March 1), 1042 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIVE FmpEFENSE raw The Place Where Wise Mothers Buy $4 BUY NV. I :l M ! II Attend Ceremonial A num ber of Klmnuth residents wvro guests In Grants I'liss on Thins diiy ii net Frldiiy whrro they ul tiMicU'd the c i r u in i) n I u I of Zulclmii temple, DuiiHlitcrs uf llin Nllii, ill which tho miirrnni iiuucii, Mm. C. M. Hhi'Usly ut Pittsburgh, win honored. Those, attending from here Included Mm. Wilbur A. Arnold, presi dent of tho Kliinilitll Kill la i-luli, Mm, K. II. Iliilsiger, Mm. K. I'. Klllngsun, Mm. A. II Kppor mm, Mm. Curl HtolnselfiT, Mm. Hurry Wayne, Mm. Jerry Hlcker, Mm. Hurry I'linnlng, Mm. Hurry JJnthiiiny, Mm. Ted Slump. Mm. K. II. llollbronncr, Mm. Leu N. Huls, Mm, . M. Chllcute, Mm. J. H. l'uppyi Mm. Fred L'olumun, Mm. Jnnios Webb, Mm. Kriuicls DA In, Mm. Wlllluin lliiKclsteln Qnorris, Mm. Itulph McKay und Mm. Grace licruinii. Here for Wadding A nuin tr ol out-of-town guests wrro rf Bunclny to utti-nd tho wed ding of Yvonne IVlcrstclncr und Dwain ('. McDonnld. which wua solemnized ut the l'clrrslclnvr homo on Portland slni-t. (Jilt-sin included Mr. mid Mra. 1'iiul Bush, liuibiiiii und Ilubbio Hush, Mm. A. A. Atkinson und (.'. 11. full, grandfather of (lit- bride, all of Sucriimciilo, t'nhf ; Mr. and Mra. Ci. It. yuiickriibii.ih u( Pino Ridge, Mr. mid Mia. F. F. McDonald of Mulln, puri-nta of tho groom, Mr. und Mra. J. A. McDonald und Mr. und Mra. K. K. Trolmun of Merrill. Mra. Hush, Mm. Atkinson unil Mm. Quackciibiish urn alalera of Mm. l(red Pcterslelucr. Leave for North J. Q. Allnk of LaVornu, Minn., who-hus boon spending tho pnat sevoral dnya ua n guest ut tho homo of Ills cousin, Mm. J. H. Poppy on lloii-wny drive, on routo homo lifter aeverul months In Long lleiu-h, Calif., left Monduy for rortliind, ueroinpnnled by Mr. and Mm. Poppy und Mra. Oacur I'eyton, The I'oppya plan to bo uwuy li bull 1 ii week, visiting fi'li-iuls In I'ortliind, Salem und KuKcnc. Mra. I'eyton will visit Willi friend In Eugene und with her aim und dnuKliter-ln-luw, Mr. and Mm. Itulph I'eyton, und grandson, Lurry, In I'ortlnnd. Bon Born Friends of Dr. und Mra. iiugcr E. DeWceao Jr., Sun Francisco, uro Interested to lenrn of the birth of u aon, their first child, ut St. Mury'a hospital on Muri h 2. The boy liua been limned Roger 3rd. Dr. DeWeeao la thn aon of Mra. Jonnne Ue Wccsn of tills city and la well known here. & J. O. PKMNKY CO., INO. Jjj lL) A .s),n 01 For The Entire Family! Smart mother everywhere come to Penney't for the needs of their families! If you wisely watch your budget . . . you'd better watch our prices! Now is the timo to toko advantage of these low prices, and outfit your children of all ages from head to too! Sove money at Penney's Buy more Defense Stamps! f mm 6 4.98 Jf fbklfU 1 7.90 t In The Mood For Spring! With An Eye To Fashion! GIRLS' DRESSES Tie nmnrt lllllr ml will choose one nt thrnr frock of hrr own accord ! (iny novclly cotton, piin rayons or crisp rn yon tnffctat in the best itjles. Size 7 to Ii. Alfrt To Valloy Mr. und Mra. Robert K. WnttenburK und Iheir lliicata, Mra. L'hurlea Juaeph Mur tin, Mra. Uuorifu lliirn, unci Mra. Wilbur A. Jones, motored to the Itoiiuo River vnlley tlna punt weekend. The Wultenbur purty looked over the alto of the new army cantonment of 35,001) acre, and reported building ac tivities "hummlnu" und all noils of construction work curried on. Grunts I'nsa wua tho next atop and the purty returned over thu newly paved hlnhwuy up tho Applegate river to Juckaonvlllo. Between the two points tho but tercups were blooming ond muny spring flowcra promised. Improving Friends of Mra. Mue K. Short, Klnilililh county elerk who collnpacd In her of flcea In the courthouso Saturday shortly before noon a thu re ault of u heurt uttiick, will be Interested to leurn alio la show inn improvement ut Klumuth Vulley lioapltul where alio wua moved by her physician. Alur Club to Moet The Youiig Kj urried Women'a club ot the f?j First Methodist church will hold 19 Iheir legulur monthly meeting fj Tuesday, March 10, ut the home U: of Mrs Don Drury, 1401 Pacific Terrace, 1:13 p. in. Naming of I he club will be di.icus.ii-d Visit Valley Mr. und Mrs. Robert Hurt und two children, Ann und Sura, silent the week end In Medford visiting Mm. Hurls mother. Mm. Eugene Vllm. They reported Die can tonment work advancing rapidly. if'A LMJ-,0 &3iJZJ( f 93 98 r ht t :? i I a KFmJ- (tfr For Spring's Light Breezes! GIRLS' COATS Girls' Novelty Cotton DRESSES Slir'll jinl I""- rvrry mr i,f thru- hpnrUllnic i-ciHiin flylrs It mil li-l Itr-r rh'Mt-ir hrr ,iw u ! I'rlii'-t-sv. inidrill li.lijr tnr unci liillor rd lr-i. From Fort M. W. Gibson, employed us maintenance man with the Oregon atuto hlghwuy ut Fort Klumuth, wua In Klam ath Falls Monday on business. On Honor Roll lliilk-ck Donclson. son of Mm. Vcru Clem mens, who Is studying for his ter's degree at Llnfleld col lrf: Is closing this semester us an honor roll student with a straight A average, according to word received by his mother. In addition to his atudlcs, Doncl son la also teaching In tho high school at McMlnuvlllo where he Is completing tho term for an Instructor who hns left for nnvul duty. Surgary Stanley Miller, em ployed at Lrfircnz company, sub mitted to major surgery ot Klum uth Vnlley hospital this week end. Miller, whose home Is lit 112 High street, was reported Im proved Monduy. I Returns Komi Mrs Verne Peterson, routo 3, box 017, re turned to her home buiuiuy i. -companlcd by her Infant son. They were pntlenta at Klumuth Vnlley hospital. In Marinas Lawrence ,V. Mchaffcy Jr., aon of Mr. ond Mrs. Lawrtnco W. Mchaffcy of Antloch, Colli. . and grandson of Mrs. Wilbur Jones of this city, has been in the radio division of the United States murines slnco lust October unci will bo transferred soon, according to word received here. Tho Mo hnffcys and Mra. Jonca plun to visit him before he la moved. Vlaltors Gilbert Nelson, tho '''OMR soldier who suffered a bnffly broken leg two months ago while a member of a con voy en routo through Klamath Falls la now nblo to have visit ors at Klamath Vnlley hospital. Tho boy's homo is In tho enst. Improving Lon Hunt, 5U30 Harlan drive, radio technician at 1 KFJI, Is reported improving at ,(rtKlamoth Vulley hospital where ij he may huvo visitors. Hunt re cently submitted to nn operation for the romoval of his appendix. Correction Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burnett of near Klam ath Falls wcro married February 1 and not Fcbrunry 21, in Reno, s first reported. Burnett has not yet received orders to re port for duty at Camp Lewis, Wash., with the United States army. 6arl Emarich Safe Earl frlch has arrived safely in Honolulu, according to a mes ago rccoived by his mother, Mra. W. C. Kohlcr, 234 Hillside avenue. Visit Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes of Lnkoviow, formerly of this city, were visit ors In Klumuth Fnlls for several hours on Saturday. Income Tax Aid A state In come tax auditor will bo In Klamath Falls March 13 to April 1, to assist tuxpayors In making out their 1041 returns. NERVOUS TRY THIS IF YOU'RE in "!rtiiln rlnvs" nf month O functional monthly disturb- ancos mnka you nervous, restless, hlghstrung, cranky, blu. fc such tlinca-try Lydla K. Plnkham'a Vegetable) Compound. Famous to help rcllovo such pain and nervous facllngs of wnmrn's "(llffloult days." Follow Inbrf dlrootlMS. Leaves Hospital Mrs. II. D. Perkins, 1317 Adams street, re turned to her home Sunday with her infant daughter after having been patients at Klumuth Val ley hospital. Returns Home Mrs. Timothy Murphy returned to Dunsmulr Saturday after spending the weekend In Klamath Falls. News About Fuels BOX FACTORY BLOCKS are scares and deliveries are being delayed a week or more. This condition will likely continue for some time. DRY SLAB WOOD Is not really dry. Our customers are using it in atoves and furnacaa because they can't get anything batter but It is not satisfactory for cooking. BODYWOOD. We have some of both Fir and Lodge Pole Pine. If Inter ested, come to the yard and look It over. Delivery at once. GREEN SLABS AND EDGINGS will be ready for delivery within a week or two. Phone your orders In and delivery will be made when we start to receive them. De livered prices will bei Slabs $4.00, edgings $2.50. COAL7 Sure, we have coal, the best coal yon ever burned. This coal is so pure you can almost light It with a match and it will take the place ot blocks in nearly all cook ing ranges. Call at our yard tor a few sacks at a time In your own ear. Or we will deliver for a little more money. FUEL OILS. Our tanks are full at all times of the purest oils on the market, and we suggest you keep yours full. Oil Is plenti ful but this la war times and a shortage of cars can change the picture In a few days anytime. PEYTON & CO. "Wood to Burn" 913 Market Phone S149 SHOP AND SAVF. AT l'KNNEVS Kprinn Slylnl HATS Cunning ntylr to art off her new coat! Stars In bonnet, brimmed and of f t he-face. SPORT JACKETS Boyish or boxy types In fcolid and gray plaldi. Girls' 7 to IV 3.49 SMART SKIRTS (iirlg love these! Wool, in pleat rd or Hiring Stylrs! Mix or match! 1.98 X)rrsy and raAtial typrs In princess and double breafctrd models SIki 7 to II. Tiny Tots. 2 to Young Miss, 12 to 18 if-'. . L r ir -J. mm SWEATERS Gay little number! It nit of all wool! FaT orite spring colors 1 98c NEAT BLOUSES HroadcJoth or poplin In dresy or tailored styles. Spring colors 1 69c Gcnnd Floor Popular Moccasin Styling SporC OXFORDS 49 Spring Outtlt For Babyl Coot ond BONNET SET In rich-looking 8u bardine! Coot with gg smocking and em- broidery. Ituby colors. Thtlutf Rayon Dresses 98c IMnk I lllll.ll nmiMr Gertrudes Fur l,ci.Mirr Hnirs Camp Moccasins 1 98 Sturdy leather upper in choco late retail or white with robber lire). In a trim color scheme. Turf tnn and white! 39 Willi. Cnlrl Tniyl Suits rjh 98e l'lnin, strlprs. vrV biu! wiiii i rinkil Sweaters 98' " Soft all wool " dalntv trim. BATISTE DRESSES AQt Hibbon embrnltlery trim. " COTTON ANKLETS ire) While or dnlnlv lmslels. I CHENILLE SPREADS 125 Designs in pink or blue. ' DIAPER BAG QOt llnblior lining. 1'orkcls. ' Baby Caskets Sljled With Spring In Mind 't Cynthia Spectators Smooth turftsn cnlf with con trasting white suede. SNUG PANTIES Tailored or trimmed tyles. Smooth knit rayon. Serviceable! 29c ANKLETS Color goea to her toes ! Knit or cotton Sol ids patt cms. 15c if Rayon Printa Spun RayonsI DRESSES I98 Excellent for casual wear at home or out-of-doors ! Smart simple styling that you'll find riprht for all occasions! Spring colors In sizes 12 to 44. Values 1 Smooth 1 Fitting Foundation ) '$! Garment " IV For fashion- fi Dfslgnrd For Service Big Girl OXFORDS 229 In turf tan or saddle beige glove Icatlicr! Leather sole and rubber tap heels. CsaaaBsa Saddle Your-Feet J'or Spring. Sport OXFORDS 3 Smartly turned out In smooth brown and white or black and white fclove leather. An Asset to Spring Fashion Spectator PUMPS 349 Stylish white suede and turf tan cnlf. For sportswear and dressier costumes 1 DOWNSTAIRS Btautiful Naw Styles To Carry You Smartly Through Tha Entira Saasonl WOMEN'S COATS AND SUITS Frivolous or conservative . . . dignified or dashing, you're bound to find just the coat or suit you want In this fine new collection at Penney's! Swaggering belted coats, fitted Q M g reefers, and smooth wrap-arounds. Suits with long torsos Jjj.. and front-and-back pleated skirts. Gay, light-hearted and B Offi rich-looking plains. Sizes 12 to 20. " SMART BUDGET PRICED COATS AND SUITS In the Season's popular styles I Tailored, casunl and dressy styles ... In a grand assortment of plnlcls and plains. Slues 12 to 20. If You Want To Look Your Bast, Choosa Xn AUSTELLE DRESS 1 i. ,ol mm CLEVERLY CUT BRASSIERES Made with lace and -batiste section tliatkyi molds you nicely! InyS'S1 slses 33 to 44. . : ay.'W SMOOTHLY STYLED GIRDLES For the slender and average fifntre. Cot ton and rayon. Side Zipper. BCUNU rLUUK EXPERT Hosiery mending . Sava Your Hosieryl Save Your Money 1 With Penney's Low Cash Prices! QUICK SERVICE Main Floor 449 Bnssliipttn and traveling basket i all In one! Nursery Diapers, 6 for "fQri Sufi hlnKrve wrnvc ' TRAINING PANTS .Double thick absorbent! llnbv High Chairs I 90 O n k frame, t Sturdily built j with briar finish. CRIB BLANKETS 139 llrnvv! .Ncrvli'ciihle. MATTRESS PADS QcS SterlllieH C otton. TERRY BIBS Soft . Fluffy - Absorbent! Celluloid RATTLES lA' All slinpes and sixes, ' " 10,0 mP'v'? I f7' ArJ I Fascinating spun raj on v r!!1. I" "J' L i and graceful, clinging A iTVVM 5il t-f K A . J rayon crepes make up liCsiaUifSl fil I s 1 this superb collection of f 13k Xrf 3f? I t J pre-Srason fashions I Se- g if i H ffl . ft I II M I leet the style most flat- f SXi k iM IVy Have a Cay lilt I if j f M Freh StvUs 1 or .'jH. W j SPRING HATS f 1 'm'r HM&M i I Jli' Spring MILLINERY 1 t - J'' one ej-e or wear way I m 5 v , March 9- 14 Girl Scout WEEK ires r 1?? ?M ( The Flnlshlnir Touch I HANDBAGS Smart enough lo tuck iimlrr V 98 any arm I All of I genuine leather! &GL0VES Leather tops and rayon palms In beau tiful colors! MAIN FLOOR Crisp straw In Jaunty styles you can cock over one eye or wear way back I Very smart! HC0ND ruJOR Be sure to select yours from our new selections, Dressy bonnets, casual types, tail ored models in spring col ors, black anil navy I For Defense ANKLETS :. 30c NECKERCHIEFS.... SOe WEBB BELT .SOe G.S. STATIONERY 50c G.S. FLASHLIGHT 59c G. S. KNIFE 1.00 GIRL SCOUT AGENCY At Pcnney'c 'V i. t )'. ii; a