Innimry 6, 1042 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FTVB o City feniejfl Return Mn. Wultrr Went and lun, Tommy, rcliirucil hoinu by tru In Sumliiy nlKlit uftur apuiul lull two weeks In Lun Anvolcs with Mrg. West's daughter uml Inmlly, Mr. nnd Mm. Fred Shuoy. Walter Wrt rrmiiliH'd In the luulh fur u low diiys cm busl nog. Kn roiitn lioniu Mn, Went visited In Unrkeltty with another ion, Hilly, mid fiimlly. While until thu Wots visited a niiin her of former Kliimiith residents Ineliullnu Mr. mid Mrs. Theo tlori: It. (illh'iiwiiti'in nnd fiim lly, Mm. J.i-wIm Ankmiy (Doro thy Uiinhiim), Mr. und Mm. Fred Ili'C'hti'l of Southuutn, Mr. und Mm. Allen H. Jonr.i, Mm. Curry M. Kiimnhy who spent tha holi day with tint (Jlllnnwatcrs, nnd others. Friends of 4r. und Mm. Jones will bo Inter ' ;d to lcurn hyV with thn itn.M department oJvllliin dclcnsc, lilkhwny do piiitmriil, und Mm. Jones Is court c porter for tho ntalo Indiiatrlnl accident commission. She wus formerly reporter for Klamath county circuit court. Married Cloriu Clark, iliuilthter of Mr. und Mm. F.rnest W. (.'lurk of lliirtlesvlllc, Oklil., und Minion W. Fouler, Hon of Mr. unci Mm. Clydo K. Foster of Kluniiitli Fulls, were miirrled nl 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon ul Sin-rod Henri rliurch by Father II. J. Scott. Tho Inform nl weddlnii win intended by membem of both families and cloe friends. Tho brldo wore ihiiiii hluo crepe nnd carried rosebuds. MI'S Kntherlno Spun nulls win the bride's utleniluul und curried talisman rosebuds. Harney Cnvunuuiih wus best From British Columbia Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnudu lloltrc-n und two children of llrltlsh Columbia have spent tha holidays 111 Urownsvllle, Ore., with lloltven's piiri-nt. nnd with Mrs. lloltecn's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Ma rin of 'S.Wi Home avenue. They are en route to Eureka, Calif., where Holtern will be employed. Police Court Throe drunks, one chai'Ked with lining drunk und disorderly, and ono with vug- rancy, uppenred In police court Monday morning. There wero a number of truffle violations reported. j For Your j liilUHIIdLIUil j Visits Here Mrs. Frunces Aldcrdlco of Seattle, Wush., spent thn holidays In Klaniath Fulls visiting with her sister, Mrs. Otto Ellis, und her broth er nnd family, T. B. Powers. Here Christmas Monu Dixon has returned to Corvullls where she Is employed In tho tujephono office. She spent Christmas week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Dixon of 2II50 Kborlcln avenue. MAIL CLOSlNli TIME (Effective Saptamber 28. 1041) Train 17 6 a. m. Train 20 Northbound! 10:00 a.m. Train IB Southbound Si45 p. m. Train 16 Northbound! 9:00 p. m. , Improving Kenneth Valen tino of Vancouver H. C., who wus filling mi engagement lit Cul-Oro tavern when ho became seriously 111 with pneumonia, Is reported improved at Klumnth Valley hospital. Improving Young Hlno Zon ntto of Alumna, wlio suffereil facial Injuries when he slid 111 tho path of u cur Sunday near his home, Is reported Improved at Klumnth Valley hospital. Ratumos Position Belle I Ins ley, office superintendent of Klamath Vnlley hospital, hus re sumed her position after a brief visit In Portland. VITAL STATISTICS CUTTINGHAM Horn at Hill sldo hospital, Klumnth Falls, Ore., January 4, 11)41. to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ciitliiiglium. 1114 I Martin street, u boy. WelKhl: 7 pounds 1 ounce. Returns home Lane Smith, sou of Mr. und Mrs. Amino Sinilh of Kcuo, returned homo Sunday lifter submitting to an operation for tho removal of his uppendlx nt Hillside hos pital Young Smith Is n Kcuo high school athlete nnd wus op erated on the day after Christmas. KYNISTO.N Horn at Klam ath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls. Ore , January 3, 1041, to Mr. and Mm. K. W. Kynlston. Illy. Ore., a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 2i ounces. Ireland Is the seventh largest Island In the world, with 32.600 square miles of urea. Oire Alarm The city flro de ment truck wns en! led out lit 7:2H n. m. Tuesday to Dar row nnd Division street where an overheated floor furnace threntened Ihe residence of W. U. Powell, There wns small damage, firemen reported. Thero was no one home at the tune. Returnee Study Louise Mit chell has returned to Forest Grovo where she will resume her studies at Pacific university after spending her Christmas vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Mitchell and her grand mother, Mrs. Etna Gentry of 817 East Main street. Sewing Meet Women of the Lakcshore Drivo district will hold their first meeting Friday afternoon at 2:00 to cw for the Red Cross. The meeting will be ludrl nt the homo of Mrs. W. R. lQs. Women from thn district who are Interested In tho group arc requested to coll Mrs. Hibbs. From Sacramento Mr! and Mrs. Robert Dale of Sacramento huvo been spending tho holidays with their son nnd family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dale of 1401 East Main street. Tha Dnlo family all spent tha past week end In Yreka whero they visited with other relntives. Improving Gilbert Lien of the Elllngson Lumber company wai reported slightly Improved at Klamath Valley hospital Tuesday, Lien has been a pa tient at tho hospitnl since Inst May when he suffered a gun shot wound In tho leg. Injures Ankle Mri. Otto El lis, 1729 Lexington itroet, suf fered a painful Injury lato Sun day whon sho sprained her (uekle while skiing on a hill sr her home. Sho Is confined to hor bed end will not bo able to walk for a number of days. To School Betty Ray, Helen Grumbles, Nan Gnylord and Kdna Rny returned Sunday to Oregon State college at Cor vnllls where they will resume their studies after spending thn holidays hero. Home on Furlough Corp. Raymond E. Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuller of 2252 Vino street, Is home on furlough from Fort Knox, Ky. Surgery Mrs. Olo Stertman 410 Roosevelt street, submitted to major surgery at Klamath vnney nospltnl Titesdny, $50 REWARD will bt pals b Dr, Parliar UborsterlM, Snoluiu, Waih., lor any oorn or eallia that oannol ha ramnvMl wllh or, psnKsn'S oonN ncMOVia CASTLEBERRY'S THI IUPIR OUMMTI DRUO 33c ' Main 33c Extension Tho Altamont ex tension unit study group will meet Friday, January 0, nt 2 p. in. at Hid Imme of Mis. L. K. Keevos, 1)117 limbec street. Tho topic will be, "I'lirenlChlld Relationships.'' Clrcloa to Moot Tho various circles of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will meet ut tho following homes on Thurs day afternoon, Circle No. 2 with Mrs. C. II. Ilurnslohlc. Mrs. I. A. Uranium co hostess, 12.) High street, 1:30 p. in. di ssert. Circle No. 4, Mrs. Alfreidu Steimnclz, 017 Walnut street, 1:30 p. rn. dessert; Circle No. 5, Mrs. V. J. Jo.sephson, 1041) Earlc street, 1:3(1 p. m. dessert; Circle No (), Mrs. A. It. Hanson, 1147 Crescent avenue, 1:31) p. in. des sert; Circle No. 7. Mrs. JI. A. Gilklson, 3320 liishco street, 2 o'clock afternoon meeting. Shrine Club Tho annual in stallation of officers of the Klamath Shrine club will take place Wednesday nl (1:30 p. m. nt thn Elk hotel. There will bo a cocktail hour followed by din ner, Hubert A. Thompson will bo Installed as president. The utfair Is for Shrine club mem bers only. BPW Gloe Club The first meeting of the ltusincss und Professional Women's glee club will be helil Wednesday at B 45 p. m. at the home of I. Mir Darby, 1127 Eldorado street. Installation Plans are com plete for the installation of of ficers of the Kiwanis club to tuke place ut the Willurd hotel Wednesday ut 0 30 p. m Danc ing will follow the Installation ceremony and the address by D. J. Ferguson, chaplnjn of the United States army stationed nt Vancouver P.arracks, Washing ton. Malcolm Epley will be in stalled us president. Fred South, well Is tho retiring president. Catholic Daughters Members of Culholic Daughters of Amer ica will sponsor a whist party Wednesday, January 7. at 8 p. rn. in the parish brill. The pub lic is invited to attend. Keno Red Cross The Rod Cross sewing unit of the Keno roud will meet Thursday, Jan uary 8, at 1:30 p. m. at Die home of Mrs. O. L. Grimes. All ladies of the di.strirt are invited to attend und to bring finished sewing to tho meeting. Fresh i supplies will be available. I Circle Savon Moots Circlo Seven of llio Methodist church will meet lit 2 p. m. Wednes day, January 7, ut the home of j Mrs. Florence LSilkcson, liisucc ' street. i Study Club Tno lndopendont Study club will meet Thursday, ! January 8, ul the home of Mrs.! W. C. Little, 2444 Orchard way. A potluck luncheon will he served al noon, followed by the regular business meeting and election of officers. Satur day evening the club will en tertain the hu:ibands, friends and families ut a potluck din ner In tho community hall on Garden avenue at 6 o clock. En tertainment will follow the din ner. Modoc Point PTA Tho reg ular January meeting of the Modoc Point Parent-Teacher as sociation scheduled for January 8, has been postponed due lo tho lack of program material. Moot Slatod Thero will be an executive meeting of the Fairhuven PTA at the home of Mrs. Lester Smith in West Klamath on Wednesday, January 7, at 1:3(1 p. m. The next regular meeting of Fair haven PTA will be held in the school gymnasium Friday nt 3 p. m. A very Interesting pro gram on national defense has been arranged by the program chairman, Mrs. Frank Tarr. and all parents and those interested are urged to attend. Alice who were both ill spent their vacation In bed at her mother's In Mills City. Mr. Fishback spent part of his vaca tion with his parents In Mon mouth. HUMAN ICE The human body contains Ice raufed by the enormous pres sure In tho muscle tissue. This ice exists at ordinary tempera tures only under a pressure of more than 100,000 pounds a sipiare inch. Lassen Volcanic national park, in California, was visited by 104.010 persons In 33,115 private automobiles, during 1040. The smallest space Into which a parachute can be folded is said to be obout 18 by 18 by 4 inches. OVERCOAT SALE Science Gives Milady Hint On Thrifty Use of Perfume OKLAHOMA CITY. Jon. 5 (P) , Bo scientific, girls, and wear your perfume behind your ears. "Odors travel best In a humid atmosphere," Dr. Ralph Bien fang. University of Oklahoma pharmacy professor whose scent collection has won national at tention, contended today at forum discussion, 'There Is a humid, protected situation behind the ear," he went on, "as illustrated by the expression 'He's not dry behind the cars yet'." Dr. Blenfang, having given his idea of the best place for per fume, then went on to say fur was the worst, emphasizing: "You might as well pour It on a rug." The professor Insists the flavor of food It not conveyed by the tongue but "posteriorally, through smell." And that gave him another argument for his humidity-odor theory. "Add that fact to the relation ship between humidity and smell," he asserted, "and you have the reason the people of of New Orleans are culinary conscious while Esquimaux would Just as soon eat tallow can dles." Dr. Bienfang contends the Im portance of the sense of smell i sadly underrated. "Children are educated In tts use of all their senses except smell," he commented. "But the dairyman always smells milk before he buys It The physician sniffs the air when he enters a sickroom. And 1 understand that In the federal bureau of Investigation school here peace officers were taught to recognize various gases by their odors." Read the Classified page. ANNUAL GOLD and GREEN BALL ARMORY FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 at CREW'S MANST0RE J." Coals at s 1.3 Keno Miss Edna Bloom spent , Christmas in Portland i Mr. and Mm. Elton Fishback i and daughter Alice, occom ! panied by Miss Dea Jean Hardy spent the holidays at their i homes. Miss Hardy staying in I Corvallis. Miss Fishback and' Late styles end colors. Sizes 34-42. (iot Yours Now! All Oilier COATS s22 ... s28 BHtUW'S ' MANSTORE 733 Main WARDS FAMOUS mw&m B MB Mm3 t - yV "amail n -;ff h !H felted m wit I n Iks I Mmf C so a u crrt ilO7 The taste treat of a lifetime! ... a beer xpper, tangier, smoofher than you have ever tasted before. Mellow and "round" on the tongue. Brewed so fine that It Is light enough to please tho most fastidious feminine taste, yet full of an abundant goodnoss that satis fies everyone. A clear-bodiod, clean-tasting beverage of whoso lasting quality and flavor wo ore proud. For more than two years this "Famous Beer from Seattla" has beon a hit wherever it is servod. And now Increased production allows us to bring Its special Imported quality to more and more people throughout the Pacific Northwest. You can Identify SICK'S SELECT by the big red numoral 6. In convenient stubbles. Jumbos, cans, tall amber bottles NOW ON DRAUGHT SEATTLE BREWING & MALTING CO, Sine 1878 -k Emil Sick, Pres. rran . 00 .; Ratlon-& - ed to - After you . certiftca" com. " ,oW, ,ry M.nWttW t plices on B daT money Passenger Uneott ana Tubes Truck T.reS mileage ... designed to &mZZrV Riversides are design &t hlgbe v ofptv than tires mUcn more safety that Riversides cos Ward9 Remember, .expensWe tes BVILD 01 hir -C0Sat are p-? You're eUe . . . same- - 01.icesl bo - fl d that EV1 0 NTG 0R3EFIY WAR D Iak Uie Wardt cenvenhnt Monthly raysiest Plea J enenypurchaielolellnetlOermore.luynow. NINTH STREET, Corner Pino Catalog Order tervlce sevet yoe stemy ee I rhouiandt ef tlemt net carrltd Is the fore. I TELEPHONE 3181 y t . :, i ir- j-ir irtl '! utr ft tr nr i 3m