THE EVENING HERAID, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN GARBAGE DISPOSAL Irish Eyes Will Smile At St. Patrick's Pie March 18, 1042 DORRIS Frea garbaga dla- ponnl for all Dorria roaldencos mid bualnoas oatubllalimonts was discunacd ut tho Murch city coun cil meeting Monday, March 0. Tlio clly'i nowoat municipal project would furnlah a full-time aulurlvd pualtlon ui gnrbniie col lector to aomo mini with a truck, with an opportunity of fvvdlng lion and autllnii Junk and acrnp Iron aa a aldcllne, Propor II conaea would have to be obtain ed by the uppolntoo. Financing of tha project might involvu u mull tux booat, the council auid, but the rlae In any cuao would be much leaa than tho average monthly charge from prlvato concorna. City toxoa could not bo rniacd until July, JMH2. Tho present tux rate la Appllcanta for tha Job will be accepted by the council mom bcrs during tho month, with further uctlon to be taken at the April mootinu. Health Clinics Slated at Dorris Grammar School DOIUUH Notices have been aunt to tho parenta of Dorria grammar achool pup I la, advising them of lieulth clinlca to be held ut tho achool Murch 20 unci April 17, beinnlu at U a. m. Diphtheria immunliation ahuta will bo adminiatered at the flrat clinic Murch 20, to both pre achool and elementary achool children. Q: Smallpox vucclnutiona will be ottered pro-school and achool children of Dorria at the April clinic. AdtilU may take ad vantage, of tha offer also. A chargo of 25 centa per per aun, to bo paid at the tlmo of tho clinic, will be made to cover cont of materia la. Parenta were urged by the aponaora of the clinlca, the atate and county department of health, to tuke advantage of the dlaeaae prevention clinlca at thla tlmo, aa wars are uaually accom panied by epldemlca. Recreation Center Dance Successful At Dorris Hall Q DORRIS The Dorria recrea on center aponaored Its flrat public dance Saturday night, March 7, and collected $23 to help finance tho recently or ganized recreational program. Music for the affair was don ated by Lea Spannaua' orcheatra, compoacd of four local muaic lani and a drummer from Klam ath Falla. The Dorria grammar achool furnlahed a public ad dreaa ayatem for amplification of the mualo. A amall admission charge of IT cents waa made and young and old alike enjoyed the affair. Meanwhile, Butte Valley high achool atudenta continued to gather at the center on Monday nlghU and Dorria grammar achool puplla on Wednesdayi for a variety of recreational pas- tlmca. The program, requested by tha young people themselves, admittedly lucceasful. 6 Bly Hero's a pleasing dish for the special party to colobrate St. Patrick's day. Lime chiffon pie, trimmed with shamrocks, mukea a dessert to delight tho eye and tho taste. A touch of green In tha menu not only honors the Ms 11111 Bervi lime pie en 81. Patrick's Day. good Irish aalnt, but reminds us of the bright colors of spring which will sonn bit appearing. Lima Shamrock Pie Three egg yolks, slightly beat en, s cup sugar, 1 cup water, 1 package lime-flavored gelatin, 3 tablespoons lemon Juice, 11 tea spoons rated lemon rind, dash of suit, 3 r-KK whites, 1 bnked fl inch pie shell. Combine egg yolk) and 4 tablespoons sugar In top of double boiler, mixing well. Add water and blend. Cook over hot wuter until mixture coals spoon, stirring constantly. Re move from fire. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Add lemon Juice and rind. Chill un til allghtly thickened. Add solt to egg whites and beat until foamy; then add remaining 4 ta blespoons sugar gradually, and continue beating until stiff. Fold lightly thickened gelatin Into egg whites. Four Into cold pie shell. Chill until firm. Garnish with whipped croam and pep permlnt cundy shamrocks. Another cheerful holiday do sert touched with the green of Erin In this Irish Medley: Irish Medley (Serves 10 to 12)' One package orange-flavored gelatin, 1 pint hot water, 1 cup canned crushed pineupplo, drain ed, 1 cup lady finger or stale cake crumbs, 1 cup cream, whipped 1 package lime-flavor ed gelatin, 1 pint hot water, 1 drop all of peppermint. Dissolve orange-flavored gel atln in 1 pint hot water. Chill. When slightly thickened, fold In pineapple Turn Into shallow pan. Chill until firm. Fold lady finger crumbs Into cream Pour over orange-flavored gela tin mixture. Dissolve lime fla vored In 1 pint hot water. Add oil of peppermint. Chill until syrupy. Place In bowl of crack cd ice or ice water and whip with rotary eg beater until fluf fy and thick like whipped cream. Pour over cream mixture In pan. Chill until firm. Unmold Cut shamrock shapes with sham rock cutter, cut In squares, or mold In large shamrock mold. MENU BREAKFAST: Pineapple Juice with lemon, oatmeal, enriched toast, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON: Lentil soup, enriched hard rolls, baked ap ple In cream, tea, milk. DINNER: Corned beef and cahbaRO, boiled p. tatoea, sliced tomatoes, lime sham rock pie. coffee, milk. ath Fulls spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. Henry Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coke and young son of Medford wcro in Bly for a day with relatives and to meet John Coke of California who Is entering the army soon. Mrs. J. E. Walker Is leaving for Modesto to work In the can nery. Bill Harbeson, who has been in the Veterans hospital in Port land for aeversl weeka, has re turned to his work at tha CCC camp. Mrs. Gene Ishtrom and daugh ters moved to Medford where Mrs. Ishtrom secured employ ment Mr. and Mrs. Don Lower of Tuttle, Ida., were In Bly visiting the Rosa and Jlmmie McMillan families. Don Lower Is a brother of Scotty Lower who lived In Bly several years. Scotty Lower Is In the U. S. navy stationed at Newark, N. J. Janet Protsman entertained the following guests at a theatre party on Sunday evening: Jlm mie St. John, Jim Hall, Freddie Kobler, Freda Stillwell and Mr. and Mrs. Don Lower. George Fullerton was In Los Angeles visiting his sisters and brother. Whilo there he exper ienced a bit of excitement when strange airplanes were over the city and the army had all their searchlights on and all the anti aircraft guns going. Janet Protsman entertained tho senior class of tha high school at 6 o'clock dinner on Sunday evening. Those present wre Freda SUlwcll, Freddie Kob ler, X. C. Clapp, Rosillnd Rid dle, Jim Hall, Jim St John and Janet Protsman, the hostess. Estos and Max Moore and Dick Grass who have been visiting at the Prottman home for a month hava returned to their homes In Valparasio, Ind. A son of lm Havens has re-i ccntly Joined the army. L-Jii.innasjai mss mm a If roar akin 1 chapped, ym will by ddlshlKl with lh .Sect of Menthol. turn appllpd to the atlni Int. rd, iwoHsn paru Mf mboUtuto quickly coola and aoothra tha irrita tion, uulatlns Naturr to mere quick ly nral tha Injury. Mtnlholatum Is ao e moit aoothlnc and elective application for other minor akla Irritation.. Jam or tubca. Ma 3 Logging operations for the Crane mill were resumed Tuesday, March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Burch and sons are away on a 10-day vacation Mrs. Ivory of Klamath Falls was a guest of Mrs. Georgo Beck on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hlghcock have reopened tha White lunch and are ready for the season's busi ness. Mrs. Haskell Thomas Is In Klamath Falls with her Infant son who had to be placed In an Iron lung. A handkerchief shower was tendered Mrs. Carl Dcering at the last meeting of tho Bly Wo men's club. Mrs. Dcering and son, Michael, will Join Mr. Deer- dg at Medford soon where he employed by the Kroit Cheese company. Mrs. Leo Moll's parents from Kentucky spent a few doys In Bly with their daughter and family. A gift of towels and wash cloths was presented Mrs. Joe Wallls who Is leaving next week, by members of the WSCS of the Bly Community church and the Bly Women's club. A. L. Book has moved his fam ily from Sornaue Rlvor to Bly. Two daughters have entered the ! local schools. Roso Murlo Doty who Is at tending the Acadomy In Klam- t aim a iimaa fkiirrrn iou wiKLo nnu durrtnx B1EII0RRIIEA If you sufrsr monthly erampt.txw ache, nervmianeM, dlntresa of "lr rtiRtilnrltlns" due to functional monthly dliturhencee try tydla 8. PlnklmnVa Vegetable Compound oncel It's one medicine you can buy made enpectoHv or women, follow label rtlreotlona. . SATURDAY SPECIALS Emerald Isle Layer Cake A delicious layer cake made with fresh Klam ath Potatoes right In the batter, Insuring the keeping qualities for many days. But we know fou will not want to keep it after tasting it t's topped off with real Pistachio nut frosting. 59c Whipped Cream Chocolate Cake For those who really enoy a moist rich choc olate cake This cake is made with pure whip ping cream Instead of butter or shortening, filled and topped with a delicious Chocolate Butter Fudge. 4 layers, too. 69c Shamrock Potato Rolls Made with fresh Klamath Potatoes. Saturday only. 78c doz. Danish Coffee Rings 20c Irish Potato Bread . . Mb. 70c fVf vMn.wMHniinsimm Now a way fo save It mora necessary than ever before. Pennies will be Important In every budget In 1942; for defense stamps, Red Cross, higher taxes and many another requirement for winning this war. The pennies you can save steadily and consistently on your food purchases can help a lot toward meeting these obligations. Try taking advantage of Safeway' s low everyday prices for one month. The way the saving mount up will surprise yov. mCES ABE SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES PEAS Libby's 2 sieve No. 303 cans 15e PEAS Sugar Belle No. 2 cans, 2 for 25c CORN Del Maiz Nib., 12-oz. cans 2 for 25c SPINACH Emerald Boy No. V can 15e LIMA BEANS WITH HAM No. 1 can 15e VEGETABLES FOR SALAD No. 1 cans 13c PUMPKIN Highway, No. 2Vi cans, 3 for 25e APRICOTS Whole, No. 2V2 can, 2 for 35e FRUIT COCKTAIL Hostess Delight, No. 1 con 14c PEARS Highway No. 2Vi can 19e PEACHES Castle Crest No. 21z can 19c SWEET CORN Cordenside, No. 2's, 2 for 23e BAKED BEANS Sugar Nut, No. 2 can 17e SPAGHETTI Van Camp's, No. 300, 3 for 25e HEINZ SOUPS Asst., 16-oz. cans 2 for 25e DEVILED MEAT Libby's No. V's 2 for 11c CORNED BEEF Caps 12-oz. can 24c PIGS FEET Hormel's Qt. jar 35e OYSTERS Battle Rock Pacific, 152 oz. 16c RED SALMON, Del Monte No. 1 tall 35c MINCED CLAMS Pioneer No. Vi can 17e BONELESS CODFISH Mb. can 33c SARDINES Rio Del'Mar oval can 11c VAN CAMP'S SOUPS Tom. or Veg. 10c CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 3 pkgs. 25c TAPIOCA Alber's instant 16-oz. pkg. 19c SEMI-SWEET CHOC. 7-oz. pkg., 2 for 25c FIG BARS American 2-lb. pkg. 25c LOOSE WILES HI-HO CRACK. Ige. pk. 19e NABISCO VANILLA WAFERS Lge. pkg. 20c GUM AND CANDY 5c kinds, 3 for 10c JULIA LEE WRIGHT'S BREAD VA lb. 13c TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn, 46-oz. 19e TOMATO JUICE Libby's 47-oz. can 23e CANADA DRY BEVERAGES 28 -oz. bot. 15c (Plus bottle deposit) CHERUB MILK 4 tall cans 33c MILK Carnation, Borden's, Alpine, Special Morning, Pet 4 tall cans 35c NOB HILL COFFEE Mb. pk. 23c; 2 lbs. 45e AIRWAY COFFEE Mb. pkg. 20c; 3 lbs. 58c EDWARDS COFFEE Mb. can 27c; 2 lbs. 53e COFFEE MJB, Golden West Mb. can 32e 2-lb. can 62c COCOA Hershey's Mb. can 18c CHOC. MALT. MILK Borden's, Mb. con 29e 26-oz. can 35c 12-oz. can 16c 26-oz. can 29c 5-lb. can 49c 3-lb. can 59c SYRUP Log Cabin SYRUP Sleepy Hollow SYRUP Lumberjack MALT SYRUP Blue Ribbon MOLASSES Brer Rabbit Creen Label 2J4-lb. can 29e TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn, No. 10 39e BROWN DERBY BEER Stubbies 3 for 25e (Plus bottle deposit) ' BEANS Baby lima RICE Blue Rose fancy CUT MACARONI RAISINS Seedless 5-lb. pkg. 49c 5-lb. pkg. 49c 3-lb. pkg. 19e 4-lb. pkg. 32c DRIED APRICOTS Del Monte, 11-oz. pk. 17c CHEESE Kraft Velveeta, etc. 2-lb. loaf 69c ivory Flakes Pure Ivory Soap KLEKSOAPBEADS 22-ox. ni. Blra. I C Cuts Dirt and Grease Quickly CHILI SAUCE Moneto CHILI SAUCE Heinz 12-oz. bottle 15c 1214-oz. bottle 25c IVORY SHOW HORSERADISH MUSTARD HAMBURGER RELISH PICKLES Paradise sweet CIDER VINEGAR Old Mill MAYONNAISE Nu Made MAYONNAISE Kraft APPLE BUTTER Libby's 2 for 19e 12-oz. jar 15c 25-oz. jar 27e Gal. jar 35c Qt. jar 46e Qt. jar 51c 33-oz. jar 24c ; DisolTes lit e I riiahlncold j water 220 tvlV. Royal Satin! in 22o 61c 1 lb. can 22o 9 lb. can SNOWDRIFT 69c Waason-Craamsy Shesttaiag lb. can 24c lb. can THAT TIBED FEELING . . . tncry ba dua to a faulty dial. Lat our Homa- " ureau Help bring your knowledaa of J A nutrition up-to-date. Enroll ude. im. in ? laasons-brmaflcoursa. Just tend your noma and ortify your famlty against spring colds with orange .end grapefruit Juica, . Produea Prices Saturday, March 14 Oranges Sg?J Wic Grapefruit rS.u.T!.l. 5c Annl( F,Be rkn Blacks. AQ Carrots vT SJT u, AVzc Rhubarb SSSK. Spinach "ZZrtZZTL Potatoes S 10 ttI33c V. S. No. 2 Klamath Gams 80 lb. bag $1.09 tt.5V2c ib. 9c 9 BUyUaS. I DEFENSE STAMPS' FOR VICTORY! SaSeway GwoffajiteedrJooto Meat PiIcm For Saturday Only March 14 Beef Roasts--23k Beef Roasts Round Bona Cuts ..... lb. 25c Brisket Boiling Beef --14c Rib Boiling BeeL .17k Picnics;?; Tsndarlted, cello-wrappX lb. averaga . By tha Pleca ... Bacon t Bacon Back lb, lb. Wall Strtakad Sirloin Steak lb 35c I fiirironr r? swing. to S lb. ayaraga aTTaTaTlT-i TTTtwt fej:if ILfl PANCAKE FLR. Har. Blossom 10-lb. bag 49e FLAPJACK FLOUR Alber's Lge. pkg. 22e FLOUR Self-rising buckwheat, 10-lb. sack 69e CAKE FLOUR Swansdown Lge. pkg. 23e ROLLED OATS Peacock 9-lb. sack 45e INSTANT RALSTON CEREAL 16-oz. pk. 23c KRUMBLES Kellogg's pkgs.,2 for 23a CORN FLAKES Alber's 1 1-oz. pkgs., 2 for 17c NABISCO SHRED. WHT. Reg. pk., 2 for 23a EGGS GRADE A LARGE 2 dor. 45e GRADE A MEDIUM J dos. 43c OLEOMARGARINE 1 Ib. 17c; 2-lb. pkg. 33 OLEOMARGARINE Porkoy 1-lb. pkg. 24c , 2-lb. pkg. 47e MACA YEAST pkg. 3c BAKING POWDER dob. Girl, 32-oz. can 20o BLACK PEPPER Schilling's 8-oz. pkg. 18c SALT Maximum Plain or Iodized pkg. 7c nizjjf-y i i li im ? : taj i j i a j i.-ai CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP CHIPS 5-lb. pk. 39c SU-PURB GRANULATED SOAP 24-oz. 20c 50-oz. pkg. 39c PUREX Bleach Vz Cal. 25a WHITE MAGIC BLEACH V4 Cal. 19c BLUING Mrs. Stewart's 10-oz. bottle 15e STARCH Elostic 12-oz. pkg., 2 for 15c SKAT HAND SOAP car 2 for 17c MATCHES Searchlight Crn. of 6 boxes 27c CHORE GIRLS OR CHORE BOYS Regular 9c G. E. LIGHT GLOBES 30 & 60 watt, each 10c DOG WAFERS Friskies 4Ji-lb. pkg. 49c 27k 27k J7k 101-