The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 13, 1942, Page 11, Image 11

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    Med ford Faces Corvallis as
Astoria Meets Baker in State
Cage Tournament Semi-Finals
White Sox Hurling Staff Well Equipped
Consoling H must lu to Dutch
French, whono tull l'ullciins were
tossed out of tho ilutu touriiii
ment in swift, bicameral iuccui-
lon. that LuGrnncIc i couch wan
unable to ovon muke It to Kulcm.
The nip Id tumbling of the Din
bill, tallest tcuin ul tho stuto
tourney, demonstrated wordless
ly that, although a good bin team
Id bulttir tlmi) a bom! lit Uo teuni,
it gotta bo a good big teuni.
The Pelicans uro a biK tenm
but for their hnliihl huve in cv
ernl iector sacrificed speed und
w Although Coch French lis
drilled the Pelicans endlessly
on passing and a lust break, It
hat bean rathor eroberraesing
ly apparent through most ol
the tuion that, with low ox
ceptlons, Klometh's stroto
pherlo gentlemen have been
horrendous! Inept In crisp,
coordinated paiilng, rebound
ability, and celerity,
In tho first liuker guinu,
which the Pelican -zero favored
to take by u wulo bulcc, the
smaller Hulking consistently
outjumped tho lioinotowner to
siit-uk off with command of tho
backboardt . The Klumullu won
the game but only by shooting
more often.
Ethan Dale, Heuver Rook who
In no giant, bounded high over
the Pelicans' hencls so often In
Ukvlr Inst appearance hero that
JiO of the crowd thought tho
bUickholrcd lad wan Jumping
down out of hiding behind the
McMlnnvllle, a smaller teurn.
outsped and outsliot the locals In
dropping them from tho Salem
championship fllKht, 00-40.
Eugene, just nvrruge-ilKcd,
tripped the Klnmaths on the
KUHS fourt In mldscnson, und
did H oguin Thursday to bounce
'em for keeps.
West Texas Btete. tallest
basketball teem in the world,
hat been cut down often
enough this year to prove that
height elone doesn't Insure
victory. The other guys auto
matically get control of the
ball often enough, and If they
can keep It by artful passing,
have as much chance at the
wicket as the big boys.
O. . .
fifo u n t Shasta1 Snowmen
hv solved tha bud road prob
lem by Installing Know go a
mechanlied horse and sleigh
which runs from a point some
four miles out of Mount Shasta
City up to a sklnblc area higher
on the big mountain.
The gadget makes three trips
during the duy for one buck
per round trip and takes the
skier up to approximately 6300
feet where a 1200-foot rope tow
in located t i a fair, timber-free
Total length of the snow go
Journey Is five miles each way
All-day lift fee Is SI. BO or $2
for both.
It, makes a trip In at fl a. in..
1 1 a. m and J p. m.
Plans for another Crater Loke
J club bus to the national
"srk this Sunday have been
called off.
The Greyhound bus firm told
club officials that chartered
pleasure trips were out for the
duration of the tire emergency
Government nillnRa have forbid
den the use of priority rubber
for anything; but necessity on
panslty of loss of priority rating.
The situation Is parallel to
that which forced abandonment
of the County B league basket
ball schedule.
Apparently nothing, then, can
be done about the 124-mlle
round trip to Crater lake ex
cept perhaps the development of
JSfi This higrquamyTmellow jMKf k
yWUJSWK Straight Bourbon Whiskey is M
"J now fl8ed fr ve years! SS ' .
Tigers Dump HHIsboro in
Overtime Session, 29-23
8ALEM. March 13 (IF) In the most thrilling game of the
entire tournamont, McLoughlln high of Mllton-Freewater
defeated Salem 33 to 32 to enter the consolation finals of
the Oregon state high school basketball tournament.
Going Into the fourth quarter on a short end of a 27-28
score. Mac HI took a 33-32 lead with lis mlnutos to play.
It was the only time In the entire game that the winners
were ahosd.
SALEM. Ore.. March ID (UP) Mcdfoid, Corvnlhs. Astoria
and linker won Ihclr way Into the semi finals of the Oregon
State high school basketball championship tournament here last
Aledfnrd turned back Hlllsboro 2(1-23 In a driving overtime
Crockett kept Hlllsboro in the
game with a long basket that
tied the score 23-all two seconds
before the end of th fourth per
iod, but Mcdford was loo strong
In the overtime.
Nnldcrmeyer led Medford'e
offense with 12 points, and iCclg
ler was high for Hlllsboro with
Corvallis downed Mt. Angel
17-25. The winners wore nut In
front all the way and held a
23-13 lead at tho half.
Corvallis showed a smooth of-
ThurwJar Scertt
'yfvsllls 7, M.mrtt Aug, I
M.rf.'..,.l :y, lliu,hciro
liu,r I. Nrlh lUriU u
.!! t.l, llrMlnuMUt !!
rvvallli . JI',!I-,id. 7; p. m.
llaktr tr. Ab"l4. H p m.
SkUm ri. ar lit. 10 a. in.
nrr.n City i. r.ifi,m II M a. m
Mount ADI'I v. Iliii.bofo. f p. m.
Norlli Html t. McMlomilla. I.W p.
tense with Anderson pacing tho
atlnck with 14 points. Leo Gros-
Jacques of Mt. Angel was Indi
vidual high scorer, however,
with 15.
Astoria's Fishermen, defend-
Broadway Swisses lesf BetIt's
Doc Carlsoai's PiH Blood Count
NEA Service Staff
"Just what the doctor ordered"
is providing University of Pitts
burgh basketball devotees with
as riotous a farce os ever con
cocted by Kaufman and Hort or
the brothers Msrx.
Broadway has missed the sea
son's best bet In tho bizarre
extravagonra perpetrated and
produced by Dr. Harold C. (Red)
Carlson, Panther coach.
Tho volatile red-head, who has
tutored Pitt dribblers for 20
years, has a flair for the out
lnndish. His Panthers have had
a dismal season, but Doc, with
the showmanship of Billy Hose,
has supplemented amusement
for victories.
His pet peeve Is "that guy
with tho whistle." Doc wishes
all officials would swallow their
horns and let the boys play the
game. His repugnance for offi
cialdom has led to a number
of refreshing fiascos.
While his players sweated and
prestlg ebullders shed tears, Doc
took blood. Before the Carnegie
Tech game he lifted 25 c.c. s
from each player, 28 moro at
halftlme and 25 after the game,
a total of almost one-fifth of a
The boys were very cooper-
otlve as Doc checked blood
count, limits and henrts. Con-
Aspen mountain or some suit
able nearby spot for skiing.
This high quality, mellow
Straight Bourbon Whiskey is
now aged for five years!
A full strength product of
expert distilling methods in
use since 1898.
Bottled in Bond under the
supervision of the U.S.Govt.
Selling at the same low prices
lng champions, bent McMlnn
vllle 43-28.
Astoria was the master thru
out, end held a 20-14 lead at the
Wirkkuncn was high man for
the Fishermen with 14 points,
and CovincMi led McMinnville's
scorin;: with elRlit.
Bukr-r maintained its uncle
fluted record with a 30 to
'i'Z triumph over Nortli Bend.
The game whs hard fought
throughout, and B.ikor held a
slim 22-21 lend at the half.
Holnian was high man for
tho winners with 10 points, and
I-ox pace-' North Betid with 13.
LOR ANGELES, March 13 (TV:
Southern California's football
games with Noire Dame and,
Tulanu may be tran-fcrred from
Los Angeles to South Eend, Ind.,
ond New Orleans next fall be
entire of the war.
Coach Sain Earry mentioned j
tho possibility at the school's an
nuo! footboll banquet last night
There's still a S000 crowd limit
on the coast.
. vf ! . u v.?
w r i St . (' 1
1 . , Xv' .(
y Wo 1 - 'jfiM
Dr. Red Carlson
elusion basketball Is not detri
mental to health. His reports on
fatigue at last year'a coaches
meetings were highly Illumin
ating. Pitt looked decidedly anemic
against the Skibos. The Techs
won their first game In two
years, 48-4-1.
Doc had a field day. He walk
ed off the floor mid-way in the
first half and chatted amiably
with some kibitzers In the rear
of the gymnasium. Trainer How-
a&F- I
(IP) Olympic club officials clear
ed a 140-foot runway for Cor
nelius Warmerdam today 8nd
hoped the pole vaulting ace
might soar to 18 feet In tonight's
indoor track and field meet,
Warmerdam cleared IS feet,
7 Inches In the cast recently
with a borrowed pole.
To keep the 20-year-old Pled
mont athlete company on his
Jumping jaunt, Lea Steers may
try his own patented roll on a
seven-feet high leap. Steers' en
try, however, was not too sure.
Both Warmerdam and Steers,
former University of Oregon
star who now works In a Port-
lond shipyard, are members of
an all-Amerlcan track contin
gent which competes In the
Olympic club indoor track and
field meet.
The track also will feel the
spikes of headline contestants
such as Southern California's
Hubert Kerns, natlonol collegiate
410-yard champion at 46.6 sec
onds, und Harold Davis, of the
University of California at Ber
keley, the current fastest human,
and Jim Jurkovlch, the Golden
Bear football casualty who may
push Davis along.
PORTLAND, March 13 UP)
Signol Oil company's runner-up
bojkctball team In the Oregon
AAU tourney left this morning
for the national tournament at
The champion Bradford team
left yesterday.
ard Waile, stymied by a priority
on corpuscles, ran the team.
The Pitts were weakened by
this bit of guinea pigging, but
Doc's only comment was, "Tech
played a nice game, and the
officiating was terrible," which
is par for the course.
The West Virginia game was a
Carlson blitz. Both officials re
fused to be made fool of, which
was a naive premise, Indeed.
1 In tho frist half, they called
no less than three technical fouls
against the noble doctor, claim
ing he had been a bit bourgeois
In his remonstrations.
2 Incensed, Red marched up
to Referee Harold Allison, tossed
an assortment of sweat suits and
a water bucket at him, pointedly
remarking that the gentleman
had taken everything else away
from the Panthers, why not
make It a grand slam?
3 01' Doc then spent the
rest of the game in company
with a couple of Pitt coeds,
grabbed one gal's bandana,
draped It around his noggin,
stuck out his jaw and yoo-hooed
at the officials.
Wherf Indiana Coach Branch
McCracken stomped along the
sidelines raging at officials at
Pitt Pavilion, Carlson rushed off
the Pitt bench and in mock
gesture put his around Mc
cracken's shoulder, half-carried
him back to the Hoosier bench.
The crowd roared at the sight
of a confirmed official hater
soothing the wrath of a visiting
coach. Even McCracken forgot
his peeve and laughed. Carlson
spent the remainder of the half
on the Indiana bench, oblivious
to the proceedings, urging Mc
Cracken to help him "think up
all the names we can to call
those busm."
The doctor is as Ingenious as
he is unique. Once he plagued
officials by operating his own
whistle from the bench, causing
a brand of confusion never seen
bfore or since.
On another occasion, he or
dered hit team to show its dis
dain for zone defense by sitting
on the floor. This, too, caused
major repercussions.
Pitt supporters deny the valid
ity of tho most widely quoted
story about the Doc.
It has been alleged that sev
eral years ago when the timer's
gun fired to signal the end of
the half, some prankster in the
stands dropped a dead duck on
Carlson's neck.
They're probably saving that
for next season.
When in Medford
Stay at
Thoroughly Modern -Joe
and Anne Earloy
-. Proprietor v...
II" ll'.-.m'wysy wsssssssy aw m ui u )j i
WU V M UMB T-fr- f h :
l i Syj i Xm. k i- - , " I i vv -' - Ci ( ."-' ,4 'yhy
h- 4-4 Jt4; ' -n,'
' ' - - Y ' . 4 ' " t i;x iv- ) ' r
All the Chicago White Box
John Hlgney and BUI Dietrich.
Indians, Beavers Clash
Tonight in First Playoff
PALO ALTO. Calif., March
13 UP) Beaten only once in 12
league games, Stanford's long
legged basketball players are
strong favorites to capture the
Pacific Coast conference champ
ionship from the Oregon State
Beavers in a three-game aeries
opening here tonight
Their superb record, their dis
tinct height advantage and the
home court all give the edge to
Coach Everett Dean's Indians,
perhaps the smoothest-operating
club since the days of Angelo
"Hank" Lulsetti. ,
Stanford, clearly the best out
fit In the southern division, drop
ped only a game to Southern
California. For the first time in
history, the Indians beat Uni
versity of California tn four
Oregon State, on the other
hand, had a bit more difficulty
in a scrappy northern division
campaign, losing five games.
Coach Slats Gill has a team of
veterans, among them big Cen
ter John Mandic who is a wizard
under the basket. Don Durdan,
OSC guard, is the boy who star
red on the Beaver football team
which beat Duke in the Rpse
Stanford won the southern di
vision title last year but lost to
Washington State college in the
The teams play tonight, to
morrow night, and Monday
night, should a playoff game be
Tonight's lineup:
Ortjon suts Itinrsrd
Bsaieat f PolUril
J sltntl T . , ,, Burn
Mndlo i c vom
Btxi 0 Codn
urdn . 0 Dillmw
OfltcUli: Lloyd Ulta ud Wtll? Cimtroa.
Todiy's Oimss
OiUtso (A) vs. CMcgo !f),
Detroit (A) it. 8t. Louis (Nl.
Bmioo (A) ti. Wiblnton JA).
Phllsdrtphls (A) Ti. Plltibursh to.
Kw York (A) n. ChdnssU (K).
Thursday Soorst
. H. I.
su tool (n) r s i
Clnclnnitl (') , 1 4 t
LonHr. JurUlrh (O. Polltt (ti and Msn.
Mim, Coopor (7)i Wltr, Dmlncer (S)
and BtnuUy.
R. R, B.
Wirtilnstoo (A) 10 is ' i
Clsvdand (XI 7 10 I
ABdmon, Ktnnedy (4), zlnitrt (6) and
Earl;: Bagbr. Imbrea ), Miliar ) and
IT Tort (JO (' 1?'
Naval Air Station SIS
Danna, Manila tt) and Blumlra; Crban
k. stavar (II. Rwa (S), Dobbs (0) and
By Tha Aaaootatad Proas
JtT.HY CITY Maila Bariar, Ml.
MontraaJ. knorVad out Jos Pa Jaaua, ut,
Pnarto B( (3),
ELIZABETH. X. J. - Joa Bakll, Hi,
Vaw York, outnolntad Rarbart Marahall,
1T7, Kew York, f.
Looking tor Hargalns? Tuns
to the Classified page
$ Is 15
Not the cheapest in town,
but some of the pest. '
All Sizes
Good 18, 19 and 20
Inch tubei.
Bill Davis
Associated Service
S. eth at Cast Main
Pld yen get en of our
Victory stickers
require is hitting to go with the
March 13, 1942
Cage Coach
Sees No Rule
CHICAGO, March 13 (UPV
From a "poor cousin" that de
pended on football receipts to
help it make financial ends meet,
basketball has graduated into a
self-supporting sport and there's
little 'clamor for tinkering with
the rules.
That was a belief expressed
Thursday by Nels Norgren, Uni
versity of Chicago mentor and
president of the National Bas
ketball Coaches association, as
he prepared to leave for the or
ganization's annual meeting at
New Orleans March 18-19-20.
"A recent canvass of our mem
bership about the rules and sug
gested changes failed to bring
forth any radical proposals,"
Norgren said, "I believe most
of the coaches are relatively well
satisfied with the game as it is."
Webb-Colon Go
Tops Garden
Card Tonight
NEW YORK. March 13 (UP)
The light-heavyweight division
is in such a mess that tonight's
12-round bout between Jimmy
Webb and Johnny Colan will
have less significance than the
first battle for Benghazi, al
though the Madison Square Gar
den winner is supposed to get a
"title shot."
It's a shame, too, because it
should be an electrifying brawl,
if it's anything like their pre
vious melee just a month ago
tonight, in another Friday-the-13th,
when they battled to a
draw in the eight-round semi
final at the Garden.
This encounter is bound to be
torrid, but an additional dash
of Ice water was flung upon its
significance last night when the
173-pound king, Gus Lesnevjch,
as given a sound trouncing that
if Bivins won, the would get a
crack at the Lesnevich diadem
within 60 days. But, after the
bout it was reported that the
champlon'a manager, Lew Dia
mond the honest brakeman
declared that he was not inter
ested in a return match .
CHICAGO-Charley Blasgen,
Chicago golf professional, enlist
ed in the navy to be tha 40th
P. G. A. member to join the
armed forces.
6-i, mi
W aa- f U V
s f " . V .
t . -
w -
u pitching. Lett to light, Thornton Lee, Ted Lyons. Lee Booa.
Joe DiMag Signs for
An Estimated $42,000
Yank Star Ends Holdout With Compro
mise; Barrow Says Figure 'Over $40,000' '
SJ. PETERSBURG, March 13 UP) Joe DiMaggio, bearntag
brightly from sunburn and happiness, waa safely in the fold. l
the New York Yankees today with the second biggest contract
ever given a member of the club.
The great centerfielder, who hit in 56 consecutive gemea last
season and was voted the most valuable player in the American
league, came to an agreement with President Edward G. Barrow
last night on a salary estimated at $42,000, an increase of I50OO
over his I94i stipend.
This was a higher salary
thai) the Yankees ever gave any
player other than Babe Ruth
and ended the No. 1 holdout
squabble of the 1942 baseball
Barrow arrived here from
New York yesterday afternoon
and telephoned DiMaggio at
nearby Lido Beach, where he
has been vacationing with his
wife and baby. A conference
was arranged at Barrow's hotel
room last night and after an
hour-long huddle the pair smil
ingly announced that they had
reached a satisfactory compro
mise with-little difficulty.
Barrow admitted that he had
gone above the $40,000 offer
which he had termed "final"
last week, -but added, ""not very
much above." , ,
"I am happy, very happy, at
the way it came out," said Joe.
"I thought we might have a
battle, but it was all friendly
and I'm glad to get it over and
get to work;.
"1 didn't want to drag-these
negotiations out, but I earned
a raise this year and I don't
think anybody blames me for
asking for it." ,
Steelhead Angling
Outlook Poor
PORTLAND, March 13 UP)
The steelhead angling outlook
this weekend is poor, the. state
game commission reported to
day. '
- Streams generally are low,
the commission's bulletin said,
although improved salmon troll
ing n Willamette slough was in
prospect . .
i czs-s ! 7T
During .the past few years, whiskey lovers hav
voted, through their purchases, an overwhelming
preference for full 90 proof straight whiskies,1
such as Century Club.
Though times have changed, your taste is tha
' fwne:, Inist on. Century Club, the whiskey that
is euu vu utuui
5 years old,
2.40 ot.
1.23 n.
Ssntus eistiLtiNe .... a..ia.
50 Slatmen
In National
Meet Today
YOSEMTTE, Calif, Mareh It
UP) More than 80 ski stars, in
cluding some 20 women, beaded
down Yosemite's famed snow
runs in the start here today l
the two-day national downhflV
slalom and combined champion
ships. , ... ,-.
Two runs for men and one
for women in the downhill cosh
petition over the Rail creek
coarse, which drops 3300 feart
over a distance of IS miles, were)
on today's program. Slalom runs
are set for Saturday.
A Engen, Salt Lake City, and
Bill Redlin, University of Wash
ington, were among men star
attracted by the event, which ia
being held in California for tha
first time.
HAVANA Kid Chocolata,
former featherweight ' cham
pion, one of Cuba's foremost
boxing instructors, is paid fer
his work by the government, u
You Drive Move Yourself
Save H Long and
Short Trips. -
Phene 8304 1201 East Mala
sua iiuiy maiujea every area
years old
tunc WITH
ruiL 00 p-oor