SERIAL" STORYv . r WSSSBSi:Wf. opybiohT'.i4oH:,vA',' BY HENRY BELLAMANN - MIA SCRVICK. INC. OBDEB3 FROM VIENNA CHAPTER XXV next afternoon Mr. Patter- ton Lawes at the Burton County Bank carefully polished hit glasses and reread the cable gram that had been handed to him. Mr. Carter, the assistant cashier, came out of the vault. "What's up?" "That young Mitchell trying to be a fool." "Yes?" - "Cabled orders to turn over that -you know, the Tower estate that was left to him, to Drake Mc Hugh." . - . T) ANDY adjusted the window shade, poked the fire, and made small rustling noises. Drake spoke finally. "Ifs no use. Randy, you've got to talk to me sooner or later. Might as well be now." "How would you like It If some thing happened to Parria and he didn't let you know?" Drake hesitated. "I dont know. I hadn't thought of it" - "Well, it's the same thing. Drake, he's your best friend." Drake picked up the message from the counterpane. He had almost worn It out since yester day reading and rereading it. "Gee, he's a great friend, Ran dy." "Of course." "But" j "But what, now? What?" "This last sentence." "Yes, I know. What about It?"' . " You and Randy stick together tin X get there. Well work every thing out " "I know K by heart," she said: aofUy. "Of course ha doesnt under stand." "Doesn't understand what?! What are you driving at, Drake?" She waited. He did not notice bow pale she had become. "I tell you. Randy, I I remem bered that If you had Just a little money there " His voice faded. Tve heard there was homes you could get into maybe." "Would you would you delib erately treat me that way, and Parris, too?" "I I dont" ' I Drake was looking at Randy! with an expression half desperate; with his own emotion, and half a puzzled concern for her. "Then listen carefully. What-t ever you say, or however you feel! It's you and me hereafter to-1 gether somehow." The expression went out of i Drake's face. "I . want you to trust yourself I (entirely to me for a while until lyou are well and " She bit her ip sharply. "But you see, honey I can't vei$be well,' as you say." - "Orakerra going to ten you something, and--I- want you to Uisten-until I "hav finished. Ifs iflrst .of ail about what Parris said In that cablegram: You and Ran dy stick together till I get there.' "We'fsi going'to-do that But I imadp upmy'own mind about that Hone before this harDened. Then after you got hurt I just had to V ithink of now that was alL Do you remember .one time you said something about marrying me? Well, I made fun of the Idea be cause I guess I'd been a little hurt But later on when you came down Ihere remember the morning you .came to ask Pa to help you get job? I made up my mind that I day that I'd marry you as soon las the right time came around, il knew I wanted to marry you " Drake flung his arms across his tfaee, but Randy went on evenly. "We'll get married, any time mow, and then well work out eome way what we'll do after-, ward." Drake raised his arms and clutched the head of the bed. Then he turned his face to the rwall again, but one hand reached out for hers. THREE days later Randy was l'x hurrying about her house keeping when Mr. Lawes called. "I am Patterson Lawes. I be lieve Mr. Drake McHugh is here at present" "I think Drake would want me to deal with it whatever it is." Mr. Lawes reached for his Heather despatch case. "I hardly think so, Miss er " "I am Mrs. Drake McHugh, Mr. Lawes." "I hadn't been advised of that, Mrs.. McHugh." He arose and bowed slightly. "I didn't know Drake was married." "We were married yesterday."- "But God bless me, the boy hasn't any legs!" - "I didn't marry Drake because of his legs, Mr. Lawes. Suppose we hear about the business now?" "Well I have here,- Mrs. Mc Hugh, a communication that should be of great interest to both of you.. I suppose it will help solve some problems if you have any," he added hastily. He looked at her sharply. "Were you expecting a com munication from Mr. Parris MitcheU in Vienna?" "I expect a letter soon. I had a cable from him. Drake had one also.'! "I see. Now, Mrs. McHugh " t He laid the papers on the table and explained briefly their pur port Randy listened with an in creasing dismay. . "I shall leave these' with you, er Mrs. McHugh." Randy shook her head. "I dont .know how Drake is going to take this. I'm so afraid he may think I asked Parris for help." Mr. Lawes rubbed the back of this head. He was completely per plexed. T DON'T know, Randy, I Just don't know what to say.!. iSpots'of high color stood put on Drake's thin cheeks. Randy was disturbed by his agitation. "I guess I oh, I don't know. What do you think about it?" The discussion of Parris' offer had proved less troublesome than Randy had anticipated. Drake was not violent about it but he was not easily convinced that he should accept it. She remembered a warning line in a second cable gram she had had from Parris: "As soon as he is well enough make him decido things. Give him full sense of independence." "I don't know what to say, Drake. We've got to look at it as a loan, not as a gift" "But what do you think I ought to do?" "I dont know, Drake. After all, women haven't got much sense about money. You're a man and you know better than I do what's right" "But how are we ever going to pay it back, Randy?" "Well, out of whatever we make some day. As soon as you are able we've got to make some plans about what we'll do." "You think we ought just to take the money, then?" "You have to say that yourself." Drake closed his eyes and his chest sank with a sigh of weari- "You dont have to think about it now" "Yes I do. Randy. Well take it When Parris comes home maybe we can give most of it back." "Maybe so." "I believe ifs the right thing. Like you say. we've got to think some way out" Drake managed a imile. "I feel better. You reckon I could learn to do fancy work, honey?" Randy did not respond to the smile. She bit her Hp hard to keep back tears. "Listen, Drake. Don't ever joke like that You're a man, and above everything else you're my man. I've loved you for a long time, but now I'm going to be proud of you." (To Be Continued) - 1 OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams nL,H?iVT.t:W JO SPEED V XX) CAW'T kCEP THES6 ' YHOLDijm THAI HAMMER Yzrf THINGS UP CIVILIAW C-pMERAtJA n R'S lSRK!t PV, .V 3HEY3vf? OUT OP THE iFROMT RSR.mkJ " E BULL OP LIME.' THIiV tVN'T ?S 1B,9?,e " THE SNOOPS A I SEEMlOWNaw HOW '7 CVX.f?Z?vi,.V?f STAFF-BUT TO USE A STAFF, BUT -Cl r.C26U- A- INSTEAD OF POV. HOW QUICK T LaiK '7 IeM sewciw -em they" learm whum r" ..tiv, this.' r He tawes A. th' first bomb JO I THE LEG MEM ,M,.,M t , . OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hooplo on, come nowM wr-ww I v V REPEAT THIS: "ATTACK ON THE IZ'A ?-7 LEFT -7z :.,in r-i IIF IT'6 TRUtt W I'M STILL TRViNS, BUT W NO0 HAVE MW5E ) WE HWS TO 6EMO PWE h V uEFEN'oB -f'l M666EM&ERS WHENEVER );( Mfe6SEMGERS WE WftNT TO FIND XiS. TWO BMWTU8 ) TPMKllKJft TUfe MVMO.U Pi- FOR THE ARNW HE SrtTZN ' J 6AVS TOO MAK3V PlBEOSVS "S Ti ' Y s I with written! dispatches Haji ewK, Newly received picture shows Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, long time Filipino rebel now reported collaborating with the Japs, as be looks today. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson HAS NOSE . tar, no tr m tomct. mx AT ONE TIME IT WAS BELIEVED THAT OUR.. - - ' BLOOD VESSEt-S WERE PIU-ED WITH r. a. ma. as. pat. err. One must be consideceo a. success to rate a BUST Sav GLENDA R. SACK NEXT: Dating hlslory by tree rings. DRAMATIST AND POET HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted Nor yegian poet and dramatist, 9 Remnant. . 11 Hear. 12 About 13 Goes swiftly. IS Nevada city, 17 Goddess of vegetation. 18 Small particle. 19 Paid notice. SO Dress edge, 21 Dined. 23 Toward, 24 Tiny, 26 Cover.- 29 Established value. 81 Sorrowful. 83 Tree. SS Bone. 37 Bow slightly, 88 Redact 40 Decree. 43 Observe. 44 Anger. 48 Toward" (prefix), 48 Mother. Answer to Previous Puzzle EiRISlKll IrJgl AL)TH0,r!s BOLE RpTZ PUlPPET elTaPTiviJaprFeoe N E VN SEppfe E NIA P ASfB riLXTRE R 3H WP on RE Pi ?ri rTTe NEEI iBI pTWTO) TTp W: r5pjJljJA wL e RE cirIyipItIi lei 151 1 Isleluls 51 Snake. 53 Tantalum (symbol). 54 Tranquility. 57 Drive back. 58 Conduct. 60 Woody plant 61 Exclamation. 62 Rood (abbr.). 63 Australian birds. 64 He was a famous (PL). vertical IFowL 2 Vanity. 3 Speed com petition. 4 Article. 5 Notion, 6 Finest 7 Age. 8 Hard-shelled dry fruit 9 Mite. 10 Color. 14 Negative. 15 Smoke and fog. 20 Pronoun. 22 Cloth measure 24 Guards. 25 Symbol for erbium. 27 Exists. 28 Rhythmic motion. 29 Dessert. 30 Enemy. 32 Period. 34 Stalk. 36 Nip. 39 Id est (abbr.). 41 Measure of area. 42 He was also famous 45 Boys. 47 Tribunal. 49 Orblike. 50 Sound made by cat. 51 Air (comb, form). 52 Hit hard without aim. . 53 Greek letter 55 September (abbr.). .56 Snaky fish. 68 Permit 59 Print measures. r I I3 K I Is I6 I I7 I8 I 9 io ign 4 lis !IM iii . jfh'TZDi ili 46 ? Hil 46 W? MM S4 55 56.557" Wsltsi? 6oz"iri":s' tmmkmm - to JJ I ' 1 I I I I 2(5 RED RYDER rwELL.OLP TIMER. THE CwOSNU LSTCNET TD MY SPEECH TSOUT A LONCi A-3 A -IUMKLEIEED IK A -cu K as lcno there's ' COWHANDS MAKIM KTHrf rXJCkft AMD PHIIMISS. THERE'LL BE BllLT BOTTOM;'. TO lAKt IT FROM 'EM.' wjkawKtWflMy I AMP IF 1tX WAS51A KAlftB MONK.Y fOK A SCHOOL, WlftfOM riOCS AM17 OI-F1jW THf-M VLIUCHERfl iiONe FOM By rrtd Harmon IC"',BWsJfwrtMM!'lli'iCX I f inR ItXl'VB YTvi siii I oiveiJ Mr. am I LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gray " N ( GOT HOME ALL ( VOU WER6 YES-AND 6HFS ( (OH. NO"OXIPtE i OH! . t ER NOTH1NQ Z RK5HT--REMEMBER I UP ALL COMING ALONG WELL.YtXJ CUPS OP COFFEfc- I : DOCTOR? V MUCH-l-l TURNING OTTO THE ( NIGHT ; ALL RIGHT NOW- M.USJ - (LL Be O. K.--- V T , WHAT ) GUESS I DOTED DRIVE-NEXT THING L LONG WITH THAT WAS A GET SOMB OFFICE PULL OP p MAPPCNCIS?! OFF AT THE 1 KNEW ID SMACKED f- THE CLOSE ONE -NEARLY SLEEP PATIENTS" I CANT nwr'fcnfcer wheel into the wall rafferty lost her- now- ) let tkfm down- J " BY THE GARAGE" CHILD- THE PAOR6 WAS IV J -S 1 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin SUCW VU&H0V4C0UO NOO DO SUCW DOMTCUN THki OO&WTTfx 6tT TWSK VOU UOOVO TKKiOWf Wf. rtcra l 1 1 L3S iy i. mi. tm. r. u. m u . p.t. fail WASH TUBS By Cran IET'6 SEE JWHAT HAS BECOME OF LISKA I AM SO 10NELY.4O PtiPeUATajV -I COULD CBY. YES.PtRHAJI is a sooo idea: he i not T0U6H,THW JAP. HE IS A KCCPEft 1 HOTELS WITH THE HEART OP A CHICKEN I fTf THAT BOtTISH PILOT ) ( DO NOT N S X AID M ESCAPE Of AMERICAN, V 7 4 WE 60 OUT BEAR Jpv 1 f.l &Jtf. I HELP. 6ET wo ONE HE WILL TAKE ME BEWND C , DOOB 1P5SiJl - B0AT I THE POCKS WHERE THE 6ftEAT jtL&SSsk ' T. m"! FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser 'Wll set 'em ypZ&Qisk f Boy, this "Tvou C 1 ( We TKoooht we coulo hilt UP AMD CHARBB AND BUY IS A SWElLy SAID KOv T-rS!) I NOT EVBN OPSN fOR. YOU.' WE OIONT TH'NK tOUD I C - SFORTHREC SOME DEfWtSe- . IDEA, f (Ti . I fet n) IPVJ V BUSINESS YsT . . HAsS lb HELP 08 J . f Vl Tmj mr )M ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin AND DESERTIONS PROM TpT S7 THEBND7BAH.' )1 f BLACK AS THI9 HOUR MAY- 1 Hmm THOO&H THEY OVEPRUM MY 1 tT'S A -OtoUR OWN PERSCJMAl. LL- fvl THIMK Y& 1 LACV4 A - SEEM, I STILL HOLD THE ,T,rcrA POMAIJ,THE REBELa WILLNEVkR J CATAOTROPHE&UABDHAV&BEEMCT J y BRAIN AS YOU ( WHIP...TBLL ME.VHAT At2kMMPP3 Sg ATTACK M6 V . " ' ' ' ' ' I S ' "