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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1942)
! U SERIAL STORY I TAMBAYGOLD BY SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS COPYRISHT. 141. NBA R.VICC. INC turn rroRYi atom biww Vr krIn aarmlaalttB froal arctlr Jane All Ji4mi( laat of aiialo rnlle NnHn of wn-iowi Tam (Mir Plantation, w-1 Bp tt4rr a' loarti rracoa 1km, miirra war Jnddr ! aoarvA 01 world. Olaar ehararlerai walakeiT lora, Hirer, WelllTer V. prof dlcalna for Indian rellra at Tambay I Old Nwobr, Slovene rrfoire "nw" (Hirer la barbarian llolf. Mnm'a PM aknnkl akI Todd, Walllrrr football atar Intereatrd la Jnddr gereral of kla frat brotarra kid nap" bar for their dance Dee la tkere. akared ul kaaa- MOM MAKES PLANS CHAPTER VI VOU could have peeled the amazement off the faces of the four "kidnapers," to layers, when they saw Juddy and Doe on the floor. Pretty soon Angel Todd slithered over toward them, and then something happened. People were staring, but I couldn't make out what was doing. Next thing, Juddy was back in our midst, and the twins were jumping her. "Arent you the little weather breeder!" "I haven't done anything." "Maybe not But there's plenty doing. Coach Is straddling Angel's neck." "Whafs tt all about? Did Angel commit a crime, asking me to dance?" "Worse. He crashed a house tradition. No student can cut in on a faculty member at a house dance," Van Clark said. Angel came over, still looking like a ray of sunshine, and tackled , her. "Give me this next dance and I'll apologize," he said. But Juddy was already dated. So he sat down to make himself solid with me. I was still won dering about the Oliver thing. So I said: . "It wouldn't wreck your life If you didn't get through that Indian course, would it, Big Boy?" "Phooey on the course!" he said. "It isn't that If s my aver age. I need the credits.' He let his voice down a peg. Tm here to play basketball, , hockey, football and what-have-you and draw 900 smackers per year, besides what I can claw up on summer vacations. Next year there'll be boost if I make All- America, and how can they stop me? And now this peewee prof is trying to ease me out At that, maybe I could make a better deal at Balestier," he went on. "Only I kind of like it here. And I like It all the better since I met up with that little pal of yours. You don't . .think I've queered myself1 there, do you?" On the way home Juddy said: to me, "Trade ought to be looking, up, Mom." "How so?" ' "I've been touting the Feederia to every partner I had." "Thafs business," I said. "With you for a ahill, we ought to be practically a kitchen annex to jWelliver. How heavy have you if alien for Angel Todd?" "I'm not going to fall for any- Ibody,'? she said. "What do you (get if you do?" I I judged that Juddy was get King back In the groove. - o . o KT that kid did with the 30 . I'd given her made me feel Iqueer behind the eves. She boueht her some paint and brushes, and went pottering about, touching up , that poor old house where it (needed it worst , : One part of it, though, she did lop brown. She'd blown herself (for some banana-gold and re gilded the old battered house snotto, with funny lettering, over u aoor, so now you could read it "St Francis & St Benedight Bless this House from Woful Plighte." While I was at my own work, u nu ciearea more space tnan Khe grubwagon needed for itself. JYou cant afford to overlook any bets when you're out for new trade. I stuck up a board. '. . PARKING SPACE 18 CENTS PER NIGHT That was all I could hope to jget, seeing we had no shower, (conveniences, or W. C, which jmeans wire connections and not (what you think in trailer lan ' feuage. The first night I had two (trailers, the second, five. Custom kept coming in to the . (Feederia, but it wasn't heavy ienough so that I needed an extra band. Juddy took to getting up early and coming over just the aim. I could call on Ollie and Nollie for the morning rush, if amy, while she drove around the country marketing for the wagon. ; When she got back one morning he found me stretching twine be-' tween the stakes I'd pegged out "What are you planning to catch tn your web, Spider?" "It isn't a web," I said. It was, t that Only I didn't want her to find out till she was caught "What is it, then7" ' I went right on fastening my lines. "I've still got that sign I had when I came here," I said. "What sign? Oh! Tourists Ac commodated.' That one?" ; I nodded and got down on my Pmees to tie a good knot "At Tambay?" "The name ought to draw," I nald. "And what a site for a row of snappy cabins!" ; 'Tambay Tourist Camp," she staid, and kind of laughed. That "would make us popular with the neighbors!" T NODDED. "I'd have to think it over," she said. "Wouldn't it cost you an awful lot to build cabins?" That's my lookout," I said. Tve got a little left tn the toe of the old sock." "I'm not sure the University lease wouldn't interfere anyway," aha said. . "Let's find out Who's your lawyer?" "I havent any." "This thing has got to be kosher If we're going to deal. There's a young fellow in Leverton named Maurie Sears.'-They say he's good when sober, and sober except week-ends." "I think he's my distant cousm or something." "Let's go." Near the end of the plantation line Juddy slowed up for a pitch hole. I noticed a buzzard, high up on a bough, teetering in the wind the way they do. The tree he was using for a perch was as ugly as be was; a dead shagbark, all charred and black on one side where there was a low limb. "Somebody been having a bon fire?" I asked. Juddy didn't answer. She didnt have to. I got it They don't scorch tree trunks for fun in this part of the country. Besides, I'd heard of the Hanging Tree of Tambay. After we got to town Juddy said, "They lynched a poor crea ture there Just before I came to Tambay. I'm going to have it cut down." Well, I could see trouble there. The minute Maurie Sears set eyes on Jane Ann Judson I be gan to wonder whether we had come to the right place. Things were liable to get too personal, it I was any judge. I know that sort of southern gent to the bone. You can say they're a misfit in the modern world, and I guess that's right Too much past, too much caste, too little sense that their kind be long in museums. They live mostly by tradition and the catch words that go with it The Civil War is their eight-boll; they do most of their thinking behind It But if you're their kin or their ifriend, they'll lie for you and die tor you, and their given word is a couple of points up on a IT. S. government bond. You may want to laugh at 'em or cuss 'em out, but when all's said and done, you kind of love 'em. (To Be Continued) DUNCAN PHYFE TO YOUI Blame Duncan Phyfe himself if you have trouble spelling his name! This foremost American furniture maker, whose designs arc so prominent in the gracious mahogany pieces characteristic of the federal American period, apparently felt his name should keep up with his status In life. Before his days of fame and prosperity, he sfgncd it simply "D. Fife"! Hitler reported going to the front. By the time he gets there it's liable to be the rear. THIS CURIOUS WORLD 8y William Ferguson (Fa fL-vne RELEASES ITS BOMBS ywwuiM i otr fin A BOMBER. TRAVELING 24-6 AtS? , WWOie AT AIM ELEVATION Op , 20, OOO 'vSffT- MUST DROP ITS flf LjOAD VVH6N STILL. coftt sr nca sennet ate. t. l aro. w. a. fat. or. S ) LIFE consists op , (five changes op skin as" a caterpiu-ar... them entering the pupal sta&e...and fin alu eaaer&in& as a full grown butterfly; i l-2oJ X BOA CONSTfHCXOO. WOULD BE CONSIDERED ANSWER: Large. NEXT: The Nazis stamp out a king. EIGHTH U. S. PRESIDENT HORIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured eighth presi dent of the V. S. A 13 Occurrence. 14 Male parent 15 A tissue (anat.). 16 Assayer. 18 It is (poet.). 19 Eject. 20 Entomology (abbr:). 21 Feasts. 24 Girl's name. 25 Regret 26 A pile 27 Arabian gazelle. 29 Withered. 31 Half an em. 32 Nova Scotia (abbr.). 34 Completes. 35 Possess. Newt 37 He was first president to be an Answer to Previous Puzzle isi i iGiNiAii-iao r eTs1 ELJLAlvnPllEHTs R ri TblU tIeiriaUl IvhFU l I NINMM I 1 y 1 I BjjRHp iRiylsnAl cork sIjInC EL.1VSTI CBT0KiElrljs PUlJBl StolUAiTiEHSjEfn AD II AT t PA g T E lAHStol yTBr4 1 RrtHjEiL prEl American 56 Span, citizen. 57 One who puts 83 Chinese animals in measure. cages. 40 South, latitude 88 Formerly, (abbr.). 59 Tears into 41 Any. long pieces. 46 Footstep. VERTICAL 49 Narrow inlet 1 Measure of 50 Resinlike, astringent substance. 82 Emmet 63 Meadow. 54 Posture, length (pi.). 2 Thoroughfare. 3 Sleeper. 4 Powerful explosive (abbr.). 5 Roman roads, 6 Necessary to life. 7 Risen. 8 Bird's home. 9 Indian. 10 Stay. 1 1 Omitted. 12 Native (pi.). 17 Feel penitence 22 Metal fastener 23 Samarium (abbr.). 28 Rots by exposure. 30 Age. 33 Biblical word (pl). 29 Speaks, 40 Dry. 4? Fruit. 43 Hashed. 44 Diners. x 45 Before Christ (abbr.). 47 Respond to stimulus. 48 He was of - - descent, 81 Winged. 55 Swiss river. I 2 3 4" b """ 16 7 & """" 17 U . 6 17 Jia " 19 20 " I I I 22 .J4 29 30 1' ii ', ""4ij! pS'V"Ji4 jP SO-51 52 ' I I I t I I I I, I t 70 OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major HoopU neTPM wnwmi'c r-rviz OVER HERE FER A eOOP CUV.' YOU Vfc MAD A CftAP.' 1 IOM TELL TH' WAY MDU'VE IM-JMPEn TM CLOTHES no -in' ifir-iy i,-nu tlSTEM-- I'M FER HIM. BECAUSE 1 tCNJOW HOW LITTLE IT T.KE5 U IL 5rK)B...S(S ' AROUND KM FR. I V. ISMMD YOU OK ti'lLM I- rJV FCH Mil I Hi Sna -- r-.i.i-v S.'VS V "AWP AROUND Mil FR. 1'V.V. RESMMD YOU OK ti'lLM H .I'fYw.i'T'.A-i I v -lt tssftwri.t WHV mothers get gr-v Cf BROTHER MEET MY THfVT WV& JUST E6A,0.' NEW BTTLER,R0UNDHOU6E if FW 6LP6LIC1 I.(AiTOUNDIN I 600GAN.'-T6.U. HIM HOW Mi 6CHULTZ. WAi ftVj? NOO FOUGHT CVCLONB CASOT, WE (3UV X BELL-V -VV V BOUNOHOOfeE.'. CABOT Jf POKED-Mf 6CHULTZ)a HM,' JAK5 " WAS A. VAI.E SRAOOWE, ( PARTED HIS HW IN , J( A MANAGER.' '( BUT R0UNDHCU6E HIT HIN( THE tlDOl.E AN1 yfX X MUST x iA 60 HARD HS HAD TO 60 )s 5UCKED IT DOWM ) f CUT IM OKI ( BACK 10 THIRD GRADE ( FLAT, BUT AFTER. X THB PURSES 1 IKS GRAMMAR. 6CH0OL ) BLASTED HlS CHlNl, IT ) ? Aft ATftAJWER. !( AVi1 6TAR.T , v- WAS PONAPA.DOUR f f OR SECOND r RED R VDER By Frod Harman LOOK OUT, COLONEL .' T POne. ) I RUT 1E MOT I -IDU'RE f-OUMliNX5 YTlrjGC lME.'R GONG OVER.' J ( '-rtii Vyi.STK.OVS. .OnIThE. VJRONG fetPE'Jl TMPFEIvElY S 1 " y I J PAV'rS .UCAQO M1iidy ?Sfc B'RE K-'NCAROLlOH ON F.KR6 AND &WINDLE.R5 IN TVES FATlTO.OOLONE.Lf I AND NOW 1'fA CSOINO TO OET i TVie iRulM OUTA VUC! LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE OT 'jtH'MLHI,.! I.... ,.,.,-r By Harold Gray NO. MY SON -YOU ARE NO SAINTNONE OF US IS A SAINT BUT THROUGH THE HORRORS YOU WITNESSED IN SPAIN YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT TO SEE t wish tmn l i npcAM ncNS'' T rxj.'irr ' i"""""- iuo.nvtiivtu i toiii somii it i n your hahos and SMf-AP that quarterback tl ( 2S,rr, iLJf INTH6M,PST IIPOWANTTOHFtP AND U-A YOUR nW" BW (Sto! R SEE SOfTHir MEN AND V5WFN ) FfWM SUCH U lPl rriKc '-r, . S.. H I tJ?LM. i LIKE AND t1E LEARN OR 1 I FROM BECOMING AN USE T IT ISN'T FROM TIAT WISE OU I THOSE HORRORS-1 I SLAUGHTERED LIKE UFSUnin. I ivtrvntc camaditam.I J-U.i1.;: XVPi 5,-, t. L isS 'Jih ...... o BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin WASH TUBBS 6URB-C0MB AHBAvTy By Crane IT6 UNBeUEVABLel we wene way- LAIO IU THE COROIOOH 0" THB HOTEL f BOLT THAT POOR A.MO J THE TROUBLE!. JUST Y I .THEr ARB X SURE COME AHPAI1I ) 1 A V Vl t ..v,.,.,l FLEENS TO - - ? ( Q r f UIM VWV DID THEIR ROOMS.' 1 K "k V I SHIMS! WD I J STOt -"VV . V VOU WOT STOP THEM, JfZ. I -1 ,r ' f r m.tMM-,B1. 4To,t, ,finamTHzrrrzrx:r.7n.?.;... n - i ..41 CDCrvi cc Akin uic eoickinc -- nnv - rii-iTLJ BloSSCI" SPE0 ' pSraIO B?oXR Of l'Vl f,HERE'9 ANOTHER IKM- f YOUMG PCOPLE CAN ( WmO . ' " The dollar DnoppSSiS. )r OfO ft. in view op These hardly bb expectbd lb wrotb 1 i-'-i Fruckles jT P1 iHc DOLLAR HAS DRQPPEP OFP 3 THIN03 , IT OCCURS TO MEPT THEIR SOCIAL. THAT? ' I MSGCOSeW) M Q ' " V-JN CERTAIM CHAN6E3 MUST NOW DIMINISHED IN S''''c I T T17 ALLEY OOP By V. T. Homtin THEie'S NO ' V 6EKJD THB FELLOW OM f fAlH. RIHtT JDHM HOPES YOU IP VLL B&TOM ME 5ZA 1 T ' VrtOT lTOi?P AftJllSyjflv fi TREASUCB OKl HIS VJV...AMD HIS A"W YOU EWO COW, WILL PAEDOfJ HIS LPAraiiiMTM rTCA rZSr A' .STi 1 Hid PERSOM JI ODD BElMGIMOS jTi;i7 HAVE VOO tPEATMEMT Op ISO . STV KvV LEFT A" TWO SOO EET-?61 - j