18. 1042 J Cltnlflod Advertising Ratal) wOm day run Der word 3o THK EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 4 dny run B day run Week run Month run ..par word lOo ..per word lto .per word 12a ..per word 32a Glallijjied A$4esUiAAt(j, Bectian 20 DISCOUNT for payment In Advance. Thta dls count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid in advance adi only. 5 DISCOUNT for Payment by the 10th. This die count given to Insure prompt payment of ada charged on monthly bails. 1 day run par word Oo i day run ..... per word do 14 Automotive 34 Automotive rr----rr- 1 . . .r ui "i.r.'i i u u i ri i n nnnnr.-i-.-!" - -- -- -- - NOTICE. Effective Thursday, March 19 Owing to regulations governing hours of operation (or gas venders, our service station wilt be open the following hours: Sundays 0:30 a. m. to noon 2 p. m. to 0:30 p. m. Saturdays 8:30 a. m. to 0:30 p. m. Fridays 8:30 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. All Other Dsys 8:30 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Until Furthor Notice If all service stations throughout Oregon and Washington ware to operate the same hours, It would be of great con venlence to the traveling public In avoiding confusion n and delays. Any suggestions as to hours, which would best suit every-, body's convenience would be appreciated. Send penny postcard with suggestions to H. E. H AUGER SIGNAL SERVICE STATION Broad and Main to Room and board NICE ROOMS, good board. 323 Lincoln. 323 BOOM--BOARD 1711 Wall 318 BOARD ROOM 814 Walnut. Phone 0302. 4 10 OARD ROOM 820 Jefferson. 310 12 Rooms For Rent ROOM AND BOARD for three gentlemen. 723 St Francis. 3-18 ROOM 820 Lincoln. 316 CLEAN steam heated rooms. 310 So 3th. Phone 7030. 3-24 SMALL ROOM $3.00. 134 No 3rd. 3414U ROOMS 1034 High. 4-SmU LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. 818 Pine. 20DIW CLAREMONT. 228 North 4th All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms All with new fe lnnersprlng mattresses. Free parking. 3-3 lmU ROOM 814 No. 10th. 3-20 14 Apartments For Rent FOUR-ROOM furnished apart ment. Close In. Inquire 123 High. : ' 318 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment Walking distance. No pats. 1431 Wall. 3-21 I ROOMS, furnished. Phone 7731 or 8393. 3-24 FURNISHED APARTMENT 710 Main. 3707U THREE-ROOM furnished apnrt ' mant on Main street, $20 mo. J. E. Hosklng, 817 Mnln. 3-20 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished, $4.80. 410 So 8th. 3-23 EWLY RENOVATED 3-room furnished apartment. Close In. 623 Grant. 3-10 HERMOSA APARTMENTS Small furnished apartment, Adults only. 1421 Esplanade. 3-10 VACANCY Rex Arms. 411 UNFURNISHED DUPLEX 1878 LeRoy. 3008tf VACANCY Adults. 421 Oak. 3-23 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Adults. 400 Oak. . 3-23 ROOMY ' furnished apartment. Adults. No pets. 803 Lincoln. 3-18 LARGE 8-ROOM partly furnish ed apartment. Phone 8888. 3-21 J-ROOM APARTMENT Elcc- I trio range. Close in. No chll - dren or pets. $22.80.' Also two-room upstairs apartment, wood range, $17.30 mo, Cnll 8121 High. 3082tf FOR RENT OR LEASE 10 room apartment, furnished; 9 more rooms available soon. News-Herald Box 3876. 3-21 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished. 218 ' Main. .Fairfield Apartments. 4-15 TWO-ROOM furnished apart merit. Close In. 405 N. 3rd. 3-21 ELECTRICALLY equipped apt., $20. 433 N. 10th. 367411 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished. 216 Main, t Fairfield Apartments. 3-19 THREE ROOMS furnished. Wat er, garage. $18. 205 Broad , 8-18 FOUR-ROOM nicely furnished apartment. Hot and cold wa- ter furnished. $32.50 month. 1126 Grant. 2883 24 Apartments For Rent FOR RENT Modern 2-bcdroom nicely furnished home. 2820 White. 3-18 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. 4-9mtf FURNISHED APT- -303 So. 5th 3-10 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment 2043 White. 2038tf GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Furnished complete with gar age, $27.50 and up. Weyer haeuser district Phone 8084. 3-25 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, wator, gas 410 N 10th 324mtf VACANCY Esplanade Courts. Furnished. 3-31mtf VACANCY Everything fur nlshcd. $3.50 up. 1404 Klsm ath. 46 2-ROOM furnished apartment $18 month. 218 Martin. 3-18 LARGE 3-bedroom apartment near Ewauna Box Co. Steam heat water furnished. $40. Phone 5149 or 3025 evenings. 2003U PONDOSA APARTMENTS 318 FURNISHED 4 rooms. Modern 2 bedrooms. Inquire 2110 Ap plegata. 3360tf VACANCY Corner Erie-Has kins. Hot water heat. Phone 38118. 3869tf 26 Houses For Rent FOR RENT 4-room house. 1620 Johnson Ave. 3-20 FIVE-ROOM modern unfurnish ed house. Close In. Two-room modern furnished or unfur nished on i acre good ground. 1-room modern unfurnished house. Phone 8212. 3-20 FOR RENT Two 3-room houses freshly elenned, two blocks north Associated station, Stew art addition, Keno road. Phone 5007. 3-19 UNFURNISHED 3-room house. Hardwood floors, automatic oil furnace, electric hot wator tank, fenced-in yard, ono bed room. $30, 318 Loguna. Phone 5748. 3-1B FOUR-ROOM furnished house, garage. Close In. Inquire 634 Wo. 11th before noon or after 8 p. m. 3-18 UNFURNISHED new two-bedroom house, suburban bus line, $35. Nice 3-room house with bath, $22.80. Phone 7688. 3442U THREE-ROOM furnished house. Bath, garage. Wator paid. 2424 So. 6th. 3-21 FIVE-ROOM modern house, Ore gon avenue, $20. Call 3208. 8680U FURNISHED 2 ROOMS, bath. 1320 Oak. 3441tf THREE-ROOM furnished duplex, $22.50 month. Phone 3211 or 3410. 3-18 FOR RENT House, six rooms, unfurnished $28. Phone 7082. 3-18 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE with gar den spot. 1414 Homcdale, 3-19 MODERN 3-bodroom home, 3 blocks from Main. Phone 6540. 3366tf TWO ROOM furnished house. Phone 8075. 3701U TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save Vs. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 4-7mtf FOUR ROOMS furnished. Large yard,, trees, water. $20 1662 Manzanlta. 8-20 34 Automotive We've Been "Japped" Too BIG NEW LOW PRICE SALE IS NOW GOING OV at the LOWEST PRICES in HISTORY. Just check these prices and you will wonder why I am doing this. It looks as though I will have a chance to enlist pretty soon. And I nat urally want to reduce my used car stock before I go into service. THE DOUGLAS MOTOR Company WILL CONTINUE just the same as usual with our present employees. So we are NOT quitting business be cause we are sacrificing our used cars . . . but the Japs have caused all this misery in the automobile business, so I would like to PAY THEM BACK DOUBLE, with INTEREST., And don't forget that you have until Saturday night to buy on these present terms. New buying restrictions go into effect Monday. So don't pass this LAST CHANCE to buy on EASY TERMS. Check These Prices: Originally Was nl932 Plymouth Coupe, 4-cyl.... $125 1933 Chevrolet Sedan, os Is 125 1933 Chevrolet Sedan, as is 125 D 1933 Ford Coupe 185 O 1934 Ford Tudor, os Is 150 Q1935 DeSoto Coupe , 375 Q 1935 Ford Couper 285 D 1935 Ford Coupe 295 1936 Pontlac Cooch, as is 395 1936 DeSoto Sedan, as is 425 D 1936 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 395" D 1937 DeSoto Sedan 495 D 1937 Pontioc Coach 495 1937 Ford Coupe 465 D 1937 Ford Sedan 465 D 1937 Packard Touring Sedan 550 1937 Dodge Coupe 550 1937 Plymouth Tudor 495 D 1938 Plymouth Sedan ..... 650 Q 1938 Ford Coupe 595 1938 Ford Tudor 625 n 1939 Plymouth Tudor 725 1939 Mercury Sedan 950 1939 Ford Tudor 695 1940 Oldsmobile Sedan 950 D1940 Buick Sedan .... .. . 1080 1940 Plymouth Coupe 895 1940 Oldsmobile Coupe 1065 Douglas Motor Co. KEENAN MOTORS, INC. Packard - Hudson - Willys - Chrysler - Plymouth 744 Klamath Ave. 26 Houses For Rent THREE BEDROOMS, furnished. Adults. Phone 7312. 3-21 BACHELOR CABINS 425 Wil low. 4-8 THREE-ROOM HOUSE Neat, attractive tile. Full basement garage. Phone 5638. 2937U FIVE-ROOM strictly modern un furnished house with upstairs furnished apartment, Mills ad dition Inquire 358 E. Main. 608tf MODERN furnished two-room house, garage. Water and gar bage paid. $22.50 month. Adults only. Available March 20. 1738 Crescent. 3418tf 28 Miscellaneous For Rent PASTURE for 500 head stock cattle. Address correspondence Steve Calahan, Chiloquln, Ore, 4-16 DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what havo you? Call at all hours. Phone 5115. 4-0mtf 30 Real Estate For Sale SMALL HOUSE Sacrifice for cash. Phone 4997. 3-20 3-BEDROOM HOME $1000 un y der construction cost today. One year old, Venetian blinds, shades, curtain rods, Diesel heating plant, electric hot wa-, tor heater. Lloyd w, Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 3-21 FOR SALE Six acres, seven room modern house, hardwood floors; highly Improved. 84 miles out gravel road. Bo 2000, Nows-Hurald. 2906 FOR SALE Four room modern house on Pleasant avenue. Ph. 8691. ' 2298U 34 Automotive New Sale $50 60 60 95 50 275 175 185 245 195 265 395 295 280 295 395 395 345 495 475 550 595 795 565 865 965 795 865 30 Real Estate For Sale Altamont Close-in Altamont half acre with new two-bedroom, well constructed modern home, hard wood floor, attractive arrange ment, priced at $3000 with $300 down and $30 per month In cluding Interest. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 111-N. 9th St Phone 4364 318 SACRIFICE two-bedroom house near Kesterson's, $1493. $250 down, $17.25 month Including taxes. Phone 8331 evenings. 3-20 FOR SALE 6 acres good farm land. All under irrigation. Has small 4-room house. i mile east of El Padre on Lakeview road. Will take good late model used car-as down pay ment. See H. E. Hauger, 1330 Main. 3-21 FOR SALE 50 acres good farm land, 4 miles out on old Mid land rond. Priced for quick sale. See H. E. Hauger, 1330 Main. 8-21 PRICE REDUCED 4-bedroom home, Hot Springs addition, 2 baths, nice yard, good loca tion. Phone 3669. 3-21 FOR SALE BY OWNER 4-room house, small basement Terms. 2120 Stukel, Mills addition. 318 5 ROOMS with dinette, hard wood floors throughout, nice yard, shade trees. Box 3808. News-Herald. 3808' 34 Automottve "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yoes, fae tory trained service manager. 8779U , Automotive Low Price Down Pmt. Mos. to Pay cash cash cash 45 cash cash cash cash 2 cash 100 75 .85 100 95 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 15 15 15 95 135 100 100 100 135 135 115 175 165 18 18 18 18 18 175 195 285 185 280 18 18 18 18 18 330 270 290 18 18 18 34 Automotive FOR SALE 1941 Pontlac coupe, excellent condition, good rub ber. This car is priced to sell, Call 822 Main. Phone 9038, 3-23 FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet tu- dor, heater, new tires. Dial 5546. 3-23 FOR SALE by original owner, '37 Ford sedan delivery. Write Box 1177, Klamath Falls. 3-18 EQUITY IN '40 CHEVROLET Good tires, low mileage. 1619 Gary. 3-21 WILL TRADE 6-wheeled '37 Roadmaster Bulck sedan, clear, for equity '39 or '40 8-cylinder sedan. Call 4298 or 2434 Rec lamation. 3-21 WANTED Four used 550x17 tires.- Phone 4967 or phone 4466. 2904U CIRCULAR SAWMILL com plete. Cheap for cash. 237 E. Main. 3-19 FOR SALE 1930 truck with rack and good tires. Phone 3760. 3-20 GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 827 Walnut Phone 7378. 4-6mtf HIGHEST PRICES Paid For Late Model Used Cars EARL SMITH PONTIAC 1420 Main St 3044tf SB Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Two Helene Curtis dryers, one year old, $50 each. Sprague River, Ore., No. 12. - 8-19 FOR FULLER BRUSHES sail R. V. Morgan, 3348, or Clem Joyce, 7806. 4-12 14 I 34 Automotive H. E. HAUGER Klamath Falls' Oldest Auto mobile Dealer offers one of the largest selections of Used Car Stocks in Southern Ore gon. '39 Bulck Special Sedan '39 Bulck Century Sedan '39 Bulck Century 5-pass. Coupe '37 Bulck Special Coupe '37 Buick Special Sedan '38 Bulck Special Sedan 18 CHEVROLETS Coupes, Sedans 1939 - 1936 DODGES '40 Dodge Sedan, radio, heat er, like new throughout and 4 other Dodges, Coupes and Sedans 1940 1936 CHRYSLERS 4 Sedans 1 - Coupe 1939 1938 DeSOTO 3 Sedans, 1937 1938 1 Durant Coupe FORDS 14 Coupes, Sedans 1939 - 1935 1938 Lafayette Coupe 1038 Lincoln-Zephyr Sedan 1936 Nash Coupe 4 OLDSMOBILES 3 Coupes 1 Sedan, 1938 4 PLYMOUTHS 2 Sedans, 1936 1 Coach, 1935 1 Coupe, 1938 3 PONTIACS 2 Sedans, 1936 1 Conv. Coupe, 1937 1 Coupe, 1937 '39 LaSalle S -pass. Coupe '37 Studebaker Sedan '37 Terraplane Coach '36 Terraplane Sedan '37 Hudson Sedan '34 Hudson Sedan '36 Graham Sedan Good rubber, appearance, tops. Some with radio, heaters. Convenient terms. Considera tion for all cash. "' Pickups '34' Chevrolet . '35 Ford .$225 ..$325 '35 Dodge '38 Dodge $250 $375 '36 GJW.C. ..$375 '36 Chevrolet '37 Dodge ...$375 ...$423 ...$395 '37 Mack Jr. '37 Ford $423 '36 Ford Sedan Delivery $375 All mechanically O.K. All with good tires, appearance tops. A substantial reduction will be made on any of the above If you have your own tires. H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main Street 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, second cutting, $15 ton. Han- Chen barley $1.65 cwt. Bring sacks. D. B. Justice, 1 mile north Stronghold store, Tule- lake. 3-18 BLUE TAG Certified Gem Po tato Seed, $2.25 and bags. Single drop common' seed $1.25 and bags. H. R. Jackman, Malin. 3-24 FOR SALE OR WILL RENT to responsible party, upright piano with bench. Good con. dition. Very reasonable. 1520 Sargent. 3704U FOR SALE One used Case Baler, size 17x22. The De schutes Grain and Feed Co, Implement Department, Red mond Oregon. 3-24 FOR SALE 71x18 ft. trailer house, with or without fur nishings. Good tires. Pine Street Service Station. 3-20 FOR SALE Equity in 4-room house for trailer house; also 800 sq. ft i-inch veneer, 3 gal Ions white high-grade paint, t h.p. 4-cycle gas engine. In quire 2260 Applegate. 3-19 FOR SALE Used Melotte cream separator $35. Dane over shot stacker $100. Several good horses. J. E. Whltlatch, at Floyd A. Boyd Co., Tulelake. 3-18 HAUL YOUR WOOD NOWI You can ect slab wood, edit .ings or trimmer ends in any quantity at the bin, at the Ack ' ley sawmill, 62 Klamath ave- ; nue. rake it away in gunny . sacks or truckloads. Peyton Bargain 'Drices .at the mill: 18-inch slabs $2.30 16-inch edgings $1.25 Trimmer ends $1.23 For delivered prices call, 5149. Peyton & Co. 3178U 34 Automotive Pickups and Trucks '34 Ford Pickup $195 37 Chev. Pickup 389 "35 Ford Pickup 249 34 Ford Truck, as is ... 139 '35 Ford Panel 289 '36 Chev. Pickup, 4 speed tramls'n 299 '37 Ford Pickup 379 '37 Ford Sed. Delivery 423 '39 Ford Panel, radio and heater 849 '39 Ford Pickup 895 All Late Models Completely Reconditioned- B aisiaer MOTOR CO. Main and Esplanade See Selby! With low overhead, I can sell era below market price. II Month! ta Piy low Bank nunc ' '36 Lafayette ..$295 Model A Ford $ 95 A-1 Condition. . . '37 Chev. Master $395 i-iioor Reatn '41 Chev. Master Town Sedan ....$875 low oi fixwu. bow naoMr. SELBVS Public Used Car Lot JUl Oak Mil W 36 Miscellaneous For Sale SALE Repossessed and , Reconditioned ,V,Electric Ranges - . and - Reconditioned . Wood Ranges . C. O. P. Co. 3-31 MIRRORS and furniture tops made ' order. We resilver old mirrors. Kimball's Glass Shop Phone 7378. 4-6mtf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block numbers indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price, 20c For sale at Carmichael's news stand, chamber of commerce. Ernie Pilusos Drive-in. Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug, Louie Polin's, Postoffice. news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News Herald. Vic s Signal Service. 2783U ROCKHILL Everbearing Straw berry Plants. Crystal's, Mer-rill-Lakeview Junction. 3-18 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 3-31mtf FOR SALE OR TRADE for mod ern home income property located in Mills addition. Call 6366 after 6 p. m. 3-20 PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 to $10.00 We appreciate your appointments from early until late. Northwestern Beauty College. 3-18 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve- nlngs or Sundays. Howard Graham. 2781tf FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct 4-9mtf FOR SALE Netted Gem seed potatoes. C. H. Booth, Bon anza. 3-24 DRY BODY WOOD Immediate delivery. Phone 6836. - 3-18 BLACKOUT LAMPS Get yours at F R Hauger's, 515 Market. Phone 7221. 3-20 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817. 4-8 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Klamath home In Hotspring Dist for Oroville, Calif., home. See Shanks, 1806 Portland St., or write Box 13, Keddie, Calif. 1245U 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED All-steel Case separ ators from 32 to 44-inch. Age nd condition unimportant J. R. Scott, Gazelle, Calif. 3-18 WANTED TO RENT - Nicely furnished small house by cou ple. Phone 0193 days, 8091 evenings. 8-21 WANTED Live poultry of all Kinds. Martin s .produce, atio So 6th. 4-3 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 8713, our ex pense. ' 4-llmtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE OR TRADE Fresh Guernsey cow. Rt Z, Box 498, So. 6th. 3-20 CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE One team work horses, weight 1600 each, 6 and 7 years eld. Also 1 pinto saddle horse, 8 years old, gentle and well broken, very stylish, weight 1330. 1 sorrel saddle horse, 7 years ' old, gentle and well broken, also very stylish.. Both good rope horses. 20 head feeder pigs. 5 miles east of Olene on Lakeview highway. Rogers Ranch; - 3-18 FOR SALE Baby chicks from trap-nest flocks. Blood tested. Finest pedigreed quality ob tainable, at commercial hatch ery prices. Montgomery Ward. . W-Th-tf FOR SALE Well bred Guern sey bull, 16 mos. old, and sows. Three miles from Olene. on Bonanza market road. 3. Z. Newnham. . v. .. 3-19 FOR SALE Two Corriedale bucks $17.30. Two heifers, 0 and 0 months old. 31 pigs around 3 months old. R. C. Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St ' Phone 4943 evenings. 3-19 FOR SALE OR TRADE 2-year-old Shire colt, good enough to keep for stallion. Young sow, 7 fine pigs, young sow to far row soon. Sale Yards, 3 miles south Tower theatre. ' 3-18 BABY CHICKS hatching every week. Guaranteed pullorum tested. Homedale Hatchery. W. H. Morgan, 5620 Leland Drive, Klamath Falls. 4-9 WANTED Poultry, rabbits, tur keys, livestock. Trulove's. Phone 4282. 3-31mtf JENKS SUPERIOR CHICKS Big type White Leghorns $10.95. Pullets ', $24..- New Hampshires, r Barred Rocks, Reds. Brown Leghorns $11 95. Buff Orpingtons $12.99. 100 Pullorum tested. Live deliv ery guaranteed. Big catalog free. Jenks Hatchery, Tan gent, Oregon. ' 3-19 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid tor beef, veaL hogs and livestock. Call Klam- , ath Packing Co. Phone 5361. Midland road. ; 3-31mtf 46 - Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS ! S WAYS TO OCT A CONSUMERS I CASH LOAN PHOXS . WRITS . COHI M Yon BMd no eo-slsnera or Moonon to fas - a oonftuncn loan THREE LOAN PLANS NO. 1 INCOMR LOANS On-your not only. No wtft attlgft meat. Mo co-tigner. NO. S-rURNITUM LOANS Your cbariettr - la mor taporUat tbao tbs furniture iUelf. NO. -AnTO tOANS 80 to 500 cih tout And i nil Dancing. . CONSUMERS CREDIT (51 134 B-tsn 720 Pine St Phone 7711 Mlmtf See ' ' 1 , Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING V Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY 111 K. Mil Lie. M-tn fhOM SMS K-ttmtt 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Cheap. Hanna Bar ber Shop, Roseburg, Ore. 104 So. Jackson St 3-20 29 M CAPACITY SAWMILL, A-1 condition, $3300, terms. Plenty timber close by. Les lie L. Babcock, 401 South Riverside, Medford, Ore. 3-28 CRATER LAKE Flower Shop Sacrifice due to sickness. 8-18 FOR SALE Furnishings and lease rooming house, good lo cation. Price reasonable. Ph. 4848. 8-21 FOR RENT Space for beauty shop. Downtown location. Reasonable. Call 4888 after 7 p m 8490tf FOR SALE Suburban grocery, Medford, Stock, fixtures end building with large living quarters. Located on main highway street near mills. ' Good, big growing business, P. O. Box 541, Mejiford, Ore gon. 3-11