fed erul, state or local. Quality Ham Ends Shoulder Beef Pot Roast , Ca 1W ba Huqor- W0.,29c DU0fi aeons e,nt Peas r- I SauerKroux. 1 1 I Mate Won" Rib Boiling Beef .J7c, Fresh Beef Tongue . .... lb. 19c Fresh Ground Beef 2 lb. 45c Shoulder Pork Roast lh 32c Trash Dressed Colored HENS and FRYERS m : ennne Defense Begins Boylen Testimony 1 PENDLETON, March 20 OP) The defense opened today In the trial of Tom Boylen Jr., Pendle ton sheep man charged with con verting mortgaged proporly to hi own use, following a surprise conclusion of the government's case yesterday. On the stand late yesterday were Robert N. Duhlgran, FBI agent who arrested lioylen at Now Orleans in October, 1040,' Harvey Kay, Memphis, Tenn.,' lloylon's brother-in-law, and Eugeno Boylen, the defendant's brother. Dahlgren said that Boylen ad' mltted mortgaging shoop to the Baker Production Credit associa tion and selling soma of them without turning ovc. all of the proceeds to the association. Ha said Boylen refused to sign a statement to that effect, how ever, without first consulting his attorney. For propor handling of a plane, a pilot's movements must k be rhythmic rather than Jerky. V Fresh Frozen Loganberries 19c Meais 290 ,k 27c SEVENTH STREET CORNER flNI 0 o