DDPDE1D 1 OFF THE MONDAY CUFF a)The zone 3 class B and C sla v lorn and downhill qualifying k rounds are alated for Crater Lake on Feb. 1. State finals are -two weeks later at Tollgate ...Jimmy Coonan gays here. Ski riders from Lakeview. Medford, . .. Ashland and Grants Pass as well as Klamath will vie in the era ser tourney. Team picking is still largely a matter of opinion . . Upshot of the Pelicans' tre .xnendous double victory over ' Bend will probably throw a chill '. on Lakeview enthusiasm. The Honkers were seeing champion. ships after their twin win over the Bears couple or. weexs ago. Neither were particularly overwhelming, however. . . . vvv The return of Bob Newland, x-Medford eager, to the Duck lineup after a bout with illness, is expected to add speed to the . University of Oregon attack '.which was only off and on last '. weekend . . . Bill Bowerman, ex-Tiger coach now with the -armed forces In Seattle, writes . Bill Hulen that he's enjoying life with a gun. . . . Neil Mayfield, junior Pelican end, is back in school after a Portland period under the knife. The aggres sive wlngman was operated on jrby Doc Akin, Joint specialist, for correction of the knee Injury 'iwhich hampered him all last "season. . . . i'A Oregon State gridders were ,' presented full-scale gold foot- I- balls at Saturday night s victory I banquet. . . . Bill Halvorsen and ( Bob McKeown of the Beavers :have applied for, V-7 naval en f listment, which if granted will defer them from induction until r graduation In June. Then they'll a i j v. ji "Vcera. Glenn Byington, OSC Ji tackle, has applied for V-5 en li'listment which is virtually the ?same thing except he'll go into fcthe naval air arm. . . . jj! Marv Owen is reported to have the inside track for manager ship of the Portland Beavers I 'PCL team. ... f. - ; jSprague Hails Beavers as i'U. S. Champs' Y CORVAIXIS, Jan. 19 (AP fcThe Oregon State college Beav J ers, 20-16 conquerors of Duke in t;the Rose Bowl, were hailed as ''champions of America" here Saturday night i Governor Sprague applied the term to the football team at a mammoth banquet, and congrat vulatory messages came in from governors and prominent offi jfjciala of other western states. . Approximately 700 fans jam (med the Student Union building Hor the ceremonies. ,. Flans to give the players de jfense bonds were ; abandoned, jfiest amateur standings be affect ea. money raisea ior tne bonds will be used to buy rings for the players. . Quentln Greenough, all-coast center, was awarded the Sitton memorial trophy as the school's poutstanding linesman, r Guard Martin Chaves, captain in the bowl game, attended the banquet, then left Sunday to en Uist in the army air corps at JChandler Field, Ariz. Col Gal Skiers Cop Jeffers Cup h SUN VALLEY, Idaho, Jan. 19 (UP) The California women's Cski team today was holder of the Rogers cup for highest point score in combined slalom and downhill racing in the western interstate ski tournament. J." Virginia Gurnsey of Idaho Won the women's slalom Satur day, but Kathleen Starratt, of CaIifornia, who won the down fhlll Friday, placed second and jjwon individual honors as well lias pacing her team to victory. S" Barney McLean of Colorado ?won the men's slalom race in the itlme of one minute, 34.4 seconds 'to win his second first place in .'the tournament. t DARTMOUTH SKIER FIRST I LAKE PLACID William Dis !tln, 19, of Dartmouth, led nearly ;S0 contestants in winning the College ski-jumping competition "on the Intervales 40-meter hill outside Lake Placid. Gun Club Shoot X. Driscoll .. 23 F, Olds . 22 Puckett . 19 C. Martin 23 Dr. Ledingham .22 JD. West Bewley ... J. F, Adams J. Steiger . . N. Reed . tl. Coulson . ... Chase , .,,. , 24 23 21 av . aN m urn On Huskies, Win, 54-35 Webfeet Gain Revenge For Friday Licking at Idaho Upsets Cougars DIVISION STANDINGS W. L. Pet. Washington 3 1 .750 Oregon 2 2 .500 Oregon State 1 I .500 Wash. State 2 3 .400 Idaho . 1 2 .333 EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 19 (UP) The University of Oregon smash ed the University of Washing ton's string to 13 victories Satur day night with a 54-35 victory in a northern division basketball game before 35,000 rabid fans. Bouncing back from a 60-34 defeat at the hands of the Hus kies last night, Oregon gained control a few minutes after the opening gun and kept Washing ton behind throughout the rest of the encounter by at least a 10-point margin. Oregon's starting lineup play ed until the final two minutes, showing a wide margin over Washington in every depart ment. Mashik, Oregon center, took top scoring honors with 12 points, while' Dalthorp, Washing ton forward, led his teammates with nine. r-o rr pp tp S 4 1 10 1 I 13 S t 0 1! Tajlor. f WKfl, f Marablt. t Andrew, f P. Jackson, g . 1 ft I 9 5 1 10 II II M PQ PT PP TP Waal ill Itlwi Daltborp, I Ford. I GUmur, Morns, g Undo. Bird, i Oisibfrf. t fiilbertaoa, t Cummins, I elsoo, f Fillet, o Luuk, s 15 ft SI U Halftlm. toon Oregon S9. Washington 1. llsed free throws: Dslthroo X. GUmur, Ltodh S. Wm, Andrews t. llsyosrd, P. Jackson. Technical lotu. Andrews. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19 (JP) The University of South ern California basketball team held a slim lead in the southern division of the Pacific Coast conference today after a week of play. The southern division play. slow in getting under way, was limited to Southern California s even break with the- University of California. USC took the opener Friday at Los Angeles, 58 to 46, but the Bears came back to win the second game, 41 to 36. ' : ' :' : - Stanford in a non-conference game, was given a scare by San Jose State. San Jose hopped on a Stanford second team to take a 25 to 21 halftime lead, and the Indians were forced to rush in reinforcements to pull the game out of the fire, 57 to 38. Stanford takes its first dip into conference play this sea son Friday night in a game with California at Palo Alto. PULLMAN, Wash., Jan. 19 (UP) The University of Idaho Vandals took an upset 30-28 vic tory of the highly touted Wash ington State quintet here Satur day night, after WSC had taken an early lead. Idaho led 13-12 at halftime. after coming up on the Cougars. WSC took the lead again imme diately at the start of the second half, but Idaho soon went out in front and was never headed. Ray Turner was Idaho's high scorer. Portland Prep Grid Game Is Postponed PORTLAND, Jan. 19 (AP Eldon I. Jenne, Portland high school athletic director, an nounced postponement today of a Portland-Toledo, Ohio, football game from 1942 to 1943. The game, between Portland's league champion and Waite high of Toledo, has been tentatively rescheduled for Nov. 19, 1943, in Toledo. No reason for the postponement was announced. "TOUGH" OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 19 m Ellsworth Vines, the former pro fessional tennis champion turned amateur golfer, is thinking about returning to his first love where he "can win once in a while." Vines, competing In the Oak land open, tallied his score on 54 holes and got 223. "This golf game," he remark ed, "is too tough." 16 yds. Hdcp. Dbls. 2245 2244 2241 2548 14 20 16 16 18 2137 18 16 16 14 20 14 2446 2347 1841 2344 1937 17 1633 17 1229 18 ''' in. ..m.ii.i.i.iwn ni.ii. .. i .w. ;..v h..l.;-i. n. V ,..n 1, i i- ,. iii , , ;i-,iJ Roy Gieiebrecht of Detroit Charley Rayner and flips puck Pat Egan. center, of Americans. by winning In overtime. 4-3. on PAGE SIX Henley Five Overwhelms Malin, 45-11 KLAMATH COUNTY "B" STANDINGS W. L. Pet. Chiloquin 6 0 1.000 Bonanza 5 ! .833 Heajley 5 2 .714 Gilchrist 3 3 .500 Merrill 3 4 .429 Bly 2 4 .333 Keno 1 6 .143 Malin 0 5 .000 Henley took a firmer grip on third place in the Klamath County B league and stayed within range of the leaders Fri day night by steamrolling the Malin Mustangs, 45-11, on the Hornet court. Rollo Cheyne with 14 points was the big gun in a Hornet at tack which saw eight men score for the hometowners. Ottoman's three led the cellarite Mustangs. Score at the half was 25-10 for Henley. Henler ) (11 Malin B. Cheyne, 14 F S. C Spot.k D. Cheyne, 1 1. Jftruhs Newnham. t '' 2. Helm Weodjr, A r- S. Ottoman Palrclo, 1 O f. Botlur Writhl. 0 8 0. Draill Borton. fl S 0. Irvtn McKay. 9 1. K. Duncan Clement. I 8 0. F. Snolek Schultx. 0 g 0. C Imncan Hoppe and Two Tied for Lead In Cue Tourney CHICAGO, Jan. 19 (IP) The world three-cushion billiards championship tournament head ed into its final week today with Willie Hoppe of New York, Welker Cochran of San Fran cisco and Joe Chamaco of Mex ico City bunched in first place. Each ' had three wins and one loss, with five matches yet to play. Right behind the leaders, with three victories and two defeats apiece, were Ralph Greenleaf of Monmouth, 111., and Art Thurnblad of Chicago, but one of these two will have his third setback by the end of play tonight. They are sched uled to oppose each other in one of the two evening matches. In the other, Hoppe, defend ing champion, will meet Otto Reiselt, the Philadclphian who has lost three times in six matches. RED CROSS NET MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Jan. 19 (IP) The American Red Cross netted more than $2000 Sunday from a four-ball exhibition golf match featuring Craig Wood, Frank Walsh, Gene Sarazen and Tommy Armour. The players passed their hats at the end of nine holes, col lected $1380 in cash from spec tators. Referee Al Jolson auc tioned off a number of balls with which birdies were scored at $5 to $45 each. the coat that - 1 beat the blizzard! "Jn y ffl ALL TOPCOATS 0 OFF fi Feint Lunge Goal! tears in for a shot, eludes desperate lunge o( Brooklyn Goalie into net. Watching are Mud Bruneteau. front, of Rod Wlngi and Latter broke 10-game losing streak at Madison Square Garden fluke goal. January 19, 1942 Bowling At Klamath Rsereatktn Alley OOITCR LtACUI Sast Side tlectrle Ktllis no 111 ts IU H. lvrklns l HA riio 6UU DtLurj liU 1 1U l Clark . IIS 139 43 Lrnta 167 H HI il Handicap B S B III f7 a s;o ::i3 McComaett'Tettonl Hamilton lj? is; 111 ir. MrCurnsck I" HI) IM IHT Kileore ira 11.1 Ivl IrJ Infold 1T1 1W 140 WW alr 1M 10 117 in Handicap :s :i 7 l 001 Ml SM Mtl England Hull Bremer litlck tjurierlan Handicap IS4 153 17S IWJ U3 2IM III &0U 1!4 Ui ISO w: .113 133 182 434 13S II j 111 41 799 61 S33 U7S Pliher McElroy . Rack left Llndland Brown 157 1J5 13 407 !47 US 107 SC4 ll& 107 103 31 1 1!1 133 3i7 ja 159 ISO 435 le0 ISO leO 610 961 135 771 3! tafewae Horta 109 IH 1M 403 m 139 ll 417 es HO 170 4M HI 147 443 103 117 17 4M 1 123 123 3l SOU 3 613 --! Rarreion . Taenner . Qrlfas Mandertlle Km.wlel Handicap - Mijh School Zaehartas KoblnioD Perkins Munsell Brofdan Handicap 131 120 136 36 1S6 l0 167 663 .170 143 136 4.VI .123 113 130 a: la 172 233 377 97 97 97 SOI aa 30 950 I3 Al Klamath Recreation Alley INDUSTRIAL LIAOUt SHI Oate Asaoe. Hess . Ha 178 221 Ml Ward 1 1 ' llis l 1M 172 42 Vuunit 1S2 202 !M Materle -Handicap 1J4 1S5 ISA 451 62 IM 8M 961 963 202 Wayirriaeuoer 17 1 169 436 -.176 201 i23 W ir 133 1U3 470 Martin Ross li leger Hickman .Slrona" Handicap -I'll 1-2 12l 197 IM 607 203 621 43 129 313 911 971 2726 thaw Lumbar Co. 1 110 112 117 203 123 211 34.1 HI 134 IM 4M 147 169 130 43o IfiO 127 179 431 109 109 109 327 James tang W-I.ho Htauli Mitchell . Handicap 976 602 912 S069 Slbterlan Shop in 1M l9 600 130 179 le- 611 141 HI 1M 162 S3S 160 190 660 165 130 166 440 Potter llayleia H Katon Wakeman Cos Tuter Handicap , . 03 93 67 213 911 619 939 M96 Southtrn Paclflo R. R. Brown r.'larke . Telford . Uel.iiry . raiteaa 2II 201 110 6S7 1 37 I'M 1.19 492 164 1.16 117 l.tel .162 103 1G0 475 I59 183 139 600 93 99 93 291 304 979 S43 27M Bold a ton I7S 186 176 6.16 ' 160 ll IIS 161 20) 631 161 132 IM 181 277 .179 170 162 600 60 81 61 212 Booth llrlicoll Bold. K. Low Hold. J. . Haley Handicap 911 789 928 9718 FOOTBALL PAYS ANN ARBOR Ten per cent amusement tax netted the fed eral government $43,559.95 for five Michigan home football games during the 1941 season. Sports -'jSStoCz Briefs k'jt U Hugh FulUrton. Jx.f NEW YORK, Jan. 19 (Wide World) The president's boost for buscbull and night games was Just what the doctor or dered lor the St. Louis Browns . . . -Two things they've been asking arc more use of the floodlights and some cash money for operating expenses . . . Hardly a chance now that the Majors will turn down the 14 night games proposition at the Feb. 2 meetings and the chances are the American league will fin.! it easier to get up that $100,000 than to take the risk that one club might fold at this critical stage . . . Tip-off on what may happen when the oth er major league contracts go out is Connie Mack's statement that practically all the A's pitch ers want more money. ONE MINUTE SPORTS PAGE Michigan apparently will fol low the U.S.G.A. cxomplo by calling off three of the state's major golf tournaments . . , Other sections still seem unde cided . . . When Bebc Lee, Utah State's coge couch, was called up by the navy, Bob Burnett, another former Stan ford player, took over and the team didn't even lose a day's practice . . . The Reds' Ival Goodman, a righthander all his life, plans to try southpaw throwing this year to take tho strain off his lame shoulder . . . Basketball innovation tried out by Collingwood high school at Cleveland puts one of the of ficials on a perch 15 feet above floor level instead of having two galloping around the floor. VERY BUNNY, HA HA1 Ted Williams tells this one on himself so he enn't blame us for repeating it . . . Seems when Ted was about 13 he and a pal went rabbit hunting and man aged to shoot ofie . . . With no one home to advise him, Ted proceeded to plunge the bunny into a pot of boiling water, pick it clean like a duck and fry it, skin and all . . . "I gotta admit it didn't tasto very good," said Ted. POSTMAN'S PARAGRAPH Sebastian E. Linehan, slipping in a plug for tho A.A.U., 50,000 meter walk at Cincinnati in May, points out that walking Is the best exercise for the na tional defense fitness program and it should have a big com petitive season. MARINES HAVE ICE-LANDED Private T. Kenneth Stockwcll of Peoria, III., writes home that basketball uniforms of the marines in Iceland consists of heavy underwear plus regular uniforms and earmuffs and that twice the wooden floor has been blown into tho ocean. CANYON, Tex. Jack Mad dox, West Texas State basketball player, is a cowboy during tho summer. Jim Bocchi's 23 -Point Spree Spurs Pelicans to 59-2 Win Over Outclassed Lava Bears Butler Holes 10 in Second Weekend Victory for KUHS By BOB LEONARD Nowa Hornld Sporli Editor Jiiiiipln' Jim lliK-i-lil, a slonrier IVIIriin Kcnllrmnn with wlng!t on his boots mid flro In his tilioolln' eye, rang the bell for 23 points Sntiirduy nltilit to (ililitcnito the collective efforts of nluo Bond Lnva Hours oiut sot the pace for a second successive Klnmath victory over the mld Ort'uoiiliinii this time by a count ot 5H 21 on the Kliinuitli hluh si IhmiI court. Tho lull Junior liiiurri with tlm surprised eyebrows splushed In 11 baskets and n frro lluow beforo ho retired in tin) Inst per iod, a total of two more than the ' c n t i r c Bend squad. lit) hit IV III I I II III llf Mn.xi autl frntn 3 way out, single- , nniidetlly and ivlth assistance, met only missed nine of 20 ot emiits. Which ain't exactly sloppy. Jim Boccht Hut the rest if the buys guve him a lot of help, particularly Irish Mli'key liutirr who holed five two-pointers out of eight shots for 10 markers. The little guard booted in all five on Just ! six shots in the last quarter. I Unlike Friday night, the Bears I last evening opened tip with the I first basket of the guiiie, a crip- pic by Forward Johnny Prince, but the lead vnnished as Bocchi connected for two in succession land a free throw. Cox pushed in la bucket and Bend's Herb Yottngbcrg and I'rincu and then Klamath's Gene Love each tossed penalty shots before Jim slugged In two more. The quarter ended at H 4 for the Uisbills. fmmummm m The blazing guard bunged In ( puca on greens ami under cov thrcc more in the second us . "cd sheds, anil finally upon Love. Ingvor Swanson and Jui ! howling alleys indoors." Cox matched It In total. Bob The original bowls (or balls of Powell, Bub Jounis and Prince the game of bowls) wero stone each connected for the invaders , boulders, and were us near spher in the ocriod to briiiu it to 2010 i leal In formation as could be ob- at halftime. Love in the third quarter threw in a pair, Cox was good for three points and Bocchi for la half-dozen as the taller Peli cans continued to swipe the bull and otherwise annoy Bend through tho period. Meanwhile, however, the Lava Bears sank a trio of free throws and even staged a slight rally which net ted them four baskets. The frame ended at 30-21 for the hometowners. Captain Love was banished via the foul route as third drew 1 1 oa ciose ana Loacti utitcii French substituted freely as the i fourth opened. In the last quarter Butler took the helm and led a quintet com posed of Keith McGilbary, Lee Hunter, Baldy Foster, Don Lolrd and himself to 20 points, com pletely blanking a Bend second string on the way. In toto, the game was a rea sonable facsimile of Friday night's runaway though the Bears were ablo to rack up 10 more points. The general Invader play was considerably better, bs was the Pelicans'. The locals caged 28 field goals out of 68 tosses, according to the score book slightly better than Friday's 25 out of 75. Bend ham mered in only eight of 55 throws which, too, was better than the preceding night. KLAMATH FALLS (II) ra rr pr tp livr. f Swanlon, f Co. o Ilullrr, f Bocchi. g , Ulnl. I Mr'itrlioiif. V..-I. ( Hrlillrarr. f H.inUr. roili-r, S . 4 ra rr pr tp Prlnca, f .loan)., f Vi.illiabrrg, Powill. t .. W'lirr, t I'rultt. I Maiia-lin, I . Ivr. o Kn liij, flora hy Qitarttrt 4 ini -Ml Klamath Fall . II II lienrt , 4 0 11 o -'li IWre, I'nul Crajio; I'mptr. Iloli lilfii- Beside The Headpin y "LADraUS" I Wlille Junior was polishing up I his headpin, I took the npportun i ity to thumb through his Bowl- ers Minnie! and continue the I Interesting history we started Inst week, j "From the earliest times, In , every civilized country of Eu i rope, the game lias been played in one form or another. Auth orities uro practically united In the opinion that the first form of bowling in Kuropo took place in northern Italy 1000 to 1000 years ago. As far buck as the twelfth century "bowles" wus a popular game in England. Strutt, in his "Sports and Pastimes In England" says, "The pastime of bowling, whether practiced on open greens or In bowling alleys. was probably an innovation of the Middle Ages (100 1500 A. D.) During ttiat period bowling was tallied. Hence, stones not being perfect spheres the explanation of the bias, or curve that balls take in the lawn gamo of bowls. And now to air our weekly leugtie sheet and give out some leaders. Eddie's Place Is still In the lead, this time by one game, hav ing 23 wins to 18 losses. The Swan confectionery, O. K. Transfer and Cummings Fur shop are in that same ol' tie for second place. Their games stand 2217. So, it's not a walk awoy yet. although Eddie's Place have been consistently on top. F.ddle's l',"rc uUn ,"l4P" high. team series 2534. High team game Is being held by the Royal Crown Cola five for the present, which Is 0.13. High individual average Is out of the deadlock it was In and now belongs to Flo Ann Eaton for 160, with Doris Cheyne a close second with 150. High and sec ond high individual series Is held by the same two girls, Flo Ann 503, Doris 573. Flo Ann has high single game, 234. with Mar tha McCollum second with 215. The line-up for Thursday night will be Eddie's Place and Lorenz company; Cummings Fur shop and Daggett Insurance; Swan confectionery and Town shop: Royal Crown Cola and O. K. Transfer. Basketball Scores COLLICI Ortiton 14, Wathlnnton II. Idaho 10, Wathlnftton tUlt tl. Albany If, Pact Ho It, Whitman 44, 0oliM of Idaho 4.. loultiam Dragon II, Oregon Ooflagt of Idu catton 4A. taitarrt Waahiniton IT, C antral Waihlngion Idaho Froth II, Waihlniton Halt froth tl. Ipokan J. 0, 14, North Idaho tl. 0. tl. latum Dragon M, Lawlaten Normal 41, Can Ir alia J. 0. to, Multnomah II, Portland Unlvtraitr , Colltga of Pogat fltmd It. Vahima J. 0. IT, Lowtr Column! J. 0. JI, WMitrn Wiahingion JI, Paollio Luihtran II. Mount Virnon 4. 0,, II, Drayi Harbor J, 0. HIGH SCHOOL La Oranda 17, Union tl. Tillamook II, Sllvtrton tt. nuhtnatatrt Juniora Ctngarif) ( Gtfttra! flathollfl (Portland) tl, Klamalh Pallt Sfl. Band It. Milfon-Priawattr , Pandttlon tl. RUPTURED? AM.r handling iruttH many yon wa havt dtelriad I ha Little Doctor Truss la tht bMt on tha mntVni, ami la tlm toitwrt to all fllpttiro atiffrir. an, Ni-nt, almple, efficlftit, nn atari to runt, no elastic, no proaaiiro on t tio l nclt or hi pi, no leg Urn pa, wflgdi t) oiittMf, No mutter htiw ofiil your trim a u ititrrtaOtl In lb nitwfut ami Iip tt.u irtt. KrM tlemonatrallon. All work t-na aulijiMTt to your ilorilor'a ap prrtvni. Unlimited fra rvtra at any ona ot im ffrn agnta. A Sitzmarker? Learn to Ski On This Page Skiing hns taken America by tturm. Many people ski Just for fun. Othcrt tnke 11 too seriously. Many ski for social reusont because It li tho thing to do. But there Is no thrill quit" like that of skiing proiirly, a n tl Francois Nor man, author of "Klwirl (uljt til Hotter Ski L ing," discards. a 1 1 "systems' In favor of practical! lies and b a I n n cc principles. Nor m a n, famous Intitrti e t o r in this country Norman and abroad, calls his new 12 part, pictured series, "Slick Skiing" The Norman meth od Is based on clear ami In telligent explanation rather than personal proficiency, which makes his artloles readable and unusually In structive. Get the thrill of "Slick Skiing." starting on tomorrow's sports page. California O Subdued by Byron Nelson By RUSSELL NEWLAND OAKLAND, Cullf.. Jon. 10 (AIM He took 10 years to do It, but Byron Nelson finally won California golf tournament. The shut specialist from To ledo, Ohio, hint acknowledged the plaudits given n national open and I'CA champion, but for tho first time sinco he turned professional in 1032 he came up yesterday with the major prize In n Cullfurnia tournament. Ho won the 72 linle Oakland open with a par-battering 274. There wasn't the shadow of doubt as to who the best nn was this time. Nelson led froirr start to finish. After a three under par in the opening round, a stroke better than any rival, ho added three successive 69's to finish five shots ahead of the field. The only other player to subdue par 353570 for the Sequoyah course over the four rounds was an amateur, John Dawson of Hollywood, who turned out a neat 270. Dawson, of course, rotild not participate in the money awards, such ns Nelson, who pocketM $1000. Dawson received a de fense bond for his efforts. Army Sports Ban Lift Is Sought SACRAMENTO. Jan. IB (UP) Relaxation of army restrictions upon sports event in Cnlifnrnt was sought Saturday night In W resolution introduced by Assem blyman Leo T. Bashorc, Glen dora. The resolution called for ap pointment of a committee of three to confer with army offi cials on lifting the bon upon horso racing and other major athletic events such as the Rose Bowl football game. Tho resolution was referred to committee. HOLLYWOOD Frankie Al bert, all-America quarterback, signed to star in a football pic ture, "The Spirit of Stanford." Production starts In April. CVOotiQcysezt A MAN NEVER. bOSCi I-A1TH IN WOMEN UNTIL ONE OP TttEM HURTS HIS VANITY'S- You can have faith In the statements made In our ads for they are Just what our pleased patrons say about ui. Your first expe rience with us will con vince you. 24 1943 21 2243 Currin's for Drugs Ninth and Main Phoiw t "Tht Prlandly 0ru Itor," ....22 ....23 20 42 21 44 18 20 22 16 Jones ..24 2448 P. Hilton . 22 P Hilton Jr. ..... 7 1320 Tom WaMers .. 22 . 23 45 UlrVl Vw IJ . I -1 kTaiT-1 la r-1