a: SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE NCA ftKRVICK. INC TUB ftTORYi Tb terms ef An ttrww Dearborn 'a will aneltlna; that htm aeerlarr Carol, and flv other employ h 1 1 Jad (rrhrlafr or not him nlnyfcor Andr U rannlnir the hnalnraa ar nordlnjr to htm fathrr'a poller of "turtle to th propl." tut Carol, Who paa loved Andy alnca ajlrl kood. In a dim colt apot. Her heart alnka ivkrn Andy, current I r In volved with aleelc Linda, Julian, turn m ana rente nt over to an aernpvloaa Mr. Herrick, whoa only Idea la to make money. Her rick blamen employ 11111 Heeeo "r for the toyland elevator aeeldent f t hat lajaree ewhoy Nicky, U I thooRh Nicky dUeovera that 1HU -jjk ? had reported the elevntora condl tin and waa not to Mam p. Her rick nil takea credit for cah . n ndjuatoieate made to eamtomera - hy Carol without hla knowlrddf, 8ft In an effort to aave the atore'a reputation. At the annual at ore party Andy fclsaee Carol, tndleatee fr8r he fa thro tilth with I.inda. Next '0l. day Carol Anda the vrlll'a envelop vw- In tho van It, bnt the will la srone. 't Herrick then Urea her for wrtitna? m retirement eheek for an employ he haa dlamUaed. althouah attain abe waa only following the Iar T born policy. Heturnluir to the ? 9 office for a Die, ehe overheare Andr tell In r Herrictt ie i- envered the truth from Nicky bout the elevator accident. 5 1, WHO HAS THE WILL? CHAPTER XV 'MTTS not true, I tell you!" Mr. Herrick glared at Andy. "Bill t""tOdnt report that elevator." "I'm going to be the judga of n that," Andy snapped. Carol's heart leaped. Andy was 'awake at last. Thank goodness . for Nicky and his inndcent repeti- "' tion of their conversation at the ''"hosDital Christmas morning! ,.'v "You're forgetting that the store 'U making money," Mr. Herrick sS said levelly. p- "Money?" Andy's laugh was a jt3 inockery. "If saving the cost of repairs is your idea of making money, I don't want any of it. I want some humanity in my store. -"And something else." Andy's voice was relentless. "Those re funds to Mrs. Milligan and Mrs. , Grover. You must have thought "V you were pretty smart to take ' credit for them. Well, Carol got mad last night mad enough to igive me a hint about those checks. rf I'd never have thought to look them up if she hadn't" Andy had taken her hint about the checks! "So what?" There was menace to Mr. Herrick's words. "So you're through. All through, -..Herrick. From now on, I run - father would want it run." '-"AM ominous silence followed this 3 declaration. Carol longed to fce able to see defeat on Mr. Her ii rick's face. But his next words were like at! .TNT. "No, I'm not through, Andy Dearborn." He paused, continued, "In fact you're getting ready to give me a ten-year contract to p manage this store as I see fit." Andy was aghast. "A ten-year contract?" H "Yea. I didnt intend to mish lit just yet but you've called my hand. You see there's the small matter of a will. The will your father left." The will? What does Mr. Her- .-xlrick know about the will? Carol (thought frantically. iC'i' "I happen to know what that wtwlll contains," Mr. Herrick was Itaying. "I happen to know that jit disinherits you, leaves every thing to charity!" : Carol stifled a gasp. If Mr. Herrick had read the will he was distorting the facts. "It what?" That was genuine surprise in Andy's voice. "It suggests that you aren't capable of running the store, An dy. It orders the stock sold and the doors closed for good." "How do you know that?" An- dy demanded. 4 "I know the wtU has been Hound." . . "Found? You mean my father's will has been found and not re corded? Do you realize that is a criminal offense?" Foundl Carol's thoughts echoed. Then it wasn't AnHv at nil whn ' had taken the will from the ledger. It must have been Mr. Herrick or someone Mr. Herrick knew. i lAnd Andy's determination to run ithe store in a manner worthy of a Dearborn was real. He was waiting for Mr. Herrick Ho reply. "I don't admit anyone is with t holding it. I only say that a con T 'tract for me would be, shall we Jsay, a satisfactory reward for my 'failure to let the will turn up?" "That's blackmail!" Andy ac ' leused him. "Blackmail's an ugly word." i "No uglier than the conditions -'jyou suggest!" nq, "I wouldn't call them that." X-i "You've lied about other things. atHow do I know you aren't lying '-about the will?" "tlr "I thought you'd wonder. Well, , the party who found tho will took j the precaution to leave its en- "velope behind, right where the .jwlll was found in the inventory record for 1940." "In the Inventory record?" "Yes. Your father was a stickler tor exactness, Andy. He put the ..jwill where you would be certain '-(to find it. Only someone else hap ' ipened to look there first. For CSunately." r S i"TT won't do you any good, Her oa r rick," he said after a pause. ,I can prosecute you for this." "Oh, don't take that attitude, r)Andy." His tone was conciliatory. Mlt the will should be found, you on't think I'd be fool enough to .Jet myself become involved. Your Hprosecution wouldn't touch me! ton the other hand you don't like jithe store. You never have. You jean turn it over to me and forget "tit Take the Income and enjoy purself. That's not asking much of you. That's doing you a favor." "'"What's your proposition?" Was lAndy's voice less angry? "."You give me ten-year eon- tract," Mr. Herrick hurried to tell him. "Of course, I'd want a slight salary increase." Ho emphasized the slight. "Then the will simply wouldn't appear. Nobody would be to blame. It'd be Just one of those things. A case where a man was understood to have made will but evidently didn't" Carol waited breathlessly. Would Andy give in now? Would he let Mr. Herrick have his way after the stand he had taken such a short time ago? The stand his father would approve and which would guarantee his inheritance? "That's fair, tsnt it?" Mr. Her rick urged. "You'll have to give me a little time," Carol heard Andy say. Her heart sank. He waa weakening. "I'll let you know by Saturday." Saturday! Delay meant he was seriously considering it. When he should have knocked Mr. Her rick down for insulting him with a bribe! "Well, til draw up a contract," Mr. Herrick said confidently. Sick with the knowledge that Andy had failed again, Carol fled from the store. For a few brief moments Andy had shown a strong self. She had gloried in him. At last she had thought he was going to make his father proud of him. Only to be scared out of it by the fear he might lose the income which meant an easy lite! She could go to him and tell him the true contents of the will. That might give him courage to defy Mr. Herrick. But she wouldn't You can't make a man strong by removing temptation. If he were saved, he would have to save himself. Now, more than ever, she was burning with the desire to find the will herself, show up the whole miserable scheme and revel in the part she would have to take in disinheriting Andy. It was a resolution that brought her little comfort on New Year's Day. (To Be Continued) JINX CALL CHICAGO (P) An alarm sounded in quarters of fire en gine company 85. Fireman Thomas Ryan slid down the pole too quickly and uffered a leg fracture and pos- !o brain concussion. The truck was damaged a few in ules later when it collided with an automobile. The fire was a small one. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hooplo W'lli W W JUST WM JIS SCRUBBED TTffrPMlwKffM1' SCRUBBED I), if SOMETMIN7 TREATED : j M THE I!! JIS LIKE A DIRTY i ' will!" I i I IMtilV K,TCWHN1' l' AT M2UR '' 'j l! lilll U 1 -tKnks per ps ) f ' 1 i I'1, -( HANDOUT, ) - " - r-iriiiuM-. l"'Vr'..V?'.".TS.' BCgNJ TMIgTV VEAC:? TOO gQOM ijjj ' PAAn .lAKE.' IF T AtUSl' hM IT. THE ) ROBBING 3UUETOFIO UKE A J BOLDtN CONNNiPsMOEUR NW 0&6T Y PAJAMfVa.' FATHER WfVo V- PROPWETIC WHEM HE HENEO J : iA, I -TV-. A. TMirfl t lk 1 lit: . WELU , FOLKS, CEE TVifi NICE A Blti ULV FLOA1 INu ON inb ) POMO."- VOU'KB NOT FCOL- IN(i AMSOOOV.SOU FROG.' Vou'RG u&' GREEM-tNEO BECAU6E VOU DIDN'T THINK OF HITTIW& OULIET FIK-bl,' AM IT tJUKNto uu ut' WUEM VOO RtEUIXB. I'M BRAVER, 6MARTER. AM' HANDSOMER. THAM 1 , ft mi MUM -V. 7s Alb-OUT WAR FOR. THE COMERS THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson v ' 6 1 (Fte S(D(R(FACE WERE TO BE WATER. WOULD RUSH OVEt THE EMTIRE GLOBE TO WAKE IT ONE ENORMOUS OCEAN, TWO WLS STW-PfUiR eOTtOtt WHALE WEI&HS ABOUT MO, COPft. 1943 IT NCA SfRVTCL InC lSHft ARE THE FOLUOWIN&! COOAK. ANSVyER: Hardware dealer, cowboy, barrel mak MEXT: Keeping the earth in balance. STAR ON ICE HORIZONTAL lfi Pictured expert ice skater. II Mountain nymphs. 13 Type of cap (Pi.). 14 Small firearms. 16 Tasteless red crystalline substance. IT Drunkards. 18 Pleasure boat 19 Foot covering. Answer to Previous Puzzle LEjWi I 151 IH EiRS'H.EIYl JG EiNlfLJEfalOlDj I TgL jwajNigiiTsi ilLhjgRu1 NOPaOILOCIABTIOpL, ogeHnL luge istspElFip BDgBj LEWIS l 20 Compass point 37 BiUn to he 23 Half an em. 24 To fall in drops. 27 Paving material. 29 She is an expert skater on . 30 Erbium (symbol). 31 Not closed. 32 Thing (law). 34 Land measure. 35 Chinese measure. taste. 39 Prattle. 43 Top of the head. 45 Produced. 47 Respire. 49 Monitor. 50 To wind again 51 Ether compound. 52 Liquid mortar VERTICAL 1 Dips in a liquid. 2 Constellation. 3 Put into a nest 4 Members of an important Hindu caste. 5 Bustle. 6 Pronoun. 7 Cupid. 8 Lower. 9 Noun suffix. 10 Domestic slave. 12 Cunning. 13 Nocturnal flying mammal. 15 Symbol for samarium. 16 Chinese (abbr.). 21 Cubed. 22 Severe, Bl 25 Tear. 26 Writing implement, 28 Exist 31 Far East 33 She is one of the world's foremost 34 160 square rods (pi.). 36 Not the same. 37 Highest point 38 Desert fruit .19 Through. 40 Road (abbr.), 41 Tuberculosis (abbr.). 42 Sin. 43 Kind of rubber. 44 Wriggling. 46 A jutting rock 48 Snaky fish. 7"rT4 51 IT" 7" &" T" fo" n o 13 ' '. I5 r& ' 17 " hie j 1i9 " 45 46 ' I 1 147 4& 45" ' JbO 51 1 I 1 H HA ML RED RYDER By Fred Harman VIE SOT ALL TnE 0J WE'RE. Rg-KD-i & CO LETS SET COLOMEL-', HW S'OS'MUM CARC4 . lal rV JUST 0 HE TCKT SKiNi THE TXICHESS CXJT OF A THOUSAND -COLLARS ISO HIS THOROUGH PREO HQ5S SCHENE ' LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gray YOU SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT YOUR MAMA. LORETTA- - WE'D BE MIGHTY GLAD TO SEE HER- NO--SHE-SHES SORTA SICK SHE NEVER GOES OUT THAT IS.NOTCALUK- SICK? OH THATS TOO BAD WHffT DOES THE DOCTOR THE MATTER? 3 ER-WELL. SHE DOESNT HAWE TH" DOCTOR ANY MORE- SHE HAD LOTS O" DOCTORS FOR A WHILE THEN SHE JUST HAD DOCTOR DUBB- B B BUT HE WONT COME ANY MOR--SnYS ITS i NO USE- si "v. DR. DUBB. PH? OH, YES-1 RECAI.L DR. DUBB QUITE WELL I'D LIKE TO SEE YOUK MOTHER-WONDER IF I COULD. SOME TIME- y 6HE--SHE i Doestrr let ANYBODY IN I -SHE SHE HIDES IF THEY KNOCK-1 DONT KNOW IF f 1 9 I KNOW JUST HOW SHE FEELS -LOTS OF FOLKS I DONT CARE TO SEE. EITHER--BUT I'M GOING, TO SEE YOUR MAMA- 47. 6Aie y II BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin fe-SS IffSZXZX -t. J U 'An m Ml 1 IBOOT V YS.VJ.T V Y TOQ X- n ut i rijAnr nr frr. vit-v, -i'i, i ' m 11 TO UKOtRWfsKO- I I Woo I II .rA.K.T YOOQ- f you J mm 'Ba irf" WASH TUBBS By Crane " ON OP THE V THE MAN- K?R5fS " FIWEST HOTEL'S A6ER LOOKED I . M THE WEAB EAST,. LKE A JAP ;r. . PALACE CP AN ( HN I X ACABIAM J-i -C-rJ B I prince Aa s hiJMJ WELL i JOVE! W6UEB NOTICED IT BEFORE... SO HE TOES.' A SMOOTH OLD RASCAL. .WELL, LET'S LEAUB OUR. TWW3S AND GO DOWW TO DINKIER T7' M. OM6 THW6 1 LIKe A80UT THESE ORIENTAL CITIES, VOJWEVER KWCW WHAT6 iSOlUO TO HAPPEM WEXT.. PUTS A CHAPOM HIS METTLE f 1 Af" SAV ! IS AMVTHBJA WB0M6 7 jO5 WUBE NERWUS Tnr urn FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS H ( I T0WE0 IB KWTEIK 13 VrS 1 f Yt By Blosser Well, we have" no cwt ) YeAM. This 19 a mew! f There? really nothimo to it- .e- I now---and rrs Two J mode op Travel 1 , all you do is pick upmdur poos JWmaT will k MILE9 lb SCHOOL fT AIN'T IT WONDERFUL AND PUT THCM DOWM AGAIN)--- SCIENCE 1HIMK LW. , ... , -A - , AMD VOU MOVE AHEAD r r NET ? We used to havb to sit behind a wheel amd push DOWN ON y-" ' A THRorrLe- f.i HAVE ( rRECK- ClIIERnjL. Y EAIVUL YOU SAY "lOU ? know who -X Yr -am1 if ABDED HIS I CAN WATCH NAME To I THE ROUT, I'll. 0UR3 at I aiiE you his The nb ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin JGn-WT k CnJ EJOV.iVfEEBFI-L. 5 fHEEE iw LE W HCCO !!!?,AEKBLe T"E&T,C1 THBBffWELL, I f,, EWCOKIS'LL SIJCE Jktf TH'HECK. Ifll SEUCt HIS OTRRDi B CHAP DEEPLV BNIGROSSE-D IM THB ICS-SC WCTTTA YA THIMK .J.i.-J. BE GLAD T'SEB i THAT PESKY C WE1.L BRIEFLY PETUPM Q SCIEWTlSr'S LIBCAKV ,JR(re. ABOUT IT ' .vw!J ME BRIWGIW' rflW-ll DHJOSiAAJia? B TO THE 20,MCEKJTUKY Er Vm" i. mmm II I I J- 'v, JOW? A U ' '.,V VOUIKJ W I . FOR A COUPLE OF l l U 1 ' P1", VN.IWV. V A VJll ' - V' I I ftf'i LOOKO AT OOP'S OLD DI fJ !1- aa a it 1 f