Fobrunry 12, 1042 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE i p I I li . i i'p-!v Officers Honored Cnlvnry Conininndi'iy N(i. 10, Knlghls Templar, win IionI on VViulnes (Iny evening to visiting officers of Dm CI rami Coinniantlery nf Oregon. Tho regular meeting of the order In tho 'Masonic hull wiiii preceded hy ii dinner lit the l'cllcim onto. 'Dm visiting fraternal lenders with Grand Coniniiindcr Orrlo U. Nye of IIooil River; Clrnnd Senior War don Hnlph Sweeney of Mrdfnrd, mid Inspector General llniee Stuwarl of Cnrvnlllii. Enlists Tommy Walters, son of Mr. mid Mm. Thomas II. Wat torn, win to leave hy train TIjiii-m-duy nliiht for I'ortliind where lie will tnkt! hlii flmil physical ex mnlnutlon following hi enllnt nu'iit In tho United Slides iirmy. Tommy In n graduate of the Uni versity of Oregon pud u fnrmrr Oregon State college student. Since hint July young Walters IniK been employed lit the muni tion dump under construction by C. A. Dunn near llcrmlston. Heames to Sow Women of Itcaincs Golf and Country club who have devoted each Krldiiy to sewing for the American Hed Cross lit the home of Mm. George Mcrryman Sr., lire advised thnt mnlerliil In on hiiud und Ihe usual afternoon of sewing will be held thin week. Sewrm lire asked to be on hnud lit 1 p. m. Exams Members of tho first aid cliota sponsored by tho fire I reserves under thr direction of Fire Chief Keith K. Ambrose,! will meet Friday at 7:30 p. m. In the fire station to take final j exams. Dr. Marvin Nerseth has! Instructed the class of 25 men Shops Closed Tho Oregon state highway department shops located in Altamont observed Lincoln's birthday as a holiday Wednesday. Visits Here Paul Suprenant arrived here Monday night from Los Angeles where ho Is em ployed. Ho la recovering from a recent appendix operation. . m r m m 1 rft 1 tjjpl j m . u PA ' Data 8tt TIkiiio ppmonii In terested In ' hearing tho Trnpp Family singers In llend will keep open Hut (Into of Monday night, February 211, when tho singers appear in llend under tho com munity concert scries. It la pos Hlblo that a number from thli city will drive to Bend for tho concert In view of tho fact Sun day, February 22, la a holiday and Monday will bo observed by various placea of business. Tlekela of local concert assocla lion members will bo good In Bend, It was atnted. Return Horn Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Olson of St. Francis park havo ruturncd homo after a few days business and pleasure In Hie bay cities. Mr. unci Mrs. Ol son were overniKhl guests of Governor Culbert Olson, uncle of Mr. Olson, at the governor's homo In Sacramento. Hear Concert Among the Medford residents who motored to Klamath Fulls to hear Jose Iturbl, Spanish pianist, on Tues day evening were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gore, parents of Mrs. Sam uel A. Mushcn of this city; Mrs. Hoyal Hebb, Mrs. Charles W. I.cmery, Cyril Sander and Mrs. Stephen Epler of Ashland. Condition Same The condi tion of Thomas Cave, 20, was reported uncbuniied Thursdoy by Klamath Valley hospital attend ants. Cave is suffering from bullet wounds In the abdomen received early Tuesday morning. Mrs. ('live Is held In tho county Jail In lieu of $S000 bond on a charge of assault. Son Born Mr. and Mrs. Her bert E. Wood of Coquille, for merly of Klamath Kalis, arc por ents of a son, John Herbert, born In tho Coos county city on Feb ruary 3. The baby weighed 8 pounds i ounce at birth. Both mother and son are doing nicely. Police Court Two drunk and disorderly cases, six drunks, one vag and seven traffic tickets, mado up the police court report Wednesday morning. jrw- t Ur , v,a I;. lor SUITS' This year, it's a "suit" Spring,, and sure to be popular are the new man-tailored styles. Men's wear fabrics . , . long, drape jacket . . . trim, narrow skirt. Coverts, gabardines, worsteds in solid colors and plaids. $1150 $ 11 To Portland Tho Hov. Viator Phillips will leave Friday for Portland where ha will perform tho marrlago ceremony of Betty Lou Drake and Donald Vunnico I in Uoso City 1'ark Methodist cnurt'h Sunday at U o'clock In tho morning, itev. I'bllllpa will return Tuesday. Tho pulpit lioru will bo filled by thu Itev. E. J. Aschenbreuncr, pastor of tho Lukovluw Methodist church. E. U. Hedmiiu will bo in charge of tho evening service. While m Portland tho Phillips will visit their daughter, Mrs. T. J. lirodlgan of Portland, and their new granddaughter, born Saturday, r'ebruary 7. Mrs Phillips will uccompany her hus bund north and will remuin at tho Brodlgun homo. Shop Owners Plan Dinner Mrs. Jtibn Klchordson, repre sentative of the state assoclu Hon of beauty shop owners, will i bo a guest In Klamath Falls I next Monday and will be hon ored at dinner in the evening at the Elk hotel by the Klam ath Falls branch of the assocla-1 tlon. Those planning to attend 1 arc asked to contact Gladys j Stephens, president of the local association, at 3310 for rcscrva-( tlons. Following dinner plans 1 will be discussed for the state convention to be held in Grants Pass, March 1, 2 and 3. Visits Parents Mrs. Elton Jackson and two children, David and Carolyn Sue, hove been visiting- here this week from their home at Tiller, and arc guests of Mrs. Jackson's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Comp ton, 1057 Melrose street. Jack son, who operate a mill at Til ler, Is expected hero this week end to Join his family for a short visit before returning home. Tires Stolen This thief made off with a worthwhile loot when he stole six tires, four new ones and two spares, from Oliver Oswald's car parked in front of the Elk hotel, about 3 o'clock Wednesday morning. Oswald re sides at Weyerhaeuser. Accord ing to police a man reported see ing the car pushed away from In front of the hotel. Wheel Stolen City police were advised by Marjorie El liott. 623 Martin street, of the theft of a tiro and wheel from her car tho night of February 10. to i Edison Marshall Book Comes as Picture Blake (Tyrone Power) grown up, making love to his coldly beauti ful cousin, Isabel, Blake and his South sea Island sweetheart. Ere (Gene Tierney). V f v A 1 Edison Of special Interest to Klam ath people is the picture, "Son of Fury," which opens this Sat urday at the Pelican theatre. It is the iilm version of Benja min Blake, the best-seller novel ot Edison Marshall, well known locally and the brother of Mrs. Victor O'Neill of the high school staff. Marshall is also first cousin of A. L. Marshall, Olene rancher. The author has visited here many times, is a native Oregonian and graduated from the University of Oregon. Pic tured above is Marshall (the picture was taken on a visit to Klamath Falls) and several scenes from the film. Attend Concert Among the out-of-town persons attending the Jose Iturbi concert in the Pelican theatre Tuesday night were Mrs. II. W. Rehcke of Bend, John A. Canton of Oak land, Calif., Mrs. Dorothy John ston, Corvallis; Mrs. Timothy Murphy, Dunsmuir; Mrs. M. Stephens, Eugene, Mrs. K. Pfis- ter. Salt Lake City U Mar- gucrlto Parizik, Tacoma, Wash, and Mrs. Dora Durham, Lubock. Tex. Returns Mrs. Z. W. Dixon returned to her home, 2350 Eberlein avenue, Tuesday from Seattle where she visited sever al weeks with her sister, Mrs Henry Gncrout. Mrs. Dixon ac companied her sister home after she had spent two months here. She also enjoyed a stay of sev eral days visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dixon of Portland en route home. Enlists Wllmuer Ray Clark, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. George C Stocking of 1616 Dayton street, passed through Klamath Falls Wednesday en route from Port land to San Diego following his enlistment In the United States navy. Clark, 33, has served as head fireman In the CCC camp at Tiller, Ore. Army Enlistments Recent re cruits at the Portlnnd army re cruiting station included Paul Creston Hannn, Klamath Falls, and Ernest J. Courville, Chilo- quln. In Hospital Charles B. "Bun" Browne, 801 Eldorado, well known Klamath Falls resident, Is qulto ill in Hillside hospital. He has been a patient at Hill side since February 8. Marshall, the author. Proves Wonderful For Itching Skin To soothe itching, burning skin, apply medicated liquid ZEMO a Doctor s formula backed by 80 years continu ous success I For ringworm symptoms, eczema, athlete's foot or blemishes due to external cause, apply ZEMO freely. Soon the discomfort should disappear. Over 25,000,000 packages Bold. One trial convinces. Only Also 60f! and $1.00. . J s-aCbmU Benjamin Blake as a child, portrayed by Roddy McDowall. 1 Blake as a leader of a mutin ous crew. I.,,,,,, M' "- Blake, on his right trial, to a establishes dukedom. Rotary R. C. Groesbeck, Klamath Falls attorney and member of the Oregon state board of higher education, will be the principal speaker at Ro tary club Friday at noon in the Willard hotel, it was announced by Mitchell Tillotson, program chairman. Groesbeck will dis cuss the program of the system. Valentine Party A valentine party will be sponsored by the Independent Study club Satur day evening. February 14, in the community hall, 2150 Gar den avenue. Husbands and friends of club owners will be entertained. Potluck dinner is scheduled for 6 p. m. Medical School Among 25 University of Oregon students accepted by the medical school in Portland for enrollment in June was Daniel Halferty of Klamath Falls. i - Spring fvH , COATS iiAA U W5 WW y Houses, f ; Luxury-light, spring-toned M p4 I a8stcallu $1.98 I colors . . . featherlight In 31 ftev ''I tnSl M I carefree swaggers, fitted, , jrtfl I "Mt?J e hoxy and wraparounds. Jr'l I shirts and ( Slim boy coats and soft L M J ITT srh to ea Jul r w J ' dressmaker styles. Sizes I , 1 j CP f rM 1 Mts, slii, " n oiir 12 to .20 and 38 to 44. I . Jfc i I U k 40 4"d ,ki I f x tsl. -Wi K t- L SB. . f. f " 'Cal7j ' J 1 Color. J$JZ? .p., .J.ThjW 4.ZLm A ?l...tcs for very -sss ia c R.k m.i linn a USE SEARS EASY PAYMENT, For All World Day Prayer Final ar rangements are being completed for tho World Day of Prayer which is to be held in the First Christian church Friday, Febru ary 20. This day, first Friday in Lent, Is set aside all over the world for women to meet In prayer, the service sponsored by Klamath churches. All women of the county are urged to attend. Those remaining for the all day service arc asked to bring a paper sack lunch. Tea and cof fee will be served by the host church. Visiting Joseph Orr of Saint Anthony, Ida., is visiting for several weeks at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. B. K. Behnke of Homedalc road. OBITUARIES OLIVE MAY GEORGE Olive May George, a resident of Klamath county for the past 3 years, passed away at her late residence in Chiloquin, Oregon, on Thursday, February 12. The deceased was a native of Kansas and was aged 64 years and 11 months when called. She is sur vived by her husband, Thomas of Columbus, Kansas; three sons, Charles Ohles of this city, Clar ence and Floyd Ohles of Chilo quin, Oregon; a daughter, Gladys Robertson of this city; two sis ters, Ardy Ohles of Auburn, Washington, and Emma Cun ningham of Oswego, Kansas; also three brothers and five grandchildren. The remains rest in Wards Klamath Funeral Home, 925 High street, where friends may call Friday after noon. Notice of the funeral ar rangements will be announced later. FUNERAL EFFIE BETTY JOHNSON The funeral service for the late Effie Betty Johnson, who passed away in this city on Mon day, February 9, will take place from the chapel of Ward's Klam ath Funeral Home, 925 High street, on Friday, February 13, at 2 p. m., the Rev. Victor Phil lips of the First Methodist church officiating. Commitment service and interment in the Linkville cemetery. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. The population of Rhode Is land increased to 711,669 in 1940, as compared with 687,497 in 1930. Purchases Totaling $10.00 iforilouril MAIL CLOSINU TIME (Effective September 28. 1941) Train 17 Souihbou.idi 8 a. m. Train 20 Northboundi 10:00 a. ra. Train 19 Southbound: S:4S p. m. Train 16 Northboundi 9:00 p. ra. Shasta PTA Members of the Shasta PTA are making plans for a box social to be given Fri day evening, February 20, in the Shasta school. Those attend ing are asked to wear aprons and overalls and it was an nounced that square dancing will be enjoyed. Parties Planned The Worn-1 en of the Moose will sponsor i the first of a series of card par-1 ties on Friday, February 3, at 2 p. m., in the Moose hall on Pine street. All women are invited 1 to attend. Lunch will be served j after the party. Potluck Lunch The Ladles , Eagles club will meet on Fri-' day, February 13, for a 1 o'clock ; potluck luncheon at the home of Stella Perscll, 2224 Biehn street. There will be a Valentine ex change. Missionary Society The Kathryn Beattie Missionary so ciety will meet at the home of Mrs. C. C. Crawford, 4690 Board man avenue, Friday at 10:30 a. m. There will be election of officers. Suburban League An Im portant meeting of the Suburban league is scheduled for Friday night at 8 o'clock in the Shasta school auditorium. All residents Bladder Weakness If tou cuZer from Gettint Dp W'ffht. Bsckacbe. Nervousness. Let Pains, Swollen Aatles txd feel worn out, due to non-organic and KJdner and Bladder troti blea. yoa Bbould try Cystrx which U firing loroat help to thousands. Printed guarantee Money bark unless completely aatlsfaetory. Ask your druggist for Cyatex today. Only 35c. of the area are invited to at tend. There will bo talks con cerning the use and distribution of gas masks, and discussion of fire prevention in the area. I I DRUMMER DIES PENDLETON, Feb. 12 (VP) No more will the Indian war drums of Charley Totus Throb at the Pendleton Round-Up pag eants. Tribal rites were held for him this week at the Cayuse cemetery after he succumbed at the age of 59 to pneumonia. An anti-aircraft gun is known as an "archie" in the ranks ot the British army. DON'T DISCARD YOUR OLD FUR COAT HAVE IT RESTYLED INTO A JACKET FOR SPRING! BRING YOUR COAT ' IN FOR ' ESTIMATES Price Are Reasonable Still s fm NEW fun COATS In Stocfc . . DRASTICALLY REOUCEDI Ubtrsl Ttrme Klanulh's Iialutlvs r-urrlsr Cummings FUR SHOP 115 So. 7th . V - t ".,.eS. Buy Defense Stamps and Bonds PLAN or More! to.