Jitnunry 21, 1942 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON PAGE THREES 3 SPRAGUE RIVER BENEFIT 51 TAKES IN 51 DO SPRAGUE IUVEIl Over $100 waa tukun In ut tho Hud Cross benefit progrum urnl dunco hold In tho lucul school uuclltorluni Saturday night, Junuury 17. A mull oxponno account of losa than $20 will leuvu tho aum ut cluao to tho hundred dollar murk as other donations aro expected to awell tho prorit. All of tliia money will bu used for tho Hud Crota. Tho program over an hour and a half In length featured num ber after number of a putrlnllc ..nature. From tho tlmo of the Qprosontatlon of thu Hug to the retiring of tho colora a rapid fire aerloa of acta prosented tho beat of town and school talent. Mm. Petor Strelt, local Red Croaa nurao, who woa bndly wounded neur tho front lines during the World war told of v the worth of the orgunUatlon to the aoldlera und clvllluna. Sho told ulao of tho history of tho Ited Croaa, which wua organized to relieve humun suffering. Superintendent ltolund Parks of tho ichool acted aa master of ceremonlea during tlie evening. Numbers attracting special at tention were tho tableuua featur ing patriotic scenes with a back ground of patriotic music. An elementary chorus of over 80 volcea thrilled tho audlcnco with lis rendition of "God Bless America." A ninny colored spot light wua used on all or tho solos ftind tublcuua. Itcv. Sickles kiivo n outstanding! number, "The Soul of tho Old Violin," ac companied by Miss Florence Stone and Mrs. Helen lloffmnn. Tho girls glea club of the high school presented an original snug composed by Mrs. Helen Hoff man for the program. It was "Memories of Pearl Harbor." To ahow tho willing generosity of tho Bpraguo River people for a good cause a clear profit of over 131 waa made on mo nig rake given to the program by Wolff'a bakery of Chlloquln. The cake woa auctioned oft and had to be aold three tlmea before tho auctioneer finally donated it to tho women In tho kitchen ', to be resold for dance suppers. Tho largo sum realized for the venlng la even more unusiiul Insomuch as the price of admls- Qilon was only 25 cents for each dult to Include the hour and n half program and four hours of dancing. Former Klamath Resident Dies PORTLAND. Jan. 21 UP) Funeral aervlces for Alvln Y. Beach, 78, deputy county asses sor for SS years after coming to Portland in 1004 from Lakovlcw where he had published the Lake County Examiner, wero held today. He lived at Klnm- ath Falls before moving to Lake- vlow. He died Tuesday. Wo must pour our wealth, our energies and, If necessary, our lives Into one overwhelming ef fort. Wendell Wlllkle, 1040 GOP presidential nominee. Drink Ice-to. . Coca-Cola. Taste its delicious goodness. Enjoy the happy affcivsense of refreshment It brings. By just this ex perlence of c..)ple!e refreshment, millions have come to wel come the qwfcf'of Coca-Cola the quality of the nal thing. lOTHID'tiMpia AUTHORIfY Of THI COCA-COIA COMPANY IY COCA COLA . BOTTLING COMPANY OF KLAMATH FALLS 885 8prin9 ai. : it Phone 863a This Sacred Picture Can lie Yours 1 ss- m SO MM. MOUUMO10 . MM. MOUUMOlft UtTl, , PATTERN 7181 Thla embroidered picture of tho Sacred Heart is lh easiest stltchcry and costs little to em broider. Pattern 7181 contains a transfer pattern of a picture 104x14 Inches. Illustrations of stitches; materials needed; color chart. To obtain this pattern send 10 certs In coin to Tho Herald and New Responsibility Good For Soldier's Wife, Claim By RUTH MILLETT When her husband was culled Into the army a year ago she got busy and rented their house, furnlluro and all, packed up tho bare necessities for living, oiled tho kids In the family car and moved to a homo neor her hus band's post. Then, she felt It was her place to be with her husband, even though It meant accepting poorer living conditions, uprooting her children, and leaving her: friends. 1 Today, she's going back to the 1 house alio rented; going back with the children to make the ' best life sho can for herself and , her family until tho war Is over and tho man of the house Is free 1 to come home. Thero aro thousands of wives I doing exnetly the same thing to- j day as their men are moved by the army to whatever place they aro needed. Thcy'ro a plucky, uncomplaln- j ing lot, these soldiers' wives who I have had suddenly to assume all j responsibility (except, perhaps, flnnnclul) for looking ofter their j families. Th.u'll fill II, li mrnr llm I if they manage to have any, do Ing war work. They'll contrive to keep in touch with their friends so as to have some social life. They'll see that their children i aro proud of their soldier fnth-1 er but not worried about him. And they'll outdo themselves trying to keep their children so busy and entertained that they I won't feel the lack of their dad's i LI.. , Women don't develop very quickly as persons so long us mem is a man nicy can cling to. ilOIIKclloM Arts by Alice Ilrnoks Handiwork That Will He Your Pride AaTTf. . News. Household Arts Dcpt Klamuth Falls Do not send thin picture, but keep it and the num ber for rcfcrcnco Be uro to wrap coin securely, us a loose coin often slips out of the en velope Requests for patterns should read. "Send pattern No to lollowed by your name and ad dress They show up well In wartime because in wartime they are forced to stand alone. A professor says nazls lack a sense of humor. Hut that com munique predicting the fall of Moscow in three days still is our choice for tho best gag of 1841. $65 1. Vacuum clean Imido of car. 2. Steam clean motor. 3. Test antlfreeis and report on strength. 4. Tighten all host connections and head bolts. 5. Wash car complete in warm water. B. Lubricate motor, including atarter, generator, distributor and all throttle linkage, 7. Clean and re-oil air cleaner. 8. Lubricate all door hinges and latches. 9. Test battery colls for strength, check cables and ter minals. 10. Fill steering gear housing to proper level. 11. Lubricato all pressure fittings. 12. Clean springs and spray with penetrating oil. 13. Check transmission and differential for proper level. 14. Clean, repack and adjust front wheel bearings and in spect brake lining. 13. Check front whool alignment for tiro wear on Bean Front End Machine. $3.65 SPECIAL $3.65 Phona 4103 for Appointment Dick B. I Corner Klamath and Seventh ,a m m m m 'Darken Ship, Gigantic Vessels on Patrol By TOM YARBOUGH WITH THE UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET, Jan. 21 UP) It is aunaet, and tho ship's loudspeaker broadcasts the or der "durken ship, darken ship." Tho loudspeaker emits a mournful tone. The voice com ing from it la mindful of a po ll co broadcaster "calling all cars, calling all cars," with a bud cuso of adenoids and a cold. The tropical night fulls quick ly. Not a pinpoint of light la Allowing aa our heavy cruiser and its companion warships plunge ahead on a gigantic pa trol job somewhere in mid-Pa cific. There isn't any cocktail hour, ; for Uncle Sum's navy ia still j bono dry; but out here at sea where watches aro hard and I stakes are high, there la less j howling about the lack of a ! drink than there la in Honolulu, j which went dry under martial ; law after the Japanese attack of Dec. 7. . It is war by night, the same as by day. In the distance can bo seen the fuzzy silhouettes of j the great ships that are with j us. A false turn anywhere would mean disaster. Disaster also awaits any ves- sc-1 that falls to show the cor-' rcct recognition signal after we challenge It. This deadly force has pa trolled hundreds of thousands of square miles the past few days, almost entirely without incident. A few enemy subma rines were reported sighted, but Hamburger Steak, French-fried Potatoes, Milk, Coffee, lee Cream 40c BURR-O-N Special! i Complete Automotive Service (30 Days Only) Miller Co. Phone 4103 You trust its quality Darken Ship1; what happened to them remains for the navy to soy. Most of the shooting has been target practice. No major Jap anese forco has appeared in these waters since Dec. 7, when Hawaii waa surprised with a murdcroua attack. Gunners' Itchy trigger-fingers make it tough on whalca, whose big shadows often resemble sub marines. As one officer cau tioncd his men: "When you see a whale with a conning tower and a gun, It's no longer a whale." This afternoon our guns gave SAVE AMERICA! SAVE YOURSELF! The future of all of us de pends on what each of us does NOW. When billions are needed, none of us can hang back. Every penny you own must be put to work. BUY U. S. DEFENSE BONDS Already Broken Inl "Sandy Kevins" Comparable to MC $5.00 Shoesl s53 Adapted from hand made custom models! Flexible as split bamboo! Crack-resistant leather insoles. All sizes, all widths. BOYS' DRESS 0XF0RPS Sandy Nevln Jr., brown moc casin toe dress oxfords for boys! Mado of extra strong leather, long wearing red rubber roles, heels. 1 to 6 Boys' Shoes . . 2.98 495 MEN'S WORK SHOES Patented nntl shock cushion, leather Inside arch support, and famous Goodyear . welt construction. One - piece all leather Insolo. 8-Inch Work Shots '. . 5.98 f . Jig l 133 So. 8th a demonstration of the kind of fire an enemy ship would have to face. The blast of the first salvo caught me off guard as I turned aside to get some cot ton for my ears. It nearly took me off my feet. The target waa on a raft towed by a destroyer. Through our binoculars we could see geysers shoot into the air on all aides of the target aa our turret gun aalvoa struck home. The gunnery officer kept ahouting Into his telephone "Good shooting, good shooting." In another target practice, one antiaircraft gun fired a shell that left a compact burst of dense black smoke hanging In the aky, to represent an en emy plane. Streams of machine- gun fire guided by, tracer bul -MM tll UN EM I iy 3 BOYS' MELTON JACKETS Rain and snow resistant 30 ounce all wool fabric (20 new, 40 re-processed, 40 re-used). Zipper front. a SUe 8-18 3.17 FASHION TOWER P.J. S Coat or slip-over middy style in flannelette. Sanforized, not over 1 shrinkage. Vat dyed washfast 110 colors I I T lets were poured straight into the center of the smoke. Again the gunnery officer cried out: "Good shooting." Hobo Traffic Takes Sharp Drop SALEM, Jan. 21 (P) There's been a sharp drop In the hobo business, and Southern Pacific railroad officials blame It on the war. The Salem police station usu ally provides lodging for 40 to SO transients per night during winter, but this winter the num ber has dropped to from 10 to 13 a night. Southern Pacific officials here said there are few hoboes rid ing the freight trains, so he fig- ifi i .sV&V.rr BOYS' HUSKY CORDS Cream, blue or tan narrow wale corduroy. Well tailored, too, with sturdy bar tacks at all strain points 1.93 HEAVY WORK SOX 10 durable re -processed wool, 80 cotton, 107c ray on. Cotton-reinforced heels and toes. Seamless feet. Sizes 10, 11, and 1 OC 12 pairs & 1 J 3i r t WMMSk urea many of them must be Join ing the armed forces or working in defense jobs. NO VICTIMS SALEM, Jan. 21 UP) Salem's new antl-jaywalking ordinance, which provides penalties of ISO fine or 60 days in Jail for any person who crosses the street ex cept at intersections or for cross ing against a red light, failed to catch a single victim yesterday, when It went Into effect. COLDS- FIGHT MISERY wnere you feel lt-rub ft 4t i throat. eh..s .. WlfTIf J backwith time-tested VVajoRu! Long staple cotton yarns , heavy - - . suits! Ribbed cuxi one-outton fl-P . seat. Gray random. S 38 to 48. QUALm USUALLY SELLING FOlWj. BOYS' LEATHER JACKETS Aviator style capeskin leath er packets with double breast ed zip front. Roomy, QjJ well-proportioned sizes.' e T3t MEN'S COAT SWEATERS 100 virgin wool worsted knit in an elastic rib stitch that stretches and springs back into shape. Knit- 4 "TQ in double elbows ......' SP.cI.li.e.VJsh $1198 11 Pleated s'ltXpensivc'y -cCho'oVS paf 'wns. 1414-17 . P Dla.BlSa