January 10, 1012 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Classified Advertising Rooi: 4 rlny run prr word lOo Ono clny run r word :ic n tiny run ptr word 11c 2 clny run per word He Wwk run ppr word 12o 3 dny run pit word Ho Month run prr word 32p Qlaiiijjied AcllAjeUiiUuf Sectian 20 DISCOUNT for payment In Advanca. Thts dis count given to do away with book work and billing ... on actual paid in advanca ads only. 5 DISCOUNT for Payment by the 10th. Thli di count given to Iniura prompt payment of ad charged on a monthly basis. Loat and Found LOST Hnso Kohl lliilovn wntcli. Rewnrd Phonn '.IIMI0. I 1(1 4 General Notices NOTICE to Conlfwr Lumber Co. employes Work will ho re sumed Mnnilny mornlnK, Jun uary 12, 1012. 1-10 THE "K" CAFK, IIIKI kliuimlh Avenue, Is now open under new management. 2-0 Personals ANYONE knowlnu Iho where aliouta of Onknr Olaann, nhout Oil years, Swedish, kindly com municate with his sinter, Holmy Olsson Sneher, 044S S. Bnwyer Ave., Evergreen Purk, III. 112 10 Services Klamath Fulls Transfer St Storage 101 Klamath Phone S072 Moving Local Long Distance Storing Furniture Merchan dise Crntlng Packing Shipping "WE HAUL ANYTHING" S tf FLOOR 8ANDINO and Finish ing. Waxing, Pollnhlng, Scrub bing. New, old. C. DuKoiir. Phone 3008. l-IOmlf RAY HALL Your Electrolux dealer Sales and service. 013 Roseway Drive. Phone 71(17. 2-8 BATTERIES CHARGED In 30 minutes. Reymcr's Associated1 Service, Fourth and Main. 2-3mtf FLOOR SANDING and rrflnlsh- Ing. Clifford Golden. Plume 3822. l-31inlf WRINGER ROLLS Washing machine and vacuum cleaner parts for all makes. Merit I Washing Mnchlne Service, Oil I South Sixth. 1-Slmtfl I WILL obtain your delayed birth certificate for you. Chas. Hathaway. 120 N. 10th St, Klamath Kalis. Ore. 131 HEMSTITCHING DRESSMAKING. Uuttons a n d Buckles covered, Alterations on new and old clothing Mrs H. M. Allender, 731 Main. Room 218. Phone 7203. 1-lflmlf FLOOR SANDING Old floors reflntshed. Norman Fraley. Phone 4001. l-24intf PICTURE FRAMING Artand Gift Shop, S10 Main. l-24mtf PICTURE FRAMING Goellcr's, 230 Main. 214mtf PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, kalsomlnlng. Dial 6840. Mel vln E Frost. MSnitf ELECTRO' UX CLEANERS Sales Service. P. O. Uox 814. Phone 8018 Your denier, Tarkel Tweet M2 PAINTING, Kalsomlnlng H. L. Brown. Phone 4220 t-lOmtl HOUSE CLEANING Art Bene dict. 6848. 2-Omlf SAWS REPAIRED The right way. Bodenlinmer's. 353 E. Main. 2-10 ia Educational CURRY'S APPLIED HARMONY Music School offers the fol lowing course for nil begin ners in music. Hand position sight reading sight singing e a r training keyhonrd harmony. 220 En.it Mnln, Phono 45711. 1-10 MODERNISTIC BEAUTY COL LEGE 019 Klnmoth Ave Phone 3BB3 toomil 13 Health DOCTOR M. C. CASSEL, chiro practic clinic Snino location, 832 Main. Dlnl 7215. 2-7mtf 14 Help Wanted, Female EXPERIENCED FRY-COOK Must be fast and work night. Apply Tik-Tok Drlvo-In. 703tf COLOR AND RETOUCHING ar tist. Bruno Studio. 1-12 WANTED Unencumbered housekeeper and cook. Mod ern ranch. Give age, refer ence and wages expected. RFD 1, Box 6, Bonanza, Ore. 807tf WANTED Woman help with housework. Siny nights. Good wages, 1858 Fremont. ' Phono 6584. 1-12 WANTED Unencumbered housekeeper and cook be tween 25 and 40. $40. News Herald, Box 440. 440tf EXPERIENCED, unencumbered housekeeper between 25 and 45, Small family. Inquire 204 N. 3rd. 833tf GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK Cnn stay or go homo nights. Good wages, Box 880, Nnws-Hornld 1-12 U Help Wanted. Mala FOR JOBS In alrplnna factories. Apply Mr. Llstal, Room 201, Wllltta Bldg. 2-0 DRIVER-SALESMAN for laun 'dry and dry cleaning route. - CRScsdo Laundry. 1-10 18 Help Wanted, MnU OLD LINK Llfo Insurance Com pany desires salesman. Liberal contract, perpetual rcnowuls. Address Hox OHO, Klamnth Falls M0 31 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER wishes part-time work. Ilox SIM. Niiws IIeruld. 110 MARRIED MAN wonts stendy work. Experienced In cnu alriictlon work. 4744 Frieda Ave. Phono 8030. M0 HOUR WORK Phone 7004. 1-14 PROFESSIONAL pianist wishes work. 200 E. Muln. M0 13A11YLAND Core of babies and children. Hour, day or week. 412 High. Phone 8341. M2mtf 20 Room and Board ROOM HOARD for gentleman. Phone 6HI4. 504 N. 10th. M4 ROOM HOARD Close In. Ex cellent table. Phono 4705. 102H Jefferson. 2-6 HOARD-ROOM 1114 1 Main. Reasonable. 1-13 HOARD. ROOM 1018 Washing ton. M2 HOARD AND ROOM 407 North Oil). Phone 0010. 863tf HOARD AND ROOM 407 No 0th Phono 0010. 4B88tf HOARD, ROOM Lady or gen tlemun. 1321 Johnson. Phone S.t4U. 1-10 HOARD AND ROOM. 820 Jef ferson. 1-18 HOARD AND ROOM. Private shower, stenm heat. $8.00 week. 723 Klamath. 2-10 HOARD - ROOM. 348 N. 10th. 1-16 BOARD ROOM. 314 Wnlnut. 2 0 22 Itoomi For Rent ADJOINING SINGLE ROOMS, twin beds. Phone .1838. 1-17 ROOMS 1034 High. 2-5mlf NICE furnace heated room. Rea sonable. (130 N. 10th. 1-14 SLEEPING ROOM hulh. Rex Arms. Private 1-13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM 1304 Worden. M7 MARS HOTEL 1411 Main. Stenm hentod. Weekly rates $3 up 30c to $1 per night. M5 COMFORTABLE furnace heated room adjoining bath. 1020 Jef ferson or phone 0034 1-14 CLAREMONT. 228 No. 4th. All outside newly decorated, mo dern rooms. All with new In ner.iprlng mnttresses. Free parking. l-13mlf FOR RENT Nice room. 134 N 3rd. ' 4C00tf LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. N. Brood. 100 110 FOR RENT Nicely furnished bedroom. Largo closet. Rent $15. Free use of piano, radio, phone. Phono 7255. 1-13 24 Apartments For Rent STEAM HEATED furnished apartment on Main street. Coll 7113. 1-10 VACANCY Everything furnish ed. $3.50 and up week. 1404 Klamath. 1-12 LARGE 3-room apartment, part ly furnished. Phone 5688. 2210 South 6th. 1-13 FURNISHED 3-room apartment. No pets or children. Phone 3308. 430 Washington. 882tf HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, every thing furnished, $4.80. Also sleeping room $2.00. 410 So. Bth. M0 WARM, nicely furnished house keeping room. 248 Broad. 704tf VACANCY Three rooms, din ette. Electric range. Adults. No dogs. 325 Commercial. 4S8U NICELY furnished cabin. Also dcslrablo housekeeping room 248 Broad. fiOStf VACANCY Esplanade Courts Furnished. l-31mtf TWO AND THREE-ROOM fur nished npts. and bath. Rent reasonable. 2018 Oregon. 1-10 FOR RENT Threo-room fur nished apartment. ChII aftor 0 p. m. 1526 Crescent. Phone 3201. MO THREE-ROOM furnished apt. 1017 High. 1-10 FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wood, lights, wntnr, gns. 419 No. 10th. l-24mtf FOR RENT Two bedroom fur nished npnrtmont. 2300 Blohn. Phono 7208 or 4527. ,413Btf RIVEltVIEW APTS. 4 rooms nicely furnished, two bed rooms, very doslrable. Phone 5B17. 4740lf 24 Apartments For Rent VACANCY Adults. 421 Ook. 1-12 ONE-ROOM APARTMENT 813 Pine. 110 VACANCY Rex Arms. 1-20 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Completely furnish ed. Convenient hotel service. Duy, week or month. 2-Dmlf 2-ROOM furnished modern apartment. Reduced rates. Al tamont Auto Camp. 1-16 FOR RENT Apartments. $16 and $18 month. 2023 Darrow. 1-13 FURNISHED APT., suitable for two. Electricity and water furnished. $20.00. 103 Pine. 1-13 VACANCY Hot Springs Court. 221 Spring. 1-16 26 Houses For Rent FURNISHED CABINS $10 00 month and up. Altamont Auto Camp. MS FURNISHED 4-room house. 321 N. 6th St. Apply before 1 p. m. B60tf FURNISHED 2-room cabin. $4 week. Also trailer space $2.00 week. So. 6th and Homedalc. 1-12 THREE-ROOM partly furnished house, $1S. Phone 4000. 1-12 FOUR-ROOM DUPLEX $35. Three-room cottage, gas. Ph. 7668. 1-10 HOUSE FOR RENT on pave ment, $25 month. 1542 Ore gon Ave. See E. C. Cochran, Dairy. 1-10 WARM four-room modern house. Inquire 1748 Washburn way. M0 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save '. Stiles Beacon Service, 1201 East Main. Phone 8304. 2-7mtf 3-ROOM unfurnished house, Chelsea addition. Inquire Rt. 3, Box 52, old Midland high way. 1-14 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE, unfur nished. Gas rnngc. 1543 Mar tin. 734tf FOR RENT Well furnished house. No children. Phone 4804. 110 TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive; move yourself, save 1 Stiles Beacon Service. 1201 TWO-ROOM cottages. Wood, lights, gas furnished. $30 month. Link River Auto Camp. 1-18 UNFURNISHED duplex Range, refrigerator, oil furnace. Call after 5:30 p. m. 503 No 0th. 4551U FURNISHED CABIN Water. $11.50 month. Apply 337a E. Main. 1-12 FOUR ROOM partly furnished house. Dial 5080. 1-12 SMALL house nicely furnished. Fireplace and automatic heat. $27.50. Phone 7255. 1545 Sar gent. 1 12 28 Miscellaneous For Rent DEAD CAR STORAGE Cas cade Garage building. Cars, trucks, machinery, what have you? Call at all hours. Phone 5115. 2-Omtf 30 Real Estate For Sale TWO-BEDROOM 4-room house, breakfast nook. Three-bedroom house. Lloyd W. Rusk, 1608 Austin, off Shasta way. 1-17 FOR SALE Suburbnn home. Five rooms, glassed porch, fireplace, oil furnace, weather stripping, Insulation, large lot, double garage and woodshed, picket fence, shrubs, trees. Call 4017 for appointment to see this home. 1-10 GOING INTO THE SERVICE Will sell my 'equity In modern five-room home for half of value. Phone 8425. 1-11 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE with acre good garden soil, $850 cash. 1507 N. Summers lane. 1-10 NEWLY FINISHED two-bedroom house. Ready to move into. Telephone 4481, noon or eve nings. 1-13 FOR SALE Two 2-bedroom hdmes. One 3-bedroom homo. FHA loans approved. Low monthly and down payments. Open for inspection from 12 to 4. 2250 and 2226 and 2220 Reclamation, Mills addition. Ono 4-room modern with i acre. Phone 3004. 4045U FOR SALE Five-room modern house on Summers lane. In quire Hamel Apts. Phone 3601. 2-6 FOR SALE Two houses for price of one. A real bargain. Inquire 1227 Main St. 133U YEAR-OLD two-bodroom homo, St. Francis Park. Phone 4078. 1-12 Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY Small house. Inquire at 014 Owens St. 1-14 34 Automotive I HAVE Joined the navy and must sell my 1941 Mercury town sedan 14,000 miles Ra dio, heater, 6 now Goodyear white sldewalt tires and Life guard tubes, sport lite. See me at once, Shell Station, corner 11th and Main St. Mike Zupan. Jr. 112 FOR SALE 1037 Hudson four door trunk sedan. Radio, heat er. Good condition. Dealer repossession. Buy for balance due finance company, $315. No trades. Phone 7207 after 7 p. m. 110 EQUITY In '41 Ford Coupe, 11.000 miles, $325 cash.. No trades. Phono 8320, 1-10 FOR SALE OR TRADE 41 Chevrolet coach. 3420 Cannon. 1-10 GOING TO ARMY 1937 Chrys ler Royal coupe. New tires, perfect condition. See Bob Shaw, Goodrich Sllverton Store, 7th and Pine. 1-14 WANTED Good Late Model Used Cars for SPOT CASH. First Class Prices For First Class Cars. No Delay for Your Money. See Jack Morris, Mgr., at DOUGLAS MOTOR CO. 734 Klamath Ave. 1-31 "TRY THE NEW DEAL" at BUICK. See Mr. Yoes, factory trained service manager. 4934tf 5x8 2-WHEEL TRAILER, welded box and frame. 600-16 new tires. New 14 1 by 16 water proof canvas. 825 Donald. Ml BARGAIN Joining the navy. 1041 Special Deluxe Chevrolet with all accessories. 7000 miles. Will sell my equity for one half. Phone SB79 Satur day between 6 and 8 p. m. Sunday between 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. 1-10 WANT TO TRADE 1935 Mas ter Chevrolet for pickup. J. T. Dieter, Tulclakc, Calif. 1-14 FOR SALE '30 Model A, good rubber. $50 as is. Phone 7958. M2 FOR SALE Ml Pontine four door sedan. Mileage 14,000, radio, heater. Luther Moore, Tulelnke. 1-13 36 Miscellaneous For Sale RECONDITIONED AMERICAN Oil Heaters. New guarantee. $49.50. $10 down, $5 monthly. Oregon Equipment Co., 127 So. 6th. 1-15 TEAM HORSES and Iron Age potato planter. L. J. Svehlak, Malln. Ore. 1-10 HEAVY CHICKENS Roasters and fryers, 22c pound live weight. Crystal's, Merrill Lakcvlcw Junction. 1-10 GLASS Duplatc safety glass, window glass, plate and mirrors, resil vering. Kimball's Glass Shop, 527 Walnut. Phone 7378. 2-6mtf U. S. ROCKWOOL Insulation will make your home comfort able also cut your fuel bill many dollars. No down pay ment. Very small monthly pay ments. Call us for free esti mate. Suburban Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 1-12 LUMBER BARGAINS Shiplap $19; 2x4's $20; shingles 73c bundle. FHA homes our spe cialty. Very small down pay ment balnnce less than rent. Suburbnn Lumber Co. Phone 3301. 1-12 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 5871. l-31mtf RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phono 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 865tf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute, including suburban sections. Block numbers indicated, in dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For sale at Cnrmichael's news stand, chamber of commerce, Ernie Plluso's Drive-in, Evcr body's Drug, Leo Hendrick's Drug, Louie Polln's, Postofflce news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationary, The News-Herald, Vic's Signal Service. 884tf CITY MAPS Up-to-the-minute. Including suburban sections Block numbers Indicated, In dex keyed to map. Price, 20c. For salo at Carmichael's news stand, chamber of commerce Ernlo Plluso's Drive-in, Ever body's Drug, Lee Hendrick's Drug, Louie Polin's, Postoffice news stand, Robinson's Food store, Shaw Stationery, The News Herald, Vic's Signal Service 3208 RECONDITIONED wood rango. California Oregon Power Co, 862tf 32 36 Miscellaneous For Sal Notice of Sale of Personal Property By virtue of an ORDER OF SALE Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath in tho above entitled matter on the 5th day of November, 1841. I will sell at private sale the fol lowing described personal pro perty belonging to the above estate, to-wit: 83 cows, 11 one year old heif ers, 4 two year old heifers, 6 one year old steers, 3 small calves, 2 Black Angus bulls, 1 Hoy Chopper, 1 John Deering Tractor, 1 Buck Rake and Mower, together with the fol lowing dairy equipment: 2 Milk ing Machines, 1 Large Frigidaire for cooling and storing milk, 1 Cream Separator, Bottles and Bottle Filler, Milk Cooler, Cans, Wash Vats, Electric Water Heat er, Boiler, 1 Sterilizer and 1 Manure Spreader. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 31st day of January, 1042, at ten o'clock In the fore noon o said day, and there after, at the Hagelstein Dairy, Algoma, Klamath County, Ore gon, I will sell the above de scribed personal property at private sale to the highest bid der or bidders, for cash. Dated this 9th day of Jan uary, 1842. GEORGE HAGELSTEIN Administrator of the Estate of Frederick J. Hagelstein, also known as Fred Hagel stein, Deceased. 1-12 36 Miscellaneous For Sale SPECIAL! Crosley portable ra dios 30 per cent off! As low as $14.50. Airplane type, lea therette covers, from $24.50. AC-DC or battery, all wave length. Complete with bat tery. Terms. Oregon Equip ment Co. 127 So. 6th. 1-15 RED OR GREY CINDERS for driveways. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays Howard Graham. 3204tf USED WATCHES, reconditioned and guaranteed Men's 12 and 18 size Elgins and Walthams $11.00 up Rickys Credit Jew elers. 1-11 COLORED FRYERS and roast ers, corn fed. We deliver. Phone 5934. Ml FOR SALE Fancy Gem single drop seed potatoes. Santford Jones, Bonanza, Ore. 845tf FOR SALE McCormick Deer ing 3 bottom 14 inch tractor plow. Good condition. O. S Avery, Dorris. 1-13 FIX THAT RADIO Our busi ness Is sound. Conner Service Co., 2007 South Sixth. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct. 2-9mtf FOR SALE Used washer. Mer it Washing Machine Service. 611 South 6th. 1-13 FOR SALE $20.00 for your old circulator on any oil heater in stock. Merit Washing Mach ine Service, 611 So. 6th. Phone 5669. 1-13 FOR SALE Used Eureka Vac uum cleaner. 611 South 6th. Phone 5669. 1-13 38 For Sale or Trade DAY OLD CALVES Whitlatch, Henley. W. V. 1-10 FOR SALE Six-piece maple and white dinette set, $30. 3426 Cannon. 1-10 AIR COMPRESSOR, pump and hose for filling station service. $100 value for $55. National cash register at a bargain. Phone 3956. 1-12 FOR SALE OR TRADE Four room modern house for car or truck. Phone 4429. 4626 Den ver. 1-13 BEAUTIFUL lady's one-carat diamond, platinum mounting. Will trade for late used car. Phone 4015. 542tf 40 To Exchange TRADE Furniture and bed ding for used piano. News Herald Box 743. 1-12 4a Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED Dead or worthless animals. Phone 8713, our ex pense. 1-llmtf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Chester White weaner pigs, J. H. Phlpps, Mldlnnd, Ore. 1-10 44 Livestock and Poultry FQR SALE Brood sow, 6 feed er pigs. Bill Berkley, Chtlo quln, Ore. 112 FOR SALE 2-year-old Guern sey heifer with day-old heifer calf. Mary E. Dixon, Rt. 1, Box 824. 1-12 FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Packing Co. Phone B381. Midland road. l-31mtf Mabketi and tyincuuUal WAR AND TAX CLOUDS DAMP I NEW YORK, Jan. 10 VP) War and tax clouds dampened re covery efforts in today's stock market and leading Issues dip ped fractions to a point or so. The list looked as though it might put on a feeble rally In early dealings but bidders soon began to fade and, while a few favorites managed to contest the shift with modest improvement, losers were well In the majority at the close. American Telephone was fair ly successful in contesting the retreat, the theory here being this stock may have been "over sold." Western Union was re sistant in response to the com pany's upswing in earnings. In the backward column were U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, U. S. Rubber common and preferred, Douglas Aircraft, J. C. Penney, American Smelt ing, Du Pont and Texas Co. Closing quotations: Air Reduction 361 Alaska Juneau 21 Allis-Chalmers ... 29 American Can 611 Am Rad Sta San 41 Am Roll Mills 111 Am Smelt & Ref . 411 Am Tel Sc Tel 126 Am Tob "B" ... 48 Am Water Works 21 Am Zinc L Sc S 41 Anaconda . 27 Armour 111 .... 3 1 Atchison 291 Aviation Corp 31 Bald Loco 14 Bendix Avla 37 Beth Steel 631 Boeing Airp 19 Borge-Warner ...... 203 Callahan Z L 1 Calumet Hec 6 Canada Dry .... 1H Canadian Pacific ..... 41 Cat Tractor . 40! Celanese ..... 201 Ches & Ohio 331 Chrysler 47 Col Gas & El 11 Com'l Solvents 91 Comm'nw'lth 4c Sou S16 44 Livestock and Poultry 20 REGISTERED Montana com ing two-year-old Hereford Bulls. Also short yearling Mon tana bulls. T. B. and Bangs tested. 400 Montana cows. H. M. Harter, Tel. 6144S, Sacra mento. MO 48 Financial CASH LOANS WITHOUT EXDOSSIBS S WATS TO OCT A COXSUMIBS CASH LOAN PBOKI - WRITS . COM1 IX Too seed no eo-ilfnen or noonon to ft a cootumtra loan. THREE LOAN PLANS SO. l-IKCOMB LOANS On your doU only. No wagt ualgtt meat. 'o oo-ilgnvt, NO. FCRNITVRB LOAN'S Your character la mora tmportut than tbt furnltura lUelf. NO. -AtTTO LOANS M to ioa cub loana and nfte aadof. CONSUMERS CREDIT (HSS 720 Pine St StS9 Phone 7711 l-JImtl LOANS ON VOIR At'TOMOBILB Cash At Oncel Tour Car Kord Kol Bo Fully FaM lor . . See Us Today Commercial Finance CORPORATION 116 Sooth eth St., Klamath fall, Phont 3M5 M-iS3 1-tlntf See Dinty Moore For AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Locally Owned Motor Investment COMPANY IK X. 7th lie. MJJ5 Phono SS2S Mlmtf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE Neighborhood groc ery. Sales over $40 day, low overhead. Stock about $1800, fixtures $300. Owner retiring. J. Olson, 632 North Central, Medford, Ore. 1-12 FOR LEASE Furnished apart ment house. Close In. News Herald Box 694. 1-14 II Consol Aircraft Consol Edison Coniol Oil Cont'l Can Corn Products 19i 131 81 24 SSI 101 81 631 Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright . Doug Aircraft Dupont De N .... Eastman Kodak El Pow tc Lt General Electric General Foods .. General Motors Goodrich Goodyear Tire .. .134 .136 . 11 . 271 . 38 . 311 131 111 231 121 71 101 46 26! 581 li 371 331 211 221 371 31 261 3i 151 141 211 16 91 13 10 51 71 61 191 881 21 15 141 731 211 291 381 511 131 241 21 17i 41 531 12 Gt Nor Ry pfd .. Greyhound Illinois Central I rum Copper .. Int Harvester . Int Nick Can Int Pap & P pfd Int Tel Sc Tel Johns Manville Kennecott Lib O Ford Lockheed .. Loew's Long-Bell "A" ..... Montgomery Ward Nash-Kelv Nat'l Biscuit .. Nat'l Dairy Prod Natl Dist .. National Lead N Y Central No Am Aviation North Amer Co . Northern Pacific Ohio Oil Otis Steel Pac Gas it El Pac Tel Sc Tel .. Packard Motor .' Pan Amer Airways Paramount Pic Penney (J C) Penna R R Phelps Dodge Phillips Pet Proctor Si Gamble Pub Svc N J Pullman Radio Republic Steel . Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Shell Union Socony Vacuum Sou Cal Edison Southern acific S perry Corp Standard Brands Stand Oil Calif Stand Oil Ind Standard Oil N J Stone It Webster . Sunshine Mining Texas Corp Union Carbide Union Oil Calif Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation . 71 . 20! . 12! .. 301 - 41 - 201 - 251 . 381 - 5 . Si . 36 . 691 . 131 . 691 . 101 . 341 .516 - - 51 . 671 . 151 . 671 United Drug United Fruit U S Rubber U S Rubber pfd U S Steel 531 191 5! 2S1 781 27 Vanadium Warner Pictures . Western Union Westinghouse Woolworth LEGAL NOTICES No. B 2S602 m THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON IS THE MATTER OF HORSE FLY IRRIGATION DISTRICT PROCEEDINGS FOR COM POSITION OF INDEBTED NESS. NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF THE OUTSTANDING BONDS. COUPONS AND WARRANTS OF HORSEFLY IRRIGATION DISTRICT, PETITIONER ABOVE NAMED: Every holder of the outstand ing bonds, coupons and warrants of Horsefly Irrigation District is directed to deposit any and all bonds, coupons and warrants of said petitioner with The United States National Bank of Port land, Klamath Falls Branch, dis bursing agent appointed by the Court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, within thirty days from Decem ber 31, 1941, or thereafter with the undersigned Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon, at Port land, Oregon, for payment In accordance with the decree of said Court dated December 27, 1941, or be forever barred from claiming or asserting as against said Petitioner or any individual ly owned property located within petitioner district or the owners thereof any claim or lien arising out of said bonds, coupons and warrants. Dated January 9, 1942. G. H. MARSH, Clerk of said Court. J 8-10. No. 3 NOTICE TO BIDDERS WOOD Klamath County School Dis trict will receive bids for furn ishing wood to the various schools of Klamath County School District. Bid Sheets and Specifications can be secured at the office, Room 11, Courthouse. Bids close February 4, 1942. HAROLD B. ASHLEY, Clerk. J 8-10-13. No. 2 E CHICAGO, Jan. 10 UP) By) prices, rising moro than 2 cents) a bushel to best levels sine September and near the highest figures quoted here since 1937, led a general grain market ad vance today that followed th senate vote vesting the secretary of agriculture with power' to veto farm price ceilings fixed under pending legislation. Wheat was up a cent and com and oats fractionally following the trend of rye. Soybeans gain ed more than a cent. Wheat prices were the best posted hr In more than three weeks and within fractions, for May deliv ery, of levels at which govern ment grain is being offered for sale. Profit taking reduced the gains in all pits but rye closed ll-llc higher than yesterday. May 811-lc; wheat l-lc up, May $1,291-1, July $1,301; com l ie higher, May 8Si-86c, July 871-Ic: oats 1c off to I c up; soybeans l-lo higher. POTATOES CHICAGO POTATOES ' CHICAGO, Jan. 10 (flO Pota toes, arrivals 32; on track 132; total US shipments 838; supplies light; trading very light, market Steady, Idaho Russet Burbsnks, US No. 1, $2.80-93. J LOCAL QUOTATIONS ' (The following quotations ara obtained from a good source, but cannot be guaranteed as covering every offer or sale. They represent prices paid or offered to growers): . For U. S. No. 1, $2.20 and bet ter. For U. S. No. 2, $1.23 and bet ter. S. F. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10 (AP-USDA) HOGS: For five days: 2800; compared Fri day week ago: around 70 cents higher; week's bulk good and choice 185-235 lb. barrows and gilts $12.65-95; medium to good sows $10.00-15. Today: Salable 170, around 10 cents lower,, double deck 184 lb. Idaho hogs, $12.85. . - CATTLE: For five days 875 compared Friday week ago: Steers, heifers and cows steady to strong; week's top good 834 lb. fed steers $13.00, bulk I12.5Q to $12.75; medium $11.00-60; good fed 855 lb. heifers $11.75; few range good cows $9.00-25; canners and cutters 23-73 cents lower, late bulk $5.75-7.30; bulls firm, medium $8.00-8.00. Calves: For five days 23; strong, few vealers $13.00-14.00. r SHEEP: Today, salable none; for five days: Compared Friday week ago: mostly SO cents high er, week's top on two decks good to choice lambs $13.00, early $6.00 down. ", PORTLAND LIVESTOCK : PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. -10 (AP-USDA) CATTLE: For week, salable 3025; calves 173; compared week ago, steers steady to strong early with none offered late, other classes 23-30 cents higher early and sharply up on late storm market; fed steers largely $12.00-13.00;' fed heifers to $11.50, common dairy heifers $8.00-9.00; canner and cutter cows largely $6.00-7.00 late, fat dairy cows to $8.50, ddd Holstelns to $8.90; good beef cows $9.00-50; good bulls $9.50 10.00, few $10.23; good to choice vealers $13.00-14.00. HOGS: For week, salable 2830; compared week ago mar ket 65-75 cents higher; late sales lightweights to $12.85, Thurs day's extreme top $12.90, best carloads Monday $12.25; late sales sows from 385 to 635 lbs. $9.00-10.00; week's sales feeder pigs, $11.50-75. 'i LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Joseph L. Fothor Ingham (sometimes known 'as J. L. Fotheringham) Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the Estate of Joseph L. Fotheringham, deceased, AH persons having claims against said estate are directed to pre sent claims properly verified, to me at the office of Fred JD. Fletcher, Suite 12, Melhase Bldg., Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of thus notice which is December 20, mil HARRIET B. FOTHERINGHAM, ... Executrix. D 20-27; J 310-1T. f .No.