The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 14, 1942, Page 9, Image 9

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    frnrch 14. 1042
, facts ran
Report Meet
Klamath Shop Owner
Elected President of
At the monthly mooting of
tho Klnmutli Knlls unit of Iho
Orogon AnbcicIiUIoii of Ik'iiuty
Shop Owiii'ii and Opi-iutnis
hold Tuvscluy, March tuntli,
dulcifutes homu from tha con
vantloit In Grunts Pain March
first, second and third, tiuvu
full report of tho stulo meet.
Officers clt'ctrd to slolo of
(let wuro: Mrs. Gludys Stcph
m, Klamulh Knlls, presldunt;
Mildred Foster, Forest Clrovu,
first vk-o prcnldcnt; Zona
JIlKby, Tillamook, second vlco
prusldunl; Mrn. Irene Kpuld
lug, CrunU Puss, aocrctury;
Sura June Splllune, Portland,
treasurer, mid Darwin Jones,
rt.r'i'und, iTKi'iMitntunn.
Only two districts held elec
tions during tha convention,
naming Agnci .Sinilh, Forest
Oi'ovo, district prviildcnt of
Number 1, and Mrs. Velma
Bauer. Grants Puss, president
of district Number 4.
Beauty shops over the stuta
Will play their purl In tha
work of civilian defense. A
resolution was panned asking
II operators holding first aid
certificates lo apply for desig
nation of their shops as first
aid stations. Tho resolution
pointed out that shops are
equipped with towels and
(terilltlng equipment to aid
In an emergency.
By a second resolution
pussvd by the convention, tho
Operators signified their Inten
Msn to go before the 1043
f jto legislature with renewal
of their efforts to obtuin pass
age of a bill designed to
"raise the standards of beauty
practices" In the state.
, At banquet delcgutes and
guests heard G. A. Nunn,
Grants Pass, spoil k " h
place of beauty operators in
the war emergency. Suito
Senator L. W. Wlpperman
poke on legislation.
The well known Cavemen
made the convention an en
joyable one with their antics
and Initiations. Including a
conducted tour through the
Oregon caves.
Highlight of the convention
was Klcardo, nationally known
hair stylist who gavo several
Interesting talks on the sim
plicity trend In the future hair
-Stylet, accompanied by donv
ffMtratlorx. Rlcardo has been
engaged by the Oregon associa
tion to tour the state and he
will be In Klamath Falls some
time In late April or early
May. Several of the delegates
from Klamath studied under
Rlcardo while In Grants Pass.
. The next meeting of the
Klamath unit will bo hold the
econd Tuesday of April at
which time plans will be com
pleted for a Bingo party.
DORRIS Mrs. E. Gene
vieve Fa rns worth entertain
ed recently at tho home of
her son, Fred Starr. Three
.tablet of whist ware In play
during the afternoon. High
f jore was made by Mrs. Wil Hugolsteln, second by
Mrs, Ncls Isrnclson and low
by Mrs. Bort Lang.
. Gucjts of the afternoon
were Mrs. A. Douglas Ten
nsnt, Mrs. Nels Israelson, Mrs.
William Hagelstcln, Mrs.
Knock Israelson, Mrs. Agnes
Shaw, Mrs. Elsie Ramsey,
Airs. Joe Young, Mrs. Ken
neth Spencer, Mrs. Emma
Height, Mrs. Bert Lang and
Mrs. Ida Otto.
DORRIS The Tuesday
bridge club met at the home
of Mrs. O. Sax Avery on
March the third. Winners In
the afternoon's play were
Mrs. Avery, high, Mrs. Paul
Thoreson second and Mrs.
Joe Young, low.
Members present were Mrs.
Paul Evans, Mrs. Aldnn Fen
wick, Mrs. Paul Thoreson,
Jjira. nooori uinon, mrs. iiitu
jHu'oung, Mrs. Ed Anderson,
nirs. jviurruy iviurniiuu uuu
the hostess, Mrs. Avery.
Dnnnld Boudon, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Boudon, was
honored Sunday, March tho
eighth, with a surprise birth
day party. The guests attend
ed the matinee at tho Pelican
theatre. Birthday cake nnd
refreshments served Inter at
the family homo on Vine
street to Jimmy McKlnncy,
Fred Miller, John Snlyer,
Billy Evnns, Jenn DeBates,
Robert Boudon and Donald
The Thlmblo club of Neigh
bor of Woodcrnft mot Tues
day afternoon nt the homo of
Mrs. Ellen Ely on Nevada
Afreet. Pinochle followed the
-Aislnoss meeting. Mrs. O. E.
I Schupp nnd Mrs. C, O. Dry-
don received honors. The next
meeting will bo held March
tho twenty-fourth nt two
o'clock nt tho homo of Mrs.
I.orene ., Robinson,- Weyer-
Kwauuu Lorign No. 002,
Ladles Auxiliary to tho Broth
erhood of Railroad Trainmen,
met Thursduy evening in the
KC hull. The meeting
wus followed by Initiation of
new members, Mrs. J. S. Ser
ral, Mrs. C. H. Russmussen,
and Mrs. Blanche Barker. The
drill team appeared in new
formats. Draping the charter
for a departed member, Mrs.
Stella Winegor, look plnce dur
ing this ceremony with Mrs.
Paul Home singing two num
bers. Mrs. Otis Nichols of Duns
muir was present and thirty
two members were In attend
ance. A social hour followed
with Mrs. William E. Brown,
refreshment chairman. The
next evening meeting will bo
held April tho ninth. The com
mittee will Include Mrs. A. E.
Boyd, Mrs. Jack Chapman,
Mrs. Homer Caldwell nnd Mrs.
C. W. Chapman.
Mrs. James Collins was the
guest of honor at a farewell
handkerchief shower when
Mrs. Phil Evans entertained a
group of friends at her homo
In Rivcrvlew Tuesday eve
ning. Mrs. Collins is leaving
for Medtord to reside.
Cords were played with cof
fee served later by Mrs. Evans
assisted by Mrs. Agnes Lowe.
Honors In cards went to Mrs.
Florence Young, Mrs. M. R.
Haupert and Mrs. Kathryn
Billings. Other friends honor
ing Mrs. Collins were Mrs.
Mary Martin, Mrs. Louise Bor
ton, Mrs. Rita Fuller, Mrs.
Nettle Good, Mrs. V. C. Phil
lips, Mrs. Billings and son,
Roy, Mrs. Herbert Wait and
the hostesses.
The Three R club of the
Royal Neighbors of America
met Tuesday at the home ot
Mrs. Ella Pauley, Roseway
Drive. Soventoen attended and
pinochlo followed the business
meeting with honors going to
Mrs. Melissa Hammcl, Mrs.
Ada Morris, and Mrs. Estel
Bright. Dessert was served at
half post one o'clock. Tho next
meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Earl Harrison In
St. Francis pnrk, Tuesday,
March the twenty;fourth at
half past ono o'clock.
The Independent Study club
will meet for potluck dinner
and entertainment Saturdny
evening in tha community soc
lnl hnll, 2150 Garden avenue,
with dinner nt six o'clock.
The Juvenltps of Dcgrne of Honor met for a camera party
on Saturday of last week at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Estflla Smith. Front row, left. Billy Grubb, Jimmy
Grubb, Steve Chatfield, Raymond Schcck; second row, Mar
garet Grubb, Barbara Gordon, Barbara Francis, Marian
Matthews, third row, Joyce Cox, Lucille Belnnd, Gloria
Smith, Beverly Francis; fourth row, Charles Caldwell, Don
DeMnin, Billy Abbey and Juvenile Director Smith.
Picture by Wesley Gudcrian of The Herald-News.
Neighbors of Woodcraft will
meet in the KC hall Monday
lit hi. if pust seven o'clock. In
itiation of AKncs Parks and
Mabel Mann will take place.
This will alM be tot night for
new officers. Practice for In
stallation will be held. Pot
luck supper will bo served ot
the close of the meeting. In
formnl dress Is the order for
Mrs. Eugene V. Haynes en
tertained members of the
Congrcijutionnl Com munity
circle Friday afternoon at her
home on Garden avenue. Dc
volionnls were led by Mrs.
lluynrs followed by two .ongs
sung by the group with Mrs.
Hayncs at the piano. Mrs.
Loyal Lust read a paper on
world affairs with readings
by Mrs. Lust and Mrs. Merre
wether. Discussion followed.
Refreshments were served
by the hostess assisted by
Mrs. Harvey nnd Mrs. Mer
rewether. Attending were Mrs. E. L.
Mitchell. Mrs. W. R. Nelson.
Mrs. W. L. Lorson, Mrs.
James Lnmpropulous, Mrs.
Glen Stivers and Barbara Lee,
Mrs. W. C. Little, Mrs. L. R.
Hnrvey, Miss Mary Eckstein,
Mrs. A. G. Pearson, Mrs.
Lust, Mrs. Merrcwether and
M r s. Charles M. Reynolds
and Joan Charlcne.
Tho Congregational Com
munity circle will meet Fri
day of next week at the home
of Mrs. Bruce Hull, 4628 Can
non street, St. Francis park.
Mrs. C. L. Jones will assist.
Dessert will be served at half
past one o'clock followed by a
business meeting conducted by
tha president, Mrs. L. R. Har
vey. .
Juveniles of Neighbors of
Woodcraft will meet in the
KC hall Monday at four
o'clock. The regular business
meeting will be held followed
by games and refreshments.
Mrs. C. O. Dryden Is chair
man. Friends of Miss Hazel Mor
rison will regret to learn she
has been seriously ill with
pneumonia at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Morrison of Tncomn, Wash
ington. Their home is at 645
North Stnto street.
Tho Townsond auxiliary
met at tho homo of Mrs. Eva
Myers on Wednesday for a reg
ular business session. Mrs.
Carrie Tottcn wns co-hostess.
Refreshments were served at
four o'clock.
The Lucky Thursday Pin
ochle club met March the
twelfth at the home ot Mrs.
Florence Young on Wantland
avenue. One o'clock luncheon
wus served to Mrs. Maggie Up
ton, Mrs. Mary Martin, Mrs.
Vera Good, Mrs. Fannie God
dard. Mrs. Estclla Smith, Mrs.
Helen Wardle, Mrs. Kathryn
Billings and Roy, Mrs. Louise
Borton, Miss Nona Hall, and
Mrs. Katherine Evans.
Awards went to Mrs. Upton,
Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Good and
Mrs. Smith. The club will
meet ogain March the twenty
sixth at the home of Mrs.
Maggie Upton, 2348 Kane
street. The group will meet
for transportation at halt past
twelve o'clock at the home of
Miss Hall, 815 East Main
The Independent Study
club met Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Maggie Upton,
2346 Kane street. The day
was spent in Red Cross sew
ing and luncheon was served
at noon by Mrs. Upton and
Mrs. Bernice Hanson. The
business meeting was con
ducted by Mrs. Ahrbur Stone,
the president.
Present were Mrs. Alice
Dahleim, Mrs. Kate Crowson,
Mrs. Nettie Good, Mrs. Fan
nie Goddard, Mrs. Pearl Ma
rin, Mrs. Helen Eltlng, Mrs.
Helen Wardle, Miss Nona
Hnll, Mrs. Kathryn Billings
and Jackie, Mrs. Katherine
Evans, Mrs. Louise Borton,
Mrs. Lizzie Little, Mrs. Han
son and Mrs. Upton. The
Next meeting will be held at
tho home of Mrs. Billings on
the Keno highway, tho group
to meet with Miss Hall for
Looking for BargalnsT Turn
to tho Classified page.
Milk Mixture For
Stomach Ulcers
A rrccnt medical dlieorcrr aow baring
turd ty doctor nd hopltli vrywhr
hfii proven unuiually uoceaiful In Ui
Irfitrntnl of atomich almi eiused from
nxcpfii nrlrl. It It hftrmlvii preparation
yet so efffctlve that tn many Mien th
pntna of ototnach ulceri disappear almost
immediately after It U Uteri. A loo recom
mended for gAst pain. Indignation and
heartburn duo to hyperacidity. Sufferer
may now try thta at noma ny obtaining a
bottle of Lurln from their druggist. Lurln
contain this new dlicovery In It, pureit
form. Ray to take. Juit mix two ta
upoonfulla In ft half iUm of milk, foali
hut little. Try a hoUle. It mut atlfy or
money refunded. Lurln for tale by Wag
goner' anil drug atore everywhere.
MARCH 21st
O-Ploco Orchestra .
The Chiloquin Masonic lodge
held sn Invitational card party
In their lodge rooms Thursday
night inviting all members of
Masonic and Eastern Star orders.
members of their families and
friends. Bridge and pinochlo
played, there being four tables
ot pinochle and seven tables of
auction bridge. Prizes for high
score went to J. B. Rice and
Mrs. Lew Kelllson for. bridge
and to Mrs. J. Q. Buell and A. M.
Brattain for pinochle, Mrs. Pearl
Martin winning the door prize.
Out of town guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Byrnes and Mr.
and Mrs. Webb Carlson of Klam
ath Falls.
Hosts for the evening were
Loy Barker, Paul Mudgo and
Andy Sullivan.
Littlo Jerry Barker is reported
as being confined to his room at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Loy Barker.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Williams
of Gerber, Calif., are house
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Clark.
Charles A. Lovelady of Lenz.
Ore., shopped in Chiloquin
Ihursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto B. Leever
of the Klamath hatchery visited
with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sullivan
Thursday. The Leevers will
move Saturday to Butte Falls,
Ore., where Leever will take up
new duties with the newly ac
quired hatchery. Heretofore' the
Butte Falls hatchery has been
operated by the federal bureau
of fisheries and has been recent
ly taken over by the Oregon fish
and game commission.
John Steinberger is visiting at
the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Nora Baker. Mr. Steinberger
lives at Donnybrook, N. D.
Mrs. Stella Ragland visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
O. Donughue Friday. Mrs. Rag
land is moving from Modoc
Point to San Francisco where
she plans to make her home.
Abel Villegas, S. P. employee,
sustained a broken foot in an
accident in S. P. yards at Chilo
quin Thursday afternoon.
Guy Conner of Medford was
a business visitor in Chiloquin
Mr. and Mrs. William Coutts
returned Thursday from a week's
visit with their son,. John, who
is in the army at Camp Clatsop.
The thoroughness of that job de
pends on how well you sleep!
Take a look at your bed and ask
If it is giving the rest you ought
to have if not then try a
No Price
And The Same Maintained SImmoni Beautyrest Qualltyl
Box Sprlnj to Match $39.30
Our Stock Is Complete!
221 MAIN
Every Patriotic American
Salutes His Nation ' Flag
During th eertnony of hourtlng
or lowering the Flag, or when the
Flag is passing In a parsd or la a
review, all persons present should
face tht Flag, stand at attention
and saint.
Those present in uniform should
render the right hand sal t.
Those men not In uniform
should remove their hesddmis
Their son expects to be moved to
an eastern camp in the near fu
ture. Mrs. Robert S. Allen and Mrs.
Guy Steiger are spending a few
days in Corvallis where they are
visiting with Mrs. Allen's son
and daughter who are students
at OSC
Edouard Priaulx was a busi
ness visitor in Klamath Falls
Mr. George Freid of Chiloquin
has been assigned to position of
station agent for the Southern
Pacific and Great Northern rail
roads at Modoc Point to fill the
vacancy created by the death of
U. S. Ragland in the Southern
Pacific hospital at San Francisco
John Copcland of Chiloquin
has received word from the navy
to report in Portland March 15
for duty. Copeland enlisted two
weeks ago.
Frank Lady, employee of
Chiloquin Lumber company, is
reported as being quite ill in a
Klamath Falls hospital following
a heart attack.
Musk-oxen are more closely
related to goats than to cattle
m Ms- t-.".' .4"." J m
, 1 " demand. I :T
U4SieAA UJ&J Americans! II , ''
' 7ZZZZ? Keep Fit!
3(fjnn -J:Z& 1
Bitiw. ! t fftitf J. J -,
"Jh the. White Budding"
with the right hand and hold It at
the left shoulder, the hand being
over the heart.
Women should salute by placing
the right hand over the heart.
Tat Mint to the Flag In a
moving column is rendered as tho
Flag approaches the spectator and
is held until it has passed.
Metropolitan Opera
Star Held as Alien
NEW YORK, March 14 (Pj
The oft-repeated boast that he
was Mussolini s friend has re
sulted in the seizure of Ezio
Plnza, Metropolitan opera basso
for the last IS years, and his
detention on Ellis Island as an
enemy alien.
Agents of the federal bureau
of investigation separated the
Italian-born singer, 50, from his
American wife, the former Doris
Neal Leak of Larchmont Manor,
N. Y., yesterday. He now awaits
a hearing by a local alien bos'"1
alarm sent two pump compan
ies, a hook-and-ladder truck
and an assistant chief dashing
to a west side home.
They found a pan of scorched
If you think the housewife
was embarrassed, consider Fire
man Ralph Lombard,- who ar
rived on one pumper.
It was his house.
Read the classified page -
As An American
On How Well You
1 ...
-. ... - ,-.,.,
If you slept badly,-It is very likely that you ore)-
discouraged and pessimistic about the future. If '
you awakened this morning urirefreshed, chances" -t'
are you didn't do very good work today, that yoti; ;t;-:. .-7
weren't as efficient as you should have been, Tht . .v .
years that lie ahead of us offer no place, for pes- v! '
simism, irritability or inefficiency. ; "j
Did you know that the money invest--ed
in bedding pays you more divi-' .-V?
dends than any other thing you buy
. . . Sleep is just as essential as food! --' .
CIO?: .ir.iw- pi
v ' x -f - timet that
Langell Valley f
Miss Gloria Noble spent the
weekend . with Barbara Ander
son, -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown,
Buck Lovelady and Cora Leavitt
and Mary and Catherine Dear
born were dinner guests ot Mrs.
Ruby Brown . and family on
Tuesday: Afternoon callers
were Mrs, Homer Roberts, Mrs. .
Barney Brown, Mrs. Mike Dear
born and Mrs. Wes Dearborn
and Blllie., ,,', ,.r .
t Peggy Harris of Klamath ',
Falls spent the weekend with
hep grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. '
Al Gale.- On Sunday she visited '
the. Martin girls, a ; -.-
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott House
received word from their son, :
William E. House who t is sta
tioned at Mather Field In Call-'
forma, that he has been, made
a sergeant. ..His brother, Staff
Sergeant LaRue House, baa been
moved from Stockton to. Wil
liams Field, Ariz. .. .. . . . .
Mr. and Mrs; Roy Welch sad '
sons spent several days- last
week at Kerby, with her mother
and other relatives, ,-; .
Ralph Powers and Fern Wfl.,
son, both of Chlco, Calif; .were'
married February 20 at Reno,'
Nevada . The young couple-are
well known in Langell Valley.
Ralph is the youngest son of
Amos Powers. .m ,
' Mrs. Bernice Carter and' Anna
Mae and Mrs. Katie Peppier left
Thursday morning for a weeks'
visit with relatives at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Denny and son,
and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Turner -of
Klamath Falls and Mr,- and
Mrs. Joe Zlck and son were
Sunday dinner, guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Pepple and Bob,
Betty Kirkland of Bly spent
several days last week. 'With
Lorraine Martin, before leaving
for her new home at Dallasw
Mrs. Clifford Jackson . .. erf
'.Yreka is in Klamath. Falls -taking
care of her sister, Mrs. War
ren mason, . wno is m. - Mal
colm Jackson is in Langell Vat
ley with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Malcolm Tear, v .
The persecution- of alien or
foreign-born citizens is wholly
an un-American act and - en
which leads to tha very typeof
Internal division which tha-totalitarian
powers would like 4a
encourage. -James M. Lartdis,
director of civilian-defensei-'V -
Citizen Depends ; j
; haeuscr. '