Jnnunry 10, 1042 PAGE SIX THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Plans Made For DAR State Meet . Eulalona Chapter To Be Hostess Group at Con ference of Oregon Daughters Eulalona chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Is working on details of the state conference of the Oregon Society of DAR which will meet In Klamath Falls on Febru ary the seventeenth and eighteenth. Plans were perfected at a meeting of the group Monday evening, with voting delegates and alternates named. Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg was hostess with Mrs. H. A. Nltsehelm and Mrs. Bernard W. Zollman assisting her. , The following committees were announced to take over duties of the convention: Decorations, Mrs. Ernest Dolph Lamb, chairman; Mrs. Harry Goeller, Miss Adra Coeller, Mrs. Louis R. Mann and Mrs. H. A. Nitschelm. Telephoning and corres pondence, Mrs. Thomas Hampton. Flags and banners, Mrs. Harry Goeller, chairman; Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall and Mrs. Bert Call Thomas. Banquet and luncheons, Mrs. Syd Evans, chairman; Mrs. Z. E. Dixon, Mrs. Helen Mueller, Mrs. J. C. William son, Mrs. Herschel Morris. Pages, Miss Virginia West. Convention room, Mrs. Bert Call Thomas. Transportation! Mrs. Elmer Balsiger, chairman; Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin, Mrs. Harry Ackley, Mrs. H. A. Nitschelm. Tea, Mrs. Warren Hunt, chairman; Mrs. Fred Schal lock, Mrs. Alfred Collier, Mrs. Earl Reynolds. Special publicity and press, Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones. Printing, Mrs, Irene Foster and Mrs. William J. Owsley. Necrology, Mrs. Vida Han son. , Hospitality, Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg, chairman; Mrs. Beauford E. Hayden, Mrs. Syd Evans, Mrs. O. C. Tim tnons, Mrs. S. R. Berry, Mrs. G. Logan Black, Mrs. Ber nard Zollman. . Reservations for the ban quet and luncheons, Mrs. Lloyd J. Goble, chairman; Mrs. Vida Hanson. Tickets, Mrs. Lloyd J. Goble, Miss Virginia West, Mrs. Vida Hanson.' All music for the conven tion will be under the direo ton and furnished by Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt. Mrs. Beauford E. Hayden was elected delegate to the national convention to be held in Washington during the month of April. Following Monday eve ning's business meeting an in teresting paper was present ed by Mrs. Lamb who took for her subject, "Early Ore gon Gardens." Mrs. Lamb ad vised her listeners they took too much for granted, having become accustomed to our lovely Oregon gardens, for getting that this entire de velopment has taken place in less than 190 years. Mrs. Lamb developed her theme from the natural wild flowers and fruits which the pioneers found when they crossed the plains, to the planting of the first seeds on a small island with but a meagre crop as a result. She told of the efforts of the fur companies, par ticularly that of the Hudson's Bay company under Dr. Mc Loughlin in whose garden could be found practically every vegetable which we have today. After touching on the pio neer efforts, Mrs. Lamb cited her audience to some of the marvelous gardens in the state today. Following her paper she showed a number of beautiful slides of our native wild flowers, all of which might have been seen by the settlers as they enter ed this country during spring and summer months. Delegates to the state con ference were named, including Mrs. Irene Foster, Mrs. Robert Odell, Mrs. H. A. Nitschelm, Mrs. G. Logan Black and Mrs. Helen Mueller. Alternates: Mrs. Z. W. Dixon, Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall, Mrs. Harry M. Ackley, Mrs. Warren C. Hunt and Mrs. S. R. Berry, MISS FOSTER MAKES HOME IN ARLINGTON Friends of Miss Dora Foster, daughter of Mrs. Irene Foster of this city, will be Interested to learn she has accepted a position in the national defense offices in Washington, D. C, and makes her home in his toric Arlington, Virginia. Miss Foster left for the east coast two days after Christ mas and was met by Mrs. T w y 1 a Ferguson, another Klamath Falls woman who is spending the winter near the capilol. ' The regular meeting of Aloha chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Is scheduled for eight o'clock Tuesday evening . in the Masonic temple. All visiting members are cordially invited by Mrs. Charlotte Mai tin, worthy matron, and Mr, LeRoy Erdmann, worthy pa tron, .: $ 'v, . Miss Watt Weds in South San Francisco Scene Of Holiday Service December 20 A wedding which took place at high noon on December the twentieth is of great interest to the many friends of Miss Gerald ine Watt of San Fran cisco, daughter of Mrs. George Watt of that city, and niece of Mrs. Wilfred E. Lamm of Mo doc Point. Miss Watt became the bride of Mr. Donald M. Grant at the home of her mother with the Rev. G. M. Pierce reading the service in the presence of the bride's relatives. Given in mar riage by her brother, Mr. Rol land Watt of Prineviile, Ore gon, the bride chose a formal afternoon frock of pale green sheer crepe with which she wore a matching turban trim med with deeper green coque feathers. She wore her grand mother's wedding jewelry of old gold and carried an arm bouquet of pale lavender orchids. The vows were exchanged before a large window with two brass bowls of white chrysanthemums placed on either side of a candelabra holding tall white tapers. Mrs. Holland Watt was her sister-in-law's attendant. She wore a white silk crepe gown with a long, full skirt and green trim, with a small white hat and a bouquet of bouvar dia. Dr. Henry Clark Davis of San Francisco was best man. Following the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served to Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred E. Lamm and Miss Winifred Lamm, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watt of Salinas, California, Mrs. George Watt, Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Davis, Mrs. Dita Duke of Reno, Nevada, Mr. Henry J. McCourt and Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Watt. Mr. and Mrs. Grant spent their honeymoon in Carrnel, returning after the holidays to reside in San Francisco. , The bride is well known here where she has frequently visited. Mr. Grant, who lived in England and Burma during his youth, served as a major in the first World war. He has resided on the west coast for a number of years and is in business in the bay city. Mrs. Hoiking Hostess to Club Mrs. Elmer HoiYng enter tained for members of the Gaiety club at their first gath ering of the year, Thursday evening at her home on Jeffer son street. Mrs. R. C. Dale held high score for the evening. y BETTY. FAIRCLO Miss Betty Fairclo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fairclo of the Henley district, left Friday of last week for Berkeley where she will attend Arm strong's. ' Howell, CorvallU. ANNIVERSARY. OBSERVED BY PADDOCKS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pad dock of. Bly .entertained for a group of friends at Lakeshore inn with a dinner party Wed nesday evening in observance of their wedding anniversary. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hardenbrook, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Proebstel, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Read, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Low, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Long, Mr. and Mrs. Audlcy White, Miss Mar garet Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. William Serruys, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. Reynold F. Johansen, Mr. E. P. Ivory and Mr. and Mrs. Paddock. Mrs. Gets To Hare Delphian Mrs. J. F. Kimball will be the leader at the January thirteenth meeting of Delta Gamma chapter of Delphian when the group meets for the first time this year at the home of Mrs. Horace E. Getz on Pacific Terrace. The topic will be, "Science Views the Liv ing Age." The meeting is called for Tuesday morning at a quarter to ten o'clock. 4 YM t A A" M--'-,Uli N5K kV' v "a PORTLAND VISITORS Mrs. Howard Davis, the former Alice Lyle of this city, and her charming young son, Lyle Howard, were pictured dur ing a recent visit in Klamath Falls from their home in Port land. Mrs. Davis is the daughter of Mrs. Ruby Lyle of this city. Kenncll-Ellis. Gay Party Scheduled Winter Dancing Com pletes Plans for Jan uary Affair Members of the Winter Dancing club are anticipating the second of a series of parties, this one to be given Saturday evening, January the seventeenth, in the Willard ho tel ballroom. The mid-winter carnival theme will be used with streamers of serpentine and colorful confetti decorating the hall. Buzaid's orchestra will play. Hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whltlatch, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Funk, Mr. and Mrs. Tod Tibbutt and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Goeckner. A number of parties are planned before the dance, and reservations for groups are being made. BUDDS TO LEAVE FOR MONTANA The many friends of the John Budds sincerely regret their departure this month for Whitefish, Montana. Mr. Budd will leave sometime next week and Mrs. Budd and John and Bill plan to remain until the latter part of January. The family has resided' In the Mueller residence on Lake shore drive, the boys attend ing Roosevelt school. A num ber of informal affairs are planned for the Budds before their departure. REAMES WOMEN SEW FOR RED CROSS Women of Reames are ply ing the needle and following knitting directions as they meet to work for the Ameri can Red Cross. The group met both Thursday and Friday of this week at the home of Mrs. George H. Merryman Sr. Meetings will contlnuo dur ing the winter months and hours will be devoted to Red Cross work with Mrs. Charles I. Roberta In charge of mater ial. Wednesday Club To Serve Dinner St. Paul's Episcopal church will hold Its annual parish dinner on Thursday evening, January the twenty-second, dinner being served at half past six o'clock at the parish house. The Wednesday club will sponsor and' serve the dinner, and Mrs. Robert Ful ton will be the general chair man, with committees to be announced later. j v, - WEDNESDAY CLUB MEETS DURING WEEK On January the seventh, members of Wednesday club of St. Paul's Episcopal church met to make their New Year's resolutions. A very cleverly arranged room greeted the members of the club upon their arrival at the parish house. The room was decor ated with evergreens and white tapers with clever "resolutions" pinned on the walls. Hostesses for the evening were Miss Olive Wilson, chair man, Mrs. Freda Ellis, Mrs. Lester Wright, Mrs. D. V. Kuykendall and Mrs. David Bullis. A short business meeting was held at which time plans were made to serve the an nual parish dinner to be held for the members of St. Paul's on January the twenty-second. The Red Cross work being done by the Wednesday club was discussed and several sew ing groups to be held In the individuals' homes were or ganized. At the close of the business discussion, bridge was played for the remainder of the eve ning with the prizes going to Mrs. Harry Land, Mrs. Percy Webb and Mrs. Keith Cramer. AAUW PLANS . MADE FOR JANUARY MEET On Monday, January the twelfth, at eight o'clock, the evening book cjub of AAUW will meet at tho home of Mrs. Harold Teale, 1935 Auburn. Mrs. Robert Thompson will re view "The Keys of the King dom," by Cronin. Saturday, January the seventeenth, there will be the regular monthly meeting of the American Association of University Women to be held in the Elk hotel. Members of the Verse group of the Writers League con tinued their study of the son net at a meeting held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter Brown on Pacific Ter race. Original work was also read. The February meeting of the group will be held at the home of Mrs. A. D. Lam bert on Pacific Terrace. FURS DRASTIC REDUCTIONS STILL LIBERAL CREDIT CUMMINGS FUR SHOP 115 So. 7th Betrothal Made Known Betty Lou Drake Announces Engage ment Another attractive Klamath moid has joined the ranks of brides-elect with the a n nouncement of tho uetrothnl of Miss Betty Lou Drake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Drako of 126 Hillside avenue, to Mr. Doiuild Vannlco, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Vannlce of Mt. Vernon, Washington, for mer well known residents of this city. Tho engagement was told during the holidays at a din ner given at the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority house at Ore Ron Stato college. A center ar rangement of violet corsages, each designed with an old fashioned frill, and with a pink or white satin ribbon running to the place cards on the table, told tho news at a formal din ner given by Miss Drake. Tall white candles were used on the table. Forty-three members of the bride's sorority, and members of her family, wero seated about the table. No date has been set for tho wedding. Both Miss Drake and Mr. Vannlco are prominent in affairs of the younger set both here and at college. OES SOCIAL CLUB HOLDS MEETING FRIDAY Five tables of bridge were in play at the monthly meet ing of the Eastern Star So ciol club held Friday after noon, January the second, at the Masonic templo when those presiding as hostesses wero Mrs. O. R. Ilolloway, Mrs. Otto Konschot, Mrs. Sam Roberts and Mrs. Jerry Ricker. Mrs. George Sample re ccived the award for high and Mrs. A. R. Dickson the special prize. A wintry centerpiece of silvered weeds, arranged In plastic cloy, was used on Iho tea table, whla'i brought forth many comments for its beauty. The next meeting of the club Is scheduled for the first Friday In February. HOSTESS AT WATCH PARTY ON NEW YEARS Miss Patricia Knightcn en tertained a group of high school friends on New Year's eve at her home, 18 Nevada street, with a combination watch and theatre party. Dancing, games and refresh ments were enjoyed during the evening, followed by the midnight show. Guests were Miss Naomi Kimsey, Miss Margy Johnson, Miss Jimmie Deo Rink, Miss Mildred Williams, Miss Letty Linman, Miss Vivian Lowther, Miss Lois Heitman, Jerry Hampel, Cecil Hendricks, Lon nle Sanders, Jack Rich, Fred Ross. Clarence Courtney, How ard Renner, Dick Johnson and Herb Cox. Returns From Visit in South Mrs. Wilfred E. Lamm re turned Tuesday evening from San Francisco where, she ac companied her daughter, Wini fred, to Stanford university at Palo Alto. Mrs. Lamm visited her sister, Mrs. George Watt, while In the south and attend ed a party given by Mrs. Watt for her three children and their families Including Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Watt of Prineviile, Mr. and Mrs, Don ald M. Grant, (Geraldlne Watt) of San Francisco, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watt of Salinas. a NO CHARGE For Eye Examination Jtatrtt. in at jviAin Dinner Dance At Kiwanis Party Annual Installation of Officers Gay Affair of Wednesday Evening at Willard Hotel One of the gayest parties of the year followed the Im pressive Installation ceremonies of the Kiwanis club when a dinner dance was planned by Iho committee making arrange ments for the annual affair In tho Willard hotel Wcdnesduy evening of this week. Women Make Party Plans Annual Doernbecher Bridge Tea Slated January 3 I Committee members work ing on plans for the annual Doernbecher benefit met Fri day morning at the home of Mrs. Ralph Waldo Stearns to complete arrangements for the affair scheduled for Saturday afternoon, January the thirty first, at the Willard hotel. All women of the city are urged to take part In the af fair which is one of the high lights of the year for tho Klam ath Falls Woman's Library club and the only benefit given during the scuion by the group. All funds derived from the party which includes both an afternoon of bridge followed by tea, go to tho children's hos pital in Portland where many Klamath county boys and girls have received marvelous aid at the hands of trained sur geons. It is hoped that Klam ath women will bear In mind this fact that, despite the money goes to Portland, that all children In the stato are eligible to receive old re gardless of creed, race or color. Mrs. Robert A. Thompson is chairman of cards and Mrs. Stearns will direct the plans for tea. Cards will start promptly at half past one o'clock, Mrs. Thompson stated. Tea will be served at four o'clock and those unable to play cards are asked to call during the tea hour. TWELFTH NIGHT PARTY AT BURGER HOME Mrs. George Burger asked a group of fourteen guests to her home, 85 High street, on Wednesday evening for a Twelfth Night party. This Is the traditional observance of the close of the holiday sea son, and the guests aided in the burning of the Christmas greenery, the wreath, and ornaments In the fireplace as they sang Christmas carols. Candlelight was used in the rooms in keeping with the oc casion. Later supper was served. SOJOURNERS PLAN FIRST MEETING The first meeting of the year for Sojourners will be held Wednesday, January the four teenth, in the Willard hotel for an afternoon of cards. Mrs. Lloyd Young will serve as chairman assisted by Mrs. Charles Packer, Mrs. S. B. Hopkins and Mrs. D. W. Rice. Dr. and Mrs. George H. Merryman Jr. have returned from a holiday visit spent in Los Angeles and at Palm Springs. Members of the arts and crafts group of AAUW have postponed the January meet ing until the latter part of the month. CADDV JWII I - - - I USE YOU." Whether civilian defense work or in any service that needs the "all out" efforts good eyes can do the job better! How Good Are Your EYES? FIND OUT THE TRUTH NOW NOT TOMORROW, OR TH8 NEXT DAY! Bee Dr. Hutchinson, Our Registered Optometrist of, QiUndUif. Cltdd" DIAL 3111 I) In the receiving lino were Mr. and Mrs. Fred South well, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Igl, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Modford, Mr, and Mrs. Elbert S. Vcatch, and Dr. and Mrs. George Mousey. Mr. John Houston served as toastmaster and the din ner opened with singing led by Mrs. Charles SlunllcUI. During tho evening a skit wot presented by "Mrs. Wolter Wlncholl." in private lifo. V Mrs. Ted Medford. The skit ' was in tho naturo of a radio broadcast. Later (here were brief talks by Mr, Phil Hit cock of Bend, past lieutenant governor of Kiwanis, Mr. Fred Southwell, outgoing president a( the local club, and Mr. Malcolm Epley, new elected president. Mrs. Ernest U. Lamb wi In charge of the tables with an attractive arrangement of bright red polnsetlias on tho speoker's luble and clever cono candlo holder! placed on tho smuller tablet. During Installation ceremonies only the lighted candles wore used. Dancing followed with Hu zold's orchestra playing. The committee in chargo tnrlud ed Dr. Ernest D. Lamb, chair man, Mr. Poul Roberts, Mr. Willard Word. Mr. E. M Igl.tJJ and Mr. Stanley Woodruff. M'CULLOCHS PAY VISIT TO KLAMATH Greeted here during the re cent holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCulloch of San Jose, California, until this foil residents of Klamath Falls. They were tho houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Stiles of Mesa street during their week's stay and were also en tertained by members of Mrs. McCulloch's family. A number of informal af fairs wero given for the vis itors including a no-hnst danc ing party at Col-Ore tavern. CASCADE CREST CHAPTER PLANS VALENTINE DANCE Mrs. Paul Mudge was hon ored on the occasion of her birthday by members of Cas cade Crest chapter, OES, of Chlloquln, following the regu lar meeting of tho chapter held Wednesday evening, Jan uary the seventh, In the Ma sonic hall. Plans were made for a Val entine dance to be given by the chapter on February the fourteenth to which members of Eastern Star and their friends are invited. This dance Is an annual affair of the Chllo quln lodge. Tho next regular meeting of Cascade Crest Is announced -for January the twenty-first fi) by Mrs. Walter Brown, worthy matron. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton have roturned from a holiday stay In Seattle where they visited Mr. Hamilton's mother, Mrs. D. A. Morsholl, and Mrs. Hamilton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hellmlch. Mrs. Wilbur Jones, who Is visiting at the home of her son's family, the Don Nowber rys In Walnut Creek, Cali fornia, expects to return here next weekend according to word received from her. 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