Sports 'y?k Briefs fa jJ Br t Hugh FulUrtoB, Jr, -2A NEW YORK, Jan. 13 (Wide World) A lot of silly things have been said about the war V and sports (and this may be one of them) but we can't see the necessity of cancelling the golf championships . . . We can't think of anything that would have much less effect on the war effort than a women's golf tournament unless it's the court tennis championships that already have been called off. As long as the golfers are go ing to have competition, why not let them have a national title to aim at, even though it wouldn't mean as much as usu al . . . Court tennis( the rich man's game) made its contribu tlon Saturday when Pierre Et- chebaster, the world pro champ, licked a pair of amateur aces . . . The N. Y. Racquet and Ten nis club let down the bars, ad mitting members of the Links Brook, Knickerbocker, Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Colum bia clubs (at $5.50 per) and col lected more than $400 for the Red Cross. TODAY'S GUEST STAR Jack House, Birmingham - News: 'Tony Galcnto's offer- lng to fight Joe Louis for noth ing isn't charity. It's all it's , worth." " MATINEE . Freddie Fitzsimmons, whose new bowline emnorium oriened the other night, is the 26th ma- ' jor leaguer (past and present) . on the list of alley owners . " No doubt their places all fea- -. ture strikes . . . Reports from '. Chicago say the Cubs have been ; Inquiring about training facili ties in San Antonio, Tex., and the White Sox have been shop ', ping around Florida, although both clubs still say they're go fing back to California . . . The freshman basketball team at Au burn is coached by the college's . athletic publicity director, which . poses a nice problem in ethics ;for Elmer G. Salter . . . When ; the story that Santa Anita's race 'meeting had been cancelled came over the wires, the Salem r .(Mass.) Evening News headlined : It: 'There's No Santa Anita." .BPORTPOURRI Back from a coast-to-coast re cruiting tour. Gene Tunney re y ports he still is looking for ,- physical Instructors for the navy but lsnt signing up any more boxers. Applicants now are re quired to hold degrees in physi cal education from approved colleges . . . Freddie Gulnyard, r Joe Louis' secretary and closest companion, has been talking ( about entering the army when ' Joe does, but since he is the .sole support of his mother he ' probably will stay at home and ; manage Joe's real estate . . . Dippy Evans, the Notre Dame fullback, drove all the way from South Bend, Ind., to Philadel phia to take a job during the Christmas holidays . . . Only casualty at ski meet at Butte, '.Mont., last week was Ole Kol stad, who had his fingers frost , bitten while he was manipulat ing a pencil as a judge. ' 'RELATIVITY , After welterweights Billy Murray and Mai Williams had staged a rip-snorting scrap at VWhite Plains, N. Y.. the other night, they met socially for the first time and were surprised to learn they were cousins . , . ' Any baseball player would have told them that' what you call a guy who always gives you a ,hit. Xakeview Hears Stuart on Football I LAKEVTEW-JIm Stuart, all coast tackle in 1940, gave a talk this week before the chamber of commerce on his experiences the past season as a member of the Washington Redskins, a member of the National Professional Football leaeue. ' The talk was followed by a quiz period during which Stuart answered numerous questions on me various phases of profession al football. The fnrmii ranlnin of the University of Oregon foot ball team is connected with the Oregon Moulding company of utttteview. FAUROT GETS RAISE COLUMBIA, Mo. Don Fau rot's new contract at University of Missouri calls for $10,000 an nually, highest ever paid to foot ball coach at that institution. "He Child of Mine will Don't bo so sure, Mother I Anybody, nnrwhore, can have roundwormal yea. and the uely creuturea may be living Inalda your child riflnl now, atartinjr trouble, without your even knowing it. If your child la pale, underweight, nervoue. hue an uneaey nomaeh, plcka at none or aent - theao ugly roundworrna may be at work. Play aafol Get Jeyne'e Vermifuge at onr. n aola rery gently, yet ejipcla atubborn worma. And If no worma are there, It acta fait aa a mild laxative. Jayne'a l Amerlca'a teat known proprietary worm medicine, used ay mllllona, for over A century. Demand layna't Varralfugal At all drug atoraa. Bellotti Joins List Of Pelican Cripples Brosterhous Still Out, Love Back In for Two Bend Games on Weekend A third casualty hit the Klam ath high school basketball Peli cans Wednesday, further hurting their chances for initial District 3 victories this weekend. Aldo Bellotti, reserve forward who sparked as the Bigbllls shad ed Ashland last weekend, was in bed with an infected knee, the result of a floor burn picked up against the Grizzlies. Coach Dutch' French said it was un likely he would be in shape to play against Bend either Friday or Saturday. Meanwhile George Broster hous' foot injury was diagnosed as a break or an incipient frac ture of the arch, which means i the 6 foot-5 inch forward will not see action against the Lava Bears. KUHS followers were cheered, however, by the return of Cap tain Gene Love whose ankle liga- Bowling At milium aeereatlcei Allay INDUSTRIAL LEAGUK Slkerrtta Club Potter 17S MS 4S1 Ba;leaa S00 16 170 532 McCornack 1M in ISO 4s Tutff 110 11 4M Goi " 111 17V 4M Handicap 11 il n lU h m tsi no III Darla Aaanclated Heaa Ward Darta YoUBf Southwell Handicap -1IO ItS ISO 504 -in 195 1M 5S 133 SSI 1ST 191 -154 KB 177 Ot M 150 IS) 44 60 00 U 150 s7t m ss en Martin Rota Uelger Hickman Strong Handicap 18t J07 18 557 s Sit 1S1 5M 1?8 1H 171 193 1M 191 1M 594 19I S7s 160 6i 40 44 46 US HO 10n SP1 S917 Ml 155 1 KM SJ7 Booth OrUcoU - Bold Bray Hil'T Handicap -lit 177 H4 53 -157 ten ISS Ml -167 191 1M 550 S0 153 153 135 SS l 68 174 Ml 031 1010 tS71 thaw Lumbar Co. Jemea Langa Weldln Staob Mitchell Handicap 140 1M 111 44S 140 171 544 159 137 US 401 10 170 157 4S7 176 1 610 " 111 lit 336 05 Ml 673 S7S1 Soatriara mm a. R. nark 161 171 158 4(0 Hamilton Telford Robinaon . -184 tOS ISO 541 1M ISO S19 533 176 150 133 464 Klenaa S4S 102 oa Handicap 60 06 64 074 063 063 K10 At Klamath RaoraathNl Allaro LADY BUa LEAQUI Bowna Cilk 11 191 1 S87 13 100 97 315 14t 131 107 334 liTtngitoo Cheyne Handicap . lll 133 07 376 156 16S 153 470 01 01 01 S73 793 741 674 BIS 0. K. Trantlar Co. i" its ist in Haley Trier Crista Storm Britt Handicap 117 173 1S1 411 1 157 151 487 64 lit 181 339 "a 194 14t 610 81 81 81 t43 743 840 760X354 wffiiama -Karapeck Prather Korllng McCollam Handicap , -114 171 150 454 3 115 ISO 344 t lOt 63 177 -133 ISi 135 410 -167 168 156 511 -107 107 107 SSI 714 Sit 747 1317 rail flatifeetionarv Maboney -Sewell 167 144 13J 443 n 137 145 44S ISS 144 111 417 Neveom . Soty ' 100 141 Klleore Handicap 113 145 156 414 00 00 00 tit 170 791 tSSO Royal Crown Colo in iu 474 114 131 134 m Eaton Knell Whitman McCleeiy Poppy 14 158 105 469 1I3 132 14 441 73 73 75 S25 730 757 764 SS55 Cmnniliift1 Fur Shop 160 167 141 468 115 187 492 ' 116 116 MS ISO 97 876 1S8 147 157 457 05 95 95 SH5 I. Milne Mitcham Abaeoten R. Milne PernlaotU Handicap 784 799 74S3SS4 Town shop 180 117 ISI 498 111 136 155 411 179 109 116 401 150 137 178 41 113 111 131 385 106 106 106 818 Lawler Chaao Bouth Bathlany . Handicap 849 794 83t 1477 Dassatt Inauranoa Oardner 117 ISO 113 860 Hackee 144 110 168 411 Haupert ' " 113 177 413 (Intel 174 132 139 445 Yorklnnd 13 111 160 474 Handicap 86 80 60 268 441 484 858 2379 KLAMATH CITY LIAOUC Band-Portland Truok 170 171 194 453 fe i.' '-v jv-; (C. m r menta have responded to treat ment, French said he was drilling the Whiteblrds on offense this week, concentrating on both a fast break and set plays. The veteran mentor is working Don Laird, a fast senior, at the va cant Brosterhous-Bellottl post. French was enthused at the performance of Big Jim Cox, 6-foot 3-inch . center, in Satur day's clash against Ashland. The junior eager laid in seven bas kets and a free throw to pace the locals and apparently has found himself offensively. Friday night's tiff begins at 8 o'clock In the KUHS gym with a Freshman-Tulelake B encounter slated for six o'clock and a Wild-cat-Tulelake A contest scheduled for seven. Saturday night the Pelicans play again at 8 o'clock following a Wildcat-Henley game at 7. Snyder DeLury Ellis Handicap -13t tot -153 151 -170 SOS - 44 44 163 SM 115 430 159 540 44 133 704 787 401 tl87 Kraft Chiaai Co. Crane Heller Howard 114 ITS 143 lit 1S8 148 1S8 170 193 6IS 167 4 154 412 174 331 34 lOe Wilton Handicap 704 460 754 tlS Thorn aa Backea Brown Britt Handicap 117 453 1S2 311 1U7 467 S0O 443 it 156 -141 133 -ISS 154 St 43 697 437 748 1132 aWtar Motor Co, 173 16S 164 405 151 478 ISS 6 ITS 404 08 S94 Oreenaway Henry J. Milne . Handicap J54 171 -170 174 -130 193 - 04 08 734 798 778 1307 Via Doren Shafer Bawlina DrtieoU Mullla Handicap -150 153 -1S4 183 143 477 161 530 157 451 160 513 134 454 -141 156 -178 175 -137 181 94 694 044 475 1714 Vanity Berber lore SchantoJ . Scbendel . Peteraon . Gardner Handicap ISO too 155 183 167 490 114 454 131 454 104 385 111 451 -191 183 .134 145 -164 175 70 337 447 067 758 S57S OOSTER LEAQUI Coaa Cola 111 131 ' 133 194 137 131 114 111 138 Dlsher Hamm Brown McElror . US 411 133 463 117 443 44 851 154 439 138 458 J. Jlilne . Handicap 484 907 801 U9t Macofnaeara Tailors Hamilton tot 130 311 McCornack ' 171 110 494 Ellcora 133 111 519 Ingold tlO 164 390 Fraler 108 134 134 443 Handicap 44 44 84 til 1040 094 811 1439 laat SMo Ihta. 113 144 117 " 193 134 170 138 SI 81 H. KeHIa B. Perklna . B. DeLury I0 174 131 441 154 304 190 496 Joe Clark H. Lenta Handicap 164 463 81 144 804 808 834 1331 tafawav Storaa Qrltre Borreaoo Taveoner - 130 137 149 430 130 490 -107 163 -89 118 94 111 -14! 174 114 114 114 431 134 317 Manderlllo knowele 176 493 110 474 Handicap . 117 431 430 1404 England - 1S9 198 171 130 -us ra -137 160 -161 161 181 877 101 33! 138 304 131 419 153 478 Guderlan , Bremer - Uitlck Hull . 777 tOt US 1318 Klamath High 178 151 19 431 134 177 130 440 191 161 164 616 134 131 140 413 J6i 137 197 818 81 81 81 113 Zaeharlaa Booinaon . Perklna Maboney . Rrogdoo Handicap 9U 859 860 1643 Hogan Shades Thomson in Golf Playoff By HOMER WELBOHNE ' LOS ANGELES. Jan. 13 flfPl Ben Hoean. a cnnH litttn man from Hershey, Pa., Tuesday prov ed he could whip the good big man, Jimmy Thomson of Del monte, uai., Dy capturing the Dlavoff of the S10.000 Lnx Anc eles open golf championship with a par v ana a one stroke ad vantage over his husky rival. But Thomson did not -ive un without a struggle and by the narrow margin 01 missing a 17 foot putt on the last hole ailed to square the match. A gallery of approximately 4000 fans thronged the Hillcrest course to witness the nlavnff nnrl the huge throng somewhat hamp- EVERY Overcoat IN STOCK - - NOW 20o Includes Timelv and HarV Schaffner & Mark 5 VSC Levels OSC Series; Wins, 53-45 Gale Bishop, Marv Gilborg Lead Cougar Attack as Champions Gain Split CORVALLIS, Ore., Jan. 14 m The Washington State Cougars staved off a last half rally of a hard-fighting Oregon Statu team to win, 53-45, in northern di vision Coast conference basket ball play here last night. The victory, second of the four game Oregon field trip for the Cougars, was largely credited to Gale Bishop and Marv Gil berg, who led the attack and piled up the points necessary to stop the Oregonlans. The Cougars took an early lead and led at halftinic, 24-20, but dropped behind for a mo ment in the face of a strong Oregon State attack in the sec ond half. A comeback netted the Cougars six field goals and they took a 33-32 lead, never to be headed again. John Mandlc and Lew Beck threw a short scare into the Pull man boys with a six point flurry midway in the second half but accurate throwing by Gilbert: and Bishop put the gamo on ice. OUberg and Valenti, of OSC tied for scoring honors with 14 points each. Summary: Waahlngton State PQ FT PP TP Akin), f Ullbrrg, f imnop, e . tlrberl, g num. g Hooper, f i Zimmerman, f O-.Veai. g 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 o i a ii hi. g Cain, a S3 9 13 45 PQ PT PP Tl 7 0 4 14 0 I K 1 Oregon State l alrntl. I SlrXutt. f Mandlc, e bcoieut, t Beck. Mulder, f Hall, f 13 8 13 43 Halftlme icq re: Weahinglca State 34. Oregon State 10. area tnrove mlneo: uuocrg, tmnop I. Hunt, Witt, Valenti, Uandie I, Dement. Referee: Puueo. Impire: Lee. Job Rumor Denied By Lon Stiner CORVALLIS, Ore., Jan. 14 (JP) Lon Stiner, Oregon State foot ball coach, returned home last night with a denial of campus rumors that he was looking for a job at another school. He told newsmen that he had visited relatives in Nebraska and had not been after the Univer sity of Nebraska post, relinquish ed by Biff Jones, who has been called by the army. CORVALLIS, Jan. 14 VP) Saturday evening, January 17, is the final, official, and only date for the postponed OSC Rose bowl victory banquet, to be held on the campus with all the state Invited. Publication of conflicting dates recently brought this announce ment from Warren Reid, alumni manager. The banquet starts at 6:30 in the Memorial Union building with places for more than 700. BOSTON, Jan. 14 (UP) Theo dore F. (Ted) Williams, Ameri can league batting champion, has been ordered to report at Fort Snelling, Minn., Jan. 25 for his final army physical examination, he revealed in a letter to General Manager Eddie Collins of the Boston Red Sox Tuesday. ered both men, although neither showed any signs of temper or nervousness. Victory brought first money of $35000 to Hogan while Thomson for his second received $1700 of the prize money. In addition each received 25 per cent of today's gate receipts, approximately $1000 apiece. e getting his molars Into a delicious maal. Wa have a "pull" with people who enjoy good food. -l--MH--l-M-h-k-A- ran ia . ari Bankers Hold Comm Lead With 32-24 Win Rickys Lick Knights, 37-27 on KUHS Courts, Faces Tik Tok Tonight The First Notional Bank enprors mnlntnined their un defeated lead in the Klamath Basin Commercial circuit Tuesday night with a convincing 32-24 win over Tik Tok while Kickys were licking Knights of Columbus, 37-27, in the KUHS gym. Big Joe Bellotti paced the Bankers' to their fourth consecutive win by dropping four baskets and jthreo free throws for 11 points. Slaymaker, meantime, bucketed three baskets and one charity heave to load the Tik Tok attack. Joe Sworn Into Army In New York NEW YORK. Jun. 14 (UP) Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis was sworn into the United States army as Buck Pri vate Joseph Louis Barrow today and he spent port of his lust civilian day Tuesday presenting the Naval Relief society with a check of $89,092.01. The check represented the navy's share of proceeds of a benefit bout Friday night when Louis defeated Challenger Buddy Baer. The champion was ac companied to the third naval district headquarters b y Pro moter Mike Jacobs, in whose name the check was drawn. Louis reported at 9 a. m. to day to Camp Upton and after the brief induction ceremony begun his preliminary training and wu assigned to a branch of the serv ice. Although he asked for no favors when he enlisted at Gov ernor's Island Tuesday, Louis was expected to bo assigned to the morale division. War Hits Eastern Athletics Sports Situation Jumbled; 'Speedup' Plan Eyed By JUDSON BAILEY NEW YORK, Jan. 14 (P) The impact of war has thrown tho athletic programs of eastern colleges into confusion, but there seems certain to be more sports activity Instead of less. Today the situation Is jumbled and the athletic directors themselves are in the dark, many not knowing even when their own Institutions will be gin and end their school terms. Many colleges plan to crowd three semesters into their cal endars in an academic "speed up," and this is where tho war is being reflected most fully on athletics. Vacations are being aban doned and commencements ad vanced generally a full month, resulting in the shortening of spring schedules and the dis carding of sports jupkets for merly made during the Easter recess. However, there will be Inter collegiate athletics during the summer terms for the first time at many colleges, physical edu cation will be compulsory for all men at some schools, and freshmen may be admitted to varsity competition. Basketball Scores HIOH SCHOOL Jeffereon 14. Pranhlln 11 (Doth Portland), Boot.. ell tt. Benton 46 footh Portland). Lincoln a, Oranl 10 (both Portland), tabln 11, Commerca 13 Cnolh Portland). THIantoeN 41, Oreeham It. Salem 40, MHwauMla 31. Unleerallr 1), at. Marr'a It (both luiene). Poreet Orove Tt, Hlllanoro . Woodhum 80, tlleerlen 14. Athland 43, Roaenurg It. Eugene 31. Corralila 10. Columbia Prep 37, Hill Military tt (oolh Portland). Merttortl 14, Crania Paea T7. gXACT TEAMWORK BETWEEN THE GRADE -A irVlryKTELr AND DOMESTIC LEAF USED By . rAftlklAW t A MASTER BLENDERS IS THE REASON SMOOTH AND vxfnK v IN YOUR HOME WITH THE UP-T0-36 The bank quintet led at the half, 2317. The defeat was tho third against only one victory for Tik Tok. Harold Putnam, ex-Kcno high school all-around athlete, holed seven two-pointers and one free throw as Rickys stayed on the heels of First National. The big forward pushed In five buckets in tho first half as the Jewelers rolled to a 23-13 lead. Scott at forward closely followed Put nam with 11 points. diet Amcrllng, speedy KC for ward who is loading Commercial loop scores, was held to two bas kets bringing his season total to 48 points and cutting his margin over Putnam to a slim basket. The Jeweler victory left them with three wins and one defeat in second place. Tonight Rickys faces Tik Tok and the Knights clash with Uor rls on tho KUHS courts begin ning ut 7 o'clock. Summurles: HI. Nat. lank 111) Tik Tok Slorrr, 3 V 6. haii.lere lln-hr, 0 K 4. Heck llrllultl, II I, tlk-lierlMm 3. Andrruiu I ullglettiu. 4 lluikland, t Mlt-krlM-n IIUIiup. 4 lluoklna . 7, Slavuieeer , Chalnuih lli.ue llluoke Riekra () II riitnam, II !(. 4 K0 (tl) I, Aiitrrllna Kian, 3, frani-y 1, lleutlle KrmniUrr , 4, Ciller - 4. Smith 6, Crapo Myh', t llralr. 3 -B....!r ifaniiky. t Dunsmuir Wins Cage Brace From Tulelake TULELAKE Superior court strength of tho Dunsmuir high school baskctccrs gave both A and B tilts to the squad down south, according to Coach Clyde Frlshholz of the Tulelcke Honk ers whose boys lost both games by narrow margins Saturday night in Dunsmuir. That the Honkers aro badly In need of some tight training on shots was demonstrated when the local lads lost IS of 18 throws in the main go that gave 26 points to tho opponents and 23 to the Honkers. High point man for this round was Forward Bob Baker who tallied nine of the points. In the preliminary the Honker second string went up against a tightly knit, smooth moving quintet that the Dunsmuir coach admits Is "pretty good." In this game Dunsmuir captured 29 points, the locals taking five less. Woodman for Tulelake tallied six of the 15. On January 18 the Honkers play the Klamath Wildcats In the preliminary before the Bend Pelican gamo and on next Sat urday night play the first home game of the season with Alturas, an A class school. The first conference game of the season is scheduled with Dorris on Feb ruary 20 at Dorris. SOXINO By The Aeaoelated Preee WHITE PLAINS, H. V. Irwin Kaye Kaplan, 133, U,a Angeiea, topped Vlnnla Homiiio, III), llrooklyn, N. V., (7). IIKDOKI.VX. X. V. - Jimmy Hatcher. 1.1144. Ukn I lly. S. :., nutpilnled Uulllermo 1'it'ntre, I3li, Colombia, . NKW VOHK Hobby Itoffln. I3J. Xrw York, outpointed Chalky Wright, !!ai, Lno Angeln. fin), JKIISKV CITY Joey Haddad, III. Pal- tenon, S. J outpointed Tommy Homan. lia, llayonne, (10). rl.KVKI.AM) Jlmmr lllrlna. 178. Ctaro- land, outpointed Hilly Hooae, 171, rarreil. Pa.. (10). Jackie Wllaon. 139. Lne Anarlra. outpointed (Jiirntln (llaby) llreeae, 137, Mnni,-.UM, Klin, (ini. bhsi -1 FOR THAT SATISFyiHO FLAVOR., S FIRMLY PACKED AS A PARACHUTE I THAT'S WHV EACH DOMINO SMOKES COOLER, SMOKES LONGER, TASTES BETTER.. aHNUIntK ItLtrnUPJt A KM MODERN-PRICED OOMINOS WILL SAVE & you S EACH r- a r 3 Domino AMERICA'S BIQOEIT CIOARETTC BUYI Copyright 1841 Iirna h Broa. Co. PAGE SIX Joe Weighs in anMfl fflilitoiYl r an i mhi'ii- 1 M noavywoight Champion Joe Louit took his physical examina tion at Oovornor't Island. Now York, preliminary to hla Induc tion Into tho army. Horo Sorgoont William Chrattlna rocordt Joe's moaturomonli. Asked about hla occupation. Jo taldi "fighting and lat ma at thorn Japs." Chiloquin Hold B Loop Top Panthers Ship Gilchrist, 35-19; Bonanxa Victor KLAMATH COUNTY "B" 8TANDING8 W. 1.. Pet. Chiloquin ft o Bonanza 4 1 .800 Henley l 2 .1107 Merrill :) 3 .Son Gilchrist 2 3 .400 Bly .. 2 :t .400 Keno 1 5 ,100 Molln 0 4 .000 Tuesday's Roaulla Chiloquin .15, Gilchrist ll. Bonanza 21), Mulm 22. Henley 34, Bly 24. Merrill 48, Keno 40. Friday Camas Merrill at Chiloquin. Molln at Henley. Bonanza at Keno. Gilchrist at Bly. Chlloquln's steamrolllng Pon ther five marched on townrd the 1041-42 Klnmnlli County B len guo fUig Tuesday night with n sound, 35-0 trouncing of Gil christ's Loggers at Gilchrist as tho Bonanza Antlers stayed one stop behind witli a hnlr-rnlsliig 29-22 victory over Malln. The Panther's Conroy stole scoring honors from red-headed John Monks, his forward run ning mute, as ho dumped in 14 points. Monks bucketed nine and the balance of the scoring was evenly divided. Hash paced Gilchrist with 12. Chiloquin led throughout the contest but saw the Loggers come within six points in the final quarter. Ted Schopf's boys poured on the coal, however, and strode away easily. The win was the Panther's fifth In succession. Tho Antler nearly fell to HAVE YOU HEARD, - because it's Vat-Blended just like the most expensive im ported whiskies . BRAXD IT'9 VAT - BLENDED WHISKEY: 8i Proof -75 Grain Ncutrtl Spirits. Calvert Distiller Coiporaiioa, New York City January 14, 1042 for Uncle Sam Ma 1 In s Inspired taut-place Mus tangs In a hot one at Malln. The score was locked 13-13 at the half and 19 111 ut the third quar ter. Mulm Mentor Joe LeClatr Mild afterward It was one of the most bitterly fought tilts In Mu tnng court history. The win kept the Antlers with in ntrlklng distance of Chiloquin with four wins and one defeat. At Merrill, tho Huskies edged Krno'a Kuglrs, 4840 for tholf third victory against three lick ing. lli-nlry thumped Bly at Bly, .14 24. ufti-r a ding-dong battle which left them In third place mid dumped Bly Into a tie for fifth. The Hornets wore paced by D. C'heyne with 10 points, Kobler's ten led the Bobcats. Merrill Drops Kano Five, 48-40 Keno'a hurd-f Ightlng squar kept right on the heels of fav ored Merrill Tuesday night but Inst by eight points the final whistle blow. The (core was 48 to 40. It win a high scoring game throughout with Merrill throw ing in eight points at the first of the starting period before the Keno five started to click. At hnlf time Merrill led 27 te 17. High pointer for Merrill wa Hodge who sank 10 markers. Iliinnlcult, also of the Huskies, sank 10 points. For tho losing Keno hoopster. .Zaroslrukl held high honors with IS tallies to rntehiird s, his team-mate, 12. in ino opener tno Merrill ft squad heat life Keno Bs, 17 to 9, . maniiiLI. KINO HihIi,., io . F , , . 4. Hernia? Ihinnlriill. 10 V o slmpeon Walker, a c p. ,JrimM MrKm-n. I Il ,f I'rltrhaM Inllirrlnilinin. t !)- , , . 18, Zamelnikl Vi,n,l..,r, o 0. Kakeen Wnldilp. 4 11 Vakrr, 0 H -. HORSES STRANDED LO4 ANGELES Shortage of freight cars may strand horses, shipped hero fur winter racing called off by war, unless Santa Anita is permitted to run. KLAMATH FALLS? Old Drum is smoother going down- BLENDED" .' DRUM I ;;' -. Ri BRAND I