SERIAL STORY TAMBAYGOLD BY SAMUEL HOPKINS THB TOHTl Maai Baaaia waaalaa parailaaloa from Jaaa Ail Jodaoa. laai of arlalacratla Blaarlea of niKoWR lumbar I'laatatlaa. le mrt p Frta laark Traaoa aera, waaaera war aaeh a aralfr lrl la aoorra taa world, aha afoolraa a caataaiar la Prof Laraa Oliver ef aearaj WrlU Irrr U. who la alaaina far laalaa rallra aa Taiabay sronnd, aervea . M)bll mi Aal "Todd. Jaaa - A cold-aboaldcra ata larltatloa to a frat daace, lalrr aaka Mom It aka aradaaar kala. . DOLF AND 8W0BT PALS CHAPTER IV VOU mean it right, I guess," I laid to Juddy'i offer to help. "But well, kind hearts axe more coronets and all that, but : they don't make a cook out of a society deb." , "It would give me something to . do," she said, hall to herself. "O. K." I said. "I guesa I can use you, Juddy." . She stared at me. "What made you call me that?" - "I don't know," I said, and I didn't "When do I start?" "Right noW 11 you can snitch couple of perch out of the river before lunch time.' It was more to sea Juddy, I expect, than to pay his little bill that fetched Angel back next ' morning. "What's this niece stuff. Mom?" "A stall." I told him. "Protec ' tlon. Keep off the grass. Use no hooks. Beware the dog." He shook his head. "That gal don't need any barbed wire fenc- - log. Say, Mom, what's the matter - with her, anyway? I tackled her , again about the Rogues' Dance. Is there anything wrong with that?" "Did she act like thera was?" "She didn't act like anything In the girl line that I ever war up , against" ;"Dont let It throw you. Big Boy. It isn't personal. She's off the world, that's all" "Well, it just isnt natural," he complained. "What are we going to do to get her back into circular ., Won?" "That's your problem," I told him. But he'd put an Idea into my head, just the same. . . The sounds of spade working Inside the stockade caught his ear., "That must be that louse, Oliver,: , digging his Indians," he said. "Where do you get that louse stuff?" He grinned. "He'd like to give me the heave-O out of school." i "What fort Don't he appreciate your giant intellect?" "He's sore because he thinks I elected his course for a snap." ' "Did you?" . "Sure I did. It always was a nap till he came. Now It's a grind. I'd like to go over and crown him." He listened again and his face got thoughtful. "Maybe it isn't Indians he's digging for at that" "What else would it be?" - i "I told you there was a gold (strike back in the hills." ;. "This isn't the hills, by BO good (miles." ' "No. But there might be a wash idown the river. Ill bet that's it IIH bet those dead Wasaws or iCoosaws or Seesaws or whatever Ithey were are only a cover. I (wouldn't put it past Oliver. He's smart, that guy. But he isn't hu- man." a jTTE hit the road and I went back to my duty by my traveling ipaL Up to now I had been keep ' ting Dolt under cover, because I'd . , learned to go slow about springing . (him on the public. Folks have gilly prejudices against skunks. There's no more peaceable animal In creation. Like all his kind, Dolf ds dignified, maybe a little stand offish, but he is always the gentle- . man unless somebody starts push ing b'm around i Nobody was in sight so I slipped (the leash and Dolf went out ton a looksee. First he walked all ! around the grubwagon to make ' isura that everything was Jake, Ithen he jogged over and sniffed lat Loren Oliver's footprints and - the stockade door, and finally he lloped across and disappeared idown the steep little cliff that dropped to the river bed. . A big old tree trunk stuck out dnto the stream, and a , funny, Isquatty little man in a queer Jacket and an outlandish red cap was fishing from it and talking ipleasant and friendly to my pal - who sat on the shore watching him. Only I couldn't understand the language he talked in, and I doubt if Dolf could. Pretty soon - Redcap caught a small chub, took . it off the hook, carried it in and loffered it to Dolf. Dolf under- jstood that, all right He sat on hls hind legs and ate the fish and . waved his paw for thank you like ,;I taught him. ; I "Well I'll be a thlssenthatl" I isaid. Something told me it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. The little man got up and made a Jerky, foreign bow. I opened ' him up with some questions and ha told me, In his slow, broken way, that he fished there days when he couldn't find any odd jobs to do, which was most days, and he hoped he wasn't going to be in my way. While we were getting acquainted, there was a ." heavy buzzing sound, far off and far up. Well, it was nothing but the north-bound mail plane. But the little foreigner threw his hands in the air, and up the bank he went' He made a run for the stockade and swarmed right up over those high paillngs like a squirrel and ; fell into the enclosure. When I ' got there I could hear him moan ing and crying with fear, and . Oliver talking to him, kind anV Quiet ADAMS COFYHIOHT. 141, NKA KRVICC INC. 'The noise of the plane died away. Oliver opened the gate and walked out with his hand on Die little man's shoulder. a a a said. The man went back to his tree where Dolf was waiting. "Who is he?" I asked Oliver. "They call him Old Swoby. He's a Slovene refugee." "Crazy?" "Only when an airplane comes over. He saw his wife and two children gunned to death by a playful aviator. Who wouldn't be crazy?" I looked at his eyes; they were hard with anger, and sorry at the same time. And I thought how his voice had sounded when he was comforting the poor devil. "Doc," I said. "I guess I've been misinformed. I guess you're hu man after all." The Feederia caught on quick. like it generally does. Business kept coming in steadily, and there were times when I was glad of Juddys help. Angel kept on trying, it got him nowhere. She was off men. Definitely. After several score less innings he threatened to get sore. He said he guessed thera were other gals within reach. Who ever chose Juddy Queen of the May, anyhow? That line. Well, the idea ne a piamea earlier had been flickering and now it blazed up and illuminated the old brain like a candle In a pumpkin. THIS CURIOUS WORLD COP, iw frr ma sortie, rjtcr'-- T. H. MO, U.. PAT. Off. I I i t j t m ANSWER: An American Indian Chief ot the Ottawa tribe. NEXT: BaUy bats! iii2&.i POPULAR SPORT HORIZONTAL Pictured -j sport 6 It is part ot the sport ' of . 10 Kind of horse (pL). 12 One ot a party (suffix). 13 Maorlan supernatural beings. 14 Flat plat of metal. 16 One who puts in pans, 18 Small fruit pie. 19 Condition of strain. . 21 Therefore. 22 Ream (abbr.). 23 Male parent 24 Betel palm. Answer to Previous Punle E NOiUIG'HBEIR'ALjnsCIE fST.OREHlAft'N USHES Ia'RUidBwTip.e.r) mftairpncitMt eIn EiTSI ICWWOILBNlOiRBLI lEiftnA YieBNABs3 MM Dl I DIOBINI I IL FITTb BNB3jypTE" pGElTI I ICBN ElMlti !nI ine srern 34 Beasts. 38 Head covering. 40 Type of wolf. 42 Disposed in a zigzag line. 44 Beverage. 45 Genus of plants pl.). 47 Device for holding work. 27 Chooses. 28 Editor (abbr.) 48 Softens in 29 Age. temper. .30 Dawn (comb. JO Religious form). groups. 81 Cry of 81 Long outer surprise. garment (pi.). 33 PercH. 82 Thoroughfare. iH I j W l'"pO H I ' 31 132 pTiil 35 36 37 "T 15" 39 " lis LjI4 45 45 " 49 HiO " "Listen, big boy," I said. "What ever it is that happened to Juddy has made her man-shy. My the ory is" I'd caught that turn of speech from her "that if some body took her by the neck and heaved her into the social whirl she'd swim rather than sink. Why aren't you the guy?" "I don't get it Mom." "The Rogues' dance. Simple." "I've asked her four times. No die. What more can I do?" "Take her in a bag." "Huh?" "For Pete's sakel Kidnap her, you big boob!" "Gee!" Angel said. (To Be Continued) Hall is formed by droplets ol V '' StJ&J$ TOiM mU T5?C ' 'iSSCs. water being carried upward to jV' ' s L,, ?) L RED RYDER By Fred Harmon rVl -"rlikl I f VELL COLCN&L UiaP- 5 CS. X A FLS.i.S'-vE 1 - "X" AN? LITTLE - i, f APOLTI ft fMUES Ojl OM -i "VS-l I ( -CI VA'.S LL TnC !! .f a, J w I LviMec-o kess O'J fro V srS.D') kua,tV f.vR5e. jTTr KNae.,TH'5 eucwno:-' jona h v v. vay vct J uA 1 1 MSaaaaa, "V ripSSESCK ftpS.HA.' AfiOUT I x W.ll GS.T ."VI J W'Jr eRfcA. KMM AND COLCNf-L. JJ& L 5viV J t tfffl M"ilJ Wl f?.1 IcCK'NV C S-R. R-CA V H4.T, H-' J 0- f)'02rt" "I5 1,-4 OULE.P IS COVROVE. HE'S 1 . GRAPES ORBV INSlOe THE v&S- IN CCU.OA10 AND SWAM IN THE TROPICAL STREAMS OP AAOW. THERE ARE so, ooo evpsies IN THE UNITED STATES Of3 THEvW LIVE IN ,j rstzw vcvc ox 17 Amuses. 20 Babylonian ' god of pestilence. 23 Jumbled type. 25 Brazilian money of account. 28 Symbol for calcium. 27 Hawaiian food 28 Side of the ditch- next the parapet. 30 Terminates. 32 Queerest. 33 Enchantment; 34 Spring up. 35 Mistress (abbr.); 38 Metal bar I.I I I II V iG'yoiLi SIEILB I ISLAND T0;KiTOrlATOn VERTICAL 1 Draperies. 2 Particle. 3 Brag. 4 Silly. 5 Nova 'Scotia .(abbr.). used for pry ing purposes. 7 King's council D Roman highway. 9 Family of herbs and 37 Cur into parts. 39 Opposite' of .a weather. 41 Skills. shrubs (bot). 43 Italian royal 11 Indian family. mulberry. 48 Print measure 14Palrs (abbr,). 49 East Indian 15 Minute (abbr.). particle. SO Street (abbr.). OUT OUR WAY S I'M NOT BEING PEF.A.NT. WHEN A OIRl fttf MARTHA ! GOT A UTTLH. V IU.'E BEEN -FEEDING CHAMPIONS V 3 ( I BUT SOU ALMOST JUMP gOESTO PAINTING DON'T LOOK ) ALL AW LIFE, HCOPUEjf--A CWN WV THROAT FOB THE HER LEGS WITH XS 7?WTv LA61 NilSHT V) THEY NEVER MlGS A. 6MINS AT g I VERV THINGS HE JUST GETS INK TO HIDE HOLES ' BRUN6 A FIGHTER HOME )( THE TABLE, BDT THEY'RIS VJlLD 7v A TIEEt? LOOK FOR.' WHV. V. IN HER STOCKINGS X HE'S 6NORlN'OMTMAT S WITH THEIR. PUNCHES ON PPW DAV I'LL BET RIGHT NOW HE'S AND SUCH THINGS, '( BUSTED SOFA IN THE ATTIC: U-tH. GlJE VOU AND VOUR FIGHTER, I GOT A FOOT OF HIS STOCKINGS THAT SHOWS WHAT SOON'6 T CAN GET HIM ONE CHANCE IP VOL) ps -LAPPEO-OVEK?- HIS TOES fO KEEP j V KIND OF A HOUSEffiEPEB 11 A FIGHT, I'LL DUMP A V V- FORGET THE CAHE, BE fv HOLES FROM SHOWING ABOVE V SHE'S GOING. y fM HATFUL O DOUGH IM MER. y . PREPARED TD DUCK J JfeJ 1 H.S SHOES fiW TO BE ' y ST LAPv VOU CAM VEEL (.;)) TV. -eW-lf f lf2jFja -i iTiT- nTT 2 1 eCVr- A proud to saw vou fed ys- JJ.. ( J- mj) iiu u-t MM HV a champions KrAfci; LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE jf'pOOR. POOR KATe"?"''''; CRAZY KATE GAD ! MINE HERS GOING DOWM f, HER ROAD. TO THAT AND MKSE ( .'.'7 J. L-J ' , l I w cw-0 Ka-rci :r; ;s. .'.. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES OOTS Immm y y .i ,'l, 2 I 1 '. f,t' WASHTUBBS ALLEY OOP f V? SOU CO NOT I SURE I DO f WELL, I'M NOT GOIW& TO 1 B IP ONLY I H5 Y GBT BSADV POO. k t. LIKE LAwariwT YOU ABJE ABOUT rr,fiTBR..J B f TROOBLB , VOOMSiTeR...) ' SJ)l?--- CrT!ftl JSrL. I XM 60IMC UPSTAIRS a -1 BL OLD MAM f 1 WBRS M A NEST ' V FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS f2tif-?r" Them you pour, hot water I V S' ' Vs Prime Thp CAftfiupETOft 1 (( There's i ( FIRST VOU TAPE MM THE RADIATOR., ANO LEAVE - '-Sl I A FEW TWE9, ANO START j NOTHIW ) I I wotf VIKC3 iriMI I ISUME HJK IHt MftNiruLU I ly ANU UACIt X . WINUNO . d I I CO ir. .1 SPARK PLUeS AND ? (7 Jv-' 1 J . W j.'' 'to t' Jj WA SHOT FROM AMBUSH f NO ACCIDENT EITHER! fWHATBVfiR IT6 PURPOSE, 1' I BV JIMINV &EEAND BUT TO KILL OR SCARS.. IT FAILED INI ITS JOS, W, R BINGO, I'M NAILSP THIS CAMS RIGHT AS I'M GONNA 9MOW M l FAST TO A TREE OUTA THAT BUSH V SOME LOP-EARED SLOB.',)' By J. R. Williams MINE STUDY! MG THffl ; ) MYSTERIES. THE HUMAN MIND AND WHAT HAVE I LEARNED? WONDER-DEGREES- HONORS--SKILL AT SURGEfrt" GIVEN TO FEW MEN , ( (VW VOUtAO ft,'1-'.' '.1. T CI Jjl BUT THIS IS SURGERY-AT WHEN TO SPAg THE KNIFE- M THIRTY YEARS -PREPARirW TO GO BEYOND THE PALE--TO TAMPER WITH THE UNKNOVN - WHAT A nAAW C A UU 1IUI AM MIMH... LJAJC mm v UWW-tt MO CV.WSE. I t V-r .-c-- - L I. . OUR BOARDING HOUSE, NOT A CASE FOR SO-- LEAST IVE LEARNED If I UATir. THE RIGHT? I WONDER r' y a vr ' i Cvt; rop. T m ro u pi.ot.y, . y . -y k -v tlf -a , .1 -. , s. . . i ij '- i j ,1. .-'lii ..I . f - - . j im , Jj- . with Major Hoopla 1 HE GOES no SEG POOR N - AMri Tur- i nf in ura 1 EYES AS HF LEAVES -THIRTY YE AKS. SINCE HE WENT AWAY A I'.OY I'M THIfHKING NOW A MAM HAS COMB SACK HM-W"iU. BE KEEPING AN, EYE Ot TH LAD- V ' J l'J- I-, c liCttStai l V 'l By Martin By Cram Ifr OH, 1 6AYI 6OME60DV 7lM iril TUaNED OUT THE IWtSfJ "JL,C4 you IDIOT.' 1 J By Blossei Amo lb TMiNk it was THAT Sort op thiwg That REPLACED HORSES 7" 1 . By V. T. Hamlir, n ?1M'I (0 to MM,j" , eor. iw'i Kv it wiet. inc. t. w. ii a pT'.'r. In j f-tj - y'u, : 'f