Mnrch 20, 10-12 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE To Minnesota Mr. and Mrs. l''rc(' Hanson und iluiiuhli'r, J. yte, nro t'li i (into to llivlr liuimt In MIiiiidhoIii frciin l,un AiiKi'lrs where they Imvo spent the winter visiting Mrs. Hun son's ultilor. They n!o spent a hurt lima In Sun Ptiblii with sovcrul of tholr diiutjhlcrri. They arc vlnltlii hero with Mr. uml Mm. J. C. Mnrln, 2;t()4 Homo avenue, Mm. Mnrln mul Mm. llntiHiiii lira KlHlnm. After leav ing hero they will vlrilt Mr. and Mm. Dun Mnrln of I.rbuiion, Oro., unci other relative In Tu conm nnil Spoltmiu. They vlnllcd In Tiilolnkn on Wednesday with Mr. und Mm. George Potucek. Clones to Moot Tlio flmt meeting of canteen aid dugse wub held Wudmwluy iiflernoon In tliu homo economics room of the Itoonevolt school with 2 In ttendunco. .Second meeting wax scheduled for Thumduy night In the Kremont school homo eco nomics room. Thirty-nix women attended tho iiru-rnoon nutrition cltiM In tho Kremont school on Tuesduy and Iho Wednesday night chiss will equally lis well attended. Woman Injured Mm. Annie llurutto wan reported rilightly In jured In un aiitomohllo collision Wednesday evenln. Tho lie cldent occurred at tho Inter section of tho Market und air port ronds, when a car driven by Durlo Lurnlto of 3147 llourd num avenuo and a truck driven by Donuld H. Howell of Houto i collided. Visit Hero Mrs. W. H. Cur ler and duuiilitcr, Jounnle Hel frlek of rortlund. stopped In Klumnth Falls Thursday en route to Monterey to visit Curler who Is member of tho reserve of ficers corps called Into active duty. They were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Nell Black while in this city. To Co South Mm, Bert Shuey of 1)20 Wulnut avenue Is leuvlng this weekend for Los Angeles where she will visit for 10 days with her son und family, Mr. und Mrs. Fred Hlniey, and her duughtcr's fum lly, Mr. und Mm. Guy Conody. Go to Stockton Mr. und Mm. Elbert Vciitch left Friday morn ing for Stockton, where they planned to visit their son, Holi er! K. Veatch, who is with the a I r corps ut Stockton field, Short Spring Vacation Cluck Wonver, student nt tho Univer sity of Oregon, will spend the weekend hero with his parents, Mr. und Mm. F. L. Weaver. From Portland Sain Lock wood, formerly of this city, spent Wednesday In Klumnth Fulls loin rortlund. For Your '.l'!!..r:ii;;;i!,:i:illll i;iNi:W!i:!i'!.i:ii .illiUlfilllllllll-'illliKfl'liilllllllllliil!! TIRES GRANTED ELI GIBLES BY COUNTY BOARD Sailor Draws Last Number MAIL CLOS1NU TIME (Effective September 28, 1941! Train 17 Bouthbouiidi 8 . m. Train 20 Northboundi 10:00 a. m. Train 19 Southboundi Bi45 p, m. Train 18 Northboundi BiOO p. ra. To Be Called Embert Fos sum, editor of the Klamath Uasln Progress, will bo called Into the regular army shortly after March 26, according to word received here. Fossum will servo as a second lieuten ant. Mrs. Fossum and daugh ter, Janet, will remain In Klam ath Falls. From Portland Mm. K. D. Jones of Portland Is visiting at tho homo of her daughter's fuinlly, Mr. and Mis. Jack Hur licy of Crescent avenuo, and with her son's family, Mr. and Mm. Charles Jones. Mrs. Jones Is a former Klnmath Falls resi dent und has many friends in this city. OBITUARY ALICE ESHOM Alice Eshom, a resident for tho past your, passed away In this city on Friday, March 20 at 2:45 a. m. The deceased was a native of Vancouver, Wash., nnd was nged 64 yeurs und 0 months when called. She Is survived by a brother, C. R. Bird of this city; also 4 nephews and 3 nieces. The remains rest in Ward's Klumnth Funernl Home, 023 High street, where friends mny call Sundny afternoon. No tice of tho funeral nrrnngements will bo announced Inter. LDS Conference A special conference will be held Sunday, March 22, In the library club rooms with D.' S. Bennion, recently-appointed president of the Northwestern States mission, Church of Latter Day Saints, In attendance. Meetings are slated for 10 a. m., 2 and 7:30 p. m. The public is invited. Juveniles Meet Juvenile club of the Degree of Honor lodge will meet nt 1:30 p. m. Suturday at the KC hall for Installation of officers. Juveniles, parents and friends aro invited. Valley Meetings Mrs. Nettie Davis and Mrs. Charlotte Fltz huiih will entertain the Langcll Vnlley Women's club at tho for mer's homo on March 26. Every one Is cordially Invited. Mrs. Frank Pepplo will entertain the Guild of St. Barnabns church at her home on April 2. Eagles The Fraternal Order of Eiiglcs was scheduled to hold u get-together Friday night fol lowing tho regular business mooting in tho Eagles hall. All members and families were urged to attend. Saturday Night Dance The Eagles' auxiliary and drum corps will sponsor an old-timo dunce Saturday night at tho KC hull. Estln Klgcr'a orchestra will pro vide the music. Tho public is invited. Summers PTA Summers PTA will sponsor a card party Saturday night at 8 o'clock in the gym. Tho public is Invited. Refreshments will be served. Pelican Bay Mill Employes There will be un open meeting for all employes of the Pelican Bny mill Frldny at 7:30 p. m. in the IWA hnll at 919 Klnm ath avenue, according to an nounccmcnt by local 6-12 of the IWA. Read the Classified page. Thirty-eight (ires, 13 tubes, 12 obsolete tires, S recaps and two retreuds were grunted to 31 uppllcuiils at Thursday's ses sion of the county tire rationing bourd. Applications by the state police for two curs to bo used In law enforcement, und by An drew Gludney for 1 cur to be used for the superintendent of airport construction, wero also okuhed. The following people were grunted tires: A. E. Gregory, 2 tires and one tube, farm transportation. C. W. Litzcnbergur, two tires and two tubes, furm truck. Norman Hclmc, two tires, farm truck. Kraft Cheese Co., one tire, wholesale food. J. H. Schneebergcr, one tire, furm truck. W. M. Raymond, one tire, log ging. Hurry F. Brown, titrec tires, obsolete, transportation to war industry. Lloyd K. Newlun, two tires, obsolete, farm truck. S. H. Thompson, three tires, obsolete, furm pickup. S. E. Gurrctt, two tires, ob solete, transportation to war industry. Angclo Serena, two tires, ob solete, transportation to war industry. W. M. Raymond, two tires, obsolete, road maintenance. J. Murvln Hilton, one recap, wholesale food. Lost River Dairy, one recap, wholesale food. Lee's Truck Service, one re cap, common carrier. James Burness, two recaps, gasoline transportation. Charles E. Drew, two retreads, farm truck. Freddie Milunl, one tire, farm truck. Allen E. Gale, two tires, farm tractor. J. J. Gcljsbeck, four tires, logging. F. A. Ohlcmcycr, one tire, farm truck. Dean Miller, one tire, three tubes, gasoline transportation. Big Lukes Box Co., two tires und two tubes, huuling unfinish ed products. Hicks Grocery Service, one tube, wholesale food. Klamath Heating Co., one tire and one tube, fuel hauling. James Burness, one tire and one tube, gasoline transporta tion. Ewauna Box Co., four tires and four tubes, factory equip ment. Eagle and Son, five tires and one tube, form truck. Wm. H. Haltcrman, four tires. "Must mmmammmm mmpmmwHtwmwl!m'li'l'Jlt 'f ii T .. sr -.W. .i . sS v j a aV Y BUT NOT YOUR TASTE! During the pnst few years, whiskey lovers have voted, through their purchases, an overwhelming preference lor full 90 proof straight whiskies, such as Century Club. Though times hnvo chanced, your taste Is the same, insist on century unio, tne wnisxcy tnai Is still 00 croof and fully matured every drop B years old. mg0 THIt WHIfKIV IS 5 years old WITH 2. 10 QT. 1.2.1 PT. m mm ST R A I a H T IOURION WHItKIV FULL 90 PROOr INtUV SUTtLLINa to., HOl. IttlNaTf mi i" sty's ' r t . ' i A ; 1 i J f - i ("'.,,' . 1 1 n '',: . If, S " ' - t ' 'y - j IF ' -. v-4 . rvV-4- nii. f,.i-i , 20 TEACHERS 'f" nrHiT' - rfirr itir i,-, ! 7 Albert Carter (left), sailor from Albany, Ga., smiled as he drew the last number from the bowl at Washington in the war's first draft drawing. Standing beside him is Brig. Gen Lewis B. Hershey, selective service chief. The draw ended in a little more than 13 hours after it started. airport construction. Joe Lema, two tires, airport construction. Jones & King, one tire, air port construction. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS HAWKINS Born at Klam uth Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., March 20, 1942, to Mr. and Mm. James Hawkins, 222 North Fifth street, a boy. Weight: 6 pounds 11 Vi ounces. KUNZ Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klnmath Falls, Ore., March 20, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. William Kunz, 701 Division street, a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 12!4 ounces. ROBERTS Born . at Hillside i hospital, Klnmath Falls, Ore., Mnrch 20, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Innis Roberts, 926 Newcastle street, a boy. Weight: 7 pounds 10 ounces. ... The first secretary of agricul ture, was Jeremiah McLain Rusk, who served under Presi dent Harrison from 1889 to 1893. The pnhua, a large clam of the South seas, can clamp and hold a human prisoner until death. 1 Latter Day Saint Conference Slated A conference of the Mission aries of the Southern Oregon district of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will be held Saturday at 2 p. m., in the library clubrooms. D. S. Bennion, newly-appointed president of the northwest ern states mission, will meet with the group. Bennion is the cousin of the Captain Bennion, who lost his life at Pearl Har bor and whose valor was cited in the memorial service held at Washington, D. C. Almost 77 per cent of fatal accidents happen on dry roads. GET PLAGES ON TENURE LIST Twenty Klamath county school teachers who this month completed their third year of satisfactory service In the Klam ath county school district, have been added to the permanent tenure list. Under the teacher tenure law in effect in the coun ty, teachers go through a three year "probationary" period, and aro then automatically retained in the school district as long as their work Is satisfactory, or until they wish to leave. y j The 15 elementary teachers! listed as now on permanent tcn- ure are: Lucile ii. Mains ana Ruby Arnctt of Bonanza; Doris E. Cooper, at Weyerhaeuser camp and Rose O'Leary of Fair haven; Imogcne Boothby, Echo Smith and Laverne Doty of Shasta; Lorraine Stevens of Ma lin; Maxwell Marvin and Betty H. Evans of Henley; Marguerite Arcasa of Chlloquin; George R. Hobbs of Sprague River; Isabel Kerr and Louise Swemraelaar of Altamont elementary school, and Elbert Wattenburg of Alta mont junior high. The five high school teachers are: Stanley Click and Helen E. Dumbeck of Henley; Carol J. Looslcy and Irving N. Wiley of Chiloquin, and Helen E. Hoff man of Sprague River. Tests have been completed for the navy by the bureau of stand ards on an Instrument panel in dicator which warns the pilot at a glance as soon as any spark plug fails to function properly. Only about one-half of the 492,000,000 acres of forest land In Canada contains timber of usable size. Four-door and two-door se dans comprise 80 pjr cent of (II the automobile tales in the United States, ;', W ' Aft lk - fi , i. . i-m. r--,trr,j,, ii Read the Classified page. The Deb featured for jSprincj. by. . Coiumbian J$tiflist& This spring more than ever before more attention ll ; ' being paid to individually styled lens shapes which I'.', more successfully complement the cosmetic appear V ance. Columbian has many completely new stylet . No charge for eye examination or consultation-' One price cash or credit . ,. .2 registered optometrists to serve you ... . Convenient terms to suit your budget - HAVE THE MUSIC YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT ITI DERBY'S MUSIC CO. 120 No. 7th Hdqs. for RECORDS All Kinds in Stock. Three Day Service on Orders RECORD CABINETS RECORD ALBUMS 12 pocket loose leaf Albums as low as 75c - LEADER in providing this specialized service hgMMIsrMsMMaM I l lUlWW'll Mlm'W H WP I ijT" Si i inn him ii iruineninTiiiniiriiifi-nminif m--i"iV yV ,1 - Km LEADER in administering it j W I :'1!WTit I For all motorists who want to keep their cars serving dependably, the words to remember arei See your local Chevrolet deafer. . . . Chevrolet originated the "Car Conservation Plan," and he Is a specialist In "Car Conservation." . He gives skilled, reliable, economical service on all makes of cars and trucks. . See him today see him at regular Intervals If you want your car to "see you through." Atk About tht Buditi Plan. Low down-pmymmt and Miy terms on parts And i.rric. Always see your (oca CHEVROLET DEALER. FOR SERVICE on any car or truck "CAR CONIIRVAIION" tOOKLKT Fftlll You may rclve copy of thli utcful booklet from your Chevrolet dealer, or by writing to: Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corporation, A-tJ? General Motors Building;, Detroit, Mich. Af nyY TURNER CHEVROLET CO. 410 South Sixth Street Phone 4113 KpEFENS Ml RITY ,?J UNITED VteJ, STATES Miff SAVINGS if LjLBONDS EASTEK COAT! SUITS- Flattering Beyond Description Plaids, Red si Navies, Naturals! ' f Br The COATS: Shetland fabrics . . wool and ray on cavalry twills . . nubby tweeds , . beautiful new plaids new styles galore. Fur-trimmed cas uals. Tailored dressy coats. - The SUITS: Man-tailored and dressy types . pleated skirts. Smart plaids . checks . . stripes . . crepes, . tweeds . . brilliant reds. v.-..- Use our LA YAW AY PLAN Tremendous Assortments of Stunning New Easter Arrivals! I ml ial , - Easter : jj Difesses.": Featuring "SUIT DRESSES" Now so popular! : 1 Adorable, print dresses with solid jackets. Suit dresses in twills, POV- . elty spun rayons, stunning cdr). trusts ana iitirinuiiiea. CAtiwait.., high shades. Jersey prints. Naples... OPEN UNTIL 8:00 SATURDAYS ': f.y.r ' IT..'- ;-. :i 617 Mailt' i