4 SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE coPvniaHT. 141. NIA SIRVICI. INC THE) VTORVl Tfca term of Aa traw UffNrboni'a will apMlfrinff thai aia rctarr Carol, and flvo other oaiplor" afcall Jaasa atactaor or aat ala playboy aoa Ana la raaulua the tualnr-aa ac , eordina; lo ala fatarr'a poller oC "aervlca lo tha prople," put Carol ' who haa lorrd Aadr alnoo vlrl fcnod. la a dlfllrolc apol. llx heart , olaka whra Andy, cnrreatly la- , -olrea with aleek Llada Jnllaa. turaa maaajrement over lo eropnlona Mr. Ilcrrlek, whoao ' aaly Idea la lo maka tnnnrr. Her- . lick bloatea employa Hill Ileeeo for tho toyland eleTOIor accident that Infurea aewaboy Nicky. Her- , tirk alao takra aredlt (or caak adjoaimenla made to customero hy Carol without hta knowledge. In aa effort to aave the atore'a reputation. At the annoal atoro Early Andr klaoea Carol. Indleatea o la throua-h wltk l.lnda. Nest oar Carol flnda tho wlll'a eaTelop te tho Tonlt. bnt Iho will la a-one. cferrlrk Ihra nrea her Cor wrttlns H retirement check (or aa emploro a kaa dlamlaaed. althouKh arala aha waa onlr following tho Dear bora poller. HeturalnK to Iho atoro (or a fllo ahe haa (orBrottea. aho orerheara Andr telllns Her . rick ho known the truth about tho elevator accident and tho adjnatmenta Carol haa made. Ilerrlck then aara lie knowa tho whereabonte o( tho will. Irlea to blackmail Andr Into lettlnar hint ran tho otoro and forscettln Ha terma. Andr amka (or timet Carol fcara he Intenda to asreo lo tho aropoaltlon. SEARCH AT NIGHT CHAPTER XVI i 'I'HJS fact that Mr. Herrick had told Andy the will was still in existence save Carol new hope. , Maybe she could find it Provided Andy didn't let Mr. Herrick destroy it first! She would have until Saturday morning. She was reasonably " sure of that. But where would i ahe look? Where, in a store like Dearborn's, would a man hide a Will? In the end she decided she would have to search the store at night. It was her only chance. ,ir And her time was limited. "A JDnee Andy gave an affirmative " roiswer and signed the contract, the will would be burned. Both Mr. Herrick and Andy would see to that. She must find It before it was destroyed. She must find it to night! No one would think it odd that ahe should come to the store to Jauike a late purchase nor would . ' hnthfr to notice that she eUan go out with the last shop pers. She could hide on an upper Boor, make her search and then let herself out a side door. Co It was -that easy. 'When the closing belt rang she was crouched Ibehind a little used case on the sixth floor. She had taken pains ,-to choose one where there were ino windows to be closed and no Bights 'to be turned oft tif After.- endless minutes she v" heard the last salesperson go jdown the stairs and dared to J",)etraighten up. The night watchman was her :-. Icnly worry now. He made his , ; ;rounds on the hour. She knew ' 'his schedule. It would be fairly ! istople to avoid him if she kept ,tab on her wrist watch. j 7, : Her plan was well in mind. iWhen Mr. Herrick found the will ,.i ;in the vault he would have car iried It to his office on the second floor. There he would have read It, realized its possibilities and hid Iden it somewhere neutral and i safe. Not in his own office. That would probably be the last place she would look. . jJAROL had remembered to bring a flashlight and used it now. She would search all the general office files first. Then the , small safes where various records ..'. were kept She would pry into "ihe desk of Mr. Herrick's as - sodates on the theory he might ..; , 'have planted it on one of them so he would be blameless if the will were discovered. Carol went about her task me ithodically. She was in the general offices, - (thumbing through the files when ,'She heard the watchman's steps. jv She had been too engrossed in her 4- work to remember the time. Panicky, she slipped behind the tm tall metal case and flattened her- self against it, then heard the man enter the room, saw the beam of his flash as he surveyed the emp ty desks. She held her breath. If she were caught, she'd be in H real trouble. Even the finding of fa the will could not explain this! ' The footsteps approached her - hiding place, hesitated. She was too frightened to think. She could only feel fear inching down her r. spine, freezing her. Then, miraculously, the feet " turned back! C1- Thank heavens! He hadn't seen ,,. her. She was safe again! She waited until he was gone JKn to the next floor before she risked i; moving, deciding not to be care- Hess another time. The flies contained no clew. "iWhere now? Mr, Herrick's office was about ithe only chance left It was im- vi probable that he would hide the ? will there but It wasn't impossl 'bls. She'd leave" no place un V : searched. wi . JTNE-THIRTy. Half hour be fore the watchman started his next round. Cautiously, she made her way to the second floor to Mr. Herrick's office. She would start with his desk. The drawers were filled with re ports, expense records and the usual miscellany of any office man. Extra pencils, a box of cigars, some paper clips, a note pad. She fingered them all, watching tor the folded white paper that would be the wilt Then she checked his personal files. Having read stories where valuable papers were concealed in the back of pictures on the wall, she began to remove those, look ing for evidence of tampering. She had the largest one in her hands when she heard the noise. It was only a rustle, a stir of air. But it was foreign to the silence of the quiet store. Carol stiffened, not daring to move to hang the picture back in its place, finally managed to lean over and push the button on her flashlight to extinguish its beam. Waiting she could hear the sec onds ticking on her wrist watch, feel the rasp of breath as it tore up and down her throat Her lungs seemed to swell and burst The movement came again, nearer this time. It was no long er a swish. It was the sound of leather treading on wood. It was stealthy feet A hand slid along the wall, feel ing for the switch. Then blinding light flooded the office. She was .caught! (To Be Concluded) Now, however, it seems clear that throughout the last two months, since Tojo became pre mier, Japan's mind was already made up for war. Clarke Kawakaml, Japanese American newspaperman, an nouncing his intention to en list and fight for the U. S. A. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla ABCD Flag SaShtl C'D . r . rrr Easy as ABCD to Identify are the four flags joined here in one banner symbolizing the unity of American, British, Chinese and Dutch forces fighting the Jap anese in the Pacific. Nanka Rustan of San Francisco holds the red, while and blue emblem. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson " EARLY 'V",,;,v- fS AAP MAKERS WT PLACED LAK6E LAND sgSfa AREAS AT THE SOUTH J 'sj j POLE LONK3 BEFORE ,.. ""fSf ' ,, ANTARCTICA . .-j- m it , was discovered I vaaHliil THEV FIGURED tjV . flF THERE yVtCS"7" BE zKv. :.: Bf LAND THERE... .. S . I OTHERWISE THE A -?'. p I ! EARTH WOULD BE S :?i&.V;ii .'Cv- jSa li ; TOP-Avy, cV;5:SXv4'n;"i?"-' I'l WITH ALL. THE LAND Ni'-'' W KNOWN TO EXIST V J-i'-'. I IN THE NORTHERN IV, 1 1 HEMISPHERE, AMD VX - ''-'-' I V would . v OF APRJCA, SNAKES TO DEATH. Wood screws arb AADE OF STEEL," Soy DON BRASS. LAOySMITH r WISCONSIN.. Sl-12. (tarVICl. IWC-rN, NEXT: Why raindrops are biff during thunderstorms. U. S. GOVERNMENT CONCILIATOR HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured U. S. concilia tor, . 11 Beside. 12 Inert gaseous element. 13 Beverage. 14 Title. 17 Blunt 19 Grow dim. 21 Nickname for Edward. 23 Yourself. 24 Mountain. 25 Father. 26 Frustrate. 29 Not artificial. 32 Within. 33 Court (abbr.) 34 Knitting stitch. Answer to Previous Puzzle SlOjNiJIAl IHEiN'lig ea olsj Tber;ETS sitio IT UOIIL ISQT SBYACH Mi SPENT ER NHKjOL, 1 'L'H'HIM' 1 IC 'E:AT g'DI IB k NTORp MTiET EATTH!E 47 Bone. 48 Fear. 50 Tennessee Valley Authority (abbr.). VERTICAL 2 Into. 3 Guided. 4 Girl's nickname. 5 Internally. 18 Behold! 19 Level. 20 Bravely.' 22 Risks. 24 Old. 25 Resembling a leopard. 27 Street (abbr.). 28 Stop! 30 Not down. 31 Ruthenium (symbol). 38 Negative reply 39 Tin (symbol). 41 Possess. 42 Southern state (abbr.). 43 Himself. 46 Negro offspring. 48 Deeds. 49 Week (abbr.). 35 Eighth month 51 Cloth measure 6 Mister (abbr.) 52 Music note. (abbr.). 36 District at torney (abbr.) 37 Five plus five (Pi.). 40 Exclamation. 42 Lower part of the leg. 44 Metal. 45 Beginning to grow. 52 Stone. 55 Arabian military commander. 58 Obligation. 59 Vegetable. 61 Favor. 63 Proceed. 64 State of being alone. 65 Whether. 7 Excavated. 8 Forenoon (abbr.). 9 Not suitable. 10 Dejected. 11 Exist. 15 Myself. 16 He is chair man of the 53 Charm. 54 Body of water 56 Electrified particle. 57 International language, 58 To fare. 59 Plural (abbr.) 60 Near. U. S. Defense 62 Symbol for Board. . nickel. l 12 3 4 5 16 7 18 9 jlO I III I I sTJif is I jFs I dj TTul "in I""; m f HP 32 mw 31 n3 37 38 39 fJ 40 4li pT 43 44 Lj'rifcJ 4T""45 1 TOUD TOU I'D N,1CoA THAWK.S AWFUL YOU BACK OIJ CAM V MUCH PER SHOWIKJ . FOR PA-VIN' MV HARDLV MV PATRlCfTlSM . f, 1 J WAV IMTO THAT LI OBJECT I MOTHER. Am' SISTECJ I H B SHOW LA.ST NIOHTr TOTAkIN 1 DID TH' SAM WITH I eCHJOHT DEFEKJSE 1 DEFENSE I MONEY THEV OWED ft $TANPS WITH MINE" I STANPS I ME.' IF X EVER. GIT , " V I'LL FAY YOU J FER. J A CHAMCE TO 0 1 ' RIO.HT WOW In J WHUT f BUY ONE MY- -3 I rEFENSE I 1 OWE I SELF I'LL BE NOT Kir ;V STAMRS S YOU.' ONLY A PATRIOT J I HEROES ARE MADE -NOT BORVl J ," ,.', great Caesar . jaKe what BLATANT BRASSm. FIRST NOU BLACKJACK A FEMININE i BOARDER OUT 0FI0.THEN VOL) TAKE OVER MV PA,JAWA6. AND NOW IVIY HfT .'. HMP-KAFFf where are you Sneaking TO WITH THAT POOR GIRL'S MONEY f i - 'A LIKE TO KNOW?-VJC.LL,NOL) ' CAN'T GOI GOT A POKER I DATE WITH S0M8 SMART ALECKi WHO ARE CRNIN' TO BE CUEANED-wt TUS'CLAMPEO THIS STOvEPlPEON SO THEY'LL THINK IMA HICK, BUT I l 1 f-MIV VNUK.1 n I I THAT ."5ILLV s.kvi mi Hz l-IZ Bar tlSTGoes TO HIS HEAD-.. RED RVDER By Fred Harmon ViHWS GA,& HERE .YSrt-H,T'4ONTS.' IP -J.RCK., COU3MS.I?J 1 TOMT A Vf CuTTlN1 , . L.-CI CD.-ON" IN) THIS . IN CSL J Asm Eur if APPSARS ' F.NE-' TLL Sc. A 5.LE.NT FAKTNS.R. FGR. -ETY P&RCENT OF t, VfS."-J STKeTW'OKS LIKE L f wl' FlGURiN? N(al 'Jk I ' XT akiswer. its rY TJ 1 TB.LEGRAr Will Fix I ANY TKiCK. HE'S aJSa". V VJORXJNSG TWE u8 ' rr vas ll Right ftx. TUAT r-Oi'lLT rUiErJO Of tXlR3 TtJ TEAil UP TrtM" 2 at LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE ai oust' Ji By Harold Gray Lime L0RETWS MAMA. KATE KNOB-LITTLE KATE MALT. WHO USED TO LIVE NEXT DOOff-TRAZY KATE" THEY CALL HER NOW, EH? HM-M-GAD, WHAT t A NEIGHBORHOOD v I Sftt' GUGSS fM LOST-CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE MRS. KATE KNOB OH-tRATr 1 KATE"? SURE THOT LAST SHACK THERE -BUT SHE WONT LET NOBODY tti- ( I NO?i WHY NOT? HA I HA 1 RFCAUGF SVlElS CRATY-THAT1S WHY-ANYBOai' KNOCK. SHE RUNS AND HIDES- COMES OUT MGHTS.THOOGH BUT EVEN THEN SHE WONT TALK TO NOBODY- HtROlt 6RH OH. THINK SHF.U. TALK TO Mt-YOU. SEE. I'M AN OLD FRIEND OF HERS- YE AH? WELL. I OJESS YOU AINT 6EEN HER LffTELY- BUTGO AHEAD -tTS NONE O' MJJ" BUSINESS- i I uWm BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin MY ACTOV,,SOCrT'. V MUSI 1 COORS6, TOW VOO ,YOViO Wtvitn BE N&VS. YO Xi. AVt -2 WASH TUBBS V RilM'tll couvAy Avvw .oot II aa CO. IM Hf , avKC. flC T M fC U Plf DPT I V ORIENTAL MYSTERY... "' ' Ml IMP6NDIM6 PERILUSED TO 5J iWI 6ST THAT CREEPY FEELIWA iL . v 1 WYSELF.' HOWEVER,! MEVEB li v Sr., kmew op ANYTHiioa to et" - -t ACTUALLY KAPPEM Aai' ' V1 By Crona J 5AYJ THIS MISSION youBeoN...M5o mdnt HAPPEN TO LEWE AMY MONEY OR IMPORMNT PAPFDC I 1DCT AlD FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS I THEY CAM STEAL, YdjA Pmf) ' '-'w---MiiLj I ' ha i THEN LET'6 ENJOY KrCj - A'iTM'L Jj& Xl -1 SJ '&S (flX- coi. nim.M-JLiwiu.ir.. i.m i In I" ilMBIil fcl . I liM-J By Blossei jlwny wynm called judy y6sterday and tolo her The nave op the drip who made you ' PAY THAT CHECK AND DOUBLE I NAME Ue did rroM A dae HI9 pJAME IS DANNY CULPEKT HB - : LWES AT 24 CEDAR STREET I ROY IN LARKSPUR ( AMO I WAY OP GliTTWO OVER TO P YOU KNOW 5 LARKSPUR 1 SHALL X I HIS NAME, );S,SV PHONE HIM ? , X SONP J ALLEY OOP ON THB NOSE- BY fe ' " By V. T. Hamfin IWHOE fUJklftl IKift ni THE -TIME-MACHIWF l! RESPOUSIBLF Foa OUR HCPrf PRESENT!" Ja lOk. I Itvl AkN-iPia-r EFFICIENT CaBOR.- AltJKY ASSISTANT, BEEN SPENDIMG HIS TIME IM DR. WOfJMUC'S LIBRARY HOW YOU ; NO SHOP TALK. NOW. ru.rrv.o I DcrT.i.c: I tit I 1 WITH VDUtt X.,lt, . "N THIS NICE ROAST TIME 1 CHICK6M CLIFFS STUDY OF THE BLACK ARTS f GOT READY FOR. US SUCCEEDED IM HYPNOTIZING? HA 1 SAW HIM MAKIWO PASSES I -CV ' 1 H lh V'H '" H'-MYicrijiT- ii- wt. Bf, ; T . 1 0 r