March 20, 1942 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON AGE THIRTEEN MaMzeti. and incutcicd S NEW YOHK, Mrch 20 OP) A ilow drifting dock market to day Jiut about cancelled the brisk MacArthur rally of St. Ptrlck'i day. The plea of President Schram nd tha American Feriitratlon of Labor for a repeal or revision ot tha capital gains tax sounded a hopoful note In financial quar ter but the attltuda of congreu on thla argument wai cloudy enough to hold optlmliim In ibeyancc. Transfer approximated 300, 00(1 iharoi. Stocka In now low ground for the year Included American (phono, Homestaka Mining International Harvester. In tha retreating column moat of tha time were US Steal, Youngstown Sheot, Montgom ery Ward, Western Union, Amorlcan Smelting, DuPont, US Gypsum, Union Carbide, Stand ard Oil CNJ) and Union Pacific. Resistant wore Dow Cliomlcal, Bperry, Conoolldated Aircraft, Texas Co., and Chicago Great Wratorn Preferred, Uomla were steady, with acc ond grade rail doing fairly well. Air Reduction 81 Alaska Juneau U Al Chcm It Dyo 123 AlllsChiilmcrs 20 Amerlcup Can - 88 Am Car It Fdy 30 Am Had 8ta San Am Roll Mill 11' f Smelt & Ref 38. MtcI & Tel 1171 Am Tob "B" 381 Am Water Worka 21 Anaconda ... 261 Armour 111 3 Atchison 38 Aviation Corp 3i Uald Loco 12" Beth Steel - 801 Boeing Alrp ... 18 Bordon 19 Horge-Warner 22J Calif' Packing 1 Callahan Z L I Calumet llec 6t Canadian Pacific 44 Cat Tractor 33J Celine 171 Chci It Ohio 28 Chrysler 83 i Com'l Solvent 81 Comm'nw'lth & Sou 732 Consol Aircraft 101 Sto Edison 12 iViaol Oil T..: ' 8 Confl Can 24s Corn Product 481 Crown Zellcrbach 10J Curtis Wright 7J Doug Aircraft - 63d Dupont Do N 10BI Enstmun Kodok 1181 Kl Pow & Lt 1 General Electric 231 General Food . 201 General Motor 34 1 Goodrich Ml Goodyear Tire 131 Gt Nor Ry pfd 231 Greyhound .- lis Illinois Central 81 Inap Copper 211 lilt Harvester 42 Int Nick Can 2i Int Pap It P pfd 85 lnt Tel It Tel 21 Johna Manvllle 801 Kennecott : 32 Lib O Ford 22 rtkhced 22 MiW' 391 Montgomery Ward 25 Nnah-Ketv 41 Nafl Biscuit - 14 Nnl'l Dairy Prod 14 Nafl Dlst 20 National Lead - 131 N Y Central 8i Northern Pacific 6i Ohio Oil 7 Oil Steel BJ Pao Go & El 17 Pac Tel It Tel 84 Packard Motor 2 Pan Amcr Airway - 1411 Paramount Pic - 13i Penney (J C) 64 Ponna R R 22 Phelp Dodge 28 Phillip Pet 34 Proctor It Gambia 45 Pub Svc N J ..... Ill Pullman 24i Radio 2 J Huyonlor Bl Bayonlcr pfd , 24 i CJbubllc Steel 17 Richfield Oil 7 Snfeway Store 38 i Sears Roebuck 48 Shell Union 10 Sucony Vacuum 3 Sou Col Edison 17 Southern Paclflo Ill Spcrry Corp 411 Standard Brand 3 Stand Oil Call! 19 Stand Oil Ind 2U Stand Oil N J 331 Stone & Webstar 41 Studebaker 4i Sunshine Mining 41 Texa Corp 321 Tram-America , 4 Union Carbide 89 Union. Paclflo 71 United Airline Mil United Aircraft 32 United Corporation A18 Olted Drug 8 united Fruit 83 U 8 Rubber 141 U S Rubber pfd 80 U 8 Steel 80 Carload Potato Shipments Day of Month Season 1041-42 .Season 1040-41 Mar. to Season Mar. to Season March Dally Date to Date Dally Date to Date r r " 1 r Th 31 jt- 7oa 2 6 7 67S3 T 39 7073 3 31 38 8784 27 60 7100 i 20 88" 8804 3T 07 Tm T" TT 85 5831 37"" 134 716H 6 20 TuT 8800 ja 180 7223 T 30 VS2 58U8 80 230 7273 8 0 IS2 " 5808 41 280 7314 0 TT 163 5000 T 287 7321 lb- 35 ToT" 5044 33 320 7334 TT" 2B 226 "5072- S7 377 7411 12 30 23T 0002 40 417 7481 13" 33 280 8035 32 440 7483 TT '47 336 6082 bT 500 7534 ii o alio- 0002 43 543 7577 Ui " 14 " 350 0000 0 .140 7583 Vt 32 382 612H 17 508 7000 18 2l 403 8140 23 580 7623 To- 31 434 "bIBO 20 (100 7643 2b' " 2l 22 23 " 24 2S- "ZZ rr ZZ'ZZ zz 28 ZZ I 30 3l Vanadium 131 Warner Picture 5 Western Union 25 Westinghouso .. 69 Wool worth ,24 S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Murch 20 (AP-Fod State Mar kct News) CATTLE, salable 100; mostly steers; slow, weak; one load top-good 030 lb. steers $12.73. one load top good 1225 lb. steers $12.03; 2 cars common and medium steers $10.50 and $11.50; good cows quoted (9.00 25; medium sausage bulls, $9.50 10.25. Calves, salable none; nominal; good to cholco vealers quoted $13.00-50. HOGS, salable 100; around 10 15 cents lower; most good 183 235 lb. barrows and gilts $14.35: odd good sows $11.35. SHEEP, saltrblu none; fed lamb quoted $12.00-30 but In terest dwindling account arrival new crop lambs; medium to choice ewes quoted $6.50-7.50. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., March 20 (AP-USDA) CATTLE; Salable and total 50; calves: Salablo 15, loiai 80; market steady on kinds available: no medium. anmi tnti teers offered, salable around $11.00-12.25 and above; few common heifers $8.00-50; canner and cutter cows $6.00.7 00: mil and common calves and vealers, $t).au-iz.oo: choice 400 lb. calves UD to 513.00: Dnnri.rhnlrn v,n!r. salablo, $14.00-15.50. HOGS: Salable 150, total 200. market about 25 cent higher; good-choice 170,210 lb. drive-Ins $13.75 to mostly $14.00; 235 lb $13.25, few llRht-llghts unsold; large lot feeder pigs bought to arrive; few lota feeders unsold with demand narrow. SHEEP: Salable rihd total 50; market steady; good-choice 84 lb. shorn lambs with Nn. 3 null. $10.00; heavies at $0.00; good choice wooled lamb quotable to u.uu and above with fed car loads elifflhln tn Sli nn- ..j ewes salable at $6.00-50. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON. Mx-oh in iid USDAV--Sale of fine combing territory wool In Boston today were mostly around $1.15-1.18, scoured basis. Graded one-half blood combine tnrrltnrv sold at $1.12-1.15, scoured basis. Fine combing Ohio Delaine were quoted at 46-48 cents, In the srease. and nnn.hnlf hlnnH combing bright fleece wools wero quotea ai ea-ou cents. In the grease. No sacrifice Is too great at this time of national emergen cy. Mrs. William Pouch, DAR president general, announcing change of national convention to Chicago from Washington be cause of capital room shortage. -run vvumnrN QNU7 If rou suitor from monthly eramps, nervompiu nrt etntreiw or "lr roiularlllss" caused by functlonnl monthly dliturbnnoes try Lydla B. JMnkham's Vemtabla Compound amoua for rallovln atioh pain and nrrvoua faallnaa of woman'a "dim. oult daya," Follow labal dlraotlona WHAT STOCKS DO YOU FOLLOW? Tha HoraM and News ar raviaing their atock list, and are anxious to hear from sub scribers as to which stocka thty want to sa quoted dally. Pleaao note your stocks on a penny poatcard and mall It to tha MARKET EDITOR. Herald and News. Dua to heavy pressure on tha wlraa from war news, lt will be neccasary to reduce tha numbar of stocks carried. Soma papers In cities larger than Klamath Falls have eli minated the stock list. The only way wa can find out whether It Is worth continu ing is a showing of reader in terest as suggested above. CHICAGO, March 20 rj Fresh ducllnu in the grain mar ket today carried prices of lead ing cereuls and soybean down to near or below the lowest fig ure (inoted so far In 1042 In most cases. Hyn tnll almost 2 cents, wheat more than a cent, and corn and oats almost that much, while soybeans at one stage tumbled 6 cents, the maximum loss permit ted In one session. Stop loss selling was blamed for tho pronounced weakness oi uoth rye und beans but the mar ket in general was bearlshly af fectnd by longing demand for most spot delivery grain, excei corn. The favorable prospect for new winter wheat, which will be moving Into consumption in about three months, alto was u factor. Wheat closed 1-1 1 cents low er than yesterday, May $1.28 1.258. July $1,271-1.28; corn s 1c down, May 87-87tc, July 80ic; oats -lc off; rye I-lc low er; soybeans 5i-5Ic lower. It might shake the confidence of the people in the disinterest edness of the draft board If we permit candidates for office and local politicians to sit on draft boardn. Rep. Clarence Han cock, New York republican, ad vocating application of Hatch act to selective servico board members Substantial advances have oc curred in the prices of sporting goods. It is important that these prices remain stable, since spurting goods are needed for civilian recreation and are im portant in the maintenance of civilian morale. Price Admin istrator Leon Henderson. This fight against Inflation is not fought with bullet or with bombs but It Is equally vital. President Roosevelt. Ch urcnes The Apostolic Faith Locuted at 228 .North Eighth street, extends to all a cordial Invitation to attend our services. Tho Sunday service are at fol lows: Sunday school, 9:80 a. m Morning worship. 11 o'clock Evening evangelistic service, 7:45 o'clock. Week night services are on Tuesday and Friday at 8 o'clock, with prayer service on Wednes day, 7:30 p. m. Special alnging by our various singing organlzationa and music by our orchestra are features of each service. All are welcome. A collection is never taken. Rev. C. R. Lambert, pastor 228 North Eighth street. Phone 5429. Sacrad Heart Catholic Church Corner of Eighth and High streets. Rev. T. P. Casey, pas tor Sunday masses are at 6 a. m , 8 a. m., 9:30 a. m., and 11a m Holy days at 8 a. m., 8 a. m. and 9:30 a. m. First Fridays at 6 a. m., and 8 a. m. Rosary and benediction Sun day at 4 p. m. Confessions every Saturday and the eves of Holy day and iirst Fridays from 3 to 6 p. m., and 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Daily mass at 8 a. m. Religious Instruction classes are held every Saturday morn ing from 9:30 to 11 for all Catho lic children In the public grade schools and for public high school student every Monday evening at 7:30. LEGAL NOTICES I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of ; the estate of NETTIE GALAR I NEAU. deceased, has filed in the I Circuit Court of the State of ' Oregon for Klamath County the ' final account of his administra tion of said estate, and that tha Court has appointed April 8, , 1942. at the hour of 10 o'clock ; A. M. as the time, and the Court room of said Court as the place for the hearing and settlement of said account. ' Dated: March 5. 1942. , LAWRENCE J. HORTON, ! Administrator of the Estate j . of Nettie Galarneau, De ceased. ,M 6-13-20-27. No. 34 POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO, March 2D (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 8 Oregon arrived, 20. broken, 80 unbroken cars on track; market about steady; Klamath Russets, No. 1, $2.80. LOS ANGELES. March 20 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 6 Cali fornia, 14 Idaho, 1 Nevada, 2 Oregon arrived, 24 broken, 43 unbroken cars on track; by truck, 7 California arrived; par ket dull; no Klomath quotations. PORTLAND POTATOES PORTLAND, Oro., March 20 Potatoes, old white locals, S2.50 per cental; Deschutes Gems, $2.70-2.80 per cental; Yak ima No. 2 Gems. $1.15-1.25 per 50-lb. bag; Klamath $2.70-2.80 cental. Other produce unchanged. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Marcn 20 (AP- USDA) Potatoes, arrivals, 108; on track 335; total US shipments 854; supplies liberal, demand very light; market dull; Idaho Russet Burbunks, US No. 1, $2.70-90; Nebraska Bliss Tri umphs, US No. 1, $2.75-80; Michigan Green Mountains, US No. 1, $2,03; Minnesota and North Dakota Bliss Triumphs, US No. 1, $2.15-30; Cobblers Commercials $1.05; Wisconsin Katahdlns. US No. 1, $1.90-2.00; new stock, supplies modorate, demand light; market steady; Florida Bliss Triumph, US No. 1, $2.23-35 per bushel crate. The more bitter the struggle against tha criminals abroad, tho more Imperative it is that this country not relox Its efforts against the lawbreakers at home. President Roscoe Pound, of National Probation association. DRIVE OUT DOWEL WORTHS Before) they causa Trouble Your Milldran and jreu, too may have rounawormn wrniou, vn .nonmi ,. thu port, Hvlna Intldo tha body, can aauM rani irouuir. ,nirn ir mn i-nimu, ... ndsatin. ununy atomirn, Hchy note and tut, narvQuMiuM, r",,"""B' It yoi avn autjt roundworm!, t tat jama a varminiia rigou wwr, Amarlca'a laadln rroorlaury worm nwdl- rint. oeisnuncii7 nim mnn uwu .... ... for ovf a eantury. II acta vary lt;ntl. Hxpala itubborn larga worm without dyna- mlllna. ' 11 no worm r m. i. ip mild laxatlva. Demand Jaroa'e V.rml.'ua.. olds on wood us follows: 100 cords, more or less, of , fir body wood, cut In four foot lengths, all wood to be cut from live tree and tiered and stacked on grounds at River side School, to be measured and approved by the Schools' representative. Alternate bids will be con sidered on Pine body wood; pine or fir core centers; or fir slabs. Bids to be considered must specify fully type of wood, and positively will not be considered unless accompanied by Certified Check or Cashier s Check. Un certified personal check will throw bid out of competition. . All wood must be delivered not later than Aug. 15, 1942. Successful bidder will be re quired to enter into contract with tho District, to give bond satisfactory to the District for fulfillment of contract. All bids to be In the hands of the School Clerk not later than 5:00 o'clock P. M. March 25, 1942, at her office at 110 North 8th Street. IDA M. ODELL. Clerk School Dlst. No. 1. F 27, M 6, 13, 20, 24. No. 29 karirm fiSti URGEsr f (nest vcj; v ':::fP f'Wr'M-wt& St. Paul' Episcopal Eighth street at Jefferson. Victor E. Newman, rector. The Holy Eucharist each Sun day at 8 o'clock. Church chpol ot 10 o'clock. The Holy Eucharist at 11 a m. on the first, third and fifth Sunday. Morning prayer at 11 o'clock on the second end fourth Sun days. On Saints' days and Holy days the Holy Eucharist at 10 o'clock Wednesday mornings during Lent there will be celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 10 o'clock. The Young Peoples' forum meets on tho third Sunday at 6.30 p. m. This group comprises all high school young people of the parish Choir practice Is on Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor Percy Steers will lead the Christian church Young People in a Christian Endeavor meeting entitled, "If You Iive Him, Why Not Serve Him." Pauline Alexander will conduct a mis sionary program for the Pres byterian .Young People Sunday. The Christian church Juniors will meet Sunday at 6 p. m. for a business meeting. Following the business meeting Verla Hoi loway will lead the group in a discussion on "I Will Join With Other Christians." This is the third in a series of meetings on "What Committment to Christ Means." Barbara Adams will lead the Christian church High School society with the topici "If You Love Him. Why Not Serve Him." A Klamath-Lake deputation team will visit the Presbyterian High School society Sunday, Gerry Mae Knuth will be In charge of tha program. "What It Mean to Decide for Christ" is the topic Walter Gwln will lead for the Presbyterian Junior Christian Endeavor so ciety. Shirley Falrclo will lead the Mt. Lakl society In a special prayer meeting. Highlight ot the month 1 the Klamath-Lake Christian Endeav or union pre-convention rally scheduled for Friday evening, March 20, at Tulelake, Calif. The various contests In order for the state Christian Endeavor convention will be discussed and eliminations made In this union. The main topic of the evening will be the state Christian En deavor convention, April 23-28, at Eugene. A number of Klamath-Lake Christian Endeavorer are planning to attend the convention. We must rectify our wrong conception that American sol' dicrs cannot fight.. Chungking newspaper, commenting on the stand of General MacArthur'i men. If the present system of vol untary censorship of press rind radio proves a failure, dark hours may be ahead for free speech in the United States. Censorship Director Byron trice. 1 Get Your Next ARROW SHIRT $2.25 At i DREW'S MANST0RE 733 Main KAVY FOR HIM OMAHA Little a-week-old Emerson Fawke Jr. has a tra dition behind him ha'U find hard to ignore. Hi father t naval air force pilot, hi stand father a captain tn tha navy and hi uncle a naval academy itudent. , - . ; 7-jOoklne: 'for Rarntnef Tttw. to the Classified page. LOOKING FOR BIGGER RETURNS OM YOUR SAVINGS? 3121 CURRENT DIVIDEND ON SAVINGS? AND YOUR SAVING , ARE INSURED! Start Earning Mora For Your Dollarl First Federal avfnsi ind Utn Aasoelatlon Of KltfTUth fair Mir Federal Uvtnca and Im inMjrftitM Corporation Dial I1M JHAIII iroNKYl Petition In tchnbuntttfttt ayiwhroiiWinl 3rrviM.d.u,X. JrTt VJ l .6" aatanKol portf. ly tucWulh, tmtlnt ia eparaKan 3 itl i. l!X'&a9& JfWXA lMi -nlveraol truth we hove mettarad the utnt hi Mm V Py "TRA VAl"E " C0Mnm SATISFAgO 'S5c Lady Esther Cream 39 i $1.25 Saraka -jil. 9S "iLth '''''' I jjr 60 Phillip Cream ... 49 J25e J J Baby Tale. -21f peB4,rt , ilf .We 50c Woodbury Cream .39 'SOe Mennen Baby OU ajjaj 1 paa ! f & ITALIAN '80e Jaynea VermUuge 59 25e Bayer Aspirin 19 utfl -"'St 3 BALM j Palraollve thav er- Ige. 27 M.2S Petrolager 89 0c SalTS) J f rtl 7Sc Squibb Mia. OU S9t 1 SOe W04".. C ra2r iVllTiTrtM -BSC BISODOL 49 I ""d,t t' . VITALIS PabJ"m VSTTT soeREsiNoi.omT.49 rr fc e q 39C X'JC -S0 BARBASOL ,..9 - tlC 20c 80e DRE3Km 3.. ffc 39c Alka sl 'iuTwF' S3 C ; VS 49c" ""S, 29c 49e A " C I SeiXer tS ' 35. Coran C -V t T-mp.a 49C fcg PhUllpp. Up P"" s&di-c 1 ir' 1 ;.yDQL 1 1 stlct 7" 1 By. 'shaa5'poIH 1 P'L" rrt -j08 (gft'lT' $1 'S Hin V I 1 M.25 CAROIl VUP89c &t&& 79c I "ZlZ I Adjustable a BILE TABS 98c X - L0T,0N Vacuum Brush .Tr.nd 50c M Tlk 25C A Bottle I ?C PtnLhams Zonlte, med. 47 aT , B , Stoppers Abwrbine Wc, .59 tl soo Laveri 39 B LISTERINE H 15c. Nature's7 39c 1 "C 11- SyropSSr,,. 47c , 3 PI Hi SlttoU Carter's. 19c f, ""'M 1 Kleenex 440,,. 25c fej""; Nf P fl I 60c I so ".w - 71 3 KJCCT iiAiie PONDS jergENS . NI 'S r B 37c t39c 39c 49c 1 C NINTH AND MAIN STS.