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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1942)
Jnntinry 2.1, 1942 TUB EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE 4 CRUSHING OF HITLER' BIG Four-H News T CLAIM SYRACUSE, N. V., Jnn. 23 OVt DoWIH MncKnulf, Wide World war, declares Hint al lied slralcuy must lint bo direct ed toward tlio HmiiahlnK of Jn pnn but townrd "thn crualiinK of the mnlnaprliiK of tho entire war Adolf Hitler." PicdlothiK ul 1 1 in ato allied tri umph, MncKonxIn, In on addrvaa prcpurpd for tho 22nd annual convention of tho Now York fituto Publishers' association aa sorted "wo cun Klvo Kronnd to Japan temporarily in tlio Orient nnd atlll win the world con . filet." ' The foreign affaira expert mild "tho one Brent thlnK wc luivo to remember in thut thin la a war of resourcca coupled with control of the never) sens which miuit lienr those reaource to the conihiitnnta." "Tho nil Ion hnve supremacy on tho seas, burrlnit tho west ern Pacific, ho continued. "They hnve by fnr the Kronler re sourcca and their reservoir of manpower la literally Inex haustible." "Our Inek of control of the Pacific certainly la a mutter of concern." MncKciule anlct, "bull fenr thut America for aentlmen tnl renaona is laying too much stress on thnt wenkneaa. The wnr with Japan la pnrt nnd par cel of the world upheaval and cannot be disassociated from It In military sense." "That being ao," he added, "allied atruteuy muat bo directed townrd concentrating on the ma jor objective. The Immediate Knnl la not the amnahlnu of Ja pnn but tho crushing of the mainspring of the entire war Adolf Hitler." "When wo nave finlahed off the German n we ahall then the rent of the axla structure will collapse ..." "Hitler's position la ao seri ous," he continued, "that un less his proverblnl good luck returns to him it will be only a matter of time nnd not such a long one nt thnt before be will come to the end he deserves." UMALL WORLD OLYMPIA. Wash. (!) Two U. S. navy ships met somewhere In tho Pacific and the McArlhur boys hnd a reunion. Allan McArthur told about it In a letter to his parents. When Allan's commander learned brother Donald was on the other ship ho ordered a boat lowered and sent Allan over. The navy Is making arrange ments to put both boys on the same ship. MEN! JUST RECEIVED a . LARGE SHIPMENT of RUBBER FOOTWEAR 4-buckIe dress and work OTershoes. also all kinds of work and dress rubbers. Sites S I 2. DREW'S M a n s t o r 733 Main Spicy Splashers and Frilly Dashers During tho meutlng of the Spicy Splashers and Frilly Dash era 4-11 Cooking club held ut tho Algomu community hall on Jun- uury 14, tho members decided to navo a drlvo on scrap Iron, paper, and rubber, to help our defense get ahead. After the bualueaa inuctlng, we had a dem onstration on creamed potatoes by Gloria Toe-key and Muryuolle McUrlde. Next, June Uurrott and Ueatrlco Isltt gavo a demon stration on cinnamon toast. Both demonstrations proved success ful, according to tho members who sumplcd them. Our local club leader, Mrs. C. H. Wclker, and 1 1 other members were present for the meeting. News Reporter, Murgurct Wclker. Algoma 4-H Builders At one of our last meetings we elected officers. Tho following wero elected: president, Jim Cobb: vice president, James Keeling; secretary, Lloyd Weger; and news reporter, Fred Hagol stein. The numa of our club is the Algoma Birds Eyo Pino liuilders. We hud songs and yells, .The 4-H members on tho entertainment committee urc llert Keller, Warren Jlmerson and Daniel Gonzales. Wo are now working on a garage, and we arc later going to make a home and a burn. News Reporter, Fred Hogcl.ttcin. Keno Sewing Club On Friday, January 10, 1042, we hud our first meeting of the Keno school 4-H Sewing club, at which wc chose our officials who arc as follows: president, Donna Layton; vice president, Alleen Athuns; secretary, Wanda Wall; news reporter. Gloria Jean Fltzsimmons. The other mem bers present were Zelda Ken doll, Bessie Ivle, Ledema Ivle, Evelyn King, Glenna Jean Ed wards. Betty La Fever, and Don ald Fredrlcks. Our next regu lar meeting will be Friday, Janu ary 23. News Reporter, Gloria Jean Fitzaimmons. Spraoue River Health Hustlers On January 5, the Healthy Hustlers of Spragua River high achool used for the first time their new scales, recently pur chased. They found the average weight gain for the class since September was 3 1516 or ap proximately 3 poundj.t They have two new members In their club. Charles and Virgil Knight, making a total of 30 club mem bers. News Reporter. Alma Young. Jitterbug Cooking Club This Is what we did In the Cooking club meeting held Jan uary 14. Carol Stebblns gave a discussion of milk, we sang songs, and gave some yells. All members were present except Alma Stover and Alctha School er. Ncwa Reporter, Verna demons. The Spier Splashers and Frillf Dashers Tho Spicy Splashers and Frilly Dashers 4-H club met at the Algoma community hall on Jon uory 7, 1042. with our local leader, Mrs. G. H. Wclker, and nine members present. After the business meeting, Mary O'Brien and Georgia Tockcy gave a demonstration on cream ed vegetable soup. Next Vir ginia Wclker and Margaret Wclker on vegetable salad. Both demonstrations proved success ful. Mrs. Eyestonc, the lower grade tcucher, wut a visitor ut our meeting. News Reporter, Mnrgarut Wclker. I ... The Happy Stitchers " The president called tho meet- ! ing to order. Dotty Wlllliita gavo tho song and yell. Then wo guvu the pledgo. Virginia Musten gavo tho roll call. The president usked fur old business, and then now. Tho leader taught tlio members how to uso pinking shears. We pluyed games, and tlio meeting was adjourned. News Reporter, Donna Hansen. ... The Crooked River Cookers Tho name of the Altumont Junior high 4-H Cooking 11 is Crooked Hivcr Cookers, Our club opened October 0, 1041. Wo liuvo hud one party since then; It was a Christmas purty, held December ID, 1041. Things thut take place in our club are as follows: president culls meeting to order. Roll call and minutes by secretary.- Then wc discuss the old end new business. When that is done, wo talk about the dish we have Just prepared. Then wo play a few games and sing 4-11 songs. After 45 minutes, tliu meeting is udjourned. We. have eight members. They ure President Patty Knoll, Vice President Genevieve Arnett, Secretary Ruth Wallace, News Reporter Verna Belle Ryan, Junet Kitchen, Lillian Unley, Georgia McGaukey and Ellen Kuhu. Georgia McGuuhey unci Verna Ucllc Ryan will give a demonstration two weeks from today ut our meeting, and that ' is the news up till today. Ncwb Reporter, Vernu Ucllc Ryun. ... Falrhsvan Betty Ross Sewing Club The lust meeting of Betsy Ross Sewing club was held January 2, 1042. First, the meeting was called to order by the presi dent. The business meeting was called to order, and the minutes and roil coll were read. The roll was answered by flowers, and there were five absences. There was no new or unfinished busi ness, so the girls started sewing. Tho girls sewed ubout half an hour, and the time was up, so the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of tho Betsy Ross Sewing club will be held next Friday in the Fairhavcn achool In the same room where it was held last time. News Reporter, Arlene Swegle. ... Leather Craiters The Leather Crofters leather club of tho Spraguo River school held another mauling Wednes day, Dccomber 30, 1041. It was found that several of the mem bers had dropped the club be cause of sickness and changing schools. They were as follows: Wcsly Riley, Leo Brower and Peter Chippa. It was also found that nearly all the members hod completed their five projects which were: book mark, comb case, key ring, coin purse, and bag tags. The members are go ing to continue their work in making other useful things such as belts, moccasins, purses, etc. News Reporter, Duane Seright. HIGH SCHOOL News Notes and Comment By MAURICE O'CALLAGHAN School Thursday was rather dull after the fun of Wednes day's uir raid drill. In reality ulr raid drills and air raids ure not 1 u n, how e v c r, tho fire wardens and the emergency Y.. 4 : warn PRECINCT Yamsay "bond pledge day" of ficials reported Friday morn ing, with a total of 60 pledges signed to further America's war drive, and Wordcn recorded eight pledges to purchase bonds. These returns up Klamath county's pledge day to an actual total of 6425 pledges signed, many carrying the names of two future bond-purchasers, with five county and one city pre cinct still to be heard from. Letters requesting pledge cards continue to pour into the office of Andrew M. Collier, county defense savings chair man, from outlying: districts, police on their Hirst Job got a lot of enjoy ment und pruc- tiec. Wc learned Thursday thatimony of wnlcn WCre snowed in one acciuent nn oiIbi dnv and nnnhlo to re. spond to the campaign. was reported. I n g v a r Swan- son, a fire warden, in his hurry to get to ills post tor some place else) ran into a wire and cut himself a little around the throat. Orphan Faces Life Term for Slaying Grocer in Holdup In a meeting Wednesday eve-1 OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 23 fP) nlnit the loeul chapter of the Left to shift for himself in the Ili-Y discussed a proposed trip to Medford March 6 and 7 for un Older Boys' conclave world when only five years old Everett Washburn today at 18 had to face the prospect of Glen Kennedy, president 0fPend'n8 the rest of his life in BC-MBER DOWN CHICAGO (VP) During the second act of "Hansel and Gre tel" one of the angels tripped and fell. Above the low moans of pity of the audience, the high-pitched voice of a small boy shrieked: "Keep 'cm flying!" the group, attended a meeting along Willi the other officers of the locul chapter at which the plans wero formulated by offi cers and advisors of several oilier lli-Y groups from various points in the stutc. On what he heard over in Medlord at this meeting he made a report to tlie group. Several plan to attend the gathering there. ... Saturduy night after the Pcli-enn-F.ugcnc game the DcMolays are sponsoring a dance at the Musonic temple. High school students are more than welcome. The Pep Peppers arc at It again. Selling, selling, selling that's about nil they do when not marching for the towns people at basketball and, foot ball games. This time they are selling pencils with basketball schedules printed on them. We only hope that they go better than the license plates with a football schedule printed on them that another high school group attempted to get rid of. (There arc probably a few left that you could get for a very small sum). The pencils sell for 5 cents. ... There will be a basketball ! game on the local, floor Satur day night with Eugene. Be sure to attend. In an opener the Wildcats will tangle with the Keno Eagles. Better be there to support the ! next stato champions, we hope. San Quentin prison. An Oakland Jury of seven wo men and five men found the boy guilty of the first degree mur der of William Hunna, Hayward grocer who was killed while re sisting a holdup last July. A hopeless deadlock was reported in the case of young Washburn's companion. Warren Brill, 15 also charged with Hanna's death. Washburn's father, according to Juvenile court records, desert ed his family when the boy was four. A year later, his mother was slain by another man. The boy was reared as a ward of the Juvenile court. The repression of prostitution is a civilian community prob lem and one over which mili tary authorities ordinarily have no direct control. Dr. Ray Ly man Wilbur, president, Ameri can Social Hygiene association. Mouth watering suggestions for weekend meals. Angel food cakes, custard angel cakes, ap ple sauce cakes and butter cakes. One slice . . . and you'll forget war news . . taxes and what have you. Buy' em at the POLLY ANN BAKERY. Where? Across from new tele phone building on North 8th. Price. 35c and 50c. Heel Repairing a Specialty Highest Quality Fast Service CONNERS SHOE SHOP 121 N. 8th St. FIND THE ANSWER- on YOUR CLOTHES LINE! If you're catching cold or your back aches, the clothes on the line are the reason. WITH OUR ECONOMY SERVICE you'll find dividends of Health and Happiness with every bundle you send us . . . and the investment is only 8c lb. w p CTrv&r- FREE Delivery Phone 4282 1 n rr These Arc Our Everyday Chicken Prices! Trulove's Chicken Center 919 EAST MAIN SATURDAY SPECIALS ncyTufffteys 29f PORK ROAST lb. 22c PORK STEAK lb.25c LARGE WHITE HENS lb. 22c FRYERS COLORED 2 lb THE HOME OF GOOD FRESH COUNTRY EOOSI THE SUNSET GROCERY 1911 Klamath's Oldest Independent Grocery OVER THIRTY YEARS OF QUALITY and SERVICE 1942 C3 CO USE MONARCH Corn 2 C3C Whole Kernel, No. 2 Tin J lotJ Vegetables 2 CA6 Salad No. 2 Tin .. for J v Peas 2 Early June No. 2 Tin for Telephone, No. 2 tin 3 for 55C Hominy 2 V No. 21 tin forJ Wet Shrimn - 4 ft . QUALITY FOODS Jumbo for 3 ST- ltd .5 J H J5 .3 Fruit Cocktail No. 21 Tin Bartlett Pears No. 21 Tin Oranges Mandarin 12-Os. Tin Grapefruit Juice No. 2 tin Santa Clara 2 tin Prunes In Svrup 2,.,69f 265 2 .AT 2 ,.,27' 2 ,..45 DIAL 3129 FOR COURTEOUS SERVICE PLUS FREE DELIVERY 15 Krisny Crackers 20c 2-Lb. Pka Oysters Fancy Pacific lO-Oi. Tin Sugar in Pure Cane Lbs. Syrup 9? Louisiana Pure Cane 5-I-b. Pall .. w Canned Milk 2 for M All Brands Jello Assorted Flavors , for- Swansdown Cake Flour , Shaker Salt Carton Fresh Dates Full Pound Package Cocoa Malt 1 Lb. Tin Nubora Giant Sise Miracle Whip Quart !"..... 25 2-17' 20 27' 49 39' Large Grapefruit 4 for 19c Fresh Garden Vegetables BROCCOLI . UTAH CELERY - SQUASH ARTICHOKES TOMATOES - PARSNIPS Large i Calavos 10c JL VLJLL GORGEOUS 1942 FURS AMAZINGLY 10W PRICED! 19 iL'f.t Mm i w ' Jf 1 1 .saw v y- A FUR VALUE THAT WILL MAKE AMERICA COME RUNNING TO SEARS! Fun thai lop the list for beauty, style, and long wear. We've done th almost-impossible to bring you these FASHIONS of elegance and gom our of this unbelievably low price. Beautiful, amazingly rich looking pelts in the proven successes of the season I A PRICE that's miraculous in our fur selling history proving why Sears leads the field today in r . popular-priced furs I Browns ond blacks... Misses' and Women's Sizes. You'll Find These Furs in the Group! SABLE DYED CONEY PIECED CARACUL SEAL DYED CONEY BUY DEFENSE SAVINGS STAMPS AND BONDS IlMlil ID (ill