The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 17, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    March 17. 1012
TULKLAKK Willi llircc
council sent to fill on April I I,
Interest In 1 1 in uomliiu election
i wiiiik intu liltfli Ijciir over the
weekend with 10 UHplruiitH III
liil! before the deadline Snliir
duy noon. Tliu lulu filliius
stirred up voter Interest iiIhu
mid the election Unit bid full'
lur weeks to lie u deud pun af
fair muy be a neck unci neck
loco (or both short term unci
Ions term seats If to 1 k uliout
town Is any indication o( what
' Is to come.
Nut a sIiikIo wishful eye wus
.Maul til lln i-ltv tritiiHlirV iiiimI
now filled by Wundu Sturk.
'. who before tho books closed,
filed for city clerk. Mrs. Stink
Is employed us bookkeeper by
J'. (..'. Ileruemiin, plumber.
Two other flllnus (or the
clerkship wero mudo by Mrs.
Lois Crime, wife of Alvin Crune,
who filed (or the short term
K. Welso, renltor. Welso held a
council seut from April, 11)37,
until April of tho (oIIowIiik
Clurence K. Declous, em
ployed by the Floyd A. Iloyd
. Implement company as book
keeper, with Auuust Turner,
munuifcr of the Homestead cufe,
both will run for the short term.
Crime Is employed us u plumb-
. cr.
I.. II... I ..... ..,.1. ...... ......
Willluin II. Hond, bookkeeper
(or Levi mid Zciilncr coiupuny,
mid Illchurd ft. Moore, druituist,
, who at the lust minute definite
ly Indicated a wllllimncss to set
Into the harness (or the city.
. Gluey Modxes, (lllmii stnllon
proprietor, inid Clarence Schotl
sinned up (or the same berth
earlier In the month.
E. L. Booth, mayor, and J. T
Cropper both declined to run
for ro-electlon and Otis Roper,
who held a council seut since
the town was Incorporated, rc-
signed early this year. Harold
Itoath, city clerk, o1m Is out of
the running and will report for
physical examination in the
near future, preparatory to In
duction into tho U. S. army
early In May, Hoath also has
seen tho city through the trials
and tribulations of Incorpora
tion and Installation o( the
wilier ana sewer sysieiun.
Contrary to the method of
: election for mayors of munici
palities In Oregon and other
states, California mayors are ap
pointed by the newly elected
' council.
There are no Issues to come
before tho voters.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ilolling
worth received a letter from
their son Curl on Friday, March
13, tho first word from him since
hostilities begun In the Philip
pines when he was stationed at
Nichols field. Tho letter was
dated February 2 und stated that
he was well, spending much of
his time In the "ground," and
eating a lot of coconuts and ba
nanas. ucorgo truster sent ins par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Frasler,
a letter on February 22 Unit he
had arrived at Dutch harbor,
where he Is to do construction
Mr. and Mrs. Den Pryor and
children who formerly lived
along the Ashland highway have
moved to cump 4.
Local students of the Kono
Junior high school took part In
a basketball giimo at Altumont
Frlduy evening. Senior students
attended tho basketball banquet
at Kcno tho sumo evening.
Mrs. Jim Knight will bo host
ess at n card party In tho Com
munity hull on Wednesday at
The Extension unit will moot
with Mrs. W. M. Jones on Thurs
day (it 1:00 with Mrs. Tom Ten
nery assisting In presenting new
er dress finishes. Members urc
asked to bring scissors, thimble,
thread, needles, senilis of mate
rial, and a zipper new or old.
A I I .. - I.. 41... I, ..
su women in iiiu Loiiiiiiuniiy
are urged to attend.
Mrs, Karl Fricdrieh will bo
hostess for tho knitting workers
on Friday at 10:30. Potluck
luncli will bo served at noon,
A St, Patrick's day dance will
bo held in the Community hull
on Saturday night with Mr. and
Mrs, Art Cooper and Mr. and
Mrs, Earl Cruikshiink in charge,
Two armed women robbed an
Illinois fur store. It's fortunate
that most women still think thilt
crying for fur coals Is tho best
way to get them. i
o Relieve MONTHLY
Women who suftor pain of Ir regular
periods with cranky nervous now
duo to monthly functional disturb
uncrn Rhoiild try Lyriln R. r in te
rm m' VeKotnblft Compound to re
llova nun). dlfttrftM. Mnda rspeaiallv
inr women. Follow labol dlroattona.
Embroidering Tliia tikup
In Worthwhile Needlework
by Alice Brooks
Our country It's many re
sources und activities all pic
toriuliy shown In this sampler
mnp! Get out your guyest cot
ton (loss you'll hove fun em
broidering tins. And whoever
becomes Its proud owner will
love It. 1'utteru 72M contains a
trunsfer pattern of a map iii x
l&i inches: color schemes; muter
rials needed.
To obtain this pattern send 10
cents in colli (plus ono cent to
cover cost of mulling to The
Herald and Nows, Household
Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do
not send this picture, but keep
It and the number (or reference
Oe suro to wrap coin securely.
as a loose coin often slips out of
the envelope. Requests for pat
terns should read, "Send pattern
No to
followed by your name and ad
A zither Is not a musical In
strument but an Instrument of
torture. Judge John Mnsterson,
dismissing suit against a New
York bar. for permitting two
zither players to perform with
out a ciiburct permit.
Taste tests prove Tree Tea's finer flavor and you can
prove It in your own home. Match it against any other
brand. Taste the difference. Then you, too, will want to
tell your friends about this definitely better tea.
Tree Tea wins because it is Blended from better teas.
It is a matchless blend of the world's finest; teas, each
one picked at its flavor-peak. The result is a richness of
flavor that will make you enjoy tea as never before.
Yes, in unbiased taste tests, Tree Tea has won from,
its leading competitor NINETEEN times. Three tests
were tied. Tree Tea lost only oncl
More than 500 members of women's clubs took part
In these tests. Each woman was served Tree Tea and
the leading competitive tea, prepared exactly the same
way. No one knew what brands were used. Tree Tea
was the overwhelming choice.
CI ni ms uf ten flavor are easy
to make. But it's not so easy
to prove extra flavor-richness
by lest, as Tree Tea has done.
Don't let habit guide your tea
buying; tonight, try Tree Tea.
You will agrco this 19 to 1
taste" test winner is. "The
World's Finest Tea."
MEHHILL Camp Klro girls
who were advanced from the
Trull Seekers rank to tho rank
of Woodgutlierer met for a coun
cil flro session lul week at the
J, It. Steel home.
Mrs. E. E. Kilputrick und Mrs.
Alonzo ifodges conducted tho
council fire. Advances were
mudo by Joun Kundru, Hetty
Turner, Elizabeth D e n n h y,
Eileen Mollenhour, Dolores
Steel, Eileen Noonun, Mury Lou
O'Connor and Murjorio Muuldln.
At a previous meeting held ut
tho homo of Mrs. Hodges the
group pledged help In tho pres
ent wur need. It will collect
buttons for lied Cross sewing
reeds, sell popples for the aux
iliary of tho Merrill Legion post,
collect tin (oil, razor blades und
empty mctul tubes and will of
fer their services to tho civilian
defense council as messengers.
Under the leadership o( the
Tuwunkus, u Blue Bird group
of girls from (J to 10 was or
ganized recently with 14 mem
bers registered. Virginia Sharp
and Iva June Huwkins volun
teered to be responsible for
leadership under the supervision
of Mrs. C. K, Sharp, ono time
guardian of a Cump Fire group
In Redmond, Ore. A room In the
elementary school Is to be fitted
for meetings, the first to be held
March 21.
Mrs. Kilpatrick stated that a
partial check made on members
who were purchasing victory
bonds and stumps revealed that
the Twanka group had purchased
$51 25 in stumps und $250 in
bonds. One or two members
wero not present to report.
Fourth Annual
'White Water'
Parade Slated
The fourth annual "White
Water Boat Parade" on tho Mc
Kenzio river with fifty or more
ternwiso river boats participat
ing In the 1042 running of the
white water course, will be held
on Sunday, April 12, according
to word rec ived here this week
wnit snoMinns
Potato .....
South Slith II.
by the Klumutti county chamber
of commerce.
This event, of Interest to
sportsmen everywhere, Is spon
sored by tho McKenzio Itlver
Ciuld.., association, of which
Dayton Thomson Is president,
und invitations have been sent
to Governor Sprague, Secretary
Snell, Muyor Riley of Portlund.
und other notables.
flow crowd attended the annuul
Saint Patrick's dunce sponsored
by the Sprague River high
school senior class in the gym
nasium Saturday night, Murch
14. A clear profit of around
$00 will enable the fourth year
students to leave the school a
very fine gift.
The hull was brightly decor
ated with green and white
streamers and shamrocks. Green
flood lights on the rafters of the
gym gave a soft green lighting
effect. Each dancer was given
a green hut with a silver sham
rock on the side. During the
supper hour, Evelyn Cadcgo,
dressed in a clever green satin
costume presented an Irish tap
Present pluns of tho seniors
arc for the construction cither
of a new cement fountain or a
friendship bench under the pine
trees in the school yard. Work
on the gift is expected to start
soon so that the seniors them
selves may enjoy part of pleas
ure of the gift.
Mosquitoes have a wing area
of almost five square yards for
each pound of body weight.
fffffiw$! Employees SELL - A - B RASH U r
lR3Krt fS1' ' "cT. r ct '"" Fashions are first to make adjustments to a new
A nT ' 1 V ' "V -J2a0Sm- -; way of life. So the Easter-parading costumes
' 1 l ctvi ES " overflowing every Sears department have a spe-
V J I f W Xf&Z "7"" UNSEASONAL STTL cial look for 1942, Not g0 much fineryg gat.
JbJ" jbaJ i J I fjfS 1 11 UNDATED cy ERYWHEREl Y lantry in your bright new suit, your eye-catching t
VaUr OslA 1HAT TAKE YOU mj little hat! Fascinating fashions for American
Vryfi "27 if C ladies from 6 to 60! v ;
Mi&M nut esse stains' : p :
Hr jl ' Pfjw'l'Vy nicietala1on.wh ' iV
jKrti' 1" lIiSVW7 f&ff'iw - ""'T-VS do,s ndyprints. Bright colors KBiw jTvl 5-K 1 M
UX!f ' J3u! w4f JS and swish, young styles. 7-14. Mg8V,--..a
, ftiktiS CL" 2s Delectable Honey if W10 i''1 I'' 7 P'
All Out Wa$?B'-2iX lV""TO.I suckle dresses for your . M' K?". 'TV'-' Is" -U
rmlnln,( VrkJn'-C V (UW P'? mlt-siied misses! Spe- C Ve TfSf
Femininity 'A', 5R-&A JjT MLAA . A clal care in details,
hats $mmm0$ a? fv v
Frame Your Face KJ(MjJS fi I ' - lfj suck m
iS'WkrnsJx I K WW":-.
Antii-y anllorji. nnirollo . . t' JSr ;" A M- UjmT&2itZLri .aSf '': vv; . 1 bonn. wool
luilo toquoa with v K'..av'.:- A 1 ' jfiXHif ; IE W-"f7 iwj-jsr k 1 ereaaa ".nit
mlaty veiled deep, 'N JW'Jl ' ' ' VWllPW'ViA'-W M 1 flonnela. Bef-
lovelv brlma. .leek r.l.vS?7-CJe-- I .! X7xT.l- VV X fit er, prlnceavi nd
turban., c.olor. you V''-SivX iv B ? ' HT:; P!1'--'V.J yv ?t':,?-Sf m9 1 wraparouad.
never dreamed you jt&vnwv m:lfj;i; ... IJ-vfJkitii'-'W j fcl '.w.r-'ijjr MV 1 Nivlei and
could wearl Navy, r k v f V 5nx T m " 1 Tr-.Sk7 v -f i' NAj"' n JlsiJJ panten. 7-14.
.8iiBiBs7l)iifliooih no) iniij
133 So. 8th Diol 5188
' 1 T 1 . '.- '.. .'. ...... . .. .
MALIN The election of offi
cers of the chamber of commerce
is scheduled for the evening of
Murch 23, tho session to be top
ped by a Dutch lunch and enter
tainment. The members will
guthe? In the Broadway hull and
the ballot box will remain open
until 8:45 with members privil
eged to vote until that time. A
ballot box is also open at the
Mulin Mercantile. -
On the ballots arc names of
Everett Jones, A. Kalina, Irving
Capek, A. E. Street, Ben 11.
Pickett, R. S. Thompson, W, C.
Dalton, Jess Z. Smith, F. P. Ad-dlc-man,
Ruy Van Meter, M. M.
Stastny, and Stanley Johnson.
Of this number six will be
elected, the five receiving the
highest . number of votes to serve
for two years, the sixth member
to serve the short term of one
Louis Kalina is chairman of
tho refreshment committee as
sisted by Stanley Johnson and
Mervyne Wilde. Ed Stastny is
chairman of the entertainment
committee. The meeting is for
members only.
We cannot allow German pro
duction of tanks, engines and
lorries to go unhindered merely
because these plants are in oc
cupied French territory. Sir
Archibald Sinclair, British air
There must be an end to the
individual sniping and partisan
political attempts to divide the
country. Rep. John W. McCor
mack, house of representatives'
majority leader.
Missionary to
Address Dorns
Revival Groups
DORRIS Residents of Butte
valley will have an opportunity
to hear first-hand experiences of
a missionary in war-torn China
when the Rev. Kathcrine Wlese
appears at the Dorris church of
the Nazarcne nightly for , the
next two weeks.
Rev. Wiese was 17 years the
district evangelist in Honan
province. She opened her re
vival services here Sunday,
March 15.
Snavely Takes Over
Management of
Dorris Station
DORRIS G. E. Snavely has
taken over the management of
Al s service station here. Snave
ly has been working as mechan
ic in the garage for several
Al Flumcrfelt, former mana
ger, and his mother, Mrs. Phoe
be Flumerfelt, have moved to
Klamath Falls where Flumer
felt has accepted a position with
the Gilmore oil company.
Read the Classified page
120 No. 7th Hdqs. for
All Kinds in Stock. Thus
Day Service on Orders
12 pocket loos leaf Albums
as low as 75c
SALEM, March 16 UP) Secre
tary of State Earl Snell warned
today that 5 p. m., March 30, is
the deadline for filing of .can
didates and statements for the
voter's pamphlet for, the March
15 primary election.
Oregon voters will nominate
candidates for one U. S. senator,
four congressmen, governor, sec
retary of state, superintendent of
public Instruction, labor com
missioner, and three supreme
court justices.
In addition, they will nomi
nate 11 circuit judges, 10 dis
trict attorneys, 15 stats senators,
and all 60 state representatives.
State department expects
rush of candidates to file In the
next two weeks, as there hav
been few filings so far. . For
many offices, there are as yet
no candidates.
Nothing is impossible except
some people.
Looking for Bargains? Turn
to the Classified page
Chest Colds
To Relieve Misery! SClt C
Rub on Tested
looks Awruiiy
Good These Days!
An Agency of the U. S.
Savings and Loan Associa
tion of Klamath Falls
Mmbr Ptdtril Savins
And Loin Imurano Corporation
Slith at Main . Dial lit
.. . ...