SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE COPYRIOMT. 141, NCA tlKVtCI. INC. THH iTORYl The ttrma of Al 4 raw Dm r bora's mill apMlfytn tht Ilia aecretarr Crolt nd ftva thrr employ" ahull J d r Whether or not hla playboy bob , Andy la rnnnlnjr the btulnna c , aordJn hla fnthrr'a policy oC "aerrlc to tba people, put Carol who baa lort-4 Andy alnco a;lrl fcood In difficult apot. Iter heart , alnka whra Andy, currently- 1b rolrrd with aleek Linda Julian tnrna wanajremtnt orer to am rrspaloua Mr. Her rick, whoao only Idea fa to mako money. Her rick blames employ Hill Rete for the. toyland elerator accident that lajnrca nnnboy Nicky. Her rick alia taken credit for cash adjustments mad to cnatomera by Carol with out hla kvowledjre In an effort to novo th atore'a reputation. At tho annnal a tor Early Andy kUaea Carol, Indies tea o la tbronsh with Mnda. Next day Carol flnda tho wllPa envelop la th vault, but tho will ta icon. Herrlck then Urea her for wrlilajr retirement check for an employ ho haa dismissed, nlthourk a rain ha wan only foltowtnjr tho Dear horn policy. Heturnlnar to tho ' atoro for a fllo aho haa forn-ottea, aho orerhcar Andy tell Ins; Her rlck ho known tho truth about the elevator accident and tho . adjustments Carol haa ma da. - Herrlck then aaya ho know tho whereabouts of th will, tries t blackmail Andy Into letting1 him run tho store and forajettlna; tta A- tho store to aearvh for the will. ftltK . A Hirfat ajoea on oho la cauajht la a Herrlck'e offlcel C i". -I' iU li: i? i - t?r .A" ." !" vr t ix i it is l:z i -: ba ANOTHER SEARCHES . CHAPTER XVII WHKN light flooded Mr. Hep " rick's office, Carol stood para lyzed, staring. Andy Dearborn stared bade at her. "Carol! You here?" "I I she stammered. Her hands trembled like a schoolgirl's caught stealing the teacher's apple. "I you see " "Secretary turns burglar?" He ft x ! asked quietly. A hint of gentleness i - in rus lone snouia nave reassurea 4"V her. But it didn't j "You're looking tor the will?" i,x . "Yes. Because you would like to see it destroyed! Because you srent man enough to lace the con sequences afraid what Mr. Her rlck says is true, that your father wouldn't trust you with the store!'' "What good would it do for you to find it?" His eyes probed hers. - "I could see your father's wishes respected. No matter whom it nurtsl" , "You think I'm afraid It will hurt me?" he asked tavelly. She bit her lips, nodded numbly. "In the last few days," he con tinued, "I've learned a little of what you did for me. You knew Mrs. Milligan and Mrs. Grover thanked me for their refunds. Well, I've had dozens like them. Small complaints that you cor rected. Miss Fanny, too, came to tell me about her chicken farm. They all spoke of the letters I was supposed to have written." f .- t ,, - ' " "I didnt dream they'd come In person." "It all made me realize what I should be doing. I did some .checking up on Herrlck and found that be was taking credit for verything you did, found that he blamed Bill unfairly." ' "Yes, I know. I was near the office when you told Mr. Herrlck he was through. It made me jproud of you," she faltered, "for minute. Then I heard Mr. Her-. rick's proposition and, practically, your consent to it I guess it won't do any good for me to argue that you're wrong in letting him de etroy the will?" "Would it make any difference to you?" There was a new light In his eyes. It twisted her heart with the torture of loving a man she couldn't respect r She lifted her chin. "Yes, Andy, it would make a difference." Her - eyes told him why but her lips 1 jwere quick to deny it "You see, "; il promised your father that his 'wishes would be followed." jfc 'S you were Poking the will to keep your pledge to him? That's like you, Carol. But Herrlck would never hide it in his ir office. He told me that if it should . be found it could never be traced ini to him. That suggested a plant to Z.O me. And I was right." W. "A plant? I thought of that, too. J' I looked several places." S;- "But not the one place he t7yt would be most likely, to put it" His hand went into his breast r t pocket and withdrew a long fold-- ed paper. "I have it here, Carol." o ; "But where in the world did .'! you And the will?" iirrn 'The last place you would have looked. In one of those old city directories in your office!" "In my office?" she gasped. -Yes. He knew if it were jr.- found there I'd never prosecute you and without that his own guilt couldn't be proved." "It can't matter, can it Andv?" She was remembering that he wanted it destroyed anyway. "I suppose you put Mr. Herrick off only so you could get the will and do away with it yourself. Now you won't have to sien his ri contract" she finished tonelessly. J.Z "I put Herrick off because I en, wanted, to find the will. Yes. That's right But I don't expect to destroy It" he said with de termination. "I want it to be recorded, respected, followed." He paused before he added, "Even if it means I lose everything. I'm not too old to start over. There's nothing to keep me from founding a store of my owa My father B"! did it with no capital except his i two hands and a willingness to work. I can do it, too!" ' Her heart swelled with gratitude V. as it echoed his words. He could - do it, too. But perhaps he wouldn't have to. : , "Then you didn't Intend to ... agree to Mr. Hcrrlck's proposl ; tion?" ? "No. He' through. I only put $ him off to give me time to find i the will." "Oh, Andyl" The two small Wds had. herjieart in thSXQ, 3t . He could smile now. "Well, are we going to read this will?" She could smile with him. "Yes, Andy, we're going to read it" But Carol couldnt keep her eyes on the pages. She wanted to watch Andy's face. ... CHE saw the muscles of his Jaw tighten when he came to the part about the Jury. She saw a look of admiration when he read the last paragraph which ordered the store sold and the proceeds given to charity. "He'd be proud of you, Andyl" He put his arm around her. "You must have known something of the conditions of the will all the time." "Yes." It was good to share her secret with him. "I typed it but I gave Mr. Dearborn my word that I would never reveal its con tents." "Yet you saved Dearborn's reputation in spite of me. At least the store will be closed with its fine name Intact" "It wont be closed," she said firmly. "I'm on that Jury, too. Ill get a hearing. I know what you told Mr. Herrick before you read the will. I know you're go ing to do what your father would have wanted." "Yes. I've been blind to the responsibility he always tried to show me. But I see my way now." "It's a way of happiness. . . ." He drew her dose. "Yes. Yet why should you do so much for my father and me?" She clung to him. "I had to do it" she murmured Into his .shoulder, "because" ' "Because you love me," he said huskily. "I've been blind to that, tod!" Exultation swept away every doubt she had ever had of Andy Dearborn, bringing a warm glow of ecstasy. Here was the real Andy,. the one she had loved for six years. He lifted her chin and bent to kiss her lips. The watchman, making his 10 o'clock round, found them in each other's arms. THE END Japan seems to be trying to get some kind of record for ruthless barbarity in the con duct of her war. Senator Bark ley, Kentucky. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson i JrfBSVrOV ARE V lit "A THUNDERSTORM YJ Iry?,' -"J)i THAN AT OTHER ,l ' - rhiSSi4yVA TIMES, BECAUSE. 'I A'ijX UtPf V ORORS OF WATER, ,1 AV I V SS ATTRACT EACH " , 'L4rUY ;SE'. OTHER AND OVZST .ON& DAV Of CONTINUOUS CWWUI&HT LOAASve IN THE. ARCTIC THAN IN THE ANTARCTIC. ten. 1M1 T NEA ttftrKC. MC T. M. RC U. S. MT. OFF. 1-13 IAt HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FOKMERLV WERE KNOWN BV WHAT NAAAE ANSWER: The Sandwich Islands, after John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich. The name was changed in the latter part of the 19th century. S NEXT: War en (he international date line. WESTERN STATE HORIZONTAL '1 Depicted state. Sit has many mines. 9 Cubic meters. 11 Placard. 13 Altitude, (abbr.). . HBorn. 15 Perched. 16 Greek god of flocks, 18 An agent. 20 Abdicate. 21 PrincipaL 22 Drunken carousal. , 24 French river. 25 Domestic slave. 26 Endures. 27 Suffix. 28 Skill. 29 Persian Answer to Previous 'Puzzle MWdIuL L jlGHF lA'Of : EG DlASiHi N!AITIUiRAL Tfefel DfiIS gPajSHII IN I IRO'nI NlA!5iC:E!NT OteCaAlw'Ell TMAjEUEl god of the sky 44 Courtesy title. 45 Beverage. 47 Adherent of suffix). 48 Pertaining to the Alps. SO Hums. priestly caste. 62.53 Iu capital 31 Intersect 34 Hindu queen. 35 Surrender. 37 Hostelries. 38 Garden shrub. 42 Let fall. 43 Babylonian Is- City. VERTICAL 1 Speaks. 2 Symbol for -tellurium. 3 Alder tree. 4 Mind. 6 .Ruminant mammal. 6 Hops' kiln. 7 Lieutenant (abbr.). 8 Leave. 9 Incline. 10 Perceive. 11 Greek letter. 12 Showers. 13 Paid publicity (Pi.). 17 Compass point 51 All right. 19 Falls to follow suit in card playing. 21 A process of the temporal bone behind the ear. 23 Weird. 24 Espouse. 26 Varnish ingredient. 29 Biblical food. 30 Nullifies. 32 Crystalline substance. 33 Deer tracks. 34 Narrow inlet. 36 Department of Public Education (abbr.). 38 Fluff from fabrics. 39 Anger. 40 Circle part 41 Twist into ringlets. 44 Yellow ocher. 46 New Zealand ratite bird. 49 Parent. 9 I01 il 12 r n4"n jF 1 4rJ4 . . w r i is j . 2.9 130 " 1 ' 32 133 34 "p 36 37 I jpb 39 j 140 41 ' 'J4l 7 4T J44 ' 45" 4o yr). " U49 ' 50 bl " HI 1 1 H Hl 1 Ur1 OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopls WHY, WHEW DID WAIT'LL I UlSSSTEM, VOU GET THIS CLEAR TH' I VVVYOU.' ( BOOK.? 1LLJOST I TABLE FEU Lf I HAD ENOUGH V PUT IT HERE I TH' REST ( OF THAT WHEKJ 1 ' f ON THE TABLE ) OF TH STUFF.' SHE WAS I WITH MV PURSE 1 YOU'VE OMLY HOME-MOW Jlc1' I SO I WOMT FOR- BEEM HERE I GIVE ME S J ' 5ET IT WHEW I I F IVG MINUTES. A A REST.' J WHV MOTHERS SE1 GRAV um.tH.w . RED RYDER HORSES ? NOPE BUT ' OKfXV W I DOW'T tM I GOT A SILT-EDSft MEAL ) BV MB, Y kPERlP TICKET RIGHT HERE- IA BOSS V P CHIPS S T MBAKi ROUNDhOUSB A r BEBM LUMVHAMO,! GOOGAN,MV HEAVJVJWGIGrlT.' ) W f ThiN' r? NEVER. TOOK A BACK-j( WORSE ; "-GOT N'il WARD 6TEP THAT PLACES J' ETS, LIKE ) k MUS WOULD TRADE J f "WAN A ,UTOS OR. yU SLAPS WITH A yS ( POKER, POT 56S? M SCRMLLAPERlAj , v!jl" ' ' i WH( DID COLONEL JULEI' tnop-i ICXiR FlFiST TELECjRA.'A find out 1H TRUTH I SJ4I i i 'o ... dwEWJHt. -f J vr J ii w rvw v GXDKEL JULEP If Hfn A SHARP VI IKi 1HE.R& LOOONJ' GENT, ) mm By Fred Harmon DUCHESS O? PAIN-Tft-D VALLtYOP FRlEMD , 3 fMRANOtR, PiR. A THOU SAND XOLLARg , TWON TV I CbUOMiL Jf RYD1R' fAT jalj LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE HM-M ro HAVE EWORM t SAW THAT DIRTY CURTAIN MOVE THEN I'LL KNOCK AGAIN-- SHE MUST HEAR THIS, ALL RIGHT! . I KNOW SHE'S IN THERE-POOR THING! HIDING. PROBABLY. AS I KffllE! oh. KATIE! ITS AL AL ZEE I REMEMBER ME? By Harold Gray STEPS--THEN SHE STOPS THEN A FEW STEPS MORE AH-H--NOW 6HE5 AT. THE DOOR --KATIE ! ITS AL ZEE A TO Z tuU KEMcMfltK Me- .4,,. -mi -.TJVk iKftROLb BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 6R JH WELL? p BSJ? 3 li '"-wt-- 'j ' uT"i.'2i'ifrrt3 e s"?AKfcue .'too vvoo voto ESC M& mmr ...J lf rtmMSP??, By Martin JM I 4 voo'Ot VV'M Ml WO.WY AKV WIWI'AIM WOW TW V li WASH TUBBS I W"EM SHE PAUCES i W' !SK leartoxir ?T yjA ANO .OOKi SHE'S WATCHIM6 VOU... SHE'S SMILIMO.SHE SEEMS TO BE fcAMCIMG FOB UO ONE BUT Vnl I FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS mam! reck-om Id V . . : THAT'S BETTER FIWIH LAI1 ACOMPLI- WWWER AND ffmn ' ' -fti ' MEMT6ET CTO J-'3,COr. 1M?BVWfMltV)CC. INC T.M ttl U PAT By Cron o AHl A AND MY SON SAID ME BBBMHIMBKI WAS M YOUR PARTY AMD We HATE Tb SNITCH LEFT HIS CHECK FOR YOU ON HIM, BUT WE TO PAY ? DIDNT HAVE TUe EXTW Atir TUB tlrrtit r1 inc nuicu lift 'I U 1 Took. our. y U'J1 ' HAD!TbeVV DANNV- ,7?.. ( rnuF im WALK AGAIN fS MERE IBs AND PAMELA DARED MB TO WALK OUT AND SEE IP WE COULD Gtf AWAY WITH IT I NOW I wwtN r &or the . PAYOCP ( Havb ALLEY OOP By Blosser , (I'M G1AD Tb ' y IS YOUR ADVAK ROYALTY FOR 'but I DIDNT EXPECT . l'M GLAD "Pi' Turn 1 YOU -b BAY IT, MR, OULPCRt J IS WUR ADVANC? 1 ' 7 rfOYALTY FOR alum, Jhu mtict. iJn'Tllit faow. By V. T. Hamfin I . . -T HAS A WART - OM HIS . f maait? Ill.Vtff HMuPH 1 FAIL (I'M SORRY. DOC... PUT -m' 1 6 aiLKr. M0 66ETHE LID BACK. Okl TH' J I W TX, HUMOR. OF THtS.'V CHICK... AKf I'LL f B HYPMCrmED f CC T RIGHT WlTH A J I OM HIS FOOZY, I'VE MO (I ASSURE YOU BOC, IF YOU'LL V IT IS N THIS NONSENSE V SOMETHING EDIBLE) ff FOR.' ) "V . ' o