PAGE 8IX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON March 17, 1943 Manketl and tyiHancial STOCK MARKET CONTINUES TO NEW YORK, March 17 W , The dock market got the green light not St Pat'f today and extended Monday'! recovery iaunt by fractions to two or more point. Rail! led the advancing pro cession at the start in the wake of the ICC rejection of the price administration's plea for post ponement of freight rate in creases. Oils, chemicals, steels, motors and specialties soon eclipsed the carriers when speculative and investment sentiment was heart ened by the MacArthur shift to Australia as supreme command' er and word sizable numbers of United States forces bad arrived in that outpost for a smash at the Japanese invaders. Trans fers were around 500,000 shares. A smattering of new highs for the year was in evidence, among which were Santa Fe, General Motors and Chrysler. Others on the forward swing included Great Northern, Chew peake and Ohio, Union Pacific Bethlehem. Sears Roebuck, J. L Case, S perry. Standard Oil (N. J.J Texas Co., Phillips Pe troleum, Anaconda, Allied Chemical, Eastman Kodak, Westinghouse, J. C Penney, Philip Morris and International Harvester. The rails lost some of their steam as the office of defense transportation requested the roads to hold down certain rate hoists notwithstanding the OPA defeat Carrier bonds generally tilted higher. Commodities steadied after forenoon hesitancy. Closing quotations: Air Reduction 83 Alaska Juneau li Al Chem It Dye -122 Allis-Chalmers 271 American Can Am Car & Fdy Am Rad Sta San S91 30 41 . Am Roll Mills Am Smelt Sc Ref . Am Tel Tel -. Am Tob "B" 39"l 1201 39 Am Water Works Am Zinc L St S Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison Aviation Corp Bald Loco Bendix A via Beth Steel Boeing Airp - 21 41 26i 31 89 31 13 861 en 181 19 24 171 I Borden Borge-Warner . Calif Packing Callahan Z L . Calumet Hec -. Canada Dry Canadian Pacific . Cat Tractor Celanesa Ches & Ohio . 61 . 101 . 41 . 351 . 181 . 301 S4 39 81 732 191 121 51 241 Chrysler . Col Gas & El Com'l Solvents , ,. Comm'nw'lth Sou . Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Consol Oil Cont'l Can -. Corn Products Crown Zellerbach , Curtiss Wright Doug Aircraft Dupont De N . Eastman Kodak . 481 101 81 641 111 121 El Pow & Lt 6 241 301 35 13! General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodrich Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd , Int Tel & Tel 131 23 i 111 7 111 461 271 561 21 61 321 22 221 401 251 41 14 141 201 131 81 121 8 6 61 Johns ManviUe Kennecott Lib O Ford Lockheed Loew's . Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Natl Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod .. Nafl Dist National Lead N Y Central No Am Aviation ... North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel 51 Pac Gas & El ., 171 Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purs Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Mr. and Mis. A. A. Ward, Owners WU'.ud Ward. Mgr. 021 High Phone 3334 EXTEND CIS Carload Potato Shipments Day of I a Month Season 1941-42 ij Season 1940-41 Mar. to Season Mar. to Season March Daily Date to Date Daily Date to Data T 1 1 5747 32 32 7066 2 6 7 6733 7 39 7073 3 31 38 8784 37 66 7100 4 20 68 6804 31 97 7131 5 17 85 5831 37 134 7168 6 29 114 6860 55 189 7223 r 38 133 5898 A 50 239 7278 8 0 152 5898 I 41 280 7314 9 11 163 5909 7 287 7321 10- 35 198 5944 33 320 7354 U 28 226 5972 57 1577 7411 1 30 -38 6002 40 417 7451 iF" 33 289 6035 32 449 7483 li I 47 isl 6082 51 500 7534 15 1 0 336 6082 43 543 7377 16 a 14 350 6096 I 6 549 7583 "i I ZZZZ! 19 I g 20 I I n & I 23 so- " ii" Packard Motor Pan Amer Airway . 3 141 141 65 221 281 35 451 12 25 21 241 171 7 49 11 61 171 Paramount Pic Penney (J O Fenna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet - Proctor It Gamble . Pub Svs. N J Pullman Radio Rayonler pfd . Republic Steel Richfield Oil Sears Roebuck . Shell Union Socony Vacuum Sou Cat Edison -.. Southern Pacific Sperry Corp Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif Standard Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone & Webster , 121 - 271 3 191 - 221 341 - 41 5 - 41 .- 331 Studebaker Sunshine Mining Texas Corp . Trans-America . 41 621 111 73 91 33 Union Carbide .. Union Oil Calif . Union Pacific . United Airlines . United Aircraft United Corporation United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber News on Fuels by PEYTON & Co. We expect to hear In a short time that Oil Stoves and Furnaces have been frosen similar to Automo biles and Tires, however, it will not effect installa tions that are In at that time. We have a small complete stock of stoves and furnaces that will be sold out at once at no ad vance In price. No more oil burners will be bought for the duration. Uncle Sam needs them for de fense workers. Phone us at once and make your change over If you desire oil burning equipment. Green Slabs are ready for delivery at $4.00 per Double Load. Green Edg ings at $2.50 delivered. Price at the bin in your truck Slabs $2.50, Edg ings 11.25. Briquets A carload Is on hand for Chicken Brooders only. Ton $22.00. Dry Slabs The last week's sunshine has im proved them some, custo mers are using them regu larly, they are not entirely dry. Tuel Oils No change. Indications are our custo mers will be supplied. Don't forget year Job keep your tank weU filled Winter and Summer. We are keeping our tanks full. PEYTON & Co. "Wood to Burn" 91S Market Phone 8149 932 51 55 141 581 511 171 5 251 711 U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures . Western Union Westinghouse Woolworth 24i BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, March 17 (AP USDA) The Boston wool mar ket was fairly active today with demand mostly for fine and one half blood territory wools There was a little demand for fine combing Ohio Delaine at mostly 47-48 cents, in the grease. Graded combing three eighths and one quarter blood bright fleece wools were quoted mostly at 52-53 cents, in the grease. Th nicest settlement to move into is a settlement of bills. For Future EXPERTS IN ALL TYPES OP BUILDING REPAIR UNCLE SAM ha a big Job ahead of him, that' why it i imperative that building materials be used eonserv atively. Play safe and re model now. Big Basin Lumber Co. Main fc Spring Phone 3144 U S Rubber pfd GRAIN FLUCTUATES CHICAGO. March 17 (JPh- Grain prices fluctuated nervous ly within a narrow range today although the market as a whole showed more strength than in re cent sessions and at times devel oped definite rallying power. This rising tendency was the result largely of a let-up In sell ing pressure In evidence recent ly, accompanied by small scale buying attributed to consuming interests and previous short sell ers. Users of corn apparently were in the market for more vol ume and mill buying of wheat was in evidence. Reduced re ceipts of most grains at major markets also was strengthen ing Influence. Wheat closed unchanged to Ic higher compared with yestet day's finish, May $1.281-i, July $1,301; corn 1-lc up. May 881-lc, July 901c; oats 1-ic up; rye l ie higher; soybeans 1c lower to Ic higher. POTATOES SAN FRANCISCO, March 17 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 3 Cali fornia, 1 Florida, 9 Oregon, 1 Idaho arrived. 21 broken, 55 un broken cars on track; market dull; Klamath Russets No. 1, $2.40-2.60; combination grades, $1.90-2.00; No. 2s. $1.75-1.83. LOS ANGELES, March 17 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 1 Cali fornia, 28 Idaho, 3 Oregon ar rived, 30 broken. 56 unbroken cars on track; by truck 2 Califor nia, 2 Idaho arrived; market dull, no Oregon quotations. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, March 17 (AP USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 124; on track 409; total US shipments 718; supplies rather heavy, de mand fair; for Idaho Russets market slightly firmer for best quality, for offering other sec tions market steady; Idaho Rus set Burbanks US No. 1, $2.65-95; new stock, supplies light, de mand fair, market steady; Flori da Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $2.29 per bushel crate. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, March 17 (AP) (Fed.-State Market News) CATTLE: Sal able 150; generally steady; 2 cars good 1130-1160 lb. Idaho fed steers $11.75; range heifers and cows, scarce, unchanged; dairy cows weak, 25 cents lower, wid ening down; few weighty cows, $8.00-50, bulk ca ruiers and cut ters $6.00-8.00; bulls mostly $9.00-10.00. Calves salable 10. Steady; few vealers $13.00; odd 290 lb. calves $11.00. HOGS: Salable 450. Fully steady; most good 185-235 lb. barrows and gilts, $14.75; odd good sows $11.75. SHEEP: Salable 700; fully steady; 2 decks good 89 lb. wool ed lambs $12.00; 3 decks medium to good, 109 lb. ewes, $7.23. Security Are yon going to be ene of those unfortunates who neglect to have their homes remodeled and repaired while materials still are available? ASK BIG BASIN LUMBER CO. about easy-payment FHA loans. No down payment. DID YOU BUY A DEFENSE STAMP TODAY? JEp FUNNY 8 "He' waiting for the first note of reveille that' when hi furlough tarUI" WHAT STOCKS DO YOU FOLLOW? Tb Herald and News are revising their stock list and are anxious to hear from sub scribers as to which stock they want to see quoted daily. Please note your stocks on a penny postcard and mall it t the MARKET EDITOR. Herald and News. Due to heavy pressure on the wires from war news, it will be necessary to reduce the number of stocks carried. Some papers in cities larger than Klamath Falls have eli minated the stock list. The only way we can find out whether It is worth continu ing is a showing of reader in terest as suggested above. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., March 17 (AP-USDA) CATTLE: Salable and total 100, calves 25; market about steady with Monday; few common steers $8.73-9.00; com mon heifers $8.00-23; canner to common cows $5.50-7.80; few medium-good beef cows $9.00; common-good bulls $8.25-9.60; good beef bulls quotable $10.25; medium-choice vealers $12.00 to $15.50, culls downward to $7.00; sales good to fed steers and good cows late Monday 25-50 cents lower, all other classes steady to FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND HIIHIIR rt'oimi DtPOIIT IN SURANCC CORPORATION BUSINESS 25 cents lower; best carload lots fed steers $12.25; few head up to $12.73; practical top beef cows. $9.50. HOGS: Salable and total 300. holdover 400; market 25 cents lower; good-choice 170-215 lb. drive-ins mostly $13.63-75; one outstanding lot $13.90; fat type and medium grades down to $13.50; 230-250 lb. mostly $13.00; light lightly $12.60-13.00; good 230-550 lb. sows, $10.25-11.60; few good-choice feeder pigs. $13.00. SHEEP: Salable and total 80; holdover 500; few lambs steady i with Monday's 25-50 cents de jcllne: medium-good fed lambs, j $10.50; good-choice grades sal able around $11.23-50: Monday's top $11.75; one deck feeder lambs $10.00; common lambs down to $8.00; good ewes sal able, $6.00-50. There' little satisfaction In coming out on top when it's due merely to baldness. The slaves of Germany and the slaves of Jepan are produc ing arms at a peak which we must equal and then surpass quickly. War Production Chief Donald M. Nelson. Through error a newspaper story referred to "the younger Itineration" or was it an error? Whm'im need 6ccWi&. Thfo h th LOW-COST way to borrow: A FIRST NATIONAL PERSONAL LOAN Costs only 6 per year (FOR EACH $100 BORROWED) No deductions or other charges. You receive the full amount of the loan . . . and this cost includes life insurance for your protection. Extension Unit News POE VALLEY-OLENE Poo Valley-Olene units met on Friday at the Poo valley community hull. This was an all-day meeting with the sub ject, "Newor Dress Finishes." There were 13 members in at tendance. A luncheon served al noon was arranged with pluc cards, salads and desserts all carrying out the St. Putrlck mo tif. Mrs. Margaret Freuer presid ed, with Mrs. Beau Tucker and Mrs. Curtis Gebhardt acting as Instructors. Tho next meeting will be held at the Olene hnll on April 10. The subject will be, "Planning Family Food Sup ply." Mrs. Wlnnlfred allien will preside. It will also be an nil-day meeting. Henley HENLEY Mrs. Virginia La Forge has taken over the Henloy service station since Dean Olson, the former owner, left for the army. Orin Reeder had the misfor tune of cutting his hand while chopping wood on Tuesday. The wound necessitated several stitches. Mrs. Clifford Kelluy enter tained with a dinner party on Thursday evening honoring Fer nand Kelley who was inducted Into the army on Monday. Mrs. Herbert Phillips, who umoor.rriutanT Botmnox wbibktt. CHrNt.rr pimucMOOM..lf.T. emmmsum n mm has been visiting at the La Pr ar ia home, Is (pending thl week at Malln with Mr. and Mr. Har ry Booth. Mrs. tiaroia venunger enter talnod on Thursday afternoon for member of her bridge elub. Guests were Mrs, Burreli Short and Mr. Sam Dehllnger.- Hldh prise was won by Mr. Wendell Walnrlght; low by Mrs. Bob Dehllngar and traveling price by Mr. Orin Reeder. Currently the United State flocts are carrying on with the basic Idea "to do more than your best with what you've got." Admiral Ernest S. King, United State fleet commander-in-chief. Oh, I'm awfully tick of talk ing about politics. Governor Green of Illinois. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice I hereby given that Rat.ta nf Nettle M. Adams, its. I ceased, has filed his final account as such Executor with the Coun ty Clerk of Klamath County, Oregon, and the time for hear ing objections and settlement of said account has been set for April Dth. 1942, in the Circuit Court room In Klamath Falls, Oregon, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said data. Mllo Adams, Executor of the Es tate of Nettle M. Adams, Deceased. M 10-17-24-31: A. 7. No. 36. Are YOU the quality-loving type? If you'rs the quality-loriog type, who rrliihea good food sod drink, thrn enjoy "doutU-rUJi" quality wltl) Cream of Kentucky . . . nude with th famous II n-wtons water of Ova Rpring. Nit tlm tfy your f Ml. nrink rr..A. tit, th. of Kentucky's fliMl Bourbons, Pint I0 Quart $2.21