Jtmitry 18, 1942 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGQN page rrvB E CRATER LAKE While en- UrUlnlng frlende Sunday va nlng Ranger W. T. Frost no ticed i a (ox poorlng Into tha window of hit residence. MM Frost then placed raw moat on tha window (111 which kept the (ox at tha window for approxl mately two lioun. Tho (ox wai a crou phase of the Cascade red fox. Its upper parts were black or dinky, overlaid with whitish tips of long hair. The side of the shoul den, neck and face were a red' yellow or buff. The nose, tall, feet and buck of tho ears were black, whllo the tip of the tall was snow white. This Incident was very un usual, due to the fact that foxes are more often heard than Seen. Their presence In a vlclnl I ty is generally known only by a short bark, by a pungent dusky odor, or by their long delicate tracks In the snow. Tha Cascade fox lives mainly near rocks, and their speed and intelligence protect them against men and dogs. They (red main ly on smell rodents. They are known to be very cautious, cunning and swift. Their long, fluffy tall adds not only to their beauty but also plays a big psrt In helping them get along so swiftly. Martens are common visitors at the windows of most of the park houses, but this fox proved to-be a new and most Interest ing visitor. Pastors, Laymen Hold Sub-District q Meeting in Bly BLY A sub-district confer ence of the Cascade district (or pastors and laymen of the Metho dist church was held at tha Bly Community church on Tuesday, January 13. Representatives from Paisley. L a k e v I e w, Klamath Falls, Chlloquln and Tort Klsm ath were present at an all day session. Tha meeting was conducted by tha Reverend Silas Falrham of Salem who is district, superin tendent of tha Cascade district. Tha general theme of the pro gram followed was 'The Church In This Hour. Program 10 a. m. Devotional message, "A Pastoral Ministry," Rev. Lee Mooney. 10:30 a. m. "Continuing the O Evangelistic Visitation," Rev. Xd. Aschenbrenner. 10:80 a. m. Discussion, "Mak ing Evangelism Vital." 11:30 a. m. Period of quiet meditation and testimony, Rev. Has Falrham. 12:10 Luncheon: "The Pew Speaks to tha Pulpit." Mrs. E. Wilson, Fort Klamath. 1 p. m. Reports (rom pastors around tha fellowship table. 1:43 p. m. "Youth and tha Church In a World at War." Rev. Victor Phillips. 3:20 p. m. "Lifting tha Mis sionary Morale In tha Local Church," Rev. B. V. Bradshaw. 2:80 p. m. Readings by Frances Cauabla and Bonita Gooch; solo by Mrs. Ray Harris. S:15 p. m. "Sent Forth" Closing moments Silas E. Fair ham. Tha luncheon was served in the school cafeteria by the ladles Oof the Bly church to all those attending. It was announced that a district meeting (or lay man would ba held at tha Metho dist church in Klamath Falls on February 27. Merrill Legion Post to Meet MERRILL Tha auxiliary of Merrill post, American Legion, will meet Tuesday afternoon, January 20, at the home of Mrs. E. E. Kllpatrick and It is an nounced that tha public, card party planned (or that data has been postponed. Instead, the members will serve tha supper (or tha dance on January 24 sponsored by Baldy Evans that will bring a popular middle west dance band to Merrill. Mt. Laki ' Mrs. Ernest V. Ayre of 'Bo- nanra la recuperating from an operation at the home ot her daughter, Mrs. dray Brannon. Lawrence Cheyne was severe ly shaken and bruised one night last Week when the car he was driving hit a train at tha Hager railroad crossing on the Merrill highway; The car was com pletely demolished. Mr. and Mrs. Tra Oram and son Harry, spent Sunday at their Fort Klamath ranch. Looking for Bargains? Turn to the Classified page. GET WONDERFUL RELIEF fe Bans an4 ttefc o4 Umals : P.-L-E-S!! ' ainsto all, hmS sot wrach and teHnr . jmmj whH maeManlna: Mh. bum and Irrlla I lam, Staart'a rrraailS Saaaaalurlaa brlna ajutaa, wctcMiw rallaf. Thtr 7-war m4iea Jfcm tiaana raal comfort. radueaa strain, Mhw UahUr, ralavad mambranaa, aantlv faarlcalaa ana? aoftana. Fratactlva and antr' ahaSnar. ao aaay la uaa. It'a wondarful Ui ba) trtt ot alia tarturt aaaln, Ott aanulna Bteart'a Pyramid Saspaaltartaa at your druR atara without d.lar o and St.90 on abu'a amiar-oatk tuarantaa. Railroad Worker Injured in Bieber BIEBER Leon Bedord, a rallrnud extra gnng worker, suf fered a compound fracture of his right leg In an accident that oc curred Monday as he was help ing to unload stael rails on tha Western Pacific south of Nu- blober. He slipped and a rail dropped on his leg. Follow workors brought him six miles to town on a puilicic propelled by a track motorcar. After being doctored ha was taken to hospital In Alturas. KENO The first aid class at Keno completed their standard course on January B, according to the instructor, Ross L. Put nam. Those completing the course were Nondls Steibcr, Ellamae Dow, Beatrice Gullaspy, Mar garet Arvidson, Neva Mne Ohles, Evallna D. Sohrnkoff. Grace Ramsey and Harry L. Hendrick- son. Mr. Putnam wishes to an' nounce an advance course In first aid will begin Monday eve ning, January la at 7:30, and on Wednesday evening, January 21 at 7:30 another standard course In first aid will be started. These classes are held In the high school. They are (ree except (or a small qharga (or the book and all those wishing to take either courso are urged to attend. Laki Sewing Club Holds Meeting MT. LAKI The Mt. Laki Thursday Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Esther Dixon Thursday afternoon. Tha afternoon was spent In sewing (or the Red Cross. Members present were Mrs. Lots Hill. Mrs. Olive Marshall. Mrs. Gladys Cheyne, Mrs. Frelda Enman, Mrs. Florence DeLap, Mrs. Leone Quails, Mrs. Pauline Kaylor. Mrs. Winetta Brannon, Mrs. Dorothy Jackson and the hostess, Mrs. Esther Dixon. Children present were Rich ard, Robert and Jeanle Hill, Jackie, Janice and Kathleen Marshall, Jimmle and Vincent Cheyne, Cecil and Helen Enman, Linda and Leland DeLap, Mary Lou and Margaret Ann Quails, Melvln, Ronald and Lawrence Kaylor and Eleanor Ann Jack son. The next meeting will be at tha home of Mrs. Florence De Lap on January 22, Bieber Enrolls Volunteer Firemen BIEBER The Bieber volun teer (Ire department has en rolled an .auxiliary force of IS men to assist In combating fires if the need should arise. The ex perienced firemen are Instruct ing and training the auxiliaries In the use of the department's anoaratus. which Includes three pumper motor trucks that are I housed In the department s own building here. The action was taken In view of the possibility that a large part of the regular flreflghtlng force may be commandeered for service elsewhere In the state. Another First Aid Class Organized BLY Another standard first aid class has been organized In Bly with Red Smith as Instruct or. They ara meeting at the high school on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and will con tinue (or five weeks. Those enrolled are Katherlnc Bishop. Kathleen Lavin, Flor ence Mcngelkoch, Beulah Elliott, Joseph Wallls. Nellie Wallis, Anna Gooch, Bonita Gooch, Mrs. Jake Diamond, Marie Coke, Wllma Keffler, Elmer McOlnnls, Neva McGlnnls, Geneva Ellen berger, Ruth Pollock, Thelda Mc Millan, Marge Strong, Oretha Hudson, Frieda' Varnum and Alma Johnson. Th Holly-Ette broi tlera provides a youth ful uplift with the ut most comfort. Whirl pool stitched cups as sure a firm contour . and a center V of las . tex eliminates any cut . ting or binding. Ad justable shoulder . straps. Ntt It.n. Satin and Nylon SI.H TOWN SHOP Main ot Fifth u m n ii v Mar T sl , v ir aw' n v. -j. - -r rr winv wy,A c . r- jsr-' II aVUOi. L .lr Mfl4 ?TH Sorina Prints and Matching Solidsl la'Tian 1 : '-'SxDiYMTt mo-de-gay prints It T."Bn,y': Yo" S,i" So: j& ffirJjfiwj Welcome as the (Irst breath of ... II Wl B " n Vjp spring these new prinU will fC 1 1 Iffl aV a. aaaa aa, m. w 0 Fi "Tabvf ' -1 W Put vou in the mood for "wing! I 0 II 1 fU fj I I D N S t3J 'LW Wonderful shades you can tub Jf II VI 1 W I I W 1 J &Mm TKjiV without a qualm! 36-inch. ' yd II Mercerised Thread kMeV1rr'f?r I Coal, or riark a. Sua M. IM yda. j Q Snap Fattenars A lV!SCi' I "l"k' e"-' feTL'Mfrx I Pearl Buttons WwJ I rraah walr cuallly. OarS 'C&&lWlfS Rick Rack Braid g jLfTlfvSr I Mrrr-rliH mlton. yda. TafaaW SaJ&VSl'ipTN I Fine Lawn Bias Taps ' I Washable Dress Shields .. pr. 25c HJ1XT", X W I Sanitary Napkins. 12 s 18c ' 'v.l aa. I Adjustable Sanitary Belt . 2Sc WLgggSSSSSSIOtSSSSISSSSSSISISSSSSS I Stamped Pillow Tubing yd. SSe m - iBfiK.J! " """l I Talon Slid. Ja.Un.rs .... 25e uP gagSSTM A 1 ' Lace Table Cloths ifm J Imagine lace at such gfj Aft Sty?A tPW JT'' r tfe price! Use this practical "H UU fjWHW'U?i? Jr? r sSsv cloth for best or every f&lctf. piJr ' svtfGfti "Br av day! Charming design itfAVfxMi J2&y'' " --.f; . SaS rich creamy color! Vva$V a'VJPH- M&Z V LUXURIOUS LACE CLOTH h&J&f k 123 CSJa Nsl A new and elegant design in VV" aV' c POO. . . . w , a soft cream shade. Grace-Qft VS AlftLil VNV Famed for Long Weor! f-Tp,rful scalloped edges. 7 VV avSl "f5 i Nv PENCO SHEETS frmvria&rwryrmt M525?wka Famed for Long Wear! PENCO SHEETS Firmly woven yet soft and smooth as c a n be! Laboratory tested wear tested! Same Superior Quality 81" x 99" 1.35a Tremendous Shaat Value! 1 NATION-WIDE SHEETS; Fine selected cotton woven , into firm, sturdy sheets! Smooth 1 Aft finish I ,vv it" i if" XH smooth as can AO" J0yj&A jmfiii ECONOMY PRICED WIZARD SHEETS FULL 81"x99" SIZE Ideal (or use when low price Is (irst consideration. American cot ton sheets with tape selvage (or protection against tearing. 64-INCH TABLE COTTON DAMASK White damask center with crisp colorful border. Assorted patterns. BALCONY Smartly Tailored! NET CURTAINS 1 00 pr. Beauties of floral patterned 'shadow lace wcavel Adjust a b 1 e. easy to-hang loop top! NET PANELS of a delicate shadow lace weavel Adjustable 7Q tops! 1 Full 36" CRETONNE . . . Smart, nubby texture! For drapes and 3Q slip covers! yd. TOWELS of soft, absorbent terry! Sturdy quality! In bright Q colors! Values! ; .. ' ' TERRY CLOTHS to match! Priced low to give you a ) lfle chance to stock up! for l Ufc 38" STRIPED OUTINO Light or ei dark patterns! Sturdy weight! yd. UNBLEACHED MUSL IN Durable quality Ideal (or many . 12 usesl 39" i, yd. SCATTER RUGS with a more expen sive look! Non-skid 1.49 backs! 27" x 45" 1 BEDSPREADS of deep piled chenille! Smart designs- 0.98 beautiful colors! ; " PLAID BLANKETS . . . Warm S wool! 3" sateen binding! 1.98 70" x 80" ..... pr. . B j, c. mKMimr oo.-. ino. . . infZtlItJ BeHcr-thon-Ever Valu. in Jk I rS..V.. yyA aV"aaiWlak -3a5."S WjmXJW A1 nightwear. For &jrs i ss. st y -- liirv' 1 1 1 1 saw ii NOW Lay-Away Plan If you are short of ready cash don't worry! A small deposit will hold any item for you! No Interest Charges! Low Cash Prices! . No Monthly Statements! Small Budget Payments! 79 59c ya. Pretty Pocket Plck-upil Handkerchiefs SPRITELY PRINTS on sheer cotton! Buy them now for lfl spring . I" ' BOLD FLORAL DESIGNS to tuck pertly in your pocket! Big cotton ft squares " FINE PRINTED LAWN Delightful spring posies on sheer Itit white! " MEN'S PLAIN WHITES Good quality cotton A$ neatly hemstitched! .... ' QUALITY FOR A NICKEL Plain white or white with woven colored C border! GAY SPORT TYPES Extra (ne quality with woven colored 10'' borders! ' FOR THE CONSERVA TIVE Exceptionally fine pure white! - 1 fl Extra large sire! .... MAIN PL00R RONDO PERCALE Gayer, more exciting, better value than ever before! That's what you find In Penney's glorious new spring collection of tubfast Rondo prints and plain colors! Firm and smooth In texture this matchless-at-the-price cambric is Ihe perennial favorite of women who sew and know fine quality when they see it! 36 inches wide. Narrow Wale White Pique 36" Wide 29c yd. Quality Plain White Flsxon 39"40" 25c yd. , While Dotted Swiss 25c yd. White Checked Dimity 23c yd. Dainty White Batiste 19eyd. Sheer White Longcloth 13c yd. 3 sMI 39 Inches Wide PRINTED FLANNEL Soft, warm and sturdy! For cozy sas sleepers and other I NEW DRESS FOR YOUR WINDOWS! SAVE! You'll be captivated by the graceful fullness and dainty charm of these lovely Pris cillas! Of soft cloud-like marquisette, with deep ruf fles and adjustable tie-backs! DOWNSTAIRS Relax and Ba Pretty HOUSECOATS 198 Fresh, bright prints that will give your home life a sparkle! Wrap around style with sweetheart neck line and full, ankle length skirt . . . short puffed sleeves! Floral prints that are easily washed! Sizes 12 to 42. CCOND FLOOR mooth Pitting Raytn Crop Cynthia SLIPS Smartly designed slips and big values! Cut on the straight of the fabric or In (our gore type 98 and back! Tea rose, and white. For Work For Every Day Wearl MERCERIZED HOSE" Fine guage cotton mercerized for that smooth lustrous finish! Double sole, reinforced heel and ioei r iaiicring snaaes. pr. afaw MAIN FLOOR QCVQErTICG QMaOO C5GGO 0 Wfe"a --W&? ."TV V AVENUE PRINTS And plain colors! Practical, eco nomical and sturdy these cot tons are designed (or scores of uses clothes things (or your homel 36-inch. washable! paaC s PRISCILLA CURTAINS 98 pr. Big Values For Professional Womtnl UNIFORMS 1 7? The p r e c I se tailoring and smart styling de manded by the well dressed woman in uni form! Poplin in tucked front, (itted or dared skirt styles. Short sleeves. White and colors. Sizes 12 to 44. Fine, Utility Type UNIFORMS Excellent for waitresses or maids. Button front poplin with j 19 flared skirt. I1C0NO FLOOR COMC CUSHION INSOUS TtMPtHO STKL SHANKS. UATHEI SO LIS N. SANITIZID U,PH ItATHH V .rl. HKIS AND Si'tfVV tussn TAPS SjSlP' 1 aV . T wf 'T -MM 235 SANFORIZED SPORTS DENIM For sports and play togs for men, women and children! Smart stripes! Plain colors! )fJ"C Sturdy! Washfast! 36-inch width yd. EXCLUSIVE SORORITY PRINTS Soft, flattering rayon crepes! In patterns and colors touched with spring! Hand ("ftt 39-inch width 97 T BALCONY To Do Your Luncheon Proud! COLORFUL CLOTHS' Great big squares with the brightest designs imagin able! Tubable, of course, so you may use them often! Neatly hemmed. 51"x51". LUNCHEON CLOTHS 5V'x68" 98c PRETTY NAPKINS With colored band borders to go with above - lrta- cloths IVC DRESSER SCARFS Organdyl Laces! Linens! Q. 14x40 Inches. Ea. BALCONY Arch Support , OXFORDS 298 Women depend on these Celeste nurse oxfords because of their smart good looking . . . sturdy construction . . . re markably low prlcedl This particular shoe has been cleverly fashioned from supple kidl DOWNSTAIRS