Newi Weak ,4 OFFICER CANDIDATE OliTer Kinney, son of OUyct Kinney and Mrs. Nell Kinney oi Klamath Falls, was in the city Saturday on a stopover from Fort Stevens. Kinney, Mrgeant in Battery A, Klam ath national guard, is en route to Fort Monroe, Va for officers' training. Second Lieut. George Kinney, broth- BE CAREFUL AT SCHOOLS Dean Nichols, school traffic patrolman at Mills school, stops a er of Oliver, graduated from motorist to permit Mills school children to get across East Main street safely. Motorists are es Fort Monroe this summer. pecially urged during this season of slick streets to drive carefully in school tones. WINTER BEAUTY This picture, taken on South Riverside, shows trees transformed by "frosen fog." The view Is more thaa week old. .aft- V 1 ft Lx.;u: f l n 1 :: mK 2 it Tire Re-capping Business Booms as U. S. Rubber Shortage Hits City i r, - " -4i7t niz'-r 1 r - ''i' . r-t First step in re-capping process, if tire needs section filler, 1 Is raw rubber plug. Like an infected tooth, tire cavity is drilled out and layers of rubber inserted. Cement and co hesive action make it stick. Earl Young shows how it's done. l Tire is then placed In section mould which "cooks" It at 200-degree heat, makes plug unrecognizable part of whole tire. Above, Young is adjusting mould gear. r 1 AigifS '7 ?1f ar?ar "mit" ; ' . -. - :w1 r ?h 'Sh l" t2 I v y'U ' , 4.' i It .3. 'if 4 v)f jf With camelback cemented tightly to old rubber, tire Is placed In full mould for "cook ' ing" process which also Insets new tread. For passenger car tires, 200-degree heat is ap plied for IH hours under ISO-pound prenure. Rubber melts for first IS' minutes, then hardens with continued heat. Above, Wilson places tire in "cooker." Ready for re-capping, tire's old tread Is buffed down smooth with automatic high speed buffer. Rotation of tire during process Insures even job on entire circumference. Rubber cement is then spread on exposed surface, allowed j , to set for 1J hours. , ( , ' '- . ' '. 4 "Camelback" rubber, re-capping is then placed on ce- ,' seal, highest grade material, gives the motorist mileage equal to new tire, Guy Wilson Is shown applying It to old rubber. ' - ' .- v. r . - X Done to a turn, tire Is removed from mould and allowed to cool. Later sidawalls are nalnt. 1 " ed, making old tire look brand-new. Present re-eapplng process merges camelback with side-' TV' wall, giving smooth, even job. Mould heat is 'applied only to running surface, does not injure 'A ''' . idewall. Going price for complete re-capping job, not including' section, workj. Is 17.60. ' lB'" ' : : -''-y iJ