The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 20, 1942, Page 11, Image 11

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    March 20, 1942
, Women'i place In Oregon'
civilian defense plan wu aug
mantcd Wednesday night when
lha Oregon Womon'i Ambulance
corpa orgunlzed a local platoon
nt a public rally held In the
court house. Major Faith M.
Qoble and Major Alice Trover,
regimental headquarter, Port
land, organized the group.
The Oregon Women'i Ambu
lance corps U a volunteer non
profit organization, Incorporat
ed under the lawi of the utile.
It U a service organization to
complement oxlatlng dofonse
ancles and not to compete
or duplicate any other
Sup, the orguntzor stated. The
corps works for and with any
established agency and finds
grratest success with the local
defens councils.
. Five mandatory courses In
clude, firat aid comprised of Red
Cross standard and advanced
courses and military first aid;
motor mechanics, communica
tions, fire fighting, and last but
one of the most Important, mili
tary drill. This is taught by an
x -service man who serves as
drlllmastar and military advisor
Drill u.nhes military courtesy
and discipline and speeds coor
dinntlon. the women outlined in
their talk.
: The corps is now over one
year old and boasts nearly 800
members throughout the state.
It opcrntes in IB cities. The statu
faawllvlded Into three battn'lon.
J I with Major Eleanor Na
pier In command with headquar
ters at Seaside; No. 2 with Major
Lucille Dyott In comr.innd, head
quarters in Eugene; No. 3 with
Major Edna Rice in command,
headquarters in P r 1 n e v 1 1 1 e.
Klamath Falls wilt be the
Fourth platoon, Company L,
Third battalion.
The local platoon will be
under command of Acting Sec
ond Lieutenant Betty Guernsey
and any woman over 18 years of
age, a citizen of the United
States, In good health and inter
ested In taking training to be
come an ambulance driver. Is
Invited to contact Mrs. Guernsey
for further information. Mem
bers provide their own uniforms,
a tan cotton gabardine slack
suit at a cost of 110; pay a regis
tration fee of t, and 50 cents
Q month for dues.
Thirty Klnmnth women have
already signified their intention
of enlisting In the ambulance
corps. Further Information may
be obtained by calling Mrs.
Guernsey, 4827. or by contacting
her In Room 202, IOOF build
ing, regimental headquarters.
Major Traver of Portland Is
a former Klamath Falls girl,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Uerllngs, pioneer residents. She
has formed units at Hood River,
Bllverton, and other Oregon
owns and has served for over a
year as captain of the corps in
Yanks Not Wasting
Time; Hart's On
Who Wooes, Wads
MELBOURNE, Mar eh 20
1UP At least one American
Odler In -Australia has ear
ned out the United State
army tradition ei "getting
things dona."
Since his arrival in this
country, he has wooed, won
and wed an Australian girl
One of his companions la
engaged to marry another glrL
while others have declared
that they Intend to marry here.
It's a Long, Long
Way to Baltimore
i'' THE DALLES, Or., March
20 (A When Citv Raeardu
Joe Steer discovered that a
IBS telephone bill for one
long distance call had been
charged to the city, he order,
ed an Investigation.
A nagro soldier, one of
contingent baaed at the Civic
auditorium here, admitted
dvlng placed the call to his
beetle" at Baltimore, Md.,
over the auditorium telephone.
The soldier make 144 a
month and his superior of
ficers said he will serve with
out pay for the next 21 months
to reimburse the city.
Congress can best help the
farmer by letting him alone.
Rep, Clifton A. Woodrum, chair
man of house appropriations
by MeFeatters
How's Your Musical IQ?
Here's Chance to Claim
Free Ticket to Concerts
An Interesting musical quiz
was given workers In the annual
Klamath Community Concert as
sociation campaign at a meotlng
this week. To create added In
terest in tho membership drive,
the quiz is given below. To the
person sending or bringing the
greatest numbers of correct an
swers to concert headquarters In
tho Willitrd hotel before 2 p. in.
Saturday, a free membership
will bo given.
Members of the association
who are working on the drive,
officers, and members of the
preas and radio staffs are not
entitled to compete. Answers
must be In the hands of Mrs.
Lester Offield, membership
chairman, by 2 p, m. Saturday
in order to be Judged.
The campaign closes Saturday
at S p. m. No membership
will be sold at any time during
the coming year. Selection of
artists will take place Saturday
night when result of the drive
are learned.
Following I the quiz:
1. Who Is known as the father
of the symphony?
2. What nationality was Jen
ny LlndT
3. How ' many opera did
Beethoven write?
4. Despite report to the con
trarywhat wa the first pay
able Instrument?
8- I the Chopin funeral
march feparate piece or part
of some other composition?
6. Give the last names of 3
out of 4 of these violinists, all
famou pupil of Leopold Auer
Jsscha, Toscha, Mlscha and
7. From what classical com
position was "I'm Always Chas
ing Rainbow" taken?
8. Complete the two line
"Music hath charms" and "If
music be the food.'
B. Who Is known a the father
of the SILLY ymphony?
10. Who WTot the "Flight of
the Bumble Bee?
11. Who I the concert master
in an o.chestra?
12. What well known Amerl
can composer colored a rhap
sody blue? .
13. Is a musician known as a
virtuoso because of hi tech
nique, ability to memorize, or
ability to play many Instru
ment? 14. Where I Mozart buried?
IB. Arrange these people In
their proper place:
DUling violinist
Horowitz lyrlo tenor
Melchlor harpist
Heifetz pianist.
16. Who wa America's
March King?
17. Which of the following
character 1 out of place? Cri
men, Don Joae, Topay and Mlcae
la? 18. Name 8 songs mentioning
IB. What Metropolitan Opera
(tar recently made her debut
with Nelson Eddy in a movie?
20. Who composed the music
to the Star Spangled Banner?
Who wrote the words?
21. What are the highest and
lowest musical instruments In a
symphony orchestra?
ONI M . M an
Spring Sport Dance
Sponsored By
Klamath County Junior Chamber ol Commerce
Saturday, March 21
Klamath Armory
i Dsnolng 8 Till 1 Door Open 8i30
Em!! Buiaid
, Orchestra
Admission 11.00
Ladles Free
22. What was Wagner's first
Mozart's middle name?
Mendelssohn's last name?
23. What famous concert pi
anist has volunteered his serv-
Ice for the flying corps in
World war II?
.24. Is a recordor a (1) book.
(2) a musical Instrument. (3) a
mechanical Instrument for re
producing? 23. Is John McCormack still
26. What orchestra conductor
on the air never uses a score?
27. You hear lots about north
PORTLAND, March 20 (AP)
Pooling of trucking equipment,
may be required soon by the
government, Frank E. Lands-
burg predicted Thursdoy.
The district director of the
Oregon-Washington motor car
riers division of the Interstate
commerce commission said the
plan might embrace the logging
and agricultural Industries.
Logging operators, he said,
mig be required to "double
shift their operations and keep
their trucks working and If one
logger has an Idle truck it would
be placed In the pool of Idle
Landsburg said the limitation
of truck quotas would mean that
all application would be con
sidered "in relation to the war
effort." He said 8S0 applications
had been received by his office
during the first 10 days of tha
rationing program. This Is three
times the quota for March In
thl district.
RENO, March 20 (UP) Li
censes issued here today Includ
ed: Stephen W. Moss and Mary
E. Evans, each over 21. both
Klamath Falls and Rex Butltr.
22, and Gladys Charles, 21, both
of Chlloquln.
Two Air Cadets
Killed in South
BAKERSFIELD, Calif., March
20 UP) Two air corps cadets
crashed to their deaths and three
others still are missing on a
routine flight which left Mlnter
field hero Wednesday.
The field commander said
bodies of Don Carne, 20, son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carne, San
Francisco, and Paul A. Davis,
23, ion of Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Davis, Denver, were recovered.
winds and south winds, but
where would you find wood
wind? 28. What affliction overtook
Bocthoven on the completion of
his 8th symphony?
29. What noted music com
mcntaor on the air recently
celebrated hi 80th birthday? His
brother was well known too.
30. How would you define a
"concert Grand" and a "grand
(Correct answers will appear
In Saturday' Herald and Sun
day's News)
DARWIN, Australia, March
20 (UP) Increasing numbers of
American soldiers here are get
ting on well with the Australian
comrades except for one thing
"the amazing Australian lan
guage." The Americans swear the Aus
tralians don't talk English and
Australians reciprocate in kind.
And each group Insists the
other talks too fast.
So great are the difficulties
that Col. Robinson, in charge of
American forces here, had to
telephone Copt. K. O. Preshain.
Australian liaison officer, to act
as translator when the col-jn-.-l
attempted to question an Aus
tralian soldier.
Actually, a United Press cor
respondent has found, it is pos
sible to learn Australian slang
which forms a large part of
most Australian soldier conver
sation within a week if one nas
a Rood ear and applies one's
(UP) California ended February
with a general fund caah de
ficiency of $8,749,694, an in
crease of $398,849 over a month
earlier but (98,743,128 less than
on February 26, 1941, State Con
troller Harry B. Riley announc
ed Wednesday night.
The Increase over the January
figure, Riley explained, was
caused by clearance in January
of sales tax and other revenue
normally not received until the
following month.
During the first eight months
of the current fiscal year, state
revenue totaled $149,833,638,
Including $96,794,603 in sales
taxes. Total revenues for the
eight months Increased $23,297,
396 over the corresponding pe
riod a year ago while expendi
ture dropped $13,872,371 below
the $117,090,721 spent during a
similar period In 1940-41.
The state's Income during the
period exceeded expenditures by
$48,138,162, Riley said,
Promotion Asked
For Wainwright
Major General Jonathan M.
Wainwrlght, who succeeded
General Douglas MacArthur as
commander of the beleaguered
American and Filipino forces
on the Bataan . peninsula, was
nominated by President Roose
velt today to be a lieutenant
Wainwrlght had been serving
as second in command to Mac
Arthur and then - took full
charge of the defense of the
peninsula and fort at the
mouth of Manila bay whan Mae.
Arthur wa ordered to Australia
to become supreme commander
of United National force in tha
southwest Pacific. Ha la a na
tive of Walla Walla.
The metal with the greatest
annual total valu In tha Unit
ed States Is that In the license
plate of tha 82,000,000 motor
vehicle operating on the high
way of America. Owner of
theso vehicle each year pay for
their license plates at tha rata
of $10 to $20 per pound.
Read the Classified page.
You Drive Move Yourself
., . Save H Long and
Short Trips. .
Phone 6304 1201 East Main
When In Madford
8tay at
Thoroughly Modern
Joe and Anne Eazley.
Defense Production Depends Upon You!
Help Assure Victory
534 Market
Phone 4882
To co-operate with the national defense program, the following service stations starting
Friday, will observe the following hours: ;i .! ;
7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Daily-
..... '. s jr.asf trr;?.:
Closed all Day Sunday
Texas Service Station
J. E. Eehendorf
6th and Plum
Leslie Stiles
Qeneral ' Petroleum Station
1201 E. Main
Les Compton
CUmore Station
4443 S. 6th
Cliff Hogue
Signal Station
300 So. 6th
Del's Gilmore Service
Delbert Carr
6th and Oak
L. H. Gibson
Shell Station
6th and Commercial
A. W. Porter
Union Station
So. 6th and E. Main
Wyatt S. Peck
Richfield Station
1102 E. Main
M. Kasper
Signal Station
730 E. Main
Chet. C. Brown
Associated Station
259 E. Main
J. A. Carman
Shell Station
4608 So. 6th
Robert T. Hayes
Associated Station
Pastega's Food Store
Pelican City i"
Jack Crawford J .
Associated Service
Oregon Ave. and Biehn
Robinson's Market :
4839 So. 6th
W. E. Andersch
SheU Station
Klamath Falls
R. G. McDonald
Richfield Station
125 West Main
Sunrise Service
Richfield Station
101 E. Main
H. Adams
West Klamath
F. O. Reynolds
CUmore Station
20 Main
Lee Ruttencutter
Signal Station
11th and Oak
V. J. Hanegan
Signal Station
76 Main
Monarch Service
Teed and Nltschelra
301 So. 6th
Gus Anderson
, Shell Station
2nd and Main
Chester H. Hamaker
Texas Station
2260 So. 6th
Bob Halooran
Texaco Station
Prospect and Upham
Bill Jones
Richfield Station
9th and Pine
Rice Motor Co.
Emmett Barkee
Weyerhaeuser Junction
Lien's Cash Store
Highway 66
Mahr Reymers
Associated Service
333 Main -
Percy Pierce
Signal Station
4651 So. 6th
E. G. Gienger
Standard Station
So. 6th and Midland Rd.
Union Oil Co.
USS No. 230
So. 6th and Klamath
Union Oil Co.
USS No. 41$
11th and Main
Bob Lind
Associated Service
8th and Pine
Al Flumenfelt
GUmore Station
1337 Oregon Ave.
Nicholson & Dexter
General Petroleum '
6th and Walnut
Harry Coleman
Richfield Station
2300 So. 6th
Edwin J. Boothby
. GUmore Station
2301 So. 6th
Dean Hall
Shell Station
2116 So. 6th
Dean O. Miller
' Oil City
So. 6th St.
Juncton Service St.
Klamath Falls
Fred Savage
Mobllgas Service '
11th and Klamath
Dean O. Miller
Craig Station
6th and Market
W. H. Painter
Shell Station
11th and Main
Clancy Canine
Texaco Station :
9th and High ,
Dean O. Miller -
Craig Station
Main and Conger
, M. E. Biehn
Swan Service Station
S. 6th and Altamont Dr.
Fred Savage
General Petroleum
11th and Klamath
Van Duker Serv. Sta.
Bend Highway
Lakeway Station
J. J. Pyl
Oregon Ave. and Biehn
S. R. Balsiger
Beacon Station
So. 6th St.
Imperial Garage
Oscar Lynum
3rd and Main
Pine St. Service
Richfield Service
7th and Pine
Richfield Service
6th. and Klamath
Operators of These Stations Appreciate Your Patronage and Your Cooperation