I Jnnunry 10, 1042 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE Claiilfled Advertising Rotess One dny run jinr word 3o 2 doy run per word fla 3 duy run per word Bo 4 diiy run per word lOo n dny run per word 1 1 a Wuvk run jr word 12a Month run per word 32a Qlailijfied Aduetiti&mCf Sectian 20 DISCOUNT for payment in Advance. This dis count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid in advance ads only. 5 DISCOUNT for Payment by the 10th. Thlt dis count given to insure prompt payment of adi charged os monthly basil. O CLASSIFIED INDEX Apnrtmenta For Itont 24 Automotive 34 Business Opportunities 411 Educational 12 Financial for Bale or Trade .. 3H General Notices 4 Health 13 Help Wantod, Female 14 Help Wanted. Male id Mouses For Kent 2(1 Livestock and I'oultry 44 Lost and Found 2 Miscellaneous For Kent .... 211 Miscellaneous For Sule ......... 3fl Miscellaneous Wanted 42 ftenl Estate For Bale ............ 3D Heal Estuto Wuntod 32 Room and Board . 20 Slluatloi.s Wanted IB .To Exchange 40 Lost and Found ' y LOST Nccdlopolnt clinlr be i, tween Henley and Merrill. $25 j Howard. Jerry Ilnjmi.i, Mnlln. if I Phone 21 6. 1-20 4 Gonornl Notlcss I STUDIO OF BEAUTY New phone number 7151. Mc7.n- nine of Whytiil's. 121 ft Tllll- Kir" nAW tlflfl VUmnth ) Avenue, Is now open under, I new munnuenient. 2 0 10 Services CARPENTER JJiiildcr, Alter ations, Repairs. Phone 11320. 2401 So. Sixth St. 1 25 PAPKHIIANG1NC!. P n I n t i n K, Kalsomlnlnit. Dial 0B4H. Mel vln E. Frost. 2 13mlf F.l.KCTROl.UX CLEANER Snles and Service. Phone 6725. 02H Main. Your denier, Turkel Tweet. 213 FLOOR SANDING and Finish ing. WnxlitK, PollnhhiM, Scrub bing. New, old C. DuFoiir. Phono 311110. 1 :iimtf RAY HALL Your Electrolux dealer Sales and service. B13 Roseway Drive. Phone 7107. 2 H I1ATTERIES CHARGED In 30 minutes. Rcymer's Associated Service, Fourth and Main 2-3mlf FLOOR SANDING and rr-fTnlsh-Ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. l-31mtf WR1NQER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, Bll Soutli Sixth. 1-31 nut I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chos. Hathaway, 120 N 10th St.. Klamath Fulls, Ore 1-31 FLOOR SAN DUNG Old floors reflnishcd. Norman Km ley Phono 4001. l-24mlf PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 510 Main. 1 24mlf PICTURE FRAMING Goellor'a. 230 Main. 2-14mlf if PAINTING, Kalsomlnlng II. L. uruwn. l'uono i..u emmu SAWS REPAIRED The right way. Uodenhamer's. 353 E. Mala 2-10 ' BEAUTY NOOK 504 So. 8th. Dial 3218. Oil permanent., $2.50 and tip. Shampoo, finger wave $1. No advance in prices. Evenings by appointment 1-22 HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING rtiittmia pn,l 1 Buckles covered, alterations J on new and old clothing. Mrs. I H. M. Allendcr, 731 Main, !) Room 210. Phono 7263. 2-lflmtf RHOADS Window Cleaners for your cleaning problems. Phone 4768. 2-11 HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict. 6848. 2-Omlf 12 Educationnl MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE 815 Klamath Ave Phone 8883 lOOmM 13 Health ' DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chlro prnctlo clinic Somo location, 532 Mnln. DIM 7213. 2-7mtf 14 Hlp Wanted, Female WANTED Unencumbered housekeeper and cook. Mod ern ronch. Give age, refer ence and wages expected RFD 1, Box 6, Bonanza, Oro. 807lf WANTED Mlddlenged nr younger womnn for house work on fnrm. Cnll 1035 Crescent. 1-20 IB Help Wanted. Male x Jir,iJva,-Vrij-LiuVirVVV-ix FOR JOBS In nlrplnno factories. Apply Mr. Llstul, Room 201, Willlls Bldg. 2-0 18 Situations Wanted MMMM)MMVMWWWVVW I MAN, 04 yenrs of age, will work for board and room, small wage, Ola Nelson, Anchor Hotel. - 1-10 BABYLAND Care of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phono 8341. 2-1 2mU Situations Wanted IIOUIC WORK Ciiro of chil dren. Phono 75B9 nfler 5 p. in. 1-10 EXPERIENCED womnn cook wants work. Ilernld - News, Box 1444. 1-23 EXPERIENCED pructlcol nurse wiuiln work. Phono 3554. 1-23 20 Room and Board HOAItU - DOOM Ilousomible. 11141 Muln. 1-21 HOAHI) - ROOM Private homo. 332 N. Ilth. 1-2H IIOAKI) AND UOOM iidjolnliut Imtli, suitable for two gentle inen. 304 No. 10th. Phone UU14. 1-21 SLEEPING ROOMS Hoard If desired. I (II II Washington. 1-19 KOOM HOARD Close In. Ex cellent table. Phono 4705. 1028 Jefferson 20 DOAHI), KOOM l,ndy or Ken tlcmiin. U21 Johnson Phone 5540 1-10 HOARD AND HOOM 407 North Ilth. Phono 11010 803tf HOARD ROOM. 514 Walnut. 2 0 Rooms For Rent COM KOK'l'A 111 .K room, ulnglc or double. Kxeellent meals op tlonnl. 314 WnshiiiKton. 05311. 1-20 KOOM 020 Lincoln. 1021tf MA US HOTEL 1411 Main. Steam heated. Weekly rates 5:i up 50c to $1 per night. 2-15 CLAKKMONT, 2211 NoTiTh. A1I outside newly decorated, mo dern rooms. All with new in nersprlDK muttresses. Free pnrkinK. 2-28mtf KOOM Home privileges with cooking. Phone 7585 after 5 p. m. 1-10 ROOMS 1034 llltih. 2-5mtf If FOR RENT Nice room 134 N 3rd. 4600U LARGE room for gentleman. Closo In. Phone 6066. 1-21 ROOM 514 N. loth. 1 -23 24 Apartments For Rent CLEAN 1 and 3 Toom apart ment, and $18 month. JSIgler Apartments 1 block south Pelican City school. 1-23 FURNISHED APARTMENT 501 Market. 1-20 VACANCY 3 rooms. Alameda Apartments. 11100 Esplnnadc 1440U NICE 3-room apt. 413 Alameda. Phono 8417. 1-20 VACANCY Small 2 rooms suit ablo for two adults. 325 Com mercial. 1425U HIVERV1EW APTS. 4 rooms nicely furnished, two bed' rooms, very desirable. Phone 8817 4740tf PARTLY FURNISHED twn.rnnm apartment. Wood range. Close in. $io moniti. inquire 812 H High. Call days. 627U TWO-ROOM APT. with both. Reasonable. Wood furnished. 445 Market. 1-21 FOUR-ROOM newly decorated, partly furnished apartment. Inquire 2222 Orchard beforo noon. 1-21 APT. Newly decorated. 221 Spring. 1-24 FURNISHED modern duplex. U24 Jelfcrson. 1-22 ONE-ROOM APARTMENT 813 Pine. 1-24 NICELY FURNISHED house keeping room with kitchen ette. 248 Broad. 1-21 THREE-ROOM furnished steam heated apartment. Phono 7731 or 3008. 1-24 FURNISHED one-room apt. 433 N. 10th. 1-21 NICE housekeeping room, every thing furnished. 218 Main. Fairfield Apis. 1-21 VACANCY 11th Street Apart ments. Adults only. 333 So. Ilth. M9 FURNISHED small apartment, $18. Inquire 1402 E. Main. 1-10 NICELY FURNISHED CABIN 248 Broad. , 918tf VACANCY Audloy Apart ments, 303 So. 8th. Thone 40 111. l-i B TWO-HOOM furnished apart ment. Hlghley's Market, Sum mers lane. l-io VACANCY Esplnnntlo Courts Furnished. l-31mtf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas. 418 No. 10th. l-24mtf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nlshcd apartment. 2300 Blehn. Phono 7268 or 4527. 413Btt VACANCY Rex Arms, 1-20 18 24 Apartments For Rent CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Completely furnish ed. Convenient hotel service. Day, week or month. 20mtf TWO HOOM furnished apart, ment. Electric stove and re frigerator. 24 mo. 1118 Wnl nut. 1724tf FURNISHED Apis, for rent. Wood, light and water fur nished. 133 No. 10th. 1-20 26 Houses For Rent FOR RENT Furnished rooming house. Close In. Geo. K. Llnd ley, 1227 Mnln St. 1-1B TWO-BEDROOM l7oUSE full basement, unfurnished, $40. 1845 Melrose. Phone 82B1. 1-24 MODERN four-room house un furnished. 1548 Martin. Phone 6045. 1448tf CLEAN 3-hedroom unfurnished house. $30.00. 2525 Rccla mntlon. Phone 4425 or 447 Alameda. 1-20 TWO-HOOM house furnished. Hot water. $15.00. 3120 Can non Ave. 1-10 FOUR-ROOM furnished, near Falrvlew school. Coll Alla mont Auto Camp. 1-10 FURNISHED HOUSE 2552' Shasta way. 1-19 ! FOR RENT Six-room furnished house. Oil furnace, no yard upkeep. $45 month. 435 High. Phone 4273. 1-19 THREE-ROOM furnished house. Adults only. No pets. Phone 41105. 1-20 FIVE-ROOM strictly modern un furnished house with upstairs furnished apartment, Mills ad dition. Inquire 355 E. Main. 606tf 3-UEDROOM suburban home. Uusement garuge, furnace. $40. Four-room duplex, gas, util ities, gnragc, $33. Three-room house, garage, $20. All unfur nished. Phone 7688. 830U TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save i. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 2-7mtf TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, unfur nished. Gas range. '543 Mar tin. 734tf TWO-ROOM- cottages. Wood, lights, gns furnished $30 month Link River Auto Cump 1-18 UNFURNISHED duplex Range, refrigerator, oil furnace. Coll after 5:30 p. m. SOS No 9th. 4551tf TWO AND THREE-ROOM fur nished modern houses. Util ities furnished. 2125 Bichn. 803tf HOUSE FOR RENT Call at 2028 Applegate or phone 4027. 1-20 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Call at all hours. Phone SI 13. 20mtf 30 Real Estate For Sale Lakeshore Estate Large two bedroom home, fireplace, stone foundation, basement garage and furnace, outstanding view, more than 200 feet shoreline, oversize frontage for one more home Average 300 feet depth. Going at $3000. $400 cash, $37.50 per month, including interest at 6 . CHILCOTE & SMITH Sinco 1009 111 N. Oth St. Phono 4564 1-19 For Sale Like Rent $50 Down $20 Per Month 4 Rooms and Bath Total Price $850.00 T. B. WATTERS ' Real Estate 613 Main 1-20 FOR SALE Small new house and half acre. 4742 Shasta way. Inquire Community Bar ber Shop, across from Robin son's Food Store, So. 6th. 1-22 RANCH FOR SALE OR RENT near Bonanza. Inquire Waller E. Johnson, Merrill, Ore., Box 003. A GOOD HOME, closo in and close to school, furnished ready to move into. Railroad man has. bumped to Portland. All for $3200. $1600 down pay ment, balnnce to suit. Inquire 425 Pino. Telephone 8364. 1-18 EQUITY In small unfinished tour-room house and half acre, 1504 Gary St. 1-22 MODERN DUPLEX Hot water heat. Reasonable, Inquire 1834 Melrose. 1-18 FOR SALE Houses and lots in Brookings, Oregon , Also 310 acres ncarby J. W. Mosler, Brookings. 1-23 30 Real Estate For Bale FOR SALE Two houses for price of one. A real bargain. Inquire 1227 Mnln St 133tf 34 Automotive LEAVING FOR SAN PEDRO Will sacrifice 1037 DcSoto se dan. Good tires, radio, heater, overdrive, A-l mechanically. Call 7646 evenings. 1-10 1041 PONTIAC Streamliner for late model pick-up. Would consider small balance. 1005 Etna. 1-24 WANTED Good Late Model Used Cars for SPOT CASH First Class Prices For First Class Cars. No Delay for Your Money. See Jack Morris, Mgr., at DOUGLAS MOTOR CO. 734 Klamath Ave. 1-31 29 FORD COUPE $30. '33 V-8 coupe $65 cash. Phone 3787. 125 N. Laguna. 1-18 TRAILER HOUSE. 8x16, built-in cupboards, sink, single bed. Phone 5006. 1-19 STURDY 2-WHEEL TRAILER 10-inch wheels, good tires. Altnmont Trailer Park. 1-10 "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr Yocs, factory trained service manager. 4934tf '34 CHEVROLET COUPE. Fine shape, good rubber. Phone 4804. 1-20 FOR SALE Equity '41 Ford business coupe. J. W. Live say, Klamath Agency. 1-20 36 Miscellaneous For Sale ---V " SALE Repossessed and Reconditioned Electric Refrigerators and Ranges e. o. p.,Co. 1-20 JOINING ARMY Sacrifice Watorwitch outboard, 2H h.p. Brand new Winchester 12- gauge pump, $40. Richfield Service, 7th and Pine. 1-21 CLOTHES DRYERS $1.70 and $1.30. Lucas Furniture. 1-19 DIESEL ENGINE, new. 2 cyl. 4 cycle Enterprise 40 H. P. S. A. E. 1200 R. P. M. Price $1850. Cost $2800. Lindley. Phono 3273. 1-20 OIL HEATERS Evanoil, fan, $49.50 American Sunflame, 8-Inch deluxe, $54.50; 10-inch $49.50. Sunflame, rough, $39.50; Scars floor-furnsce, $49.50; Sears Radiant, $19.50; Midwest, year old, $49.50; Ward 13-inch deluxe, $39.50. 20 down, $5 monthly. Guar anteed. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. 6th. 1-19 GLASS Duplate safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resil vcring. Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 2-6mtf STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone .5671. l-31mtf TRAILER HOUSE FOR SALE Factory built, practically new. Virgil Parton, Riverside Apts., 2 Main, or phone 4851. 1-21 FOR SALE 45 Colt automatic, never been fired, $45. Phone 4015. 1379U STRICTLY BUSINESS hrMcF.M. "Your move, Joel" 34 Automotive BUY TODAY Tomorrow May Be Too Late '31 '32 '31 '32 '32 32 '34 '34 38 36 36 Ford Sedan, good motor Olds 8 cylinder Coupe Olds 6 cylinder Sedan good . Ford Coupe (Model B) Ford Tudor Sedan Chevrolet Sedan, good motor . Chevrolet Sedan, neater Plymouth Sedan, heater Chevrolet Sport Sedan Ford Deluxe Sedan Tcrraplane Deluxe Sedan SPECIAL '41 Bulck Special 5-Pass. Sedanette Defense conditions necessitated one of our owners to trade on smaller used car. Like new with radio, heater, defroster and white wall tires. You can save $400 on this one. NOTE Several '40 models to choose from at H. E. Hanger 18 Years the House of Buick 1330 Main Street 36 Miscellaneous For Sale Auction AT HAGELSTEIN DAIRY Algoma Saturday, January 31 Commencing at 10:00 a. m. 35 Dairy Cows, double tested; 11 1-year-old heifers; 4 2-year-old heifers;6 1-year-old steers; 3 small calves; 2 black Angus bulls; hay chopper, John Deere tractor, buck rake, mower, spreader, dairy equip ment, 2 milking machines. 1 large Frigidaire for cooling and storing milk, 1 cream separator, bottles, bottle fill er, milk cooler, cans, wash vats, electric water heater, boiler, sterilizer. This property will sell to settle the estate of the late Fred Hagelstein. Terms, cash. Lunch available during sale. George Hagelstein admin istratorT Col. Swigart, auctioneer. RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 865tf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute. Including suburban sections Block numbers indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price. 20c. For sale at Carmichael's news stand chamber of commerce Ernie Piluso's Drive-in. Ever- body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug. Louie Polin's. Postofflce news stand, Robinson's Food store. Shaw Stationery. The News Herald. Vic's Signal Service 320S RECONDITIONED wood range California Oregon Power Co. 862tf FIX THAT RADIO Our busl ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 2-9mtf FOR SALE Fancy Gem single drop seed potatoes. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 845tf COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone 5034. 2-12 38 For Sale or Trade EQUITY 1040 Buick stx-passen ger coupe. 1821 Dayton. Ph, 7897. 1-19 BEAUTIFUL lady's one-carat diamond, platinum mounting. Will trade for late used car. Phone 4013. 542tf 34 Automotive $95 $75 $95 $95 $95 $140 $180 $195 $350 $365 $330 Phone 5151 40 To Exchange TO EXCHANGE Residential lot in Medford for Klamath Falls property. 2024 Reclama tion. 1-19 WILL TRADE $97.00 Kelvinator ironer for good milk cow. Phone 3985. 1-20 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense. 2-llmtf WANTED 2-bedroom complete ly furnished house, close in, for balance of winter months. 1642 Crescent 1-20 WANTED TO RENT Garage In vicinity of Pelican hotel. Phone 7025. 1-19 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 2 -year-old regis tered Guernsey bull. J. R Ratliff, Malin, Ore. 1-21 JERSEY HEIFER FOR SALE- IS months old, bred to Jersey bull. 4349 Winter Ave. Phone 5031. 1-18 FOR SALE 700-800 head feed er hogs, 22 veal calves at pub lic auction by the Farm Bu reau at Anderson, California, Wednesday, January 21, 1942, at 1 p. m. Hogs graded and sold in truck load lots. Cnlvm sold individually by the pound. 928 TEN FEEDER PIGS, three thin sows, coming 2-year heifer. Mike Perrett, Lava Bed road. 1-18 CHESTER WHITE weaner nigs. J. H. Phipps, Midland. 1-21 44 Livestock and Poultry FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Kl am ain packing Co. Phone 6361 Midland road. l-31mtf 2 GENTLE SADDLE HORSES Exceptionally good. George A. uix Fault, 402 South 7th. 1-19 46 Financial iMgsw ! vwy CASH LOANS WITHOUT ENDORSERS WATS TO OCT A CONSUMERS CASH LOAN PHONE . WRITE . CO 11B IK Ton nd do eo-ilgnert or tnilortort to gt wniuoni loon. THREE LOAN PLANS On your not only. Jfo vagt utlgn- ui cm, id co-signer. NO. t-FTRNITt'RH LOANS Your character la mora Important tMn ? furniture tUelf. SO. 5ACTO LOAV8 5,M) to 500 caih loaoi and refto aDclng. CONSUMERS CREDIT . (51-531 720 Pine St SSS9) Phone 7711 Mlmtr , O A N S ON VpOR AUTOMOBILE Cash At Once! Toor Car Xw4 Sol Bt TaiIIj Pld For . , See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION US South flth St.. Klnm.Oi F.lla Phono MJ M-tSS 1-Slmtf See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY U.4K. Mb Us. M-17S Phon SB3 34 Automotive SPECIAL USED CAR VALUES '38 Pontlac Coupe, A-l motor, tCC new tires p30 O '36 Chevrolet Sedan, motor OK tVC good rubber.... JJ'0 '36 Dodge Sedan, new paint, (tOOC 80 rubber P-JlO '30 Olds Sedan. Model 70 Good buy $695 Earl Smith 9th & 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Equity in Leah's Drive In, Weyerhaeuser Junc tion, $423 cash, equipment S17S extra. 1-24 BOWLING ALLEY Six modern alleys, complete, at sacrifice. Will consider trade. George A. Du Fault, owner, 402 South 7th. 1-19 HOTEL LEASE FOR SALE Reliable couple. News-Herald Box 1710. 1-19 FOR SALE Welding and auto wrecking shop. Best location in town, doing $12,000 a year business, fully equipped and stocked. Owner going to Pearl Harbor. Hurry if you want this. Cash price, $3000 takes it all. Mac and Floyd's, 232 N. Riverside, Medford, Ore. Phone 4080. 1-19 LEGAL NOTICES Notional Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be received jy the Regional Forester, Port land, Oregon, up to and includ ing February 12, 1942, for ail the live timber marked or des ignated for cutting, and all mer chantable dead timber located on an area embracing about 31,855 acres within Townships 37 and 38 S., R. 13 E- Town ships 37 and 38 S., R. 14 E., and Townships 37, 38 and 39 S., R. 15 E W.M., Fremont National Forest, Oregon, estimated to be 30,000,000 feet Bil., more or less, of live and dead ponderosa pine saw timber, and an unes- timated amount of sugar pine, lodgepole pine, California in cense-cedar and white fir saw timber to be cut at the option of the purchaser. No bid of lsss than $4.15 per M. feet for pon derosa pine, $2.00 per M. feet tor sugar pine, $1.00 per M. feet for California incense-cedar, and $.50 per M. feet for lodge pole pine and white fir, will be considered. In addition to the prices bid for the stumpage, a cooperative deposit of $.25 per M. feet BM. to be used by the Forest Service for paying the cost of slash disposal, and a co operative deposit of $.10 per M. feet B. M. to cover the cost of tree planting, seed sowing and timber stand improvement work on the area cut over, for the total cut of timber under the terms of the agreement, will be required. . $6,000.00 must be deposited with each bid, to be applied on tne purchase price, refunded. or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to condi tions of sale. The right to re ject any and all bids is reserved. Before bids are submitted, full information concerning the tim ber, the conditions of sale, and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Su pervisor, Lakeview, Oregon, or the Regional Forester, Portland, Oregon, J 12-19-26. Aff. News No. 4. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore ex isting, of Telford & McCornack, operating a sporting goods store, has been dissolved by mutual agreement of the parties thereto. Ray A. Telford and Mary L. Telford have purchased the in terest of Frank H. McCornack and wife in said business and will continue to operate said business it the same location. being 123 North Sixth street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. RAY A. TELFORD FRANK H. McCORNACK. J17-19-20-21-22-23. No. 8 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be re ceived on or before 11:00 A. M., Wednesday, January 28th, 1942, at the office of the County Clerk, Klamath County, Court House, Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the remodeling of the American Leg ion Building. Separate proposals will be re ceived for the General Contract and for the Heating Work. The General Contract is to include all of the work except the Heat ing. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the office of Howard R. Perrin, Architect, 206 Automotive '38 Chrysler Sedan, 1 st class motor t CQ C good tlrea 3 73 '30 Dodge Coupe, motor Just fcAC overhauled POT3 38 Ford Pickup . ....$185 '37 Olds Sedan, new paint, tAOC 1st class tire '3 Pontiac Klamath Underwood .Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. A deposit ot $15.00 will be required .for the Plans and Specifications, which deposit will be refunded to the bidder upon return of the Plana and Specifications in good condi tion. The successful bidder will be required to furnish . a Surety Company Performance Bond in the full amount of the Contract price. The Klamath County Commis sioners reserve the right to re ject any and all bids, to waive any informalities and to accept such proposal as may be ia it best interest. Signed MAE K. SHORT, J 12-19. . No. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator , of the estate of Jeanette Stafford, deceased, has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County the final ac count of his administration of said estate, and that the Court has appointed February 18, 1942, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. as the time, and the Court room, of said Court as the place for the hearing and settlement of said account.. . Dated: January 19, 1942. . J. W. STAFFORD, Administrator of the Estate of Jeanette Stafford, De ceased. J 19-26; F 2-9. No. 9 Winema Club Gets , Behind Tule Lake $ Defense Projects TULELAKE Winema dub members will cooperate in all defense programs where assist ance is needed and when mate rials arrive for the making of -garments to be distributed by the Red Cross a large per cent age of the members will Join classes to be held in Tulelake. Appearing in behalf of thlt phase of the defense program, Mrs. Frank G. Rhodes met. Thursday with the group at the home of Mrs. Richard Smith to explain the dire need fcr im mediate and concentrated effort in preparing garments. Mrs. Rhodes is to assist classes in sewing and Mrs. Harry Miller will direct knitting classes. Accounts of the club for 1941 including expenses of the ' an nual community Christmas tree were closed and later member played bridge and pinochle. Co-hostesses with Mrs. Smith were Mrs. George Frey and Mr. Barney Cox. Merrill MERRILL Mr. and Mrs. Louis Svehlak plan to leave the last of this month for Nampa, Idaho, where they will locate. They have farmed in the Malin and Merrill districts for several years. Mrs. Svehlak is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey returned recently from the Nampa coun try wnere Svehlak has relatives. Small Tommy O'Neil. 5 years old, was a tonsilectomy patient recently at the Merrill hospital. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neil. Another small pa tient who lost tonsils was six-year-old Dorothy Clary, also of Merrill. Mrs. J. S. Wilson, who was called to Los Angeles a few day before Christmas by the fatal illness of a sister has returned home. SAILFISH MIAMI. Fla.. Jan. 19 ' Mrs. J. K. Lung of Chicago boat ed an 84-pound, 3-ounce sallfish yesterday to take the lead in ' that division of the $10,000 Met ropolitan Miami fishing tourna ment. It was the third largest catch in the seven-year history 01 the competition which end April 19. . , SUN VALLEY Idaho. Jan 10 WPI A 18.vear.nlH hov .Tanbla Simnson of Ketrhnm ntfn4lalarf a 2.1 mile ski course on Baldy mountain yesterday in 2 min utes and 51 secondu elcrht Mmnrfa better than the previous record. The near mlle-a-mlnute time was turned in on the Diamond Sun course which hu a vertical descent of 3200 feet,. 34