ttarch 17. 1042 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments For Runt ... Automotive . Business Opportunities Educational - Financial ... for Bala or Trnda . Oaneral Notlcca. Health Halp Wantod, Female...-, 24 ...... 34 4(1 13 48 ..3H 4 J3 14 ...16 20 .. 44 ..... 2 2U ... 3(1 42 .80 32 20 1U 40 Help Wanted. Mala Houses For Rent Livestock and Poultry ... Loit and Found Miscellaneous For Rent Miscellaneous For Solo ..... Miscellaneous Wanted Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Wanted Room and Bourd Bltualtoi.s Wanted To Exchange Lost and Found LOST Coin purse near Olympla F Orneerv. Hewnrd. News Her ald. 3-18 LOST Pulr glasses In case. Rn- ward. News-Herald. 310 4 General Notices IP YOU HAVE LUMBER to move to Medford cantonment. Phone 7702 Ashland 4-8 REDUCED TUITION to $10 00 month Complete beauty course. Enroll now. North western Beauty College. 3 16 a Personals YOU KNOW You can't keep a good man aown uui icuuws, take a look at the students and graduates of Northwest ern If you think they are not going places in the beauty pro fession Northwestern Beauty College. 318 10 Services HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered, Alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allendor, 731 Main, Room 218. Phono 7283. 4-lGmtf WE DO REPAIR WORK Bodenhamer Saw Filing, 383 E. Main. -13 JOHN McCONNAHA Piano tuner. Call 8078 or Shepherd Music Co. 3-28 r-ICTURE FRAMING Goeller's, 230 Main. 4-14mtf lIOUSECLEANING Art Bene s diet. 8848. 4-Pmtf BIRTH CERTIFICATES obtain cd at reasonable cost. Floyd Pierce, 419 Main. 4-3 FLOOR SANDING and rcflnlsh Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3822. 3-31mtf BLIP COVERS and draperies mado to order. Klamath Fur niture Co., 221 Main. Phone 8383. 4-Smtf .DA'S TAILOR SHOP, formerly J E. Bodge Tailor Shop, 123 No. 8th. Altering, Repairing. Cleaning, Pressing. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable 3-28 RUBBER STAMPS mado dolly In Klamath Falls. GEO. J KUNZMAN. 127 North 4th Phone 6032. 3-18 PICTURE FRAMING Art and 1 Qlft Shop, 810 Main. 3-24mtf LOOR SANDING Old floors reflnlshed. Norman Fralcy Phone 4001. 3-24mlf BAGS Machine Cleaned and patched. Pcoplo's Warehouse Bag Co. lUOltf PAINTING. KALSOMININQ H L. Brown. Phono 4226. 310mtf WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 011 South Sixth. 3-31mlf PAINTING, poperhanging end decorating. Alvln Davis. Ph. 4037 or 8768. 4-2 I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas Hathaway, 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 3-31 ELECTROLUX CLEANER sales i service. Phono 8728 628 Main. Tarkel Tweet. 3-22 FLOOR SANDING and finish ing. Waxing, polishing, scrub bing. New, old. C. DuFour Phone 3000. 3-3 lmtf CURTAINS home laundered. Phone 8206. 4-2 HEWING OF ALL KINDS, tall orlng, romodollng, fur coals re-llnod and ro-modoled. Mrs. Zwelgart, Apt. 1, Brick Apart ments, Malln. 4-13 PAPERHANGINO, Painting. Kalsomlning. Dial 0328. Mel vln E. Frost. 4-13mtl rXECTROLUX CLEANERS -sales-service, Ray Hall Phone 7167. 813 Rosewoy Drive. 3 si WHEN you think of success, think of the beauty profes sion. With guaranteed salary and commissions. $10 00 month. Enroll now. North westorn Beauty College. 3-18 Health DH. M. C. CASSEL, Chlroproc trie Clinic, colon nnd rcctnl (IIwiikos. 632 Miiln. Dlul 721S 11-31 mtf 14 Help Wanted, remala GIRL for general housework. Good wiliiry. room and hoard. Dux 3430, News-Herald. 3-10 STUDENT beauty operators. Tu ition $10 per month Guar anteed ponltlon with salary and cormnlimlons Enroll now Northwestern lleuuty Col lege. 3 18 WOMAN COOK Apply In per son. Must have references. Tlk-Tnk Drlveln. S397U IB Help Wanted, Male FIII.ST CLASS MECHANIC No others need apply Leo's Oar age, Second unil Main. 310 SALESMAN WANTED "with wholesale experience to cover established trado In Southern Oregon. Must havo car. Wrllo for Interview giving full par ticulars and phone number. News-Herald Box 3HHB. 3 21 WANTED Man and wife, house work In Eugene. Woman to do conking, man to assist with housework and do gardening. Good wages. Must be exper ienced. Heferem-es required. Write W. S. Russell, 227.1 Fair mont Blvd., Eugene, Ore. 318 WANTED Houseman and por ter. Apply Wlllurd Hotel. 318 WANTED Experienced ranch Cut 60 tractor operator. Also experienced hog herdsman. Must have experience in broed Ing and keeping herd records. A. II. Patterson, Goose Haven Ranch. Mldlund, Ore. 3 18 WANTED Man and wife for chore Jobs. Must be good milker. Good wages. Call 71)14 2884 FOR JOBS In Aircraft Factories. 18 to 82. Inquire 412 Main. 40 WANTED Experienced form hand Sontford Jones, Bonan za. Oro. 1781U WANTED Retail grocery clerk, retail grocery vegetable man, wholesale grocery warehouse man, combination Invoice clerk and stenographer. In answer ing the ad, kindly give your age, experience and references. Box 3088. HcroldNows. 3-18 WANTED Reliable couple to look after Incon.e property Rent free, pay water and lights. 2238 Homcdale. 3-17 18 Situations Wanted HOUR WORK Phone 7904. 3-21 BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. 4-1 2mtf SHIPMAN BOARDING HOME for children. 3802 Blsbce, South Altamont. Phone 7368. 4-4 HOUR WORK. Phono 7884. 3-30 CARE FOR BABIES, children, hour, day or week. 4426 Cros by. Phone 8031. 3-18 20 Room and Board ROOM BOARD Phone 6883. 3-23 BOARD-ROOM Rcosonoble. homelike. 1841 Main. 3-17 BOARD-ROOM, laundry. Home privileges. 1834 Worden. 3-20 ROOM AND BOARD for work ing girl or student, 3 meals. Attractive home, one block from Main. $38. Phono 3885. 3716tf BOARD ROOM 814 Walnut. Phono 6802. 4-10 NICE ROOMS, good board. 523 Lincoln. 3-23 ROOM- -HOARD 1711 Wall 3-18 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main Steam heated. Weekly rates $3 up, 80c to $1 per night 3-18 BOARD - ROOM 629 Jefferson. 3-19 22 Rooms For Rent ROOM AND BOARD for three gentlemen. 723 St. Francis. 3-18 ROOM 020 Lincoln. 318 CLEAN steam heated rooms. 310 So 5th. Phono 7050. 3-24 SMALL ROOM $3.00. 134 No. 3rd. 3414tf ROOMS 1034 High. 4-5mtf LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. 516 Pine. 2699tf NICE ROOM Furnace heat. 134 N 3rd. 317 CLAREMONT, 228 North 4th. All outside, newly decorated, modern rooms. All with new Innersprlng mattresses. Free parking. 3-31mtf ROOM 814 No. 10th. 3-20 24 Apartments For Rent uiri.ruinrn-.-ir.-i- - - - - - 1 ' ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished, $4.80; 410 so. 5th. 3-23 NEWLY RENOVATED 3-room furnished apartment. Closo In. 625 Grant, 3-19 13 24 Apartments For Rent VACANCY Hex Arms. 4-11 UNFURNISHED DUPLE X 1870 Lclloy. 3fllllltf VACANCY Adults. 421 Ouk. 3-23 FIVE ROOM APARTMENT Close In. Inquire 123 High. 3-18 3-ROOM furnished apartment. Adults. 400 Oak. 3-23 HOOMY furnished apurtmctit. Adults. No pets. 803 Lincoln. 3-18 LARGE 3-ROOM partly furnish ed apartment. Phone 80118. 3-21 2 ROOM APARTMENT Elec tric rongc. Close In. No chil dren or pets. $22.80. Also two-room upstairs apurtment. wood range, $17 90 mo. Call 5124 High. 3082tf FOR 'RENT OR LEASE 10 room apartment, furnished; 0 more rooms avuilable soon. News-Herald Box 3876. 3-21 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished. 210 Main. Fairfield Apartments. 4-18 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. Close In. 408 N. 3rd. 3-21 ELECTRICALLY equipped apt.. $20. 433 N. 10th. 3074tf HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished. 218 Main, Fulrtleld Apartments. 3-19 ONE -ROOM furnished apart ment. 703 North Bth. 3-17 THREE ROOMS furnished. Wot er, garuga. $18. 283 Broad 3 Id FOR RENT Modern 2-bcdroom nicely furnished home. 2329 White. 3 18 VACANCY Ponderosa Apart ments. 3-17 FURNISHED APARTMENT 801 Market St. 3-17 FOUR-ROOM nicely furnished apartment. Hot and cold wa ter furnished. $32.80 month. 1126 Grant. 2883 THREE-ROOM furnished apart mont. Whlto Pli.e Apartments " 317 CASCADE Apartment Hotel Completely furnished. Con venient hotel service. Day, week or month. 4-Dmtf FURNISHED APT. 303 So. 5th 3-19 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. 2043 White. 2036tf LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. 710 Main. 24S0U GLENCOURT APARTMENTS Furnished complcto with gar age. $27.80 and tip. Weyer haeuser district Phone 8084. 3-25 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, tights, water, gas 419 N 10th 3-24mtf VACANCY Esplanado Courts. Furnished. 3-3 lmtf VACANCY Everything fur nished. $3.30 up. 1404 Klam ath. . 4-6 2-ROOM furnished apartment $18 month. 218 Martin. 3-18 LARGE 3-bcdroom apartment near Ewauna Box Co. Steam heat, water furnished. $40. Phone 5140 or 3028 evenings. 2905U PONDOSA APARTMENTS 3-18 FURNISHED 4 rooms. Modern, 2 bedrooms. Inquiro 2119 Ap plcgate. 3360U VACANCY Corner Erie-Has-klns. Hot water heat. Phone 3888. 3660tf 28 Houses For Rent FOR RENT Two - bedroom house with bath. Oil floor furnace. At 414 Uplmm street. ROLAND E. WRIGHT Real Estate 419 Main Street 3-17 UNFURNISHED 3-room house. Hardwood floors, automatic oil furnace, electric hot water tonk, fenced-in yard, one bed room, $30. 318 Laguna. Phone 5748. 3-19 FOUR-ROOM furnished house, gnragc. Closo In. Inquire 634 No, 11th before noon or after B p. m. 3-18 FOR RENT 3-room furnished modern house, $15.00. 1904 H Wantland. 3-17 UNFURNISHED new two-bedroom house, suburban bus line, $35. Nice 3-room house with bath, $22.50. Phono 7688. 3442U THREE-ROOM furnlshod house. Bath, garage. Water paid. 2424 So. 6th. 3-21 FIVE-ROOM modern house, Ore gon avenue, $20. Call 3203. 3680U FURNISHED 2 ROOMS, bath. 1320 Oak. ' 8441tf THREE-ROOM furnished duplex, $22.50 month. Phono 3211 or 3410. , 3-18 34 Automotive Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't Buy Car Until March 18 New Low Price Sale Like You Never Saw Before. Your Last Chance To Buy On 18 Months. New Restricted Terms Go Into Effect March 23rd Watch for Our Big Ad Wednesday Prices Cut for Quick Action! 40 Really Fine Cars to Choose-From! Here Are a Few Samples: '37 Ford Coupe, radio and heater Many more likewise reduced. None will be released until March 18th at these prices. Douglas Motor Co. Keenan Motors, Inc. Pockord-Hudson-Willys-Chrysler-Plymouth 744 Klamath Ave. 26 Houses For Rent THREE BEDROOMS, furnished. Adults. Phone 7512. 3-21 TWO-ROOM portly furnished house, $12.00. 3440 Boardman. Inquire Cobln No. 4. 3-17 SMALL unfurnished house. $12 2121 Rodcliffe. 3-17 BACHELOR CABINS 425 Wil low. 4-5 THREE-ROOM HOUSE Neat, attractive tile. Full basement, garage. Phono 5658. 2937tf FIVE-ROOM strictly modern un furnished house with upstairs furnished apartment. Mills ad dition Inquire 355 E Main 606U MODERN furnished two-room house, garage. Water and gar bnge paid. $22.50 month. Adults only. Available March 20. 1735 Crescent. 3418U FOR RENT House, six rooms, unfurnished $25. Phone 7062. . -a1'..,. -'. 3-18 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE with gar den spot. 1414 Homedale. 3-19 MODERN 3-bedroom home, 3 blocks from Main. Phone 6540. 3366U TWO ROOM furnished house. Phone 8075. 3791U TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save Vt. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 4-7mtf FOUR ROOMS furnished. Large yard, trees, water. $20 1662 Manzanlta. 3-20 FURNISHED 2-room cabin, $4 week. 2238 Homedale. 3-17 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Coll at all hours. Phone 5115. 4-9mtf 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Six acres, seven room modern house, hardwood "floors; highly improved. 31 miles out gravel road. Box 2906. News-Herald. 2906 FOR SALE Four room modern house on Pleasant avenue. Ph. 3691. 2298U SACRIFICE two-bedroom house near Kcsterson's, $1493. $250 down, $17.25 month and taxes. Phono 8331 evenings. 3-19 STRICTLY BUSINESS "I'm warning you, Twiggsl If down to work 1 11 34 Automotive Now on Was Sale $475 $345 . 575 305 . 465 293 . 445 275 . 405 295 . 850 345 I 30 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 6 acres good farm land. All under irrigation. Has small 4-room house. I mile east of El Padre on Lakcview road. Will take good late model used car as down pay-j ment. See H. E. Hauger, 1330 Main. 3-21 FOR SALE 50 acres good farm land, 4 miles out on old Mid land road. Priced for quick sale. See H. E. Hauger, 1330 Main. 3-21 PRICE REDUCED 4-bedroom home. Hot Springs addition, 2 baths, nice yard, good loca tion. Phone 3669. 3-21 FOR SALE BY OWNER 4-room house, small basement Terms. 2120 Stukel, Mills addition. 3-18 FOR SALE Modern two bed room home in Sunnyland Large lot, Venetian blinds 1521 Avalon. - 3-17 FOR SALE Small house, half acre land, chicken house, cel lar. 1416 Gary. 3-17 5 ROOMS with dinette, hard wood floors throughout, nice yard, shade trees. Box 3808. News-Herald. 3803 34 Automotive FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet tu dor, heater, new tires. Dial 5546. 3-23 FOR SALE by original owner, '37 Ford sedan delivery. Write Box 1177, Klamath Falls. 3-18 EQUITY IN '40 CHEVROLET Good tires, low mileage. 1619 Gary. 3-21 WILL TRADE 6-wheeled '37 Roadmaster Bulck sedan, clear, for equity '39 or '40 8-cylinder sedan. Call 4298 or 2434 Rec lamation. 3-21 WILL PAY CASH for Ford Pickup In good condition. Vera Moore, Balslger Motor Co. 3-17 WANTED Four used 550x17 tires. Phono 4967 or phone 4466. 2904tf CIRCULAR SAWMILL c o m- plete. Cheap for cash. 237 E. Main. 3-19 'TRY THE NEW DEAL" al BUICK. See Mr. Yoes. fac tory trained service manager. 2779U FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in '36 Ford. Rt. 1, Box 919 3-17 by McFeatten you don't straighten out and get make you a partner! " fV!' BROKER CL 34 Automotive BALSIGER'S BETTER BUYS 51 A '30 Ford Tudor 44 '31 Ford Tudor 62A '31 Ford Coupe .... 22A '30 Ford Sedan 0 '33 Plymouth Coupo 1016 '32 Ford Coupe HHA '32 Ford Tudor 86A '34 Ford Coupe 1033 '34 Bulck Coupe 13 '35 Chevrolet Coupe Pay $18.00 a month LATE MODELS Down Pay't. Ford Super Deluxe Sedan, radio and heater, 10.000 miles $333 Nash 6 Sedan, radio, heater, overdrive $265 Lincoln-Zephyr Coupe, radio and heater ....$400 Mercury Town Sedan $285 Ford Coupe, radio and heater $240 Ford Cabriolet $235 Ford Deluxe Sedan ...$235 Ford 'Deluxe Coupe, auxiliary seats $240 Ford Deluxe Tudor, radio and heater $265 Ford Deluxe Sedan, radio, heater, over drive $265 Ford Deluxe Tudor $300 92 41 1009 '39 63 '40 39 '39 56A '39 28A '39 70A '39 1038A '40 35 '40 48A '40 1024 '41 18 months to pay on these later model cars March 23rd only 15 months. B aisiger Main and Esplanade Below Market Price Low Overhead Docs it! '33 Chev. Cabriolet, as is $125 '41 Chev. Master Town Sedan. Lots of extras, 80 rubber $875 37 Chev. Master 4 dr. Se dan. Radio, 75 rub ber $395 Many Others to Choose From 18 Months to Pay! Low Bank Finance. Public Used Car Lot John Selby, Owner 7th and Oak Dial 6934 34 Automotive GET YOUR AUTO GLASS In stalled at Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 4-6mtf HIGHEST PRICES Paid For Late Model Used Cars EARL SMITH PONTIAC 1420 Main St - 3044tf 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Used Melotte cream separator $35. Dane over shot stacker $100. Several good horses. J. E. Whitlatch, at Floyd A. Boyd Co., Tulelake. 3-18 FOR SALE Two Helena Curtis dryers, one year old, $50 each Sprague River, Ore., No. 12. 3-19 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, second cutting, $15 ton. Han Chen barley $1.65 cwt. Bring sacks. D. B. Justice, 1 mile north Stronghold store, Tule lake. 3-18 FOR FULLER BRUSHES sail R. V. Morgan, 3348, or Clem Joyce, 7806. 4-12 MIRRORS and furniture tops made ' order. We resilver old mirrors. Kimball's Glass Shop Phone 7378. 4-6mtf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block numbers indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For sale at Carmichael's new? stand, chamber of commerce. Ernie Piluso's Drive-in. Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug, Louie Polln's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News Herald, Vic's Signal Service. 2783U ROCKHILL EverOearing Straw berry Plants. Crystal's, Mer-rlll-Lakeview Junction. 3-18 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked Used furniture, stoves bought OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. 3-31mtf FOR SALE OR TRADE for mod em home Income property located in Mills addition. Call 5366 after 6 p. m. 3-20 PERMANENT WAVES $1.93 to $10.00 We appreciate your appointments from early until late. Northwestern Beauty College. 3-18 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 2781tf FIX THAT RADIO Our busl ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 4-9mtf FOR SALE Netted Gem seed potatoes. C. H. Booth, Bon anza. 3-24 DRY BODY WOOD Immediate delivery. Phone 6838. 3-18 BLACKOUT LAMPS Get yours at F R Hanger's, 515 Market Phdhe 7221, 3-20 34 Automotive Down Pay't. $25 $33 $43 . $45 $55 $70 : $70 $75 $73 . $75 . ... ..... . . on these cars. After Motor L.o. Phone 3121 36 Miscellaneous For Sale SALE Repossessed and Reconditioned Electric Ranges and Reconditioned Wood Ranges C. O. P. Co. 3-31 LAWN DIRT AND FERTILIZER Phone 6817. 4-6 40 To Exchange WILL TRADE Klamath home In Hotspring Dist for Oroville, Calif., home. See Shanks, 1806 Portland St., or write Box 13, Keddie. Calif 1245U WILL TRADE EQUITY in home for car. Phone 6868 Sundays or evenings. 3-17 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Unfurnished sleep ing room, close in, with ga rage and storage space. Phone 6439. 3-17 WANTED All-steel Case separ , ators from 32 to 44-inch. Age and condition unimportant J. R. Scott Gazelle, Calif. 3-18 WANTED TO- RENT Nicely furnished small house by cou pie. Phone 9193 days, 3091 evenings. 3-21 WILL PAY CASH for five 6.00 or 6.50x16 tires and tubes Rod Smith, Balslger's Used Car Dept 3-17 WANTED Live poultry of all kinds. Martin's Produce, 2415 So 6th. 4-3 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense. 4-1 lmtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Well bred Guern sey bulL 16 mos. old, and sows. Three miles from Olene on Bonanza market road. J. E. Newnham. 3-19 FOR SALE Two Corrledale bucks $17.50. Two heifers, and 9 months old. 21 pigs around 3 months old. R. C Prudhomme, 5102 So. 6th St. Phone 4943 evenings. 3-19 FOR SALE OR TRADE 2-year- old Shire colt, good enough to keep for stallion. Young sow, 7 fine pigs, young sow to far row soon. Sale Yards, 3 miles south Tower theatre. 3-18 BABY CHICKS hatching every week. Guaranteed pullorum tested. Homedale Hatchery W. H. Morgan, 5620 Leland Drive. Klamath Falls. - 4-! WANTED Poultry, rabbits, tur keys, livestock. Trulove.'s. Phone 4282. 3-3 lmtf JENKS SUPERIOR CHICKS Big type White Leghorns $10.95. Pullets $24. New Hampshtres, Barred Rocks, Reds. Brown Leghorns $ll 99 Buff Orpingtons $12.95 100 Pullorum tested. Live aeliv- . ery guaranteed. Big catalog free. Jenks Hatchery, Tan gent Oregon 3-19 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 8361 Midland road. 3-31mtf 38 Miscellaneous For flale Auction Saturday, March 21. Beginning at 10 o'Clock Having sold my ranch, will sell at public auction, the fol lowing: Located 1 mile north of eld Frank Adams ranch, 3 miles northeast of Merrill. 27 head of cattle, mostly Guerifc seys, double tested. 16 milch cows, some fresh, sev eral springers. 8 2-year-old heifers 2 1-year-old heifers 3 calves 1 Guernsey bull, 2 years old. MILK QUOTA: To be sold at auction, purchaser to be es tablished dairyman. Interest ed parties, consult Raymond Dairy. HORSES 1 team grey geldings, 4 and 5 years old, 1400 lbs. 1 bay gelding, 10 years old. 1400 lbs. 1 bay saddle mare, 8 years, 900 lbs. 1 sorrel gelding, 2 years old, 1100 lbs. 1 yearling colt 2 fat hogs MACHINERY Complete DeLaval milking out fit, 2 units Washing tank and heater. 17 cans Water milk-cooler. DeLaval separator. Wagon and rack. Hoover horse) potato digger. John Deer mower. McCormick Deerlng rake. McCormick Deerlnf buck rake. 16-in. 2-way horse sulkey. 2-section spring tooth. 3 -section harrow. Horse cut tivator. 5-foot Fresno. ' 2 seta of slings. Mormon hay der rick. 4 feed racks. Large Redwood stock waterer trough. 1 saddle. 2 sets of harness. Some lumber. Irrigating head boxes. Some hay. 900 sacks. 1 range. And many other articles. Lunch available during sal. Terms Cash. John F. Goldworthy, Owner Col. Swigart, Auctioneer. 48 - Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS s wats to orr a coirsraras CASH LOAM raoni . writs . coin nr Yon seed do eo-itfen or endonera to ' a eoDsamcn loan THREE LOAN PLANS SO. I INCOME LOANS On roar note only. Fo was menu. Vo eo-alsDera, X0. S FURXITTJBB LOANS roar character fa mora than Uio lurultora tUelf. NO. a ACTO LOANS sn to 1500 eaia loeu nandns. CONSUMERS CREDIT . (Mas . s-ra) 720 Pine St Phone 7711 s-aimt See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor. Investment - COMPANY u X. Ttb Lie. M 175 rtwaa lata 48 Business Opportunities CRATER LAKE Flower Shop Sacrifice due to sickness. 348 FOR SALE Furnishings and lease rooming house, 'good lo cation. Price reasonable. Ph. 4848. 3-21 FOR RENT Space for beauty shop. Downtown location. Reasonable. Call 4888 after 7 p m. 249011 ONE OF THE BEST small groc ery store locations in the city. Equipment and living quar ters Inquire Link River Auto Court 1609tf FOR SALE Suburban grocery, Medford. Stock, fixtures and building with large living quarters. Located on main highway street near mills. Good, big growing business. P. O. Box 841, Medford, Ore gon. 3-18 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH, IN PROBATE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF GUS STEDRY, De ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the above named decedent, and all person! interested in his estate, to pre sent their claim to the under signed, the duly appointed and mialtflpri Arimlniatratri-r with Will annexed, at the office at 207 I. O. O. F. Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six month from and after this 17th day of March, 1942, being the date of the first publication of this No tice. Dated March 17, 1942. BESSIE STEDRY, Administratrix with Will annexed of the Estate of Gus Stedry, deceased. M. 17-24-31: A. 7. No. 38. ,