.January 14. 1042 PAGE TEN rB TEN ' m Yes, these are'Wanf Ads!" They show you how to satisfy your wants O at ridiculously low prices! Read every lines men nurry ro vvaraa. i 0 1 THE-EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS,- OREGON SA E L D I bll NOT RESPONSIBLE for the , heartbroken women who - miss out on this Coat Clear ; ance. There are some beauties ' Tweeds, Boxy and Fitted styles. Broken sizes. 1 1 Cft - Reg. 14.98, now 1 Single Breasted Boxy Coats. Tan shade only. Reg. 1 1 CQ 14.98, now 1 WANTED Thrifty mothers who appreciate really spec tacular Coat Buys. Children's double duty Coats. A Cft -X Were 7.98, now INFORMATION WANTED On Ladies interested in mak ing sensational savings on Wards Colorful Sport Coats. Were regularly 10.98. r PA Now 3,3U RAINY. DAYS are ahead girls! How can you be prepared? " Simply by coming to. Wards and wearing away a rain coat that's just dripping , " they've been cut 'so in price! - 6.98 and 4.98 styles S OQ cut to J07 The 2.98 styles are it QQ now only I .TP DEAR MABLE Meet me in . Wards Sportswear Dept. As soon as the doors open. All their regular 3.98 Jerkin and . Skirt sets are on sale. We can get Just what we 4 QQ wanted for just NOT RESPONSIBLE for the heartbroken women who miss out on this JACKET CLEAR- ance. There are some beauties ' tweeds, plaids, all wool flannels but not all colors and sizes, so hot-foot it down ' here earlyl AQ '' Were 4.98. Now A-ll ' BUY A NEW LEASE ON LIFEI Buy a new hat! From now to : Spring-bonnet-time is too long :to be bored, especially when exciting hats to wear right now cost so little! If you , hurry, you'll find two or three in colors and styles you like. 25c 49c 79c ESKIMOS and "Frozen Tur nips" here's news! Warm, wool PARKA HOODS for big girls, little girls or wom ento keep their ears warm - until the sun starts working full time again. Only because ', Spring stock needs the room are these colorful hoods re- - duced from 69c 49c SALE! SALE! The Gang's All , Here! or will be, when they hear about these dress . bargains! You'll find rayon crepes .here to wear right on into Spring. But you've got to shake a legl The number is limited and the whole town is in on this m QQ secret. Reg. 2.98. Now10 CAN YOU SING? We've got something down here to sing : about. Luxurious CHENILLE ROBES that must go for little more than a song. Look sharp and get here in no time flat because they Were 3.49, now 2.77 Were 4.98, now 3.77 ... Were 5.98, now 4.77 Sizes 46 to 52 Were 3.98, now . 3.29 All wool with zipper and - ties, were 6.98, now . 4.89 INFORMATION WANTED on person interested in making sensational savings or Wards colorful Glenspun plaids in tubfast cotton, and on wrin- - kle-resistant Wardspun and Crown - tested :Lambspun quality spun rayons that look . and feel like fine wool. 39 .'inches wide. Regularly 39c yard yd...C Too Many Horses . .". THAT'S ALL THAT'S WRONG with these S H.P. electric mo- torsi They're too powerful and too big for 99 of our , customers! If you know of some hobbyist or workshop owner in the market for a motor this powerful, show ... him this ad. He wouldn't want to miss this inn nr r "super" saving I U7.73 TOO MANY SINKS is our mis fortune . . . your good luck. If you need a new sink in i-your home you can't afford to pass up this 42" cast iron sink, white enamel steel cab inet with 2 sliding doors. Reg. $38.15, n A QQ now Use your credit buy these bargains now on WARDS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN tINTH STREET, Corner Pin , THERE'LL BE PEACE In our piece-goods department if you will pul-lease take away our Hispun Crepes and . Hylan Plaids. They're a fine blend of 85 spun rayon and 15 new wool. They're 54 inches wide, but even if they were twice as wide, and even more expensive looking than they are, we'd be sick of the sight of them. Regularly AQ 1.19 yard. Now ...... yd. WE'VE ALWAYS FELT that our life has been full enough without being full of ump teen yards of Wards famous Cord-E-Ray . when we have Spring . stocks to think of! Plain colors. Spun Rayon in - Corduroy - weave. 36 inch width. Regularly 59c AOc yard. Now yours at yd." OUR PLAIN WOOL FLANNEL has been on our shelves for so long that it needs an out ing. It's made of soft wool in plain colors. It's 54 inches wide. It's regularly 1.79 a yard, but we're giving JF Q it the air for yd. ' Our All Wool Suitings Now Make Us Wince For the very good reason that they re out . of season. Plain colors in highest quality Vir gin wool. Yes, you've got it! We're thinking of Spring and Spring merchandise even if it's still Winter to you! 58 Inches wide. Regular m IQ 1.98 a yard. Now. I .7 LOGGER WANTED We are in the woods with one pair of hand made Logger Boots, 10 inch tops. Spring heels. Caulked. Size 10 QQ only. A gift at HOW CAN ICICLES RIDE ON TRICYLES? And how does mama expect little Susie to have any fun when her feet are numb? Wise little girls are hustling their mamas to Wards for cute snow boots with warm lamb's wool cuffs that fit snug over snow suits and keen out Jack Frost. You have months left to wear them, but we don't want 'em hanging around that long, so we knocked the price 1 AQ from 1.98 to I IT DATED UP TONIGHT? What shoes are you wearing? Hurry in before your date and pick up a pair of our smart young Deb-Styles, in suede or polished calf. Cross your fingers and hope J All we've your size for only I.vU - LOST: Boudoir Slippers! ON A COUNTER AT WARDS! Rayon satin slippers and lots of other pretty styles left be hind in the Xmas rush. Re ward to finders: the differ ence between the original price ol 1.19 and the new price of 79c WANTED Women with arches. Support them handsomely in our famous 3.98 Fashion-Bilt - Pumps and Ties. If they were black kid, we'd think twice before we cut the price. But they're black suede, which is swell for you until spring, but we don't want them that long. So take them off our hands and put them A A on your feet for only 1i COLLEGE GALS clamoured so hard for our wonderful 2.29 sports shoes that we went overboard, and over-bought Consequently .1 o t s of smart young shoes are sitting around waiting for smart young shagging partners, bearing little price tags that 1 AA read .. ; .... I.UU ALAS SWEET MAID, are your suede . shoes frayed? Ward comes to your aid with party pumps, step-ins, (2.19 grade), beautifully made! Black's the shade of course, in niiAri. Come join the parade AA they're Just I HI BURSTED RADIATORS won't burst if you stock up now on Wards $1.19 Antl-Freeze only .. 99C YOU . CAN CLEAN UP with the saving on this Vanity Pedestal. Lavatory complete - with fittings to floor. Reg. now....:i'LL: 23.50 LADIES WANTED To buy our famous Magic Stride Stle Shoes. Black and brown $5.95 Suede Pumps 9 AA for only 3.t I SSSH! THIS IS an Undercover Job! We've got to work while the Boss of the underwear department isn't looking. If he ever caught us starting off the Spring season with all these MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHORTS around, our name d be mud. So help us out and you'll help yourself to some swell bargains! Qf ACj Reg. 35c to 55c iTtiaw HOW TO RAISE a family's delight. It's easy to keep your kids Happy at Wards. We're getting rid of Boys' 19c Broad cloth Shorts for only 15c Broadcloth Shorts 1 1 are now I I V And Cotton Shirts to match Reg- 12c Reg- lie 19c 15c 1 FOUND A whole box of Ladies' Fabric Gloves, neatly hidden under the counter. They'd have sold like hot cakes at Christmas time but well, here it is almost Spring, so we'll have to re duce them from 59c to AAm a mere We once thought we were out of these Childs' Anklets. But hidden away in the stock room we found boxes and boxes of them. Now you can wear them out for Q only .Pr. Didn't anyone buy their Best Gal Hosiery for Xmas this year? We have millions of 'em left! Good shades and all are full fashioned. Come and get 'em. One for 89c pair One for 59c pair. WEATHER REPORT Lots more cold weather ahead, so you girls will be mighty glad to have some WARM Winter weight Campus Hose to slip into. Get 'em now at a big saving! They were 49c C but now they're only 33C MEN! Those fancy socks you got for Christmas are not enough now are they? You need some more don't you? Here are some swell sport sox. Just the thing in plain colors. Heavy Rib Bring those feet down to Wards and pick yourself out several pairs, marked down from 29c to 3C CONFIDENTIAL It breaks our hearts to sell these HAND BAGS for such ridiculously low prices, but the Spring stock is due in, and we've got to have counter space. Come early for the best selec tion. Regularly 1.00, ggg Regularly 59c, now AAf only TI C BEDTIME STORY for Boys 8 to 14. We want to find a good home for a whole stack of ROBES. Soft, warm fluffy wool flannel robes. Styles and colors that are seen in the best of wardrobes! Built for wear! Regularly 1.98 and practicaly a give-away AQ at- only WHO LOVES A BARGAIN . If. you're the one, . be here : early to get this Used M-W Washer and you'll C'ifi pay as little as 3U CLEAN-UP YOUR HOUSE at . mighty small cost with one of the tank type vacuum cleaners that we've taken as a trade-in 14 OE as littl. as It.73 MR. AND MRS. SKIER No tice: We sure got a waxing when we loaded up with all this ski wax. Your choice of hard wax, soft wax, medium wax and dry snow Qr wax for only ' tube WE'RE SKI-ERD we will have skis to ride around the store all summer, so we'll let you ski-er them out of stock at a big saving to you. Flat top hickory skis, assort ed lengths AQ pair 70 Ridge hickory skis, 6' to 7' lengths, . r oq pair :. 910 Ridge maple skis, 8 to T lengths, n QQ uair ' 3.07 MANY ARE ONE OF A KIND! Check this listl Sea how many of these spe-' dais are things you want RIGHT NOWI Add up your saving si Then rush to Wards and snap up these clearance bargains while they last! Every one Is priced low to move quickly ...to clear out our stocks! Every one Is a spec tacular value! But quantities are limited! So, hurry, hurry! Come to Wards now and SAVE! WE'RE OH, SO TIRED of fall ing over these Girls' All Wool Sweaters. They're soft and warm. Girls 8 to 14 will love 'em. Bright colors. Reg- Q7 1.19. Take 'em for only ' YOU'VE STILL TIME to wear 'em, girls! Though we've no time for them with Spring stocks arriving thick and fast! Awfully smart-looking cotton CHENILLE ROBES in styles you like best. Marvelous tub fast colors! Broken sizes 8 to 14. Regularly 2.59. J QQ Now '70 Regularly 1.98 styles TfQ CONFIDENTIALLY we don't care about these tots' quality sweaters any more. They're full cut, attractively trimmed, and have snug waistbands andwristlets. They're really as warm as toast, but the only thing that matters to us is to make them stop warming our shelves. Sizes 8 to l QQ 14. Regularly 2.19! 1.70 FOR SALE Reliable Chenille ' Robes. Most desirable for ten ants aged 8 to 14. Heavy tuft with belted front tie. Fancy design around bottom. You profit by our mistake in buy in,, too many. Regu- PQ larly 2.98! Now just ... 37 SNO USE TALKING to us about Sweaters. We're loaded to the gunwales with Pretty Patterns and Styles, sizes 8 to 14. They're warm, heavy and soft All Wool. But even if they were all gold and lined with diamonds, we'd still want them O-U-T. QO Regularly 2.98. Now.... I.70 OUR BEST SELLING SNOW SUITS for Tots didn't sell so well this year. That's why we're clearing out these fully lined water-repellent beauties with zipper anklets and with matching headwear. Sizes 3 to 7. Regularly sold QQ 7.49. Now only 0.70 LADIES! Make a Bee-Line for Wards and snuggle into a pair of these Crinkle Crepe Pajamas. Full cut. Butcher Boy styles. Buy two pair! Regularly 1.29! Prac- QQ,, ticallv steals at 70C REWARD! Better sleep, "better health, and substantial sav ings for the smart ladies who snap up these WARM FLAN NELETTE NIGHTIES now re duced from 69c to a mere EQg LOST! Our love for these LADIES' CHENILLE BED JACKETS. We've looked at the various stripes and pas tels 'til we could scream! You'd probably love 'em, for they are pretty and oh! SO nice and warm! QQ Were $1.19. Norn Weather Forecast: Snow and Colder Got a warm sweater, Mister? You'll need one! Why don't you get two at once you can almost get two for the price of one at these Ward prices! Look them over: Men's $4.98 Sweaters ....3.98 ARE WE SLIPPING? What's the matter with us, anyway? Here's a counter full of Boy's Long Sleeve Sport Shirts and nobody seems to want them. Maybe some of them look funny to you, but they look handsome to us! Please take them away quick! We'll even wrap them up for you. The price was 79c. CQ All you pay Is ' CLEAN SWEEP SALE of our 3 floor demonstrator M-W vacuum . cleaners. Be early and you can buy one for as ri....:...:. 29.88 IdDIffGDIlElY Glovely Weather We're Having! Men who are looking for a sound bargain in good warm gloves will find dozens of un usual values in . Wards clear ance. We have wool-lined, and fleece-lined leathers, all sharply reduced from their regular prices. All hands on deck don't wait! Main Floor. 89c Men's Gloves ...Now 69c $1.19 Men's Gloves .. Now 98c $1.79 Men's Gloves .Now 1.59 WE STUCK OUR NECK OUT and somebody wrapped too darn many mufflers around it. They're real nice and real pretty but they won't do us any good now. So we're prac tically giving them away. Don't muff this chance to save! Men's mufflers from r 39c to 49c WE'LL GIVE YOU THE SHIRT . OFF OUR BACK Well, al most. Nowadays prices as low as these for men's warm cot ton flannel shirts are prac tically give-aways. Plaid Cot ton Flannel Men's Shirts. Were QO. 1.00 Now 1 Sleep Cheap! Maybe they're not so hot to look at, but these men' cotton flannelette pajamas surf are. warm to sleep in. Our clerks got so tired looking at them we just had to cut their price from 1.29 AA 'way down to IVW SAVE ON HEATING . - BILL! Even if his name isn't Bill, you can get your youngster a warm sweater for practical ly a song at Wards! We've cut regular Boys' Sweaters to' MAKE MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME! Spare a few minutes to come to Wards. Make your money go further by saving on MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS. We only have a few left, but every one Is a wonderful bargain. They're warm. They're well-made. They're good-looking. They're not much good to us in the Spring, but they're good for right now ... 17.88 WE WANT. A. LAWYER ... or any man who can judge qual ity when he sees it! We've got a suit on our hands. Mat ter of fact, we've got a dozen of 'em left over from last Fall.. So, gentlemen of the jury, get down off your bench and come and bail out one of these- suits. The fees are LOW! Darien , , was 19.50 . . 17.88 Brandon . was 21.50 . . 19.88 Brent . . was 26.50 . . 23.88 HUNTERS! FISHERMEN! OUT DOOR MEN! Here's the chance of a lifetime to pick ' up a GOOD leather jacket at a price you may never be able to match again! We're clearing out our whole stock of jackets! $8.98 Leather 7 AQ Jackets Now WOOL GATHERING PAYS PROFITS! No, you don't have to go out and clip a sheep. Just come to Wards, grab one 'of these, rich, warm wool jackets for boys, knit collars and cuffs.-. Last year's prices were $1.79 . . but this year, oh boy! OQ They're only , l7 WE'RE POLISHING our coun ter of this Wards Self Polish ing Wax. Can you help us if wo save you money on every gal.? Don't miss out on this good saving.-Reg. $1 ' OD gal. Now..... .....gal, BARGAIN-HUNTERS will head for these used console radios . . . traded-ln on new Airlines. Phllco, RCA and Zenith In eluded for as little as 7.50 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH traded in on 1942 Airline, take a sharp cut In price to clear our floor! Only 1 to go . , . R. C. A. Be early P AA and pay as little ns wW Bet you never guessed you could find a "buy" like this in a fine quality living room suite! It's just tho 0110 for your new home or even your old home. Wo assure you It's new and the only reason we're reducing it from $99.95 Is that It's beon around tho storo for quite soino time and frankly we'ro tired of looking at It It's a California stylo in plaid colors! Treat yourself to some first class comfort with this JQ Qr suite for only 7.73 Comfort for Sale! What a mattress! What Beauty! What Construction! Whnt Comfort! AND WHAT A BUY! It's one of our regulur $33.95 numbers and now just because tho ticking is slightly soiled from being on display we're willing to let you have it n QP for only A.73 ONLY LAST FALL we d have bet our best shirt that these Hasso;k would go like hot- cakes Goodbye shirt! Any way, you can have what's left of 'cm (and they're every one $1.19 to $6.98 values) for tho trifling sum of only 1.00 t04.98 You Need Light! We Need Space! So why not como over and see the nice 7-way floor lamps we're closing out! Nothing wrong with them, but wc need the space for other things! We ve sold them in the past for $12.95 but now you can have Q OB them for 7.73 One-of-a-kind Suites "SPLENDID!" "GORGEOUS!" "BEAUTIFUL!" That's what we think you'll say when you see these 8-plece Dining Room Suites! And to make them more inviting, we've cut the price $10.00 . . . Includes the table, buffet and six chairs. Now you can have "1A QC them for onlv .3 ONLY THE PRICE IS CHIP PED ON THESE PORCELAIN DINETTES ... and that's nicked badly because we have to make room for new stock! Solid colors, decorated styles all with gleaming chrom ium legs. Buy the 5 piece way, 9Q QC from -37.73 Can You Use a Hunt ing Coat This Sum mer? We Can'tf Seems we stocked a few too many hunting coats last fall. We know (as well as you do) that another hunting season will be rolling around next fall, but thought perhaps you d have more room In your closet or attic to keep a hunt ing coat than we do here in the store. We need space for spring merchandise ... so out go the hunting coats at very special prices. They re brand new, with storm col lars to protect your neck and many, other comfort features. Prices 3 QQ heoln at 3.TO WANTED: Folks with cold feet to .help us clear our stock of car heaters while the cold weather lasts. Were $12.05, rrs 10.49 NO USE to get your clothes soiled on those old car seats when you can get new seat covers at Wards at 25 off while they last. BRAKES WON'T HOLD if they'ro worn out. So don't let that Ford V-8 get away. come .to Wards and get a $2.39 4-wheel set for '32 to '34 V-8 I Q for onlv , 17 , '34 Dodge and Plymouth, regular $1.89 75c ONLY LAST FALL we'd have bot our best shirt that these Novelty Tables would go like hot-cake:.. Goodbye shirt! Any way, you cn have what's left of 'en (and they're every one $4.98 values) for the trifling sum of 9 QQ of only 3.07 2 Lovely Smoothies! When you see these 2 handsome living room pieces you'll agreo they make a charming suite! And when you sea the price we've marked this suite you'll agree . . . it's a bar gain! Yes wo formerly linked $149.00 for this mohair cov ered living room now we've got to move it out to make room for more merchandise. fTo-my 129.00 BEDROOM EYES AND A WON DERFUL FIGURE! ! I I Yes, you'll make admiring eyes at these Modern and Maplo bed room suites! And you'll like the figure at which wo're selling them! All aro In per fect condition, but they linvo to be cleared out of stock! And that wonderful figure??? Bed, Chest and Vanity. 54.95 to 79.95 BABY CRIBS WALKERS HI-CHAIRS Reduced! Every thing for our younger car riage trade! Buy your baby furniture at Wards Clearance Prices! Look at this list of bargains . . . Maple Hl-Chalr, only ... 8.45 Folding Carriage 6.45 Panel End Crib, now ... 0.45 Baby Walker 3.98 Play Yard, reduced to fl.45 Hot Buys In StovM and Heaters CLUMSY, ARENT WE? The boys in the back room chip ped a piece of porcelain on amel out of the sldo of a brand new Wood Heater. It should have brought more, but we'll sell Al OC It for onlv I.73 EVERYTHING HAPPENS TO US! We ordered an electric range' for special customer and she moved out of town before It arrived. It's a dandy and we can t get any more So It's yours if you hurry Wis $169.95, "tAQ QC for onlv : 117.73 SE THE 535-LB. GIANT AT WARDS! We mean the hand some giant of . a . coal-wood range on our floor. It's the last one of its kind and it's going to make some kitchen awfully happy. Maybe your Kltcnen? Was $92.98 82.95 Refrigerator Close-Out PLENTY OF SERVICE left In these older model electric re frigerators , . , traded-in bo- cause their former owners couldn't' relist the beautiful new M-W's! So you con own an electric refrigerator for us fr'om.". $40 t0 $50 BETTER BE EARLY If you went a used M-W refrigerator that we've priced to sell out in a hurry! There ought to be plenty of people interested when we tell you QC A A tho price is 03.UU WE PUT on the pressure on this bargain, Hera's a '250-gal. Electric Water Pressure Sys tem that should draw a lot of water for you. Reg 62.88 WHO LOVES A BARGAIN? If you're the one, bo here early tomorrow and grab up one of these $3.15 new toilet seats . ' - ? P.O. for onlv mQQ SHINE UP to this Johnson Shl nup , household cleaner and silver polish and you can clean up on a lot of pocket silver. Reg. Now LITTLE TWINSIE Yes, that's whnt wo coll 'em but we've been calling these little dou ble boilers that too long. You can hove 'em ' AAf for only LADIES, MEN, BOYS Stop, look and listen,' Wo are sknt Ing our skates out the door at a 30 discount. Come a slidln'. WM1 : WE'RE TALKING COLD TUR KEY when wo make a bar gain to some farmer or rest, aurant owner on this 11 cu. ft. M-W refrigerator. We had to take It back, but you can have It llftfin Down Qo the Curtains EVEN SLIPCOVER, DRAPERY FABRICS ore headed for a big price Increase along with other "civilian" merchandise . . . , save dollurs . , , buy yards of our left-over home spuns that were 19c yard, BRIGHTLY COLORED CRE TONNES reduced to 44o yd Extra heavy, 48" MONKS CLOTH cut to 4Bc yd. 30" California CRASHES sacrificed at 44a yd. REPLACE ALL YOUR WEATHER-WORN shades NOW with fresh, clean washable Fiber shades complete TF- with roller yd. ODD LOT, BOLT END MATE RIALS , . . Don't miss theso wonderful curtain material buys! Sheer cotton grcnadlnrr with pin dots, cushion dots. ' novelty patterns for ruffly curtains! Many originally 15c! Save 1ft at I WW yd- "Red-Hots" In Rugtl CONFIDENTALLY WE THINK You'll agree that theso 9x12 Axmlnster Rugs could be sold at $40.05 if wo kept them long enough. But we'd rnthel sell them NOW at a very low price and let you start enjoy, ing them on your floors! And wc need space! We have sev. oral with very charming pat terns , . .and all of them have thick, deep ALL WOOL PILE! Why not buy a couple whllo they 07 QP last! Each 3. 73 SHALL WE "DEAL YOU IN'Q ON SOME OF THESE WARD OLEUM FLOOR COVER1NO BUYS? Were Now 9x12 Rugg , , , 8 45 4.98 6x9 Rugs , . 2.08 2.49 7'. 4x0 Rugs . . 3.79 3.49 0x10 Rugs . . 4.73: 4.69 6 and ft. yord goods 42c yd. Frankly we must tell you they're last year's patterns and we only have a few st this sensational price. How ever, they'll be new to you and will certainly give your floors a shiny, handsome, new appearance! Come early and avoid the mobl A FEW BATH MATS THAT NEED A "BATH" are yours for 59c apiece. Somo of the "dirtier" (shopworn) ones formerly sold at $1.49 so that will give you an idea oL- the licking we're having ttJ take on these Items! Remem berall you can carry or drag while they 1 in last Each 1.17 WHAT KIND OF WASHER do you want? Come In and see our collection of used Thor, Easy, Apex and other makes traded-ln on new M-W's and r;romd $ioto$40 SOMEONE WILL MAKE the luckiest buy of their life when they get this floor sum- pi j M-W refrigerator, reduced to moko way for now modols! Instead of paying $106.95 you can buy it QP QP now at 73.73 WANTED Housewives to take these 7-pc. Genuine Stainless Steel Kitchen Tool Sets oft our hands. We can't use them but wo think you can nt this- saving. Woro $2.49, BOU nnu I.Ww 'OUT LIKE A LIGHT" . . . Said tho storo managerl So now we've got to get rid of these "olmost-now" lighting fixtures) They'ro all in good condition except for some small missing parts mostly screws that can bo easily re placed. .Come In and. look around ... they won't lost long at this price, A OR so HURRY f.73 THE LUCKIEST WOMEN in town are going to get one or two of these 20-pc. Oil Silk Food Saver Sets. Comes In p 1 a s 1 1 C sanitary container. Were $1.20, O now ; : . Phon 3188 o