SERIAL STORY HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE COVHIOMT. 1t41. MCA 9ERVICK. INC Til 13 STOUT I Til terms ef A- i rv Dearborn will prclfyinv I that avrretary Carol, and Av 1 taer employ, akall f n 4 terhetacr or not hit tilnyboy aom AMdr im runnlnjr tb tml ? ? rordlnv t father policy of : rrtc to the people," pot Carol vrho loved Andy atnre lrl- ' hood, la a difficult spot. Altauush will baa not been found, Carol kaowa Ma Itrmi, Mad her heart Inka when Andy, currently In voWed with alcck LlntU Jallun . tarns Manajrement orer to nn crnpnloua Mr, Merrick whoa nly Idea la to make money. Her rick tnraa down Hill Iteece. an " emptor In lore with Carol, on repair for the toyland elevator. Aa llerrlck'a policies heftta ta Ink their toll Carol makes eak edjuafmenta to several customers tm uphold ta storc'a reputation kiAwlDK It will set her In Iron bio with Merrick but will atand Andy In rood atead when the will la found. Buckpasslnx: Hcrrtek Urea Dill when toyland elevator fa lie. lajartaa; Kicky, bat the newsboy finds out from Carol nnd Mary her roommate, that Bill waa not to blame, llerrlck also takea credit for adjustmenta Carol has made. Andy aka her If she'll wear m plua dress to tao ataro ... CAROL IN COKNFLOWEB BLTJE CHAPTER XI M'HJS morning of the party, Carol helped Andy collect souvenirs lor his hall-n-half stunt She went through every department cf the store and visited several outside shops before she found enough. She came back with her arms full. Andy unwrapped the pack ages, exclaiming over her choices. There were gold horns that really tooted; miniature drums in red, white and blue; crazy, hilarious bats that would turn the party goers into mock Napoleons or Bus ter Browns. "I'll need a truck to carry all cf this," Andy laughed. "I guess 111 borrow a pack from Santa Claus." "Oh, no, Christmas Is over," Carol protested. "Let's see. What kind of a vehicle would be ap propriate?" "I have It 'We'll get the biggest wagon in toyland and turn it into the spirit of Mr. Half-n-half on wheels!" And they did Just that Andy borrowed artificial snow and tin sel and covered one side of the wagon with it Then he cut a calendar into individual months and pasted them on the other side. The tongue of the wagon Carol covered with stars. "Just fox luck!" she laughed. They were as delighted as two children with the product of their Imagination. Carol could hear the cry of approval it would bring when Andy pulled it through the crowd, at the party. They would all know that he had entered into the gaiety of the occasion. They would see that he was whole hearted about It But the more she thought of the party the more the Idea of a blue dress tempted her. That An dy remembered the color of her old one was almost too good to be true. She didnt need a new frock, yet by afternoon she found her self in the dress department fin gering a soft crepe with tiny rhinestone buckles at the throat It was her shade cornflower blue like the one she had worn six years ago. Faced with an uncertain future, she shouldn't buy it But she did. It was the only way to quiet that Inner urge to look lovely this once more. Lovely in blue. ... (CHE did look lovely. When Bill ; came for her and Mary he (stopped to admire the two of them, pie stared at Carol. "You're (different," be told her. She smiled and thanked him. She felt different She had pushed the depressing business of the store far down within her. Like Cinderella, she was determined to have one perfect evening as a gay Interlude in her unhappy life. To night she would forget In spite of the wiil, in spite of everything, she would be carefree and young! Tonight yes, she admitted it Tonight she would be the Carol she had been six years ago! I The store's big tea rooms had been cleared of furniture and transformed into a fairyland. Huge white bells which the deco rators had used in the windows last year now hung from the ceil ing. Compo board Christmas angels floated ecstatically on tissue paper clouds beside nude infants blowing New Year's horns. The walls were lined with a conglom eration of every left-over property the store afforded. Half of the lights were draped with mistletoe land holly. The others were hung jwith streamers welcoming 1942. (There was no color scheme. There (was little rhyme or reason to any lot it But it was typical of Dear tborn's half-n-half party and Carol liked it i With Mary and Bill she stood in the doorway and watched the Idancers. Almost everyone was there ahead of them. Everyone jbut Andy and Mr. Herrick. Mr. Herrick wouldn't come. He had said so yesterday. Secretly, Parol was glad of that. But she watched eagerly for lAndy. Presently he came. His eyes wept the room until they found hers. "My dance," he said as soon as he reached her, asking permission of her and BUI at once. Bill turned away with Mary and left them to gether. Carol slipped Info Andy's arms. They whirled off. His dancing was smooth, sure. It should be, sha thought resentfully. He had taken plenty of time to improve it She shook off her irritation and Ifollowed him as If they were motivated by a single heart, ... "TM glad you wore a blu ' dress," ha said, but his eyes told her more. She" let a provocative smile lin ker on her lips. IJXJOtwu this .way., fi m. slsted. "Much better than th. Carol of the Dearborn office- She couldn't help retorting, "Im not trying to reform you nowl" 'I'm hopeless, can t you see thatT Let's agree to leave me in that state." "No." Seriousness crept into her voice. Already she was disregard ing her pledge to forget business this one night "You could do so much" 'It's like sailing a boat Carol. You need a few sessions with the navigator before you can under stand the compass. Let alone try to set the course." She looked away, her eyes misty with the haunting memory of a 'navigator" from whom he had not bothered to learn the course. The moment passed and she again abandoned herself to the spirit of the party. She danced with Bill, with a dozen others. Twice Andy claimed her, the last time for the climax of the evening, a starlight dance. The music crooned softly, lne brilliant lights in the room began to darken. As they am, me ceil ing glowed with artificial stars. Their mysterious dimness cast a spell over the dancers. The puls ing melody of the orchestra was accentuated only oy me rnyuim of moving feet Carol closed her eyes, nugging the romance of the moment to her heart The starlight dance with Andy! Unconsciously, she must have leaned against his shoulder. His arms tightened. Then, startlingly swift his eager lips touched hers. Touched and lingered. She opened her eye only to close them again. Andy was kissing her. She was filled with glowing happiness, but only for a brief, unreal moment The starlight dance was over. The lights flared up. She and Andy were almost in front of the door and standing there, a look of complete disgust on her face, was Linda Julian. (To Be Continued) One of the bountiful qualities about America is that one can be among her devoted children and still retain in one's heart a love for the land of one's birth. There is no disloyalty there. Henri Bernstein, exiled French playwright, now seeking American citizenship. OUT OUR WAY THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson m &A(R&ANTT(UAJ ViOST WUKDEROUS TEWPERED GORILLA IN CAPTIVITY TODAfy WAS ONCE A COM. mi BY ttEA SCRVKI. TV U. REG. . S. PAT. CF, -SALVADOR IS ON THE A5 WjeS7 OR SOCJ7?- COAST OFStSMJVOR CVWHt AMERICA, AND TOUCHES THE u - FLV ANOCH EVPERTC THAM r J 1-6 ANSWER: Salvador, is on the south coast of Central America,1 touching the Pacific NEXT: Looking ahead on the Burma Road. LATE BRITISH PEER HORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured late ex-viceroy of India. 14 The constella tion Ara. 16 Part of foot 17 Weird. 18 Symbol fc tellurium. 15 Network (anat). 21 Chestnut colored horse. 23 French article. 24 Beneath. 25 Separates. 28 And (Latin). 28 Ever (poet.), 30 Japanese measure. 31 Round hand. 33 Narrow inlet. 35 Frozen. 37 Universal language. 38 Winding course. 39 Iridium (symbol), Answer to Previous Puzzle I INiN E P) N'l S'EBAMEN SfiA-T.T JR I ISE'SiT.E JT'E'L L SBRi IcveBlIi IcikB N.OiLiLnANI IS E I igAHPITl ' j ic-rv ' mmc 'L. f-rn ,...,(. I In O'O.nQOI o LiiiM PS ibiTE.nsnA'i ura a iVENSL ArrHARcL 12 Lubricant P'ANJ Y62ADO ATIO'M TEflE'NE ob Hon Tie. IlliS A S T E" R 42 Foot of the 58 Type of fine (law). architecture. 43 River in India. 60 Rajah's wife. 48 Exclamation. 62 Footprints. 8 Sweet secretion. 9 Close to. 10 Docile. 1 1 Doctor (abbr.) 90 negative 63 He was a reply. prominent 49 Italian river. British ca c dent VERTICAL 52 Arid'. 1 Opposed to 53 British former. Columbia 2 Palm leaf, (abbr.). 3 Right (abbr.). 55 Tangled mass 4 Mended. of hair. 6 Aqueduct of 56 Print measure Kvlvhm 40 Genus of frogs 57 Senior (anat.). tP'O. (abbr.). 1 See! 13 Required. 15 Ransoms. 20 Thrice (music). 22 Cereal grass. 27 Precept. 29 He was a statesman. 30 Molasses. 32 Not (prefix). 33 Light blow. 34 Paid publicity (pl.). 35 Molar tooth. 36 Cover. 40 Hare. r. 41 Pertaining to atoms. 44 Natural. 45 Flew aloft 47 Snake. 51 Storking wit a short leg. 54 Heart. 57 Ocean. 59 North Ameri ca (abbr.). 61 Compass point 12 3 4 5 6 7" 8 """" 9" kT i i Ii2 7T" 14 is" f"i6 P?l7 Pr J-fa r js 26 27 pl23 p29T5 mi R30 1 37 I mis i 1 I Ml mm J L-i 40 Mil 142 p 43 44 4b 47 piJJt Wm r-fel si 52 1 -J n ,' i La SB" 59 60- W By J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE, with Major Hoopla If NOW USTEN...rM GOINo OVER TO VOUR SISTER'S TOCA.V-- VNP IF VOU'CE A.ROUND , TR4.T Bo IS FOR THE LMJNDRY MAN AND THOSE OTHES PACKAGES ARE FOR THE SALVATION ARMS', IF KTHEY CALL.' X OH .WELL, WE'RE O.K THEN.' 1 THOUGHT THIS WAS STUFF VOU WAS TAKIN' OVER TO SISTER'S AN' I WAS JS GONNA GIT A BOWLFUL OUT SO WE'D HAVE SUM PIN TO EAT TONIGHT FER. SUPPER Si 2lBT!! j"???.' WHV MOTHERS GET &RAV . -(? MAR.THA,NOU'R:. AVING A HOS O'ME, BRING ING ME LL THESE L J Pancakes . I'vE LUNOCO AT 'WE LA-iT THREE PLATTt.lVS, 6 LIT MlSSUD HVERY TACKLE YOU OO AND CROUCH ON THAT SIDE Ol- TKE TABLU CLYDE, AMD .WE'LL TRN A PINCE.B. MOVENMiMT ) ON THE NEXT I'VE SIGNALED FO. A MOUTH FUL BY HOLD ING THE ?YKUP PITCHER AS IF I WAS GETTING READY TO POUR BUT HINTS ROLL nV- JAKE LIKH OYSTERS OFF- A DSS 7 J- -JHT-, UOO BAD I HuY ,y Ji LACK FOOTBALL ,V. ' i TRAIMIMG - y y ' RED RYDER By Fred Harman COPA'ON HAS A I A HABIT OP ;s,wt. LOOKIM' A .'O O..' r- n Cm I wr , .-1 rvi ivy 1 As5l)( CU.."'" tE4"'--; and ime rucxt?4 A7-..v:- N6NTiJCi. WE LL A.. l' K teem LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE By Harold Gray OF COURSE. SHE HCS MISSED MUCH OF THE WORK. BUT I'M SURE SHEXL CATCH UP VERY SOON. DOCTOR CM SURE SHE WILL. MISS ROS'N SEE VOU LATER. f y V Mr nn f is?w5wi;-i school days! I'D ALMOST FORGOTTEN MY SCHOOL DAYS SO MUCH H5 HAPPENED SINCE- :IH1 : "HAPPIEST DAYS OF ONES LIFE? THEY ALWfTt-S USED TO TELL US-MAVBE THATS TRUE FOR SOME- THEY WEREnT MY HAPPIEST DAYS. Br A LONG SHOT- Vir 'I HUMPhI TTI.L A Klfi PPOBASilY SHELL NEVt R BE AG HAPI-V ACAI AS SHE IS RIGHT THEN PRETTY GLOOMY OUTLOOK. fO SAY--BUT ITtJ-ATVMH AS LOTS OF OTHER BROMIDE j THEY HAND KIDS. I GUESS - Hf.WI 6lu BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By Martin LotJTiTIT TWSiSi J&K-J WAV UOM fd WAV r- 4 It AA EM- HEAiA OEY COMES AW-VO.VOO a TtTCHO L IN OE HMO. UNCLfc TOSEl OATS A 6VJLV. 1 VESA. WVW AVWtAOy. ftOOT, '. LOO '.'. Y99EE. tKHMWOLl LOKS T DOVJM A WiO UO . AKO UHW TO St OA . 'T MU'iT fNV"OV. a c i- ye, fJ A1. WASH TUBBS By Crane S0METHIM65 WSON6! TE FELLA M Trie NEXT ROOM SOUNDS AS IF HES STf?AM3- r xS , f J .. j i. T.M. "to. U. t. MT. Of 1 llFniMf : .c'"wnvMrAlvicMWC.J C BLAZES! INSTEAD 7TTQ f H6BB X 0 STICIflMeV i Ar,! f Mr nose wTooTnen Alin u. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Bv Blossci BOY, ARS We GLAD T SEB YOU HOW DID YOU KNOW WE D BE ;fJe Jusrr put Two , 1 AND TWO TOO ETHER J y . y vi I J And Toviorrow you cam f TwrY know II Q PUT TtM AND TtN "IbaeTHen M ALL , FRECK I 3 AND BETTLB YOUR Bia AT fl THE1 KNOW J WflL.DADOY, PRETTY LATE AR6 YOU OOIM TO SCOLD ME MOW no UAIT UNTIL BReAKFAST? i rrs I I MAv HAVE" C-ILY one Tmwo SAY WtA by &M Mm VI" lll-ty. m. Rto. u.t. Mi.orr.t ur TCHS WOULDN'T BE SO MANY BOOKO WRITTEN OM CHILD P3VCHOLOOY. IF BIRCH switches qrew in EVtR-Y BACK YARD 0 2m ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin WOPPO AM' kIKJG JOHM TOGETHER.1 BO, WHAT A BRtAICJ A CALAMITY OF THE VmOHAlD X FIEST MAOKJITUDE.VOLIK TURNED WHITER HIGHNESS.' VOUR CRACK OVERMIOHT, I BLACK. bWKf WA- WIKEP OUT TOAMAM.. OULV I ESCAPF-D, AND, oemfbal; WHAT HAPPENED mm mi y" THE BAP.OMS HAVE ORCAMIZEDAUDX ( ACTION AMC IK) GREAT ) I 1 FORCE CAN lOU HOPE I A TO STAVE. OFF A 711 1'OC 'A'sJ... 1 KNOW HIM MOT, YOUR " 'TOO L ATS. 'trrHIC.HMF.S...CiMLV THIS J MY FIME-' ( AN'LHA& Pfi06' ) FEA7HEREDI 1H3? I ABtV SAVED lii.oV!1T!RiBSBifyltt.wc, i.t!'il(c,.u...P.r nr, rJ- HAVE I TH r, T i Da l..( 1 I.IKI I WAV Bt-i-cjut t tiAii ""-ni oms a that VrCwr l r OVER.' U