Janunry 21, 1042 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NTNB McuJzeh and QinauUal STDGKIURKET PRESSURE CUTS 1ST PRICES NEW YOItK, Jun. 21 W) Btock market renlstanca lavrln were softened a bit today with a recurrence! of prowurn on ateMs, aircraft mid Imluntrliil blue chips and loiuns of fractions to nolnt or mora wero established i i . , , ,ri over a wicio iroiu. vuiuino won Qound 000,000 shnrcs. r nt th. firmer nhnra nnr. formers was l'liUno Mliu-s which rdKfd "P point r to nt one time. The slock hnn boon prom inent lately In connection with rport of enlarged shipments of tin from lui minei in uoiivia to the United Stiilra to make up In purl fr supplies cut o(f by wnr In the Orient. Dul'ont nnd J. C. Pommy lipped to now 1041-42 lowt. Others In the minim dlvlxtnn In eluded US Steel, Bethlehem Chrysler, DmiKlns, United Air craft, American Telephone, Wt-tlnghmiMi, Dnw Chemical, DuPont, Union Carbide, East, man, Rtnndard Oil (NJ, South. ern Pacific. Southern Hallway and Santa Fe. Uonds yielded some of their aim (cored earlier In the week Cloxlim quotations: t4lr Iteductlon 33 fflusko Junrnu 2 Al Chem St Dyo 135 Allis-Chalmcri 2Bi American Can 84 4 Am Car St Fdy 3Ui Am Had Sin San 41 Am Hull Mills Am Smelt ft M.f 414 Am Tel & Tel 120. Am T(.b "IV 474 Am Water Worki - 3 Am Zinc L48 41 Anaconda ... 271 Armour III 31 Atchison 32 Aviutlon Corp 31 fluid Loco ... 131 Ilondlx Avla 37 Hcth Steel 83 Iloclng Alrp 171 Burden - 20 k Uorgc-Warncr 22 .Xallf Pncklnii . 10 Qullahan Z L . ! Tulumot Hec 81 r'i.,.H,l. n,-w 111 Canadian Pacific 4 4 Cut Tractor 401 Celaneio 20 Chfs 4 Ohio 331 Chrysler Col Gas St El 80 Com'l Solvent 01 ('nmm'tiw'lth St Sou t I I A I 1 171 vuiuui niiiHii . Consol Edison . 134 Consol Oil 51 Confl Can 2(H Corn Products 834 Crown Zcllerbach lit Curtlss Wrliihl 81 Doug Aircraft 84 4 Dupont Do N 128 Knstman Kodak 1304 El Pow A Lt 14 General Electric 27t General Foods . 38 General Motors .. -Goodrich Ooodyear Tire . .. Tit Nor Ry pfd Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper .... Int Harvester Carload Potato Shipments Day of Month Reason 1041-42 Reason MMO-41 Jan. to Season Jan. to Season Jun. Dally Dato to Date Dally Dato to Date 1 0 0 3078 4 4 3824 2 H 8 3882 38 42 " 3882 3 13 11) 3803 47 80 8000 4 0 io 3(1115 6T 130 3039 8 2i 43 3719 17 138 3978 8 il 88 3734 39 103 4015 7 80 108 3784 84 240 4009 8 58 104 ' 8840 06 315 4133 8 40 213 8889 56 871 4191 10 82 275 3051 47 418 4238 U 20 203 3071 HO 478 4298 12 50 345 4021 13 403 4313 13 8S- 405 4088 45 ' 638 4338 14 38 443 4124 48 886 4408 15 42 485 4188 53 839 4459 18 42 527 4208 &8 897 4317 17 45 572 . 4233 40 748 4388 18 T 572 4233 il 702 4612 10 23 5D7 4278 il" 805 4625 20 20 823 4304 43 '" 848 4868 21 22 23 24 25 zzz zzzz 26 27 28 ""I - . " 31 ICE CHICAGO, Jan. 21 (P) Corn, rye and wheat price were up about cent a bushel and aoybeana almost 4 centa today as buying Interest expanded In tho grain market. An advance of one cent in the prlco at which the government Ig offering old corn for sale was an Important factor. Early frac tional galni attracted profession al short covering and processors' buying which accelerated the upturn In all pits. The upturn in soybeans, which carried prices to the best levels in four months and to within about 6 cents of the all- time peaks, was attributed to buying stimulated by reports of foreign demand for fats and oils. Oil is an Important product ob tained from processing of beans. Wheat closed 1-1 cent higher than yesterday, May $1,314-1, July f 1.321; corn lt-lic up, May 874-lc, July 89c; oats t-le up; rya 1411c higher; soybeans 3- 34e up. m .a .aaaa. Tenpin Topics By John Foster tolift Btttor) n. Rtckw - If.ll.r Handicap DlTtt . r. Eatoa . Al MaekM rnvvr - Handicap . Int Nick Can . 27 Int Pap & P pfd 584 Int Tl St Tel 2 324 131 124 234 Hi 74 111 401 Kennecott Lib O Ford Lockheed Loew'a Long Doll "A" Montgomery Ward Nuh Kelv Nufl Biscuit Nat'l Dairy Prod .... Nut'l Dlst Nutlonu! Lead ..... 359 211 214 374 34 271 41 ISi 14 211 13 N Y Central 81 No Am Aviation 121 North Amer Co Si Northern Pacific Si Otis Steel 64 Pac Amer Fish 64 Pac Ga & El 191 Pac Tel & Tel 97 Packard Motor ... 24 Pan Amer Airways 164 Paramount Pic ... 131 Penney (J C) 68 Pcnna R R 22J Phclpi Dodgo 30H Phillips Pet 40 Proctor St Gamble 504 Pub Svc N J 134 Pullman 241 Radio 3 Rayonlcr pfd 234 Republic Steel ..... 17 Safeway Stores .. 411 Sears Roebuck 82 1 Shell Union 13 Socony Vacuum 71 Sou Cal Edison 191 Southern Pacific 121 Sporry Corn 28 i Standard Brands 41 ml Li ntC'rr!X: 1 "p1!.'- saBJjIf AvaC HEIM OURSIrMCIMM jHLff 1 SOU? THUS. PROtUMS MOTION PICTURlS (Oft URST AI0 TRAIN INS RtCRf ATION PROORAMI MEN IN HOSPITALS TO SAFEOUARO UVE TO CHEER PATIENTS ,' ''mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM m TODAY, as always, the Amorlcan Red Cross Is on the front lines of the Nation's defense. It biggest job for the emergency Is linking Undo Sam's soldiers and sailors to the home front. Red Cross workers travel with America's far-flung farces, untangling the problems of the able-bodied, bringing comfort and cheer to tha disabled. Stand Oil Calif 201 Stand Oil Ind 254 Stand Oil N J 404 Stone & Webster 4t Studubnker 44 Sunshine Mining 54 Texas Corp 374 Trans-America 44 Union Carbide 67 Union Oil Cullf 134 Union Pacific 714 United Airlines 104 United Aircraft 324 United Corporation ............ I United Drug 64 United Fruit 674 U S Rubber 164 U S Rubber pfd 69 U S Stoel 621 Vanadium 19 Warner Pictures . 54 Western Union 244 Westlnghouse 704 Woolworth 274 POTATOES CHICAGO, Jan. 21 (AP USDA) Potatoes, arrivals 135; on track 333; total US shipments 976; supplies rather liberal, Idaho Russets demand light, market slightly weaker; offer ings other sections demand light. market unsettled; Idaho Russet Burbanks US No. 1. S2.09-3.00; Nebraska Bliss Triumphs US No. 1. $2.65-70; Minnesota and North Dokota Bliss Triumphs US No. 1, $2.00-30; cobblers US No. 1, $1.03-2,10; Wisconsin Chlppewos US No. 1, $2.05; new stock; supplies moderate, de mand light, market dull; Flor ida Bliss Triumphs US com mercials $1.50-33 per bushel crate. LOCAL QUOTATIONS (The following quotations are obtained from a good source, but cannot be guaranteed as covorlng every offer or sale, They represent prices to grow ers); For U. S. No. 1, $2.20-40. For U. S. No. 2, $1.23-40. LANSING RAM CAPTAIN NEW YORK Jim Lansing, Junior end, has been elected Fordham football captain for 1942, but may have to forego duties as he plans to enlist In navy air corps. NO MORE OPTION SAN FRANCISCO Southern division of Pacific Coast confer ence has eliminated the option of taking the basketball out of bounds rather than shoot a foul shot for its league games. The government is about to take a census of horses. Now maybo you'll find out what hap. poned to the one that disappear ed during tho third race yester day. Listening in at tha radio the other night, the thought struck us that this war is getting pretty serious they must be rationing jokes. , It will be a great mistake for our people to depend upon collapso of any enomy country to win tho war.-c-Scnator Tom Connally, Texas. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 21 (AP-USDA) CATTLE: Salable and total 300; calves salable 35 total 60; steers and heifers steady: dairy type cows under pressure, few sales weak to 25 cents lower, many bids 60 cent off; odd bulls steady; vealers steady to weak; part load good 131 lb. fed steers $12.15; com mon-medium steers $9.50-11.25; common-medium helfors $8.00 10.75: canncr-cutter cows $5.25. 6.50: fat dairy cows held around $7.00-75 or above; good beef cows lacking, quotable $9.00-33; medium bulls $8.73-9.25; good beef bulls quotable to $10.00; good vealers $13.50-14.00; choice quotable to $14.30. HOGS: Salable 500, total 1150; market active, steady to strong; good-choice 170-215 lb. drive-Ins $11.90 to mostly $12; few selected lots $12.10-15; 230 280 lb. weight $11.00-30; light lights mostly $11.00-25; sows weighing around 373-430 lb. $9-50-10.00; choice 72 lb. feeder pigs $12.00. ontcf: saiaDie ana loiai im. few weighty lambs unsold; ask ing fully steady; lightweight fed Iambs salable to $11.73 with car load fed lambs quotable to $12.35; fat ewes salable $5.30-75. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Jon. 21 (AP-USDA) A number of inquiries were re ceived for domestic wools in Boston today. Graded fine ter ritory quantities at $1.10-1.13, scoured basis. Graded three- eighths blood territory wool had some demand at 96-98 cents, scoured basis. Fair quantities of spot Australian and South Amer ican wools were moved at firm prices. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Jon. 21 W) Fed.-Stote Market News) CATTLE: Saloblo 100. Steers scarce, undertone barely steady; load medium to good around 1000 lb. steers $11.50 12.25, few comman $10.80 down; odd head medium grade heifers $10.50; beef cows weak, cutter and comman grades very slow, bidding 15-23 cents lower; few medium to good fed cows $8.75; fleshy dairy type $7.75-8.00; can ncrs and cutters $5.50-7.30; bulls scarce, quotable $9.65 down. Calves: Salable 5. Nominal; good to choice vealers quoted $13.00 to $14.00. HOGS: Salable 200. Mostly 5 cents higher; bulk good to choice 183-235 lb. barrows and gilts $12.40; medium to good lots $12.15; sows strong to 10 cents higher, bulk good grades $10.00 to $10.10. SHEEP: Salable 275. Bidding lower on fat lambs or under $12.85 on good to choice wooled offerings. Lata Tuesday, double good to choice, 89 lb. $12.75; good wooled ewes quotable to $6.50 or better. With credit to Harry Grayson, NEA Service sports editor: Twinkle WatU Is the only one in history who ever bowled six times her weight. Llttlo Miss Watts, you see, is only six and weighs no more than 42 pounds, yet has rolled as high as 250, with a regula tion size, 10 tt -pound ball. Giving exhibitions throughout the country, Twinkling Twinkle, whose homa la In Santa Monica, Calif., beat the celebrated Mrs. Floretta D. McCutcheon, among others, In New York. Mrs. Mc Cutcheon once defeated the then champion, Jimmy Smith, in a three-game match. Twinkle, as cute as a bug In a rug, astonishes veterans, who never saw anything like her. She has a better delivery than most star bowlers and the showmanship of a child movie star. She developed her rhythm and grace figure skat ing at which she also excels Twinkle WatU Is the most striking example to date that form, not strength. Is the basts of championship bowling. Strikes to spare: A grand. mothers' league Is forming in Chicago . . . There is a grand, fathers' league In Erie, Pa. . , The Original Grandfathers team of Los Angeles ought to chal lenge somebody . . . Robert Baker, Detroit salesman, Is the champion railroad shooter of the season ... He rolled a game in whlcl, he had eight railroads, or splits, and totaled 187 . . His wide ones were 3-10, 8-10 5-7, 7-9-10, 4-8, 4-6-7, 3-10 and 8-10 ... He converted the two 3-lOs and the 7-9-10 ... A turkey, or three consecutive strikes, In the late frames aided him to a 187 game ... He really had something at which to noot. William Kunstek of Jollet, Til., rolled a 300 game and 753 total. Bill Swindler of Dallas, only 20 and rolling in a league for the first time, also turned In a perfect game. Then William Tandrup, a 187 average bowler of Monrovia, Calif., rolled a 300 game, the 2500th to be recognized by the American Bowling Congress since that governing body creat ed an award system for high individual games in 1908. A total of 235 perfect games were recognized last year. So, keep "em rolling. You'll get there. .in 1ST hi m .141 1U 17 ta .107 im im tna .101 10t lOt 1H Wl Mt M( IMt 1M 1T 1T l IM Ml V l0 1U IM art iso ii ; M It M IM 117 Mt Ma tOW OVERSIGHT WINNIPEG, Jan. 21 VP) Can ada's athletic elite gathered last night to honor Theo Dubois, champion rower, who was voted the dominion's outstanding ath lete of 1941. That is, everyone except Dubois was present. Finally he arrived and Toast- master Bruce Murray apologized with "I forgot to Invite the guest of honor." SALICA WINS NEW YORK, Jan. 21 (UP) Lou Sallca of New York, ban tamweight champion, outpoint ed Aaron Seltzer of the Bronx In a 10-round over-the-weight bout at the Bronx coliseum Tuesday night before a crowd of 5000. Sallca weighed 118, Seltzer 1241. PORTLAND, Jan. 21 (UP Martin Chaves, captain of the Oregon State college Rose bowl football team, Monday enlisted in the navy as an air cadet. The big guard from Baker, was the third Oregon State grid der to enlist in the armed serv ices. NOTICE OF SALE EWM; 1201 ft. N from SW cor. of SW4NW4; th. at RA 100 ft.; th. N par with W line of sd. sec. 100 ft.: th. Wly 100 ft. to W line of sd. Sec; th. Sly along sd. W line of Sec. 23 to p.o.b., con, .23 acs. In S23T34SR8EWM, $ 20.00 Beg. at a pt. on Wly line of Sec. 23 Twp.34 SRS EWM, 1100 ft. N of SW cor. SW4NW4; th. Z 100 ft.; th. N 100 ft.; th. W 100 it, to W line sd. Sec., th. S 100 ft. to vxi.b. cont. .23 acs. In S23T34SR8EWM $ 20.00 Por. SWJNW4 des. deed vol. 89 pg. 220, 100 ft. by 100 ft. cont. .23 acs., S23T34SR6EWM, $ 20.00 S4NW4. NEiSWi, Nl NWiSWi less por. dese. deed vol. pg. 141, 0.7 ac. S23T34SR6EWM 40.00 SW frac, 160 acs., 531 T35SR10EWM $800.00 S4NW4. 80 acs.. S32T35 SR10EWM, $400.00 N4SW4, SW4SW4, S29, NW4NWJ, S32T35SR14- EWM $400.00 E4E4WJNW4NEt, 6 acs., S16T38SR6EWM $ 80.00 StNEi. NtSEt, 160 acs., S26T36SR9EWM S 40.00 NW4SW4, 40 acs., 81 K. T. Sola . Tjler Pwnogtittl Handicap MIXIB SIS 4 o. Mi, McCletrj llnbloaon . May Entll Handicap SpMdbalto -isa las m im no im ui ssi i7r im i7 ft:7 134 Its IJa 437 MM M 111 Ua 711 701 two IS7 IM TO 47J 1.'.B ISI IS M .15! 117 140 4T 1M 147 140 tt 70 70 SI0 674 719 tl I0S5 A. Oriar . r. Miin. J. Col Peony Bray , Handicap Lov , Soty DeLurr . Kararttr& Handicap C. Ha!y II. Prill . V. Halfy U Srltl . Handicap M5 IM 177 4M -ISO 1U 130 4S.4 14 1SS I7 4M -ISO IM 190 4S3 70 70 70 110 tat t 7st ton t -171 140 m m -141 107 1U SM ia iss 16 4;il i:4 its in sos .107 107 107 tSl hi us en torn Allay Rata Lou McCotlun J. Clark . Itathlanr Handicap Hot Stuff -IM 147 lit lit -177 ISO 151 tit IIS 117 131 S4 .ISO 170 ISO 517 - M M M 174 740 til tU KHt -in in its to? -141 1SS 1S4 401 -208 1( in Ml -174 04 US ttt - 60 SO SO 110 700 SSO 604 W34 .16 US HI 47S Hold Everything! cost. i4 rr nt. stuvict, inc. t. m. ma. u. t at. err. "Shall we take the coupe or the open job?" Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, sheriff of Klamath county, Oregon, pur suant to an order of the county court of Klamath county, Ore aon. dated January 14, 1942, will, on the 20th day of Feb ruary, 1942, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dav. at the front door of the county courthouse in Klamath Falls. Oregon, sell for cash the real property hereinafter des cribed for the sum of not less than the amount set out after each of the separate parcels hereinafter described, same be ing the minimum price as set by the said county court. The said real property is described as follows: NE1, S13T23SR9EWM,....$ 40.00 N4N4, S21T23SR9EWM, $ 4U.UU 4 acs. thru SEiSEt, S26, .19 ac. thru SEtNEt, 1 ac. thru SE4SE4. S34T23- SR9EWM - 10.00 8 acs. thru Lot 1, 3 acs. thru Lot 2, 11 acs. thru SW4NE4, 1 ac. thru NWJSE4, 2 acs. thru NE1SW4. S ac. thru SE4- SW4, .23 acs. thru SWt SWi, S5, 1 ac. thru SE4 NE4, 4 ac. thru NE4SE4, 1 ac. thru SfciatJ. 3 acs. . thru SW4SE4. S7T23SR- 10EWM. $ 10.00 4 acs. thru NW1NW4, 2 acs, thru SWINWi, S8, 3 . acs. thru NW4NEJ, 3 acs. thru NE4NWJ, 4 acs. thru SE4NW4. S18T23- SR10EWM $ 10.00 SEiSWl. land only, 40 acs, S33T23SR10EWM, $ 10.00 W4. S36T23SR10EWM. $ 80.00 3 acs. thru Lot 3, S3T24- SR9EWM .. $ 10.00 SW4NE4, 40 acs. S25T24- SR9EWM $ 10.00 NE4SE4, 40 acs. S25T24- SR9EWM $ 10.00 SWi frac. 160 acs. S31- T24SR9EWM $ 40.00 Out Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, of Corral Springs, 182 acs. S16T27SR8EWM $ 40.00 W4NE., E4NW4, less .88 ac. to GNRR desc. deed vol. 121 pg. 405, SEJ SWi, NW4SE4, less 3 acs. RR deed vol. 64 pg. 44, 238.12 acs, S21T27- SR8EWM, $ 20.00 SW1SW4, E4SWJ, SW4 SEi, less 4.3 acs. hy, 157 acs., S28T27SR8EWM, .. $ 15.00 W4E4, SEJNW1, E4SW4, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 449 acs, S31T27SR8EWM, $110.00 S W 4 N E 4, SWINWi, SWi, less 6 acs. RR & less 5.6 acs. hy, 228.4 acs, S33T27SR8EWM. .. $ 60.00 NWiSEi, 40 acs, S28- T27SR8EWM $ 10.00 N4 frae., SWi, NISEI, SWiSEi, less 11.624 acs. desc. deed vol, 95 pg.' 202, 586.50 acs, S1T29- SR7EWM, $140.00 SEINE, Its. 1, 3, 4, Si NWi, S4 less 15.62 ac. deed vol. 05 p. 202, S2- T29SR7EWM, $140.00 NEi frac, 160 acs, S32- T30SR8EWM $800.00 SiNWi, Lots 3, 4, 133 acs., S2T31SR8EWM $700.00 Lots 3. 4, S31, W4SWI, 153 acs, S32T32SR7- EWM $ 40.00 NEiSWi. 40 acs, S25- TSSSReEWM $1100.00 SWi, 160 ocs, S4T33- SR7EWM $ 40.00 NEi frac, SWi, 319 acs., S5T33SR7EWM, $ 80.00 Beg. at a pt. on the Wly line of Sec. 23, 400 ft, N of SW cor. of SWi NWi: th. E 100 ft.; th. N 100 ft.; th. W 100 ft. to Wly line of sd. Sec; th. S 100 ft. to p.ob, cont. .23 acs. In S23T34- SR6EWM $ 20.00 Beg. at a pt. 600 ft. N of SW cor. of SWINWi of Sec. 23; th. E 100 ft.; th. N 100 ft.; th. W 100 ft. " th. S along W line of sd.- Sec. 23 to p.o.b, cont. ' ' .23 acs. in S23T34SR6- EWM, $ 20.00 Beg. at a pt. on Wly line " of Sec. 23 Twp.34 SRS $ 40.00 8.00 y $ 8.00 i., $ B.00 i, $ 8.00 , $ 8.00 it- . 9.00 EWM N4S4SE4SEi, 11 T36SR14EWM, S9T36SR14EWM, .. SiNiSWiSWi, 10 S9T36SR14EWM, .. S4S4NWiSE4, 10 S11T36SR14EWM, SJNiNWiNEi, 10 acs S23T36SR14EWM, NiSWi frac, SElSEi, 118.87 acs, S30T36SR14- EWM $ 30.00 Lot 4. SWiSE4, 80 acs. S3rT36SR14EWM $ 20.00 S4N4, SWi, NiSEi, SWi SEi, 440 acs, 53ZT38- SR14EWM $110.00 NElNWi, 40 acs, S8T36- SR15EWM, 80.00 E4E4, 160 acs, S7T37- SR7EWM $ 40.00 NEiNEi, 40 acs, S15 T37SR10EWM, $ 10.00 WiSEi. NEISWI, 120 acs, S14T37SR114EWM, $ 40.00 NEiNEi, SiNi, NEiSEi, 240 acs, S8T37SR14- EWM. $ 60.00 NEiNEi. 40 acs, S18- T37SR14EWM, $ 10.00 NiSEiSEi, 20 acs, Sll- T37SR14EWM f 8.00 SiNWiSWi. 20 acs, S3- T37SR15EWM $ 10.00 SEi. 160 acs, S11T37- SR15EWM - $ 40.00 N 4.S acs. Lot 3 desc. deed vol. 99 Dft. 199. S10- T38SR8EWM $ 6.00 Beg. at a pt. which is the intersec. of the Wly RW line of the 60 ft. County rd. 3c the S Sec. line of Sec. 7; St which bears N 89'42' W a dlst of 365.2 ft. from the SE cor. sd. Sec.; run th. N 8942' W along the S Sec. line of sd. Sec 7 a dist. of 364.54 ft. to a pt.: th. N 3185' W par. to the Wly RW line of the Co. Kd. a dlst. of 141.24 ft.: th. S 8942' E par. to the S Sec. line a dist. of. 364.54 ft. to a pt. on the Wly RW line of the Co. Rd.; th. S 3155' E along Wly RW line of the Co. Rd. a dist, of 141.24 ft. to p.o.b, be ing a por. SElSEi, cont. 1 ac. S7T38SR9EWM. (Assessor's Lot No. 88) $ 60.00 SEiNWi, NiSWi, SEi SWi. 160 acs, S14T38- SR9EWM, $ 40.00 SEiNWi. 40 acs, 515- T38SR9EWM - $ 10.00 Por. NEiNWi desc. deed vol. Ill pg. 589. 1.4 acs. S18T38SR9EWM $800.00 Frac. SEiSEl desc. Pro. vol. 7 ptt. 373, 1.07 acs. S19T38SR9EWM, $400.00 SW 12.03 acs, NEiSEi desc. deed vol. 105 pg. 417, SI 9T38SR9EWM, $2000.00 NWiNWi, NEiSWj, 80 acs,- S23T38SR9EWM $ 40.00 SiSWi, S21, EiNWi, 160 acs, T28T38SR10EWM, $ 40.00 5 29 acs. In SEiNWi desc. deed vol. 85 pg. 177, S25T38SR11JEWM, $ 30.00 Por. NEiNWi desc. deed vol. 91 pg. 521, 3.42 acs, Por. EiNEi vol. 91 pg. 539, Por. NWiNEi vol. 91 p. 538, S35T38SR114- EWM, $ 88.01 Por. SWiNWi desc. deed vol. 93 pg. 487, 2.62 acs, Por. E1SEI desc. deed vol. 91 pg. 533, 1.72 acs, S36T38SR114EWM $ 23.67 SEiNEi less 1.2 acs. RR 6 less 2.4 acs. rd, 36.4 acs, NEiSEi less 0.9 acs. rd, SEiSEi less 0.9 ac. rd, S35T38SR114- EWM, $2300.00 E4E4, 160 acs, S16T38- SR11EWM, $160.00 SWiSEi, 40 acs, S30- T38SR11EWM $250.00 WiSWi, 40 acs, S20T38- SR12EWM, $ 40.00 NWi, 160 acs, S36T38- SR13EWM .-. $160.00 WiEi, less .36 acs, RR, 159.64 acs, S25T39SR7- 9WM $160.00 SEiSWl, 40 acs, S2T39- SR8EWM $ 40.00 NiSWi, 80 acs, S10T39- SR8EWM; :.. $ 80.00 SJNWi, S21T39SR8- EWM, $ 80.00 NiSEi, SEiSEi, 120 ' acs, S9T39SR8EWM $ 40.00 NEiNEi, SI NEi, 120 acs, S16T89SR8EWM, ... 40.00 Per. NEiSWi desc. deed ' vol. 93 pg. 24, 0.5. acs. SI 2T39SR8EWM, , $ 1.00 NEiNWi, 40 acs, 816- T39SR8EWM, $ 10,0 Frac. SEiNWi dese. deed vol. 71 pg. 363, 1.31 acs, S5T39SR0EWM 1400.04 NEiNEi, 40 acs, S2TT39- oniuc. wjvi, a ev.ov NW4NE4, 40 act, S27 T39SR10EWM 9 40.00 SEtNWt, NWiSEi, 60 acs, S32T3flSRlliEWM, 9 80.04) Por, SEiSEi desc. deed vol. 83 pg. 88, 0.72 ac, ' "-. Por. SWiNEi, NiSEi desc. deed vol.. 91 pg. , 520. SI. Por. NiNEi. SEiNEi desc. deed vol. - a 91 pg. 620, 7.98 acs, S13 Por. SEiSEi desc, deed vol. 91 pg. 829, 1.55 acs, S2T39SR11EWM $ ST4I Por. SWiSEi desa. deed vol. 91 pg. 817, 1.80 acs. Por. SEiSWi deso. deed vol. 91 pg. 818. 0.88 ac, Por. SEiSEi desc. deed vol. 91 pg. 525, 0.12 ac, ' Por. SWiNWi, NWi ; S Wi dese. deed vol. 91 pg. 627, 2.72 acs, S5T39- SR11EWM $ 63.60 Por. W1NEI St Lot.- 3 ' desc. deed vol. 91 pg.. 522, 3.95 acs, Por. NWi-. NWi desc. deed-vol. 91 pg. 538, 0.05 ac, Por.' . SEiNEi desc. deed vol. : -. 91 pg. 537, 1.88 acs, S8; Por. NEiNEi desc. deed -vol. 91 pg. 830, 1.69 acs, S8T39SR11EWM, $ 78.11 Por. NWiNEi desc. deed vol 91 pg. 680, 1.69 acs, Por. SiNWi desc. deed vol. 91 pg. 860, 3.23 acs, , Sll; Por. SWiNEi desc. . , deed vol. 91 pg. 531, .85 . . ac, Por NiNWl desc deed vol. 91 pg. 828, 3J9 acs, S12T39SRUEWM, $7t.$S NEiNWi, 40 acs, SEi NWi, NEiSWi, less 13 acs, desc. deed vol. 134 ntr. 327. 65 acs.. S8T39. ' ' " SR11EWM . $900.6 Lot 6, 10 acs, S11T39 SR11EWM, $400.0 NiSiSEiSWl, 10 acs. ' S13T39SR15EWM, ........ 9 10.09 NiNiNWiSWi. 10 acs. S24T39SR15 EWM, 9 10.00 NiSiNEiNEi, 10 acs, S26T39SR15EWM 9 10.00 Por. Lot 4 desc. deed vol. 90 pg. 140 10 acs, : S1T40SR7EWM, $ 10.0 SWlylNWiNWi. SiNWi, . SWi, 260 acs, S13T40- -SR7EWM, ...... 9 T0.QO SWi, 160 acs, S14T40- SR7EWM 9 40.00 NEiNEi, 40 acs, S23 T40SR7EWM .... 9 10.00 SEiSWi, SiSEi, SEi NWi, SINZi, NEiSWi, V r NiSEi, 360 acs, SZ4T40- . SR7EWM, 9 0,06) NEiNEi. 40 acs,,S35-- T40SR7EWM, . ......... 9 10.00 Frac. NEiNEi desc. as " Lots 24 to 28 ind. Blk. ' ' 3, Vac. So. Midland, 0.8." ac, S1T40SR8EWM, . 9 -80 Frac. NEiNEi desc. as x Lota 11, 12, Blk. 8,' St Lots 26, 27, 28, Blk. 6, Vac. So. Midland, 0.8 ae. ' S1T40SR8EWM, 3.80 Frac. NEiNEi desc. as , . i Lota 15, 16, 17, Blk. 7, . " Vac. So. Midland, 0.3 ac. S1T40SR8EWM 1.60 SWiNWi, NEiSWi,. 78.68 acs, S19T40SR8- EWM 9 40.00 EiSWi, 80 acs, S10T40- SR10EWM, ... .v.... 9 20.00 SEiNEi, EiSEi, 120 acs, S10T40SR11EWM, ,...v... 9.60.00 SWi, 160 acs, S11T40- SR11EWM, ..9 80,00 NWiNWi, 40 acs., S14- . .. T40SR11EWM, 9 20.00 SINEi, SEiNWi, El- SWi, WiSEi, NEiSEi,. . ..4 320 acs, S15T40SR11- . EWM, 91W.00 SiSi, 160 acs, S17T40- " SR13EWM ..... 9 80.00 NiNWi, S20T40SR13- . EWM, 9 80.00 Lots 3, 4, EiSWi, 172.95 ' ' " acs., S18T40SR13EWM, 9 40.00 NEiSWi, 40 . acs, Sll- T41SR5EWM ;...9 10.00 NWiSWi, 40 acs, Sll- T41SR5EWM, .. ;. 9 10.00 SWiSWi, 40 acs, S10- T41SR6EWM .9400.00 WiSWi. 80 acs, S11T41- " SR6EWM 9 40.00 SiSEi, 80 a is, S11T41- SR6 EWM 9 30.00 NINi, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, , 243.64 acs, S16T41SR7- EWM 9 60.00 NWi, 160 acs, S9T41- , SR7EWM, . 9 40.00 NWiSWi, 40 acs, Sll- T41SR7EWM ... 9 10.00 NWi frac, 161 acs, 87- T41SR8EWM, 9 40.00 SEiSWi, 40 acs, S12- T41SR8EWM 9400.00 NEi frac. 157 acs, 63- T41SR13EWM 91400.09 SHEETS 13 to IS inc , SEiSEi, 40 acs, Sll- T41SR13EWM 9 10.00 NEiNEi, 40 acs, S14- : T41SR13EWM 9 10.00 WiNEi, 80 acs, S24- T41SR13EWM, 9 30.00 K. F.-Buena Vista, LI, - Bl, 9180.00 L2, Bl 9 90.00 L3, Bl 9 80.00 L4, Bl 9 80.00 K. F.-Buena Vista, L8, Bl, 9 80.00 L6, Bl, 9 80.00 L7, Bl 9180.00 L8, Bl 9 80.00 K. F.-Buena Vista, L9, . Bl ,....... 9 80,00 L10, Bl 9180.00 Lll, Bl 9120.00 L12, Bl 9180.00 K. F.-Buena Vista, L10, : B2, 9180.00) K. F.-Buena Vista, LI, B3 , 9 80.0 L2, B3, , 9 80.00 L3, B3. . 9 80.00 K. F.-Buena Vista, Li, - (Continued on Page Tea)