wmid GLOOMY WEEKEND Probubly tho sndditst iiuy In the comity today In your corres pondent who vlrtuully kicked over something bntwemi IS nnd $100 over the weekend. It hupprni'd llku thin: The Olllotto safety razor out fit, which KOCH in most hcnvlly for por(i"initlitg (and Incidental rivcrllnliii!) umiouiiceil to rt j writer liwt week Ihnl It wim , conducting K content umong tli ' brethren on the outcome of the j J. Louls-U. liner thinif. All thnt was nccesiuiry win to name the winner, the round, and time of the round. Thin correspondent rather Imp znrdly end for purely jmychlc Trillions, niinicd the Bomber at 1 mlnulo nnd 57 teconda of the first round. As you know. It end ed at 2 minutes uud 50 seconds of the first round. Not exactly -on the head, we ndmit, but close enoiiKh so thnt it might have crept In for perhaps second prize of S3U, third of $30, fourth of $18. fifth of $10, or fiver for sixth to 20th prizes. However, we overlooked tend ing it In. In addition, member of the ; modicul fraternity Informed us Friday thnt we ripped u thluh niusclo In nn Ill-timed spill some j weexs urck una coiiki nui ski lor the next three weeks. A sad weekend. IT'B ROLLING The lufuntllo pnrnlysis cum jjjilgn among sports fans, par J iiiimls nnd followers which Klumnlh Union high school so generously contrilmled Is roll Inn like u snowball dounhill. Latest additions to the drive's proiiram are roller tkntlug rinks from coast to coast, tiie nation's Itowllnil alleys and l)oxlu(l com missions In 37 states. Kollerdrumes are planning "birthday waltzes" on skates on tho night of Junusry 30, every bowling-alley proprietor has been asked to dedicate January 30 to the presidents birthday and donate a portion of the pro ceeds, and boxing commissions are urged to stage a benefit show. INSIDE RAIL Chuck McCiulncss, couch of The Dalles' undefeated state Oldlron champions, may have i Inside track for the vacancy caused by Jimmy I'helon's dis missal from the University of Washington. At least, ho has a terrific sales argument If what Dick Hyland of the Los Angeles Times says hns anything to it. Hyland advocates McGulncss for the Job and Intimates that If ho gets It Pop Warner will be on the bench In an advisory ca pacityat no cost to the Huskies. McGulncss, according to Hy land, began his coaching career 13 years ngo in New England. He was fresh out of Washington at the time, where ho had stroked the Scnttloltes to victory at I'oughkecpsle but had never played football. Ho discovered, to his horror, thnt the Job he had accepted called for pigskin tutclngo of which he knew nothing. a Undaunted, ho contuctcd Pop nrner who gave him enough tips with which to start tho sea son. Later ho carried on a steady correspondence with Warner and since has won 120 games whilo losing only 26 and tying four. Ho grabbed The Dalies job last summer while vacationing In the northwest. His success is current history. If there's nny recommendation needed. Dill Dowerman can probably furnish It. Tho cx-Mcd-ford coach, you'll remember, was walloped by The Dalles, 28-0, not so long ago. Sabin, Mulloy Mull Pro Tennis Plans CORAL GABLES, Fla., (P) Two of tho country's ranking players of 1041 Wayne Sabin of Portland, Ore, and Gardner Mulloy of Miami disclosed to jlny thnt they may soon desert Onntour tennis to pluy for pay. w Sabin, No. 0 In tho natlonnl list, snld they contcmplntcd sign ing for a tour Involving about 100 matches. The Red Cross and the USO would shnro In any profits from tho tour, he and Mulloy agreed. "There aro some details that hava to bo worked out before wo enn sny definitely wo will turn professional, but It looks now ns if wo will," snid Mulloy. who was rntcd soventh In tho country In 1041. BETTINA VICTOR PITTSBURGH, Jnn. 13 (UP) Muking his bid for heavyweight recognition, Mollo Bottinn, for mer llght-hcnvywoight chnm plon, Mondny night slashed out a unanimous decision ovor Moso Orown, of McKoosport, Pa., bo ire a crowd of 0200 at the Gardens. COLLEGE PARK, Md. Mary land has lis finest crop of sopho more basketball mntcrlnl in the Tcrrnplns history. iX Paul Valentl of football-conscious Orsgon State plunges past Tom Courtney. 14, and Jim Draddy, $, as Beavars whip Manhattan, 47-34, before 14,377 at Madison Square Garden. Klamath County Angling Opens Two Weeks Later Than Usual; Local Angling Changes Bared The Oregon stote game commission's 1042 fishing regulations will mean opening of angling in most Klamath county lakes and streams two weeks later than usual, according to a detailed oc count of tiie group's meeting released Tuesday by Francis Olds, Klamath member of the commission. Olds said the delay in the season, which opens on May 2 or two weeks later than thnt of western Oregon counties, Is due to the spring spawning habits of mountain trout. This area depends largely on natural propngntion of its game fish, rather than ar tificial breeding, he asserted. Olds also disclosed that the Klumath river will be closed during June, July, August and September instead ol during June, July, August, November and December as In 1041. He said that Klamath river water during the summer months is warm and the fish not In good shape for eating. Lost river will be closed to all angling from May 2 until August 1 this year, the game commissioner said, to allow time for bnss spawning. In 1041 the stream was open all year. The Little Deschutes river will be open during the open season as will Crescent creek. Middle Rosary hike will be closed. The nig Deschutes river In Deschutes county will open on April 18 except for the fly Lutherans. Presbyterians. LDS Win in Church League The Lutheran church quintet rolled on Monday night in the church league and slaughtered the De Moiays 43 to 18 in the Falrvlcw gym. In the second game the Latter Day Saints beat the Junior Pelicans 28 to 24. In the final game tho Presbyterians took another close one by down ing the Baptists, 44 to .10. High man for the Lutherans wns Swanson who towered 20 markers. At halftlme the De Moiays were trailing 9 to 22. After a last minute spurt the LDS five won the fastest game of the evening. At half they trail ed the Junior Pelicans 18 to 11. Campbell of LDS took high honors with nine pointers. For the little Pelicans' Demctrnkos sunk 11 counters. High pointer for the final game was Vowell of the Bap tists who accounted for IS points. Klamath Gun Club 18-Yard Handicap Geo. Jantzcr 24 2549 19 P. Dalton ...18 1238 19 14 33 Dale West 23 2144 20 1939 J. F. Adams 21 21 42 20 20 40 Bewlcy 16 2137 19 John Carlson 24 2347 19 P. Puckett , 21 2443 13 1730 E. Driscoll 23 2144 F. Olds 25 19 44 21 C. C. Coulson 20 2141 C. W. Kline 23 1942 21 Cal Ray 24 1943 18 W. E. Lamm 23 2144 Paul Hilton 22 2244 19 J. Stoigcr 24 2347 H. Bnum 22 19 41 20 1939 C. Martin 22 21 43 19 J. Tnckus 17 18 Dr. Lcdlngham 24 22 48 17 1938 L. Chase 23 2346 R. Jones 23 25 48 H. E. Garich 23 2346 Gigantic SOCE Rally Whips Angels, 60-32 ASHLAND, Jan. 13 P) Southern Orrgon College of Edu cation throttled Mount Angel in tho second half of a basketball gnmo hero Inst night for a flO-to-32 win thnt kept the victors at tho head of tho Oregon intercol Icglnto conference. Mount Angel led, 30 to 18, nt half t lino, but could score only two points whilo the Sons ran wild in tho closing frame. Greenleaf Victor In Billiard Play CHICAGO. Jnn. 13 P) Ralph Greenleaf of Monmouth, 111., who was pockot billiards champion Touchdown? SET. - t'-..m - "' ir"',f"T' fishing area which opens on June 1. i'Mi lake in Jnckson county will open on May 2. Olds said the game commis sion is working entirely on its 1042 budget. War conditions huve made it impossible to es timate Hie 1042 revenue from fishing nnd hunting licenses, he said and the commission will hedge on labor until an idea of income can be ascertained. Tho commission is planning no capital outlay at present for the coming year and will not unless it is justified by forth coming income. Olds revealed the game group has authorized a survey of big game in eastern Oregon which will be complet ed in mid-Murch. The survey, he stated, will be used as a basis for determining the 1042 hunting rules and bag limits. Foster of the Presbyterians threw in 11 pointers. At halftlme the losers. Bap tists, were leading the field with the score 24 to 21. STMim'm (U) Pm. Kta. 10 ' KliiimiAO. K. WlMirf. I'm. l I 0. Itrown. t " Ini. o a . tmler. t S m siBint II, HoblBMm IS, Vowrll , Certain S. Horn 4. !MrH fi. Olion 0, Rtnotdton it. Pelloara rt. ln. ..f. P LOS t. Wrlshl . t. MpOomM , A, Wim . , CimpbHI VnlHncnur. llmiitfcrr, 0 . . s. K. Hmim Sfliorn. 8 . Ii-ratriiM, II . , W. Smltli 0. Mm . 0, Knlmiirti D.MoUr (II) Pot (41) LuUuri njohm. 7, .loltnpon s. Myhfw SO. SWftRKlR . Rul.lMl 4. Hsrt Kln, i !ol, 0 SoMn, I Procter, t hrrtwn, fl S!lr. t Doubles 17 8 16 18 1733 17 1633 17 17 17 times but never before tried his hand at tho three-cushion game in title play, won his first match In tho current three-rail tournament yesterday and went after No. 2 today. A 50 to 48 victor in 57 in nings over John Fitzpatrick of Los Angeles inst night, Green leaf went against Arthur Rubin of Brooklyn, who yesterday lost his second straight match, 50 to 41, to Jako Schaefer of Cleve land in 42 innings. sir flll4kt1SVWVWVVWVsAlMlMt4SlkSSIlSSSABAV STARTS 3i" I Mmi-K. :..4 3 Jim Thomson, Hogan Tie In Final Round By HOMER WELBORNE LOS ANGELES, Jon. 13 UP) Long-hitting Jimmy Thomson nnd Ben Hogan, lost year's lend ing money-winner, Monday tied for first in the final round of the $10,000 Los Angeles open golf tournament at 282 and will piay off for first money of $3500 to morrow. Thomson, whose first-day score was a par 72, bettered his count one stroke each day and today shot a brilliant 60, three below par to go into the tie with Hogan who shot three rounds of 70 and one of 72 for the steadiest play of the tournament. Harry Cooper, who started the day two strides in front of the field, had a disastrous 75 which put him into a three-way tie at 285 with Chick Harbert and Sam Snead. For a time it appeared that Thomson, Del Monte. Cal., pro, had won the tournament when ho finished 30 minutes ahead of Hogan and was three strokes in front of the field. But the tiny Hershey, Pa. player came thru with his third 70 of the tourna ment to draw even with Thom son. Conn Wallops Henry Cooper In 12 Rounds TOLEDO, O.. Jan. 13 (UP) Billy Conn. In his first ring ap pearance since his sensational loss to Champion Joe Louis last June, jabbed his .way to a 12 round decision over Henry Cooper of New York Monday night at the Toledo university field house. The Pittsburgh heavyweight won solely on his lightning lefts to the face. Expected to knock out tho New Yorker, Conn threw a dozen haymakers with his right without connecting. Cooper's left eye was belted shut early in the fight from a scries of left Jabs, but he showed plenty of fight and kept after the heavyweight challenger the entire distance. j Conn entered the ring at 182 j and Cooper scaled 197. A crowd j of 8000 saw the fight, proceeds of which went to the police and ! fire fund. ' AMERICA' SEATTLE BREWING & MALTING CO. Since 1878 FOR DEFENSE BUY U. S. SAVINGS BONOS AND STAMPS Amerling Tops Comm Scoring Circuit Open Fifth Night Of Ploy a KUHS; Knights' Forword Tollies 44 Points TONIGHT'S GAMES 7:30 p. m First National vs. Tlk Tok. 8:30 p. m -Knights of Co lumbus ts. Rickys. As the Klamath Commercial Basketball league swings into its fifth night of piay tonight at the high sctiool gym with the usual doublehcader program, C h e t Amerling, speedy Knights of Co lumbus forward, looms as the man to beat in the race for in dividual scoring honors. The former Wisconsin State prep star has tallied 44 markers in three contests, 13 points bet ter than his nearest rival, Har old Putnam of the Ricky five, who has 31 counters. Amerling holed out as many field goals, 11, in one game as any other Commercial eager has amassed in three tilts. Just six points behind Putnam and tied for third spot are Earl Sanders of Tik Tok and Russ Marshall of the Dorris Townies. Sanders' aggregate, though, hasi been piled up in three games while Marshall's total has been ! realized in four engagements. j Paul Crapo, captain and guard ! of the Knights, holds fifth place : with an average of eight points in three games for a total of 24, Close behind in sixth position are Congleton, guard for First National, and Wayne Scott, Ricky forward, each with 22 points. ' "Bad man" honors go to Crapo with 10 personal fouls in three games. Chuck. Slaymaker of Tik j Tok and Joe Beiiotti of First Na j tional, however, are pressing him . for this dubious distinction with nine violations apiece. Players with 10 points or more i thus far in the winter casaba 'campaign follow: I o to rr rr tj . AfflMllQS. R. C. 5 20 4 1 41 Putnatn, Rlckji , ...4 10 11 t II JUndTt. Tlk Trtk S II , 11. Mm. lull, Corrl 'rli. K. O t 11 J 10 4 10 It ; rti:M,ti. r.y.B. s 10 So.tl. Itlcijl i S nur. K. r. s t t a i s s s 18 t 1 H 3 1" i 1 17 I II M 4 4 l I I 11 DIM 9 14 Ilt..k. Ilk To SUimiki-r. Tlk Tok . HUhop. F.S.B. nHlolll. F.N. II. KemnHzM. K. f. 11. MftMiitlt. Ootrli llrs-i. I),.trii Sl.,rrr. K.X.n KollllliOB. !UlTi - Anderson. Tik Tok - 0 11! 1 U Tlk Tok T. Mlriurlna, FH-B. J MckIcv. Klckr s llattt'ld. IkMTit 1 Vlv-tt Itorrl Krltndwn. Blcky i Mow, itlrkv S 0 1 12 i i: t t 1! 1 t 11 4 1 10 0 t 0 1 10 Chntbum. Tik Tok BOXING By Thi A vioc Pnc TOMIIXi Wily Vma. 1S2, i'itubarth. Miltxilntl Hmrr Cooper. JP5 Brooklyn 12: lil fli-rjtM-. MontrMi. wit- polnlM CirmoB Notch, lift, RUtourgh . rilll-ACO Tonr Mtlt. 14PH. ChlMeo. outpointed Hrry Bah. 111. WlndKT, Out.. 11; lt ItoiO'-B, IW, nKio, womro out tulher Jlrrnt. IS.. fTitraio 5. NfWARK-Tlrpy turkin. isi. GrfMI. K. J.. knocked ot Totnta Cron. 14. Phll KtMphlft 14); Howard Burton, 350. Wllkff. Brr. P.. outpointed Otcw fotttinur. IS!. Krlk 6. TRKXTOJf And P.UUl. !J. Prtll Am boy. N. J.. knocked oat Choo Cboo frr. lis. Allminra, r- 12). STtr YORK Chirin (LuM CoftMitao. 1274. N'w Vork, etitpolnted Billy Spearr. lilH. NsRtkwk, Pa. PITTSBi nUH-Mrllo Bi-lluM. 1K4. Bc- con. N. Y.. outpointed Mote Bronm, 174, McKeeport. r. 1S). HOI.YOKE. M. Orraliw FMU, HI, BrooVtrn. knocked out loo Fortuon, 133H. rbllfl.lpM (JO). RAIIASOTA. Fin. BtnidT Scott. 14. Tra- pn, FU.. won by technic! knockout Orel- Jlmr.il KOEtelt. I". I'l3ajpnj is. nWlSSATl zrd Cturtei. 101. Chv etnniiti. on by technical knockont from Aefow 0fUf(-rM1V 111.. t-evettil f.-Q. When in Modlord Stay at HOTEL HOLLAND Thoroughly Modern Joe end Anna Ear! Proprietors TABLE BEER Emil Sick, President Aliruhm Marks Joes Last Hours . NEW YORK, Jan. 13 07) Joe Louis Is busy doing things for other during the last hour before he dons the uniform of a private in the United States army. The heavyweight boxing champion, who passed the phy sical and mental tests yesterday: and will be inducted tomorrow at Camp Upton, ha a date at 3 p. m. today to turn some 1 50,-000-plus over to the naval re lief society and later in the day will visit a hospital for negro infantile paralysis victims. The $50,000-plus is Louis' share of the iignt Friday night in which he flattened Buddy Baer in a single round. Joe' 40 per cent of the 189,700.55 gate amounted to approximately $84,000. He is retaining only training camp expenses. Reminded that the average selectee spent hi last free hours celebrating, Louis replied that "the time to celebrate is after the war is over." CHICAGO, Jan. 13 (UP) Assistant States Attorney Wil bert F. Crowley said Monday that a Cook county (Chicago) grand jury today issued a sub poena for Julian Black, co-man ager of Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis, in connec tion with Its investigation of the Chicago policy racket. John Roxborough, Louis' other manager, was sentenced in Detroit last week to two and a half to five years ' in prison for dealing in policy slips. Lakevlew Wins Poir From Burns In Doubleheader LAKE VIEW Lakeview high won a pair of games from Burns high here Friday and Saturday nights. The Friday night game which counted towards the district championship was a thriller. The final score was 28-23. Saturday night the Harney county lads had so much dif ficulty hitting the basket that the Lakeview team coasted to an easy 21-8 victory with the entire squad seeing action. The schools play two more games this com ing weekend at Burns, the first of which will count towards the district championship. A new Class A district was es tablished this year consisting of the large high schools in Harney Crook, Deschutes, Klamath and Lake counties. HOLD DOWN AWARDS NOTRE DAME Only 24 members of 1S41 Notre Dame football won monograms, small est since 1821. Mi 8( A UMOM MAM r A NICKEL PACK of Bugler makes a full day's smokes! Twenty or more cigarettes of choke Turkish and Domestic tobaccos, blended just like the tobaccos In high-grade ready made cigarettes! Easy tolling? You SPECIAL IMTROOUCTORY OFFER AT ft BUGLER THRIFT KIT;SsS ft. January 13, 1942 OSC Opens Play, Nips WSC, 52-47 Lew Beck Leads Beaver Parade with 17 Points, Quintets Play Tonight COHVALLIS, Jan. 13 TJP) Oregon State college opened its conference season here Monday night by defeating Washington State 52-4 in an overtime cer- iod, mainiy on the sharpshoot ing of Sophomore Lew Beck of Pendleton. Beck, smallest man en the floor, netted two baskets and a free-throw in the overtime per- 10a after tne score had been tied at 46-ail at the end of the regu lar playing period, to take high scoring honors with 17 points. me Beavers held the Cougars to a singie free throw by Zim merman in the extra period. The same was nip and tuck throughout, with not more than four points ever separating the teams throughout the second half and -with the score tied eight times. The lead changed haif-a-dozen times. Oregon State held a six-point lead at one time late In the first period, but the Cougars came back strong at half-time to trail only 23-24. Coach Friel of Washington State alternated two complete teams while Gill used all letter men except for the flashy Beck. Al Akins, Cougar sophomore. was high scorer for the visitors with 12 points, although Gale Bishop, center, made 11 points and did a good job holding down John Mandic, star Beaver center. to seven points The teams will play again to night. The itttti m i rr : Oregon ttata Mahler. T Volenti, y Mandic. f. rtement. G Rerk. a MeSiiU, r Hail. O rr, rr vr tp a o s i t s J 1 1 ! 14 It M Waahlngton lull Alln. r OHbent r BHhep, C Bunt. O Gilbert, O Ztmrnerman, F Hooper. F rain. Tilt. O O'Nclil JO FT PF TP 1 17 47 Haiftime score; Orefon State tii Wash ington State SS. Free tarova Klaaed: Aklnl. Gilbert. Zim merman, Bishop . Hunt, Geoert, Witt; JlcN'ott t. Mandic, Dement, Beck. Kefrree? Plltuo. Umpire: Lee. PUGII Oil (Federal and New State Tax) said It! Bugler Is cut long to it lays fiat and rolls evenly. Buy a pack of Bugler today (gummed papers sx free) and save that 8ji la taxes sad more besides on what you now pay for a pack of twenty i-eady-mxdest Nerer learned to roll 'em by hand ? let this nifty roller do the job for you. Makes a day's supply of Buglers in no time at all! They look Just like retdy-mades and taste belter! Ask your dealer for thit kit. Browa r Williamson Tobacco Corporation, Louisville Kentucky. tUNl In tufter HaaMfoa wty-Iyry Winady iiigM KW ') PAGE FIVE Bowling At Klimath (tMruttoei Mm esMMsaeiKt. hagus KlUMtll MMn. a IM. " itr ttt Kin. " it irf m frltehett . ntlmer Potter HiDdlcap , 1JS 1M lit ! Kl IK -Ml UT.ttf M Tt n n m m m turns lull a White, ten. iit m its tm i Iff ik ta tut i IB 13? U( tff in m m a it 73 SH il 1S( ITS 0yn Krtajer . iedhrtler ochntM" . Usndicsp m m kh salt Curl Store -in w vi m m a? a m !! lit IK lot in Mr ? ! 171 !M Pt -in m ii m W. oehtf . fflok Hdltt . Powell Handicap 9 eSt tMMM Oarla-a Fine eoode , iSi Its in Hi farter ruber . 156 til. IK IK ui ise isr air . n w Eaitnurn . US 1 1M tf :st ui ui at Handicap m m utn Knlartta al Coiuf u vsi mi n m ist w ID Hi , Ml M W IX i ii ui tn 16 HI H Tt T , J 7. ta Ptrirrtt iieXurr lark . MeOorao ltrenick Handicap MS nt taj tp Lamm Lumber t, IU 1U vat !! U7 UI at vs is m ui i5G tct m art m lis set i i t8 5S M in W. Smith FinleF Baxter iashc Uasdtsia ttt tM tMtM Maw Cltr laundry Kircr . M. Dicfeenaon . A. DfekenaoB , -lit 117 lit ill is? Hi ta m !TS ISO W ue is? i3 t uk ice i u Thotnaaoa trt m n IMI Mnar Dairy at l : MS M7 1J7 M m 2ii ssi wf 154 IS iff tit ' W B KH U tt Si VI Morril -Johnaon Lee Tellnrd Tnanid ta m m Hit Signal Oilers Drop Rube, 54-34 PORTLAND, Jan. 13 (Pi Signal Oil of Portland scored 1U 18th straight victory over inde pendent teams Sunday, defeat Ing the Eugene Rube osteins, 54 to 34. Merle Kruger of the Oilert and Earl Sandness of Rubensteint tied for scoring honors -with It points each. The winners led at halftlme, 23 to 19. i STARTS reVHt ia PELICAN YOUR DEALERS Alt.FOR 250 4 w.