PACE i OUBTEEtf THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON March 20, 1041 KJxmdk GkuAxdt Aleuti CHURCHGOERS SEE JOVES OF s On Saturday. March 21, mov Inn pictured of Sweden will be shown at the First Covenant church, 823 Walnut avenue. The meeting begins at 7:45 p. m. Two reels . of the picture, "Scenic Sweden Tiie Land fid the People," will be shown. These views will give a comprehen sive pictorial tour of the coun try, from the farmlands of the south to the forests and streams of Korrland. It also will include airplane views of the deepsea fsliing fleet, of Gothenburg har bor, of Masthugg church, and of the great power station at Troll hattan. The pictures also display Sweden's modern highways, el ectrified railroads and air routes "Life In Stocknolrn," will be displayed in one reel. After a brief series of scenes which of fer a general view of Stock holm and its fine harbor, this film deals with various aspects of the city as seen by an ener getic visitor making a stay which extends over both sum mer and winter, rather than the conventional tourist sights. The unloading of ships presents Stockholm as one of Sweden's great seaports. Then we see it as a modern metropolis with all the busy, ceaseless traffic of a great city. Several reels of "Sweden at Work and Play" will be shown. This picture is rich In scenes sel dom encountered by the tourist. From it the spectator gathers a vivid impression cf the source of much that is strong In the national life, for it is a pano rama of Sweden's people and their work on the offshore is lands, in the rural districts, in the mountainous region, in typi cal small towns, and finally in Stockholm. Here are Swedes of all sorts, seen at their daily tasks or in their moments of recrea tion. The public is invited to see these scenes of modern Sweden. First Methodist Church "In the Heart of the City," at North Tenth and High streets, Rev. Victor.., Phillips, minister. Residence, 1(1(5 High street, tele phone 3686. Morning worsMpril o'clock. Director of music, Mrs. Meade Badger; -accompanist, Mrs. E. S. Veatch. The choir will sing the nthearfi,"0 CmetLet Us Wor ship,1.' by vMendelssohn-Barthol- dy. The minister will preach on the subject, "A Safe Invest ment." Juniof church at 11 a. m. un der the supervision of Jane Han sen. Nursery at the same hour under the-supervision of Miss Hanna. Methodist Youth Fellowship meets at 6:30 p. m. The Wesley league is for young people of college age and over, the Asbury league is for young people of high school age. The Asbury league is studying "Great Paint ings." All young people are cor dially invited to join one of these groups. There will be no evening ser vice except these youth meet ings. Merrill Presbyterian Church Bible school Is at 8:45 a. m., with Dillen Moore, superinten dent. 11 a. m. Mr. Mitchelmore speaks on "How Jesus Christ Saves You." Special music. 7:15 p. m., Christian Endeavor. 8:15 p. m., installation of the newly elected Christian Endeav or officers.,; First Church of God Corner of Altamont Drive and -Delaware 'street Evangelistic OM PMMonaa RMul Chat. a. Pull, Olr. Old Hymna and QoapdJ Praaehlns KMI Sunday IKl K - t p. m Continuous Intaniatlonal Broadcast No Traveling Salesman Klamath Falls Marble 116 So. 11th St. meetings ar" being conducted by the Rev. J. J. Gillespie of Sa'.em, each night at 7:45 o'clock with the exception of .Monday. Friday, 7:45 p. m., sermon topic, "The Revival of Samaria." Saturday nigli'i sermon topic, "The Converjion of a Noted Jew, His Baptism of the Holy Ghost i.nd His Baptism With Water." Sundey school, 10 &. m. Mrs. J. E, Keniutt, superintendent. Morning devotion. Sermon subject, 'The' Conversion of a Noted Gentile, His Baptism With the Holy Ghost and His Baptism WiUi Water." Sunday evening ' sermon. The Bndte 1 hat iapaus the Gull' A cordial invitation is extended to the public. Rev. J. D. Kernutt pastor. Meetings will continue indefinitely. Klamath Lutheran Cbur.-h Cross and Crescent streets, L K. Johnson, pastor. Phone 3452 Sunday school, 9.15 a. m. Bible class and confirmation ciuss, 9:45 a. m Worship hour, 1 1 a. m. Tuesday, March 24, Ladies Aid. Hostesses, Mrs. Carl Carl son end Mrs. Nels Nickolson. Program "Our Lutheran Herit age," Mrs. B. Dahleim M. W. F. News, Mrs. I. D. Rumer, and music, Mrs. B. Lofsgard. Ladies asked to bring some baked or cooked foods to this meeting. Wednesday Lenten -services at 7-30 p. m. The topic will be "Christ Before Annas and Caiaphas." Choir rehearsal follows imme diately after the Lenten ser vices. Adult Bible class and Sunday school teachers meet on Thurs day at 7:30 p. m. Confirmation class meets on Saturday at 10 a. m. Girls junior choir meets Mon days at 4:30 p. m. Mrs. Mickels directs Fireside hour, March 22 at 5 p. m. Hosts will be Bert Vaagen, Ingvald Vaagen, Theo dore Hoff, and Oscar Thompson. The. choir will be in charge of the program. All are cordially invited to come and spend a so cial Sunday evening. The Ladies Aid fifth birth day party will be held on April 21, with a potluck lunch served at 6:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. We earnestly invite all who wish to worship. If you are a stranger in the city, seeking a church home we sincerely in vite you to worship and work with us. Altamont Community Presbyterian Church . . ' - Services are held in the Alta mont junior high school on South Sixth street. Rev. Hugh Bronson is the minister, Mrs. Kenton Knight, director of music, A. C. Olson, superintend ent of the Sunday school. Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. Attendance last Sunday, 151. Morning worship begins at 11 a. m. with the instrumental prelude played by Joanne Rob inette. The offertory will be a vocal duet by Ruby Rose and Violet Soares, the choir anthem, "It is Well With My Soul," the sermon, "Following Jesus." Sigma Pi CE and Junior CE meet at ,7 p. m. The Community Congregational Church "I Am the Way of Love," is the sermon theme of Rev. Eu gene V. Haynes, pastor, as he preaches at the 11 a. m. wor ship service. This is the fourth sermon of the series, "I am the Way," Mr. Haynes is using dur ing the Lenten season. At this service the choir will sing two anthems, "Follow, I Will Fol low Thee," by Brown, and "O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows," by Hawles. Anita Owyn is the pianist. Church school meets at 9:45 a. m, with classes for all de partments. Free Methodist Church Corner of Ninth and Plum streets. W. H. McCormick, pas tor. Revival services are now in progress at this church witn Rev. M. L. Root of the Washing ton conference attending. Ser vices every night at 7:45 o'clock. Come and hear this man tell the old Gospel story. Sunday ser vices, Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching, 11 a. m. Evening ser vices, 7:45 o'clock. The Old Reliable Bus iness Invite you td call and inspect the large selection en dis play. You Get the Benefit ' & Granite Works Phone 6381 E The Rev. Earl Anthony will close his two weeks of a suc cessful campaign in Klamath Falls churches with three great services scheduled for Sunday. At 11 o'clock the evangelist speaks at the Bible Baptist church, Wiard street and South Sixth, the pastor Dr. C. B. Cas- ! sel assisting in the service. The subject will be, "The Acid est' Two great services will fol low at the First Presbyterian ! chuich, North Sixth and Pine i streets, at 3 and 7:30 p. m. Dr. Theodore A. Smith is the pastor. At 3 o'clock the evangelist speaks on the subject, "Trusting In False Hopes." For the eve ning service at 7:30 o clock, the e- aiigclist will speak on Unpardonable Sin." There be rousing song service The will and good music. During the past two weeks Brother Anthony has made many friends while in Klamath Falls, and all are urged to be present at these services and help make these closing services something to be long remembered. The people of Klamath Falls are cor dially invited to these meetings. First Christian Church "The Downtown church," cor ner of Ninth and Pine streets Arthur Charles Bates, minister. The pastor's study is in the church. Entrance from the Ninth street side. Phone 5432. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. C. S. Robertson is the general su perintendent. There is e class for every age -.oup with a com petent teacher and an individual class room. We solicit people of every age to join us in this grow ing school. You will find a con genial group with whom to study God's word. The worship hour is at 11 o'clock. It begins with the organ prelude, "Prelude," Mallard. Mrs. Mary Hayden is the organ ist. The doxology by the congre gation and the choir. Invocation by the minister, with the choir response, "Response" by Elvery. Opening hymn, "All Hail the Power." The communion hymn of meditation is "My Jesus, I Love Thee," followed by the observance of the Lord's Supper in memory of Christ's death for sin. The special choir anthem, "Softly and Tenderly," Rogers. "The Second Coming of ' our Lord" will be the minister's sermon for this service. This is a timely topic in view of the chaotic condition of the world today. Invitation hymn, "Whoso ever Will." Benediction and the closing response by the choir, "Let Us Depart in Peace." Post lude, "Beneath His Banner," Kohlmann, by the organist. Evening services begin with the Christian Endeavor meet ings at 6:30. Evangelistic ser vice at 7:30 p. m. Charles Uhlig will have charge of the song ser vice. There will be an evening communion service for those un able to attend the morning wor ship. The pastor's sermon will be on "Triumphs of Faith." First Baptist Church North Eighth and Washington streets, Lloyd Hart, supply pas tor. Residence, 414 North Eighth street. Phone 7439. Choir direct or, H. G. Shirey. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. De partments for all ages. George O. Welch, general superintend ent. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Walking With God." Training Union, 6:30 p. m. De partments for all ages. Rodney Larson, general director. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Sermon, "Divine Deliverance." Prayer meeting and Bible study, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Choir practice, 7:30 p. m. Thursday. A cordial invitation is given to the public to be with us in any and all services. Pilgrim Holiness Church In these trying days, when joy seems to have fled from the hearts of men, the Christian can still "Be glad and rejoice." In the service at 2229 Wantland avenue we endeavor to lead people Into cheerful and joyous experiences. Rev. Sherman Moore, the pas tor, will speak Sunday on the topic, "Paul's Prayer for the Philipplans," and "The Preem inence of Christ." Church ser vices as follows: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; worship, 11 a. m.; evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Chiloquin Lutheran A service of divine worshio will be conducted In Chiloquin on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Community church by Rev. Carl F. Nitz, Klamath Falls. The public is Invited. A chil dren's Bible class Is conducted after the service. PASS ON WEEK SERIES SET Further details of the union Passion Week services sponsored by the Klamuth Ministerial as sociation have been accomplish ed by that group. The meetings will be held tit the Pelican the atre and begin at 12:20 p. m. on Monday, March 30. Each day following, Tuesday through Thursday, they begin at the same time and close at 12:50 p. in. The following pastors will give messages on the days designat ed: Monday, Rev. E. V. Haynes, pastor of the Congregational Community church: Tuesday, Rev. G. J. Anderson, pastor of the First Covenant church; Wed nesday, Rev. V. Phillips, pastor of the First Methodist church; I Thursday, Rev. A. C. Bates, pasior ot me r i r s i mrtsuan church. Mr. Dean Stephens will lead tho congregational singing each day. Tho Good Friday meeting starts at 9:55 a. m. and closes at 12:55 p. m. All music for this service is under the direction of Mrs. A. C. Bates. Seven periods of worship are to be observed at this meeting. The ministers who will give messages are the following: Rev. Daniel Anderson, pastor of the Klamath Temple; Rev. H. L. Russell, pastor of the church of the Nazarene; Rev. L. K. John son, pastor of the Klamath Lu theran church; Rev. A. T. Smith, pastor of ho First Presbyterian church; Major Norman Bowyer, Salvation Army; Rev. G. J. Anderson, pastor of the First Covenant church; and Rev. Vic tor Phillips, pastor of the First Methodist church. They will ex pound "the seven last words." Immnnuel Baptist Church Eleventh and High streets. J. Clarence Orr. pastor. Residence 437 North Third street, phone 4836. 9:45 a. m., the Church school. 11a. m., the morning worship service, message by the pastor, 'The Jewish Feasts and Their Significance to the Christian." 6:30 p. m., the Young People's meeting. 7:30 p. m., Evening service, and the subject of the evening message by the pastor will be, "Prophecy in History." Our mid-week service of pray er and Bible study will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to worship with us. Klamath Temple Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Classes for all ages. Morning worship. 11 o'clock. Special "National Bible School day" in all of the Open Bible Standard churches. A group of students from the Bible Stand ard Training school of Eugene will be guests at our Sunday services. Overcomers, young people, at 6:30 p. m. The evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m. with the usual special musical numbers. Mid-week service Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. Thursday, radio broadcast at 7:30 p. m.', KFJI. Don't miss next Thursday night's broadcast. "Klamath Temple hour." It will be "Round Upper's" night. Fea turing the young preacher," Richard Konsella, four years old. Duets, soprano and alto, Marlene and Arlene. And many other "Round Upper's" taking part. Friday, choir practice, 7:45 p. m. at church. . Klamath Temple is located at 1007 Pine street. Rev. Daniel B. Anderson, pastor, 2211 Ebcrlcin avenue. Phone 3874. Zion Lutheran Church 1025 High street, Carl F. Nitz, pastor, telephone, 6793. Sunday school and Bible class at 9:45 a. m. Lesson, "The Cruci fixion of Christ." Divine worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon topic, "Smug Sardis." Monday, 7:30 p. m., Sunday school teachers meeting. Wednesday, 8 p. m., Passion tide service. Sermon topic, "The Fetters of Christ." Thursday, 1:30 p. m., Ladies Aid luncheon and meeting at the home of Mrs. George Hagclstcin, Algoma. Discussion topic, "Char acter Training." Transportation will be furnished for those who are at the church by 1 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m., Confirma tion class. Every Sunday, 1 p. m., Luther an hour, KFJI. Fundamental Bible Center North Second at Pine, "A Cen ter of Bible Study with Prayer and Praise." G. W.. Wheatlcy, pastor. Residence, 131 North Second street. Telephone 7210. Thought for today from tho Sunday school lesson: Christians have saved their money, pre served their health and invested thrlr time not only to lose the substance here below, but to KLAMATH lose thuir record in livavun. Physical life and enjoyment is good, but spiritual life and bless ing is better, Uod needs men. Can Ho have you? (Head Mark .27-37.) Evangelist Earl Anthony speaks at tho 11 o'clock hour at tno Biblo Baptist church. His subject: "Tho Acid Test." 3:00 p. m, A special afternoon service lit the First Presbyterian church. The evangelist speaking on the subject, "Trusting in False Hopes.'' 7:30 p. m, Closing service ot the two weeks' ciimptiigu at the First Presbyterian church, tltu evungcllsl speaking on "Tho Un pardonablu Sin." Mo iay evening at 8 o'clock, thn Rev. Earl Anthony will speak at thu Mt. Laki Commun ity church. Wednesday, 7:45 p. in. prayer fellowship at the Bible Center Come and bring your prayer requests and pray with us. Tho public is cordially invited to attend all of these meetings. First Covenant Church 823 Walnut avenue, Gottfrcd J. Anderson, pastor. The following will be tho schedule for the meetings on the coming Lord's day: 10 a. in., Bible school. Pre parations are under way for the Easter program. 11a. m.. Morning service, or family worship period. 7 p. m., Young people's meet ing led by Gwcn Glubrccht. 7:45 p. m., Evening service. The pastor speaks at all the gen eral services of the day. On Tuesday evening the young people gather for their monthly social meeting at the home of Erik Carlson. 315 Jefferson street. All young people are welcome. Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., mid week service. Special announcement, educa tional films on Sweden will bo shown in the Covenant church, Saturday, March 21, at 7:45 p. m. These arc regarded as exception ally good pictures and give views of modern Sweden in pence time. Residents of the Klamath area are invited to be present. Unity Center All services of Unity Center will bo held in tho banquet room of the Hotel Elk, and the public is cordially invited. Sunday, March 22, lesson ser vice at 11 o'clock, Marion Clif ton, teacher, spending on the subji t, "The God to Whom W. Pray." Sunday school at 10 o clock. Sunday evening at 8 o clock, the topic will be, "Heal lng Through Prayer. Monday through Friday ser vices will bo held each day. with lessons on the following subjects: Monday, "Prosperity Through Prayer." Tuesday, 'The Joyous Prayer." Wednesday "Love Harmonizes." Thursday, "Not Magic but Law." Friday. "Fulfillment." - Special Conference President D. S. Bennion, newly-appointed president of the Northwestern States mission of the Latter-Day Saints church, with headquarters in Portland, will preside over a special con ference to be held in the city library clubrooms Sunday, March 22. Meetings are sched uled for 10 a. m., 2 p. m., and 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Bennion will also be in attendance. Members from the various towns compris ing the Southern Oregon district are expecting to be present and the general public is cordially invited to any or all of the three meetings. AD CHURCHES ' First Presbyterian Church The First Presbyterian church is located on North Sixth and Pine streets. The pastor is the Rev. Theodore Smith, telephone 5477 or 7311. Charles Starrficld is the director of the choir and Mrs. Arthur Hall Dcnison, the organist. Morning worship is broadcast over the local radio station, KFJI, at 11 o'clock. It opens with the organ prelude, "Tri umphal March" by Greig. "The Trisaglon" is the processional. Choir and congregation unite in singing "The Doxology" and, after the Lord's Prayer, "The Gloria Patri." The choir re sponse to the prayer is Whelp ton's "Hear Our Prayer, O Lord" and the choir offertory Schu mann's "Wo Give Thee But Thine Own," while the organ of fertory is Lindsay's "A Celtic Pastorale." The pastor will speak on "Three Views of the Atonement by Three of trie Apostles." The service closes with the unique dedication rit ual, making the offering the climax of the whole worship period, The choir dismissal is Whelpton'u "Lord, Let Us Now Depart in Peace," and the organ postlude, "Nocturne" by Schu mann, There are to be two special services in this church by Earl Anthony of New York, who is in Klamath .Falls at the Invitation of the Bible Center. The after noon worship will be at 3 o'clock and Mr. Anthony will speak on "Trusting in False Hopes." The evening worship is at 7:30 o'clock, when Mr, Anthony will speak on "The Unpardonable Sin." The music for the service opens with the organ prelude, "Themo From Flnlandla" by Slbollus. The processional is "Onward, Christian Soldiers" by Sullivan. The choir response to tho prayor is the "Threefold Amen," the offertory Hcotho ven's "Sehorzlun." and tho post UkIc, Uohm's "March." Tho young people's vested choir will sing us a special "Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling," by Thompson, Tliu offerings for Hit: after noon and evening will go to Mi'. Anthony for his two weeks' of services In Klamath Falls. Tho Bible school will open tit fl:45 n. m. Sunday with Mrs. Theodore Smith in charge of the main school, Mrs. D. D. Havens ot the junior depart ment, Mrs. Burge W. Mason Sr., of the primary department, and Mrs. Kenneth W. Damon of the beginners dt-portiiu'ut. Tho three young people's Christian Endeavor societies, young people's, high school, and Intermediate, meet at 0:30 p. m. All Young people are invited to attend. Church nt Jesus Christ ol Latter Day Saints Tho Church ot jesus Christ ol Latter Day Saints hold meetings in tho auditorium of tho public library on the comer of Fifth street and Klamath avenue. Sunday school services con veno at 10 a m. and at 11a. m. departments are senarated tot priesthood classes and a :uil women's class and the children's choir. Sacrament mooting Is held each Sunday evening at 7:30 p m. Tho Relief society hold meet ings i-ucli Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. in. Tho second Tuesday of each month Is devoted to a work and business meeting. The Mutual Improvci ent asso elation meets each Tuesday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. Tho public is cordially invited to attend each and every meeting. . Church of the Nasareno Sunday school begins at 0:45 with Mrs. fl. L. Russell as able superintendent. There are Inter esting classes for oil ages from the cradlo roll to thu adult. Morning worship at II o'clock The Rev. 11. L. Russell, pastor. Young people's service from 6:20 to 7:30 p m. Our mm Is lor an interesting scrvico cncii Sun day evening, and we would like to invite all you'ng people to come enjoy our service. Evening services which begin at 7:30 are evangelistic, with a good rousing song service and special musical numbers are featured. Midweek prayer services are on Wednesday evening at 7:30 each week. Pastor, Rev. 11. L. Russell, 620 Martin street, phone 4870. Church of tho Nazarene is lo cated on the corner of Martin and Garden streets in Mills addi tion. First Church of Christ, Scientist Tenth and Washington streets This c.iurch. a branch of The Mother church, the First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Mass., holds scrvico each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject of lesson-sermon for next Sun day, "Matter." Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. A meeting which Includes testimonies of Christian Sclcnco healing is held every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. , A. frco Christian Sclcnco read lng room Is located In tho First National Bank building. Sixth and Main streets, where the Bible, writings by Mary Baker Eddy, and authorized Christian Sclcnco literature may bo read borrowed or purchased. All are cordially Invited to at tend the services and use the reading room. Radia program KFJI, 2 (o 2:15 p m each Monday under the di rection of committee on publica tion for Oregon. Airplanes are kept at a com fortable temperature between arrivals and departures with the aid of an air conditioner tunnel that supplies warm or cool air as needed to thn interior of the plane. Lost and Found LOST Brown and white Cocker spaniel, license No. 919. Re ward. Phone 4220. 3-21 FOUND Purse, business dis trict. Phone 7500. 3-21 General Notices TRAPPERS Top prices paid for furs. Hollls Noonchestcr, 323 E. Main. 4-2 NOTICE I will not bo respon sible for debts contracted by anyone other than myself. Signed March 19, 1942. Harry G. Anderson. 3-21 ATTENTION Maternity nurses. Established maternity homo at 659 No. 5th St., Giants Pass, can be had for $250 cash, If taken nt onco to continue lease. Ninety cases last year. Hundreds of good will boost ers in county. 3-20 WHEN YOU WANT tho best In a Water SyBtem sec your Myers Dealer. A Myers Pump or Water System for every purpose. See them at Mitchell, Lewis, and Stavcr Company. "Keep cm plowing." , 3-21 I General Notices IF YOU HAVE LUMBER to move to Modford cantoomont. Phone 7702 Ashlnnd 4-5 10 Services PAINTING, KALSOMININCi 11. L. Brown. Phone 42211. 4-iiiintr HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered, Alterations . on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allontlor, 731 Main, Room 2 IB. Phono 72(13. 4-IUnitf WE DO REPAIR WORK Botlenhainer Saw Filing, 353 E. MAIn. 4-15 JOHN MeC'ONNAHA Piano tuner. Call 507(1 or Shepherd Music Co. 3-211 PICTURE FRAMING Gocllcr's. 230 Main. 4-14mtf IIOUSECLEANINU Art Bene dict. UH48. 4-tlmtf BIRTH CERTIFICATES obtain ed at reasonable cost. Floyd Pierce, 410 Main. 4 3 1'LOOR SANDING tiil refliilsh lng Clifford Golden Phone 3022. 3-31mtf IDA'S TAILOR SHOP, formerly J E Bodge Tailor Shop, 125 No. 8th. Altering. Repairing, Cleaning, Pressing. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable 3-28 SLIP COVERS und draperies mado to order. Klamath Fur niture Co., 221 Main Phone 5353. 4 5mtf; PICTURE FRAMING Art audi Gift Shop, 519 Main. 3-24mtf FLOOIt SANDING Old floors ! reflnlshed. Norman Fraley : Phono 4001 3-24mlf I BAGS Machlno Cleaned and patched People's Warehouse Bag Co. lUOltf WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes Merit Washing Machine Service. 611 South Sixth 3-31mtf PAINTING, paperhangitig and i decorating Alvln Davis Ph. ! 4037 or 3705. 4-2 I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Clios j Hallrhway. 120 N. 10th St..' Klamath Falls. Ore. 3 31 i ELECTROLUX CLEANER sales-i scrvico. Phone 5725 0211; Main. Tarkcl Tweet 3-22 FLOOR SANDING und finish ing Waxing, polishing, scrub bing. New, old. C.DuFour Phone 3UU0. 3 31inU SEWING OF ALL KINDS, tnll orlng, remodeling, fur coats ro-llned and rc-tnodeled. Mrs. Zwelgart, Apt. 1, Brick Apart ments, Malln. 4-13 PAPERHANGING. Painting. Kalsomining. Dial 0328. Mel vin E. Frost. 413mtf RUBBER STAMPS mode dally In Klamath Falls. GEO. J. KUNZMAN, 127 North 4th. Phone 6632. 4-18 ELECTROLUX CLEANERS sales-service. Roy Hall Phono 7167 813 Rosewoy Drive. 3-31 CURTAINS homo Phone B20fl. laundered 4-2 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Girl for fountain work. Must be neat and at tractive in appearance, good worker, not over 23 years of age. Apply in person. Tlk Tok Drive In, So. 0th. 3747tf WANTED Housekeeper. 6417. Phono 3-20 WANTED Woman for cooking and housework in country home. Good wages. No laun dry. Phono 7372. 3-21 WANTED Housekeeper. $5.00 a week. Sundays Aff, Call after 6 p. m, 233 Mortimer. ' - 3-22 WANTED Housekeeper to core for 4-ycar-old boy. Modern conveniences. Box 3424, News- Hcrald. 3-21 EXPERIENCED GIRL for gen eral housework. Days only. Local references. News-Herald Box 3552. 3-21 WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK Stay nights.. Phono 3014. 3-20 WANTED Girl for housework. Nice home, steady employ ment. Room, board and sal ary. Phono 4710. 3-20 WANTED Housekeeper. Good plain cook. Phone 38115. 38l)7tf 16 Help Wanted, Male DIESEL JOBS TRACTOR ' Men 18-40 who really waul good pay, permanent future In this basic field as servicemen, operators and dic'selmeii. 25 will bo selected from the Klum- ath Falls urea in March for training and placement service. For full particulars write Trac tor Division, 010 Mead Bldg., Portland, Oregon, AT ONCE. 3-20 OLDER MAN OR BOY to strip and iced calves, dairy farm. $50 and found, II. H. Ray, 8 miles on Ashland highway, or Ncws-Hcrald Box 3549. 3-21 16 Help Wanted. Male MACHINISTS, alio auto mochatv les. State experience. Wages' at union scale. Factory Moton Car Co., N W 14th and Evr.mll. St., Portland, Oregon, 3-21 SALESMAN WANTED w 1 1 o wholesale cxporlonco to cover established trade in Southern Oregon. Must have car. Write for Interview giving full par ticulars and phono munhr-r, Nows-Horald Box 38U8. 3-21 WANTED Man and wife for chore Jobs. Must be good milker. Good wages, Call 71114 2 II II 4 FOK JOUS 111 Alrcruft Factories, II) to S2. Inquire 412 Main. 4 a WANTED Experienced farm hand Santforcl Jones, llonatt. za. Ore. 17Bltf 18 Situations Wanted HOUR WORK Phone 7U04 321 HA II YLA ND Care of bablrjf and children. Hour, day or' week. 412 High. Phono 8341. 4-12iutf YOUNG" MAN wishes uTTcarn farm or ranch work. A-l ref erences. Hard worker. Salary no object. Write Box 21123, Hi-rald. 3 23 MIDDLE AGED WOMAN wants housework In motherless home in town. Intjulre. Hotmo 0, Pelican City. Phono 0905. 3 20 SHIPMAN HOARDING HOME for children 31102 lllnbt-e. South Altamont. Phono 73(15. 4-4 HOUR WORK. Phono 7H54, 3-80 20 Room and Board 804 N. 10th. 3-2 ROOM HOARD Phono 08H3. 3 23 BOARDROOM, laundry. Home privileges. 1534 Worden. 3-20 NICE ROOMS, good board. 523 Lincoln. 3-2J HOARD - ROOM 514 Walnut. Plinn 051)2. 4. 0 22 Rooms For Rent MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Steam heated. Weekly rote $3 up. 50c to $ ,,.r night. 4-IB ROOM FOR RENT Close In, with or without garage. Call after 0 p. m. 718 Jefferson, ot phone 3524. 3427t( CLEAN stetun heated rooms. 31 ,32) So 6th. Phono 7050, SMALL ROOM $3.00 3rd. 134 No. 3414tf ROOMS 1034 High 4-5mtf LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. 510 Pine. 2009tf CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modem rooms All with new inncrsprlng mattresses Free parking. 3-31mlf ROOM 514 No. 10th. 3-20 aaEsaBSHxaBBBBBEaanccsacataaBsaaBaaaaiaiaiaaaBaBi 24 Apartments For Rant THREE ROOMS, electrically equipped. 433 N. 10th. 3667tf FOR RENT Apt. cottage Close in, $20. Suitable for two. Phone 4272 or see owner, Room No. 12, Melhaso Bldg. 3-23 ,fS TWO 4-room furnished apis. 01 Pine. Phono 3273. 3-24 TWO-ROOM APT. with both. Reasonable. 445 Market. 3-23 RIVERVIEW 4 rooms, nicely furnished, two bedrooms. Ph. 5317. 32I2t Til REE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Walking distance. No pot. 1421 Wall. 3-21 3 ROOMS, furnished. Phone '7731 or 0303. 3-24 FURNISHED APARTMENT 710 Main. 3707tf THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment on Main street, $20 mo. J. E. Hosklng, 517 Main, 3-20 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, overy thing furnished, $4.50. 410 So. 8th. 3.23 VACANCY Rex Arms. 4-11 UNFURNISHED DUPLEX 1878 LeRoy. 3688tf VACANCY Adults. 421 Oak. 3-23 3-ROOM furnished Adults. 400 Oak. apartment 3-23 LARGE 3-ROOM partly furnish, ed apartment. Phone 8680, - 3-21- 2-ROOM APARTMENT Elec tric range. Close In: No chll'! dren or pets. $22.80. Also two-room upstairs apartment, wor-1 range, $17.80 mo. Coll 8121 High. 3082K FOR RENT OR LEASE W room apartment, furnished; 9 more rooms avallablo soon. Ncws-Hcrald Box 3876. 3-21 LARGE 3-bcdroom nonrtmont near Ewauna Box Co. Steam heat, water furnished. $40. Phono 51411 or 3025 evenings. 2005tf 30 '0)