Jfinunry 12, 1042 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FTVB 0 QUy Buep. Teaches Margery South well, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. VV. Southwell or thla city, graduuto of Oregon Htulo collcgo unci miijor 1111(10111 In homo eco nomic, wnit elected to a leach InK position on Ilia Miiunii Hiver high arhoiil stuff January II. Minn Soulhwi'll will to k u over her new duties Jiiiitiury 1U lit tho opening of Ilia second semester. Minn Southwell bus Just cnllipli'l I'd 30 huiira of work beyond collcgo graduation lit Oregon Stutii college mid received a ntatu teiichera' cui llf Iculc. .Shu In mi honor Ktiidoiil lit (JSC nod him received special recognition In cnnrm'H of physical education im well iih homo economics mid science. Mho la u graduate, of Klunuitli Union high school. Soeki Brother The where uboitta of Oskur Olssou, thought Ohe in Kliiinutli county, la nghl )' Ilia alslcr, lleliny OUaon .Suilier. U-l-lft South Sawyer avenue, Kvcigrecn Park. III , in ii letter received hero Sut urdny. Olason la anlil to Iiuvh come to the Kluiniilli men In I lull from I. millennia, Sweden, and la I'll yeura of uge. Ho fot'tie ei ly received Ills mull lit u local hotel, hia mater stated hut work ed In logging cum in in Una urea. Mrs Siicher rci(itesls unyonc knowing the presence of her hrother to kindly udviae her ua soon aa possible. Twins Born Mr. mid Mrs ('. II CesMium of 23.111 Ui chard avenue, arc receiving cnngnitu liilloni from their friends over Ihc birth of twills, u boy and till, ut Hillside hospital Satur day, The boy weighed 4 pounds 6 ounces, the girl, (1 pounds 7 necs. Mother and babies arc li pottetl doing nicely. Cesslium I.- employed by the Rcstcr-ion Lumber corporation. Named Officers -Jerry O Cal l.ighan, miii of Mrs. Leo Sagc hoin of litis city, has been elect ed ice president ol Ills fratern ity. Phi Kuppn i'sl ut the Uni versity of Oregon, It whs learned here Friday. Joe Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kennedy of WcycrhaeuM-r, waa named house manager of Phi Kappa Pal. Improving Mrs. Irene Fos ter, who is In Klamath Vulley hinpital with a fractured ankle received in a full ut her home on Vino street, remains In Klamath Valley hospital. Her, ankle bus been put 111 a cast i ad she la reported improved. Amputation Hubert Taylor, ! Spruguo River, employe of the Cruti-r Luke Box company is : reported Improved ut Klumatli I Vulley hospilul. Taylor suffered j a cut hand which necessitated ' the amputation of his small fin ger. In Ashland Mrs. Ralph Put man of Klamuth Falls, spent several days visiting In Ashland with Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Put man. The elder Putinan fins been confined to his home In the volley city with a recent nllnck of Illness. LEGAL NOTICES National Forest Timbar For Salo Sealed bids will be received 0 the Regional Forester, Port ixl, Oregon, up to and includ ing February 12, 1942, for all tho live timber mnrked or des ignated for cutting, and all mer chantable, dead timber located ijon an area embracing about f 31,835 acres within Townships 37 and 38 S R. 13 E Town ships 37 and 38 S., R. 14 E., and Tuwnahlps 37, 38 and 39 S., R. 13 E., W.M., Fremont National Forest, Oregon, estimated to be 30,000,000 foct B.M., more or less, of live and dead pondcrosu plno saw timber, and an uncs timntcd amount of sugar pine, ladgepolo plno. California in-consc-ccdar and white fir snw timber to bo cut nt tho option of the purchaser. No bid of less than $4.15 per M. foot for pon dcrosn pine, $2.00 per M. feet for sugar pine, $1.00 per M. feet for California Inccnse-ccdur, and $.50 per M. feet for lodgo polo plno and white fir, will be ansldcicd. In addition to tho lecs bid for tho stumpago, a cooperative deposit of $.23 per M. feet B.M. lo be used by the Forest Servlco for paying tho cost of slash disposal, and a co operative deposit of $.10 por M. feet B. M. to cover tho cost of trco planting, seed sowing and timber stand Improvement work on tho orea cut over, for tho total cut of timber under the terms of tho agreement, will bo required. $0,000.00 must bo deposited with each bid, to bo applied on llio purehaso price, refunded, or retained in part ns liquidated damages, according to condi tions of salo. Tho right to re ject any and nil bids Is reserved. Before bids aro submitted, full Information concerning tho 'tlm fr) tha conditions of snln, and SJio submission of bids should bo obtained from tho Forest Su pervisor, Lnkevicw, Oregon, or the Regional Forester, Portland, Oregon.. J 12-10-28. Aff. News No. 4. Traffic Court Tin following appeared In truffle courts con duclcd Jununry 8 and 1U, uc cordlnif to city police: Jonas Sparks, runnlnif red ll(ht, $2 auapended; Jeaao Hurl Toylor, 352;t Altiimont drive, running atop sign, $2 suspended; Cordon H. Lodlnghiiiii, 11)41 Mununllu alreet, running atop alifn. $2 aua pended; John A. Hardin. Kual Main alreet, running atop sign, fi line; William O. Ouk linral, Yrekii, Cullf., Improper li-ft lurn, $2 suspended; Mervyn C Clciison, H2 Kb at Main alreet. Improper left turn, $2 auapended; Osrnr K. HerKliind, Itl.'IM Crescent avenue', running red light, $2 hall forfeited. Returns Here Arlene Flamnio resumed her position In the Klamatli branch of thu First National bunk Monday morning after being called to South Da kota by Ihe death of her father She was accompanied by her sister. Mrs. Willis Browning of Portland, tho former Alice Flanime of this city. The Brown ings, both of whom were form erly employed in Ihe Knit Nil tionul bunk here, are now re siding in Portland. At McChord Lieut. Zed Balnea is now stationed ut Mc Chord Field. Washington, uc cording to word received here by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barnes of South Fifth street. He expects to remain there until Fehruiiry 1, when ho will re turn to Pendleton where he was orlginully stationed. Report Quiet The city fire department laddies had u quiet weekend as far ns turning out in cold weather to extinguish blazes. This was the longest period without an alarm expert encrd by the department since cold weather. It waa learned. The men ore busy training now recruits In the fire reserves. Kelley Better Frank Kelley, 920 Lincoln street, was report ed improved at Klamath Vulley hospital wbero ho has been criti cally ill with pneuinoiilu. lit is a Great Northern employe. Go South Mr. and Mra. Selb Dixon of Fort Klamath were visitors hero Saturday en route to southern California where they will spend the remainder of thu winter months. Take Apartment Mr. and Mrs. Levi L. McDonald of Mer rill havo taken an apartment at the Cascade hotel fur a few duys whllo in Klamuth Falls attending to business. Luncheon The prose group of tho League of Western Writ ers will meet for a no-hostess luncheon in the Pelican cafe on Thursday, January 15, at 1:30 o'clock. Returns Homi Matt Flniii gun returned to his home on Washington street from Klam ath Valley hospital where ho received treatment for injuries received in a recent automo bile accident. Surgery Laura Ferguson, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ferguson of Chiloquin, is reported recovering from a mas toid operation lo which she sub mitted at Klamath Vulley hos pital Thursday. To Portland Mrs. J. W. Ar gruves and daughter, Karmon, left lust week for Portland where they will reside. Argraves left several weeks ago to accept a position In the shipyards. Surgery Fern Johnson, 518 High street, daughter of Mrs. Annctto Johnson, submitted to major surgery Sunday at Klam ath Valley hospital. Visit In Valley Mrs. Earl Ed sail and sons of Klamath Falls visited over tho weekend in Ash land with Mrs. Edsull's parent-;, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pittcngcr. Son Born Mr. and Mrs. Louis Knlina, well known Ma tin residents, are parents of a son born Saturday, January 10, at Illllsldo hospital. Tho child .1 .,.UI t' In NU (Nnturo'e Romcdy) Tablets, there aro no chtmlrnls, no minerals, fia phenol dprlvntlvcs. NK Tablets nro dif ferent nrl flilTcrcnt. Pmtly triable n rombinntion of 10 vegetable initreriienta forniulnted over 50 years ago. Uncontcd or candy contcd, their nction it depend nble. thorough, yet gentle, as millions of NK't have proved. Oct a 2! box today ... or larger economy size. ANDY 0.TtD or REGUURI HR TO-IIIOHTi TOMORROW HRIOHT aV. "I M m VS sffT fW weighed 7 potinda lit ounce ut birth. Both mother and baby ure doing nicely hospital attend anta stated. Condition 8am Tho condi tion of Mrs. Lawrence Slater, crltlcully III In Kmmamiel hos pital, wua reported unchanged by Sluler who la In I'ortlund with hia wife. At their daugh ter's helalde lire Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Roberts of Twin Fulls, Ida. Curds may bo sent lo Mrs. Slat er directly to the hospilul. In Colorado Mr. and Mrs. O. I). Matthews are expected lo return this week from Colorado where they attended the Rodeo Association of America conven tion ut Colorado Springs. Later - 1 1 r ; r n IMirf! Or NATURAL Wcrk SOCKS Made of care-, fully selocted American cot ton for long wear. MAIN Bargain New In Cords FAMOUS HOCKMEYER FABRICS I ALL POPULAR COLORSI 3 Sii'i". f f MEN'S HEAVYWEIGHT Coffduroys m BUILT FOR WEAR! BUILT FOR COMFORTI TAILORED TO FITI If you want pants that will wear if you want pants that are warm and serviceable for little money choose eordtl In the most popular style and colors. All sizes. MAIN FLOOR SAME QUALITY BOYS' CORDS SIsos 6 to 18. DOWNSTAIRS they attended the atock allow ut Denver. Mutthowa la president of the Klamath liuckuroo Days board, affiliated with IIAA. In)urad Mlaa Mary June Met ier of the county public welfare office, was confined to her home Monday with a twisted knee, suf fered while she wua skiing Hun duy ut Crater lake. Roturna Chief of Police Kriink Hiirnrn returned Sunday from a business trip in the nortlL Midland Grango Tha regu lar meeting of the Midland granite will be held Wednesday, January 14, at B p. m. at the ball. Tough 8-os. donlm with strong triple stitching . . . tacks at vital strain points! Crotch is reinforcod and stride free no binding. Carpenters OVERALLS Made of strong extra heavy weight duck. Snap nail apron. EDouble quilted knee. Sanforired. Full zipper front. Two bib pockets. Quality Super Pay Day brand for long wear service. COMPASS Work GLOVES Full grain cow hide. Strongly const ructed. Thumb g u a rd for extra pro tection. FLOOR SANFORIZED BIG MAC r, gH SHOP AT PENNEVS AND SAVE. I If !B9 ia -rn I Truckman's OVERALLS OBITUARIES VEAN McELRATH Vean McElrath, for the laat 13 years a resident of Klamath Falls, Oregon, passed away ut the homo of her daughter, Mra. Idella Cook, 4810 South Sixth street, Saturday, January 10, 11)42, at 5:15 p. m., following nil extended Illness. She wua u native of f'rescott, Wisconaln, and at the lime of her death waa aged 74 years 8 months and 25 duya. Surviving are her husband, Ulysses Grant McEl rath, and one daughter, Mrs. Idella Cook, of this city, one sister, Mra. Albert Sayers of Lakcville, Minnesota, and two grandchildren, Dean and I.ylc Arncsa of Plaza, North Dakota. LOW CASH PRICES To All! Our Tremendous tores enables us to pais BE THRIFTY SHOP NOW USE OUR LAY -AWAY PLAN A small deposit will hold any article for youl You may Lay-Away as many items as you wishl Small Budget Payments ! No Service Charges ! Save On Cash Prices ! BIG MAC WRK iTS Covert or chambray with buttor.-tarough pockets and dress type collars. Sanfor ized shrunk, tool FLANNEL WOEK SHIM In the popular warm cotton flan nelette. Plaids or solid colors. Zip per or button type fronts. MAIN FLOOR milk 1 J. C. PENNKY OO.. I W C .i J PefWMMBbfflsr'l1 The remains rest In the Earl Whltlock Funeral Home, Pine street at Sixth, where friends may call after 4 p. m. Monday. Notice of funeral lo appear In this issue of me paper. JOHN HADSELL John II a d s e 1 1, for the last 27 years a resident of Klamath county, passed away III thla city Monday, January 12, 1942, at 1:35 a. m. following a brief Ill ness. He was a native of Sum merton, Ohio, and at tho time of his death was aged 80 years 3 months and 2 days. The remains rest in the Earl Whltlock Fune ral home, Pine street at Sixth. Notice of funeral to be an nounced at s later date. buying power of over 1600 these savings on to YOUI WHIPCORD WORK PANTS 93 They'll take hard wear In lieir stride. Green or gray. Sanforized shrunk. CORD - MOLESKIN WORK PANTS 49 Strongly reinforced crotch and seams for longer wear. Tool-proof pockets. Teal or green. San forised shrunk. MEN! SAVE ON THESE UNBEATABLE VALUESI Quality COATS Hoo These fine coats present a real oppor tunity to the thrifty man. Fine quality materials in warm weights In all the popular winter colors. NEW MID-WINTER MODELSI Townclad COATS Splendid workmanship, tasteful colors, and supreme styling. Deep warm burly fleeces at this amazingly low price! MAIN FLOOR A FUNERAL j VEAN McELRATH Funeral services for the late Vean McElrath, who passed away In this city Saturday, Jan uary 10, 1942, following an ex tended Illness, will be held In the chapel of the Earl Whltlock Funeral home, Pine street at Sixth, on Tuesday, January 13, at 2 p. m. with the Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of the First Chris tian church of this city officiat ing. Commitment services and interment family plot in Link ville cemetery. Friends ore in vited. Looking tor Bargains? Tun to the Classified page WORK SHOE PAN CORD Work Shoe An honest-to-goodness value) In quality brown leather uppers! Long wearing cord soles and heels. Sises 6 to 11. VICTORY LAST 16 -Inch BOOTS 598 Iron composition outsole leather middle sole and rub ber heel. Glove leather uppers. 6-11. RECOMMENDED FOR WET HIKER LAST FOR BOYS AND MEN SHOES 98 Black retan leather uppers. Composition outsole. Rub ber heels. Sizes 1-11. DOWNSTAIRS 100 WOOL Sport Jackets 93 Hollywood Styled Popular Colors Expertly Tailored Dash . . . Color . . Eye Appeal . Warmthl You can't beat this jacket at such a low cash pricel Come in and lee these valuesl Sizes S-M-L. Colors blue, green tans. HOME SWEET HOME CHUNGKING, Jan. 13 W) There was one humorous twist to the Japanese propaganda In the siege of Hongkong, which fell Christmas day. Loudspeakers blaring from somewhere across the harbor fre quently played such tunes as "Home Sweet Home" and "Swanee River," presumably to try to make the garrison of Britons, Canadians and Indians, nomesicK. BABY'S COLDS Relieve misery fast -externally. Rub on WICKS m V VapoRub VALUES! LONG WEARING 8 -Inch BOOTS 49 . 4 ti. Iron black composition out sole and rubber heel. Leath er middle sole. Quality glove leather uppers. 6-1 L, WEAR AND BARNYARD IN THE HEIGHTH OF STYLEI Townclad SUITS 75 Budget Priced! Ahead In Style) Ahead in styling, in fab rics, in tailoring. Smart, durable materials in the styles latest favorite models. Single or' double breasted. Leaders In every respect - ready for your selection. MAIN FLOOR fit i?i p- Mm ! I I it "ii1 -" J til i -a ' i sssteWaasjss