March 20, 1042 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN 6WOROOM furnUlifd npnrt ment. Close In. 405 N. 3rd. 3-21 rOUK-UOOM nicely furnished apartmont. Hut and cold wn tor furnished. $32.50 month. 1128 Grant. 2EK3 FURNISHED ArART?ENT 601 Market. 4 1 VACANCY Small 2-roomiiult-abla for two adult. 323 Com mercial. 31iOUtf CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnlnhod. ('on venlent hotel icrvlco. liiy, week or month. 4-llintf THREE-ROOM furnished upnrt ment. 2043 White. 'JIKJUlf GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Furnished compluto with i;nr age. $27.50 and tip. Wrycr haeuser district. Phono SOU4. 3-23 FURNISHED APAItTMENTS . Wood, llBht. water, tins 410 Q N 10th 3 24mtf VACANCY Esplanade Court. Furnished. 3-31 in, f VACANCY Everything fiir nlshed. $3 50 up. 1404 Klum ath. 40 FURNISHED 4 rooms. Modern, 2 bedrooms. Inquire 21 II) Ap pletiMe. SSflOtf VACANCY Corner Eii.i Ilns kins. Hot wntcr heiit. I'hone 3BflO 3001)t( IS HouiM For Rant FOR RENT 3-room howw, un furnished. Garage, woodshed. Couples only. 2443 Hope St. Telephone 3013 after 5 p. in. 3-22 FOR RENT 4-room house. 1020 Q Johnson Ave. 3 20 FIVE-ROOM modern unfurnish ed house. Close In. Two-room modern furnished or unfur nished on I acre good ground. 1-room modern unfurnished house. Phone 8212. 3 20 UNFURNISHED new two-bed-room house, suburban bus Una, f35. Nice 3-room house with bath, 32.50. Phono 7008 3442U" THREE-ROOM furnished house. Bath, garage. Wator pnld. 2424 So. flth. 3 21 FIVE-ROOM modern house, Ore gon avenue, $20. Call 320H. 30UOtf FURNISHED 2 ROOMS, bath. 1320 Oak. 3441tf VE-ROOM strictly modern un furnished house with upstairs furnished apartment, Mills id dltlon Inquire 355 E Main OOOtf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save H. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phona 8304. 4-7mtf FOUR ROOMS furnished. Large yard, trees, water. $20 16B2 Manzanlta. 3-20 UNFURNISHED 2-room house and bath. Close In. Phone 4533. 3-20 BACHELOR CABINS 425 Wil low. 4-5 THREE-ROOM HOUSE Neat, attractive tile. Full basement, garage. Phona 5658: 2037tf MODERN 8-bedroom home, . 3 0 blocks from Main. Phone 6340. 3306tf TWO ROOM furnished house. Phone 8075. 3701U PARTLY FURNISHED 3 rooms, bath, garogo. Phone 4404. 3-21 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE Oil floor furnace. 414 Upham. Phona 6503. 3-21 THREE BEDROOMS, furnished. Phono 7512. 3-21 UNFURNISHED 3-room house. Hardwood floors, nutomntic oil furnace, electric hot water tank, fenced-in yard, ono bed room. 318 Laguna. Phone 5748. 3-21 NICELY FURNISHED 5 rooms. 820 Washington. Inquire 110 N. 8th. ' 3-23 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE with gar- don spot. 1414 Homcdalo. 3-20 IVE-ROOM HOUSE Newly furnished. Close In. Inquire Loulo Pol In, 7th and Main. 3-20 THREE ROOMS, furnished. Wa ter, garage. $18. 255 Broad. 3-23 CLEAN 3-room furnished house, $30. Whltcy's Grocery, 324 Brond. 321 21 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR RENT Ahout 18 acres po tato ' land, M. D. Anderson, one mllo south St. Barnnbns church, Langcll Valley. 3-23 FOR RENT 6 acres with build ings. Inquire 223 So. 5th. 3-21 FARM TO RENT FOR CASH Straight south on Homcdnlo Cj road about 4 miles. Mary E. w Dixon, Rt 1, Box 824. 3-23 DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cada Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery! what have you? Call at all hours. Phone 5113. . 4-Omtf. 28 MIcIlanoii For Hant aWWWrrWarrWsrs"r FOH HUNT 00 acres potyto ground. Nows-IIorald Dox 38B3. 3-21 PA8TUHK -for BOO hend stock rnttlo. Address correspondence Slcvo Caluhan, Chlloquin, Ora. 4-10 30 Itool Estate For Snla Bost on Summer's Lane Brand new attractive 2-bnd-room homo, choice location on fertllo nno-hiilf acre, house above a v e r a K J construction, liiri rooms, hardwood floors. Priced at V4,2iio, with very low payniPi.U. CHILCOTE & SMITH Slnco 1000 111 N. 0th Kt. Phone 4Si!4 3-20 FOR SALE 4-rwim iiinse. Rnr-j Hue, i aero. 1730 Etna St. 3-2:i I TWO llEDHOOM HOME Hard wood floors, fireplace, kus tur niico, rmigii nnd hot wator tunic. KuH prlc only $1780 DARNHiSKL AGENCY 112 Ho. 8th. I'hone 4105 3-21 SMALL HOUSE Sncrlflcn for I'hone 4007. 3-20 3-HEDHOOM HOME $1000 un der construction cost today. One yenr old, Venetian blinds, shades, curtain rods, Diesel heating plant, electric hot wa ter heater. Lloyd W. Husk, :.08 Auilin, off Shiwla way. 3-21 FOR SALE Six acres, seven room modern house, hardwood flo--rs, IiIkmIv Improved. 36 miles oul snivel road. Ho 2IIO0, Ncw,i -Herald. 2006 FOH SALE Four room modern house on Pleasant avenue. Ph 3001 22Utf FOUH-HO'iM modern house. Small bii tiient. garage. Lenox addition. Inquire Lien's store. 3-20 00 ACHES under Irrigation, good buildings, located on river and highway. Alfalfa pasture and potato land. $10, SCO. M. A. Bowman, Merrill, Ore. 3-23 FOR SALE Highest bidder. Five-room modern furnished house. No bid accepted under $1500 down payment. Open for Inspection. 2042 Altamont Drive. 3-28 FOH SALE 40 acres real sandy soil. All in alfalfa. Low Irri gation charges. Well located. $4500, Terms. A. J. Tracy. Phone 5500. 3-21 FOR SALE Equity In two-bedroom new home Full baso ment, furnace, hardwood floors. Backyard lundscaped with outsldo fireplace. 1347 Wllford street. Phone 5449. 3-21 FORT KLAMATH AREA PAS TURE for 500 head stock cat tle. Write Steve Calahan, Chlloqutn, Ore. 4-1 FOR SALE 6 acres good farm land. All under Irrigation. Has small 4-room house. 1 mile cast of El Padro on Lakcvlcw road. Will take good late model used car as down pay ment. See II. E. Haugcr, 1330 Main. 3-21 FOR SALE 50 acres good farm land, 4 miles out on old Mid land road. Priced for quick sale. See H. E. Haugcr, 1330 Main. 3-21 PRICE REDUCED 4-bedroom home. Hot Springs addition, 2 baths, nice yard, good loca tion. Phone 3669. 3-21 5 ROOMS with dinette, hard wood floors throughout, nice yard, shado trees. Box 3808. News-Herald. 3803 SACRIFICE two-bedroom house near Kcsterson's, $1493. $250 down, $17.23 month Including taxes. Phono 8331 evenings. 3-20 34 Automotive WANTED TO TRADE Equity in '33 4-door Plymouth, five good tires, for Model A or B Ford. 2316 Shasta way. 3-23 1041 BUICK SEDAN, four new tires, 3500 miles. 1739 Oregon. Phono 4820. 3-21 '34 PLYMOUTH $50 cosh. 220 Mnrlin. 3-23 '40 OLDS CUSTOM SEDAN Very good condition, good tires, heater, radio. WlU take pickup on trade. Obll Cole man, P. O. Box 383, Mountain Dairy. 3-28 1037 WILLYS Now rubber. $27.1. 330 Broad, Apt. 14. 3-26 FOR SALE Equity 1941 Chev rolet B-passcngcr coupe. 2220 Reclamation. 3-23 FOR SALE Equity In '33 Ford coupe. 600x18 tires, nickel plated wheels, heater. $100 cash. Phono 3072 or call at 1713 Main. 3-20 37 CHEVROLET COACH, $350. Can bo seen at 3021 Laverne. Phono 7H57. 3-23 '37 PONTIAC SEDAN $400. Fordor Bcdan, equipped with new tires, radio nnd heater. Original light green paint like new. Will tnko trade. E-Z terms, Alien Otto, owner, 1420 Main. 8-20 Automotive FOH SALE OR TRADE 1630 Chevrolet truck, good tires. 1408 Dayton St. 3-21 1033 FOHD, Rood condition. Sac rifice, $10ft. Torms. Phone 3151, Mr. Ware 4-1 1030 GRAHAM, fair condition, $50. Terms. Phona SIM. Mr. Wure. 4-1 DUAL, AXLE LogHitiB Trailer. Complete unll with bi'fikf. Has hauled 8000-7000 ft. Contact Manager Oregon Woolen &Uu-3-23 FOH SALE Equity '41 Pontlae Pordor sedan for cuth. Cull after S. 533 Jefferson. 3-21 NASH SERVICE AND PARTS a. Mulhose Garage. 3ca Hank, 4th and Klwath. 3-2.1 HIGHEST PRICES paid for late model used cars. Earl Smith Pontine, 1420 Main. 3!0Stf "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yoes, fac tory trained service manager. 2770H FOR SALE--1941 Pontlae coupe, excellent condition ' good rub ber. This car Is priced to sell. Call 822 Main. Phone 0038. 3-23 FOH SALE 1J38 Chevrolet tu dor, heater, now tires. Dial 3546. 3 23 EQUITY IN '40 CHEVROLET Good tlrci, low mileage. 1619 Gary. 3-21 WILL TRADE 6-wheeled '37 Roadinastcr Buick sedan, clear, for equity '30 or '40 8-cyllndcr sedan Call 4208 or 2434 Rec lamation. 3-21 WANTED Four used 050x17 tire. Phone 4967 or phone 4400. 2S04U FOR SALE 1930 truck wlU) rack and good tires. Phone 3760. 3-20 ! GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at 527 Kimball's Glass Shop, 7378 Walnut Phone 4-Omtf 38 Miscellaneous For Sal Auction Sunday. March 22 1 o'clock 3 miles cast of Klamath Falls at bend In Lakcvlcw highway. Bay horse, 8 years old, 1600 lbs. Black horse, 6 years old, 1000 lbs. Guernsey cow and calf. 22 feeder pigs Iron Ago potato planter Walkl.,3 plow 2-way plow Wagon and rack 2 cultivators 2 2-scction harrows Big Six mower Hay rake 2 discs 2 collars. 22 In., and 19 In. Miscellaneous articles Terms Cash. Lunch available during sale. R. A. Miller, Owner Col. Swlgart, Auctioneer 3-20 SALE Repossessed and Reconditioned Electric Ranges and Reconditioned Wood Ranges C. O. P. Co. 3-31 FOR FULLER BRUSHES sail R. V. Morgan, 3348, or Clem Joyce, 7808. 4-12 MIRRORS and furniture tops mado ' order. Wo resllver old mirrors. Kimball's Glass Shop Phono 7378. 4-6mtf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, Including suburban sections Block numbers indicated. In dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For snlo at Carmichacl's news stand, chamber of commerce. Ernto Ptluso's Drive-in, Ever body's Drug, Lee Hcndrick's Drug, Loulo Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News - Herald, Vic's Signal Service 2783U FOR SALE One used Case 34 Baler, size 17x22. The Do schutcs Grain and Feed Co., Implement Department, Red mond, Oregon, 3-24 HAUL YOUR WOOD NOWI You can got slab wood, edg ings or trimmer ends In any quantity at the bin, at the Ack lcy sawmill, 62 Klamath ave nue; Taka It away In gunny sacks or truckloads. Peyton's Bargain prices at the mill: 16-inch slabs $2 30 10-inch edgings $1.23 Trimmer ends $1.23 For delivered prices call, 8140. Peyton & Co. , 3178U 34 Automotive TURNER'S OK'd Used Cars Monday, March 23rd, by Government Order, Is the Deadline on 18 Month Contracts So Let's Make Saturday a Real Thrifty Day! A Choice Stock All With Good Rubber: '41 Chev Sp. Del. Sed. '40 Chev Del. Sedan '40 Olds Del. Sedan '39 Chrysler Roy. Sed. '39 Ford Del. Sedan '41 Ford Del. Sedan '38 Chev Spt. Sedan Turner 410 South Sixth Street ' Pickups '34 Chevrolet $225 '35 Ford $325 '35 Dodge $250 '36 Dodge $375 '36 C.M.C. $375 '36 Chevrolet ...$375 '37 Dodge $425 '37 Mock Jr $395 '37 Ford $425 '36 Ford Sdn. Deliv $375 All mechanically O.K. All with good tires, appearance tops A substantial reduction will be made on any of the above If you have your own tires. H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main Street 36 Miscellaneous For Sal FOR SALE 7ixl8 ft. trailer house, with or without fur nishings. Good tires. Pine Street Service Station. 3-20 SANDY LOAM TOP DIRT; also fill dirt. Phone 5569. 4-18 22 LONG RIFLE AND 30-30 CARTRIDGES now in stock. Southern Oregon Hardware. 3-20 TODAY'S SPECIALS Good Washer $20.00 Davenport Suite $15.00 Good Range $20.00 Beds, Springs and Mat- tresses $4.00 up We want to buy: 23 Davenport Suites 25 Washers 100 Beds complete 25 Refrigerators. See us before you buy, sell or trade. PALMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE Across from Safeway on So. 6th St. Phone 8469. 3-20 REAMES Golf Club Membership for sale, cheap. Owner leav ing city. Phono 5536. 3-23 FOR SALE Bicycle, oil circu lating heater, also household furnishings Including daven port and chair, etc. Ph. 5205. 3-21 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. 3-31mtf FOR SALE OR TRADE for mod cm home Income property located in Mills addition. Call 5366 after 6 p. m. 3-20 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 2781U FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 4-9mtf FOR SALE Netted Gem seed potatoes. C. H Booth, Bon anza. 3-24 BLACKOUT LAMPS Get yours at F R Hanger's, BIS Market. Phone 7221. , 3-20 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817. 4-8 34 Automotive TURN TO TURNER Where Reconditioning Is A Tradition Chevrolet Co. Klamath Falls We Challenge Comparison Do not consider price alone. Quality, terms, make, model and guarantee are factors all entering into the purchase of an auto mobile.. Compare before you buy. '39 Oldsmoblle Coupe - $685 5-passenger model with original grey Duco paint that looks like new. Tires almost new and equip ped with puncture-proof tubes. Extra good car. '37 Ford Tudor .......:::;. --,$339T ' Good mechanical condition'--and four new tires. - 1 -Radio and heater. A steal. 35 Plymouth Sedan . ,....$265 . A-l tires, radio, heater, fine running motor. . 36 Pontiae Coupe ........V. .....'...$343 r New rebuilt motor, 90 rubber and attractive original black Duco paint. 37 Chevrolet Coupe - $435 New set of Flsk Safti-Flight tires, new tan paint job and overhauled motor. 38 Willys Pickup $225 Good for 35 miles to gallon of gas. 36 Chevrolet Sedan $225 Fine rubber, good paint and dependable running order. 34 Chevrolet Sedan $145 OK mechanically, needs paint. ' '39 Ford Coupe . $490 Exceptionally clean unit, looks like new, 35 Pontlae Sedan $295 Motor overhauled, new first quality tires, original paint like new, radio and beater . 36 Ford Coupe '. - $345 New exchange motor, radio, heater and top rubber. 31 Chevrolet Coupe . $50) Weekend special. A good car with fine tires. 1420 Main Street OPPOSITE THE ARMORY Earl Smith Pontiae v 38 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Living room furni ture, washing machine and ice box. 318 Laguna. 3-21 FOR SALE Rockhill everbear ing strawberry plants. Crys tals, Lakeview-Merrill Junc tion. 3-25 .FOOD FOR DEFENSE with Planet Jr. Garden Seeders and Wheel Hoes. A complete line at Mltcholl, Lewis and Stavcr Co. "Keep 'em plowing." 3-21 BLUE TAG Certified Gem Po tato Seed, $2.25 and bags. Single drop common seed $1.25 and bags. H. R. Jackman, Malln. 3-24 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Klamath home In Hotsprlng Qist for Orovllle. Calif., home. See Shanks, 1806 Portland St., or write Box 13, Kcddle, Calif 1245tf 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO RENT Nicely furnished small house by cou ple. Phone 9193 days, 3091 evenings. 3-21 WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Martin's Produce, 2415 So 6th. 4-3 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 3713, our ex pense. 4-llmtf 34 Automotive '39 Stude. Diet. Sedan '40 Buick Spec. Coupe '40 Ford Coupe '38 Plymouth Coupe '38 Hudson Coupe '40 Chev Pickup . '37 Ford Pickup Main and Esplanade 44 Llveitock and Poultry TEAM well broke horses. Age 7, weight 1600 lbs. Also set harness. E. H. Durkee, State Line road, ,3 miles west of Maun. 3-25 CHICKENS FOR DEFENSE See the Oakcs Complete Broil er plant at Mitchell, Lewis and Staver Co. "Keep 'em plowing." 3-21 FOR SALE OR TRADE Fresh Guernsey cow. Rt. 2, Box 498, So. 6th. 3-20 BABY CHICKS hatching every week. Guaranteed pullorum tested. Homedale Hatchery. W. H. Morgan, 5620 Leland 'Drive, Klamath Falls. 4-9 WANTED Poultry, rabbits, tur keys. ltve;.ock. Trulove's. Phor e 4282 3-31mtf FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid tor beef, veal. hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co, Phone 53B1. Midland road. 3-31mtf 48 Business Opportunities FURNITURE STORE Must sell account sickness, 817 A St., Springfield, Ore. . 3-21 FOR SALE Cheap. Hanna Bar ber Shop, Roseburg, Ore. 104 So. Jackson Stj ' 3-20, 34 Automotive We've Been "Japped" Too BIG NEW ; LOW PRICE SALE IS NOW GOING ON at the LOWEST PRICES in HISTORY. Just check these price and you will wonder why I am doing this. ' ' ww.-m H ivuyi nil iwt9 w v IMI IVB IV HOI pi VI I J on. And I naturally want to reduce my used car itock b4s fore I go into service. . ' THE DOUCLAS MOTOR Company WILL CONTINUE Just . ihe same as usual with our present employees. So we art NOT quitting business because we are sacrificing our used . cars ... but the Japs have caused all this misery In t!r automobile business, so I would like to PAY THEM BACK DOUBLE, with INTEREST. And don't forget that you have until Saturday night t buy on these present terms. New buying restrictions go Into effect Monday. So don't pass this LAST CHAC !CE to buy on tVT ItKVtS. Check These Prices: '32 Plymouth Coupe, 4-cyl...$ 125 $50 cosh cosh '33 Chevrolet Sedan, as is. 1 25 60 cosh ' cash' '33 Chevrolet Sedan, as is. 125 60 cah cosh '33 Ford Coupe - 185 95 ' 4i . . 2 '34 Ford Tudor, as is . 150- 50 cash . . cash '35 DeSoto Coupe '35 Ford Coupe ... '35 Ford Coupe . '36 Pontiae Coach, as is..f '36 DeSoto Sedan, as is , '36 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery '37 DeSoto Sedan '37 Pontioc Coach '37 Ford Courje - u o i-ora ieaan i t m n i t t- , t i-i or racKara touring seaaru '37 Dodae Courje '37 Plymouth Tudor '38 Plymouth Sedan '38 Ford Coupe '38 Ford Tudor '39 Plymouth Tudor U jy Mercury Sedan U jy rord I udor '40 Oldsmoblle Sedan '40 6uick Sedan '40 Plymouth Coupe '40 Oldsmoblle Coupe ..1065 Douqlas MbtcBSo.! ... V KEENAN MOTORS, INC Packard - Hudson - Willys - Chrysler Plymouth 744 Klamath Ave. '-'-V ?" PICK YOUR USED CAR CAREFULLY! '. Remember when you buy buy one that will LAST for the duration! Nothing but a shack as salesroom but low overhead LOW BANK FINANCE means I can give you "Below 18 MONTHS TO PAY Market Prices." "SEE SELBY FIRST!" WEEKEND '41 Chev. Master Deluxe Town Sedan $795 Nearly new rubber, lota of extras. '38 Nash-Lafayette, over drive ... $275 '40 Deluxe Ford Town Sedan . $775 80 rubber. '39 Chev. Master 4-Door Sedan $595 Heater, radio, best con dition. 33 Chev. Cabriolet, as Is. Cash ... $ 95 SELBY'S Public Used Car Lot Across From 7th and Oak 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS S WATS TO OCT A CONSUMERS CASH LOAN mONR WRITS . COME IN Voa od 00 co-algneri or ndorter to (rt a consumers tola THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1 INCOME LOANS On your note only. No was tMlSB menU. No oo-llfniri. KO. t FURNITURE LOANS Tour character U mora Important than Ui lurnltura lUtlf. NO. S-AUTO LOANS $30 to 1600 eaah toaoi mod ran- CONSUMERS CREDIT (M tit 720 Pine St. s ts Phone 7711 s-simtl 48 Buslnais Opportunities FOR SALE Furnishings and lease rooming house, good lo cation. Price reasonable. Ph. 4848. ' 8-21 FOR RENT Space for beauty shop. Downtown location Reasonable, Call 4888 after 7 p m. ' 249Ctf 34 Automotive ; Orlg. New Low Down Mos. to Was St '.e Price Pmt; Py 375 275- 100 12 ' 285 175 75 - 12 295 185 85 12 : 395 245 100 t2 425 ' 195 95 12 395 265 95 12 495 3"5 135 18' 495 295 100' 15- 465 280 100 I S 465 295 100 15 w-j- . 33U jyo 135 18 550 395 Ift 495 345 115 18 650 495 175 ' 18 595 475 . 165 18 625 725 950 695 950 550 595. 795 565 865 175 195 285 ' 185' .280 18 18 18 18 18 1080" 895 965 330 . .. 18 7957a;;i8. 865 s 29ft.2-;ia. M flitucr. to oi SPECIALS '37 Buick Sedan .....$565 Golden Brown finish,' 80 rubber. 37 Chev. Master 4-Door ' Sedan $395 ' 80 rubber, radio. '37 Ford tt-Ton Stake Truck $395" New Mud-Grip rears, ' front 80 rubber. Model A Ford, 2-door, : Cash ............... $ 75 Good condition. ' ' ',; '30 Essex Coupe. Cash . $ 40 , Lots of transportation. Postoffice Dial 8934 46 Financial See V, - . . ' Dipty Moore For AUTO LOANS ' REFINANCING ' Locally Owned - Motor Investment . : COMPANY'- III N. US Uc M-17S rtwot K Mlrall Read the Classified page. Equitable Loans ' cost you less and get yoti Out of Debt ; Lower Interest Rstts Prompt Service ;; t- CHILCOTE & SMITH ' Since 1909 . 111 N. 9th St- Phone 4884 48 Businass Opportunities 2S M CAPACITY SAWMIUW A-l condition, $5800, terms. . Plenty .timber. close by. Las lie L. Babcock, 401 South Riverside, Medford, (nre, 3-26