Jnnimry 18. 11)42 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TRKia 6 Returns Hr Juck liny, sort of Mrs, Itulli Turner nnl grand son of Mm. Clurti Hhnw, both of thin city, rotiiniod Humiiiy murulnu from Purllund where ho took till flnitl physical ex amination for mitrunco Into the United Stntes army nlr corp. Jack it now wullln for ortlurs to roiort. Young ny took tils primary iniljilnjj from Mux Gtillcy at tho Klunmtli ulriiort lid wns griintctt his private pilot'! license October 21, 1041. Promoted Promotion of Pri vate Curtis C. llirldrlcli Jr., of Spraitue Itlver, to the rank of ccond clau Kunnor and acting corporal was announced thl weok at tho conat artlllory re placement training center. Camp Callan, California. Hcltlrlch, 23, was graduated from KUHS In 1030. lie wiw inducted at Port- and on October 6, and has also qualified a a rifle marksman. Condition B 1 1 o u Gust Krlckson, Oil Walnut bvoiiiic, wlio was struck by a car at Savonth and Muln atrooU curly Monday morning, was reported In a serious condition at Klam ath Valley hospital Tuesday morning. Krlckson had not re gained consciousness ut a lute hour, lie Is a former Ewatinn Box company employe but was said to be unemployed at tho present time. . To Report Irving Jliiuw. 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthow rtauw of this city, will leave January 10 to report the next day In Portland for entrance In to the United States army air corps. Young Hnuw Is a grad uate of the University of Idaho fund has been employed for sev eral yean by tho Consolidated Freight company. Daughter Born Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Warner, residents of Klamath Falls, are parents of a daughter born on Sunday, Jan uary It, at the Klamath Valley hospital. The child weighed 7 pounds 10 "4 ounces at birth. Both mother and baby are do ing nicely. They hava named the girl Barbara Anne. DrUe Cast Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Ragland of Modoc Point left Saturday morning for a 30-day vacation which will take them as far east as Toronto, Canada. They will also visit In Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City, stop ping en route home in San Kron aclsco to visit their daughter and "son, Ruth and Ross Ragland. To Portland Mra. J. K. Reno of St, Francis park left Mon day for Portland wIito she will attend a Girl Scout defense con ference. Mrs. Reno 1 secretary of the Klamath Falls Girt Scout council. She hopes to roturn with material for a defense pro gram for tho local group, It was learned. Takes Over New Station Jack Crawford has taken over the big Richfield service station at Sixth and Klamath avenue. The station, which will be known as Crawford's Richfield Service, was formerly Ernie's Richfield Service. Crawford formerly op erated the Associated station at Classes End There will be no further extension classes Thursday afternoons or evening "in Fremont school due to the lack of attendance, it was an nounced Tucsdny. Tho classes have been conducted by Dr. Bee of Eugene. Improving Friends of little Laura Ferguson of Chlloqutn, daughtor of Rny Ferguson, will bo interested to loom she is re covering nicely nt Klnmnlh Vnh ley hospital where she under went a mastoid operation recently. Name Twins Mr. and Mrs. ; C. H. Cessnum of 2S38 Orchard v ' avenue havo named their twin ; . daughter and son Donna Rae ; , and Donald Henry. Tho bnbies were born January 10, first ; ' twins of the year. Son Born Mr. and Mrs. J. B. inarpo, uicncourt apartments, ; are parents of a son born Jan uary 10 nt Klnmoth Volley hos- Opital, Tho child has been named Jock Ronald. Thorpe Is employed at Hcrshbcrgcr's. Reported Improved Mra. Olo Stertmnn of Roosevelt street Is reported Improved nt Klnmnth Valley hospital but sho is not permitted visitors at this time. . Returns to Work Mary Wil liam has returned to work at Mary's Beauty shop after six weeks' Illness nt her home. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purs Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. A. A.. Want Owners . Wlllard Ward. Mgr. 8S5 High Phone 3334 Bsuejfi Returns Horn Mrs. John M uiek and Infant son returned homu to 2118 Arthur street Monday aflor having been pa tients nl KUtmuth V alley hos pital. On Vacation Miss Lucille Wnlz, formerly of tho Town Shop benuty salon, has left Klamath Kails for a two wenkn' vocation, and will return to work at Hous ton beauty salon. For Your Information MAIL CLOS1NU TIME (Ellactlv September 28. 19411 Train 17 Souihbouiidi S a. m. Train 20 Northbound! 10.00 a. m. Train IS Southboundi 5i4i p. m. Tialn IB Northbound! SiOO p. m To Mest The Women's Mis sionary society of the First Pres byterian church is to meet in tho church parlors on Thursday, January 15, at 2.15 p. m. Mrs. Ernest H. Moser, missionary from the Cameroun, West Africa, will have cliarga of tho devotions. The Rev. Forrest C. Trevnllle, missionary to Thailand and sta tioned at Bnnkok, center of far eastern war news, will address tho meeting. The committee in charge Includes Mrs. N. B. Drew, Mrs. Calvin P. Peyton, Mrs. Paul Kcycs, Mrs. Jennie Grover, Mrs. 1, S. Cunningham and Mrs. Lloyd Emery. A trio number wilt be rendered by Mrs. Guy Merrill, Mrs. J. L. Olson and Mrs. Raymond Micheis. All mem bers and friends, and even those who have not usually attended but are Interested In tho special conditions In the far east and who desire first hand informa tion, are Invited and will be cor dially welcomed. Eagles Auxiliary The regu lar meeting of tho Eagles auxil iary will bo held Thursday at 8 p. m. In the Eagles hall. Mem bers are advised there will be a kitchen and miscellaneous shower given for a member of tho auxiliary whose home was burned to the ground on New Year's night. Circle to Meet The Katherln Beattlo Missionary .circle will hold Its January meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert Hall, 32-14 Boardman avenue, Friday, Jan uary. 19. Rev. F. C. Travafiio, missionary to Thailand, will be the speaker at tho morning ses sion. Royal Arch Meats Compan ion Bart B. Braccht, most excel lent grand high priest of the grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Oregon, will make his official visit to Klamath chapter,' No. 33, Wednesday in tho Ma sonic templo at 7:45 p. m. Pre ceding the meeting there wilt bo a dinner at 8:30 p. m. at the are most cordlolly invited to both tho dinner and meeting. Extension Unit Members of tho Weyerhneuser Camp No. 4 extension unit will meet Thurs doy, January 19, at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Wlnnlfred Gitlen, KlamBtb county home demonstration agent, will spenk on "Financial Planning and Budget." Ait In terested arc urged to attend. Henley Home Extension The Henley-Midland Home Extension grotip will meet Thursday at 10:31) a. nt. at tho home of Mrs. Wendell Wninwright, 2530 Eb crlein street. All members are asked to bo there promptly for a full day has been planned. Members oro urged to bring nee dles, thread, scissors and a thim blo to make first aid kits for their own cars. Mothers Club The regular January meeting of tho Mothers club of Sacred Heart academy will be held Thursday at 1:30 p. m. In the school auditorium. There will bo a program follow ed by tea. VFW Meeting The first reg ulor meeting of tho new year of Pelican Post 1383, Veterans of Foreign Wars of tho United States will bo hold Thursday, TRUCKERS ASK PARKING Members of tho Klumath Falls Truckers association disapproved of tax which might be levied ugalnst vehicles operated by them, but asked for additional parking space on Main and Pine streets and Klumnth avenue when they appeared before the city council Monday night. Charles F. Scharfenntcln, chair man, presented tho following recommendations to the city council which will bo further discussed when Mayor John 11. Houston meets with the group tho latter port of tho week: That all through alleys be des ignated as no parking zones and signs placed therein rending, "no purking toad and unload only." Eslablish In eoch block on Main, Klamulh and Pine, load ing zone 49 feet In length as follows: Where there ore no through alleys one loading zone 45 feet In length, all -.tones to be identified by green painted curbs and signs on standards wordcr, "no parking load and unload only." Tho location of these zones to be selected by a committee ap pointed by the mayor to consist of one member selected from the Truckers' committee, one from the Retail Trade burvuu and one trom the clly planning commis sion. That city busses be required to slop in line with traffic to un loud and loud passengers instead of heading in to tho curb as at present, olso, if possible, to route tho busses on Klamath and Pine streets instrad of on Main street as at present. (The matter of unkwding will be taken up with the Klamath Bus company, but rerouting traffic is not possible under the present franchise. Mayor Houston advised the com mlltcc). Require that all trucks using loading zones or loading and un loading on any of the streets af fected, park only parallel to the curb, the Inside wheels to be not more than ono foot therefrom while so parked. That backing In ar parking at an angle bo pro- i hibited and a penally attached for so doing. To limit private car parking on Main street to one-half an hour, (providing same can be properly enforced). It Is also recommended that no trucks with trailers or semi trailers be permitted to stop for loading and unloading on any of the slreels under discussion. The Trucker's committee, speak ing for Its entire group assured the city council that they will not attempt to make deliveries with that type of equipment. Members of the committee in clude Charles F. Srnarfrnstein, Lhairmlm. j H. Robbins, repre senting the truck operators; Fred Hoaglnnd and J. A. Souther, rep resenting the retail trade. The recommendations were the re sult of findings of a Joint con ference of the Retail Trade bu reau and the Truckers' associa tion January 7. January 19. at 8 p. m. in the K. C. hall. The next six months will be a busy period for mem bers of the post in preparation for the coming department en campment. The services of all members is urgently needed and all who can possibly do so are urged to attend meetings regu larly during this period and do all they possibly can to assure the success of this underlnking. SojoutnsTi The regular meet ing of the Sojourners club will bo held Wednesday in the Wil iard hotel with Mrs. Lloyd Young as chnlrmon of lhe com mtiteo in charge. IE N STORE AREA fSl STARTS PELICAN ( HIGH SCHOOL News Notes ond Comment By MAURICE O'CALLAGHAM Monday tests began unacr ine new system. From what we hear tho system is not working to the atJclMr o i the students. jgScem tbt the Kius UKC w tiuve a vacation of a couple of hours or so a day. Tests will con tinue oft and on until Friday when school wlli be dismissed so that the teach ers may correct the papers. While speaking of Friday we might lake time to say that plans are being taken for action if the pep does not improve at the game with Bend. Bend is tough always has been, and it will take the Peli cans and 1200 others with moral support to whip them, but our team can uphold their end so it's up to tho students to supply the moral support. Be out and yell your head off. We'll win if the students get behind and push along with the team. 0 0 0 By Die way, townspeople, have you bought your ticket to the game? II you haven't t would bo a good idea to. This game Friday and the one Saturday will be really good and Just think, you can bring a friend or two or three or even ten. The new type tickets cost only S2.G0 plus a 20 cent tax. A contest is being held In art classes in the form of a Una) exam. The Quill and Scroll through Clifford Rowe have of fered a free El Rodeo to the best poster to be used in the sales of stamps for defense. To complete the work and also employ the rules taught by Wilhelm Bodlne the poster was made into a final test. A dance will be given by the Boys' Alliance Thursday after school for the benefit of the Red Cross. A ten-piece orchestra will furnish music lor the dance. An admission of 10 cents will bo charged and tho proceeds turned over to the Red Cross. Turn out In droves. 7t Is either a girl ask boy or boy ask girl just as long as everyone gets there. ' 0 Defense stamps ore being sold in room 316 of the high school. If you haven't purchased your quota for the month be sure to buy them as soon as you can. It might also be a good idea to give something to the Red Cross so that they will reach their $10,000 quota as soon as pos sible. A new display was put in the art case in the north hall. If you arc interested you might tike to get a look at them. VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS THORPE Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore., January 10, 1842, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thorpe, Glen court apartments, a boy. Weight; 8 pounds ounces. Return Horns Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dennis returned to their home at Flathead Lake, Mont., alter spending the past month in Klamath Falls visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie W. Peate. Treasury department has re ceived sifts totaling $70,000 to help win the war. Folks are more willing to give till it hurts it it hurts the Japs. 3k k Announcement Velma's Studio of Beauty formerly owned ond operated by Vetma Saue Has Been Purchased By Fern Short Velma wishes to extend a personal invita tion to all the ioimet customers ot her shop to come for their regular appointments. THE PERSONNEL: , Connie Wirth V' . (rone Droke Xf Jessie Johnson v';' ' Fern Short - ' " Medicof-Dentol Building Ninth Street Entrance Menenine of Whytal't Phone 4461 I I? - JV Charles H, Martin WIRED IB MEET 1S1ET The Bnnual Junior chamber ol commerce Founders' day ban quet, commemorating the 22nd anniversary ol the founding of the organization, will be held Tuesday night at 7 o'clock, Jan uary 20, at the Wlllard hotel. The public Is Invited to at tend the banquet and is urged to buy tickets in advance a only 400 will be soid. Tickets may be had by calling at the Elk or Wlllard hotels or the chamber of commerce office or by phoning 5830 before 5 p. J. and asking for Mr. Smith. Major General Charles H. Martin, ex-governor of Oregon, will be the guest speaker and will have as his theme, "What it will take to win a war with Japan." Tho junior chamber feels that it was very louunate in having Martin as their speak er and hopes that the public will give him the support that he ust)y Deserves. Mayor John H. Houston will act as toast master tor the occasion and suitable entertainment will also be provided. Another feature of this' an nual affair is the presentation of the "Outstanding Young Man of Klamath County" award, which will be given by Martin Swanson, last year's winner. The recipient of this award Is chosen by a secret committee one iinows until the night of the j award, who the young man ts( that has won it i Community Club j Meets at Half LANGELL VALLEY Thel Langctl Valley Community club! met at the community hall here j on Friday evening, January 8, ; or the annual election oi oifi-i cers. Claude Murray was elect- ed president, Clarence Oilman, ( vice president and James Rom-j tvedt. secretary and treasurer. , Directors are L. A. Constans, Wesley Dearborn and Stan Sayson. Meetings will be held the; second Friday of every month j at the community hall and everyone is urged to attend. The armed forces were not an the alert at Pearl harbor, but neither were the American peo ple on the alert. Capt. Howard L. Vickery, USA navy. is.smn EA0 STATE OBOBP Huih Old Bathiany, Klamath Fails city chairman, has been named state chairman ol the; Municipal Finance Officers as sociation, It ws learned here this week. Mrs, Bathiany has accepted lhe appointment which came "as the result of excellent work with the association in the past." Charles J. Fox, president ol the association and located in Boston, advised Mrs, Bathiany ot the following-. "Now, since the war emer gency ha arisen, we want to be able to communicate rapMfy with all munleipaj linance of ficer and want to make, our state chairmen the channels through which we may do this. Primary duties include the ar rangement of meetings and to cany on promotional work." Ports of Shasta Dom Area dosed SACRAMENTO, Jan. 12 (UP Although certain portions ot the t-entral Valley project have been closed to the public, visitors still are permitted at the vista houses at Shasta, and Friant dam, the (j . S. buxaau of reclamation an nounced today. The public was barred from certain construction areas ol Shasta end Friant dams, the bur eau said, since the outbreak tt war, and additional armed guards have been employed to prevent sabotage. Passes are required tor any one going beyond the vista house road turnout at Shasta or to go to the camp ol Pacific Construct ors, Inc., downstream from the nam. Passes also are required for anyone wishing to cross the Sacramento river bridge to the west side ol the dam site. Somewhat similar restrictions are in effect at Friant. San Safe and Well Sirs. Grace Fulkerson, 51 Beatty street, MecuTord, has received word from her son, Staff Ser geant Fremont E. Stephenson, that he la safe and well in Hon olulu. Sergeant Stephenson, at tended Klamath Union high school, graduating with the class of 3938. He has been in Port- and wUfid to HotlQutu Were Keeping them llollinq in Klamath Falls! LOMBARD MOTORS' PLEDGE TO DODGE, PLYMOUTH and ALL CHRYSLER PRODUCTS OWNERS! The discontinuance of automotive production as of February Y, 1942, orirj for on indefinite period, to fotiiitote the prosecution of war, maks. necessary a cteaf state ment of our position and determination to be . of service ta the very limit of- our capacity. - . ...... , ..... .. - . (n recognition of our full share of respoTtsibifffy for the maintenance of maximum efficiency in lhe operation of commercial vehicles o nfr necessary passenger cot' transportation, we, the Dodge ond Plymouth Oeaters of K(amatK Faits, therefore, , pledge oyrsetves as foifovrs: 1 ' 1 To counse) conscientious'if with our patrons as to the ton oni efficient mointenonce of their con ond trocits o e mean tlf maximum mileage ot fewest cost ond ovei the tongest pestibfa period. . y To maintain the mast adequate (tack of lactarv-aogrorei parts pos- sibie under war-time restrictions, so that prompt replacement con b mode o the need rtiijes. . ' 4 T tetain in 9000! condition our fuit equipment at assurance of effi cient, economical handling ot a)) service requirements. Jt To continue the employment of competent mechonio trained in factory-service methods end thoroughly famiiiot with the operation of Dodge, Plymouth and alt Chrysler Product. Irt a sense today, the responsible owner of any automotive vehicle, from a sing! passenger cor to o fleet of trucks, represents "America's Third Line of Defense," Our Army, Navy and Air Corps are training man power for first fine duties. Our industries, especially the huge automobile plants, busy with production of war ma terials of every nature, constitute the second Jine. - - Third Jine defense duty means mat car and truck owners, who !n norma) times would exchonpe their vehicles for the (otest models, feel .It their bllootion I to maintain their present means of transportation . in cantinuaus mechanicat efficiency. It is reassuring that the Supply Priorities and Allocation 'Board in recent statement mokes cieor thot "while the civilian economy must be stripped of non-essenllols, it must be kept in good running order." - - . ;, To the full extent of our ability ond resources, ve repeat . t h ( s pledge to fhfj Dodge, Plymouth and Chrysler car owners, and ta the operators af Dodge Jaa-Rateci Trucks in this community. - ' j?. tmtxtoi L01BARD MOTORS 42 So. 6th August. Sergeant Stephenson wu somewhere in the South Pacific at the time at the Peart Harbor allarir. , Sclent) iind there are 1800 World Fomous American Optica Lennometerl ACCURATE PRECISE! This important instrument measures l effecMv. ... power of oH (ens.es ond 1rSpS checks very. J5STi of Standard Gtasse( Many equatty important piecwv J modem scientific equipment ? are necessary to ;., foeture o poir of StontSojtJ EYE CLASSES t give the unqualified GUARANTEE of COMPUETC SATlSFACTfON! See the capable registered optofnettiit , ' here NOW! . ' Stylish, GUARANTEED EVE-GLASSES PAY jut' ' .He, So Yftu'ff Be fionfefy T(f (f . ... The West's largest Manufacturing and 0BEGOH WASHINGTON UTAH -IDAHO T. . 715 MAIN ST. - - KLAMATH FALLS Dr. Wayne Savage - Registered Optometrist in Charge storms going ta yry rolrmt. Have they heea peeklflf out r in window" , - trfiokint tor er(ns? Tunr to the Ctaaifted PS - Gtott Ara Not W: Dispensing Opticians T(phM JIM