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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1942)
THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN January 12, 1042 CLASSIFIED ADS RATES: On day run per word Sc 3 diy run por word lie t day run per word Be 4 day run r" word 10c B day run por word lie Week run por word 12c Month run per word 32n Otnaral Notice! THE "K" CAFE, 808 Klamnth Avenu. Ii now open under now management. 2-0 RICHARD B. MAXWELL, an nounce! the opening of hli of fice, associated with U. C. Oroesbeck for the general practice of law with trial prac tice In all courts, First Krclcrul Saving! and Loan Building. 1-17 Penonali ANYONE knowing the where about of O.'knr Olsson, about 89 years, Swedish, kindly com municatn with his ulntrr, Holmy Olon Snchrr, 04 IS S. Sawyer Ave., Evergreen l'nrk. III. 112 I Transportation EXPERIENCED DRIVER wishes ride to Loi Angelei. 1414 K. Mnln. 1-12 10 ServlcM FLOOR SANDING und Finish ing. Waxing, Pollihing, Scrub bing. Now, old. C. DuKour. Phone 3000. l-3lmtf RAY HALL Your Elrclmlux denier Sales and service. 013 Roseway Drlvo. Phone 7107. 2 0 BATTERIES CHARGED In 3(1 minutes. Reymer's Associated Service, Fourth und Main 2-3mlt; FLOOR SANDINO and reflnish-j Ing. Clifford Golden. I'hune1 3022. 1 aimtf j WRINGER ROLLS Washing! machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit Washing Machine Service, 011 South Sixth. 1-31 mil I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. C'has. Hathaway. 120 N. 10th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 131 HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING, Buttons and Buckles covered, Alterations on new and old clothing Mrs H. M. Allcnder, 731 Main, Boom 218. Phone 7203. v l-lflmtf FLOOR SANDING Old floors reflnlshed. Norman Fraley. Phono 4001. l-24mtf PICTURE FRAMING Art and Qlft Shop, 810 Main. l-24mtf PICTURE FRAMING Goellor s, 330 Main. 2-14mtf PAPERHANGING, PAINTING. . kalsomlnlng. Dial 0848. Mel vln E. Frost. 113mlf ELECTRO UX CLEANERS Sales Servlco. P.O. Box 814. Phone 5018 Your dealer. Tarkel Tweet. 1-13 PAINTING, Kalsomlnlng H. L. Brown. Phone 4226 1-lOmtf HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict. 8848. 2-Dmtf SAWS niTPAIRF.nTh rlffht way. Bodenhamer's. 353 E. Mnln. 2-10 RHOADS Window Cleaners for your cleaning problem!. Phone 4768. 2 11 12 Educational MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE 015 Klnmnth Ave Phone SRR3 ' lflflmtl 13 Health DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chiro practic clinic Same location, 832 Main. Dial 7215. 2-7mtf 14 Help Wanted, Female EXPERIENCED FRY-COOK Must be fast and work nights. Apply Tik-Tok Drive-In. 703tf COLOR AND RETOUCHING nr tlst. Bruno Studio. 1-12 WANTED Unencumbered housekeeper and cook. Mod ern ranch. Give age, rofer- . 1, Box 8, Bonanza, Oro. 807tf WANTED Woman help with housework. Slay nlgbt-s. Good wagos. 1855 Fremont. Phone 8584. 1-12 WANTED Unencumbered housekeeper and cook be tween 25 and 40. $40. News- Herald. Box 440. 440tf GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK Can stay or go homo nights. Good wages. Box 580, News-Herald 1-12 18 Help Wanted. Mala FOR JOBS in nlrplnno factories. Apply Mr. Llstal, Room 201, WIllHs Bldif. 2-9 1$ Situations Wanted HOUR WORK Phone 7904. 1-14 BABYLAND Cnro of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. l-12mtf IB Situation! Wantad WOMAN, ago 34, refined, ca pable, want! housekeeping In country homo for lelt and two linall oni near ichool age, moro Important than lalary. Will consider city. Phone 0602. Newillcrulu llox BOO. 1-12 WANTED Hour work for Wed nesday! and Thursday!. Phone 23Fn. 1-13 20 Room and Board ROOM BOARD for gentleman. Phone 8814. B0 N. 10th. 1-14 ROOM BOARD Clone In. Ex cellent table. Phone 4788. 1028 Jefferson. 2-8 BOARD ROOM Reasonable. 1041 Mnln. 1-13 BOARD, ROOM 1018 Waihlng ton. 1-12 BOARD AND ROOM 407 North Olh. Phone U010. B03tf BOARD AND ROOM 407 No 0th Phono 0010. 4B80tf BOARD, ROOM Lady or gen tlemnn. 1.121 Johnson. Phone S.140 1-10 HOARD AND ROOM, ferson. 020 Jcf-1-10 BOARD AND ROOM. Private shower, steam heat. $B.0O week. 723 Klnmath. 210 BOARD-ROOM. 340 N. 10th. MB BOARD ROOM. 614 Walnut. 2 0 ROOM, BOARD Phono 0883. 1-17 ROOM, board If desired. Phone! OSBB. or 2122 N. Onk. 1-13 22 Rooms For Rant ADJOINING SINGLE ROOMS, twin bedv Plume 5038. 1 17 ROOMS 1034 High. 2-8mtf NICE furnace heated room. Rea sonable. 630 N. 10th. 1-14 SLEEPING ROOM Private bath. Rex Arms 1-13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 1304 Worden. 1-17 M AltS HOTEL 1411 Main. Steam heated. Weekly rotes $3 up 50c to $1 per night. 115 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1028 Jef ferson or phone UB34 1-14 CLAREMONT. 228 No. 4th. All nutsldo newly decorated, mo dern rooms All with new in nersprlng mattresses. F r e parking. l-13mtf FOR RENT Nlco room. 134 N 3rd. 4000U LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 100 N. Brood. 1-16 FOR RENT Nicely furnished bedroom. Large closet. Rent $15. Free uxc of piano, radio, phone. Phone 7203. 1-13 DESIRABLE ROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemen, 915 Oak. 1-13 24 Apartments For Rsnt VACANCY Everything furnish ed. $3.50 and up week. 1404 Klamath. 1-12 LARGE 3-room apartment, part ly furnished. Phone 3888. 2210 South 6th. 1-13 FURNISHED 3-room apartment. No pots or children. Phone 3508. 430 Washington. 882U WARM, nicely furnished house keeping room. 248 Broad. 704 tf NICELY furnished cabin. Also desirable housekeeping room 248 Broad. 808tf VACANCY Esplanade Courts Furnished. l-llmtf FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, water, gas. 410 No. 10th. l-24mtf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nished npnrtmcnt. 2300 Blchn. Phone 7260 or 4327. 4138U RIVERVIEW APTS. 4 rooms nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very desirable Phone 6817. 4740tf 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED APT., 728 Owens. Inqulro 2222 Or chard. 1-13 VACANCY Adults. 421 Oak. 1-12 VACANCY Rex Arms. 1-20 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEIj Completely furnish ed. Convenient hotel service. Doy, week or month. 2-9mtf 2-HOOM furnished modern apartment. Reduced rates. Al tnmont Auto Camp. 1-16 FOR RENT Apartments. $16 and'$18 month. 2023 Dnrrow. 1-13 FURNISHED APT., suitable for two. Electricity and water furnished. $20.00. 103 Pine. 113 VACANCY Hoi Springs Court. 221 Spring. 1-16 VACANCY Adults. 421 Oak. 1-17 THREE-ROOM furnished duplex. 024 Jefferson. 1-14 FOR RENT Duplex, housekeep ing room. 1143 Pine. . 1-17 26 House! For Itenl FURNISHED CABINS $10 00 month and up. Altamont Auto Camp. 1-18 FURNISHED 4-room house. 321 N. 8th St. Apply before 1 p. m. 660tf FURNISHED 2 room cabin, 14 week, Alio trailer ipace 12.00 week. So. 8th and Ilomedale. 1-12 THREE-ROOM partly furnished house, BIB. Phone 4000. 1-12 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, aave V4. Stllea Beacon Horvlce, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 2-7mtf 3-ROOM unfurnished h o u I e, Chelsea addition. Inquire Rt. 3, Box 82, old Midland high way. 1-14 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE, unfur nished. Cai range. 1843 Mar tin. 734U TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yqurself, save 1 Stllci Beacon Service. 1201 TWO-ROOM cottagei. Wood, llghti, gai furnished. $30 month. Link River Auto Camp. 1-18 UNFURNISHED duplex Ranga, refrigerator, oil furnace. Call after 8:30 p. m. BOS No 0th. ISSltf FURNISHED CABIN Water $11.50 month. Apply 3371 E Main. 1-12 FOUR ROOM partly furnished house. Dial S080. 1-12 TWO AND THREE-ROOM fur nished modern houses. Util ities furnished. 2125 Blehn. 803tf 2-HEDROOM furnished house. Electrically equipped. $30 mo. 1724 Johnson. 1-13 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE, full basement, iinfurnljhcd, $40. 1845 Melrose. Phone 8281. 1-17 UNFURNISHED 3-room house, garage. Have oil heater. No children. Apply 2303 Union. 1-14 FOR RENT Four-room and six room furnished house. J. E. Patterson Paint Store, 1220 East Main. 1-13 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, mnchlnery, what have you? Call at all hours. Phone 5115. 2-Rmtf 30 Rani Estate For Sale Security Here Beautiful suburban modern three bedroom homo of four and a half fertile acres with out standing view fenced and cross fenced one-fourth mile from school. Garage, cased deep well and out buildings. House almost new, full basement, hardwood floors, stone fireplace, etc. Price with entire tract $7,000 or with one acre $5,000. Good terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1000 111 N. 0th St Phone 4564 1-12 REAL BUY FOR QUICK SALE Five-room house, basement, natural hot water heat, gar age, large lot on Hillside, near Alameda. $3730. Phone 7228. 1-13 MUST SELL MY HOME. St. Francis Park. No real estate agents need inquire. $1650 for my equity. Balance FHA. If you care for furniture will sell for $1100 on time. Hot water heater and blinds go with home. Good party will take chattel mortgage on my equity up to 60. Phone 8364 for appointment. 1-14 FOR SALE Suburban modern 5-room house. Trees, lawn, berries, 1 1-3 acre. $2500. $400 down. 8236 Harlan drive. Phone 7801. 1-15 EXCHANGE large corner lot, centrally located, for acreage with living quarters. Phone 6388. 1-13 FOR SALE Five-room modern home. Fireplace, hardwood floors, electric water heater, furnace. Acre ground. Double garage. 4107 Bisbec. Call mornings or after 6 p. m. 1-14 FOR QUICK SALE Going Into the son-Ice, have a nice home, 5 rooms. All I want Is my equity of $1250, balance can bo carried to suit with a pri vate party. No real estate agents Inquire. Phone 8364 for appointment. 1-14 FOR SALE Two 2-bedroom homes. One 3-bedroom home FHA loans approved. Low monthly and down payments. Open for Inspection from 12 to 4. 2250 and 2226 and 2220 Reclamation, Mills addition. One 4-room modern with I acre. Phono 3004. 4045tf FOR SALE Flvcroom modern house on Summers lane. In quire Hamel Apts. Phone 3691. 2-6 FOR SALE Two houses for price of one. A real bargnin Inquire 1227 Main St. 133tf YEAR-OLD two-bedroom homo, St. Francis Park. Fhone 4078 i-i a 34 Automotive BUICK Specials '40 Mercury Sedan '40 Bulck Super Sedan '40 LaSalle Sedan Deluxe '40 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe '40 Stude. Champ. B-pau Coupe '30 Bulck Spec. Sedan '30 Bulck Century Sedan '30 Ford Deluxe Coupe '37 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan '37 Dodge Spt. Coupe '37 Olda Tudor Sedan '37 Packard 120 Sedan '37 DcSoto 8 Sedan '37 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan '38 Ford Deluxe Sedan '38 Chevrolet Tudor H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main St. Phone B1M 30 Real Estate For Bale TWO-BEDROOM 4-room house breakfast nook. Three-bed room house. Lloyd W. Rusk, 1808 Austin, off Shasta way 117 GOING INTO THE SERVICE Will sell my equity In modern five-room home for half of value. Phone 8425. 1-11 NEWLY FINISHED two-bedroom house Ready to move into. Telephone 4481, noon or eve ninns. 1-13 32 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY Small house. Inquire at 014 Owens St. 1-14 34 Automotive I HAVE Joined the navy and must sell my 1941 Mercury town sedan 14,000 miles Ra dio, heater, 6 new Goodyear white sldcwall tires and Life guard tubes, sport lite. See me at once, Shell Station, corner 11th and Main St. Mike Zupan, Jr. 1-12 GOING TO ARMY 1037 Chrys ler Royal coupe, New tires, perfect condition. See Bob Shaw, Goodrich Sllverton Store, 7th and Pine. 1-14 WANTED Good Late Model Used Cars for SPOT CASH. First Class Prices For First Class Cars. No Delay for Your Money. See Jack Morris. Mgr., at DOUGLAS MOTOR CO. 734 Klamath Ave. 1-31 TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr Yoes, factory trained service manager. 4934U 5x8 2-WIIEEL TRAILER, welded box and frame. 600-16 new tires. New 14i by 16 water proof canvas. 925 Donald. 1-11 WANT TO TRADE 1035 Mas ter Chevrolet for pickup. J. T. Dieter, Tulelake, Calif. 1-14 FOR SALE '30 Model A, good rubber. $50 as is. Phone 7958. 1-12 FOR SALE '41 Pontiac four door sedan. Mileage 14,000, radio, heater. Luther Moore, Tulelake. 1-13 FOR SALE Equity in 1936 Chevrolet. See Asia at the Black and White Service Sta tion. 1-15 36 Miscellaneous For Sale RECONDITIONED AMERICAN Oil Heaters.' New guarantee. $40.50. $10 down, $5 monthly. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. 6th. 1-15 GLASS Duplate safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resll verlng. Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 2-6mtf U. S. ROCKWOOL Insulation will make your home comfort able also cut your fuel bill many dollars. No down pay ment. Very small monthly pay ments. Call us (or free esti mate. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 1-12 LUMBER BARGAINS Shiplap $19; 2x4's $20; shingles 75c bundle. FHA homes our spe cialty. Very small down pay ment balance less than rent. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 1-12 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5671. l-31mtf RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 865tf J CITY MAPS Up-to-tho-mlnute. Including suburban sections. Block numbers Indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For sale at Carmichael's news' stand, chamber of commerce, Ernie Piluso's Drive-in, Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrlck's Drug, Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food storo, Shaw Stationery, The News-Herald, Vlc'i Signal Service. 864tf 38 Miscellaneous For Sale Notice of Sale of Personal Property By virtue of an ORDER OF SALE issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath In the above entitled matter on the 8th day of November, 1041, 1 will sell at private sale the fol lowing described personal pro perty belonging to tho above estate, to-wlt: 88 cows, 11 one year old heif ers, 4 two year old heifers, 8 one year old steers, 3 small calves, 2 Black Angus bulls, 1 Hay Chopper, 1 John Deerlng Tractor, t Buck Rake and Mower, together with the fol lowing dairy equipment: 2 Milk ing Machines, 1 Largo Frigidaire for cooling and storing milk, 1 Cream Separator, Bottles and Bottle Filler, Milk Cooler, Cam, Wash Vats, Electric Water Heat er, Boiler, 1 Sterilizer and 1 Manure Spreader. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 31st day of January, 1942, at ten o'clock in the fore noon o said day, and there after, at the Hagelstein Dairy, Algoma, Klamath County. Ore gon, I will sell the above de scribed personal property at private sale to the highest bid der or bidders, for cash. Dated this 0th day of Jan uary, 1042. GEORGE HAGELSTEIN Administrator of the Estate of Frederick J. Hagelstein, also known as Fred Hagel stein, Deceased 1-12 38 Miscellaneous For Snle CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections Block numbers Indicated. In dex keyed to map. Price. 20c. For sale at Carmichael's news stand chamber of commerce Ernie Piluso's Drive-in. Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick s Drug. Louie Polin's. Postoffice news stand. Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News Herald. Vic's Signal Service 3205 RECONDITIONED wood range. California Oregon Power Co. 862tf SPECIAL! Crosley portable ra dios 20 per cent off! As low as $14.50. Airplane type, lea therette covers, from $24.50. AC-DC or battery, all wave length. Complete with bat tery. Terms. Oregon Equip ment Co. 127 So. 8th. 1-15 RED. OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 3204U USED WATCHES, reconditioned and guaranteed Men's 12 and 16 size Elglns and Walthams $11.00 up. Rickys Credit Jew elers. 1-11 COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone 5934. 1-11 FOR SALE Fancy Gem single drop seed potatoes. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 845tf FOR SALE McCormick Deer ing 3 bottom 14 inch tractor plow. Good condition. O. S Avery, Dorris. 1-13 FIX THAT RADIO Our bust ness is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 2-9mtf FOR SALE Used washer. Mer it Washing Machine Service. 6fl South 6th. 1-13 FOR SALE $20.00 for your old circulator on any oil heater in stock. Merit Washing Mach ine Service, 611 So. 6th. Phone 5669. 1-13 FOR SALE Used Eureka Vac uum cleaner. 611 South 6th. Phone 5669. 1-13 COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone 5934. 2-12 38 For Sale or Trade AIR COMPRESSOR, pump and hose for filling station service. $100 value lor $35. National cash register at a bargain. Phone 3956. 1-12 FOR SALE OR TRADE Four room modern house for car or truck. Phone 4429, 4626 Den ver. 1-13 BEAUTIFUL lady's one-carat diamond, platinum mounting. Will trade for late used car, Phone 4015. 542tf 40 To Exchange TRADE Furniture and bed ding for used piano. News- Herald Box 743. 1-12 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED animals, pense. - Dead or worthless Phone 5713, our ex- l-llmtf WANTED TO BUY Trailer house. Give full details and price. News-Herald Box 1868. 1-13 44 Livestock and Poultry 20 REGISTERED Montana com ing two-year-old Hereford Bulls. Also short yearling Mon tana bulls. T. B. and Bangs tested. 400 Montana cows. H. M. Harter, Tel. 61445, Sacra mento. 1-10 Manketi and Utanclal STEELS, HILS GET NEW YORK, Jan. 12 W) Buyers shopped for steeis, rails and assorted specialties in to day's stock market, leaving many leaders to shift for them selves at narrowly Irregular levels. Selective recovery tendencies crept into the list after a ragged start and, at the best, gains for favorites ranged from fractions to a point or so, with a few up 2 to 3. Quotations were under their peaks in Most case at the close and minus marks were plentiful. Transfers approximated BOO,' 000 shares. Closing quotations: Air Reduction 36 Alaska Juneau 21 Al Chem St Dye 141 Allls-Chalmers 291 American Can 611 Am Car Sc Fdy . 321 Am Rad Sta San 4 1 Am Roll Mills 111 Am Smelt Sc Ref 411 Am Tel Sc Tel 1271 Am Tob "B" 48! Am Water Works 3 Am Zinc L Sc S 4i Anaconda 27 Armour 111 31 Atchison 301 Aviation Corp 31 Bald Loco 14 Bendix Avia 371 Beth Steel 641 Boeing Airp 191 Borden 181 Borge-Warner 211 Calif Packing m 181 Callahan Z L Calumet Hec S Canada Dry 111 Canadian Pacific 41 Cat Tractor 401 Celanese 91 Ches Sc Ohio , 331 Chrysler 471 Col Gas Sc El 51 Com'l Solvents . . .,. 91 Comm'nw'lth Sc Sou .516 Consol Aircraft 191 Consol Edison 131 Consol Oil 6! Cont'l Can 24 Crown Zellerbach 101 Curtiss Wright 81 Doug Aircraft 661 Dupont De N 1341 Eastman Kodak .. ..135 ElPow&Lt 1 General Electric 271 General Foods 39 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Brood sow, 6 feed er pigs. Bill Barkley, Chllo quin. Ore. 1-12 FOR SALE 2-year-old Guern sey heifer with, day-old heifer calf. Mary E. Dixon, Rt. 1, Box 824. 1-12 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone 5361. Midland road. l-31mtf 46 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT IXOORSSM S WATS TO OUT A COXSCUEKS . CASH LOAJt rBoxa . warn coot n Too need bo eo-ilcners or tedontn to get ft coDfnmtrs loss. THREE LOAN PLANS ICO. 1IKCOMB LOANS On your noU - only, Ko vagfj AMlftt- tneaU. Ko eo-icara NO. SFTTRKITURR LOANS Your character U mnrt taportaat than tin furaltnr IUU. KO. S AUTO IOAKS M to (HQ eaih total and rtfbh BBCltl. CONSUMERS CREDIT (M-tM 720 Pine St ann Phone 7711 l-timtr LOAN: OM TOUR AITOM0B1LI Cash At Once! Tour Csr Xeetf Xoi Bt Fully Fkld For . See Us Today Commercial Finance CORrORATIOS lit Sooth tth St.. Klsmsth Tslls rlions KU M-ltS l-Slmlt See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY 14 K. Tth lie, M 7J Phone m l-ttmtf 46 Buiiness Opportunities FOR SALE Neighborhood groc ery. Sales over $40 a day, low overhead. Stock about $1800, fixtures $300. Owner retiring. J. Olson, 632 North Central, Medford. Ore. 1-12 FOR LEASE Furnished apart ment house. Close In. News- Herald Box 94. 1-14 Carload Potato Shipments Day of I Month Season 1941-42 Season4Ml Jan. to Season Jan. to Season Jan. Dally Data to Data Dally Date to Dal 1 0 0 8678 4 4 3834 2 6 6 3682 38 42 3882 3 13 19 3699 47 69 8809 " 4 b li 3695 80 139 3659 8 24 43 3719 17 158 3976 " 15 ii 3734 38 198 4019 " 7 50 108 3784 54 249 4069 " 8 86 184 3840 66 315 4139 9 49 213 3889 86 371 4181 10 63 278 8951 47 419 4238 11 20 299 3971 60 478 4398 12 ' " " ' "' 13 ' 14 " "". 15 " . . . , 17 " ' " 18 " 19 " " 20 ' zzm " 21 22 23 ' ZZ 24 ' 29 26 27 ' " r 1 1 1 j m 28 30 . 31 " ' General Motors . 321 Goodrich 131 111 24 121 71 lOt 461 Goodyear Tire Gt Nor Ry pfd . Greyhound Illinois Central Insp Copper Int Harvester Int Nick Can . 27 891 Int Pap Sc P pfd Int Tel Sc Tel . Johns Manville ,- 2 871 381 211 221 381 Kenncott Lib O Ford Lockheed Loew's Long-Bell "A" 3! - 271 . 3i Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit 181 23 211 ISi 91 21 10 6 71 6 81 191 981 21 251 141 73 22 29! 381 811 131 241 21 101 281 18 81 42 S31 I 81 201 121 30 8 201 25 ?8I 51 41 51 861 691 131 701 Nat'l Dairy Prod . Nat'l Dist National Lead N Y Central .. No Am Aviation North Amer Co Northern Pacific Ohio Oil , Otis Steel Pac Amer Fish Pac Gas St El Pac Tel Sc Tel Packard Motor Pan Amer Airways Paramount Pic Penney (J O Penna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet Proctor St Gamble Pub Svc N J Pullman Radio Rayonler . Rayonler pfd Republic Steel Richfield Oil ... Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck SheU Union Socony Vacuum , Sou Cal Edison Southern Pacific S perry Corp Standard Branda Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Stand Oil N J Stone St Webster . Studebaker , Sunshine Mining Texas Corp Union Carbide . Union Oil Calif . Union Pacific . United Aircraft United Corporation . United Drug United Fruit .. 331 1132 .. SI .. 671 U S Rubber 161 U S Rubber pfd .. 671 .. 54 191 .. 51 .. 23 , 781 .. 271 U S Steel Vanadium Warner Pictures Western Union Westinghouse ...... Woolworth CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, Jan. 12 (AP US.DA) Potatoes, arrivals 121; on track 191; total US shipments Saturday 990, Sunday 54; sup plies light, demand light, for Idaho russet market slightly weaker and unsettled; for offer ings other section market un settled; Idaho russet Burbanks US No. 1, $2.75-2.90; new stock; supplies moderate, demand mod erate; market firm on best stock; Florida Bliss triumph US No. 1, $1.78-1.85 per bushel crate. "Llmas" are limes, not beans, In Lima, Peru, where lima beans are known aa "panares." CHICAGO. Jan. H UPI rlr.l nrirM tnnlc a nharn vtue tnAmti Mn the strength of senate action to iui minimum ceuings applicable to agriculture commoditlea under the nendina nrlee enntrnl bill. Gains nf 1 n mnre thaw A cents carried price to topmost levels for almost S varti In Mm cases. Oats reached high un equaled since ibzb. A marked revival of buying) in the last half hmir Ilftwl ohni to top levels since 1937, closing figures being 31-41 cents higher than Saturday, May 871-871, July $1.33-1.341; corn 11-11 cents higher, May 871-871; July oa; oats is-n cents up. May 60 591; rye 41-41 cents higher. May 85S-AS cents! invhMni at Mt higher. The advance in soybean was we maximum permitted In one session. POTATOES SAN FRAWTHrO .Tn 1 (AP-USDA) Potatoes: 11 car California, 5 Idaho, on Nevada, 12 Oregon arrived; 12 unbroken, 38 broken cars on track; on car arrived by truck; Oregon Klam ath district russets No. 1 few sales $2.60-2.75. LOS ANfJF.T.FS Jan 14 (ID. USDA) Potatoes: 28 car Call. lomia, 10 laano arrived; 10 cart unbroken, 62 broken car on track! 12 ran i"?al1f7tnta ft Idaho, one Utah arrived by ituck; no uregon quotation. LOCAL QUOTATIONS (The followina Quotations ana obtained from a good sourc. but cannot be guaranteed as covering every offer or sale. They represent nrlce oald or offered to growers): For u. s. No. 1, $2.20 and bet ter. For U. S. No. 2, $1.25 and bet- ter. S. r. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12 (fl) (Federal-State Market News) Cattle salable 400; ac tive, steers strong, 2 cars top good 1062 lb. and 1192 lb. fad steers $13-13.10; latter new re cent high, load medium 1290 lb, steers $12.50; half car good 912 . Ib. fed Nevada heifers $11.50; two loads good young Nevada cows $9-9.25; canners and cutter steady, bulk $5.75-7.28, few packages common $7.80-7.75; medium sausage bull $8-9. Calves salable 10; ateady; good to choice vealers quoted $13-14. Hogs salable 400; around lOo lower than Friday; about 8 load good 189-235 lb, barrow and gilts $12.78, choice grade tcarce, packages 240-248 lb. $12.28; ft good sows $10. Sheep salable 1000; mostly 29 38o higher on shorn lambs; 3 decks 83-87 lb, $11.85, on deck good 73 lb. $11.83, sorted 10 per cent; awe absent, quoted $5.80-8. . V J