Jaminry 17, 11)42 THR EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALIR, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN Classified Advertising Rotoi: Ono day run per word 3c 4 dny run pur word lOo 5 (lay run ..' per word 11c Week run per word lZo Month run per word 32a GlalUjjiedl AdueiiUin Sectiaa 20 DISCOUNT for payment in Advance. ThU dis count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid In advanca adi only. 5 DISCOUNT for Payment by the 10th. This dis count given to tnsura prompt payment of ads charged on monthly basil. 3 day run per word Oc 3 day run per word 8c CLASSIFIED INDEX Apartments Cor Kent 24 Automotive 34 Business Opportunities ... 48 Educational .....l!i financial For 8ale or Trnda 38 General Notices 4 Health M Help Wanted, Fomnlit 14 Help Wnntod. Male 10 Houses For Rent . 2 Livestock and Poultry 44 Lost and Found 1 Miscellaneous For Rent 211 Miscellaneous For Sole .......... 311 Miscellaneous Wanted 42 Real Estate For Sale 30 Real Estato Wanted 32 Room and Board . 20 Situations Wanted - IB Ta Rvrhanffi 40 Lost and Found FOUND Two skeins Pcnlmald wool ysrn In paper bug. In quire Herald-News. 1-17 I.O.ST Needlepoint clmir be tween Henley ami Merrill. $25 Reward. Jerry Rnjnus, Mnlln. Phone 210. 1-20 4 General Notices STUDIO OF BEAUTY New phono number 7191. Mezza nine of Whytnl J21 THE "K" CAFE, 800 Klamath Avenue, la now open under new rnnnnKment. 2-0 RICHARD B MAXWELL an nounces tho opi-nlng of Ills of flee, associated Willi R. C. Grocsbcck fur the general practice of law with trial prne- tice In all courts, First Federal Savlniis and Loan KiilMinu. 117 Transportation WISH RIDE to Boise, Idaho, this weekend. White Pino Apt. 302. M7 WANT RIDE to Oakland, Calif. 302 Commercial. Ant. 2. 1-17 10 SsrvlcM OIL STOVES OIL FURNACES Repairs and installations. H. M. Parkhurst, 703 Mitchell. Phone 0800. 1-17 LOOK The New Deal Shoe Shop, 1023 Main St., Is under new management. We repair Just like they do It at the fac tory. Invisible soles, crepe ov soles. Tho finest of modern 9 machinery and years of ex perience are your assurance of the highest class work. BOB GENTRY, Mgr. 1-17 PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalsomlnlng. Dial 0848. Mel vln E. Frost. 2-13mU ELECTROLUX CLEANER Soles and Service. Phone 3723. 028 Main. Your dealer, Tarkel Tweet. 2-13 FLOOR SANDING nnd Finish ing. Waxing, Polishing, Scrub bing., New, old. C. DuFour. Phone 3000. l-31mtf RAY HALL Your Elcctrolux dealer Sales and service. 813 Rosoway Drive. Phono 7187. 28 BATTERIES CHARGED in 30 minutes. Reymer's Associated Service, Fourth and Main. 2-3 mU FLOOR SANDING and finish ing. Clifford Golden. Phone 3022. l-31mtf WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for oil mokes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 011 South Sixth. l-31mtf I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chns. Hathaway, 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Oro. 1-31 FLOOR SANDING Old floors rcflnlshcd. Norman Frnlcy. Phone 4001. l-24mtf PICTURE FRAMING Art and Gift Shop, 610 Main. l-24mtf PICTURE FRAMING Gocllcr's, 230 Main. 214mtf PAINTING, Kalsomlnlng H. L. Brown, Phone 4226. 1-lOmtf JAWS REPAIRED The right way. Bodcnhamer's. 353 E. 'Main.' 2-10 BEAUTY NOOK 504 So. Bth. Dial 8218. Oil permanent, $,'1.50 nnd up. Shampoo, finger wave $1. No ndvonco In prices. Evenings by appointment. 1-22 ! HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered, alterations on new and old clothing. Mrs. H. M. Allondcr, 731 Main, Room 210. Phono 7263. . , . ' 2-10mtf ' rwiumiun rails V-7 Transfer & Storage 101 Klamath Phone 5672 Moving Local Long Distance f ... i . storing Furniture Merchan- : dtaeCratlng Packing - Dn nn no ("WE HAUL ANYTHING" ? s' I . S-tf R HO ADS Window Cleaners for your cleaning problems. Phone tb. 2-11 (Services HOUSE CLEANING Art Bono rllet. 08411. 2lmtf 12 Educational MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE 0IS Klumalh Ave Phone M883 lllnmll 13 Health DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chiro practic clinic Sumo location, !VI2 Main. Dial 7213. 2-7mtf 14 Helo Wanted, Female WANTED Unencumbered housekeeper, and cook. Mod ern runch. Glvo ko. refer ence and wnijcs expected HKD 1, Box 0, Bonanza, Ore. Bl)7tf WANTED Housekeeper for family of four. 2200 Apple Sate. 1-17 WANTED Mlcltllengcd or younner woman for house work on farm. Coll 1033 Cn-.n-rnt. inifi 'fn 16 Help Wanted. Male FOR JOBS In airplane factories. Apply Mr. Llstnl, Room 201, Wllllt Bldu. 2-9 18 Situations Wanted MAN, 84 yearn of atfe, will work for board and room, smoll wuku. Olo Nelson, Anchor Hotel. 1-10 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, stenographer wanU work. lliirrntiKlis operator. News Herald Box 1740. 1-17 EXPERIENCED woman wants chambermaid work. Phone 4310 1-17 HOUR WORK Core of chil dren. Phone 7383 after 3 p. m. 1-10 BABYLAND Caro of bablos and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. 2-12mtf EXPERIENCED woman cook wonts work. Herald -News, Box 1444. 1-23 EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants work. Phono 3354. 1-23 WOULD LIKE to manage farm or ranch. Hove had unlimited experience with all kinds of livestock. Box 1422, News Herald. 1-17 20 Room and Board BOARD ROOM Reasonable. 1841 Moln. 1-21 BOARD - ROOM Private home. 332 N. 0th. 1-26 BOARD AND ROOM adjoining both, suitable for two gentle men. 504 No. 10th. Phone 0814. 1-21 SLEEPING ROOMS Board if desired. 1018 Washington. 1-10 ROOM -BOARD Close In. Ex ccllcnt table. Phone 4765. 1028 Jefferson. 2-6 BOARD, ROOM Lady or gen tleman. 1321 Johnson. Phone 5540. 1-19 BOARD AND ROOM 407 North Oth. Phono 0010. 803tf BOARD-ROOM. 514 Walnut. 2-0 ROOM, BOARD Phone 0883 1-17 22 Rooms For Rent ROOM 020 Lincoln. 1621U MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Steam heated. Weekly rotes $3 up. 60c to $1 per night 2-15 NICE ROOM Close In. Kitch cn privileges If desired. Phone 5475. 420 No. Oth. 1-20 CLAltEMONT, 228 No. 4th. All outsldu newly decorated, mo dern rooms. All with new In nerspring mattresses. Free parking. - 2-28mtf ROOM Homo privileges with cooking. Phono 7585 after 5 p. m. 1-19 ADJOINING SINGLE ROOMS, twin beds. Phone 5638. 1-17 ROOMS 1034 High. 2-6mtf HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 1304 Wordcn. 1-17 FOR RENT Nice room. 134 N 3rd. 4600U LARGE room for gentleman. Close In. Phono 6966, 1-21 ROOM 514 N. 10th. 1-23 24 Apartmknts For Rant VACANCY Small 2 rooms suit able for two adults. 325 Com mercial. 1425tf TWO-ROOM APT. Nicely fur nlshed, $20. Inquire 1749 Men- lo way. Phono 5455. 1-17 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished, $4.50. 410 So. 5th. 1-17 RIVERVIEW APTS. 4 rooms nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very desirable. Phone 6017. 4740tf PARTLY FURNISHED two-room apartment, Wood range. Close in. Inquire 6121 High. Call days. 827tf 10 24 Apartments For Rant FURNISHED one-room apt. 433 No. 10th. 1-17 NICE housekeeping room, every thing furnished. 210 Moln. Fairfield Apts. 1-21 VACANCY 11th Street Apart ments. Adults only. 333 So. 11th. 1-10 VACANCY Jacobs Apt. Steam heat. Pino ond Cedar. 400tf FURNISHED small apartment. $18. Inquire 1402 E. Main. 1-19 NICELY FURNISHED CABIN 248 Broad. Oietf VACANCY Audley Apart ments, 303 So. 8th. Phone 4610. 1-19 TWO-ROOM furnished apart ment. Hlghley's Market, Sum mers lane. 1-19 VACANCY Esplanade Courts Furnished. l-31mtf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas. 419 No. 10th. l-24mtf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nlshed apartment. 2300 Bichn. Phono 7268 or 4527. 4138tf VACANCY Everything fur nished, $3.60 week and up. 1404 Klamath. 1-17 VACANCY Rex Arms. 1-29 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Completely furnish ed. Convenient hotel service Day, week or month 2-0mtf FOR RENT Duplex, housekeep ing room. 1143 Pine. 1-17 TWO ROOM furnished apart ment. Electric stove and re frigerator. $24 mo. 1118 Wal nut. 1724tf FURNISHED Apts. for rent. Wood, light and water fur nished. 133 No. 10th. 1-20 2B Houses For Rent FOUR-ROOM furnished, near Folrvlew school. Call Alta- jnont Auto Camp. 1-19 FURNISHED 3-room house. No dogs. $17.80. Inquire 2237 California and Front St. 1-17 FURNISHED HOUSE Shasta woy. 2552 1-19 FOR RENT Furnished large 3-room .duplex. Hot and cold water, garage, i block to bus. 2028 Reclamation. 1-17 THREE-ROOM modern furnished duplex, 424 Division. Inquire 924 Jefferson. 1-17 FURNISHED three-room house. Close in. Garage. Apply 439 Washington. $30. 1-17 FOUR-ROOM modern furnished house, garage. 122 Lincoln. 1-17 THREE-ROOM furnished house, $23. Phone 6825 mornings. 503tf UNFURNISHED house, close to high school. Phone 6642. 1-17 FOR RENT Six-room furnished house. Oil furnace, no yard upkeep. $45 month. 435 High. Phone 4273. 1-19 2-BEDROOM furnished house. Furnace heat. Phone 5317 or 6815. 1-17 THREE-ROOM furnished house. Adults only. No pets. Phone 4805. 1-20 FIVE-ROOM strictly modern un furnished house with upstairs furnished apartment, Mills ad dition. Inquire 355 E. Main. 606U 3-BEDROOM suburban home. Basement garage, furnace, $40. Four-room duplex, gas, util ities, garage, $35. Three-room house, garage, $20. All unfur nished. Phono 7688. 939tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save H. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 2-7mtf TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE, unfur nished. Gas range. J 543- Mar tin. 734tf TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save 1 Stiles Beacon Service. 1201 TWO-ROOM cottages. Wood, lights, gas furnished. $30 month. Link River Auto Camp. 1-18 UNFURNISHED duplex. Range, refrigerator, oil furnace. Call after 5:30 p. m. 805 No Oth. 45Sltf TWO AND THREE-ROOM fur nlshed modern houses. Util ities furnished. 2125 Bichn 803tf TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE, full basement, unfurnished, $40. 1645 Melrose. Phono 8281. 1-17 HOUSE FOR RENT Call at 2028 Applegata or phone 4027. 1-20 28 Miscellaneous For Rant 32 ACRES, two miles west of Mnlln, for peas and, or clover. Lillian Clogston, 527S N. E. 15th Ave., Portland, Ore, 1-17 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cado Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Call at all hours. Phone 5116. 2-flmtf 30 Real Estate For Bale FOR SALE Equity In 3-room modern house. Phono 4802. 1-17 SELL EQUITY reasonable new 3-room home in Mills addi tion. Garage, Venetian blinds, inlaid linoleum. Nice lawn. Phone 0053. 1-17 LEAVING for defense work, must sell unfinished four-room house Corner acre, sandy soil, berries, shade trees, lawn. Phone 4023. 1-17 A GOOD HOME, close in and close to school, furnished ready to move into. Railroad man has bumped to Portland. All for $3200. $1600 down pay ment, balance to suit. Inquire 423 Pine. Telephone 8364 118 TWO-BEDROOM 4-room house, breakfast nook. Three-bedroom house. Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 117 FOR SALE 'Two houses for price of one. A real bargain. Inquire 1227 Main St 133tf EQUITY in small unfinished four-room house and half acre. 1504 Gary St. 1-22 MODERN DUPLEX Hot water heat. Reasonable. Inquire 1834 Melrose. 1-18 FOR SALE New five room house, large living room, fire place, hardwood floors, two bedrooms with large wardrobe closets, kitchen has lots of built-ins. Call 4481 noons or evenings or see it on Sunday at 2501 Vine. 1-17 MOVE RIGHT IN Two lovely new homes can be bought for nearly rent. ACREAGE FOR RENT 180 acres under irrigation, no Improvements. Also 40 acres un der Irrigation. INVESTMENTS A dandy sub-division site of 40 ocrcs, close In for quick sale. E. GRAY, REAL ESTATE 118 N. 7th. Sunday phone 4680. 117 SMALL FARM of 20 acres for trade. Lovely home and fine soil. Will take income prop erty or home in town. E. Gray Real Estate. 118 N. 7th. Phone 4680. 1-17 FOR SALE Houses and lots in Brookings; Oregon . Also 310 acres nearby. J. W. Mosier, Brookings. 1-23 34 Automotive TRAILER HOUSE, 8x16, built-in cupboards, sink, single bed. Phone 6006. 1-19 EQUITY "33 Chevrolet. Radio, heater, good tires. 1213 Pine. 1-17 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN for sale, or trade for cheaper car. Phone 3829 or 5640. 1-17 STURDY 2-WHEEL TRAILER 16-lncti wheels, good tires. Altamont Trailer Park. 1-19 WANTED TO BUY Equity in '41 Ford, Plymouth or Chev rolet. State full particulars in first letter. News-Herald Box 1411. 1-17 EQUITY '41 Chevrolet sedan. Phone 7312. 1-17 WANTED Good Late Model Used Cars for SPOT CASH. First Class Prices For First Class Cars. No Delay for Your Money. See Jack Morris, Mgr., at DOUGLAS MOTOR CO. 734 Klamath Ave. 1-31 '29 FORD COUPE $30. '33 V-8 coupe $65 cash. Phono 3787. 125 N. Laguna. 1-19 STRICTLY BUSINESS 34 Automotive Specials MONDAY MORNING 8 a. m. to 12 noon '35 Ford Fordor Sedan ... $ 99 '34 Chevrolet Coupe $ 70 Ford T r uc k, practically new, heavy duty rub ber, special axle, good motor, good body, suit able for hauling wood and coal, 'don't miss this one for only $145 h.Vhauser 1330 Main St. Phone 5161 34 Automotive "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yoes, factory trained, service manager. 4934U '34 CHEVROLET COUPE. Fine shape, good rubber. Phone 4804. 1-20 FOR SALE Equity '41 Ford business coupe. J. W. Llve soy, Klamath Agency. 1-20 36 Miscellaneous For Sale SALE Repossessed and Reconditioned Electric Refrigerators and Ranges C. O. P. Co. 1-20 OIL HEATERS Evanoil. fan, $49.50. American Sunflame. 8-inch deluxe, $54.50; 10-inch $49.50. Sunflame, rough, $39.50; Sears floor-furnace, $49.50; Sears Radiant, $19.50; Midwest, year old, $49.50; Ward 13-Inch deluxe, $39.50. 20 down, $3 monthly. Guar anteed. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. Oth. 1-19 GLASS Duplate safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resil vering. Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut Phone 7378. 2-6mtf STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone S671. l-31mtf FOR SALE Complete Eastman 8mm home movie outfit in cluding camera, projector, screen, splicer, titler, filters and cases, write News-Herald Box 4294. 1-17 FOR SALE 45 Colt automatic, never been fired, $43. Phone 4015. 1379U LARGE RED FRYERS and roast ers. Crystals, Merrill-Lake- vlew junction. 1-17 TRAILER HOUSE FOR SALE Factory built, practically new. Virgil Parton, Riverside Apts., 2 Main, or phone 4851. 1-2.1 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve - nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 865tf RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 3204tf by MeFeatters 36 Miscellaneous For Sale Auction AT HAGELSTEIN DAIRY Algoma Saturday, January 31 Commencing at 10:00 a. m. S3 Dairy Cows, double tested; 11 1-year-old heifers; 4 2-year-old helfers;6 1-year-old steers; 3 small calves; 2 black Angus bulls; hay chopper, John Deere tractor, buck rake, mower, spreader, dairy equip ment, 2 milking machines, 1 large Frigldalre for cooling and storing milk, 1 cream separator, bottles, bottle fill er, milk cooler, cans, wash vats, electric water heater, boiler, sterilizer. This property will sell to settle the estate of the late Fred Hagelsteln. Terms, cash. Lunch available during sale. George Hagelsteln, admin istrator. Col. Swigort. auctioneer. 38 Miscellaneous For Sal CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute. Including suburban sections Block numbers indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For sale at Carmlchael's news stand chamber of commerce Ernie Piluso's Drive-in. Ever- body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug. Louie Polln's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store. Shaw Stationery, The News Herald. Vies Signal Service 3205 RECONDITIONED wood range. California Oregon Power Co. 862tf FIX THAT RADIO Our bus! ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 2-Smti FOR SALE Fancy Gem single drop seed potatoes. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 845tf COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone. 5934. 2-12 FOR SALE Saddle horses; also electric range. Will trade for hay, gram, cows or used guns, Rt. 2, Box 498 I, just off So. 6th St. Ray Hough. 1-17 MUST SELL QUICK House full fine furniture at bargain prices. Davenport suite, twin bed suite, all white range, di nette, lamps, etc. 4798 Climax St Phone 8469. 1-20 FOR SALE 5 pieces waterless- aluminum including roaster. Cost $40 will sell for $15. Good as new. Phone 6537. 1-17 RADIO FOR SALE 1941 Delco 9-tube console with built-in aerial, beautiful design and finish like new. Originally sold for $80.00. Priced to move quickly at only $45. Good auto tires accepted in trade. Phone 5451. 1-17 38 For Sal or Trade EQUITY 1940 Bulck six-passen ger coupe. 1821 Dayton. Ph. 7897. 1-19 BEAUTIFUL lady's one-carat diamond, platinum mounting Will trade for late used car. Phone 4015. 542tf 40 To Exchange TO EXCHANGE Residential lot in Medford for Klamath Falls property. 2024 Reclama- tion. 1-19 WILL TRADE $97.00 Kelvinator lroner for good milk cow. Phone 3985. 1-20 42 Miscellaneous Wanted ACCORDION WANTED Wur- lltxer 111 or 120 bass. State model and price. Phone 8365, 1-17 WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 5713, our ex pense. 2-llmtf WANTED 2-bedroom complete ly furnished house, close in, for balance of winter months, 1642 Crescent. 1-20 WANTED TO RENT Garage in vicinity of Pelican hotel Phone 7025. 1-19 44 Livestock and Poultry JERSEY HEIFER FOR SALE 15 months old, bred to Jersey bull. 4349 Winter Ave. Phone 5031. ' 1-18 JERSEY HEIFER FOR SALE 15 months old, bred to Jersey bull. 4349 Winter Ave. Phone 5031. 1-17 FOR SALE 700-800 head feed- er hogs, 22 veal calves at pub lic auction by the Farm Bu reau at Anderson, California, Wednesday, January 21, 1942 at 1 p. m. Hogs graded and sold in truck load lots. Calves sold individually by the pound 928 TEN FEEDER PIGS, three thin sows, coming 2-year heifer. ' Mike Perrett, Lava Bed road. 1-18 CHESTER WHITE weaner pigs. J. H. Phlpps, Midland. 1-21 44 Livestock and Poultry THIRTY-SIX head feeder hogs. take part grain. First house on left past Cal-Ore. 1-17 FARMERS ATTENTION High- est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 8361. Midland road. l-31mtf FOR SALE 16 beef cows, 28 heifers and steers. Hoist e in and Hereford mixed. R. Jell nek, Malln, Ore. - 1-17 2 GENTLE SADDLE HORSES Exceptionally good. George A. Du Fault, 402 South 7th. 1-19 48 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT EXDOBSZIS S WATS TO OCT A COSIUWZM CASH LOA.Y novt WBJTS . COMI tx Too sots no co-if(nn or taoofMn lo gtt wBHncn wu. THREE LOAN PLANS 3T0. I-ISCOMg LOA5B Oo your not on If. So wage swlft mtntft. Jfo co-lien . no. i-nmyiTURB loans roar character la mora Important thai) Um Jurat turt fUclf. 50. S-ACTO LOAK8 to IHO eajb loua and rtfta antist, CONSUMERS CREDIT (M-at s- Phone 7711 720 Pine St l-aimtr LOANS ON YOUR AUTOMOBILI Cash At Oncel Tour Car X4 Hot Bt Tnttj FaM For . . . See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION IIS Sooth ft St.. Klamath falU Fhooa MM lla 1-Jlratf See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY 111 H. 7th Uc M-17S 48 Business Opportunities BOWLING ALLEY Six modern alleys, complete, at sacrifice. Will consider trade. George A. Du Fault, owner, 402 South 7th. 1-19 HOTEL LEASE FOR SALE Reliable couple. News-Herald Box 1710. 1-19 FOR SALE Welding and auto wrecking shop. Best location In town, doing $12,000 a year business, fully equipped and stocked. Owner going to Pearl Harbor. Hurry if you want this. Cash price, $3000 takes it all. Mac and Floyd's, 232 N. Riverside, Medford, Ore. Phone 4080. 1-19 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Joseph L. Fother Ingham (sometimes known as J. L. Fotherkigham) Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the Estate of Joseph L. Fotherlngham, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are directed to pre sent claims properly verified to me at the office of Fred D. Fletcher, Suite 12, Melhase Bldg., Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice which Is December 20, 1941. HARRIET B. FOTHERINGHAM, Executrix. D 20-27; J 3-10-17. No. 194 Newborn Babe Left Orphan by Fire SEATTLE, Jan. 17 (P Mrs. Kasper Peter Mellang, 26, died early today without knowing that she had given birth to a son a few hours after her hus band had carried her from their blazing home in White Center, a south side suburb. She was not told that Mellang and their 2 Vi -year-old son, James Henry, perished in the flames. Hospital attendants said the newborn Infant had a good chance to survive. The body of her 38-year-old husband and her son were dis covered in the ruins; neighbors said they believed Mellang was trapped by the flames when he dashed back inside the house in a futile attempt to save his son. Coffee Is mado from the leaves of the coffee plant in Sumatra, and the beans are exported. QUIZ BROADCASTS BANNED BY CENSOR WASHINGTON. Jan. 17 (Pi Regulations to keen enemy spies from broadcasting military data to lurking submarines or se cret stations over Impromptu radio programs were Issued Fri day by the office of censorship. Censorship Director Byron Price called on broadcasters to ban certain types of quiz and re quest programs and conduct for ums and audience interview with caution. In resDonsa to sneelfls in. qulry, the censorship office ex plained informally that such pro grama as Vox Pop, Dr. I. Q., Take It or Leave It, and Double or Nothing could be continued. The broadcasting industry, the office said, has abandoned the "man-ln-the-street" and informal types of quiz. It was asked that nn tolanhnn or telegraph requests for musical numbers be accepted during the war, and that no given request be given at the requested time. Kequest was made that "all audience-participation type quiz programs originating from re mote points, either bv wl. transcriDtion or short xunvm discontinued" with certain qual locations. It was noted that program permitting the public access io an open microphone "i dangerous and should be care fully supervised" and that gen erally speaking "any quia pro gram originating remotely, wherein the group is small, and . wherein no arrangement exists for investigating tho hnrlf srnunH of participants, should be discon- unuea. wnen large groups are involved, "where participant are chosen, a theatra anriljanr for example, the danger is not so great. In studio-audience quiz shows no Individual seekine nartlHna. tion should be guaranteed par ticipation, tne code said. oucn quiz, request. Interview and forum tiro grama, tha censor ship office warned, might be used by axis agents to commun icate with their headquarters or with saboteurs through pre-arranged signals. OUT-JU-JITSO JAP SEATTLE, Jan. 17 VP) A 81- year-old Danish-born policeman who claims he can out-ju-Jltsu the Japanese Is just about the busiest extra-curricular teacher In town. . Svend Jens Jorgensen, a 210 pound patrolman who says ha would really be better ai the oriental art if he could lose about 10 pounds, is a Ju-Jitsu teacher for law enforcement officers of the northwest, home guardsmen and now a navy officer has asked for his services. . - Jorgensen, a copper, for 22 years, is no amateur at what Webster calls "the Japanese art of self-defense without weapons, . . . which depends for its ef ficiency largely upon the princi ple of making use of an oppon ent's strength and weight to dis able or injure him." He has writ ten four books on the subject, and insists that only about 10 per cent of his tricks were adopted from the Japanese, "My stuff is original," he em phasized. "Of course, I've picked up the best tricks the Japs have, and incorporated them into my own system. But there isn't an oriental in Tokyo who could stand up to my stuff for 30 sec onds. Correction make it 20 seconds." How did a native of Denmark become such an expert at an oriental art? "Well, I got started on it after three fellows on the police force were shot in one night back in 1921," the good-natured patrol man explained. "I figured wo had to find a better way of self defense. I learned ju-Jltsu and be came a police instructor in 1924. "Sometimes they ask me: 'What if a man had a gun and was 10 feet away?' Well, maybe it wouldn't be so good. I have to admit I can't reach that far.'' But Jorgensen hasn't done so bad for a fellow without sup erman reach. He has a record of 67 captures without firing a shot. Artist Falls Into Espionage Net PORTLAND, Jan. 17 WV Charles Voorhles, Portland art museum director, who had only a few hours left in which to enter a drawing in a contest, set to work in the early morn ing on a waterfront scene. "Sketching factories. - eh?" asked a passerby. "Yep," said Voorhles. . The passerby, a civilian air raid warden, called a cop and the netx thing Voorhles knew he was en route to police head quarters. . Lengthy explanations won his freedom. 4