yrch n. 1042 THK KVKNTNG HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Classified Advertising Rarest One day run ....... por word 3c 2 day run ........... por word do 3 day run .....pur word He 4 dny run . 8 duy run , Week run , Month run -...por word 10c ...per word lie ...per word 12o . per word 32o 20 DISCOUNT for payment In Advance. This dis count given to do away with book work Jind billing ... on actual paid In advance ads only. 5 DISCOUNT fo; Payment by the 10th. This dis count given to Insure prompt payment of ads charged on monthly basts. 4 Automotive 34 Price and Quality That Meet All Competition '87 Ford Tudor $339 four new tires, rucllo, heater and good mechanical condition, 84 Chevrolet Coach 8148 Fine motor, 88 Dodgo Bedim Motor overhauled, A - 86 Pontluo Coupe New rebuilt motor, excellent tires. '31 Chevrolet Coupo $ 30 Two new tlrea, two 00 tires, mochanlcally OK. 87 Chevrolet Coupe $435 Complete set of new first grade tires, new pnlnt and first class mochanlcal condition. '30 Plymouth Pickup $445 A-l unit, motor overhauled, top rubber. 81 Buick Sedan $ 85 Motor overhauled, 80 tires. '88 Ford Coupe $345 Now exchange motor, radio and 80 tires. 85 Pontiac Sedan $200 New tires of first ctuallty, rudlo and newly overhauled motor, exceptionally clean car. 1420 Main Street OPPOSITE THE ARMORY Earl Smith Pontiac it Situations Wanted MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN wants housework In motherless home In town. Inquire House 0, Pelican City. Phone 8005. 3-20 BHIPMAN BOARDING HOME for children. 3B02 Blshre, South Altamont. Plio.ie 73(15. 4-4 HOUR WORK. Phone 7B.14. 3-30 10 Room and board ROOM AND BOARD for girl, 3 meals, $36. Close In. Phone 3885. 3U04U ROOM BOARD 504 N. 10th. Gentleman. 3 24 ROOM BOARD Phone 8883. 3-23 BOARD-ROOM, laundry. Home privileges. 1534 Warden. 3-20 MCE ROOMS, good board. 523 Lincoln. 3-23 BOARD - ROOM 514 Walnut. Phone 8502. 4-10 BOARD ROOM 620 Jefferson. 3-10 11 Rooms For Rent CLEA1. steam heated rooms. 310 So 5th. Phone 7050. 3-24 SMALL ROOM $3.00. 134 No. 3rd. 3414tf ROOMS 1034 High. 4-5mtf LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. 816 Pine. 2600tf CLAREMONT, 228 North 4lh All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms All with new Innerspring mattresses. Free parking. 3-31mtf ROOM 514 No. 10th. 3-20 84 Apartments For Rent THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. Walking distance. No pets. 1421 Wall. 8-21 I ROOMS, furnished. Phone 7731 or 63B3. 3 24 FURNISHED APARTMENT 710 Main. 3707tf THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment on Main street, $20 mo. J. E. Hosklng, 617 Main. 3-20 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished, $4.50. 410 So. 8th. 3-23 NEWLY RENOVATED 3-room furnished apartment. Close In. 625 Grant. 3-19 HERMOSA APARTMENTS Small furnished apartment. Adults only. 1421 Esplannde. 3-10 VACANCY Rex Arms. 4-11 UNFURNISHED DUPLEX 1878 LcRoy. 3088tf VACANCY Adults. 421 Oak. 3-23 8-ROOM furnished apartment. Adults. 400 Oak. 3-23 LARGE 8-ROOM partly furnish ed apartment. Phone 50110. 3-21 2-ROOM APARTMENT Elec tric range. Close In. No chil dren or pets. $22.60. Also two-room upstairs npnrtmnnt, wood range, $17.50 mo. Call 8126 High. 36B2tf FOR RENT OR LEASE 10 room epartmont, furnished; 0 more rooms available soon. News-Horald Box 3878. 3-21 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished. 210 Mnln. (mem Apartments. e-io Automotive l rubber. ..$325 . $348 24 Apartments For Rent TWO-ROOM furnished aport- mcnt. Close In. 405 N. 3rd. 3-21 ELECTRICALLY equipped apt $20. 433 N. 10th. 3874lf HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished. 210 Main, Fairfield Apartments. 3-10 KOUR-ROOM nicely furnished apartment. Hot and cold wa trr furnished. $32.50 month. 1120 Grant. 2883 FOR KENT Four-room apart ment, li blocks from Main street. Middle-aged couple. Cheap rent to right party. In quire Nows-Hcrald Box 3550. 3-19 FURNISHED APARTMENT 501 Market. . 4-1 VACANCY Small 2-room suit able for two adults. 325 Com mercial. 39O0U CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. 4-9mtf FURNISHED APT. 303 So. 5th. 8-10 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. 2043 White. 2036U GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Furnished complete with gar age, $27.50 and up. Weyer haeuser district Phone 5084. 3-25 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas 410 N 10th. 3-24mtf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 8-31mtf VACANCY Everything fur nlshcd. $3.50 up. 1404 Klam ath. 4-6 LARGE 3-bedroom apartment near Ewauna Box Co. Steam heat, water furnished. $40. Phone 8149 or 3025 evenings. 2905U FURNISHED 4rooms. Modern, 2 bedrooms. Inquire 2119 Ap ptegate. 8360tf VACANCY Corner Erie-Has-kins. Hot water heat. Phone SRBB. 3680tf 28 Houses For Rent FOR RENT 4-room house. 1820 Johnson Ave. 3-20 FIVE-ROOM modern unfurnish ed house. Close In. Two-room modern furnished or unfur nished on t acre good ground. 1-room modern unfurnished house. Phone 8212. 3-20 FOR RENT Two 3-room houses freshly cleaned, two blocks north Associated station, Stew art addition, Kcno road. Phone 5007. ' 3-19 UNFURNISHED 3-room house. Hardwood floors, automatic oil furnaco, electric hot water tank, fenced-in yard, one bed room. $30. 318 Lnguna. Phone 6748. 3-19 UNFURNISHED now two-bedroom house, suburban bus Una, $35. Nice 3-room house with bath, $22.80. Phone 7(1R8. 3442U THREE-ROOM furnished house. Buth, garage. Water paid. 2424 So. 6th. 3-21 FIVE-ROOM modern house, Ore gon avenue, $20. Call 3208. 3680U FURNISHED 2 ROOMS, bath. 1320 Onk. 3441tf FIVE-ROOM HOUSE with gar den spot. 1414 Homedale. 8-19 34 Automotive 34 We've Been "Japped" Too BIG NEW LOW PRICE SALE IS NOW GOING ON at the LOWEST PRICES In HISTORY. Just check these prices and you will wonder why I am doing this. It looks as though I will have a chance to enlist pretty soon. And I naturally want to reduce my used car stock be fore I go into service. t THE DOUGLAS MOTOR Company WILL CONTINUE just tho some as usual with our present employees. So we ore NOT quitting business because we are sacrificing our used cars . . . but the Japs have caused all this misery In the automobile business, so I would like to PAY THEM BACK DOUBLE, with INTEREST. And don't forget that you hove until Saturday night to buy on these present terms. New buying restrictions go into effect Monday. So don't poss this LAST CHANCE to buy on EASY TERMS. Check These Prices: Orlg. New Low Down Mos. to Was Salo Price Pmt. Pay D '32 Plymouth Coupe, 4-cyl...S 125 $50 cash cosh '33 Chevrolet Sedan, as is 125 60 cash cosh '33 Chevrolet Sedan, as is.... 1 25 60 cosh cash Q '33 Ford Coupe 185 95 45 2 '34 Ford Tudor, as is 150 50 cosh cash '35 DeSoto Coupe 375 275 100 12 '35 Ford Coupe 285 175 75 12 '35 Ford Coupo 295 185 85 ' 12 '36 Pontiac Cooch, tis is 395 245 100 12 '36 DeSoto Sedan, as Is 425 195 95 12 '36 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 395, 265 95 12 '37 DeSoto Sedan 495 395 135 18 '37 Pontiac Coach 495 295 100 15 '37 Ford Coupe 465 280 100 15 '37 Ford Sedon 465 295 100 15 '37 Packard Touring Sedan.. 550 395 135 18 '37 Dodge Coupe 550 395 135 18 '37 Plymouth Tudor 495 345 115 18 '38 Plymouth Sedan 650 495 175 18 '38 Ford Coupe 595 475 165 18 U.-J8 Ford Tudor '39 Plymouth Tudor '39 Mercury Sedan . u-jy r-ord ludor 695 565 185 18 '40 Oldsmobile Sedan 950 865 280 18 '40 Buick Sedan 1080 965 330 - 18 '40 Plymouth Coupe 895 795 270 18 '40 Oldsmobile Coupe ...'....1065 865 290 18 Douglas Motor Co. KEENAN MOTORS, INC. Pockord - Hudson - Willys . Chrysler - Plymouth 744 Klamath Ave. 28 Houses For Rent FOR RENT TEN-ROOM modern house at 407 N. 9th St., at $50 per month. FIVE-ROOM house at 136 Lewis St., at $20 per month. FOUR-ROOM modern house (one bedroom) with range, fireplace, garage, at 1519 Pleasant Ave., $22.50 per month. TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment, bath, garage, close-in. $20 per month. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111 N. 8th Phone 4564 3-19 FIVE-ROOM strictly modern un furnished house with upstairs furnished apartment, Mills ad dition Inquire 355 E Main. 606U TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save H. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 4-7mtf FOUR ROOMS furnished. Large yard, trees, water. $20 16B2 Manzanlta. 3.20 UNFURNISHED 2-room houso and bath. Close in. Phone 4533. ' 3-20 BACHELOR CABINS 423 Wil low. 4-5 THREE-ROOM HOUSE Neat, attractive tile. Full basement, garage. Phone 6858. 2937tf MODERN 3-bedroom home, 3 blocks from Main.! Phone 8540. ' 1 3368U TWO ROOM furnished house. Phone 8073. 3791U PARTLY FURNISHED 3 rooms, bath, garago. Phone 4404. 3-21 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE Oil floor furnace. 414 Uphnm. Phone 6593. 3-21 THREE BEDROOMS, furnished. Phone 7512. 8-21 Automotive 625 550 175 18 . 725 595 195 18 950 '795 285 18 28 Houses For Rent FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Newly furnished. Close in. Inquire ixuie Folln, 7th and Main 3-20 THREE ROOMS, furnished. Wa ter, garage. $18. 255 Broad. 3-25 FOR RENT Two-room furnish ed house on half acre. Phone 4494. 3-21 CLEAN 3-room furnished house. $30. Whitey's Grocery, 324 Broad. 3-21 28 Miscellaneous For Rent PASTURE for 500 head stock cattle. Address correspondence Move calahan, Chlloquln, Ore. 4-16 DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Call at all hours. Phone 8U5. -9mtf 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 4-room house, gar age, 1 acre. 1736 Etna St. 3-23 TWO-BEDROOM HOME Hard wood floors, fireplace, gas fur nace, range and hot water tank. Full price only $1750. BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 So. 8th. Phone 4195 3-21 SMALL HOUSE Sacrifice for cosh. Phone 4997. 3-20 3-BEDROOM HOME $1000 un der construction - ost today. One year old, Venetian blinds. shades, curtain rods, Diesel heating plant, eloctrlc hot wa ter heater. Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. . ' ' 3.21 FOR SALE Six acres, seven room modern house, hardwood floors; highly Improved. ; 31 miles out gravel, road. Box 2000; News-Herald. 2006 FOR SALE Four room modern house on Pleasant avenue. Ph. 8691. 2298U 34 Automotive H. E. HAUGER Klamath Falls' Oldest Auto mobile Dealer offers one of the largest selections of Used Car Stocks in Southern Ore gon. '39 Buick Special Sedan '39 Buick Century Sedan '39 Buick Century 5-pass. Coupe '37 Buick Special Coupe '37 Buick Special Sedan '36 Buick Special Sedan 18 CHEVROLETS Coupes, Sedans 1930 1936 DODGES '40 Dodge Sedan, radio, heat er, like new throughout and 4 other Dodges, Coupes and Sedans 1940 1938 CHRYSLERS 4 - Sedans 1 Coupe 1939 1938 DeSOTO 8 Sedans, 1937 1936 1 Durant Coupe FORDS 14 Coupes, Sedans 1939 1935 1938 Lafayette Coupe 1938 Lincoln-Zephyr Sedan 1938 Nash Coupe 4 OLDSMOBILES 3 Coupes 1 Sedan, 1936 4 PLYMOUTHS 2 Sedans, 1936 1 Coach, 1935 1 Coupe, 1836 3 PONTIACS 2 Sedans, 1936 1 Conv. Coupe, 1 Coupe, 1937 1937 '39 LaSalle 5 -pass. Coupe '37 Studebaker Sedan '37 Terraplane Coach '36 Terraplane Sedan '37 Hudson Sedan '34 Hudson Sedan '36 Graham Sedan Good rubber, appearance, tops. Some with radio, heaters. Convenient terms. Considera tion for all cash. Pickups '34 Chevrolet 35 Ford '35 Dodge 36 Dodge 36 GJH.C 36 Chevrolet '37 Dodge ..$225 ... $325 $250 ..$375 ..$375 . $375 ..$425 '37 Mack Jr $395 37 Ford $425 38 Ford Sedan Delivery $375 All mechanically O.K. All with good tires, appearance tops. A substantial reduction will be made on any of the above If you have your own tires. H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main Street 30 , Real Estate For Sale A Good Home Three-bedroom home located 10 blocks north of 9th and Main streets. Has finished base ment, furnace, fireplace, etc. Price only $4000 on liberal terms. Come war or peace, a home is still the best investment on earth. R. C. DALE 120 S. 9th St. Dial 6972 3-19 WANTED Listings In Buena Vista Ad dition or the North end of town. I have several good prospects for four or five-room houses In that section. Must be good buys and reasonable terms. ROLAND E. WRIGHT 419 Main St. Phone 6321 3-19 FORT KLAMATH AREA PAS TURE for 500 head stock cat tle. Write Steve Calahan. Chlloquln, Ore. 4-1 FOR SALE 6 acres good farm land. All under Irrigation. Has small 4-room house, i mile east of El Padre on Lakevlew road. Will take good late model used car as down pay ment. See H. E. Hauger, 1330 Main. 3-21 FOR SALE 50 acres good farm land, 4 miles out on old Mid land road: Priced for quick sale, See H. E. Hauger, 1330 Main. 3-21 PRICE REDUCED 4-bedroom home. Hot Springs addition, 2 baths, nice yard, good loca tion. Phone 3669. , 3-21 5 ROOMS with dinette,, hard wood floors throughout, nice yard, shade trees. Box 3808. News-Herald. 3803 34 Automotive Take Your Time! Shop around for your good used car needs then see Selbyl IS Monthi U Pr tow Baok Finance 37 Ford 14-ton Stake $395 Nrerlr nw runner. '36 Lafayette 4-dr. Sedan . $295 OvrMrtve. '41 Chev. Master Town Sedan IMn fit eitra. Today's price only $795 SELBY'S Public Used Car Lot 30 Real Estate For Sale SACRIFICE two-bedroom house near Kesterson's, $1403. $250 down, $17.25 month including taxes. Phone 8331 evenings. 3-20 34 Automotive FOR SALE OR TRADE 1836 Chevrolet truck, good tires. 1408 Dayton St. 3-21 1933 FORD, good condition. Sac rifice, $100. Terms. Phone 3151, Mr. Ware. 4-1 1930 GRAHAM, fair condition, $50. Terms. Phone 3151, Mr. Ware. 4-1 DUAL AXLE Logging Trailer. Complete unit with bunks. Has hauled 5000-7000 ft. Contact Manager Oregon Woolen Store. 3-25 FOR SALE Equity '41 Pontiac Fordor sedan for 'cash. Call after 5. 535 Jefferson. 3-21 NASH SERVICE AND PARTS at Melhase Garage. See Hank, 4th and Klamath. 3-25 HIGHEST PRICES paid for late model used cars. Earl Smith Pontiac, 1420 Main. 3196tf TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK See Mr. Yoes, fac tory trained service manager. 2779U FOR SALE 1941 Pontiac coupe, excellent condition, good rub ber. This car is priced to sell Call 822 Main. Phone 9038. 3-23 FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet tu dor, heater, new tires. Dial 5546. 3-23 EQUITY IN '40 CHEVROLET Good tires, low mileage. 1619. Gary. - 3-21 WILL TRADE 6-wheeled "37 Roadmaster Buick sedan, clear, for equity '39 or '40 8-cylinder sedan. Call 4298 or 2434 Rec lamation. 3-21 WANTED Four used 550x17 tires. Phone 4967 or phone 4466. 2904U CIRCULAR SAWMILL com plete. Cheap for cash. 237 E. Main. 3-19 FOR SALE 1930 truck with rack and good tires. Phone 3760. 3-20 GET- YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378 4-6mtf 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Two Helene Curtis dryers, one year old, $50 each. Sprague River, Ore., No. 12. 3-19 FOR FULLER BRUSHES sail R. V. Morgan, 3348, or Clem Joyce, 7806. 4-12 MIRRORS and furniture tops made ' order. We resilver old mirrors. Kimball's Glass Shop Phone 7378. 4-6mtf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block numbers indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price, 20c For sale at Carmichael's news stand, chamber of commerce. Ernie Piluso's Drive-in, Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug, Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News Herald, Vic's Signal Service 2783U FOR SALE One used ' Case Baler, size 17x22. The De schutes Grain and Feed Co., Implement Department, Red mond, Oregon. 3-24 FOR SALE 71x18 ft. trailer house, with or without fur nishings. Good tires. Pine Street Service Station. 3-20 FOR SALE Equity in 4-room house for trailer house; also 800 sq. ft. 1-inch veneer, 3 gal Ions white high-grade paint, i h.p. 4-cycle gas engine. In quire 2260 Applegate. 3-19 HAUL YOUR WOOD NOWI You can get slab wood, edg ings or trimmer ends In any quantity at the bin, at the Ack ley sawmill, 62 Klamath ave nue. Take It away In gunny sacks or truckloads. Peyton's Bargain prices at the mill: 16-inch slabs $2.80 . 16-inch edgings $1.25 Trimmer, ends $1.25 For delivered prices call, 6149. Peyton & Co. 3178tf 38 Miscellaneous For Sale Auction Saturday, March 21. Beginning at 10 o'CIock Having sold my ranch, will sell at public auction, the fol lowing: Located 1 mile north of old Frank Adams ranch, 394 miles northeast of Merrill. 27 head of cattle, mostly Guern seys, double tested. 16 milch cows, some fresh, sev eral springers. 8 2-year-old heifers .,, 2 1-year-old heifers '- 3 calves 1 Guernsey bull, 2 years old. MILK QUOTA: To be sold at auction, purchaser to be es tablished dairyman. Interest ed parties, consult Raymond Dairy. HORSES 1 team grey geldings, 4 and S years old, 1400 lbs. 1 bay gelding, 10 years old. 1400 lbs. 1 bay saddle mare, 8 years, 900 lbs. 1 sorrel gelding, 2 years old, 1100 lbs. 1 yearling colt 2 fat hogs St MACHINERY Complete DeLaval milking out fit, 2 units Washing tank and heater. 17 cans Water milk-cooler. DeLaval separator. Wagon and rack. Hoover horse potato digger. John Deere mower. McCormick Deering rake. McCormick Deering buck rake. 16-in. 2-way horse suixey. z-section spring tootn. 3-section harrow. Horse cul tivator. 5-foot Fresno. 2 seta of slings. Mormon hay der rick. 4 feed racks. Large Redwood stock waterer trough. 1 saddle. 2 sets of harness. Some lumber. Irrigating head boxes. Some hay. 500 sacks. 1 range. And many other articles. Lunch available during sale. Terms Cash. John F. Goldworthy, Owner Col. Swigart, Auctioneer. SALE; -.Repossessed Reconditioned Electric Ranges anj -. Reconditioned Wood Ranges C. O. P. Co. 3-31 A WEEK AGO TODAY Peyton & Co., announced closing out all oil beating units to con serve the supply of such mate- rials, and of heating oils for use in oil heaters already in operation. Today the govern ment, recognizing that oil heating units must be supplied with fuel under all conditions. has officially stopped instal lation of new oil equipment as of April 14th. Peyton & Co., still has on hand a limited number of oil heaters and fur naces which can be installed for those who have contem plated this type of heating if ordered immediately. 3-18 FOR SALE! Bicycle, oil circu lating heater, also household furnishings including daven port and chair, etc Ph. 5205. 3-21 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 3-31mtf FOR SALE OR TRADE for mod ern home income property located In Mills addition. Call 5366 after 6 p. m. 3-20 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 2781t( FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 4-9mtf FOR SALE Netted Gem seed potatoes. C. H Booth, Bon anza, 3-24 BLACKOUT LAMPS Get yours ct F R Hauger's, 515 Market. Phone 7221. 3-20 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817. 4-8 .FOOD FOR DEFENSE with Planet Jr. Garden Seeders and Wheel Hoes. A complete line at Mitchell, Lewis and Staver Co. "Keep 'em plowing." 3-21 BLUE TAG Certified Gem Po tato Seed, $2.25 and bags. Single drop common seed $1.25 and bags. H. R. Jackman, Malln. 8-24 38 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Living room furnW ture, washing machine and Ice box. 318 Laguna, 8-21 FOR SALE Rockhlll sverbeaf- ing strawberry plants. Crys tals, Lakeview-Merrill Junc tion. I-2S 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Klamath home In Hotsprlng Dlst for Orovllle, Calif., home. See Shanks, 1806 Portland St., or write Box 13, Keddle, Calif 124BU 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Used sewing ma chine. Phone 7788. 3-21 WANTED TO RENT Nicely furnished small house by cou pie. Phone 9193 days, 3091 evenings. 3-21 WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Martin's Produce, 2418 So 6th. : 4-3 WANTED Dead or worthiest animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense. 4-llmtf 44 LWMtock and Poultry TEAM well broke horses. Age 7, weight 1600 lbs. Also set harness. . A. Durkee, Stat Line road, 3 mile west ef Malin. 3-25 CHICKENS FOR DEFENSE See the Oakes Complete Broil er plant at Mitchell, Lewis and Staver Co. "Keep 'em plowing." S-21 FOR SALE OR TRADE Fresh Guernsey cow. Rt 2, Box 498, So. 6th. 3-20 FOR SALE Baby chicks from trap-nest flocks. Blood tested. Finest pedigreed quality ob tainable, at commercial hatch ery prices. Montgomery Ward. W-Th-tf FOR SALE Well bred Guern sey bull, 18 mos. old, and sows. Three miles from Olene oq Bonanza market road. J. E. Newnham. . . . .. 8-19 FOR SALE Two Corriedalo bucks $17.90. Two heifers, and 9 months old. 21 pigs around 3 months old. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St Phone 4943 evenings.. 1-10 BABY CHICKS hatching vrr week. Guaranteed pullorum tested. Homedale i Hatchery. W. H. Morgan;- 5620 Iceland Drive. Klamath Falls. 4-9 WANTED Poultry, rabbits, tur keys, livestock. Trulove's. Phone 4282 srAalmtf JENKS SUPERIOR CHICKS Big type "White Leghorns $10.95. Pullets $24. New Hampshlres, - Barred Rocks, Reds. Brown Leghorns til 95. Buff Orpingtons $12.95 100 Pullorum tested. Live deliv ery guaranteed. Big catalog free. Jenks Hatchery, Tan gent Oregon. 8-19 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, - hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5381. Midland road. 3-31mtf 46 Financial CASH LOANS ; WITHOUT KNDOR8KM S WATS TO CRT A CONSUMERS ' CASH LOAN raoxi . writs . com r Too need M eo-ilgnen or en doner to a eoniumen Lou THREE LOAN PLANS ) NO. l-INCUMK LOANS On four note only. No wag meat. No co-ilgnen. NO. S FURNITURE LOANS Your character U noro then the furniture lUilf. NO. S-ACTO LOANS (20 to imio cub loan and ne nanelng. CONSUMERS CREDIT (UU B-tU) 720 Pine St. Phone 7711 Hlmtf See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY 114 N. U He. " ' " Mioai SM BBaoMaBaaMaBaaaBial 48 Business Opportunities FURNITURE STORE Must sell account sickness. 847 A St., Springfield, Ore. 3-21 FOR SALE Cheap. Hanna Bar ber Shop, Roseburg, Ore. 104 So. Jackson St. 8-20 25 M CAPACITY SAWMILL, A-l condition, $5500, terms, ' Plenty timber close by. Les lie L. Babcock, 401 South Riverside, Medford, Ore. 3-28 FOR SALE Furnishings and lease rooming house, good lo cation. Price reasonable. Ph. 4848. 1-21 FOR RENT Space for beauty shop. Downtown location. Reasonable. Call 4888 after T P m. r 24CCM