The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 17, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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SAYING AU REVOIR to Miss Joliene Woodruff, daughter of Mr. ond
Mrs. R. C. Woodruff of this city, who loft Wednesday evening by
train for Bakersfield to moke arrangements for her wedding to First
Lieutenant Stonloy Staiger of the United States air corps. Left to
right, Mr. Charles Boiley, Miss Patricia Woodruff, Miss Joliene Wood
ruff ond her mother, Mrs. R. C. Woodruff, who accompanied her
daughter south, ond Mrs. James Burness,
Picture! by Wcslry Gudcrinn of The Herald nd Newt
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J KLAMATH HAS DEVELOPED o Jwo-piono team of its own
and one of which it may be justly proud. Mrs. Samuel A.
Mushen, ond Mrs. Joseph C. O'Neill, (standing), presented
a miniature concert of their own before the Klamath Falls
Woman's Library club on Monday afternoon. Their num-:.
bers ranged from Rachmaninoff, Cluck and Debussy through
Crieg's piano concerto to delightful numbers by American
composers. Another reason for m "all-local" program of
this city's own talent. .
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RESPONSIBILITY RESTS on the shoulders of Jean
Leverlch of Klamath Falls who was recently ap
pointed In charge of registration of Klamath
women for war' service. The appointment was
made by Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dunbar. president of the
National Federation of Women s Clubs on a re
cent visit to this city. Mrs. Leverich spoke Thurs
day before members of the Soroptomist club at
the weekly luncheon In the Willard hotel.
SOCIAL HIGHLIGHT of the year for Klamath Fails Woman's Library
club members is the annua) benefit bridgo tea sponsored for Doern
becher hospital for children in Portland. Date for the party Satur
day, January 31. All women of the county are invited to take part.
; Chairmen are Mrs. Robert A. Thompson, in charge of cards, and Mrs.
Ralph Waldo Stearns, arranging for the tea. Seated, left to right,
Mrs. Emlle Buzaid, tollies; Mrs. Robert A. Thompson, Mrs. J. F. King,
stage decorations. Standing, Mrs. Glenn Kent, cookies; Mrs. R. R.
Proebstel, president of Library club; Mrs. Fronkiin L..Weaver, serving;
Mrs. A. C. Proctor, calling; Mrs, Ernest D. Lamb, tea table decorations.