SERIAL STORY TAMBAYGOLD BY SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS COPYRIOHT. tt4t, NCA SKNVICI. INC TUB STOKYl Mow lUnmw frvaaslea varmlaaloa fmm Jana Ann Judaim, laat of artatocralle aiaaiira of run-Sown Tanthar Plantation, 1o art Tdrla Ittnrk. iraa-on tarra, woadrra war aura a prettr vlrl la aoured on world. She acquire caatnmera In bearded Prof, Larea Ollrar of Wtlllrar V. nto la discing; for ladtan rellca at Tajabar, football tar Angol Todd Interoatod in ludSr who eold-Bhooldora ala In vitation, nolf. Mnm'o pet aknnk. tnakra aoqnalntnnro of old Swhy, at aioreno refuse Doc" Oliver la marborlna; KIDNAPPERS, INC. CHAPTER V TDUR likely looking lads cams In at nine-fifteen the evening of the Rogues' dance and called for waffles. Juddy, who was clling up the order trolley, didn't oven give them look. One of them, a brainy looking bird in spectacles, began to hum the Frosh Song. "Go teU tour dear old Gramma That good old Chi Rho Gamma It pious like a Sunday school, to wont you join our band?" It was the signal They all stood up and yelled "What! No beer?" and stuck bag over Jud dys head and shoulders and car ried her out to their car. I yelled "Police!" a couple of times for the record and sneaked into the front seat beside Specs. "Pause for station identifica tion," he said, and they opened up with a song. Then the back seat went to it, like the college kids do. "Rags!" "Huh?" "Take a peek to the bag. See If she's alive." "Does it matter?" "I think we ought to know. Just for curiosity, lady, are you alive?" "Have no fear, little one," Rags said. "Burly ruffians though we be, we mean you no harm to life and limb. With less gentlemen ly gangsters you might be facing a fate worse than death." Juddy giggled and I felt better about her. They pulled up at an abandoned shack and bundled Juddy out and into it, while I sat on the steps to check on develop ments. One of them flashed a light, and she blinked when the bag was off. She handed them a haughty one. 1 suppose this is soma Freshman prank." "Ah!" said Specs, "What digni ty!" "What poise!" Rags said. "There's a sense of reserve power. Don't you feel it, fellows?" "Phooey," Juddy said. "What are you going to do with me?" "You're being invited to the Rogues' party. Do you mind?" . . .. i "You might have asked me that before you started." "She.doesnt mind," Tatters aid. in.;,. I "The social amenities must be I preserved," the big, rawboned redhead said. "Permit me." He ; pointed to the one with spectacles. "Presenting Watrous Smith. He's lour highbrow." "Reference, Philosophy In, he said. "May I have the fourth dance?" t "This team are the famous rlress-up twins, the Owen brothers. Rags and Tatters to you." , 'THEY saluted like wooden sol diers. "Trusting to be favored with your continued patronage, we are and-so-forth." It wasn't a bad show. I en joyed it But I wasn't so sura about Juddy. The introducer made his bow. "I'm Van Riper Clark. Gents, meet Miss Judson." ; "We're acting in the Interests tot Angel Todd, our brother in the 'indestructible bonds of Chi Rho Gamma," Rags told her. "I want to go home," Juddy said. "Here's Mom Baumer, yearning her heart out to go to the dance n "Mom," Juddy said. "Do you really want to go to this dance?" "Well, I do," I said. I did too. I like fun. Juddy kept still quite a long time. So did the snatch-party. Wise kids, those. Finally she said, "I still want to go home. My theory is that if I'm going to a party, I'd better get into party clothes." An hour later we made our royal entry at the Rogues' dance. Angel Todd was in a comer surrounded by a bunch of drool ing female twlrps. She was al ready a success when I noticed the Big Boy cocking an uneasy eye. Pretty soon he came over and shook hands with Juddy and me and said to her right off the bat, "Do you think I'm a heel?" In his dinner clothes he was about the best-looking thing outside the movies. No blame to Juddy for smiling. .' "It was pretty Juvenile," she Itold him. ; "I know. But it's the only way II could get you." j "I like your gang." "What about me?" "I haven't decided yet." "Let's dance." "Your big friend is a fast Worker," she said later. "Where were you?" "Parked." "What did you expect?" She smiled queer sort of smile. "Parties are the same every where, I guess. You get passed from hand to hand around a hot and stuffy floor, and if you slip away outside, things get too per sonal. Let's slide out of here till I catch my breath." found an upper passage i where it was cool and quiet, jwith a door overlooking the dance Iflogr... A manjn complete soup- end-fish was sitting there, peace ful and patient. He got up. "Oh!" he said. "Good evening." "Huh?" I said and took another look. Well by Uiissentlint, if it wasn't the Hairy Ainu! Only he'd been de-haired. "Well, Doc!" I said. "So you're a parry man." "When I cant escape. I'm here as faculty representative." "This is my side-kick," I said. "Miss Jane Ann Judson. She owns Tambay." "Oh!" ha said. "I understand Pm not welcome there. Sorry, but I'm under University orders." "Have you stopped the work?" she asked. "Temporarily. " I'm planning some evening digging. Mom Is going to board me." She looked from one to the other of us. "So it's 'Mom'," she said. "And Doc'. How do you two get that way?" "Oh, we've had a couple of heart-to-hearts," I said. "You might have let me in," Juddy said. "I need a stimulant" She didn't look it She was like rippling water with moon light on it The Doc kept eyeing her with a puzzled expression. He spoke like somebody trying to re member. "Judson, Judson. There was a beautiful young Mrs. Judson with her husband at the Staffords' place in New Hampshire several years ago. It's probably only a chance resemblance " "No," she said. "That would be Mother." "You weren't with them, were you?" "I was never with them. They kept me in school." "They spoke of you, though. There was some talk of my tutor ing you in vacation." "Is there anything else you know about me?" she asked. There was a queer, defiant tone to it He seemed to be thinking that over before he said, "I used to know Henderson Kent." Her face had turned secret, you might almost call it sulky. Then she braced and said, "My theory Is I'd better get back into circulation." "May I take you down to the floor?" he asked. (To Be Continued) Nurses in Masks OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla r OM, TWIS.'-.VMMV, V 600D6",H.' WO, THM'8 X I JUST PUKED IT MUST Wl V NHI"M (TW TH" IT UP AT THIS A AVOI-UL. 1 HaJJDEST AlTTrC I P.OOK. TDCS .' I KlrUKF1 TO '.C MAMY vrARRl I I it's oi success-1 OIT tJIcJ, CO CTUO'IW' TO Bi I HOW TO MEET VOU KM A WIMDlAO AM yVJtl A PEOPLE, HOW QUIT SUIWW' I A HAMDHMF.R, J ,, SyV TO TALK, r-l'K AAvm-LK.' THKM (JOT -- ' ' MOM TO V f TO LKAVrJTO VrTV S ry ktf.RP VUUH. MOUTH 1 I'U 1 , iy tiHUT AM' WOW V NT ( TO DUCK PiiOPLE.' UFE-LOUG STUDY n SA S3 UfcLUY- t BEEN rlUMTIN1 YOU ALL OVER . C i WHY. 3AV1E )S THE MI6S iTULIET.'wVOII lOAMt n MF. 1 TVil'i I I WHOLE IO LfW WEEK- VJPLL, HERE'S 7 MOE UfO-V5CEM& ) JAKE6 JUST TV'ENigV.E'ltAC'LV LIKE X PRO- H liXPLCCTED Y 16 AS lSED TELL TUErvt TiNHOkUS f TMAM A. VJROMS AROUND MERE, VJITH THE TIME - ( HNDlNS A9 A, GRIM ON A. PALL- BtiARfcR.' LOCKS OM THEIR POCKETS, OLD ) ( HOT S( 3AKE IS A TRUE BLUE 200 iN WATER. ) I i A TTvyPER CEMT ' ( IM ThE: &i DRE6SINS THE- FOR A Bigger toocm J ( V IThev kmow his J-! ..--J fcsjWv v ' if ritmfn",. i,kv i "T -I S 'j Tniifia V ht , A mas lc has been added to the equip ment of Army nurses at Letterman General Hospital at San Francisco. In addition to the gnuie marks used In the surgery. Lieutenant Ann B Bakalar of Illinois shows tha s mask Issue. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson BV 6ANDINS &TvS. JjJ jfAV IT WAS DISCOVERED THAT JtHfr-" 1 A SPECIES L.IVIN& IN ': iA Ww L. FRANCE TRAVELS CLEAR. LWSWSSl'S Tl ', ; t TOAAjAy TO SPEND ni, f j f, j ffl THE WINTER.. 11 j C9PR. 1M1 1Y NtA SIBVXt, WtT.H RtO. U. 8. TAJ. Off. II j LtO ITALV fY IN THE AAANOFACTURB I I mOfM OF BADLV NEEDED G To SO AHEAD. THE CRAYFISH MOVE& BACKWAROS' Says TMe JUNIOR. CONSERVATION CLUB, AAII VAJAI iiec- mif NEXT: A bomber overhead. U. S. ARMY CORPS HORIZONTAL IU. S. Army Corps wearing pictured insignia, . 12 Pacify. 13 'Wharves. 15 Rhode Island (abbr.). 17Sidewise. 18 Music note. 19HoteL 21 Tone E (music). 22 Bright color. 23 Prohibit 25 South African tribesman. 27 Come back. 28 Head coven 29 Russian (abbr.). 30 Iniquity. 33 Music note. 34 Implement 35 Springy. 39 Indications. 42 Chum. 43 Separate from others. 45 Place. Answer to Previous Puizle Oil INigLlSIWll IF1IMI I IN G RgfANlSWAB I TjETT"" A TIUWOLJAIT EN nil!lir pIAnN'ERBtaiIr't U V Nh EHTlEiNlsillOHH ' W suTKTHRgBrp (AIRE CWHFl I fclKISl EiDHE HgigbjuBb CJhIq sa si i It MjANi JMI AjiTsnD CPnA'jAplDMRlEiELED AjETE M I R I SIEifgy I ISjE RE L qNTslN"BfSECTls P;eIl! i-IsIsieisTIsitIrie'e t 47 Advertisement 3 Charm. (abbr.). 48 Attorney (abbr.). 49 Beverage. ' 51 Therefore. 62 Upper part of head. S4 Assists. 66 Imagine. 57 Malicious burning. VERTICAL 1 Samarium (abbr.).. 2 Sick. 4 Pertaining to a nationalist 8 Affirmative. 6 Certified public accountant (abbr.). 7 Lubricant 8 Condiment 8 Inspect closely 30 Steamship (abbr.). 53 New Yor il Silkworm. (abbr.). 14 Field sets S4 Exclamation. are used In its 55 Tin (symbol), equipment 18 Bury. 18 Turkish cap. 20 Not artificial. 22 Allowances o. provisions. 24 Passenger vehicles. 28 Lose bulk. 31 Organs of smell. 32 Pay back. 36 Boy. 37 Giant (myth. 38 Company . (abbr.). 39 Symbol for tantalum. 40 Animal. 41 Parts of boat, 44 Music note. 46 2000 pounds. 48 Constellation. 50 Away from (prefix). sz Brought f forward ' (abbr.). ' I 13" 7" 5 j 16 17 la ' b' llO I i IlD" "Tia - mMk w Tp 29 ! 30 31 P H ' 3T 1 Waal icJ Maan II Fi In I 35 36 37 i& I 1 39 40 41 4T !"1 4l 144 j rTS 46 i aaasssk. aasaaaaa , -mmMmtm- mrmmm. ' HhL m 47 . t"-jj Ad P" bO ""Jbl mmmwf i aUui ... ' 1 $3 54 b5 I RED RVDER By Fred Harmon .' LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE f t REMEMBER WHEnX HM-M SPAHISHI It YOU WERE A SMALL BOY THAT'S ABOUT 1 i YOO AlWffilS CALLED J ALL I LEARNEO ! J ME "PADRE" YOU f IN SfWN THAT ' PRONOUMCE "PADRE" I'D NOT GLADLY MUCH BETTER, SINCE FORGET- f YOU WERE tN SPAIN- I . V ir S By Harold Graj WHERE BETTER TO GAIN , EXPERIENCE AND SKILL IN SURGERY THAN AT THE FRONT IN WAR? THATS WHAT I THOUGHT! MENTAL CASES! SHEIL SHOCK. TOO--GAD! HOW DIFFERENT TRUTH CAN BE FROM OUR IMAGININGS - BUT VOU DID MASTER YOUR CRAFT" At tD YOU GAINED MUCH MORE THAN DEXTERITY. MY SON YOU FOUND SOMETHING FAR MORE PRECIOUS, WHICH YOU WILL NEVER LOSE- j ' HA? I IA? YF AH? ( i uicovb.Kta MY ETERNAL SOUL, I SUPPOSE IS THAT Wt IAr YOU MEAN? VO YOU ARE STILL TOO CUT IT WIIAI YOU Oil) URIttG HACK PAORe! I t,jVJf.iI r:. WONT HURT Yf.M IR I'M NO OOI II. I I S COMPA'inn 1 SAINT A titjf t ur if", m;siC(F.' to Hf-l.P I AS YOU AI.L THOSE WHO SUFFER! VIELL I h ft. m V n -v. I V BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martir W k ItJ A u - itiiM mmxt ih. frT 71 mm. I ' 111 '.Lfi-Sk ill WASH TUBBS f ASSASSIWS! LI&WS! Z : 7 W r :,,.,. Aiutifc. US., t A , ) a- MainCaaafMU FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Y'WJOW,' FPECK.TWe PEASOM -we GcT IMRTWAT Jam at the riviera was because we vieRBtjr PREPARED fDR A FINANCIAL EMEROEMCV ALLEY OOP 1 ( should Maw " hfJZ rFJIiy0 LAIl I On A A weex,iiiXjoT ASIDE FOR A J EVEN READY FOR A mmjr mm By Cron T) f FOOL'S Of MEN I ART TrtOO . O I iSOlNa TO PERMIT THE I ft ) S& W I escape? FOLIO W ME! J Jr 1 KP LT KW By Blossot VmatIs Just IT we cam aarw Y gonna qit rY now more- as casbi ATGdr (with gas getVSM,, TOUCH Ny -, iry - IT I'LL BE FOUND By V. T. Hamlii 6AY, WHAT'S TH' IDEA.SHOOTIM' THIS AT ME, PIMMIkl' MV SHIRT TAIL "TIGHT "TO A TREE!? IT'S A BLASTED OUTRAGE -rfiM WITH KIOTHIWS BUT FAILURE RPWAR.DIWO THE:IR PE PEAT ED ATTEMPTS TO MAKE CONTACT WITH OOP AND OOOLA, FOOZ.V F IK) ALLY PERSUADED DR. WOKIMUO TO SEMP HIM THROUGH THE TIME-MACHINE FOR. AM OM-THE.-6POT SEARCH i (h:v, A LOW-DOWW TRICK... AkJY (heMiKPA y"Wiawiw more such businesst yAyv- WL' I WHO Aap A PEACE-LOVING MOO- WHAT FIND YOU. "AtntLiiBn ' sax. aVid ) 'TFS?, ?v !iIy LA3' hioimo im,uc,htast f ' WHAT PO Ay?i1i,ik- Hr Hla 1)ool 'JD BL1T DL,B- PHFeIw' VOU IIO OURlS AGTSFRISlA TReASLIRfe O03 KNOW 1 rfS EJ?W' V MMAIM V SUREX HIM, BOYS.. 1 CHGSTf LEDOEHID- BO? A. ? O HE MAY HAVE i J PEW IM THIS oDORA