?AGB EIGHT TEE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON March' U. lilt ceremonial; :Bonors Queen .Klamath' Members En--' joy .Other Affairs While in Valley, . -The . supreme queen of Daughter! of the Nile, Mrs. C. M. 'Sheasley of Pittsburgh, ' Pennsylvania, was honored at ' an afternoon ceremony and evening banquet held by Zu leima temple in Grants Pass on" Thursday, March the fifth, with : Mrs.' Austin Brownell, queen , of the temple, presid ing. .--' '' This was also the occasion for the initiation of a num ber of candidates, including a number from here, Mrs. Fred Coleman, Mrs. James Webb, Mrs. Francis R. Olds, Mrs. Ralph ' McKay, Mrs. Grace Berman and Mrs. William Ha gelstein of Dorris. The ceremonial was held in a hall that was beautifully decorated. Festoons of ivy en circled the pillars and framed the windows. Daffodils and acacia -were used In profu sion throughout the hall and a large basket of pink carna tions and lavender stock was gift from the men of Hillah . temple. Oriental rugs, many floor lamps and flowers trana formed the hall into an ap propriate setting for the in itiation. At 0:30 o'clock Thursday evening, a dinner was given at the Masonic temple, hon oring the supreme queen, for Daughters of Nile and their escorts. ' Austin Brownell acted aa Blaster of ceremonies and di rected a question and answer contest with initiates of the past year and their husbands as contestants. Last to come up for questions was Mrs. Sheasley. Her question was, "H you had to choose another ' husband, would you choose Hitler, Mussolini or a cave man." After a moment's hes itation, she chose "a caveman."- A group of Oregon Cavemen- appeared just then, ' giving Mrs. Sheasley a pass port -of rabbit skin, much to her -surprise and -merriment. Members of the Klamath , Talis Kile club who -motored . to. the-valley for the occasion wan Mrs. Wilbur A. Arnold, president, Mrs. E. H. Balsiger, ' Mrs. R. P. Ellingson, Mrs. A. . B. Epperson, Mrs. Carl Stein . setter, Mrs. Harry Wayne, L Mrs. Jerry Ricker, Mrs. Hax- ry . Panning, Mrs. Harry Ba . thiany, Mrs. Ted Snoop, Mrs. I. H. Heilbronner, Mrs. Leo , K. Hula, -Mrs. E. M. Chilcote . and Mrs. J. H. Poppy. ', Mrs. Sam -Baker of Wash ' kigton boulevard in Grants ' Pas. Invited . Mrs. Arnold, . Mrs.' Poppy and Mrs. Ricker ;. to remain as overnight guests, '- and Mrs.. C. A. Winetrout of - Lawnridge avenue entertain- d Mrs. Stelnseifer, Mrs. Bal siger, Mrs. . Ellingson and Mrs.-Chilcote at her home. Following the Thursday evening program, Mrs. Wine- ,: trout entertained at her home ' for the supreme queen, Mrs. Sheasley, and for Mrs. Brow ; sell. Other guests besides the visitors from Klamath Falls - were Mrs. Ken Williams and , Mrs. Frank Vannice. r On Friday morning, Mrs. Baker . and Mrs. Winetrout - were: co-hostesses at ten 'clock breakfast at the Ba ker home when covers were laid around a table gay with purple violets and yellow . Jonquils. Following, breakfast, the group drove to Medford .where Mrs. Sheasley, the ; ether visitors and all officers f Zuleima temple were com , pllmented at an afternoon tea when Mrs. Margaret Fabrick, princess royal, presided as hostess at her home on the Crater . lake highway. . . Mrs. Sheasley visited south . era Oregon in the course of her official visit to all sub- - ordinate temples in the Unit ed States. It was also of in- ' torest to Nile members that - her husband is a former po- tentate of Medinah temple, ' largest, in the world. MARCH MEETING ' OF .OES SOCIAL CLUB IS HELD , . , i .. - . St.' Patrick's day provided the decorative and refresh- ment motif for the meeting of . the Eastern Star Social club held Friday afternoon, March . the sixth, at the Masonic tem ple with Mrs. J. C, Hunt, Mrs. , Harold M. Brown, Mrs. O. D. Matthews and Mrs. Laura :: Willits on the hostess com- - mittee. ', . v Six tables of cards were in play with honors for high . received by Mrs. Earl Templar ! and the special award by Mrs, j J. I. Beard. - : ;: ,: A 'daughter, S'9 Lenore, was born February the twenty eighth in Sacramento at Sutter ' Maternity hospital to Mr. and i Mrs. R. L. Rasmussen, form- , erly of this city, according to word received here. Mrs. Ras mussen will be remembered as the former Genevieve Hous ton. . AT? 'I t TEA GIVEN VISITOR AT ROGERS HOME ' Mrs. George H. Rogers en tertained at tea Tuesday aiter n o 6 n complimenting her mother, Mrs. B. G. Dresser of Oroville, California. Mrs. Dresser left Thursday for her home after an extended visit here and in Seattle. Mrs. Carl Frel poured dur ing the tea hour. The at tractive table was centered with deep cream roses in a crystal bowl which was flank ed by tall ivory candles. Those bidden to the affair included Mrs. Raymond H. Reeves, Mrs. George Britt, Mrs. Cecil Matt, Mrs. T. H. Reeves, Mrs. Robert Ross, Mrs. W. L. Bullard, Mrs. E. H. Saunby, Mrs. Kenneth Bayless, Mrs. Alfred Petersteiner, Mrs. Arnold Motschenbacher, Mrs. Dale Mattoon, Mrs. Kenneth Klahn, Mrs.-J. H. Gallagher, Mrs. C. H. Foster, Mrs. Harvey Ayers, Miss Augusta Parker and Miss Lillie Darby. RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED FOR EASTER TEA ' Reservations for the annual Easter Monday bridge tea to be given by St. Paul's Guild on April the sixth in the Wil lard hotel, may now be made and those wishing to reserve one or more tables are asked to call Mrs. James E. Swansen, 6683; Mrs. Ralph Benoist, 4491; Mrs. William Hibbs, 8193; Mrs. Joseph Piland, 7233; Mrs. Lane Warren, 6732. Mrs. R. Henry Anderson will be in charge of awards and those arranging for play are Mrs. R. Heber Radcliffe, Mrs. Roy Lee, Mrs. Percy Webb and Miss Hazel Mor rison. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION SCHEDULED - The American Legion twenty-third birthday will be celebrated with a card party, refreshments and coffee fol lowing the regular meeting Tuesday, March seventeenth, at eight o'clock in the Legion hall. The Legion has re newed its pledge to the Ideals for which it was founded, and calls on all its members to observe the day. ' Committees in charge for the party are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heilbronner, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gallagher, Mr. Mrs. Colman O'Loughlln, and Mr. and Mrs. Angus New- ion. a-ti,yW,, -raft ''.. " T7 .-rt'W - - . M ..JP.. L. "1 ' "a,. a V sw K BT S SCENE FROM "FIGARO" One of the many Interesting scenes from Mozart's delightful comedy, "Marriage of Figaro," which will be presented on the Pelican stage Monday night by the Klamath Community Concert asso ciation. ' ..: ... . ..,,' Vi &f &;fcvis i v-vw' 'vby ---v , s sat DAUGHTERS OF NILE HONOR SUPREME QUEEN Daughters of the Nile Supreme Queen Henrietta Sheasley of PlttsburKh, Pennsylvania, was honored at a breakfast Friday morning it the home of Mrs. Sam H. Baker in Grants Pass. Seated at the breakfast table in the Baker din ing room are Mrs. R. P. Ellingson of Klamath Falls, Mrs. F. L. Vannice of Grants Pass, Mrs. Austin Brownell, queen of Zuleima temple. Grants Pass: Mrs. Carl Steinseifer of Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Jerry Ricker of Modoc Point, Standing are Mrs. Baker, Mrs. E. H. Balsiger, Mrs. E. M. Chilcote and Mrs. Wilbur A. Arnold. Klamath Falls; Supreme Queen Henrietta Sheasley, Mrs. J. H. Poppy, Klamath Falls. Mrs. C. A. Winetrout and Mrs. Ken R. Williams, Grants Pass. (Grants Pass Courier photo). Rebekah Social Club Has Meeting The Rebekah Social club met Wednesday afternoon in IOOF hall with luncheon serv ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Stel la Dryden and Mrs. Frances Kangas. The tables were in keeping with St. Patrick's day. Following the business meet ing gifts for the Rebekah home were shown, these gifts made by local members. Cards fol lowed. Hostesses for the next meeting will be Mrs. Martha Baker and Mrs. Maude Shuey. ALUMNAE CLUB ENTERTAINED MONDAY EVE Members of the Alpha Chi Omega Alumnae club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Bert Schmidt on North Second street. A new mem ber of the club. Miss Edna Clare Cavanaugli, was wel- . corned by the group. Miss Cavanaugh is a graduate of the University of Missouri and now serves as Girl Scout executive here. It was decided by members to hold quarterly meetings in the future in view of the fact so many are taking on defense work and classes. New officers were elected by the club, Mrs. Greer Drew as president, Mrs. Kenneth Larson, vice president, and Miss Peggy Jane Rakestraw was reelected secretary and treasurer. Mrs. James Kerns Jr., out lined her plans for the dis trict conference which will be held at Pullman, Washington in the near future. The next meeting date will be announ ced later. SHOWER GIVEN MRS. DUBOIS WEDNESDAY Mrs. Vernon DuBols, (Frances Chambers), was com plimented Wednesday eve ning with a miscellaneous shower when Mrs. O. L. Mel ton invited friends to her home, 4750 Harlan drive. Guests Included Mrs. Du Bois, Mrs. Don Moffitt, Mrs. Veda Hondrick, Mrs. Mary Shoaf, Mrs. Knopp, Mrs. Wil son Barrett, Mrs. R. C. Cham bers, Mrs. Jack Herwick, Mrs. Lorene Melton, Mrs. Vera Peugh, Mrs. Ora Peugh, Mrs. Olive Graham, Mrs. A. B. Herrick, Mrs. Louise Ricker son, Mrs. Lula Richerson, Mrs. Roy Wilson, Mrs. G. B. Chambers, Mrs. Marie Du Bois, Mrs. William Chambers, Mrs. G. A. Chambers, Mrs. Arthur Woods, Miss Florrett Flannery, Miss Elda Baker, Miss Annetta Skipworth and Miss Christine Stewart. MURRAYS HONORED AT SUPPER DANCE Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Murray, a group of friends entertained with a no-host-dinner dance at Lakeshore Monday evening of this week. Mr. Murray, who left for Salt Lake City to serve as a lieu tenant in the United States army, was presented with a traveling bag by his friends. At the party were the Mur ray's, Mr. and Mrs. Don Call, Mr. and Mrs." John Carruth ers, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Broster hous, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Estin Kiger, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tealc, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rucgcr, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hanville, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. David D. Bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeBolt, Mr. and Mrs. Tedford Sather of Bend. SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT MONDAY NIGHT Mrs. Frank Bogatay enter tained on Monday evening at her home on Manzanita street for Miss Destie Kleinegcr whose marriage to Mr. Nor man Peters will be an event of this coming week, Mrs. , Bogatay was assisted vy Miss Jeannie Merrill. The affair was a red and white kitchen shower with games and bridge enjoyed dur ing the evening. Refreshments were served from an attrac tive table which stressed the silver and white theme. Honoring Miss Kleineger were Miss Janice MacDonald, Miss Mary Jan Metier, Miss Betty Sims, Miss Beth Duni van. Miss Meredith Ezell, Miss Barbara Bell, Mrs. Dick Met ier, Miss Adele Zamsky, Miss Norma Garland, Miss Swea Swansen, Miss Jeanette Fitz patrick. Miss Patty Croup, Miss Margaret Horton and Mrs. Frank Kleineger. BOARDS ARE GUESTS AT CLUB DINNER On Monday evening the Home Economics club of Klam ath Union high school pre pared and served a dinner in honor of the two school boards and Superintendent Ar nold Gralapp. The dinner was given in the cafeteria of the school at half past six o'clock and the table was attractive with St. Patrick's day colors of green and white. Seated about the table were Mr. Arnold Gralapp, Mr. Percy Murray, Mr. Wilson Wiley, Mr. Lewis Botens, Mr. Freeman Schultz, Mrs. Bert Schultz, Mr. M. S. West, Dr. L. L. - Truax, Mrs. Burt E. Hawkins, Mr. G. C. Blohm, Mr. . Robinson, and Mr. How ard Barnhisel, ' Serving were Louise Howie and Frances Gjevre. Others assisting were Martha Ray, Jean Robin, Anah Hcckman, Loraine Bratton, Anne Gray, Ruth Steinerson, Donnella Wishard, Marguerite Plcard, Flora May Mustoe, Eva Rae Jacobson, Mae Gibson, Lillian Phipps and club advisors, Mrs. Alleno Williamson, and Miss Karen Nolsen. Mrs. 3. J. Parker, Mrs. John H. Hamilton, Mrs. F, H. Cofer, Mrs. M. P. Evans and Mrs. Sydney Evans motored to Mer rill on Thursday where they spent the day as guests of Mrs. Clifford Jay, enjoying a no hostess luncheon and cards In the afternoon. "Galloping" Party at Merrill On Thursday, February the twelfth, Women of the Moose, Merrill chapter No. 18, "gal loped" to the home of Mrs. J. W. Recder for dessert and pinochle. The guests were Anna Hnrtlerode, Lotft Stolt, Doris Wynbarger, Maria Vack nitz, Adcla Hawkins, Vlasta Petrick, Vannic Van Meter, Louisa Icenbice, Mrs. Nclman and Rose Van Meter who led the "gallop" for tho member ship committee. High score and traveling awards were won by Lcta Stolt, low by Vlasta Petrick. TWO GUESTS HONORED ON BIRTHDAYS Mr. and Mrs. John Tottcn entertained at their home, 1436 Crescent avenue, with a surprise birthday dinner hon oring Mrs. Clara Price and Mr. H. O. Myers, Sunday after noon. The table was attractive with crystal and silver and two beautifully decorated birthday cakes. Following dinner the honor guests were presented with gifts by Mrs. Laura Bergmann, Mrs. H. O. Myers, Mr. and Mm. George Mast and Mr. and Mrs. John Totten. Quick To Make Jiffy Bags Crocheted And Knitted COOL mm. MOUHHOW AMI MC by Alice Brooks , Whether they're for knitting or shopping these jiffy bags done in rug cotton in red, white and blue arc the thing. The V for Victory bag is jiffy crochet ed, the star design bag, jiffy knitted. V's and stars are em broidered on. Pattern 7240 con tains directions for making two bags; illustrations of stitches. To obtain this pattern send 10 cents in coin (plus one cent to cover cost of mailing to The Herald and NeWs, Household Arts Dept., Klamath Falls. Do not send this picture, but keep it and the number for reference Be sure to wrap coin securely, as a loose coin often slips out of the envelope. Requests for pat terns should read, "Sond pattern No. : to -. ..... followed by your name and address.. Chapter Has Session Aloha of Eastern Star Observes Anniversary On Tuesday Aloha chapter No. 61, Order of tho Eastern Star, observed tho forty-third birthday of tho chapter on Tuesday evening at eight o'clock in the Musonlc hull. Mrs, Churlotto Martin and Leroy Erdmaim presided as worthy matron and wortliy patron. Mrs. Mildred Bu re ha in, wortliy matron of Oriental chapter of Lukovlew and Vir ginia Brown, worthy matron of Cascade Crest chapter of Chiloquln, were honurod guests. Laura Will ills, a char ter member was also honored and presented with a beauti ful corsage. She was tho oul one present who attended the first meeting forty-three years ago. Two other charter mem bers living in the city were unable to attend. They are Mrs. Minnie E. Ward and Judge J. S. Orr. Virginia Brown presented the chapter with an Ivory vajo from Cascade Crest with wish es for continued success. There were many other guests from both Lakevlew and Chlloquln. After the regular business win taken care of a program was enjoyed. Tho officers planned the unique pageant of the found ing of our Order and the dream of the two brothers who were responsible for our ritual, Robert Morris and F. Macuy had a difficult tunc trying to muko the Masonic brothers see the necessity of women having a loilgo In any way comparable to the great Masonic fraternity. Tho star points were represented by the regular star points of our chapter. Each wore the color of her point in the form of a regal capo draped softly over the formal whlto dress. Mrs. Smith as Adah. Mrs. MacArth ur as Ruth, Miss Milne as Enther. Mrs. Wood as Martha and Mrs. Fenwick as Electa. Leroy Erdmann and L. K. Phelps acted as the founders. Edna Kent sang, "Star of the East," as the pageant faded out. Robert Currier enter tained the chapters with two songs, "Who is Sylvia?" and "Hill of Home." MRS. GAYNOR HONORED AT RECENT PARTY Mrs. Dale Altar and Miss Gayle Galloway entertained for Mrs. R. G. Gaynor at the Galloway home on St. Francis street the night of March the sixth. The evening was spent in games with awards going to Mrs. Everett Garrison, Mrs. Carl Arthur and Mrs. Mclvln Solbcrg. Bidden to the affair were ' Mrs. Gaynor, Mrs. Walter Stone, Mrs. Floyd Stone, Mrs. Laren Binney, Mrs. Fred Mil ler. Mrs. Floyd Mouk, Mrs. B. ' A. Purccll, Mrs. Roy Morgan, Mrs. Carl Arthur, Mrs. Van Thome, Mrs. Raymond Broil Her, Mrs. Melvin Solberg, Mrs. Everett Garrison, Mrs. C. D. Galloway, Miss Mary Binney, Miss Mabel Soderstrom, Miss Lois Stone. Mrs. L. L. Erdmann, Mrs. H. H. Swcetman, Mrs. K. Sugarman, Mrs. Irving Joseph, Mrs. H. W. Petrick, Mrs. Vern McGuiro, Mrs. Joseph Lemon, Mrs. C. A. Wickersham, Miss Frelda Sugarman, and Miss Bernlce Hcidemann, MAUN MATRON HONORED BY FRIENDS MAL1N Friends of Mrs. Joe Halousek honored her Thursday evening with a sur prise shower held at the home' of Mrs. Mervyn Wilde, with Mrs. Emll Tofell and Mrs. Louis Kallna as co-hostesses. Three tables of pinochle were in play during the eve ning with prizes awarded to Mrs. Paygr and Mrs. Tofell. Gifts were presented to the guest of honor and later re freshments were served at a charmingly appointed candle lit table. Those honoring Mrs. Hal ousek were Mrs. Edwin Pc trasck,' Mrs. Rudy Jollnek, Mrs. Frank Paygr, Mrs. Va clav Kallna, Mrs. Clayton Re bcr, Mrs. John Rebcr, Mrs. Ivan Ottoman, Mrs. Edwin Stastny and the hostesses, Mrs. Wilde, Mrs. Tofell and Mrs. Kalina. LEGION BIRTHDAY PARTY TUESDAY, MARCH 17TH LEGION HALL - 8 P. M. All Legionnaires, wives and auxiliary members Join In celebrating our 23rd birthday. CARDS . REFRESHMENTS PRIZES Y Y r i &. 1 BRIDE Mrs. Gilman Huston is the former Lorraine Jewell Kuton of this city. Her marrluge took place February tho twenty-sixth in Chuinpaign, Illinois. Kennell Ellis. MISS EATON WEDS ARMY MAN IN EAST Word of the marriage of Miss Lorraine Jewell Kuton, duughtcr of the lute Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Eulon of Kluin ti Hi Fulls, to Mr. Gllnuin Hus ton, son of Pete Huston of Lebanon, Oregon, formerly of this city, wns received here this past week. The ceremony was read February the twenty-sixth In the First Presbyterian church of Champaign, Illinois, by the Rev. Cartlldge. Tho bride Is a graduate of Sacred Heart academy with tho dux of 1041. She is the pleco of Mr. und Mrs. W. Ham Hull, 2043 Eberleln street, with whom she mode her home. Mr. Huston Is serving as a mechanic in the United Stales ulr corps at Chnnuto Field, Illinois. MISS GIBSON COMPLIMENTED WITH SHOWER Mrs. G. A. Robustelll, Mrs. William Duncan and Miss Anna Ruth Thompson enter tained at the Knbustc-lll home, 4334 Peek drive, on March the tenth, complimenting Miss Daisy Gibson, brido-elcct. A gift was presented Miss Gib son from tho group. The Iwnor guest was greet ed by Mnrlun MayficUt, Eliza beth A. Holt, Klura E. Hat field, Dorothy Simmons, Em ma Kllitore, Katherine lllnlt, Arlyn Skecn, Sadlo Pcteet, Frances Reese, Mary Gulyeiin, Cclla Downing, Murllo West, Ruby C. Lylo, Viola Mcsslck, Emma Williams, Mco Spelrs, Helen Mounts Ida Relnoz, Josephine Snyder and Mar garet Colohan. BRIDAL SHOWER GIVEN WEDNESDAY AT EVANS HOME A brldut shower honoring Miss Daisy Gibson was given Wednesday evening at the Frank Evans home on Wull street when Mrs. May Evans, Mrs. Ray Hutficld and Mrs. Frank Evans presided os host esses. Miss Gibson will become the bride of Mr. Olaf lUiison on March the twenty-first. A mock wedding provided the evening's entertainment with Miss Mary Galycan as the bride, Mrs. Hatfiola as the groom and Mrs. Bessie Holt as the minister. Thoso honoring Miss Gib son besides tho hostesses were Mrs. Cecelia Downing, Mrs. Besslo Holt, Mrs. Evelyn Her man, Mrs. Ruby Lylc, Mrs. Sadie Peteot, Miss Margaret Callahan, Mrs. Del Campbell, Mrs. Gcrtrudo Whistler, Mrs. Wllmott Crancloll, Mrs. Cath erine Hlatt, Mrs. Both Stock dala, Mrs. Emma Kilgore, Mrs. Edna Arnold, Mrs. Sybil Blaze, Mrs. Clara Hatfield, Mrs. Frances Rcece, Miss Ruth Thompson, Miss Mary Galycan and Miss Bcrnico Baker. Adult Education VOOAIULAnV PRONUNCIATION NOUIH PRIVATE LESSONS Myrtle Hlbbard 41M Lange Valley News vW Many Parties Given During Past Week by Klamath Women , LANGELL VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Paul Monroe enter tained with a dinner party on Tuesday evening In honor of their brothers who ro visit ing here from Marklavllle, California. Following dinner an evening of music was en Joyed. Guests wero Mr. and Mrs. Charles Partridge, Mr. and Mrs. Mlko Dourborn, Art Monroe, Walter Monroe, Bud Barrett and Arthur Monroe. Mrs. Claude Murray enter tained tho Guild of St. Barna bas church at her home on Thursday afternoon. Follow ing tho business meeting an afternoon of sewing was en joy ' with refreshment served at four o'clock to MrCP Punl Monroe. Mrs. Frank Pop ple, Mrs. Itegluuld Thomas, Mrs. Dale Drown, Mrs. Charles Wells, Mrs. Owen I'epplo, Mrs. Florence Hoi kins, Mr. Charles Rnvell, Mrs. Lloyd Prpplo and Mrs. Lester Leav lit. Thu next meeting will be held April the second at the home of Mrs. Charles Revell. Ted Pepple celebrated his twelfth birthday on March the eighth when several of his boy friends spent the day with him. In the afternoon Mrs. Pepple took tha boys to Klam ath Fulls for the "movie," la ter returning home for re freshments. Guests were Charles Dearborn, Gilbert Joyce, Oil I.osvltt, Don Hors ley, Ted and Dick Pepple and Uennlo Jo Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Nob entertained Sunday at then home In Upper Langcll Valley with a dinner party In honor of Wilbur Hammond and Johnnie Honey who left Mon day night for tho army. Those enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Haney, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gruel), Mr. and Mrs. Blllle Haney, MUs Carol Hartley. Wilbur Ham mond, Allan Conlry and the hosts. MEMBERS OF HAPPY HOUR CLUB ENTERTAINED Members of th Happy Hour club met Tuesday "fiv noon with Mrs. Frank Eva -fsj at her home on Wall street. Special guests were Mrs. May Evans and Bernlce Baker of Portland. Others present wera Mrs. George Hum, Mr. W. J. Stoliv mctz. Mrs. Sydney Evans, Mrs. J. J. Keller, Mrs. George Humphrey, Mrs. Maud Hot ley, Mrs. R. C. Motschen bacher, Mrs. George Blehn, Mrs. H. J. Savldge, Mrs. Frank Frankfnrd, Mrs. Carl Sandell, Mrs. E. II. Lawrence and the hostess. At the next meeting Mrs. E. H. Lawrence will entertain the members at a theatre party on March the twenty-fourth. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Poppy and Mrs. Oscar. Peyton are ex pected home this weekend after being away since Mon day visiting friends In Euger Salem and Portland. While in the latter city Mrs. Peyton was a guest of her ton and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peyton, and her grand son. For Healthy, Luxuriant Hair tea (toon B-Oz. BOTTLE The wonderful Yucca Ilooti ! !-y nsllvcs of Mexico and Smith A merles as a natural xip, e o in b I a e il with fine eoemnnt oils . , makes t h I msrflo'iis shampoo I Condi tion und lifsullflrs the hair. If-nvlni, fl a-,, - 1 i ' luxurious, Brchilv in Klamath Foffs Vf MlilllljNIII ft LUE .'. ii i:mi ick's v i ! 2212 So, Bth St.